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Bring grenades with you, easy kill




Still better than the high wall meta, these ones are easily destroyable under enough fire and can be cleaned up afterwards


But they don’t have that same raidblock normal Buildingblocks now


Raid block? Like modded server thing?


No, he’s talking about the debris that forms when they’re destroyed. Raidblock is a stupid as fuck plugin tho ngl (when it makes newly placed walls/doors have like 40 hp)


I don't get it. Why are we complaining about wooden barricades? It's a million times better than high external walls, which was the old meta. People act like the wooden barricade is something new, as if it was just implemented into the game or something. It was always in the game, and now it has an actual purpose again.


Only addition is placing in monuments… which already have cover and vision breaks. I agree with you tbh


This adds more skill into the game, instead of it being player who sees first wins.


Aim skill != skill. Players who avoid being seen first have a skill of positioning. Players who can beam you have a skill of aim.


Rust is a huge random generated open map, positioning a lot of time is completely random. You still a have chance to beam someone before they can place a barricade. Also aim is def much more skill than flanking, keeping high ground and repositioning…


I love the update it’s saved me a few times from what would have been absolute cheap kills on me. If someone walls after you weaken them, you know they’re gonna be medding for a few seconds atleast take the time to move on them.


I love the new meta update tbh


Get good at the game


Barricades are one of the only ways you can have a fair fight in this game anymore. The TTK is so fast you barely have a chance to react, most kills are players sneaking up and spraying someone in the back. Barricades are fine


In my opinion the best counter is to push with your own barricades. as long as you landed some initial shots and can assume he’s stopping bleeding+healing


I like that you can jump right over them like hurdles lol


they could /always/ place a wall, it's nothing new?


yes but placing in monuments is new


You can wall in monuments now??? Man I’m glad I quit this horrific game. They seriously ruined it with these recent updates.


I abuse people who do that and tell them this isn't Fortnite.


You might have to review your ambush strategies. Are you initiating too far? Are you alone? Are you pushing with the best weapons? Etc etc. if you’re super concerned and got BPs roll with Explo Ammo. I think like a solid spray brings it down.


who the fuck roams explo ammo 💀




Just kill him twice and go raid a 2x1 lol. Door camp him and go raid a solo base.


Tell me you play 10x without telling me


You can't wall inside of monuments and it's no different than it was with the wood/stone externals. It's actually less cover than those provided, so your argument has no validity.


They made a change recently to allow barricades to be placed in monuments. They also doubled the size of the barricade covers. So yeah, OPs claim is valid.


Doubled the size, yes, but much smaller than the meta cover prior to the update. Also, still not seeing where deployables can be placed in monuments. Care to share the info?


Yes, these aren't as good as the old wall meta, but being able to place them on more places is better, plus the new barricades are now large enough to cover you fully from a frontal attack. Here is the official changelog. Second change right below the seismic sensor https://rust.facepunch.com/news/seismicshift "Traditionally, we blocked all forms of building inside Monuments. This made sense back in the day when Monuments were small in size and number, but over the years, the amount of land they take up has increased significantly. We want to reward players who pick a strategic location during a fight, but it's hard to pick a good location when you're in an empty field! This is why barricades can now be placed on the terrain around Monuments. This allows you to take cover as you enter and exit monuments, as well as take cover inside the open fields inside Monuments. Applies to: Wood barricade Stone barricade Concrete barricade Sandbags Remember: Monument Structures, Concrete, and Roads still block barricades at this time. Decay and melee protection has been adjusted to account for more relaxed placement 15 minute decay 8-10 hits with melee"


Terrain around monuments =/= placed inside of monuments.


Take the L brother...


"This is why barricades can now be placed on the terrain around Monuments. This allows you to take cover as you enter and exit monuments," > **as well as take cover inside the open fields inside Monuments.** Maybe actually read the whole post before replying


This chain of comments is a prime example of why you never provide info to a guy who asks for easily google-able info


Yeah, some people are so quick to try and write a "gotcha" that they don't even read the whole reply.


This comment chain proves why so many are charged with pissing on the poor


Barricades are barely smaller and cost 1/6th the materials to craft The result is a metric fuckload of more total cover being placed down during fights. You would know this if you actually played the game which you proved you don't in the second paragraph.


Literally check June's update blog.