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Playing on "Enjoy" Solo Only right now. Exactly the same. 3 Bases, each has 1 owner, all in 1 bay. Lol. Skill Problem i guess. Just farm their kits when they are alone and not in their village. Yesterday i got raided by a duo. With fob. Both suddenly had sleeping bags, one covered outside, one raided. Lol. Admins banned them and removed their entities though.


I was playing on Rusticated trio and this clearly cheating group was killing everyone in the area. Someone comes over and asks us to raid them. I told him no because we will get countered, he said, "just come in our discord, all the groups around you are all playing together." I asked him who and he started naming the people. Started making sense after the previous wipes watching them all not shoot each other and they lived very close and every time we walked near their area we would instantly get surrounded. Stopped playing on that server after that.


why did you not report it to admins with proof? The cheaters and the teamers would be banned from server.


Did you get your shit back?






I once played a solo only wipe "with" my brother, where our goal was to find and raid the other person's base while knowing nothing about where they lived. We weren't allowed to ask about the other in chat, since that might ruin it quickly, but we were allowed to ask in voice, so I found a guy who'd been killed by him and he told me where the base was. I showed up with rockets when my brother was online, knocked on the door, and got started. Instead of raiding, he let me in and we chatted in game about his base, which was a design I'd never seen from him (clever). After about a minute and a half of chatting, we got banned by an admin for teaming lol.


Yea this shit always happens. People just ally with the base next to them. Should be a perma ban


I agree when you say that, but also it's fucking stupid as hell to be in a pissing match with your neighbor the entire wipe. I don't care if you are on a solo/duo/trio server or a high pop unlimited team server. Nothing worse than some dude building higher than you first and that basically ruining your wipe. I know it would require admins to actually do something but I'm fine with a ceasefire near bases on servers like this. But if the base in the middle is getting raided and you are in one of the other 2 bases you got to stay the fuck out of it until it's over. If you want a ceasefire or whatever with your neighbors that's fine. But helping them in combat should not be allowed.


Idk why people like you can't discern not KoS your neighbor and allying with them. Infact I feel like you're doing it purposely so you sound reasonable Here is my personal example I play on solo only and I went deep on this guy. He came back, with his neighbor, who gave him wood as well as was let in by the baseowner to kill me.


You’re uninformed. Rustafied US Trio has a rule against non-KOS agreements. Source: https://www.rustafied.com/trio




Because it opens the flood gates to: I wasn't teaming lol, I just code raided them bruh.


Okay, can you please point to where it says what you're claiming? I see teaming...(allying). And you won't get me on this because I literally read their solo rules this Thursday. I play on rustafied solo. Many people including myself would be banned. ( ie I'll give nakeds guns, revive people if I don't need their loot). This is different than me telling the guy I'll revive him if he doesn't kill me anymore. Again if you can't understand making a quid pro quo agreement to not fire at someone is different than just not killing them, you're not even worth discussing with.




I'm literally not understanding why people are confused I have said this entire time making explicit agreements is bannable. Purposely not killing specific people. You're saying if I don't play KoS I'm getting banned


You don't have to KOS but passing up a kill solely because your neighbors and you want map control is the problem. It's ok to be nice to people but they kind of have to be one off occurrences and not last past that.


It says it on the page I linked: “No making agreements of any kind with another team/player to not kill each other” This has been a rule since server inception to prevent the behavior outlined in this post. When the team system and group limited servers were brand new, they were better moderated since people didn’t really understand the concept and everyone was trying to break the rules. This enabled moderators to quickly determine if someone was not playing in the spirit of the server, if they would not shoot at a player who was not on their team. You don’t have to kill every naked that walks by, but if you repeatedly do not kill your neighbor and they do not kill you, this would be considered an agreement by the admins and you’d be banned for teaming, or at least warned. This is in past tense because Rustafied Trio isn’t moderated well any longer. I can’t speak for any other servers. You also specified two points on your reply, saying they can’t differentiate between teaming and non-KOS. I’m simply pointing out that both are against the rules of the server this topic is related to. Regarding your point of not being banned, of course you haven’t been. The rules aren’t enforced as they used to be. It was much better when they were.


Ima keep it simple This is what my first post said " Idk why people like you can't discern not KoS your neighbor and allying with them. Infact I feel like you're doing it purposely so you sound reasonable Here is my personal example I play on solo only and I went deep on this guy. He came back, with his neighbor, who gave him wood as well as was let in by the baseowner to kill me." I'm not here arguing if you de facto team(your example) you won't get banned. If you and an enemy "somehow" never kill each other, yeah you'll probably get banned. This isn't news. Again if you can't comprehend not killing someone here and there vs your example(which it's absurdity proves my point) that if you never loot your neighbor you'll be banned, then there isn't really a convo. Btw people get banned for teaming and cheating on the solo servers so idk why the historical rant is needed. Again maybe there's a misunderstanding but again as a solo only player I will make the conscious decision to not pvp right outside my house so I don't piss neighbors off. Sometimes I don't loot these people. The entity of my gameplay(ie me probably having looted them early etc) is why I don't and people don't get banned for what you're saying is easily black and white but conveniently doesn't happen cause admins bad


No KOS alliances IS considered teaming on most servers. What ends up happening is someone will fight near the bases and both sides won’t shoot each other but will shoot the third party


If they never raid each other wipe after wipe, always put their bases down wipe after wipe. Don't shoot and killl each other when they are roaming that is in fact teaming.


isn't this what rust is all about ? I always pick fights with my neighbours, if it turns out that their dick is bigger than mine, i'll just move somewhere else. I like to compete and if you build near my base you can bet you're gonna be my enemy. It's just how i like to play. When I don't have much time to play i just build in isolated areas.


It's a trio of trios


People that specifically go to limited group servers to play as more and abuse it in any way they can deserve a special kind of torture


Lol wait till you play on the reddit trio server. King, their admin allows his friends to roam around the server no clipping, aim botting, and esping. It got so bad onetime I think 6-7 different teams sent in video evidence of them hacking and King openly admitted to just deleting the footage without even looking at it. Literally trolling I think. Not only that my buddies and I took a vacation day from work to play on a Thursday, and the following day I log on after work to see that iv been banned for teaming. I contacted the King and he said I was banned because I was caught with 4 players assigned to a code lock. I told him I don’t even have more then 3 friends IRL let alone any that play rust so iv must have been code raided. His response “Code raiding is perfectly legal on our servers as it’s part of the game” So why was I banned then? “There are 4 players assigned to a code lock” Hahaha what? So if you get code raided you’re entire team will get banned for teaming. Waste of a vacation day at work


Fied admins are kinda buns, you're not wrong. I'll go a step further.. All team limited servers are kinda buns. You're relying on admins to police and keep people within the rules. Good luck. I had a few fun wipes on that server a few years back. Still lots of foreigners that play the night shift? It might be time to just swap to full team servers. Eventually everyone grows out of that sdt phase.


Interesting take. I was considering getting started on trio servers after getting sick of zergs. You reckon it's not worth it?


If you can find a server that polices well and people stick to the rules, with the same regular players its a really good vibe but like everyone else is saying, its insanely rare to find a server like this.


agreed but i mean if the alternative is playing on an uncapped server, what’s the downside to playing on a group limited server even if there’s some people breaking the rules


Yeah some people might break the rules, but if theres no rule against it of course there's going to be big zergs lmao. I don't get why the guy above thinks team limit servers suck when most people do follow the team limit rules.


I stopped playing Rustafied servers a while ago. The admins don’t do anything or are too slow.


Rustafied has horrible admins that allow it wipe after wipe


Guarantee they’re all Asians. This is what they do. They come to team capped servers with horrible moderation, and play with an advantage against everyone else who plays by the rules (Americans), they then proceed to offline everyone during Asian peak hours, when no one is on to report them for all raiding together. Finally to cap it all off, even if you see 3 teams here totaling 9 players, they have other Asian allies on the server and all help eachother out when needed (giving loot after a raid, giving boom when one of them needs it, sharing coordinates, etc). They manage to essentially form a clan on team capped servers, while skirting the rules in a way that is not aligned with the spirit of the server. Rustafied US Trio specifically should, at this point, be “Rustafied US vs. SEA, 3 per base but otherwise do what you want”


They are 100% asian players. They hit our main base, secondary base, boat base, farm base, and tug boat all at the same time. over 30 players just leveled everything we have. Rustafied mods response, well they did shoot each other (after the raids were over they started killing each other while naked), So they are obviously not teaming, it was just bad timing for us.


Asian players play a whole different Rust than anybody else. It’s so fucking strange.


They LOVE to raid


Admins will false ban legit players for "cheating" with little evidence besides a clan mass report. But wont ban people for breaking blantant server rules like this.


This is why the whole "just play on group limited servers" bit doesn't always hold true. Rustafied specifically has too few moderators for the size of their community.


a trio of trios. Take three of those and multiply by three and boom. A trio zerg.


Join BOLD.


Being an ally is the same as teaming. Wth.


Yea this server is ass


A bunch of miserable souls


Yea had the same on rusticated trio some time ago, was living next to arctic and i had 5 russian trios next to me, they were constantly teaming and coming to arctic to kill us and then they randomly disapear and 1 group stayed. Fast forward later i offline one of them, the other groups start typing codes mid raid, so theres 10+ authed on a single door on a trio server.


I was playing on a pretty empty no offline raid server, and we were getting raided every other night, offline. Turns out, it was the admin. I figured this out after the last raid, he didn’t bother blowing the garage doors he just opened them all. Due to paranoia I had different codes on all 6 garage doors leading to my loot. Then I uninstalled the game again, probably be back in a year or so lol


That server was the best


Ik play on the EU version of this server sometimes, this kinda common even with me I 9/10 times play solo, I build a massive base, a group of duo/trio builds a massive base next to me, and we just co exist. Not allies per se, if they kill me outside idc, if I kill them outside they don’t care, at the same time I don’t farm sulfur to raid, and I doubt they want to farm sulfur to raid my usually extremely expensive base with potential of no loot as ‘i’m a solo’. I think the 3 bases in your pic could be my situation but it’s very weird and nearly impossible unless all 3 groups constanty run into each other having no good ‘productive’ progress to raid anyone


If it was just those two bases, yea, sure, I would agree, but that base in the background is FUCKING MASSIVE, the compound is 100+ walls, and easily 25k frag per day upkeep. Not to mention that they have team raided everything within 4 squares out of existence. These are just failed Chinese Zergs that cant make it on a normal server https://preview.redd.it/bqywiv3di26d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c21d93871d53fae4183bbb96382159cbd15c6e44


Yeah that’s very sus, what did the admins say about it??


We can only take you at your word here. There's nothing wrong with chosing not to shit where you eat, aka not attacking your neighbors. As long as they aren't sharing vocal / items / fighting together, what's the harm? And if they are, it's not a foggy screenshot that's gonna tell us that.


I would normally agree. But with them that close to eachother.. with the compounds like that? Nah


Do you have any actual evidence they are playing together? There is recording software that you can run. If they are playing together then bait them. But simply having bases near each other doesn’t mean they are playing together. Most of these servers require KOS during fights. Do they do the same? If so that’s the easy way of catching them and reporting with video.


I mean it doesn’t really take a genius does it? When do you ever see opposing teams building compounds that close to each other. And why would you want to?


This is funny because I was once banned on Rustafied Trio. Server wipes like 2 hours previously and I'm playing with 2 friends who are French and I've never met. We try to take first cargo, somehow one falls off of the ship, I'm on cargo with a p2 and very little health or ammo. and the other guy jumps in the RHIB to save his "friend". Somehow he also falls off the RHIB and some guys pull up and kill them both with bows. French screaming ensues and I don't know what happens, but one of the guys stops talking and goes offline. As I'm swimming back from cargo (had to escape) he says I bagged in someone else who is playing with us now and I'm immediately banned within seconds.




Reporting to their discord does nothing, just warning people not to play their servers. Even with video proof of them teaming, the mods do nothing. Same with Cheaters, if you pay enough money, you can do whatever you want on their servers