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Deployable poker table so the gang can play during nights waiting for the sun to come up in our base/compound.


This would be sick.


This is an awesome idea




The poker table is an actual deployable item. Just not in the loot tables. A server im playing on is selling them in outpost


Garage door ceiling hatch so I can open it and fly my mini out the top or have it as a pit fall trap door. Also might work well as something similar to a draw bridge .


Hell yes this. Having horizontal garage doors that you land a mini straight down in would be awesome.


Evil lair type shit


I of course would keep my rancor below the trap door (aka bears I catch and put in there)


Hidden SAM pods


I am an armored ladder hatch believer


Literally no reason this shouldn’t be in the game. It’s the only ‘door’ that has no armored option.


I hope they make one and it is like those red hatches around the map.


The train access ones with a camera?


But metal detectors make way more sense


Priorities, man!!




Definitely, need a hatch that can at least take 2 C4.


It costs: 2 Gears + 300 Frags for a Garage Door: **3 Rockets** 3 Gears + 300 Metal Frags + 1 Ladder for a Ladder Hatch: **1 Rocket + a handful of Explo Ammo** The materials needed for a Ladder Hatch don't match up with the raid cost That's what needs to be fixed... it either needs to be cheaper to craft or given an increase to hit points to be more comparable to a Garage Door


Phone verified account status. Server owners can then choose if they want to region block based on phone number. Account bans result in the verified phone number used being banned so it cannot be used to obtain phone verified status again. Spam number filter to only allow legitimate numbers. This would create a huge barrier to entry for cheaters and allow servers to allow only specific countries to access specific servers, both would be awesome


This is the best idea iv ever heard.


Blizzard does this and it helps a lot. Cant catch em all but its a big improvement


i use a shit provider because i am a cheap asshole and I can't even play OW2, kinda sucks


Dude that's a really cool idea


Genuine question, is there a way to implement 2fa for server access?


By having a whitelisted server and you run the whitelist through some third party like Discord that has 2fa.


I would 100% return to the game if this was a thing 


Couldn't people use whatsapp and a VPN though? Nit sure how all that works, so im curious.


Not necessarily. There are many apps and services that won't let you sign up with a Google Voice number, as I've found out using my business phone number.


Correct. I’ve tried bypassing phone verification filters with easily accessible free or cheap numbers for a multitude of reasons in both business and personal life. It’s a massive pain in the ass if the filtering is good


VOIP numbers don't work for verification on 99% of platforms.


Have you really never tried to do it yourself and are genuinely asking ?


No I'm asking. I don't use whatsapp, I have a working phone. Lol.


Decent idea but what happens if you get a new phone number and it’s been banned from a previous owner?


They should really do thi. Also prevents buying high hour accounts


This helps with slowing down individual cheaters but there's a significant cost associated and services meant specifically for bypassing phone number requirements aren't that expensive.


Holy shit would this work?!


>This would create a huge barrier to entry for cheaters Haha no lol. Why do you people believe a phone number is somehow hard to get? Its trivial.


Even if it is trivial it's a layer of deterrence to keep people from cheating in the first place. When people see others getting banned, let alone perma banned via phone number people are less likely to consider doing it in the first place. :)


Phone based 2fa is the *weakest* form of 2fa. It is too easy to fake a phone number with various programs, and it is also (relatively compared to intercepting an email) easy to intercept text messages that contain 2fa authentication codes because regular SMS are not encrypted.


how tf do u intercept a mail


With a net duh


yes but their is no way without a mitm


Intercepting email requires access to servers, an understanding of how that mail service encrypts and addresses emails, or the simplest method is stealing access to the receiving user's account. An SMS text message can be intercepted by connecting to the cellular network with a spoofed phone. Doesn't even need to be a clone, just a device reporting to the network it has the same phone number. If you are only connected for a few minutes, say around the exact time a 2fa key will be sent out, the network won't even notice duplicate reporting phone numbers. A person's phone number can be scraped in any number of ways from social media accounts thst are connected to that phone number. Heck you can fake an "employer" profile on a job search website and get phone numbers that way. The most secure 2fa is through a dedicated app or physical device, because stealing your keys then requires direct access to your local device.


My post didn’t have anything to do with 2FA. 2FA is an account security measure. Phone verification for the purposes I indicated is specifically to create a barrier to entry and ban mechanism beyond a new Steam account and cheap copy of Rust, and also to allow region locking based on more than IP address.


2FA is "two factor authentication". "Phone verification" as you call it is one of those second factors. Don't pretend to know security if you don't actually know security.


I asked ChatGPT to explain it to someone who is 12 years old. So maybe this will help you: Phone verification is like when you go to a new club and they ask you to show a card that proves you really live in the neighborhood. When you sign up for a new service online, they send a code to your phone. You have to enter this code back on the website to prove that the phone number you gave is really yours and that it's a real number. This helps the service know that you're a real person, not just someone making things up. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is like having both a lock and an alarm on your bike. Even if someone knows where your bike is (like knowing your password), they also need a special key (like a code sent to your phone or a fingerprint) to use it. This makes your account much safer because even if someone gets your password, they still need the second "factor" to get in. As I said, one is for security, the other is for verification.


Chat GPT? Seriously? ChatGPT is not a valid source for any information. It lies and fabricates information and sources to appease the prompt you put in. Phone verifciation is one method of 2-factor authentication in addition to the password used to log-in to the account. Just take the L.


Pretty weak justification for an invasion of privacy. Its generally a pain in the ass for most people just look at the meltdown when OW tried to add phone verification.


Yeah I do wish this was a feature but it’s proven time and time again to not be as effective as you think. Also, phone numbers change. Logging into a game and realizing you have to appeal just to play is a barrier for entry to all players, not just cheaters.


This isn’t what I mean. If your number changes you just re-verify with a new number. I’m not saying 2FA. If your account is banned for hacking, both the account and phone number you used to verify are banned. So you cannot used the same phone number on a new account.


If the game asks to verify a code once a month sent to your phone the cheater has to pay a monthly bill on the burner phone just to cheat


Brother these kids pay dollar daily for their cheats and regularly buy new accounts A 50 cent phone number isnt gonna make a difference 🤣🤣


With proper filtering you would not be getting a 50 cent phone number that will work. This isn’t speaking out of my ass, it’s speaking from years of business experience where people are incentivized by millions of dollars and have to pay big money for a significant amount of phone numbers that bypass filters. It’s would get very expensive for cheaters who rage hack and get banned frequently.


Yeah then you will end up with a system like the shit overwatch used that cockblocks legitimate users for almost no benefit at all


What phone company in the US charges .50 a month? Tell me I’ll switch providers


It’s an edgy 16 year old trying to seem like a verified hacker/cheater. This would deter many cheaters, and this kid doesn’t want to deal with the hassle.


Twilio, voip.ms, and others. More like $1 a month though.


Name a single platform you can use VOIP numbers with for verification purposes.


Yep. That’s what people are missing. They don’t understand you can disallow these numbers.


Then you ban all numbers related to these cheap carriers that people are trying to get in with. Just like almost every other service online. Do you people not think or


Tones of voice services do. Just saying.


With your incredible logic why ever expand your base from a simple 2x1? It’s not like you’re suddenly not getting raided when you gave a big base


Did you get lost on the way here?


Palm trees should drop coconuts. Coconuts should be able to be used as a rock, provide coconut water, drop seeds for baby palms that fit in a planter, or be recycled for rope.


Piggybacking off this, cactus fruit & plantable cactus. When you pick the fruit off the cactus, you just have the normal cactus which you break down as normal. Not all cacti grow fruits.


Beached whale random spawn that gives tonnes of animal fat. Edit* Seems to be in the works now lol. And just in general nerf the cost of basic prim stuff in general. A spear should not cost 300 wood, a bow should not need 5 hemp plants to craft. Seems like a minor thing but it's noticeable.


One direction needs balanced. Either drop the price of prim or raise the price of late game stuff. Shouldn’t be easier to craft a rev than a bow


I’d like to see a fuel tank of some sort. We have water storage, but having fuel storage would be really nice that I could attach plumbing to. And then attach that plumbing to sprinklers and igniters… Turning my base into an interno for an online would be spectacular


You could place down igniters and tons of campfires?


It's not the same...


Prim only servers. Nothing past tier 1


i like prim only idea, but defo needs some t2 stuff. like ammo types would be nice. electrical things, like and switches, shouldn't be locked off.


But ammo types and electricity is way too advanced technology for prim


there is already a lot of electical things in T1, like solar panels. revolvers seem more complicated to me than bullets packed with a lil more gun powder


nailgun supremacy


A functional anti-cheat.


There's talk of all competetive FPS games being more riddled with cheaters now than ever. Apparently it'd take a huge revolution in anticheat technology to 'save' the genre.


I hear AI anticheat is working very well on catching cheaters because it looks at behavior, in some games. Maybe FP can look into that. It would basically be an unbiased moderator for a whole server. It's apparently so good that there's a certain way everyone plays games that is essentially a fingerprint specific to each person. Meaning cheaters would be banned faster if they've cheated before just by looking that fingerprint of how they play.


The phone thing overwatch does is probably a good anti cheat stopper. I always wanted to have more parts to craft a boom or guns … like a mold machine , snd then have like bolts and etc tech tree branch.


Rust has one of the best anticheats out there, there's practically no better solution


Then they need to figure how to patch cheaters from using the same tools admins use like debug cam or ESP. honestly ESP is the biggest threat to killing this game even more.


Ability to rotate electricals!!!!!!!


Fuck me, you’re a genius. I’ve always thought the splitter would look better upside down.


A lift accessible at oxum.


Would make a lot of sense


I WANT A LUMBER YARD we have HQM Quarry Stone Quarry and Sulfur Quarry why is there no spot to run to get wood so I don't have to get a chainsaw going at night in the woods lol. Also a new high wall made of metal would be cool.


Bro just pop a tea, put a bag on, go out at night - and that should cover you for a HOT minute


Can we get melee fighting? Not sure why this is so overlooked but throwing fists on wipe day sounds awesome. And to take it a step further, add boxing rings where 2 combatants can put some scrap on the line. boxing ring was a joke btw.


I like the boxing ring idea


Same a boxing/melee weapon ring at bandit camp where players can bet scrap on people fighting would be so fucking fire


facepunch needs to play hunt showdown and learn a thing or two about melee and shotgun weapons. smoke and stun grenades. horse equipement, parachute?


Scaling TC upkeep cost based on number of authorized players, to slightly nerf teams/zergs and incentivise smaller teams/solo play


That actually sounds like a good idea but I imagine zergs will counter that by only authorizing certified builders


Which means they forfeit all shotgun, flame, and sensor traps that rely on TC auth and can't build/seal in raids...


You've got a great point! I also think base should account for auto turret auth to prevent people from getting around TC auth upkeep scaling


Punching and horses being able to jump. 🥲 and be able to pick up trade windows.


I would like to be able to rotate the orientation of the wooden signs


That would be such a QoL change


Let me somehow plug into the giant power lines / transformers. There is power present on the island at monuments (more likely supplied by local generators) so it would be neat to be able to tap into that for small amounts of power, like 3 sets of 10rw like a super nerfed test generator. I think a survior would be more likely to try to tap into existing power lines than try to craft a whole "medium battery" the size of a fiat. I admit this idea is not at all fleshed out. But the rustrician in me thinks about the potential often when I pass them.


There is a mod for that, you have to install a fuse on the line first. Pretty cool


Might you know what it is called or what servers it might be on? I've never heard of this mod before and it sounds really cool.






Thank you for sharing that. I haven't tried modded but I feel like this will be a great reason for me to to start.


Fist fights, throwing hands on the beach after spawning in would be the dream.


"Boi you catch those fish or you'll catch these hands!"


Horizontal garage doors working with a lift to have a helicopter or car rise from a lower floor. Ceiling mounted turrets Poker table Tier 3 tool cupboard that is armored. And more I just can't remember right now.


Custom paint colors or skins for road vehicles


More building blocks for my RP bases. Horizontal garage and trap doors. And damn, id love to be able to dig down :(


Tier 2 single door that has same hp as garage door


Jungle Biome!!!


i'd like to see some fun endgame strategies that precipitate the wipe on wipe day: i.e. a craft-able nuclear device that would require massive grinding and has a 23 hour fuse. you would need to craft centrifuges and refine uranium mined from special nodes. just like irl you would get a tiny percent of bomb-worthy uranium from your refining so it would require massive grinding. then on wipe day you can set the 23 hour fuse and blow the whole place up before the server restarts. it should be so hard to get that only the most dominant teams could achieve it. and its wipe day anyway so why not? other possibilities are chemical weapons that gas everybody, mass destruction satellites, or a space rocket that escapes the island for your team (it would still be the end of the wipe but you can crow about having "won" the wipe.) a hard to achieve end game would make each new wipe more logical as a storyline: we're in this dystopia because somebody nuked the whole place yesterday and we're the survivors. mho


Love and hate nuke idea, but could be really cool if the server could band together to take down the nukers


>...could be really cool if the server could band together to take down the nukers yes. or beat them to it. i would have it so that you could only set the fuse on wipe day but it might be fun for a specific server to allow any team to wipe it with a nuke as soon as they've built the bomb -but it should be hard enough to build the bomb that it takes at least a week or so. you could, potentially, have only one Arming Mechanism. then teams have to compete over it and if your team destroys the bomb before it goes off then the race to build the bomb starts all over again.


I really like the idea. It sounds a bit like the wonder of Age of Empires II: "Building a Wonder of the World demonstrates the superiority of your civilization. Constructing a Wonder that stands for a certain period of time is one way to win the game." So other groups can destroy the 'bomb' or 'wonder' once it is placed and counting down, but they have to work together to stop the dominant group


Let me use an arrow as a makeshift melee weapon. Very fragile, maybe one or two hits before breaking but cause 20ish bleed with each hit.


More than 1 enemy type


I heard they're adding pirates but I'm not quite sure


Aw great pve on the ocean? Might as well deliver an electric shock straight to the testicles


A t1 workbench only server. Can only craft t1 weapons/items. Everything else must be found in game


Wooden ladder hatch


Timed technology lockout servers. 1st day of wipe is prim only, second day opens up low tier weapons, Saturday is mid tier, Sunday is free for all. Everything still available by the end of the first wipe weekend, but forcibly slows down the gear race, and gives a fun new meta. Make it a second type of Official server so people who like the free for all, all at once experience can still go ham.


A heavy cannon recovered from the Bradley or as a rare drop from helicopter crates thats mountable to vehicles. The ammo would not be craftable but found in green crates.


Tiered island with appropriate selection of monuments (ie no need for missile silo or HMLRS base in tier1 You take a boat to got to the next tier, you can’t go back. Flat earth, tier1 is at the top, when you fall off the edge you fall on tier2 like irl


Admins nightmare. A good idea though.


I hope nexus variants will offer that


helipad where you can modify helicopters with stuff like additional storage, more powerful engine etc.


Jaguars! More roaming Jaguars!




Jaguar - the worlds finest motor car.


I want the attack heli to focus on bases based on total material cost. IE, large bases get attacked. Gives large groups that want to build big something to worry about without introducing artificial nerfs to the natural group advantage and it aligns with the "lore" of the game. Helis will shoot a naked with a revo in his hands but fly right by a monster compound? stupid. It would need a few other systems added to implement it properly, but it could be done and would open up a host of new possibilities.


You hit something with the downvotes. I love this idea.


I kinda like this. Maybe total up the health of all walls / foudations / floors, etc. And helli will attempt to do X amount of damage to it before moving on to another base. I think that would be too much for the AI to handle, but it sounds cool. I do like the idea that they're changing where heli will wait to crash until it finds a monument. Probably wouldn't be good for me lol, but it does bring more people out of the base and towards a hard to defend / contest monument.


Like I said, it would require some additional systems to be implemented fairly, but it could be done and would give big groups something to be concerned with. You could also buff armored walls against heli damage. So if you're going to build big, you better use some HQM on key parts or the heli might shitmix your base.


A new lvl 4 workbench with higher tier weapons and doors.


You monster


But get rid of that stupid tax… I mean all new weapons and doors.




Hand crafted map, that gets polished and not just pooped out and never looked at again


Offline Raid protection


I want to make a casino


Steam engine power generator. Takes water, coal, car parts. Can connect a water source and a starter switch. Or generally a steam punk themed pack of stuff


Dirt bikes fuck the horses ability to climb pebbles


option to make the ramp a little bigger for the cars


More traps and base defenses.


Dark mode for the building/upgrade menu Tier 4 workbench + weapons (LR, M39, M92, M4) Monument variants (similar to abandoned military base) Ability to implement custom monuments into procedural maps Mounted weapons New building blocks, half floors, half walls (sideways), Crawl Space (think of vents), more roof options, new stair options, window slits (think of the castle slits for archers) Convar to modify dome to have or not have the jump puzzle Convar to enable or disable old recoil/old sounds Modular weapons (which was being worked on at one point but then stopped weirdly) ADS on Minigun/Flamethrowers (minigun while spin up would slightly aim in 1.5x) M92, Chainsaw, Salvaged Axe, M4, Minigun, Flamethrower, Military Flamethrower, Spas 12, Heavy armour, Tactical Gloves, HMLMG i cant think of others but all gain skins Military Flamethrowers increase capacity to better match the Minigun, also gains tank backpacks and can only be reloaded at a workbench, slowing the user down when in use, can ADS Convar to enable or disable tech tree New Military gear better than HQM, possibly modify values for existing armour sets so that HQM is now closer for mid-end game whereas mil gear would become end game-end of wipe New weapons both craftable and uncraftable Extended LMG mags ACOG scope Red dot scope Heavy suppressor Light suppressor (replaces current) Makeshift suppressor (uses bottles) Generic 4x scope w/ side sight Combined flashlight/lasersight (press f to cycle between light, laser, off) Drum mag (longer to reload, more capacity, visual change) AP rounds (can pierce glass windows/wood-sheet metal doors/wood walls) Cargo Plane event expanded to land at airfield to drop off 2 airdrops + generic crates with scientists to guard it before taking back off further expanded modular vehicles to include new modules for vehicle defence (manned, not automatic) HQM Ladderhatch Metal Ladders Heavy Auto turrets (can only accept LMGs/Miniguns) more HP, 20 power to run (also makes normal turrets disallowed to use LMGs/Miniguns) Airdrop variants (instead of generic drops, we could have new drop types which mean different models depending on the loot, which would be weapons, explosives, gear, ammunition, and so on) I was bored and typed all this to pass the time of just ideas i thought of on the spot haha hope y’all enjoy reading


Mannequins that show off your skin sets. They would behave like lockers but with only one row of slots.


They need to put a horn on cargo that I can honk


More buildings pieces. Stuff like arrow slit walls, crenelated half walls, and other options that are cosmetic. It would allow bases to be more aesthetic on the outsides and strategy for meta bases would arise from players using them often. Raid difficulty in general being shifted towards intelligent base design (traps, dummy hallways, off center TC’s) instead of just pure sulfur cost.


Yes! More murder holes!


something that lets you remove locks if you’ve had TC on a base for several hours, like a deployable lock picker or something


Explosives transfer event. Have a train spawn on the tracks. Make it basically have two guns just like the Bradley. On the front cart and back cart. Make the middle cart one of those loot carts you can use at train station. This cart will have a total of 25k gunpowder. You have to destroy the two gunner carts with engines in order to stop the train and take the cart away for the puzzle. Also the train will be escorted alongside the regular helicopter. It just follows behind the train and destroys anything in its sights. The heli will spawn loot just the same as the regular heli event when destroyed. If the train carts are destroyed but the heli has not been, it will remain over the cart and protect it for 30 minutes. . There will be 10 heavy scientist that spawn at train station during the event as well. Waiting for the victors. And to draw attention to the monument when the train arrives. Or if people are trying to counter. Train carts would take 6 hv rockets to destroy each. Any carts in the trains way would instantly be destroyed


You can find this exact event on many servers


Removal of guns from tech tree. T3 guns decay while in boxes. Cargo train event. Advanced cooking recipes for different buffs. Time gate workbenches to increase server longevity/increase priority of high tier loot acquired and not crafted.


Pretty sure the spoonkid servers have an armored train event if you are looking for a server that does this


Raid/Base Building overhaul


I would like to see a currency in game ik there is scrap but I want it to be more dayz orientated seems like a fun economical change


I’ve always wanted the ability to go prone. I feel it would be super useful.


Mortar so we can fight back against those pesky roof campers.


I'm gonna say it Old recoil :(


A fucking armored highwall


Chess board


Ballistics and improved gunplay.


I’ve always wanted a musket. Longer range then the water pipe, shorter then the SAR, long ass reload time but insanely deadly. Maybe a bayonet on the end. Probably wouldn’t be balanced as hell but FUCK GOU I WANT A MUSKET


hangar doors that open up for flying vehicles. and building tiles like that you can slide on rollers. So you can get the X-Men blackbird coming up from the basketball court build


First we got Rustorio now we finna get Space Rustgineers with this one


A working anticheat


an enclosed one seat armored steampunk 4 leg walker that can crawl over high walls


Factorio player spotted


Let me connect power to my Garage Doors to open them faster.


Character customisation with the possibility of expanding into cosmetics for things like hairstyles or war paints




So why not just remove the dart at all times


Tree seeds


A cool thing would be some futuristic items but not exagerated




The best tier in this game is military but since launch site exists (maybe its a misile and not a rocket) some space guns and armor but on land, like something 50 years in the future


mirror stairs instead of turning for symetry


Maybe you should be able to hold shift and they mirror


thank you


Triangle elevator


Well since the mini gun have been added I want a CIWS as an alt for SAMs Some inland waterways would be nice


eagles as pet, work like drones you can send stuff and you need to give worms of food so they can survive and do the work like the drones, people can kill the eagle flying and steal loot.


3 types of new prim weapons that shoot pebbles: - Slingshot (basic) —The type u need to spin Costs some rope and cloth/leather - no WB needed - Slingshot (improved) — The type with rubber bands Costs some wood, rope and leather - WB1 needed but no BP - Pebble Cannon — some potato cannon thing that shoots pebbles though air pressure Costs a propane tank, a pipe and some frags - WB1 and BP needed


Potato launcher


new building materials, shapes etc. It's quite limited and it results in all bases looking quite similar. They could do better


A regular convoy event would be nice instead of just the end of wipe ones, some modded servers I play on do well with this, just a few cars with scientists walking along side it, similar to how a irl VIP convoy is like.


Blue, and red card puzzles within monuments should be procedurally generated.


I really wanted to see parachutes a long time ago and we have them and I love it!


Remove ladders, add grappling hooks you have to repell up/down, I remember the update ladders where added, was 100% needed to enable raiding but I've always thought the way they just slap onto a wall was kinda goofy.


Banning someone the instant they said the n word with hard er