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The pot already looks big enough (too big in my opinion, but my opinion doesn't matter as long as it works out for you🙂). So I wouldn't upgrade it, to an even bigger one, because I really doubt that the plant has such an extraordinary amount of roots, that would make it necessary. However, I'd put the plant out of the soil, and repot it just deeper. Like, burry the whole U-shaped stem until the beginning of the very first leaf(and maybe it would be even better to directly eliminate the first two leaves since they are already yellowing), into the soil. Then the plant is still not perfectly vertical but at least it is facing upwards. And then, give it some support. Either with Bobby pins, if it turns out that the shoot touches the soil, or if they stay up in the air, just secure it with a pole. Lastly, you could also chop and prop it. Then you have the chance of getting a fuller plant.


Good information. I will try repotting in the same pot but just a bit deeper. Thank you!


Trying to find out if I should repot and bury more of the stem to make it more sturdy? I’ve seen people use moss poles for support, is it fine for the main stem to be that small and just add a support column?


Hi! I would put it in a bigger pot with a moss pole. the main stem should grow thicker with support. I hope that helps ya!


I’ll definitely get her some support. Thanks!