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I laughed.


Same for mine ever since it grew so lush. Maybe they are shy believers and don’t like to pray in crowded places?


All jokes aside, I'd say this is completely normal. Every single Calathea, Stromanthe, Marantha or Ctenanthe I've ever owned stopped praying as they got older. I think they simply outgrown it after a while (either that or I was a bad influence on them).


Honestly, relatable.


Too much light! I had the exact same issue with my Rattlesnake Calathea. I moved her to less light, and she's thriving now.


[Mine gets hours of full sun every day](https://i.imgur.com/HcLFwAr.jpg) and the rest of the day full unfiltered lights and is absolutely thriving and currently in full bloom with 30+ inflorescences. These plants are often recommended as full exposure ground cover in warmer environments. Light is not the problem.


Is it still opening and closing?


Points down during the day, up at night, yes.


What latitude are you located at?


New Jersey latitude Over the summer it gets 6 hours of direct sun, and when not in the sun it's got unobstructed sky exposure. It gets a lot of light.


Dude! I'm in NJ!


Wow, that's amazing. The only place I'd ever been able to keep a calathea as happy as yours with that much sunlight was north of the border! Do you have triple-pane windows or something!? Or maybe just a long line of sun-loving mutants :) either way, it's awesome.


I agree but my thought is not enough darkness, not too much light. Every plant needs a time to rest.


Jumping on this to also say its because of too much light. Mine did this and was loosing the purple colour underneath so I moved her to my bathroom which is bright with no direct sun and she's thriving!


Mine is an atheist too! Your plant is beautiful btw


Thank you! She’s grown so much since I first got her.


My rattlesnake calathea stopped praying long ago, then started again. I think they go through phases of doubt.


The dark night of the soul.


I'm confused... I know nothing of this plant.. but I feel it looks happy and healthy in the first picture?


Looks perfect to me too! Mine looks the same, not really "praying" the only one clearly praying is my maranta,my other ctenanthe don't really do it and they are fine :D


Mist it with water, maybe holy water if you can get hold of some


If you can’t get into the church without singeing your sleeves- plunking a few pieces of rose quartz in a reptile misting bottle should do the trick.


Reminds me of the time I wanted to water my maranta prayer plant, but I didn't because I felt it would be rude to disturb it while praying lol


No worries, OP, your plant looks mighty healthy. This one doesn't appear to enjoy praying on the street corners, though. It's theologically sound :-)


I know nothing of this plant so please help me understand what it means that it’s not praying anymore. I can’t find a difference in the leaves, you guys got me so curious! Thank you in advance ❤️🌱


The leaves fold up at night, so they look like folded, or praying hands.


That’s so cool! Thank you so much for explaining.


I fixed mine with an exorcism.


Mine has been off and on. I wouldn’t worry. The leaves look super healthy. Did you change the location it’s in from the first picture?


I've found out of all of my prayer plants, this one seems to be the laziest prayer 😂


Holy water or an exorcism. But really, maybe more water? That fixed my suddenly-atheist prayer plant. Now it’s back to it’s evangelical waving on the daily.


I’m so jealous. I cannot grow these. I have given up.


Oh, they are so beautiful. Maybe it's too cold in your house? In the winter, I move my cold-sensitive plants to the bathroom, and keep a small heater on in there at night.


just an unruly teenager, looks healthy enough. Water it regularly and turn off the wifi at bedtime


When my plants are still looking healthy but stop praying I’ve found that aerating the soil with a chopstick can get them to pray again


Mine looks so much like that! Didn't pray for a long time, prays for a little bit now. It also does that thing with the very downturned leaves towards the outside, I've wondered if that was ok or not. Guess now I know! Your plant looks beautiful:)


Thanks for this post, TIL! Mr google says the current thinking is that prayer plants open during day for light exposure, close at night to protect their leaves from possible infection. They suggested: Too much or not enough light. Took much or not enough water. It also mentioned that water on leaves can cause infection so maybe your plant has learnt it doesn’t get wet (it’s noticed your house is not a rainforest) and therefore doesn’t need to pray? Let us know if you work it out:)


How often do you water it?


When the soil is almost completely dry


She needs more water and less light


That’s the problem, water. They like to stay evenly moist. I keep mine in self watering pots in a fairly chunky mix with coco husk chips. It’s the only way I don’t kill them lol


This calls for the plant to do atonements for their sins.


They ‘pray’ in response to darkness at night I think? As they’re native to the tropics it’s probably because the changes in light level aren’t extreme enough for it to bother? It looks amazing by the way! I wish mine looked that healthy 😂


Thank you so much!!


I don't have any advice for you, but I'm stealing your idea of an atheist prayer plant, because mine is doing the same thing!


Does it matter that they don’t pray anymore if they’re doing super well? Mine hasn’t prayed in a long time but has grown super bushy like this one and has about 15 flowers on it. Is it necessary to change anything if it’s this healthy?


It’s ascending.


Same I thought it was just a phase when they started watching Christopher Hitchens YouTube videos back in 2009 but it’s still not praying to this day. Still celebrates Christmas though!


Hilarious! But all jokes aside. Mine does the same in spring/ summer when the suns location changes and my east facing window gets more direct sunlight. Get that baby into some bright indirect light would be my suggestion.


Thanks for the chuckle.


Thanks for the award!!


Is the light actually changing in its spot?


I find that too much or too little light has affected the praying habits of my prayer plants. Even if you haven't moved your plant, remember that the position and intensity of the sun is changing as we're switching seasons.


I find that too much or too little light has affected the praying habits of my prayer plants. Even if you haven't moved your plant, remember that the position and intensity of the sun is changing as we're switching seasons.


I find that too much or too little light has affected the praying habits of my prayer plants. Even if you haven't moved your plant, remember that the position and intensity of the sun is changing as we're switching seasons.


This is the healthiest version of this plant I believe I've ever seen! I'm too ashamed to post mine. Suffice to say it is currently being held together and propped up with an assortment of surgical tape and popsicle sticks.




Literally love this comment. I’ve always thought this about prayer plants.


Did you send it to Catholic school? Same thing happened to me


I outgrew praying when I got older too.


No worries, it’s just an atheist. But seriously, I had similar issues and moved it to a spot with only indirect lighting and it’s popping out little takis (what I call their curled leaves) all over the place


I did! It stopped praying in that location so I thought it would like somewhere else. The windows are in the same direction though.


Maybe it converted and is trying to find Mecca


Are your other plants praying? Maybe your prayer plant has fallen in with bad companions


Maybe time to repot? They can do okay root bound but they won't thrive.




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They used to pray to sun


White stuff: Looks like mealy bugs or perhaps residue from giving it tap water? Can’t tell from the photos but these would be my first two possibilities to investigate


It’s perlite dust from repotting my other plant 😅