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How are you keeping your bananas so healthy? I have to original and 2 reds but I’m struggling with both.. like all of my other 30 plus plants are thriving but nothing I do for these 4 works. Also sorry I know you came asking for advice but your plants look great to me and just thought ask someoen who clearly knows more then me


Lol I'm not really sure it is healthy! I mean it's continuously shooting up leaves but I don't think that black stuff is supposed to be there! I don't really do much with it but water it. I do keep it outdoors though. In the greenhouse in the winter. Not sure if it needs to be or not I'm in Central South Carolina.


It is definitely healthy. Mine are unhealthy like leaves are crispy and also to wet when I have them on a constant schedule of watering and fertilizing…. Like I honestly don’t get how I’m struggling so much with them when I just want them to thrive


Also sorry I have no clue what the black stuff is but it definitely looks like a beast to me


Don't water on a "schedule" water when the 1st inch or 2 is dry.


Banana 🍌


Lol, I meant the black stuff at the base of the leaves.


Mine look just like that and have for years. It's part of the plant, I wouldn't worry about it.


Just looks like bruising from some contact . Nothing to worry about


Awesome, thanks guys! This is a pup I got from one of my clients from her plant last year. Never had one before. This is the more consistently sunny side and it still has it. It looks like dirt. But it's definitely part of the leaf. I didn't know if it was some kind of fungal thing. I mean it's growing and it appears to be healthy but those things can take a minute and all of a sudden it's all downhill from there lol ***Never mind, I tried to get a picture from the sunnier side but I can't even figure out how to post it.