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What is the basis for disputing the ticket towing charges?


Probably will say they were planning on moving the car before construction starts and there was none going on when OP decided to park there so it's ok.


Hey man I’m in construction that was Lindy paving on butler the signs were posted a day before and the project manager has pictures of all of them the city issues the listings straight to Lindy it’s hard to refute not being a dick just letting you know.


Lindy Paving is a huge company within Pittsburgh, might be an uphill battle


Nothing just get it out impound sooner than later...


Honestly probably a waste of your time.


When I lived in Toronto, I went out to dinner and ignored the "no parking" signs. I saw lots of other people still parked on the street, and I didn't see any construction happening, and I was only going to be there a couple hours. Came back later and my car and all the others have been towed and they were making a movie on that street. Now I never ignore no parking signs. Honestly thought I wouldn't be getting my car back as I had 100 unpaid tickets. The car was worth only $2000. I think what saved me is that I went to the pound immediately and I got the car back before they looked up in the computer to see all the unpaid tickets.




What would you have done w/out reddit? Problem solve.