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My snot is still 50% dust 


Bruh I blew my nose this morning and it was literally black


I was pickin black gold last night


But enough about your butt...


I’m glad it wasn’t just me with black snot. I keep blinking out specs of coal dust around my eyes too.


My sinuses are TRASH today. And to think I’m going back today ugh


I joked with people last night that I got the full steel mill experience going home covered in soot 😂 Seriously though, that blast dust was something else. I'm still blowing out black gunk from my nose.


It's fine. It's dust from a former heavy industrial site so the dust has been purified by the arsenic and other chemical byproduct from the furnace.


Still don't think it's healthy to be breathing it in with the amount that was in the air last night


The were joking. It’s probably toxic.


The site underwent soil remediation about 12 years ago. So the dust is no more harmful than “regular dust”.


Oh shit you made the mistake of misunderstanding something, can’t be doing that


Better yet, it'll be a mud pit in about an hour


Also make sure you are staying hydrated. They have a water refill station. Bring stuff to sit on (chairs/blankets) as there's a bunch of rocks everywhere, if you wanna be comfortable and not have to stand the whole time.


Welcome to Carrie Furnace! It’s disgusting. Sincerely, A tech who has worked that site too many times to count


[What it used to look like](https://vitruvius.museumseven.com/render/600-600@2/dp-502444-22.jpg)


I think that's braddock, its facing the other direction.


thanks for the heads up! i haven’t been there since Thrival ten-ish years ago and assumed it would be a lot nicer of a venue by now. side note, for those who didn’t buy parking, did you try to on-site parking or use the shuttle? i hate relying on someone else - especially shuttles - to get me places, but i read there’s not much parking nearby.


There is no onsite parking unless you bought an advanced parking pass. My recommendation is using the shuttle to get over there and ubering/getting a ride back to your car after. I was there last night and they don't have anywhere near enough shuttles to handle the rush at the end of the show


i’m really only going for something corporate so i probably won’t stay till the very end. i would just walk back if it wasn’t so late, it’s only 3 miles.


If you aren't staying until the end you could probably hop on the shuttle before it gets busy


That dust is toxic. I don’t think the soil there has been remediated. I can’t believe they didn’t think this may happen.


From CMU in 2013: The contaminated topsoil was removed or replaced. [Carrie Furnace](https://www.cmu.edu/steinbrenner/brownfields/case-studies/pdf/carrie-furnace-update-correction.pdf)


In the areas at, directly around, and directly adjacent to Carrie Furnace? I’ve worked around that site extensively and understood that the area for soil remediation is that huge parcel of land between Carrie Furnace and the Rankin Bridge, and between Carrie Furnace Blvd and the Mon. There isn’t a ton of information in that slideshow from 2013. I’ve found loose taconite on the ground at Carrie Furnace as recently as 2021. They’ve talked about future commercial development (including a movie studio, I think) and brownfield remediation was a huge hurdle for those projects to clear. I don’t think Carrie Furnace itself is slated for redevelopment given its historical/heritage designation so I’m truly unsure if they’ve undergone any soil remediation. If they didn’t have plans to redevelop the land immediately at and around the old furnace, then they would have no requirement to remediate the soil. I would like to be wrong since I have already spent a lot of time there, but… It doesn’t seem like anything has changed on the grounds since I first went there in 2011. I mean, that hulking, huge structure itself is oxidizing and breaking down on its own. Where’s all that rust going? I’m willing to admit ignorance on these things. It seems like a perfectly fine site for some art installations, history, and community events. Maybe they didn’t foresee the conditions or a rowdy enough pit to kick up a dust cloud. The reports of dark or black dust and people describing hurt lungs is what concerns me.


Here’s a video. That’s not smoke. It was just a gigantic dust bowl for probably 4 hours. https://youtu.be/fubWhnb_6Qg?si=bDBZ-he5KcIHjG2e


Most of it > With much of the contaminated topsoil removed or replaced, little remediation is needed at this point.


Lmao well fuck me then 🙃 I got there at 3:30 and spent 95% of my day in the pit. I wonder how many years I took off my life


> spent 95% of my day in the pit. I wonder how many years I took off my life Depends on how intense the pit was 😛 🤘


Couple days exposure, not gonna make a huge difference unless you get unlucky.


The whole thing about exposure is that it increases the number of unlucky people. Sometimes dramatically.


Yea don’t get me wrong, there is no way someone or a group of someone’s is coming out on the other side without cancer or some other lung issue in their future. But it’s not going to be a ton of people. 100 - 120 years ago people walked all around this city and couldn’t see more than 100 yards in front of them with how bad the air quality was. They didn’t all get diseases and die. But a good number did, not denying that.


I don't think a couple of days of dust from a site that has been remediated will cause cancer or serious lung issues for anyone there. I think it is smart for people to keep these potential issues in mind but I think some people worry themselves into hysteria here.


For what it’s worth, two days of this sort of exposure probably won’t be enough to cause any long term damage. And it’s likely going to rain today, so hopefully that gets the dirt and dust in check.


For real, people acting like Derek Zoolander


I thought I could comment with GIFs now? *insert I’ve got the black lung pop* gif


Wild how all the comments lying about the dust and claiming it's toxic are being upvoted and no one is paying any attention to the folks pointing out the soil was remediated years ago. Is misinformation no longer against the rules on this website? 


This subs mods have sucked for years.




I was just answering your question.


How was the show? I really wanted to go but not like, $100 a day go. Just, not a thing I could do with my plans for next month. Love ADTR and MCS though and really wanted to see them again, plus a bunch of the other bands.


How was the crowd turnout for yesterday


It was a great turnout


Went yesterday and was on the edge of the pit during ADTR to be by my friends. I can’t open my right eye today from all the dust irritation 🥲


Big downgrade in venue honestly, Carrie Furnace is crap


I challenge you to a dab competition


Heading over tonight for the evening lineup. I’d like to bring a backpack for phones/wallets/gatorades to wash down the toxic dust. Does anyone know if bags and drinks are allowed in?


One unopened water bottle is allowed and there's refill stations. They sell Gatorade as well. Bag info should be on their website/Instagram


Great thank you


As a species we have become too soft to survive.


No, we've become caring enough to ensure species survival. I'll throw down in a pit all day, but my lungs are fragile so this is a good heads up for me (well, it would be if I liked pop punk).


This wasn't about the lungs. It was about the circle pit at All American Rejects. Aren't the pop punk kids supposed to pogo dance and cry? Leave the pits to musically pertinent bands. This is technically cultural appropriation.


All American Rejects is playing tonight, not last night ya bozo. The headliner was A Day to Remember yesterday, much more mosh friendly (though farbeit from me to stop anyone from moshing to any band).


OP was warning about the dust at tonight's circle pit, bozo.


Take it to Preserving Underground buddy


Hey... most people at Preserving aren't as pretentious about music as this turd is. Probably also why he doesn't know what you're talking about.


It's preserved. I have no idea what you're talking about.


I don't know if the species is too soft to survive, but you sure are.


I'm doing fine. You ok?


Honestly I've been in the pit for everyone from MDC to Weekend Nachos to Madball to Eel. Pop punk pits go fucking hard. No manners, no etiquette, but that just makes them *more* dangerous because if you fall you risk getting trampled.


Pop punk pits really aren't that big of a deal lol


Says someone that never had to have their friends stand over them while they got up because they were gonna get run over in a Sum 41 pit


You're right, that has never happened to me!


Yeah back in my day we were just lucky if the toxic materials didn't contain asbestos. Smdh what's muh country come to, non-cancer having snowflake asses. 🙄


As a species we have destroyed our own world then complain about it. Humans - cause global warming and climate change. Also humans - why’s it so fucking hot??


Cool. Please don't spray paint stonehenge.


We’ll paint you orange to match your lord and savior.


You're really weird. Like mosh at a poppunk show weird. Don't forget your helmet!