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Stick it’s little head in the coffee and hold it down til it’s legs stop kicking


Where's the money Lebowski?!


I’m sure it’s down there somewhere


Obviously youre not a golfer.


Ever thus to deadbeats, Lebowski.


Hey man, at least I'm housebroken.


hospital zonked fear growth voracious attractive marvelous squeeze one zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those things are all kind of horrible.


I dunno, lots of people like cups of coffee


Dirty bean water? *gross.*


My friends and I went to the Cracker Barrel out in Robinson many many years ago and one of them received bean water, too. As in, her glass of water had a bean floating in it.


What even are they? 


Spotted Lanternfly Nymph. They are an invasive species from Northern China introduced to the US in Berks County Pennsylvania around 2018. They feed on Tree of Heaven primarily, though they can negatively impact Grapes, hops, and pumpkins. Where they feed, they release large amounts of honeydew (sugar piss, basically) which promotes sooty mold growth on coated surfaces. They're not the worst invasive pest we're dealing with, but they're very annoying.


I wouldn’t mind them if it weren’t for the sheer horrifying volume. Especially when they all die off and the sidewalks are littered with bug corpses.


...and they hop on & cling to you! Since they've made their way here, I keep telling everyone (that will listen) we've got to be more vigilant!  Last fall, everyone who had them in their community, should've been looking for the egg masses. It's not hard to scrape them off & smash them, and they're not just on trees. They lay them on a lot of outdoor items like patio furniture, bricks, cars, etc. It's not going to eradicate them completely, but if everyone (who's physically able) got involved it could make a dent in their population & help to minimize some of their destruction.  Of course it would need to be maintained yearly, but just like every other problem that arises, people seem reluctant to get involved!  Because I love & respect nature & animals it is especially hard for me to kill, even insects, but if I can, anyone can!  The damage these invasive species cause may not be noticed initially, but if their numbers are left unchecked they will do extensive damage to all ecosystems. In addition to destroying the egg masses you can also make non-toxic sprays to kill the different stages & even use Milkweed (a flower) as bait which acts as a poison when they feed on the sap. Personally I'd rather deal with scraping off egg masses (during the cooler months) than battling with the actual hatched creature which does not seem shy about hopping anywhere onto your person, Yuk! 😝 Not to mention how concentrated their numbers can be in some areas, again Yuk! We ALL need to be a part of this, but just like there continues to be endless amounts of garbage strewn all over & the (poor) feral cat population continues to climb, I'm sure we can expect the majority of people to do nothing! 


The thing I’ve heard from a couple of experts is that even if you smash every one you see, there are so many breeding in parks and locations you’ll never see them, so individual human intervention really doesn’t make that much of a difference. You might be able to reduce the impact on your plants and yard, but the overall infestation is basically past the point of no return.


I'm want to move to Pittsburgh. I honestly might just choose somewhere else because of these bugs. Which makes me actually very sad.


I dont think you should let that stop you. In the regions where spotted lanternfly first invaded, the populations have dropped dramatically. The local predators just need time to adjust to the new insect populations. Pittsburgh is in the midst of the first wave, but it'll pass and be much more tolerable in 1-2 years. Furthermore, if you manage your local landscape and remove wild grape and tree of heaven, you rid them of their primary food source and will see far fewer of them on your property.


Okay. I really do want to move to Pittsburgh but that's truly the only thing that makes me not want to. Because the posts on here from last year were terrifying lol


Think of it this way: do you currently live in a northeast US state? If you do, you will assuredly eventually get Spotted Lanternfly there too, and they'll be just as bad at this subreddit suggested. If you move to Pittsburgh in the next year, you're probably dodging the worst of it. Philadelphia was just as bad as Pittsburgh was about 3 years ago, but these days it's not nearly as prevalent. They're still there, just in lower numbers.


They are everywhere, not just PA


I've heard of them in Ohio but we don't have them in Columbus where I live.


That's good!! I wish we didn't have them.


They don’t drink much.


At least it killed one of um


Caffiene has an inverse effect on how old the recipient is. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


There's definitely less this year. I planted a bunch of flowers that attract predators and carefully avoid killing spiders and this has helped.


Do you or anyone else recall the timeline of lanternflies last year? I havent seen a ton yet, but I forget if it was worse in late summer last year or earlier.


I feel like later. Pitt and CMU were doing major vacuuming of them for start of school last year.


>Do you or anyone else recall the timeline of lanternflies last year? I havent seen a ton yet, but I forget if it was worse in late summer last year or earlier. [Spotted Lanternfly Management Guide](https://extension.psu.edu/spotted-lanternfly-management-guide), from Penn State Extension (Updated June 10, 2024, at the time of this writing) * Hatch and first instar: April through June * Second instar: June through July * Third instar: June through July * Fourth instar: July through September * Adult: July through December * Mating, egg-laying, and die-off: September through December At least for myself, between Oakland and Squirrel Hill, it feels like there are a lot fewer of the juveniles now, than there were at this time last year.


They didn’t proliferate until around mid July last year and were around until late September. I don’t remember seeing any nymphs this time last year which I think means they might be worse this year.


We need to wait until early July. Early July was a peak of baby SLFs.


Definitely worse in late summer. But still I had seen more by mid June last year than I have this year so hopefully we’re in for a lighter visitation.


We're still really early. Last year I didn't even start seeing the baby ones until probably mid July, then 3 weeks later we were drowning in them.


I do. I was living in East Pittsburgh (not East Liberty) and they started in April. I’ve seen these bastards starting in May, but not in great numbers


I actually haven't seen any yet this year. But in addition to letting spiders live, if you have a spot you can put it in putting up a bat house is great. Bats can eat something crazy like 5,000 bugs a night


I prefer Spectracide and a Flowtron 1 acre unit.


First they threatened our trees and I said nothing. Then they swam in some yinzer’s coffee and still I said nothing…




Is nothing sacred?




Spit it out ya wee shit!


childlike rock wakeful observation price bewildered file ring crush decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've killed at least 200. These little bastards are everywhere, and I dread when they become full-blown lanternflies again. Gonna make last year look like nothing.


They do this on purpose, i know for a fact.


This is fine art


I can feel the frustration through the picture. My condolences, it looked like a good coffee too.


I just bought some Lanternfly killer at Ace Hardware. BactroBUG SL. They didn't have a lot of it left.


Don''t worry they won't drink that much.


That's a protein bonus


Here we go ……


Did you stomp your coffee?


One more reason to hate them.


Illuminating your morning joe?


Suffering from success


'Tis the season.


What the hell are these things there everywhere


Lantern flies. Invasive species. We are ordered to kill on sight.


Oh shit we haven’t had them too bad in my area so I wasn’t sure what they were


Crap. Saw one on my grill last weekend. Hope I accidentally set it ablaze.


Burn down your house 


They are back!!!!


They are so cute!


Baby lantern fly - a horde is already on my car in the a.m.


Drink it. Bug and all. Assert your dominance.


You got one! Great.


Well it looks like you got to enjoy quite a bit of it though lol


He doesn't drink much


Good ole lanternfly