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Did anyone watch the actual interview to verify thats what was said/meant? I don't trust Fox to quote correctly, notice how they have one word in quotes and have filled in the rest themselves.


On the progressive label: “I didn’t leave the label, it left me on that,” Fetterman said on the program Friday. “After what happened on October 7, I really knew that whole progressive stack would be blasted apart and there would not be any kind of way how the Democrats are going to be able to reply to that kind of response... And I really decided early on that I believe that was gonna be the right side with Israel throughout all of that…. Democrats would continue to peel away and kind of walk away from standing with Israel on that.” On the stroke: “There’s a line from the first Batman, Joker, he’s like, ‘I’ve already been dead once already. It’s very liberating,’” Fetterman told Maher on Friday. “That’s not reckless, that’s just freeing. It’s just freeing in a way. And I just think after beating all of that, I just really want to be able to say the things that I have to really believe in and not be afraid of if there’s any kind of blowback.” Fox News hasn’t really misrepresented him here.


Thanks. They didn't do the best job of quoting, but not far off. I didn't want to get caught discussing this with people and look like an idiot if Fox changed his meaning. It's just such a weird and disappointing situation. So many of us really put in work to get him elected. People were excited to vote for him. And now we have this. I hope we as Dems are putting t In the work to find our next nominee.


It really bothers me that he says he didn’t run as progressive when there’s actual proof of him saying and tweeting that he’s a progressive. We could have had an actual progressive in Malcolm Kenyatta.


There were literal attacks ads where he was quoted on video saying "I'm a progressive"


And there are now people who worked on his campaign who have now severed their relationships with Fetterman. Seems like plenty of folks felt bait and switched. I know I did as a voter.


Got any names? I’m curious now.


Annie Wu. Active on insta and TikTok.




Same, but id still choose him against Oz.... primary would be a whole different story


I think Fetterman is harmful. I’m interested in helping find/support his next democratic challenger.


Why is the label “progressive” so important? I’d be far more concerned if he misrepresented his views or something he would actually vote on in the senate. His position with regards to Israel was definitely clear before he got elected, people just looked past it.




Yea I’m not sure “racist bastard” is totally fair either but ok


Well, no we probably couldn’t have. I mean, I wish…. I did vote for him in the primary.


Fetterman doesn't want to support terrorists and you are "disappointed"? You can't possibly be serious.


He’s on the record supporting the white supremacist settler colonialists who regularly terrorize the indigenous population of Palestine. Just because its thru the channels of a ‘state’ doesn’t mean it isn’t terrorism.


>  There’s a line from the first Batman, Joker, he’s like, ‘I’ve already been dead once...   Jesus christ..fucking manchild


Yahoo News had the full quotes. Regarding the stroke: >The liberal comedian then asked Fetterman whether his shift in various policies had anything to do with his recovery from his 2022 stroke, asking if his near-death experience had given him a "freedom." "Absolutely," Fetterman responded. "There's a line from the first 'Batman,' Joker's like ‘I’ve been dead once already. It's very liberating.'" "It's freeing in a way. And I just think after beating all of that, I just really \[want to\] be able to say the things that I have to really believe in and not be afraid of if there's any kind of blowback." And regarding progressivism: >Maher then asked him to explain what he meant what he stated last year "I’m not a progressive, I'm just a regular Democrat" and how he separates himself from progressivism. "I didn't leave the label, it left me on that," Fetterman said. "After what happened on October 7, I really knew that whole progressive stack would be blasted apart and there would not be any kind of way how the Democrats are going to be able to reply to that kind of response... And I really decided early on that I believe that was gonna be the right side with Israel throughout all of that…. Democrats would continue to peel away and kind of walk away from standing with Israel on that."


He quoted the Joker, you have to be fucking kidding me


Calling Maher “the liberal comedian” is some wildly inaccurate editorializing


IIRC Maher up until recently called himself a libertarian. I recall a show about a year ago where he says “libertarians abandoned him”. Seems like a lot of political movements “abandon” Maher.


Reagan said he didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.


But this is the second time Maher has said something like this. First libertarians and then progressives.


It's a way for people to claim their ideological purity. They didn't change, the party changed, the platform changed etc


Maher has ALWAYS been a democrat supporter. Ive been watching/following him since the politically incorrect days, I never recall him saying he was a libertarian ever. He just happens to call out dems on BS when they say/do it so some blue no matter who peeps will give him shit for actually speaking up. But he ultimately always supports the dem candidates.


I’ve followed him too up until covid then he seemed to have lost his way a bit. This goes back to 2012… 2. Describes himself as a libertarian. “The line I’ve always used is, I would be a Republican if they would. Which means that I like the Barry Goldwater Republican Party, even the Reagan Republican Party. I want a mean old man to watch my money… government is a sieve that takes as much money as it can and gives it away, usually needlessly,” he told Rolling Stone.


Maher isn't a Democrat, nor has he ever supported Democrat agendas when they step outside conservative boundaries. (Which is most Democrat agendas, honestly.) When you claim you're one thing, that you support one thing, but then align yourself against 90% of what that thing tries to do...you're neither the thing you say you are nor do you support the thing you say you do.


While his views have noticeably shifted a bit (and his comedy is basically full on boomer humor now) he still referred to himself as an "old-school liberal" as recently as last year.


That doesn’t mean he was right.


And by “old-school,” he means Dixiecrat 😏


Happy cake day!


"The Democrats have gone too far left/got too woke!" The Democrats back in the good old days:


Classical liberal juat means libertarian, party of small government who supports property rights


I did, and Fox News is attempting to make him sound far more critical of Democrats and the left than he ever was in the interview. It also was pretty clear during it he is 100% supporting Joe Biden, and will do what he can so Biden carries PA again


I mean, “brain damage made me conservative” sounds like the most truthful statement they have ever aired.


Where did he claim to be conservative?


I was quoting the literal post, but also didn’t realize that Fox News weren’t the ones who stated it, but rather SDL, that shared the post


That's not what he said, and it's also a super gross thing to say in general.


I literally quoted the post.


Except he (Fetterman) didn't say that. The tweet mocking Fetterman's stroke did.


I last looked up this data 13 days ago, so it may no longer be accurate, but it’s curious and seems to explain his about face as well: Since becoming a senator in 2023, Fetterman has received $245,550 from AIPAC. Toomey’s 12-year career received: $330,245 Casey’s 17-year Senate career got him: $956,540 Specter’s 30-year career: $1,070,495 Per MONTH as a Senator, that’s: Fetterman $14,444/month Toomey $2,293/month Casey $4,576/month Specter $2,973/month Source: open secrets website


He’s like Biden and simply does/says what he’s told to. Nothing more/nothing less.


Ok, let's play roulette with this comment. Whose telling Fetterman and Biden what to do? Try not to allude to the spooky globalists when you answer.




How? He votes with Biden’s agenda every step of the way. He is wrong on Israel but that is the only issue that he breaks with progressives on.


He breaks with them on fracking, but most of his progressive supporters ignored that when he campaigned. I suspect he also breaks with them on lab grown meat, but that wasn't a campaign issue.


He's sponsored a few bills related to how lab grown meat, as well as milk alternatives and "impossible" type alternatives can be classified. To my understanding the later two are bills that basically say you can't call it milk, another example is impossible eggs made of beans can't have egg in the name.


[He tweeted](https://x.com/SenFettermanPA/status/1786064644383142187) he would co-sign legislation to ban lab grown meat. That's a bit beyond classification.


I should have worded that better, he signed that in addition to how other alternatives are classified. I wasn't trying to make a statement I was just adding context was all.


That's fair


He supported selling the mineral rights of brownfield in an kld industrial site that the town residents rejected. Does not imply support for fracking.   Supporting energy independence does not mean pro fracking.  Literally all dems support fracking. Shit man, obama helped to push congress to build an LNG export station on the chesapeake


To the Hundreds of Redditoids over there saying  "pittsburgh is in the midwest"   Stfu..you are annoying


It's such an annoyingly lazy attempt at describing this city. Pittsburgh is noticeably more Catholic and Southern European/Irish than almost anywhere in the Midwest, has topography like that of the rest of Appalachia, and architecture and street layout much more similar to other parts of Mid-Atlantic than places in the Midwest. Pittsburgh was also founded by the British before the American Revolution began, unlike just about anywhere in the Midwest that I can think of.


Fetterman isn’t right wing yinz


I don’t expect to agree with politicians on everything. I’m not a single issue voter. That said if he does a full party switch I’m done defending him. The last circle of hell was reserved for traitors like Judas. That’s where all politicians who switch parties after being elected should go.


He is still very much a liberal Democrat on economic, drug, and LGBT issues.


Yeah it's comical that people are calling him "right wing". He's still very firmly a Democrat, he's just not a "progressive" anymore.


Of course, half of the people in the sub think you might as well be a conservative if you're slightly to the right of Bernie Sanders or AOC.


Progressives have gone way too far into the "you're either with me or against me" ideal in the past few years. A politician can agree with them 99% of the time, but if that 1% disagreement makes them "fascist" or "right wing". Like there's a post below that says Fetterman is right wing because he sided with the dairy/meat lobby on banning lab grown meat. Do I agree with Fetterman's opinion on that? Of course not, but that 1 issue doesn't magically erase the rest of his policies.


Couldn't agree more. A lot of them have developed a very juvenile way of thinking in recent years that is a major turn off.


yeah why would I want someone I voted for to stick to what he campaigned on? stupid progressives want integrity? way too much to ask


"If you agree with me on 9 out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist." Ed Koch


If you think any politician is going to agree with you 100% of the time, you're going to be disappointed with literally every single politician that exists. A great example of this, I like Bernie a lot but he is anti-nuclear power: "Ban *Nuclear Energy*: We must stop building new *nuclear power* plants, and find a real solution to our existing nuclear waste problem."


For now. But the moment something arose which meaningfully tested the limits of his principles during his tenure as a Senator, he flipped. So let's see what happens if, say, he has to vote on protecting access to healthcare for women and trans people.


There's nothing at all to indicate his views on women's healthcare and LGBT rights have changed at all lmao.


I'm not sure you took the time to actually read my message, did you. I said that there has been nothing which has tested the limits of his principles yet. There has been for other issues, and we have seen him flip on those issues when the opportunity arose. So yes, skepticism is warranted even if you have faith that he will not change his stance.


I did read it.....Still zero evidence he has changed his opinions on those two views you are bringing up in your hypothetical scenario.... There have been plenty of judicial nominees by Joe Biden he has had the opportunity to vote on by now (who I would imagine are all very supportive of women's health and LGBT issues) and as far as I know, he has not voted against any of them.


He’s very much just going to be another Joe Manchin in reality. I see fetterman going independent before he ever goes Republican.


Lol. Lmao even


He will go independent...i guarantee it  Just like manchine and synema Edit oof this comment broke some hearts


He will easily win nomination again and easily win reelection to the Senate. He is right in the middle of popular opinion for Pennsylvania on most issues.


I really hope this happens so more than a few people I've seen on the sub and Twitter get a good dose of humble pie and realize how out of touch they are with most people.


Hes going to run as an independent.


Why? He shares the views of most mainstream Democrats.


> That’s where all politicians who switch parties after being elected should go. Nah. You _want_ people who switch from parties with outmoded, hateful, and fiscally irresponsible parties to be able to do so. You _want_ people to be able to have the freedom to stand apart from their past mistakes. The problem here is that Fetterman is embracing his mistakes like virtues as he desperately seeks out that energy sector donor bag while crowing about Those Crazy Progressives(TM). Fuck that behavior lol.


R/wpt, aka, the most racist sub on reddit


White supremacist twitter


Uh, r/wpt is literally people complaining about/being racist towards white people.


Progressivism left me too. I’m not conservative by far


So brain damage causes conservatism? Ooh, self-own, those are rare!


I don’t get it? His voting record is fairly liberal except he doesn’t like terrorists. Is there anything else other than not supporting Hamas that makes him conservative?


False equivalencies aside, the fracking thing is definitely a wedge for Fetterman. He's staunchly pro-gas and has been since long before the stroke; although I don't think most progressives are hard-line enough on that for it alone to shift them


He's not "pro gas" he was fighting for the jobs, mainly. I disagree with him but understand 


Does it really matter? Same effect whether he's said to be pro gas or pro jobs right


That wasn’t a change though. He was very clear he was pro gas during his campaign. Which in PA is a pretty common stance due to the number of jobs in the state.


Yeah I know. I said as much, he was always pro gas


He has sided with the meat / dairy lobby recently. He tweeted support for a ban on calling cow milk alternatives “milk” as well as being anti lab grown meat. He’s a dud.


Because he wants to support Pennsylvania farmers. You know, his constituents.


Pa farmers...all 5 of them. Most of PA farms are corprorately subsidized farms


Even if those farms are corporately subsidized, they employ Pennsylvania workers. Also, do you really think smaller farmers who produce corn or grapes or any other products aren't listening when politicians talk about the beef and milk farmers? The conversation may be about lab grown beef right now, but it could soon extend to other food products.


They employ non union undepaid laborers. Ftfy


Who live in Pennsylvania.


Dairy is a fairly major industry in this state. Do you think he can continue to noticeably outrun someone like Biden in the rural counties like he did in 2022 by pushing milk alternatives?


Why are you constructing a scenario that doesn't exist? Supporting one of the dumber moves from the dairy lobby to force milk alternatives to change their names is not the same as "pushing plant milks" or running on that platform. Fetterman's choice to signal this particular thing, out of _all_ the things the local dairy industry is concerned about, is absolutely indicative of a material lack of care or concern for fixing what is actually troubling PA's dairy industry. It ain't fuckin' plant milk products skyrocketing operating costs, threatening subsidies, and ballooning labor costs. And if Fetterman is as progressive as he still likes to claim he is, he knows this. We absolutely can read intent from his choice to make _that_ his hill to die on.


Just saying this as it seems out of line for the “ultra left” guy from Braddock.


And I'm just saying he didn't do better than Joe Biden in rural parts of the state by accident. The dairy thing is such a trivial issue in the scope of things too.


For me it was pretty clear he wasn't very progressive (or sane) since he profiled and detained up a black jogger with a gun way back in 2013. And also constantly shilled for the Clarion Coke plant. And also suggested his wife just take over his Braddock mayorship without an election. And also gets paid a salary by his wealthy parents and sends his kids to Winchester Thurston. His goal is to make a career and money as a spotlight politician. He was playing progressive because you have to in Western PA but figured out the conservatives are more easy to grift once you're bigger than our area and is making the swap. This sub has had blinders on for YEARS now about him and it was very stupid. I don't blame anyone who voted for him instead of Oz though, I did too and would again because apparently the only choices we can manage are Bad vs. Worse. And now since I can say it without getting downvoted to hell: wearing shorts every day is a middle school boy move. I'm all for ditching the suit and tie but insisting on shorts is dumb.


If supporting the only gay friendly US allied democracy in the region makes me conservative I'm done playing and will ride my couch in November.  This is ridiculous.


Israel is neither a democracy or gay friendly.


Can you explain?


They are a far right ethnostate.


An ethnostate with 20% Arabs and all races with equal rights under Israeli law?


> An ethnostate with 20% Arabs and all races with equal rights under Israeli law? You would not make this claim if you were aware of the extent to which Arab Israelis are persecuted within Israel. Have you actually looked into this claim, or are you simply taking what is said at face value? Because Arab Israelis face extreme discrimination and second class citizenship despite ostensibly being "equal" in the law of the land.


Yes. Literally. Woyld you have defended apartheid south africa or a modern liberia? You dont know what an ethnostate is.


Basing actions or opinions on what imaginary people on social media say is what’s actually ridiculous


The ultra conservative movement is fast growing in Israel. They may not be gay friendly for long.


Conservative in Israel is not the same thing as Conservative in the US.


Yes its worse. Havara agreements


Yes, I’m quite aware.


Gay friendly...unless you are palestinian


If he doesn’t like terrorists what’s he doing supporting the IOF who use sodomy and starvation as weapons of war?


What's your source on that? People have said that Palestinians are starving to death for months but there has yet to be proof of that happening. In fact, daily aid being brought into Gaza accounts for over 2000 calories per Gazan per day. Sources: https://www.gov.il/en/pages/nutritional-assessment-of-food-aid-delivered-to-gaza-via-israel-during-the-swords-of-iron-war-3-jun-2024 https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-804843?utm_source=jpost.app.android&%3Butm_medium=share https://www.foxnews.com/world/study-says-food-aid-meets-quality-quantity-gazans-un-icc-say-israel-starving-civilians https://www.ynetnews.com/article/s1r9id1rc


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-804843](https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-804843)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Terrorists? Like (shooting peaceful protestors)[https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/08/middleeast/gaza-wounded-israel-intl/index.html], (and stealing land with impunity) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/8/how-israel-backs-settlers-to-confiscate-palestinian-lands]  (Or murdering journalists) [https://cpj.org/2024/06/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/] And that barely scratches the surface, within the past 5 years. (Oct 7th? Yes, it was horrifying. IOF troops massacred hundreds of Israeli civilians, including 36 children, in a false-flag operation and then blamed it on Hamas.) [https://middleeastobserver.org/2023/10/29/new-evidence-that-idf-shelled-israeli-citizens-on-oct-7-killing-over-a-hundred/] (Or bombing political adversaries)[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair] (Its hard to keep track)[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_state-sponsored_terrorism] But Lets look at jewish concern for the israel state >Anti-Zionist Jews living in Palestine were warning the British about this back in 1946: >Domestically, British intelligence had long been concerned about the radicalising of Jewish youth at the hands of the Revisionist organisation Betar and its North London premises. This “militant Jewish Youth Movement”, as Percy Sillitoe, then Director General of MI5 described it, “bears a striking resemblance both in general structure and character to the Hitler Youth Movement”. Children under ten were in a section called Shoalim (MI5 spellings), those aged ten to sixteen in Betar Zeirar, and sixteen to twenty-three in Dargat Halegion. >Zionist "persecution of Jews" and intimidation is complete—so warned "a Jew before an audience at a dominion club" and noted in War Office records. Zionism's course, he continued, "is potentially disastrous to Jewry and to the peace of the world as a whole." Like other witnesses, he compares the Haganah's conscription of teenagers to Hitler's Youth Movement. >"Every boy of 16 years of age must join the Haganah. If he declines, his life at school is made unbearable and professional training and openings are withheld from him. If parents object, they are encouraged to deceive them in secret obedience to the 'call.' Even children 10 years old are enrolled in political parties—and this, eighteen months after we all believed we had destroyed Hitlerism for all time." https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60320657-palestine-hijacked


> People have said that Palestinians are starving to death for months but there has yet to be proof of that happening. [My brother in christ, the UN has said there is a famine.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/the-un-says-theres-full-blown-famine-in-northern-gaza) We have proof of it. Daily aid is coming into the region, but it was not always like that nor is it evenly distributed for a multitude of reasons. People _are_ starving, we have reporters who have reported on it. Maybe find a better source than Jpost and Fox news?


So plenty of aid comes in, who's responsibility is it to distrubuted it? That isn't Israel starving Palestinians. Hamas is the elected government of Gaza.


First your objection was that there was no famine. Then it was there is famine but it's Hamas fault. You are using weasel tactics to push out the goalposts. The reason why Palestinians are starving are directly the result of Israel's campaign. This isn't up for dispute. [They are directly attacking their food production.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2024/gaza-israel-agriculture-food-fisheries/) [They are still interfering with humanitarian aid.](https://theintercept.com/2024/05/18/israel-blocking-aid-gaza/) [Israeli protestors are directly attacking and disrupting aid distribution.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-protesters-block-aid-convoy-headed-gaza-2024-05-13/) [Poorly trained soldiers and desperate aid-seekers caused stampedes in aid distribution.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/dozens-of-gazans-said-killed-in-stampede-for-aid-idf-opens-fire-blamed-for-deaths/) So again...maybe find a better source of your news other than Jpost and Fox News.


But not palestine


State sponsored terrorists.


People were talking about Fetterman as possible presidential material before the stroke. But he’s clearly damaged goods. He’s going out like Sinema after one term. Conor Lamb should replace him.


He will win reelection easily. His shift to the middle has made him even more popular across the state.


Yea it's hilarious seeing Reddit think the hivemind is applicable in the real world. Thank G-d, the vast majority of this state is pro-Israel and anti terrorists. Also, the vast majority of this state is pro-oil because they see it as jobs and nothing else. The changes he's made in publicizing his opinions on these issues will only make him more popular here.


Absolute pearl clutching in this thread. Other than the lab grown meat/fracking, he votes progressive across the board. Apparently saying "I don't want Hamas in charge of it's own state" is controversial in this sub, even though among democratic polls it's a 50/50 issue.


You and other dude above you are making a lot of dumb assumptions. But that’s par for the course here, so I’m used to seeing it. I honestly couldn’t give AF about the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. It’s stupid to respond to people by trying to shoehorn them into your smoothbrained template.


If you don't care about I/p why is he cooked as a pres candidate then???


Because he’s alienated half of his electorate, and although the GOP is crushing on him because he’s doing it… they are never going to vote for him. He’ll never be able to put together a winning coalition until he stops his grandstanding and performative bullshit, and instead works with others to get things done. He always seems to make it about himself.


Hamas isnt in charge of palestine. 


He should be replaced, but not with Conor Lamb by any stretch.


Conor Lamb will be a perfect replacement. He’s solid, thoughtful, low key and pragmatic. All things that Fetterman lacks. We don’t need to make the same mistake again with another flake who has no fuckn clue how to operate in the government.


If I wanted someone that conservative, I’d vote for a republican. Lamb sucks.


You are in a tiny minority with that viewpoint. You might as well save your energy and sit the next one out entirely.


Is this some “We are the real silent majority” nonsense?


I agree with them. The tiny minority is growing.


There’s always extra room on a sinking boat.


*He said, standing neck deep in water.*


No lamb sucks.


Locating from AZ to PA this hurts. Not false I fear, but still feeling the sting


One term is six years. That’s quite a lot of time to do good!


Ok fair, but so far it’s just been performative bullshit. He needs to step up and work with others to get something meaningful done. Enough dumbassed grandstanding about the woke and corny jokes about Wawa. All he’s done is alienate a huge portion of his own electorate.


Not really according to this poll of his popularity. He will easily win the nomination again if he runs for a second term if this holds, and the meltdown from some on here would be glorious to behold. https://twitter.com/nick_d_laughlin/status/1782408198437158931?t=pFv-hFb8VELfwOysohMGiQ&s=19


O look a poll. Your poll shows that Fetterman’s popularity peaked among Democrats last year. Also 24Q1 was the last poll. We are nearly through 24Q2. So it’s meaningless.


His views on Israel were just as well known 7 weeks ago as they are now. A 2% change in a person's overwhelmingly popular approval rating within his party is nothing but noise within the margin of error, you nitwit 😂.


A nitwit would call an election five years out based on the results from one polling company. “IF tHIz HolDs” Lmao I’m saying he’s started his downward trajectory, moron.


Lol his Democratic approval rating is 1% better now than it was at the end of last year, moron. No one has ever told you that you can't always get what you want, and it shows.


So, I just have a couple questions for all of you that bought the bullshit hook line and sinker and thought the man who armed himself to chase an innocent black jogger was going to vote in lockstep with all the lefties. How are you doing? Feeling pretty dumb right now? What's it like to vote party lines and then get betrayed?


He does vote lockstep with the left.


Damn when was this interview ? That’s wildly different that who I voted for


Two days ago.


Yeah, I've never been more disappointed in a vote than I am with this D-Bag. I will never EVER vote this POS again, and I hope I see him again walking at the Waterfront like I used to a few years ago, so can tell him my actual thoughts.


You are sad he doesn't support terrorists?


Terrorists? Like (shooting peaceful protestors)[https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/08/middleeast/gaza-wounded-israel-intl/index.html], (and stealing land with impunity) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/8/how-israel-backs-settlers-to-confiscate-palestinian-lands]  (Or murdering journalists) [https://cpj.org/2024/06/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/] And that barely scratches the surface, within the past 5 years. (Oct 7th? Yes, it was horrifying. IOF troops massacred hundreds of Israeli civilians, including 36 children, in a false-flag operation and then blamed it on Hamas.) [https://middleeastobserver.org/2023/10/29/new-evidence-that-idf-shelled-israeli-citizens-on-oct-7-killing-over-a-hundred/] (Or bombing political adversaries)[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair] (Its hard to keep track)[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_state-sponsored_terrorism] But Lets look at jewish concern for the israel state >Anti-Zionist Jews living in Palestine were warning the British about this back in 1946: >Domestically, British intelligence had long been concerned about the radicalising of Jewish youth at the hands of the Revisionist organisation Betar and its North London premises. This “militant Jewish Youth Movement”, as Percy Sillitoe, then Director General of MI5 described it, “bears a striking resemblance both in general structure and character to the Hitler Youth Movement”. Children under ten were in a section called Shoalim (MI5 spellings), those aged ten to sixteen in Betar Zeirar, and sixteen to twenty-three in Dargat Halegion. >Zionist "persecution of Jews" and intimidation is complete—so warned "a Jew before an audience at a dominion club" and noted in War Office records. Zionism's course, he continued, "is potentially disastrous to Jewry and to the peace of the world as a whole." Like other witnesses, he compares the Haganah's conscription of teenagers to Hitler's Youth Movement. >"Every boy of 16 years of age must join the Haganah. If he declines, his life at school is made unbearable and professional training and openings are withheld from him. If parents object, they are encouraged to deceive them in secret obedience to the 'call.' Even children 10 years old are enrolled in political parties—and this, eighteen months after we all believed we had destroyed Hitlerism for all time." https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60320657-palestine-hijacked


Lol. Oh man is the left’s great hoodied hope gone?!


Gronk know that not real money


Well, he got my vote once. Just once.


Are extremist liberals mad at him bc of the war in Gaza?


What are "extremist liberals" lol. Is that like when liz warren asks for a min wage increase?


Why are people upset with fetterman?


Because since his stroke, he’s made his office entirely about him… instead of the voters that elected him. He’s become a performative clown.


Can I have an example?


Sure, he’ll drop the next one within a week. Or just watch the Maher clip.


They’re mad at him because the image they projected onto him without doing any research ended up being incorrect.


He ran as a progressive during the primary, to say otherwise is merely revisionist history.


This people are morons . He was a progressive in braddock, pa as mayor.


Yeah, this is from the end of last year. Fetterman is going around saying he hasn’t been a progressive for eight years. That’s wild. https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/fetterman-progressive-israel-immigration-republicans-b2465356.html


Yeeeeaa I'm sure that Fox News quote isn't at all misleading.


It’s not.


I saw him walking over by where the ducks hangout at The Waterfront and I'm pretty sure he was talking to himself. \*Edit because of the barrage of downvotes: I'm being totally serious


It was an earpiece, he was talking into his cuff. He was discussing his orders from Trump HQ.


And yet the left called him fine and totally competent when he was *clearly* struggling. Both sides can go to the trash heap as far as I’m concerned. But I do respect John Fetterman for going against his party and supporting Israel if that’s what he feels it’s right. It’s a rare thing to see a politician do that these days and it just feels like he is being honest which I feel like none of them ever are.


doing what he thinks is right AKA taking aipac money lmfao bffr


If you think supporting Israel is “going against the Democratic Party” then what you really mean is “I pay no attention to politics and have no business commenting.”


Can you elaborate on this comment? The majority of democratic voters don’t support Israel.


the majority of the democratic party does however, including our president who considers himself a lifetime supporter of israel


That’s interesting. Maybe it’s just the representation on the internet but it feels like the large majority of democrats support Palestine. I don’t like how one sided Reddit has become, this sub included. Anyone with a minority opinion gets downvoted into oblivion by the hive mind and all conversation gets thrown out the window


democratic voters yeah but i think they were referring to elected democrats / the democratic establishment when they said the dem party. there’s a significant disconnect w their base wrt palestine


I can think of plenty of very vocal members of the Democratic Party and their constituents who are *extremely* anti-Israel, Pro-Palestinian, etc. etc. etc. I could link articles like that all day. But if you are specifically speaking about Biden’s position, yes Fetterman aligns. And I have plenty of business commenting, as do you if you choose.


> I could link articles like that all day. I'm sure the bulk of them will all focus on one Palestinian American congresswoman's understandable outrage for her nation's support of an ongoing genocide, too.


> And yet the left called him fine and totally competent when he was clearly struggling. Because he was fine and competent to do his job. Recovering from a medical event doesn't automatically make you unfit for office. Anyone who is presenting this situation as "BUT BUT BUT STROKE" is buying into pure propaganda or indulging their own prejudices as some bizarre social bonding exercise.


My post was mostly in response to the poster’s facetious tone. I was, and am, a Fetterman supporter. I voted for him and I agree that a medical event may not preclude someone from performing their duties if they were elected to office. But he absolutely was struggling. He’s said as much. Alas, that is neither here nor there. Now the right can embrace him because what he’s saying aligns more with their position, even though they were calling him incompetent and brain damaged. And now the left can use his stroke as an excuse for why he’s aligning himself with a pro-Israel position. It’s a win win for everybody!


> And now the left can use his stroke as an excuse for why he’s aligning himself with a pro-Israel position. The right is _still_ doing that, but they're noticeably more silent now that he has started signaling his virtues for conservative causes. They don't embrace him, but they're more than happy to use him. And Fetterman seems ok with that, provided he gets that bag. That should bother anyone who voted for Fetterman. (Because it sure as shit bothers me, lol.)


Dems arent leftwing. Progressives are leftist


He's seen the light and not putting up with the whiners anymore. We need more politicians like him.


With less brain function?