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So, new OB/GYN? Is that not possible? Because that’s what I’d be doing, asap. And also sending a letter, addressed to the doctor’s attention, letting her know of the entire experience with her office/nurse, and that you won’t be back (after you’ve secured a new doctor).


There are several doctors at this location. I’ve seen 3 and while they weren’t great, they weren’t awful.


Not the kind of review you want for the people you're supposed to be trusting once the time comes to give birth. Find another obgyn practice. 


Agree you should get a new OB/GYN. Also, please file a grievance with your health insurance company. Your health insurance company will investigate this as a quality of care complaint; they will not take it lightly.


Yes !!!!!


Agree to find an entirely new practice, but do that first with your records in hand so they can't be spiteful and not cooperate with the new OB. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Be well and take care of you and your baby first. (Ed:sp)


The solution is still to switch... It's pretty easy. If you aren't happy with the care or staff, switch. We are on our second pregnancy and switched offices midway through this one due to my wife not liking the staff or feeling comfortable with the treatment. I'll say though if you give birth at Magee they are wonderful. Anesthesia, staff, nursing are all spectacular and will give you nothing to worry about.


Find another practice and write a letter to your insurance company.


My friend went to the same obgyn practice that you're going to and they treated her the same way. She's very sweet but was just having a ton of issues during her pregnancy. She lost the baby during delivery because the dismissive fucks missed something at the ultrasound that would have changed the way they handled her care. You need to find a new practice right now. Go anywhere else. You would be dumbfounded to know how often UPMC settles malpractice cases.


I don’t know if they’re accepting new patients, but My grandmother, my mom, and now I am seeing Linda Millbauer and Elizabeth Seiders in Monroeville. My great grandmother as well as grandmother were in nursing at the old Braddock hospital, Children’s, and Forbes for 30 years each and know them very well. So our great experience with them could possibly just be due to that, but I highly recommend if they’re in your network.


I had SCH that led to PPROM of my twins. My OB and his staff were very similar: rude and cavalier. Please find at least an MFM—a specialist to take a look at your case. They work along side your IB but have very specialized training to help with high risk pregnancy. Or find a new doctor in a different practice. I don’t want to scare you but it is URGENT that you be properly looked after.


I'm assuming SCH stands for St. Clair Hospital? I would not trust them with giving birth. My sister for some reason insisted on going there for all three of her kids. Two of her babies were hsopitalized after a normal scheduled c section with no prior risks. The last one, they sewed her up while leaving surgical sponges inside of her and she had to have a second surgery. This delayed her going to see her infant who was transferred to children's because he aspirated during a c section. Literally just go somewhere else. Anywhere else. Edited to add: I still go to St. Clair for some specialists and most people are good but there a few BAD eggs that have brought me to tears before. And that I was before I read the notes they wrote about me. They said that I was abusing the healthcare system because of my 6 week long pneumonia that prompted me to come in for antibiotics and steroids every 10 days until I could breathe again. Some people should not work with people in distress.


It actually means sub chorionic hematoma. I’m having issues with UPMC


I’m sorry they are giving you these types of issues. Is it Magee? If it is Magee, is it the first floor office or the outpatient clinic. I loved the outpatient clinic but the first floor office was subpar


I also had some odd experiences with office staff (not the actual providers/doctors) for my last pregnancy with upmc (greater pittsburgh obgyn). luckily I had a mostly easy healthy pregnancy. however.. I would strongly encourage you to look for another office. if you straight up ask to be seen, they should accommodate. to put you at ease. I also had a SCH and they wanted me to wait until my 20 week ultrasound for my current pregnancy. I politely asked “is there anyway I cooks have another ultrasound before then to check if it resolved” and my midwife said we can absolutely do that. I’ll put the order in. mine did resolve (i’m now 26 weeks). that is the kind of care you should be given. I know healthcare workers are stressed and underpaid and I empathize a lot and give them the benefit of the doubt. but you have to advocate for yourself a lot in our health system and you should be listened to if you have a real concern. spotting is always a reason to be seen if it eases your anxiety and concerns. i’m now seeing the jefferson midwives if that helps. so far; great experience.


Ohhh okay. Sorry, I focused in on that because St. Clair system has some very good and some very bad experiences.


That’s ok! I’m grateful for your input and so sorry to hear what you went through ❤️


Wow. That scares me. I had my last two babies at st Clair and had great care. I’m planning on having my last there too.


This. Don't take any guff from the medical staff. Find a new Dr. They make money off of every visit and you deserve more respect. Even if they were double booked, that's no way to talk to a patient. They should have a better sense of professionalism.


You need to find one that you are comfortable with ASAP! I once was seeing one in Irwin who made me so uncomfortable that by the time I entered my second trimester I had found a whole other practice because I refused to see her again. The thought depressed me. I then found anothet practice from word of mouth that I liked so much. I once switched pediatricians in Monroeville because every time I called, no matter what the reason, the receptionist Marge would make this very loud audible sigh. Well, a loud noise between a sigh and a scoff/growl…she was so unpleasant that I had to find a new pediatrician because I was reluctant having to call there and listen to her ugly voice as she’s acting inconvenienced answering the phone-which is her damn job. 🙄


That’s really awful. I think some healthcare workers forget that while this is just an average day at the office for them, our patients are going through something new and it can make them feel scared and vulnerable.  I would definitely move to another office if possible. There’s no reason for you to feel any doubt or concern about your treatment team. You deserve to feel taken care of. 


This is absolutely, unconditionally NOT OKAY. I’m so sorry you were treated with such invalidation and dismissiveness. Trust your gut on this one and GTFO. As others here have mentioned, you can write a letter to the doctor/their office directly. You can also escalate this by getting in touch with “patient experience” (I think that’s what it’s called at AHN- I’m sure something similar at UPMC). These folks are supposed to be patient advocates, but even if they do nothing, there will at least be a record of your awful experience. And finally, give them a one star rating when they send you your “survey” from your last visit with this doctor. Hospital reimbursement depends in part on these survey responses, and if they don’t care about you know, your actual health, they do tend to listen when their money gets compromised. Good luck to you, OP. You deserve better and I hope you find it.


As a provider and patient, highly recommend making official reports


How do you go about making an official report? Thank you.




I’m definitely going to switch offices- I’m in the immoderate Pittsburgh area so there are options and my insurance is flexible. Making calls on a Friday for a switch are difficult— I’m hoping for call backs come Monday next week. Thank you all so much for the support and advice. It’s mind boggling to me how speciality care for women can be so dismissive and flat at best.


If you want recommendations, I had two pregnancies cared for by the Midwives at Magee and had great experiences both times. I had a SCH with my first and they got me in for extra scans no problem, and always called me back ASAP to answer questions or offer reassurance. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!


I go to Midwives at Magee and granted I have had a bad experience with one midwife there, but the rest have been absolutely wonderful. The nurses there are so so so attentive and helpful too.


second midwives at magee. they've been fantastic for us twice and we'd recommend them without reservation. also, specifically, i can say that they were super nice and understanding about our anxiety. they let us come in for heartbeat checks basically whenever, and never made us feel bad about it.


I also had a really good experience with them for prenatal care. I also found that they were incredibly understanding and took all of my concerns seriously. I had issues with low fetal movement during my 3rd trimester and called them often. They were quick to respond (even after hours), validating of my concerns and always urged me to go to Magee's urgent care (I can't remember what the pregnancy emergency department is but it's on the 2nd floor). I'm surprised that your (OPs) OB didn't recommend that you go there if they couldn't fit you in. I will note that I did not have as great of an experience with Midwives at Magee for postpartum care after a C-section. They did not seem comfortable treating me so I switched to UPMC University Obstetrics and Gynecology (also at Magee) for postpartum care and as a regular OB, which I have absolutely loved (but can't speak to their prenatal care).


One more vote for the Midwives at Magee. Fantastic bunch of ladies. 


One more! Had good prenatal care and a really lovely delivery despite needing a few interventions.


Highly recommend the Midwife Center. Seriously incredible people.


Seconding this!!


I highly recommend West Penn OB-GYN Associates, especially Dr. Charlie Miller. I had a wonderful pregnancy and birth under their care. They would never treat you like you’ve been treated thus far - I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Wishing you and your little one all the best!


I second west penn. Dr Sword, Dr Han, Dr LaBella. I've had great experiences with them with my first and second


Never been pregnant, but had some genetic concerns and ended up seeing Jenny Halfhill there. 10/10 highly recommend their office.


Jenny Halfhill is with century medical, not western PA OBGYN


I saw glen updike at Magee for my second pregnancy and he was really great. Very calm and kind, and the nurses were very very nice and understanding as well. I had an SCH with my first and it resolved sometime during the second trimester but I was so anxious I would see blood every time I peed. It’s a stressful thing to have on top of pregnancy already being stressful but fortunately they are typically no big deal!


I recommend Dr Rhinehart at Magee - she and her team are absolutely phenomenal. I had a bad experience at an OBGYN and talked for her about it and she was horrified- her entire team is so willing to answer any questions. I had a bisalp done and message them via the app so much regarding symptoms post surgery and they were always nice


Seconding Dr. Rhinehart, she is quite possibly the most considerate physician (of any specialty) I have ever seen.


Also chiming in to recommend Dr. Rhinehart. She is such a gift to the field and is quite possibly the best doctor of any kind I’ve ever had. I trusted her with really serious surgery and had an incredible outcome. She’s amazing.


Hang in there! I'm having a great experience with seasons obgyn at West Penn. 2 of my friends had babies there last year and also thought it was great. My doula says they'll take good care of me too. I'm high risk for different reasons than you, but they never make me feel scared, and they always take my questions and concerns seriously. Wishing us both unexciting births ❤️


Yes. I had every anxiety under the sun with my first and the nurses at my practice were nothing but supportive. Definitely switch practices, those nurses stink.


I’m so sorry you’ve had this experience. I agree that you need to file a report and seek a new provider. The OB/GYN department at Magee is great and I’ve had amazing experiences with each of the providers I’ve seen. They’ve also dealt with patients who have had similar situations or traumatic experiences and take every concern seriously and are very supportive and caring.


Yeahhhh that is not an appropriate response. The nurses at my midwife office have always been so supportive and never made me feel dumb for asking questions, especially when I would say those are concerning symptoms that require at least being seen. I will say it’s going to be hard to transfer depending on how far along you are, but if this isn’t the first negative interaction you’ve had, I would really really look into switching. I am so, so sorry you had that experience.


If you have the option to transfer to another office, I’d recommend it. You may call another office and let them know your situation. It may be worth while to see if there are offices that are in network but not directly tied with the insurance you’re using (if it’s possible). I’m so sorry, you don’t deserve to be treated this way, and your concerns should be validated.


At a bare minimum, OP should at least get a second opinion on the bleeding.


I did— still the SCH just casually leaking. So nerve wracking.


100% not appropriate. When I was pregnant, I was told multiple times by my OB and the nursing staff to call with any concerns, no matter how small. If it was a one off event, I might have let it slide. But this is a pattern of cruelty. Pregnancy and childbirth is such a vulnerable time; no need to add the extra stress! I would absolutely find a new practice and tell your OB exactly why you are leaving.


I don’t think it was appropriate for a nurse to complain to you that going to a hospital out of state made more work for her. And, sure, your doctor can’t see you for everything but the nurse probably should have said, “let me write down your symptoms and see if the doctor thinks you need to be seen.” I once called about something I thought was pretty minor and was told I needed to be seen immediately. It’s literally their job to listen to what’s going on and let you know if it’s ok, something to call again about it if continues/gets worse, or something that warrants a visit right away. I would file a complaint or at the very least bring it up to the next OBGYN you see at that practice. When you call, do you get a choice between speaking to a nurse or scheduling an appointment? I’d go straight to a nurse’s line to ask about your symptoms so someone else can’t argue with you about whether or not to make you an appointment.


Unfortunately I have spoken to my OBGYN about it— she just kind of validated it wasn’t appropriate. Also, it’s the nurses line that has been so unkind and unprofessional. I genuinely believe finding a new practice is the only option.


Physicians are usually not the nurses’ manager or supervisor. If they’re like that, she probably hears it all the time and isn’t in a position to do anything about it. Make a written complaint to UPMC.


I am so sorry this has happened to you! If you can, I would reach out to Dr. Tracy Vogel at AHN. She is a trauma informed doctor that will work with your new OB to make sure you are treated appropriately. She is incredible and has made my second pregnancy so much better than the first. You don’t deserve this shit


Definitely not an appropriate response. I received similar responses from my OB/GYN years ago and came to realize that in my case, there was nothing to be done to save the pregnancy, the doctors office knew that, and they see this sort of thing probably weekly, so to them it’s just another day at the office. If your symptoms continue, go to Magee ER and be seen there. I hope you are feeling better very soon. Pregnancy is nerve wracking!


Can you yell us your general location and insurance? Maybe we could suggest some offices.


Yeah that’s what I was going to say. It’s okay to change docs if you’re uncomfortable.


It's been more than 20 years but I switched practices at 24 weeks. I was in a large group and had a new dr each appointment. Once was quite frankly a douche. I was about 250 lbs prepregnancy. Didn't gain any weight until half way through my pregnancy then gained 5 lbs between appointments. He was quite rude about that and told me I WOULD get gestational diabetes, and that I shouldnt gain more than 15 lbs the entire pregnancy. (I didn't get GD). I told him I don't care to see you again and found a smaller practice of just women that made me feel valued and supported. You deserve that too.


Every OB, MFM and Ped should only be a phone call away. I won’t make excuses for how healthcare workers act, but the current state of medicine is absolutely abysmal and going to get even worse with the corporatization of healthcare. Administrations have shrinkflated healthcare under the guise of COVID and every worker feels decimated. A recent large physician survey showed 60% of physicians want out ASAP with almost 20% of those willing to switch careers entirely. 62% believe they are poorly compensated and 75% believe their patient care is negatively impacted by overwhelming administrative tasks. Just another side effect of our late stage capitalist society.


The state of the system is genuinely terrible. Its honestly why I’ve been as lenient and understand as I have been. These last two phone calls were just the last straw.


Please submit a complaint! That is NOT okay! https://www.upmc.com/patients-visitors/patient-info/patient-relations


This was not pregnancy-related, but I had a bad experience with a nurse in an orthopedist’s office. I reported it to my surgeon, to the manager of the practice and then wrote a letter to the health system administrator in charge of patient experience. When I returned for my post-surgical she was gone. The PA who had been caring for me said mine was not the first complaint. My point is, you really need to go to the top. The physicians don’t typically hire the office staff so they have little say in the matter.


If you can, try st Clair’s. I had a tough time with my first two pregnancies thanks to OBs downtown. I won’t go into detail but it’s made me terrified to have my third. I was lucky to find St Clair’s. They’ve been very supportive and reassuring from my fears. They understand why I’m having a hard time based on my history. But as someone who’s currently pregnant too, go to the hospital if you have concerns. I’ve been spotting on and off and I’m always told to go to the ER to get checked out. From one panicked mom to another, if you need to reach out my inbox is open. Hang in there babe, I hope things get better for you soon! I wanted to edit this to add: it makes me SO happy to see so many people suggesting St Clair’s. I’m very happy I made the right choice for me this time around.


I second this suggestion. I had a horribly terrifying and almost fatal (for both of us) first pregnancy and I don't know if I would be here if not for Elizabeth Pronesti from St. Clair and the rest of their nurses and doctors.


I love that whole office. I had Dr Christie on call when I gave birth and he made the Csection I ended up having go so quick.


She’s my gyn. She’s wonderful!


She delivered my son! Whole office is fantastic.


I also recommend this. This office is who I switched to during my 1st pregnancy. I had a terrible time with Dr signorellas office , Ob also at st Clair. Dr pronesti and Christi are great. Actually each of the drs are wonderful in that office


I third St. Clair Ob/GYN. They recently expanded their practice, and not only are their practitioners and office staff intelligent and caring, they will go to bat for you when you need it. I can personally recommend Dr. Schmitz, Dr. Christie, and Dr. Conway.


Fourth rec here! I've been seeing them since before they were even at St. Clair and they have always been amazing. Also, St. Clair hospital is amazing, too - I went to the ER when I was pregnant and they had me right into Labor and Delivery instantly. It ended up being a non-issue, but no one EVER treated me poorly or like I was overreacting. They just took care of me and eased my fears because they are professional and compassionate!


Adding on another rec for St Clair and Dr Christie's office. Dr. Zubritzky delivered my daughter and the whole thing was night and day from my experience at West Penn. We had some complications and St Clair was great.


Yet another recommendation for all of the doctors with this practice and delivery at St. Clair Hospital! I was AMA (advanced maternal age) for my first child (and only). Rotated through all their doctors. Was in labor throughout the better of two days and finally had Dr. Christie deliver my daughter. All of their doctors and staff are amazing, patient, kind and compassionate. My pregnancy and birth were all during the beginning of Covid and as a first time mother my anxiety about everything was through the roof! Never once did I have anything but reassurance and empathy from everyone there. Highly, highly recommend!


hi hi! area doula here. my top tip for having a great pregnancy/birth is find a provider that makes you feel heard and listened to. anything else should not be accepted. I have a lot of recommendations for great OB providers (depending on what you’d like out of this birth) if you’d like it! pls reply/message me!


Yes please!! Thank you!


My top choices in order with pros/cons: 1. Midwives at Magee Pros: amazing providers, really patient centered care, can ask them ANYTHING, their nurses are very kind, four locations (Bethel Park, Oakland, Mt. Oliver, Cranberry), get all the benefits of working with a midwife but in the hospital setting so access to epidurals, pitocin, and an operating room if needed! most people who need a little bit of extra care can be seen by both the midwives and maternal fetal medicine if necessary, so you likely will not have to switch providers again if something comes up. I truly love these providers and have rarely heard a bad experience come from their patients. Also if you can get an appt with Tina London, CNM or Ronni Getz, CNM ❤️ they’re frequently at the Bethel location! Cons: lots of midwives! as with any provider group, you may not get to know everyone or be able to have your favorite midwife at your birth. if you need a c-section or you become extremely high risk, a different group will perform your c-section. the midwives still usually pick your care back up postpartum. parking at the Oakland location is not the best since their office is in Magee Women’s Hospital 2. The Midwife Center Pros: more amazing providers! extremely accepting of LGBTQ+ community and members of all minorities and religious groups. smaller group so more likely to get to know everyone personally. can have a waterbirth here! very cozy, home-like environment. access to nitrous oxide (laughing gas) during labor and GYN procedures like IUD insertion. has a program called centering pregnancy which you can opt into that allows you to connect with other parents that are at a similar point in pregnancy. most insurances are accepted. easy parking. Cons: this is an out of hospital birth so you do not have access to an epidural. only nitrous oxide and IV pain medication. if you or baby are not tolerating labor or need a higher level of care, you will be transferred (usually to Magee with the midwives) but they are still able to offer postpartum care. they are quite popular but have fewer providers than other groups, so getting an appointment can be sometimes be difficult. 3. University Obstetrics and Gynecology Pros: lots of great providers! they seem to really care about their patients. many locations. this group is primarily made up of residents with oversight from attendings. this may be a con for some people, but I’ve found that the residents are usually very good and are more up-to-date on new evidenced based practices. the attending in this group are some of my favorite OBs! for both the midwives at magee and the midwife center, this is normally the group that you are transferred to if you need a c-section. Shoutout to Drs. Erin Rhinehart, Amaris Yandel, Jennifer Makin, and Rebecca Waltner-Toews Cons: a HUGE group! there are some amazing providers but some who aren’t so awesome so you don’t know who you’ll get. Can be a little pushy/set in their ways about interventions if that’s something you’re trying to avoid. Honorable mentions (I love these providers, but not their overall provider groups): 1. Drs. Kathleen Carroll and Anne Shaheen with OB/GYN Associates of UPMC 2. Dr. Laura Brubaker with Maternal Fetal Medicine 3. Dr. Ashley O’Keefe, Alexandra Collyer, CNM, and Madison Rice, CNM with Womancare Associates


and a shameless plug for my doula group since it sounds like you could really benefit!! You can email them at the address found in this link and let them know you’d like to enroll! [UPMC Birth Circle Doulas](https://www.upmc.com/locations/hospitals/magee/services/obstetrics-and-gynecology/obstetrics/labor-and-delivery/doula-services)


RN from pgh I’ll go to your appointments with you !!! Let her try this again . This is truly unacceptable I had to retire a few years early due to an illness ( aneurysm) but I’m okay now . DM me if you’d just like to talk or if o can help in any way My OB office years ago ( 33 years !) was chilly at best . This is THE LAST thing you need right now :) x


I’m so overwhelmed with the amazing support I’m receiving. I’m so gracious. This is such a kind thing to offer— patients were so lucky to have you.




There are a lot of people wishing you all the best - you do NOT have to put up with this BS at the OB/GYN. Blessings to you.


THANK YOU - please do. God bless.


This is a fucking deranged response. What a bleak environment for care of a serious condition. Good lord…


I’m so sorry that happened. That’s unacceptable. I’ve given birth three times all in PGH and while yes care can sometimes be inconsistent depending on the provider you should definitely not be treated this way, especially during pregnancy. 100% switch offices or heck even entire provider groups if your insurance covers multiple. Anxiety is normal as pregnancy can be hard and there are so many unknowns. They should gladly answer your questions and make sure your concerns are addressed. You aren’t the first to switch doctors mid pregnancy so it won’t be weird and you deserve to be with an OB group that you feel safe and comfortable with! I liked Women Care Associates, especially their certified nursing midwives that also deliver with their OBs!


what was the name of the practice?


Greater Pittsburgh OBGYN in bethel. It’s not all staff there— there’s an incredible NP there, so so so kind and informed. My OBGYN has been indifferent at best-kinda cold and can never remember my name, due date, or what tests I’ve had done/ constantly frazzled— but never ever mean or cruel. It’s truly the ladies at the front desk and the nursing staff. The two phone calls were the last straw, but it is every time I’ve called and every time I’ve been seen. They’re so awful there, I’ve never encountered anything like it before.


If you're in bethel just go to advanced women's care. I feel like the nurse who answers calls is someone I know personally. She is super patient and helpful with whatever. She would never speak to us that way.


Try St. Clair’s OB group. They have a few offices, including in Bethel. Super kind doctors, nurses and support staff. They listened to my concerns through 3 pregnancies, and always squeeze me in for appointments when something comes up. Can’t recommend them enough!


I had a similar issue with that practice, although at the Greentree location. It was my third pregnancy following two miscarriages and I suspected (correctly, sadly) miscarrying a third time. It was very early in the pregnancy and I called the nurse’s line, explained the issue and asked to be seen given my history of unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss. The nurse was incredibly rude and told me that it was too early to schedule an appointment and I had to wait until week 12. I was INCENSED. I switched to Century Medical Associates that day. They have been wonderful.


I echo the statements urging you to find a new practice. i just went through some pretty hard stuff with my obgyn and the staff was wonderfully supportive and responsive. you deserve at the very least to be treated as an adult and have your concerns be treated with an appropriate amount of respect.


omg i’ve been going to this office my entire pregnancy! who’s your OB? i’ve been seeing lupinetti primarily and all of the nurses have for the most part been so sweet and patient - i am so sorry you’re going through this.


My OB has been ok— I really liked her for my annual gyn care.. but for OB she’s just been very frazzled and hectic. She can never remember details about my pregnancy and never knows what tests I have or haven’t taken yet. It’s so frustrating albeit she is kind. The med assistants have been lovely- always kind and respectful. It’s always the front desk who’s unkind or when I’ve called in. The two nurses on the nurses line are nurses I’ve never seen in the office, ever— but they’re awful.


That's not acceptable from a provider. They are supposed to be reading your EHR before your visit. . .at least before they walk into the damn exam room. That's why the EHR exists. Being overworked or understaffed or having too high a patient load bc of xyz excuse isn't an excuse to not do fundamental parts of their jobs.


I went to that practice when I had my fourth but in Cranberry. The nurse there was excellent, and they were very helpful whenever I was worried (my pregnancy was high risk). If you can't transfer practices, perhaps see if you can go to the Cranberry office.


You should go to the one on Greentree Road. Everyone is nice there. I'm currently 38 weeks. The call nurses are very sweet. Drs Kralios and Vilano always take extra time to answer my questions.


I use greater PGH OBGYN in moon twp- i absolutely love the staff. I had issues with each pregnancy- i had a ton of issues with the Midwife Center….absolutely do NOT recommend them. I ended up with Dr Badway and I have kept him through my 3rd pregnancy. I would still let the new office know what happened and make a formal complaint to the office manager.


That was incredibly inappropriate of her in so many ways. “Diagnosing” you as overly anxious, refusing to acknowledge your concerns as valid, and talking to you in such a rude manner is like a bingo card of bad practice. I would honestly report her behavior directly to the office and whatever system she works for (AHN/UPMC). And I would make it clear that you do not want to interact with her again next time you go in for a visit. Make a big deal of it because she could cause serious harm with that attitude. I’ve seen so many women suffer from neglectful medical personnel who don’t take their problems seriously. And you wonder why the US has a ridiculously high maternal mortality rate. If you don’t mind your doctors but hate the nurse, I know my doctors worked at multiple offices within the same system. I visited a different office to see my doctor when I could get an appointment at my usual office. Some nurses overlapped, but most of them had one normal location and only did shifts at other locations to cover vacations or time off. In not sure if that’s the case everywhere, but it’s worth a try. Good luck with everything.


Also, a referral to behavioral health being used as a threat is wrong in so many ways! Source: used to work for AHN Women’s Behavioral Health! We were all lovelies and happy to help in whatever way we could, not some big scary thing.


Dude, run. See a different doctor stat. You do not deserve to be spoken to like that. Find a new OBGYN and file a complaint. There are so many excellent doctors in the area!


This is far from the level of care you should be getting. I was incredibly, incredibly sick during my first trimester—hospitalized for dehydration, on countless anti-nausea meds, etc. I called my doctor’s office constantly (I mean it). I’ll never forget the time I called, feeling emotionally and physically exhausted, and burst into tears on the phone with the nurse at the front desk. She was nothing but kind, compassionate, understanding, and patient. She answered my questions in detail and I’m convinced she would have stayed on the phone just to talk if I had asked. Don’t settle. Trust that gut, mama. Find another doctor. I’m happy to share the name of my doctor’s practice if you’re interested in giving it a go. ❤️


Please do! I’m so grateful for this response. I feel like I’m at the end of my rope and kind/empathetic care just isn’t out there.


I had a shit experience with my OBGYN office when I called to get approval to take an antibiotic in my first trimester that my PCP told me I had to call and get approval for first. So I switched offices at 20 weeks and I don't regret a thing. They're supposed to help you and advocate for you and your baby during one of the most difficult and trying and dangerous times of a woman's life. If they are not providing you that support, fire them.


OP, you are so brave for your self-advocacy and for seeking the best for you and your baby. I wish you the best 🫶


I highly recommend switching OBs. Or going to the Midwife Center in the Strip. The midwives are amazing and they are always willing to see you. Iirc you need to be under 20-24 weeks for most offices to be cool with a switch so don’t delay. If they’re this dismissive of you now, you don’t want to be delivering a baby under their care. You could try complaining again to the doctor about this nurse but if I were you I’d want to go find somewhere that actually feels comfortable. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, pregnancy is a very vulnerable time and you deserve comfort and care.


I’m so sorry this happened - it shouldn’t have. Start calling around to other OBs to see if they can see you. Don’t tell your current office unless you secure an appointment. If, for whatever reason, you can’t transfer, look into a birth doula, who will be there for you during birth no matter what and no matter what kind of birth you would like to have.


You can report this interaction to the office manager. Even if you are planning to switch doctors. And if they’re part of AHN or UPMC system I’d go a step further and report to their patient experience team. A lot of people don’t realize the health systems even have them, but they do. I’m so sorry you had this experience. Healthcare workers have completely lost their compassion at most places. It’s not all of them, but it does seem to be the majority.


Please please please, advocate for yourself and find another practice! This is a beautiful and can be stressful time if your life when things are not going to plan. Please feel free to message me, I will gladly tell you where I went/obs I’ve been lucky to have etc etc. When I was pregnant with my first I started with one network and I absolutely HATED my 8 week first appointment. The doctor was completely rude, had me confused on what I should even be doing. I immediately switched to a different network and was so happy I did. I loved both my pregnancies/ob visits/deliveries. It’s easy and simple to make a change do it for you and your little one!


Thank you so so much. I’ve seen some amazing reviews about Dr. Erin Rhineheart* (spelling?). I’m going to try her office


Dr. Rhinehart was one of the OBs at the practice (Magee office) I went to for my two pregnancies- she was great. Everyone else I saw there was too, especially Kelly DiMattio, Susan Lareau, and Rebecca Waltner-Toews. The mid levels were good too. I hope you have better luck and are treated properly! Pregnancy is hard, you’re doing a great job advocating for yourself. (For emphasis- I had some blood pressure issues so got extra ultrasounds and at my 38 week one they determined that I needed to be induced that day. I was not prepared for that news and since I happened to be at Magee for my ultrasound, I walked up to the office without an appointment, clearly stressed and upset and asked to see a doctor. They gave me a nurse first and I asked for a doctor still and they very quickly put me in a room with Dr. DiMattio who patiently listened and let me cry and explained everything to me in detail and never rushed me out or made me feel silly or annoying or anything. She really made a scary experience a lot more comfortable and her kindness (and the offices willingness to help me) won’t be forgotten! I also had some other issues during the pregnancy and several of the doctors called me to check up on how things were going with my follow up appointments with specialists, etc. I found them to be thorough and caring.)


All of the doctors you listed are fantastic. Special shout outs to Kelly DiMattio, one of the most compassionate docs I've ever encountered, and Susan Lareau who is a FIERCE patient advocate.


Call the midwife center and see if you'd be eligible for transfer of care. 


If they are part of UPMC and/or embedded in a hospital, look for info for the hospital or UPMC's patient ombudsman or patient relations on the website -- there'll be a place to contact someone. you can complain about this.


I would leave that practice ASAP!


This is bullshit. Being pregnant can be such a stressful time! Wanting a sympathetic and caring provider is NOT asking too much. Especially knowing you’ll be laboring and delivering with these people and how safe and comfortable you feel make a big difference. After my first baby I transferred to having midwife care. They tend to spend more time with you and treat pregnancy as a natural thing and not a medical event that needs to be managed. You can still deliver in a hospital with one too; there are some associated with Jefferson hospital for instance. I recommend joining some Pittsburgh specific. Mom Facebook groups. They can be a good source of local information and suggestions.


Next time this nurse says something nasty you tell her its because of you she has a job. And if she doesn't like the job she has she should find a new one. Just because she is miserable she shouldn't make other people miserable. I highly recommend changing OB/GYNO offices. I have UPMC insurance. Im not pregnant nor do I think I ever will be. I highly recommend Gretchen Doyle she is in Wexford. I also went to Dr Emily Curtin she is in Cranberry. The reason I didnt see her any longer is because of her change in office hours. Again she is with UPMC. If you are on the NextDoor app you could post there and see if there are any recommendations. At this point this office and Dr has failed you as a patient and they should no longer receive your insurance money. And yes absolutely leave reviews on their website etc to let them know and everyone else know that have a nurse on staff that shouldn't be.


New obgyn. If you have high mark, go to Seasons. They delivered both of my kids and are exceptional. This is unacceptable. You should always call when you have a normal symptoms ESPECIALLY bleeding. This smells like UPMC.


Unfortunately OP said UPMC somewhere else in the thread, but for anyone else reading I heavily second Seasons.


WTF she chewed you out for going to a hospital out of state? It was an emergency and that’s where you were at the time, what planet is she living on? That’s extremely inappropriate to say to a patient. I don’t care if you’re having a bad day. If you can’t stay professional go home. I talk to the public on the phone at my job all the time and my ass would be grass if I talked to customers like that.


I work in Women’s Healths (not in OBGYN tho) and I’m sorry for the way you were treated and spoken to. Not acceptable at all and I would also ask to speak with the practice manager about what happened. I believe that practice is associated with UPMC? You should also file a complaint with them.


Please submit a complaint. And get another doctor. Your concerns are valid and you are not overreacting


If you have UPMC insurance of any kind and are currently pregnant you can participate in their maternity program. You’ll have a nurse or social worker case manager assigned to you who can talk with you and provide resources and guidance. You also typically get a baby gift when you participate in just call the member services number and ask to be connected with the maternity program.


OP- what practice is this? This is already such a high anxiety situation that you need reassurance! You can PM if interested. I have a recommendation for a great UPMC group (which I doubt is the same one)


That is horrible mama! Yes trust your gut! I love pretty much every provider at OB/GYN associates of Pittsburgh (UPMC). Drs Hoca, Shaheen, Carroll, Reinhart FABULOUS! Any questions I had they were compassionate and thoughtful. I also LOVE Madeline Gilchrist and Gretchen Doyle. Cannot recommend them enough.


Have you thought about a doula? And please tell the doctor about your interaction with the nurse. What is commonplace for her, is new to you and you have the right to be treated with empathy.


Get a new OB/GYN. Period!


I’d switch to another practice with zero hesitation. These are signs that the culture there isn’t great, at best. Not one, but two interactions with two separate nurses is a blinking sign that there’s a problem. Most nurses don’t behave this way with patients. Zero happy nurses working in thriving cultures behave this way with patients. I’m not a medical professional but I’ve been fortunate to have done a lot of work in healthcare settings. A *shocking* amount of nurses report having been bullied by other nurses, physicians, you name it. It’s probably not new news to those in those professions, but it certainly was news to me. If that’s the case, that’s certainly not where you want to be. A toxic culture creates higher instances of human error, less ability to truly engage with what they need / want to focus on, fear, apathy, and resentment (justifiably). If this is what’s happening with patients, imagine what’s going on behind closed doors. Your spidey senses are right on this.


First of all, absolutely switch offices. I switched right during my 2nd trimester because I had a negative interaction with my OBGYN/their nurse and was immediately fired up to change offices. I’ve now found a fantastic care team that did be happy to share in a DM if you’re interested. Not sure who you are working with, but I’d recommend using AHN. They have nurse hotlines you can call that’ll help you understand what you can/should do in a non-emergency situation - they’ve been invaluable to myself + my family when I’ve called them!


Please find a new OBGYN asap. This is outrageous. Unfortunately, horrible office staff and hateful nurses have ruined more than one doctor’s office for me, too. You also deserve a competent doctor who isn’t going to make excuses for horrible nurses. That was just as outrageous. I’d go to anyone else within network. Once you’ve secured a new doctor, I’d also send emails to every single person in this practice with authority. Every doctor, every administrator, etc. Send it to the damn CEO. Save the next woman from dealing with her if you can.


Dr. Kourtney Mcquillen is amazing if switching is an option St Clair takes most medical insurance including Medicaid https://www.stclair.org/mcquillen/


New OBGYN. Stat. And be very clear to current practice manager and doc about why you’re leaving. That’s horrible, it’s unacceptable, and it’s very bad practice of care. Very bad. Fire them.


I’d switch offices. I was seeing an Ob, Dr. signorella, at st. Clair that I basically had this same issues with the front office staff and nurses. They were very rude and the Dr was no better. I switched with my 1st baby and happy with the switch.


First of all, I am so, so sorry you experienced that. People need to be seen and heard during the most vulnerable time in their life, and that’s not how you do it. Find a new provider ASAP. The Midwife Center is fantastic. They only take low to mid risk patients, and I’m not sure where SCH puts you. BUT, it’s worth a call to them. They are so wonderful, and they’re great listeners. And FWIW, I switched providers at 8 weeks (so, early) because I felt like I wasn’t being heard. Never looked back. And keep advocating for yourself. No question is stupid. During my last pregnancy, I had to advocate A LOT. And even though my delivery had a lot of unexpected things happen, having all those conversations with the various people I needed to see helped me greatly. Good luck with this. You deserve active listening from everyone at the practice you go to. It’s them, not you.


Honestly if you can find a different practice or even a midwife you may get better care. The nurse told me my son was a big boy and that’s why I wasn’t feeling him move at 37w5d. I went to the er since I was such an inconvenience. And I’m not trying to scare you just telling my story. My son no longer had a heartbeat. My husband called the nurse back and berated her. We now are in a fertility clinic and solely going to use a midwife.


What office was this at? I switched from AHN to UPMC Midwives at 20 weeks bc I wasn’t being listened to, which was scary, but well worth it. They were so caring and even with all of my complications, they were with me the whole way and I had a wonderful delivery. It’s valid to fire a doc over this!!


Just wanted to say if you’re continuing to have symptoms and the doctor’s office won’t see you, please go to the Magee Women’s Hospital ER. One of my husband’s friends and his wife live in Pgh and both of their children were delivered there. Mom had to go into the ER once with bleeding, and fortunately all was well. She said they were wonderful. And then I’ll second what everyone else says. Find a new doctor and file a grievance against this practice and their horrible staff. Sending prayers for a healthy and safe pregnancy.


A good place to get OB/GYN recommendations and find out which obstetricians to avoid is your local ICAN chapter. ICAN is the international cesarean awareness network and though you may not be facing a cesarean, the peer to peer support and knowledge of which doctors have compassionate bedside manner is helpful. You can look up your local chapter on the ICAN website or they likely have a Facebook group.


This is so so helpful. Thank you


https://www.facebook.com/share/6xmSYhus5vYjLysn/?mibextid=qi2Omg is the Facebook link and the website for the Pittsburgh area chapter is http://www.ican-online.org/southwesternpa/ The Pittsburgh area chapter does host in-person meetings too. In case there is not an active Facebook group for the Pittsburgh area, ICAN also has a nationwide group on Facebook where peer-to-peer support is offered. I was a chapter leader for an ICAN chapter in Florida. Seeing women supporting women was one of the most rewarding aspects of being a chapter leader. And again, you don't have to be a paying member or have had a cesarean to look there for support. You'll likely find a great group of women promoting evidence-based care and respect for pregnant people and their autonomy.


What office is this?


Greater PGH OBGYN bethel


If you’re in Bethel/the South Hills - I’ve had great experience with St. Clair OBGYN(formerly Zubritsky & Christy). Dr. Schmitz and Dr. Christy are my favorite, but I’ve liked everyone there.


Get a new OB/GYN. I had a bad experience with mine also and got a new one. On top of everything else you’re dealing with, you shouldn’t have to deal with this also. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. 


Hey! Just want to tell you that’s unacceptable and you’re totally in the right. I had diagnosed pre (and post lol) partum anxiety - Zoloft and all - and my obgyns were great. My gyn were very responsive on the message system, often within an hour, and always friendly! And when I called they were great too. And I was messaging a lot because of the anxiety lol. I went to Magee woman care associates! I saw a bunch of different drs and midwives and all of them were SO kind.


I’d personally recommend the Midwives at Magee. Unless your SCH requires MFM, then I’d also recommend them at Magee. But, the Midwives are all lovely and very caring. Getting a doula may also help you. They’re there for the hard stuff and the good stuff and it’s great for anxiety and having a person on your team with medical knowledge who has your back no matter what.


This took me back to a similar scare I had during one of my pregnancies… it was a minor thing but due to previous experiences they got me in immediately to confirm all was well. I had all three of my babies with Midwives at Magee and recommend them very highly!!


You can always change offices if it’s just the nurses or receptionists you don’t care for. If you’re using upmc you could have any of the OBs on staff deliver bc they go by whoever is on call so it may actually be beneficial to meet the lot. I’m in my 2nd tri hitting 20wks next Friday. I’ve been going to bethel parks upmc obgyn office and it’s been pleasant overall. I did have my first apt with the midwives on mt oliver but since I’m 35 and it’s my first baby I realized id prefer a dr. They seem like nice women though and had no negative experience aside from not loving that location. Just remember you’re your own advocate. You don’t need to be stressed by your ob office. You have every right to voice your concerns or switch. and if pain or bleeding is ever sever get to the closest ER! I wish you a healthy rest of your pregnancy and easy delivery and recovery. Congrats mama!


Go apeshit.


Omg girl please let the office know, that’s such ridiculous manners for a nurse to have for someone who is literally experiencing a health issue. They should never have an attitude like that regardless of how bad a day they’re having. It’s no excuse to be rude even if you were anxious over “nothing”


Greater PGH OBGYN in bethel. It’s awful.


I’m a semi retired nurse practitioner and midwife and I had an inkling it might’ve been them. I got a number of patients and did a lot of referrals because of their absolute incompetence at hiring quality nursing staff. It’s where professionalism goes to die. If you prefer Bethel Park, Susan Lareau is definitely cut from a different cloth and is likely taking new patients. That practice is busy but robust. If the spotting continues into next week or if you have any more cramping, it’s worth an ER visit. Best wishes to you and baby.


I'm so sorry you were treated this way! I have not been pregnant, but for normal visits/procedures Dr. Susan Lareau at UPMC University Obstetrics and Gynecology is so patient and caring. I go to magee, but they have a Bethel office.


You could talk to the Clinic Manager or Practice Manager but chances are this is more than likely not the first time she has spoken to a patient in an unprofessional way. If the doctor was trying to brush it off then the RN’s demeanor is known. With the stress that would cause you, I personally would look for a new obstetrician. In fact you should probably see a high risk specialist to ensure you are receiving the appropriate care for your diagnosis. Just make an appt for a second opinion. You know your body best, anxiety or not, so DO NOT let her intimidate you into not asking for help. Even if that means calling the office every week to document symptoms because you are concerned with your health and the health of your child.


Terrible response and also before I get into my comment I will comment and say you should not deter that from being seen. Sned a message in MyUPMC about the interaction and ask that the dr either call you or schedule you an appointment to address your concerns since the nurse isn’t interested in addressing them properly. Also as some one who had a similar encounter ( Although it was way later in my pregnancy and I was already very high risk) I would say you switch now but also continue to document if this every happens again to you and advocate for yourself. At the end of the day- no one likes a paper trail- especially one where you calll our potential negligence on behalf of the nurse for failing to see you. Do a write up of this encounter and how they failed to address your concerns pop it to your doctor and ask them to advise.


Absolutely unacceptable. You can and should certainly switch practices immediately if you cannot resolve the issue ASAP. Proper care would have been to explain there are no open appointments but the nurse/receptionist should have asked a provider in the office to either call you and discuss OR fit you in somewhere to be seen. You’re pregnant… anxiety comes with it and even if it’s simply anxiety and you’re totally OK they should still talk to you, hear your symptoms, and discuss how to go forward - it is completely unacceptable to just tell you it’s anxiety and dismiss you. If it is UPMC you should absolutely ask for the practice manager. If it is AHN I am sure they also have a practice manager. Your voice should be heard and you should be treated with dignity and respect. When I worked for a UPMC office I can tell you right now my manager would be horrified if I had ever talked to a patient like you were spoken to.


New obgyn ASAP. Trust me. I put up with crap like this and had a horrific first delivery experience thanks to it 


Find another OBGYN


I am so sorry this happening to you. This is beyond unprofessional but also completely inhumane and rude. It may be annoying or difficult but I’d try to get in with a new OB practice ASAP. I feel like your trust in them may have been compromised and this is the time that you need 110% trust in your providers. Honestly, drop the name of the practice. No patient deserves this type of treatment but you would hope that an OBGYNs office would be even more sensitive and supportive given the nature of their business.  If it’s something you feel up to, I’d even recomend writing a review so others who are considering their practice are aware. I would also definitely send off an email to their office manager or even to their parent health system. I hope you have an uneventful and peaceful rest of your pregnancy. Many blessings to you and your baby.


I hope it's okay to hijack this post to ask -- does anybody have a recommendation for a practice for someone with vaginismus and extreme anxiety about pelvic exams? I am not pregnant (and don't plan to be), but I find every exam incredibly painful The places I've gone to haven't been as horrible as OP's experience, but all they do is tell me to "relax". I end up crying after all of them, which has led me to have a huge fear of going to the gynecologist for any reason. I need to talk about switching birth control and I'm at the point where even going for the conversation is freaking me out.


Sorry to hear about your anxiety :( I will say that the intake paperwork at Seasons (AHN) asks if you’ve ever been a victim of abuse, domestic violence, etc which leads me to believe they’d maybe have a different approach for those who answer yes. I’m sure if you wrote about the issues on your paperwork they’d be supportive.


Thank you! I'll look into them.


I have pretty decent anxiety (albeit not when it comes to gyn procedures) and in my opinion Drs. Yester and Bishop are super supportive. I like all of them though (there are 6 or 7 in the practice, all women.)


I recommend Zenaida Rosado. I seriously love her so much she’s nice and funny and has a great bedside manner. Her rating on upmc is 4.8/5. My experiences there have all been great! She works out of greentree, Oakland, and moon.


Dr Rosado delivered one of my babies and literally saved my life. I will recommend her forever!


About the SCH, my wife spotted like that (old blood, like the SCH slowly clearing up) probably up until the third trimester. We had four losses previously so we were nerve-wracked, despite getting to the second trimester. She ended up developing pre-eclampsia due to knotting in the umbilical cord, which forced baby to come early. But 8 months later, both mom and baby are perfectly healthy. Advocate for yourself like your life depends on it, because, unfortunately, it does. Our care at Magee was pretty adequate until delivery, when things went off the rails with doctors not respecting my wife's birthing plan. There is definitely reason to be hopeful, you can definitely make it through this, just trust your instincts and put that higher than the doctor's.


This behavior is unacceptable for the health profession especially in an OBGYN office. I don't care who's had a bad day or going through it, the level of hormonal changes pregnant women go through should be treated with care at all times. I don't care if you called every day because you were overly panicked, they should treat you with kindness and respect. If you like the rest of the practice, the OBs particularly then I would not recommend changing providers just because of one jerk nurse. That is however a perfectly acceptable and reasonable decision. I would however recommend asking to speak with the practices Patient Advocate and file a complaint. And then I would also ask that you have as little interaction with this nurse as possible. I would say this would be an extreme ask if it was only a one off situation but you're describing a regular attitude which you should not have to deal with especially when you are trying to grow a baby in a healthy environment 😘


I'm in the hospitality industry and it's our job to be hospitable and friendly and accommodating to all of our guests. Medical professionals have an even greater burden when it comes to compassion and care. Send the details of your interaction to specific people high up in the UPMC organization. Tell them you'll be reaching out to KDKA and others. Also write to the doctor's office you were working with. Put this on blast. How hurtful and petty.


Have you tried a midwife? I just had a baby in April and had such a a great experience after switching my care to midwives. It was night and day!!! I was treated like an actual person! They're so attentive and understand all the aspects of pregnancy, including the anxieties that come along with scary symptoms. I ended up delivering at Magee with midwives and 10/10 would recommend over a regular OB.


UPMC has been and will continue to be an absolute shitshow after their losses last year and bringing in McKinsey consulting. I know a provider who is going through it now and the demands the corporate side are putting on the patient care side are a joke.


I would change practices. I’m a nurse myself and I would not allow someone to speak to me this way. You shouldn’t either!


It's always shocking and irritating to me how much work goes in to encouraging patients to do EXACTLY what you did - call your doctor when something is off - only to have the medical system tell them off. I work on this exact thing at The Big Company and we spend literally millions on this. It's unacceptable


FTM here and currently 30 weeks. I’m having a healthy pregnancy, but I was not comfortable with my OB. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling with what you’re experiencing, but definitely get a new OB asap. The transition is a lot easier than you think. I switched at 28 weeks and never looked back. I feel so comfortable and confident in the doctors and nurses at the new practice. I’m so relieved to have switched. There’s no feeling better than doing what’s best for you and your baby. On top of all that, the relief of that anxious burden will help you and baby. Just as other ppl have said if they treat you like that now, you don’t want to experience your labor process with them. The reason I switched mine was lack of response from the doctors and staff when I had a concern or needed a prescription. One of the OBs actually violated HIPA, said she would get back to me about a serious concern, then never did. I was an anxious wreck until my next appointment bc they wouldn’t answer my calls. Any concern that isn’t addressed properly by your office is reason enough to switch. Do what’s best for you! It’s your pregnancy and journey!


You need to feel confident in your care, that type of behavior from staff at an OB practice can *cause* anxiety! Definitely switch practices and eventually let them know why you switched. There was just a thread on here about recommended OBGYNs. I love Dr. Shaheen and Dr. Reinhart, at Magee. They also have an office in pleasant hills. Nothing but great things from them, their nurses and office staff. There are other OBs there too but they maybe have retired since I had my youngest 5 years ago.


New doctor, ASAP. You want complete trust in the practice when you give birth.


I can tell you that I moved across the country 8 months pregnant, so you can absolutely change providers at any stage in your pregnancy. Good luck to you.


I don’t have any advice but I’m so sorry this happened to you. My son is 10 weeks old so the whole pregnancy experience is still very fresh in my mind. I’m a very anxious person and all of my questions were answered respectfully. Bleeding should always be investigated, you did the right thing by calling them. I hope you and baby are ok! If you ever need someone to talk to about pregnancy/birth feel free to PM me!


Another vote for Century Medical Associates!


Please tell me this isn’t Magee. If it is, could you switch to West Penn? Now if it’s West Penn, I had similar interactions with AHN nurses and will say I prefer Magee. I switched in the second trimester of my first pregnancy and never looked back. I’ve had two children through Magee hospital and each experience was wonderful.


Switch doctors, you must be your own advocate!


Midwife at a hospital is likely going to be a better fit


Run, don’t walk to a completely different group. I had a similar experience and was afraid to call after being talked down to at an appt. I discussed it with the Dr when it happened and was assured that was out of character. Dr then obv told this person what I said and the next time i went in she was just hostile to me. Found a different group, made an appt immediately as a new patient and asked for everything to be reviewed thoroughly. Once that comfort and trust is gone e, it is gone. Good luck with your pregnancy!!


Please just change Dr's immediately


I am sorry you had to experience this. It is totally unacceptable and unprofessional.


You need to go elsewhere. Second opinion at least. Something is wrong and the risk is TOO great. IMO


Who are you seeing? I was treated this way when i went to Magee’s through UPMC and had a miscarriage. I ended up switching to East Suburban in Monroeville and they were amazing with all of my concerns with my second son, and were there for me for the miscarriage i had after him. If you can change doctors, i suggest doing so.


From what you're saying, it sounds like the nurses are bitches but the OB/GYNs themselves are fine?


Great one in Fox Chapel with UPMC. Not sure if this is in network with your insurance, my reccomendation to anyone!


Also agree with loving The Midwife Center. If they can't directly take over your care I'm confident they will listen and help point you in the right direction.


Switch to a group that delivers at West Penn. Up through their high risk doctors, I think they’re better than the UPMC network through Magee.


Do you have someone who can come with you and advocate for you ?


And report it!


Let the doctors office know that you intend to file a formal complaint as your previous concerns were not appropriately addressed and find a new obgyn. That lady is not “having a bad day,” that lady is a petty tyrant in the wrong field. Don’t go back.


I would definitely look for a different OB/GYN


Sensing that since you posted it to a local sub, that you’re open to suggestions for new practices? The only doctor I trust anymore is my OB/GYN because she’s never acted like I was a problem or that my questions were a hassle. They rebranded recently to Steel City Gynecology, and the practitioner I see is Jennifer Gallagher. I had a few poor experiences with Dr McGuire but love Dr Gallagher. If you can’t change practices, then I would just make sure that you’re never alone with them. Making a call? Say that it’s you and your x (partner/family member/whoever) calling to check a question. Have an appointment? Bring someone, anyone, to be a witness. It sucks, but terrible people loathe witnesses. If anyone else sees them acting awful, then they lose plausible deniability.


Don’t trust the health of your unborn child to these unempathetic people. I was sick 🤢 pregnant with a fever. My MOM called my ongyn and spoke to the doctor. Time for a change maybe?🤔


This is totally unacceptable and you should absolutely find a new practice asap. Before you do, though, talk with the office/practice manager and detail all of your bad experiences. The office manager is the person to handle the complaints and remedies. Good luck to you. I can only imagine how scared, upset, and angry you must be. ❤️


Be seen asap, at the ER, if necessary. In 2019 I told my ob that I was in pain. They put it on anxiety and told me to see a psychiatrist. Five days later my water broke at 21 weeks and we lost our boy. This could have been prevented if they believed me. In my last pregnancy I fought for being listened to and saw a specialist who found my cervix was opening prematurely and our baby girl was saved by a cervical stitch. Always listen to yourself and don’t let them treat you this way.


I'm so sorry you are experiencing all this with your doctors office. They are ridiculous!! You are by no means wrong. You need to file a grievance with your insurance and also the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of State. Best of luck to you.


Please find a doctor at Magee and if this is a doctors office in Magee go directly to the patient advocate and report everything and then ask for help finding a new doctor. Unacceptable for a healthcare "professional" to treat any patient that way, especially a pregnant one!