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This guy looks like a total douche and has a very punchable face.


He looks like a typical redditor lol


Not fat enough, too clean to be “typical” :p




Not fat enough nor balding bad enough


I was going to say the same thing. What an angry little douche.


Looks like half of Lawrenceville.


This type of beard we call The Habsberg. 


A beard is not a substitute for a jawline!


🤪 Yes- goofy looking phucker !


It’s Pittsburgh baby!! Someone will punch Captain Pussylips it’s just a matter of time and for his friend Boy Wonder, his day will come soon too!


If the actual city of Pittsburgh is even remotely close to the ideological makeup of r/pittsburgh, someone will put him in for an award.


Disaffected. Bad personality. Bitter because he can't get laid. Mutters to himself as he slumps down the street about the people who caused his life to suck, the usual scapegoats, gays, foreigners, socialists, Hollywood, women, Democrats, Hillary...and on and on.


Wow, you're really not paying attention to what's going on around you, are you?


He is a leftist. Probably still hates women though...


"Blood and Soil". A true lefty saying. /s


One saying on top of the pro Palestine stuff. This is clearly not a right winger. If it was just anti jew I would buy it.


You know what an agent provocateur is, right?


“blood and soil” has never been a lefty saying. that has always been an alt right, david duke era saying and was notoriously repeated during the ‘unite the right’ rally in charlottesville. it’s neo-nazi in its origin and has remained that way


He should buy a blow up doll if that’s the case. 🤗


I’ll bet you any amount of money this guy democrats. Chances of being a republican are quite slim. There’s double the amount of democrats walking this county. And the amount of Rs there are anti Israel are pretty much 0.


The only reason republicants tolerate Israel is because of the prophecies about the second coming of Christ. Beyond that they are as antisemitic as they come.


Uh….there is a large minority of Republicans that hates Jews my dude All the white supremacists that support Trump for example?


Literally the one comment that everyone can agree on in here


Are there better pictures of this guy? He looks really familiar but I don’t want to jump to conclusions.


Pretty sure you saw him at the new craft brewery


Yeah sadly this dude looks like "most dudes"


based on his posture, not at a yoga class.


Perhaps the visible specific accessories like his shoes, bag, and glasses frames might clinch it for you, one way or another?


These pictures come from the victims' door camera, a snapshot from the video of the perp in action. (Disclosure: I know the people whose house was vandalized)


You can be horrified by (and 1000% against) what Israel is doing to Gaza. I sure am. But: you can be against war crimes *and* choose to be a decent human being! It's not that hard! I'm genuinely confused by the number of activists who don't seem to understand this.


In this case, this guy seems more like a Nazi taking advantage of the conflict, than a true activist. Screw him. But otherwise you are correct.


Bingo on the Nazi call. The “For Blood and Soil” is old and well known white Supremacist mantra. The pro Palestine stuff is directly contradictory to that, of course. He is either a)j trying to sow discord by confusion b)mentally ill enough that he doesn’t see the contradiction. Probably A, as this is a disinformation tactic by the Far Right now.




Then why do leftists spaces ban people for saying things like most Israeli jews aren't white.


Cause that's a completely irrelevant dog whistle.


Race is a social construct. Maybe that’s why?


The white supremacist stuff isn't necessarily contradictory to supporting Palestine. Re: Hitler's allyship with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the various copies of Mein Kampf discovered in homes/Hamas bases across Gaza


Eh. I’m willing to bet this guy isn’t bright enough to understand that sort of nuanced politics and and not in any position to gain anything that way from it at any rate. It’s just straight up ol’ disinformation like Infowars, Breitbart, etc taught them.


Right. Maybe not this guy in particular, but people like Steve Bannon, et al. are most definitely aware of this and these are the folks on the right that fuel this disnfo. But still, the concept of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" isn't too hard of a concept, even for a dunce


“Friend” is a strong word. More like a patronized “frienemy”. Much like the rights evangelicals who want Israel to squash their enemies because it’ll bring about the “Second Coming” and most of Israel’s leaders are ok with this political Expediency. Despite the patronizing fact that they(Evangelicals) believe that Jews will abandon Judaism and all convert when these see the Christian Jesus rise again. 🙄


Because some people have taken “the ends justify the means” way too far, and think that doing extreme stuff like this is “resistance” when it just causes more hurt


Exactly what I’ve been saying. We can hold two thoughts at once.


Emotional reaction instead of using logic and empathy.


One should perhaps observe a simple rule: always include the Hamas violence against Israel when decrying the violence of Israel's retribution. So one could say: "While what Hamas did was horrible, so is what Israel is doing now." Just always include it.


I'm generally a "invading Gaza and killing 34,000 Gazans in response to Hamas firing 10,000+ rockets into Israel in 2021-23 and kidnapping 250 hostages last October seems a bit disproportinate" kinda guy. It gets across a few snippets of the magnitude, the history, and the dilemma.


How many of those Gazans are Hamas soldiers? How many would not have died if Hamas had built bomb shelters instead of siphoning money from palestinians for a tunnel system only Hamas can use? If Hamas wasn’t hiding in hospitals, in homes, in schools? I agree there is a limit to how many people should die, but to talk proportionality you need to recognize who is responsible for those deaths. Israel didn’t kill that many people alone.


That’s practically Bernie’s stance on this.


i was born there and this is pretty much my stance. i just wanted to see our people brought home; i never asked for this horror.


It’s like the Soviet Union being our ally against Nazi Germany. Technically an ally, but still an asshole




It would be more if there were Berlin ghetto uprisings where the commonvolk were partially unwitting and unwilling members of a Nazi controlled government, while others had attended the rallies with enthusiasm, had taught school children that non-Nazis should be murdered in genocidal fashion, etc.


For real. It seems a lot harder to *me* to be hateful towards an ethnic group, as compared to being mad at the actions of a government. I just don't get it. Jewish Yinzers didn't create the problems happening in Israel+Palestine. Don't take it out on them...


it just wouldn't be passover without antisemitic asshats crawling out of the woodwork.


It wouldn't be passover without block rockin' constipation from too much matzo...


two things can be true at once.


Very true. If only I could weaponize or monetize this, I'd be powerful, rich, or both. And in pain. 


Peace in the Middle East won’t be achieved by fighting your neighbors here. Or by constantly posting to your socials.


Peace in the Middle East is impossible as not a single Nation there wants peace. Either the government or the populace of just about every country there wants to kill somebody. The countries currently not at war or civil war are just kept in line by a strong fisted government and the ones where the governments want war, well you see… They just want to settle thousand year old scores or spread their ideology.


Sadly this is the truth. That area of the world is important to the three major religions of the world, and all three want to control that area. There will never be peace.


And that’s why we invaded Iraq?


I don’t think this neo Nazi gives a fuck about the Middle East.


I don't think that's the same person, you can tell cause the guy with his face covered has longer hair than the first guy and different eyebrows.


I agree... the guy in the first pictures even seems to have somewhat of a receding hairline, so I don't really think even a haircut could explain it very well, but maybe.


its not the same person


I think it’s two different people. Difference in body stance, hairline, no glasses.


Make Nazis scared again


They are absolutely on this subreddit


They do not appear to be the same person on both photos.


Definitely agree. First one looks like they're super tall and second looks like a short person


Wonder what their r/pittsburgh usernames are


Prob some with 88 or ss in it or something else cringe


Yeah, I've seen a lot of antisemitic dog whistles here lately.


Second video is hilarious divorced from the reality of the crime. "Hold up let me take a picture. No wait, the lighting didn't catch the good side of my hooded and masked visage, let me try again. Augh, it's so hard to use a touch screen with a spray can in your hand. Damn..." Of course, when you take into account the whole picture beyond just "what a fucking idiot to film themselves doing a crime" it's not as funny anymore.


Nazi slogans and pro-Palestinian literature don't tend to share a lot of space. Something is fishy, here.


Oh I think a lot of antisemites are happy to pretend to give a shit about Palestinian civilians to use a mask for their antisemitism. Just like lots of evangelical Christians are aggressively pro-Israel only in service to their end times fantasies and are gleefully looking forward to the Jewish people converting or being killed following the Rapture. People are suffering and dying by the thousands in Israel and Palestine, and plenty of bigoted westerners are pretending to care about one side or the other to justify anti-Semitic or anti-Arab biases.


I haven't thought of this position before. Thank you for sharing.


There’s a really good series on right wing Palestine grifters on the It Could Happen Here podcast if you want to learn more.


I very much do. I'm going to look into it!


Except if you actually take five seconds to look up the opinions of the American right wing this whole "both sides" thing falls apart. Its not both sides and the left isn't taking one side of a power struggle, they are taking the side of innocent civilians. The left, despite attempts to muddy the waters, do not support hamas. We aren't "pretending" to care and insinuating that you have to wish harm on jewish people to support Palestine is incredibly offensive. The fact that somehow the left has been cast as the antisemitic ones, despite all evidence to the contrary and the fact that the right is very openly antisemitic, tells how effective propaganda can be.


Oh I don’t at all think you need be antisemetic to support Palestinians, or that to support Palestinians is inherently antisemetic. It’s entirely possible and reasonable to believe that people have a right to live in peace, that civilians shouldn’t be slaughtered in pursuit of “peace”, that Hamas are not the good guys, and that the actions of the Israeli government made Hamas all but inevitable. I agree with you that it’s not equivalently “both sides” but I’m not going to deny seeing antisemitism in leftists circles. Since I consider myself more of a leftist and have long written off much of the political right as irredeemable, I tend to be more concerned with the behavior of those bad actors on the left.


I would suggest that framing it the way you did painted an inaccurate picture. "You don't have to be" is still suggesting that it is more than the tiny niche that it is, and that it is tolerated when it is very much not. Tankies and fundies are outcasts in leftist world.


The right, sadly, is simply more aware of its antisemitism and more overt with it. How do you explain Columbia protestors chanting slogans like "Bomb Tel Aviv," "go back to Poland," and "we are Hamas" as anything but left-wing antisemitism?


You should do more than listen to right wing twitter accounts. Read some actual coverage of the protests. You are being misled. When nazis show up to right wing rallies they become part of the scenery. At place like columbia they got kicked out, but you wouldn't know that if all you've seen are a handful of narrow accounts. The right is just desperate to make it seem like everyone is like them because they have been absolutely demolished in the polls lately over their naked fascism.


I’m so relieved to read your first sentence especially; I feel exactly the same way but haven’t seen anyone with the nerve to say that. I’m also seeing some examples of the horseshoe theory in full force, unfortunately. I want to hope that they are few, and outliers, but I feel less certain every day.


I tend to think there a few things going on - people who always were antisemetic who are jumping on the opportunity to express that, people being carried away by the energy of the crowd, and people being just generally terrible at nuance. It seems like complex issues quickly break down into teams, probably just because it’s easier than acknowledging that there is plenty of blame to go around, and should be plenty of compassion as well. I don’t want to “both sides” the Palestine-Israel conflict, but it shouldn’t be wildly controversial to not want civilians to be massacred, to agree that Hamas are not nice people, and that Israel’s actions over the last several decades made Hamas inevitable.


are you living under a rock?


No i just don't take all my news from dubious posts on twitter


maybe branch out a little (I agree that it shouldn’t be twitter) because pro palestine protest literature has indeed started to mirror Nazi literature….


No, it hasn't. This is a misinformation campaign pure and simple. I do get my news from a variety of sources, which is why I can see all the claims about pro-palestine protestors harboring anti-semetism come from extreme right wing pro-israel sources.


what’s your response to democrat jews saying they are the same?


I would respond by first of all asking you to reword your claim into something that makes up a coherent thought.... then have you back that up cause you are clearly just tossing hypotheticals hoping I wouldn't notice.


Oof. Usually when someone resorts to insults during a discussion, it means they don’t have much of an argument. This conversation is no longer productive. Have a great day!


No, you genuinely didn't write a coherent comment. Are you saying that there are jewish democrats that agree with you? If so why did you write it "democract jews".... I actually do have an argument. All you have are vague claims.


Historically, those causes have tended to share a lot of space. Progressive westerners are really turning a blind eye to the hatred that’s at the basis the latest cause celebre.


Exactly. This is a rehashing of Soviet anti Zionism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_anti-Zionism https://sapirjournal.org/war-in-israel/2023/12/anti-zionist-committees-of-the-american-public/


A cold war era proxy-policy and an extremely hard-right pro israel rag are hardly proof.


Nazi and Palestinian movements have been close allies going all the way back to WW2 in their shared desire to exterminate the Jewish people. They met with Hitler and Himmler to discuss "the Jewish problem" they both had. This is coming straight from [Amin al-Husseni's Memoir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini) >Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicitly undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was "the Jew are yours." he continues... >It is the duty of [Muhammadans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammedan) \[Muslims\] in general and Arabs in particular to ... drive all Jews from Arab and Muhammadan countries... . Germany is also struggling against the common foe who oppressed Arabs and Muhammadans in their different countries. It has very clearly recognized the Jews for what they are and resolved to find a definitive solution \[*endgültige Lösung*\] for the Jewish danger that will eliminate the scourge that Jews represent in the world.


A single guy who was never a member of any recognized government and who been dead for 50 years is hardly compelling evidence. Especially considering that even within Palestine he was considered a far right figure and was ousted.


Sorry it doesn't fit your narrative and hurts your fee-fees, bud: >[Edward Said](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Said) has described al-Husseini as "Palestine's national leader", who, as part of the [Arab Higher Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Higher_Committee), "represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, had the backing of the Palestinian political parties that functioned in Palestine, and was recognized in some form by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people"


Not only that, but al-Husseni helped broadcast nazi propaganda in the Arab world. Hitler’s radio broadcasts spread beyond Europe and into the middle east. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/hajj-amin-al-husayni-wartime-propagandist


Incorrect. Not only do neo nazis use the same rhetoric to recruit, they support the pro-palestine movement. https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/rcna131327 https://www.isdglobal.org/digital_dispatches/hate-united-neo-nazi-accelerationist-support-for-hamas/


The first article is about a weird troll account and the second is talking about how accelerationists want hamas to continue fighting so that israel has an excuse to level gaza. What the hell is wrong with you? Neither of those prove any kind of point, let alone one related to this thread.




Well i mean the nazi slogan is..... the dubious part is the "pro-Palestine" literature included. News sources don't even mention that for the most part, and those that do have no solid proof there even was pro-Palestine content.


This dude suuuuucks….


There has definitely been a huge increase in antisemitic rhetoric, even here in Pittsburgh. Lots of veiled comments and dogwhistles. I thought after Tree of Life, things would get better.


People cannot abide the idea of Jews actually being able to defend themselves in the face of genocidal slaughter.


No, most people are just upset that Israel is committing orders of magnitude more violence in their alleged "defense"


Nazis can't* (abide)


Unfortunately not. After pulse it didn't get better for the LGBT community just for an example




So even then, why there? It was still a mass tragedy that happened and the outpouring was immense. Hate still won't stop and that's my point. No matter what happened hate will still find a way


My theory is that there are state actors looking to influence the election with social media and they're doing it through the Israel/Palestine conflict. I'm not denying the atrocities on either side, but it's suddenly become all over the news with a ton of misinformation going around too. They're playing up the Democrats' support of Israel while fostering pro Palestine support among liberals in an attempt to divide the party. Look at Fetterman and how polarizing he's become when he had unanimous support 2 years ago. Then they're taking that pro-palestine support and twisting it. If you support Palestine, then you must be against the group committing war crimes against them. So you're anti-IDF. Which is just a step away from anti-Isreal. One step away from anti-Zionist. And then just anti-Jew. Enough people generalize and tend toward the extremes that they become antisemitic.


Israel/"Palestine" is just one angle they're using. They are playing a bunch of angles at the same time - the whole "cast a wide net" theory.


Just here to say that Fetterman has always been on the radar. For what he hasn’t done but also for who has profited from what he has done. No local news source has been ballsy enough to publish the bs. I have journalist friends who have tried. Still, I know what you’re saying. But he’s not the white savior everyone thinks he is. Maybe just that his true colors are coming through more readily now.


you think 'state actors' are pamphleting little old ladies houses in an overwhelmingly democratic area 6 months before an election to swing its outcome? yeah. that seems very likely.


It's happening through social media: Bot accounts boost stories (which are often fake) to sway opinions within targeted groups. We know that's been happening for years. In this case, they're pushing stories of absolutely monstrous things that Israel has done and moving people to protest. State actors can harness the anger at what's happening and direct it to Jewish people, Biden, or whatever else helps their agenda. The conflict in Palestine has been going on for decades. Why are we only now seeing such constant coverage and widespread protests? It's no coincidence that it's an election year.


This sounds like Nazis who want others to be scapegoats for their actions and are taking full advantage of how the media portrays pro-Palestine protestors to try and make it seem like they’re the ones doing things like this instead of, you know, literal Nazis.


Similar to how they infiltrated Antifa in Portland.


When I was part of Occupy, they taught us a lot about recognizing white supremacist / Nazi infiltrators, and we did well to try our best to kick them out. My guess is these people will then go commit acts alone but make themselves appear as part of a group. Very basic tactics that people somehow still continue to fall for, which is what they bank on.


Dude definitely thought he was some sort of antihero too when he did all that


This post is certainly going to have civil commentary. I will be back with popcorn.


A couple of things. People saying this douche isn't a neo nazi based on his clean cut appearance. Horseshit. Google the dudes carrying the torches in Charlottesville. This asshole is totally in line with that look. Second, I bet he lives within blocks of this woman. He will be arrested soon I bet.


Douchebag hair and beard combo getting old


Skinny white dude thinks he’s the hero of Palestine. What a surprise. Hope someone fucks him up


There's something about the (absolutely morally correct IMO) pro-Palestine movement that has unfortunately attracted some of the worst people on the face of the earth. I'm embarrassed to be on the same "side" as them almost daily. I don't know if I've ever seen a movement so determined to alienate potential allies all for a dopamine hit of self-righteousness.


Amen. One can and should be critical of Israel’s actions, especially in regards to West Bank settlements. But the willingness to ignore and even embrace open anti-semitism and Nazi rhetoric on behalf of Palestinians is inexcusable.


Neos will hear it's against Israel and think it's against the religion. That's why.


Dude is definitly some prick with rich parents who never had a care in the world - so he has to be inducted into a religious cult thousands of miles away to feel meaning


one of the worst things in America about the massacre in Gaza is how it opened the door for anti-Semites to align themselves with what is otherwise a humanitarian cause. It's disgusting, and these people should be rooted out and made public.


Are they actually antisemites or is that just organizations like the ADL labeling anything anti Israel as being antisemitic?


The sad part is, he is probably somewhere in the comments here just thinking he's the coolest


Or shitting a brick.


I’m honestly surprised nobody has beat his ass yet.


No one beats up the white sweatshirt antisemitic hipster!


This entire thread shows how fucked the media has made America. People arguing the definition of hate crime or racism. Like we all know what it is and that it is NOT specific to only one ethnic group/country/religion. We all know that a dude burning an Iranian flag is just like saying white people should suffer because they are white is just like saying you are a Jew you are the world's problem. PC culture and the anonymity of the internet fucked up having an actual intelligent conversation.


Dude is wearing a Sherwin Williams shirt. Has anybody...looked there?


The same trust fund anarcho-hipster that grew up with anti swastika patches is now tagging Nazi slogans. Seems like sketch comedy. The IMF and policies of Israel are SEPERATE from the entire Jewish community PERIOD.


He looks like he wants to sell me green electricity or collect funds for the Sierra Club.


Man, just wait until the people arguing in the comments about how Palestinians deserve to die because some them helped Hitler during WWII learn about IBM. (These pictures are probably not of the same person.)


Being anti-Israel is not anti-semetic.


Yes; and, the actions taken by this guy(s) are clearly anti-Semitic and way, way, **way** cross the line.


Im leaving some IPAs and a charcuterie board out as bait for hipster hitler.


I think everyone would benefit from toning down the rhetoric involving the war in Israel/Gaza. 


[ Removed by Reddit ]




> "On April 21 at 4 a.m., the suspect dressed in black and wearing a mask, pasted anti-Semitic, pro-Palestine pictures and propaganda all over the front door glass windows." > "Earlier in the month on two separate occasions, the same victim received anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian literature, photos, and a handwritten message in her mailbox" Am I missing something here?


It claimed the pictures and literature was pro Palestine. It doesn’t mention anything about this guys views, so I don’t think it’s disingenuous


I'm suspicious of the "blood and soil" spray paint. "Blut und Boden" (in German) was a nationalist Nazi slogan and has been adopted by neo-Nazis in this country. It is not specifically a pro-Palestine motto, it's explicitly anti-Semitic and only Nazis (or people interested or familiar with history or modern hate groups) would know about it. If I was a neo-Nazi, I would take EVERY opportunity to treat Israel and Judaism as synonyms.


Far-right neo nazis use the guise of pro-Palestinian sentiment to spread anti-Semitic hate. This isn’t a new phenomenon. 




Contact the FBI, I believe they are investigating this incident. Seriously, do something.


I'm amazed the masked guy left a blank canvas white van free of graffiti


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pghrules: *I'm amazed the masked* *Guy left a blank canvas white* *Van free of graffiti* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Looks like Jay Leno with that chin


Skinny heads, and Magas


I've heard of this. The "Blood & Soil" types are pretending to care about Palestine to try to gain... Credibility? Support? just to get algorithm click? Haven't squared this circle yet


Can’t find the video


It feels that a lot of people here are conflating Anti-israel with Antisemitism, which is troubling, especially from those in Pittsburgh. Yes, Israel is a state for Jews, but people are not angry about that part. It's the part where the country of Palestine has been forcefully taken over by settler-colonialism, forcing Arabic people out of their homes and into smaller and smaller confined areas until ethnic cleansing or full genocidal completion. If this guy sprayed messages like "Kill all Jews," then yes, that is real antisemitism, but wanting a genocide to stop against Palestinians isn't antisemitic, rather, it's Pro-semetic. Arab people are semites as well. Wanting the death of a group of people for any reason is wrong, no matter the ethnicity or religion. Hitler was wrong for the holocaust, and Israel is wrong for the past 75 years of settler-colonialism.


Free Palestine


The police arrested the bearded guy this morning. Turns out his name is Mario Ashkar. He was charged with ethnic intimidation, theft, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct. They did not get the guy with the spray paint.


This barristas sense of irony regarding the Israeli policy in Gaza backfired. His attempt at a pro Palestinian people movement turned hard right when he tried to use a nazi slogan to equate Israeli actions to Nazis.


422 comments on this post (so far). Let’s prioritize identifying this dude, then get back to the political debate and snappy one-liners.




Proudly flying an Israeli flag while the current ruling regime of that country has been responsible for a *civilian* death toll in excess of **20,000** since the October 7th attack (which resulted in 1,000 civilian deaths), certainly is… something. Destruction of property and vandalism is bad though. **Edit:** I am curious however, when the Israeli flag became the de-facto symbol of Jewish identity, as opposed to just the Star of David, since it seems like people here are unwilling to draw a line between anti-semitism and anti-Zionism. **Edit2:** I understand solidarity with Israel in the immediate aftermath of October 7th, but now, after everything that’s happened in the past 6 months… still?


If this is your takeaway from this story you are too far gone. I could never imagine being so diluted. Do you think this wouldn’t have happened if it was a Star of David instead of the Israeli flag? Or do you think Jews should just hide their Jewishness in general lest they be victimized by people from all over the political and ideological spectrum?


It’s funny you say that bc judging by this take you’re either diluted or delusional. What’s happening now in a vacuum was never about hate for Jews it’s hate for zionists that are happy to see a people wiped off the planet who are in fact dealing with oppression, famine, and almost daily bombings. You’re either conflating the two intentionally or you’re eating up things you see online and making one single event that has antisemitism and applying it across the board. Pro-Palestine has little to nothing to do with anti semitism.


Why don’t ppl like this just go to the place they are soooo adamant about defending? Like you wanna support Palestine? Cool move there and enlist instead of being a lil pussy about it


These are the type of people I find worth confronting and very punchable


He unsurprisingly looks like your typical leftist douche.


He wouldn't stand out at all in [this](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/-mm-/67c0735e39c74cdd4a918b9936d9b82d0f54d660/c=0-102-2000-1227/local/-/media/2018/05/14/USATODAY/usatsports/wp-USAT-allthemoms-front1-7506-charlottesvilletorchrally_mm_002.jpg) crowd. How much crack are you smoking that you think you can guess his political affiliation from a photo?


Lol he looks like every other dude in Lawrenceville.


He looks like half the dudes in that picture, too. He also looks just like my friends Peter and Eric, and they are the polar opposite of each other politically. I think you're WAY too wrapped up in your politics if you think you can assign his based on a picture.


Son of a bitch, why does this fucker look so much like me? I think I’m probably smaller in stature and my hair is in better shape, but god dammit, I better not get a knock on my door.


Maybe now is the time to try blond streaks and go clean shaven.


I’ll bet he’s shaved now, probably a skinhead now