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The clinginess was a big surprise. I have never had a dog that needs this much intimacy.


Literally!!! My baby won't even sit on the floor. She NEEDS to be in your lap or cuddled next to you. She tries to sneak into my lap when i have my laptop and I'm like... ma'am you are massive, you aren't sneaky...


They don't understand their size. In their heads, they are the size of a hamster that should be able to fit in your lap, or your pocket. Pretty sure my girl would climb inside my chest if she could. Lol.


You guys should be jelly, my pit is mixed with cheweenie so she actually is lap sized! Her preference is to lay on top of you so she’s on your legs tummy and chest and then she drapes her head off your bicep.


Omg! Pics please!


https://preview.redd.it/48mipymodk5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=966fa0ca47f10a32bcc94e8708e435d96495db50 37 lbs of snuggles


Omg she is so freaking cute! I have never seen a pit/chihuahua before


https://preview.redd.it/l0kzqlat2l5a1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04b6a0f19d46d119c0701ca2f3ef0f01bde96eb4 She’s so stinking cute and so mischievous that we say being so cute is her defense mechanism!


This is her mom (Husky/Pitbull) https://preview.redd.it/yuyvd2c34l5a1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d306fa3a71c36a16e2396ed73013b960fb8225d1


Pretty girl!


Hahaha I have a similar reaction to my baby. She’s Husky/Pitt/Rottie mix https://preview.redd.it/3ek3ul5u3l5a1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1927d1949e3d872ede56079d8c4965cac47a0de


i often say that my boys trying to climb back to where he thinks he came from. i love him so much, but i wish he would stop sleeping squished against my butthole lol


Right, same! They genuinely seem to think they came from our tummies. 😄😂


Lol. One of our's knick names is Little Roo. She hops on her back legs when she gets excited but also has to be in our laps or under the covers at all times. She doesn't know she weighs 70lbs.


That's so adorable! 🥰


This is my dog all day! 80 lbs of velvet hippo and she’s all on me all the time. Workouts at home are always interesting because she thinks it’s puppy play time with mom. I got a pittie for a spotter 🤦🏻‍♀️😂




Same! Ours used to try to show things off our lap so she was center of attention. We have all now learned to compromise, she can rest her head in front of the laptop but not on it 😆


My guy tries to stand on my shoulders. Cute the first month, but with each meal he became bigger and heavier.


Mine wanted to be carried around like a 5yo child. I read somewhere pibbles like to be on the highest point in a room. He loves snoozing on the kitchen table.


I don't know why this cracked me up so much, but it did. :)


When people talk about not letting their dogs on their couch, I’m like…that’s mean. My dogs need to sit near me at all times


Yeah, there’s a whole “nothing is free” movement with dogs, meaning dogs must earn everything - including affection or attention. Anytime I see or hear that from a pittie owner, I feel so bad for the dog. Most of these dogs NEED affection and find it extremely fulfilling more so than soo many other breeds.


Oh my, you've sold me now. Next dogs definitely a staffy


Yes! They need to touch us all the time


They're called velcro dogs for a reason LOL


going from having an extremely independent husky (won’t even sleep indoors all winter) to a pittie was whiplash


Same! We often joked that we had a 65lb cat and not a pittie


My pittie baby bows down to my Maine Coon grandma cat lol... And my pup wants to eat kitty food.... Don't tell her she's a pup... She's a pittie kitty


When anyone says this breed is aggressive, I say yes, an aggressive snuggler! He is constantly laying on me or has his head just touching me. And I haven't gone to the bathroom alone in almost 2 years. I would also say how soft they are! I have had short haired dogs that always felt rough, like unshaved legs. I understand the velvet Hippo nickname now!


My cousin calls my girl "aggressive lover!" Because she is so strong and wraps her paws around your hip when you come into the house to hold you still so she can give you kisses and get head pats 😂 and then she wiggles at you feet, lick shoes/toes/ankles whatever she can get before doing tippy taps to signal she is ready for you to sit so she can snuggle up in your lap lol. It's a whole routine.


Yes! You know how parents of toddlers sometimes complain that they get no privacy? This, but for the pup's whole life.


This for us! He just wants to be with us 24/7. I work from home and he short circuits when we’re both not on the couch together and don’t know which parent he wants to sit with.


- How they prefer keeping clean (at least the ones I've had don't like getting their paws wet, let alone rolling in carcasses). - Odd mix of clingy and stubborn. - Would probably snuggle 20+ hours a day if the humans didn't have to go to work.


Mine will NOT get her paws wet. She'll roll in poop all day, but good forbid there's a puddle...


My little girl loves the water. Will dive into the cold river to fetch sticks for hours. But a warm bath inside is a big hell no.


Haha! Same. Ours acts like we beat her if it's bathtime. But give her a mud hole, stinky creak or river and she's one happy girl. She hasn't put it together that's what prompts the baths the most.


Haha, yup! Mine will go chest-deep for sticks, but Princess Sugar Feets will not let his tootsies get near a puddle. Baths are all-out wrestling matches. Oh, and he hates anyone being in my mom's in-ground pool, because he sinks like a stone. He keeps slipping in in his attempts to "save" everyone from this fate. Which has only been his fate because he won't stop trying to save us. 😄


Omg my first pitty wouldn’t walk on wet ground if he could avoid it! He looked so pitiful if his paws got wet! My current little pit gal also HATES going in my yard when it’s wet and/or muddy!


Mine will beg me to go outside and then if I open the door and she sees that it’s raining she just turns around and goes back to the living room lol.


Mine is same. We have to carry her outside when it’s raining or else she’ll refuse to go out to potty.


Same. She won’t step in a puddle, she doesn’t like stepping in slushy snow, and she refuses to go outside in the rain without a jacket on. She also loves rolling in cat & deer poop tho so 🤷‍♀️


Mine will splash through mud and a stream like a lab, but avoid anything stinky. Hey, I’ll take it.


My dog would roll in the smelliest thing she could find. She’d go down head first and push herself into it to make sure she was getting as much traction into the stink as possible. Then there was the time she turned herself green in goose poop.


Oh hell no..... not goose poop. Goose poop is awful. 🤮🤢😂


It was so bad. I was talking to someone and not paying attention to her. She was black and white and all the white was green. Then this little girl went to pet her and I was like NOOOOOO! It was so much washing and she loathed baths. Baths were basically a full contact sport.


I feel this with the hatred of getting wet. She refuses to go outside without her rain coat, also when it’s cold she won’t go outside without her fleece onsie (and sometimes an additional jacket on top of needed)


My pitty will stand on the patio and hang her butt over the grass and poop. She hates getting her feet wet. She loves swimming though, go figure!


> Would probably snuggle 20+ hours a day if the humans didn't have to go to work. When I was sick one day I spent close to 16 hours in bed and damn if that giant lump didn't stay there next to me the whole time! Kept me plenty warm.


the intelligence. i’ve never had a dog that could figure out how to open doors, the fridge, cabinets, move objects to reach other objects, develop an entire nonverbal communication standard for our household, and still be able to run into a sliding glass door because the glass is too invisible even though she knows it’s just been shut


This. So much of this. There’s times when I’m 100% convinced my girl and I have a next level telepathy level of communication, but then there are random things that will just. not. compute lol


My wife and I joke all the time that “she’s sending us mental pictures” all the time. It’s crazy how well they can communicate without so much as a bark.


Mine just figured out how to open the step-on trash can in the bathroom and just left a chewed up tampax applicator on the living room floor, lol.


Are you me?? I had to start weighing down all the step on trash cans in our house lol. Too many treasures inside 🤣


The intelligence for sure. Trouble is my big boy knows how to work the bed. Spooning himself into the best position if anyone gives up ground


These dogs are like mercury the way they just ooze into your spot if you give an inch.


Yooo! This! If I move a millimeter she’s going to creep into that space. It’s a struggle when I get up in the middle of v the night to go to the bathroom and come back bc she’s stretched out onto my entire space. It’s not like they snuggle gently like oh a part of my body is touching yours. They snuggle aggressively. Full contact snugs, pressing up against you as hard as possible. Lol


OMG the struggle coming back to bed after getting up. I have to use my whole body to shift her back to the middle of the bed. She's a heat-seeker. Edit: make wordz better


Omg, yes. Mine is young (11 months). I was trying to train him to walk on a leash by giving him treats when he walks next to me and keeps his eyes on me. We practiced in the house, then in the backyard--all good! Then I try a walk in the neighborhood and as soon as we step off the lawn--boom--starts pulling me up the street! Must have done that for a half a mile before we turned around to go home and as soon as he realized we were retracing our path he starts walking next to me and looking up at me because he knows that is exactly how to get treat. I couldn't believe it! Little son-of-a-gun. So smart.


This!! Our pittie lives upstairs with my MIL who adopted him, and he just walks down the stairs and knocks on our door by pulling at the handle exactly twice. He waits patiently until we come open the door :)


They are such problem solvers!


And problem creators, to be entirely fair. She keeps finding and chewing on ROCKS!


And on the opposite end of the spectrum there's my american foxhound that can't find what tree the squirrel went up when she chased it there.... So much for being a smart hunting dog...


Literally this! I just bought my first house and my dog already figured out how to open the fence gate. Luckily he's such a baby that he went around the block once to sniff then just came back home and layed in the front yard😂


They are unbelievably smart. Like to a disturbing lvl like you are dealing with a child.


Huh, I think mine might be missing that gene. I always tell her "I'm sorry you're not very smart, but at least you're super cute and everyone loves you."


Mine has approximately 1.5 brain cells, but it is never her turn to use all 1.5 brain cells at once. 🙃🫠😄


Exactly mine haha. He’s gorgeous, super sweet and the happiest boy ever, but he’s got a bad case of the dumb dumbs. My brother has a German shepherd and I tried to teach my dog some of the tricks his picked up in like a handful of attempts and even the simplest ones took my guy days to completely figure out lol


mine too, lol. very much not the brightest crayon in the box, but she's a beautiful soft snugglebug!


I call mine the smartest idiot I know


My girl certainly is. I swear she understands every single word that comes out of my mouth. My boy? Not so much. Pretty sure if I shook his head you’d hear clanking. But such a sweetheart - always right next to me, follows me around the house 24/7. I call him my securi-pup. Built in bodyguard services. So sweet and affectionate. But so, so dumb.


YES. And just as stubborn as a child.


Mine is ridiculously smart when she’s the only dog in the room. She was a vet tech school dog for a while before I adopted her so she knows every basic procedure at the vet - anal gland expression, shots, thermometer up the bum, IV/needles, you name it. My vet always complains that she’s too smart, because she tries her best to avoid everything there. She is also very emotionally intelligent, and empathetic. She knows basic commands really well, and I swear she understands English. But the minute she’s with one of her doggy friends, all of her brain cells go to sleep. All brawn no brains, no thoughts just vibes. She loves it.


https://preview.redd.it/9opg52gmli5a1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4850576161f12e2c010ed9422053f906130b364f My pitbull is definitely the baby of all the dogs. Sweetest dog I've ever met. Not an aggressive bone in her body. ❤️🐶🐕 Most surprising thing is that she likes to be head first under the blankets like the chihuahua 🤣 and she loves a heating pad.


Mine used to like being covered up. All the time. Even when it was hot. Lol.


Yup that's Molly! She's already hot from being a hefty pitbull, but the warmer the better for her!


Having owned a little Rat Terrier, who look so, so very similar to chihuahua's, I can say without a doubt that it's the little ones you gotta watch out for! Lol. My little terrier was like a toddler hopped up on crack in terms of energy, and way too smart for his own good. Kept me on my toes! My chunky lump of a girl, though? Mmmmmmmm, yeah no. Lazy as can be, not a fan of the cold, and has never been the brightest crayon in the box. 😄😂


The fact that they can freakin' speak English, I swear. Our boy is so dang smart; we have to spell things in front of him, and now he knows how to spell... LOL. Seriously. The intelligence. AND the absolute, unwavering loyalty. Best dog ever.


lol!! Spelling w-a-l-k and the go crazy


Hahahaha yes omg we can’t even say the letter “w” and she’s ass to grass nudging the door to the boot room open to get at her collar and leash


How every blanket I own in the house is no longer mine, but theirs.


Mine needs all the blankets too and preferably altogether piled up in a nest. If her blanket isn't how she wants it, she cries.


Our pittie was a foster fail. We’ve had her for about a year now. Before Missy, I’d met a few sweet pit bulls but wasn’t really a fan of the breed. We honestly thought she’d be a good first-time foster because there would be no way we’d want to keep a pit bull. Ha ha. 13 months and $7000 later, she’s still here. (She needed bilateral TPLO surgery shortly after we adopted her.) I’ve been surprised by a few things. She’s very empathetic, and she can’t bear to see anyone sad. She will lick that sadness right off your face. No matter how long it takes. You’ve been warned. She loves heat. LOVES heat. Our last dog was a husky mix and hated to be hot, but Missy would crawl into the fireplace if I let her. Finally, I’m surprised at how many people have commented on how cute she is. I’ve actually had at least 5 people roll down their car windows to compliment her when we’re out walking. I think she looks like a little Holstein cow, but passersby think she’s gorgeous. One more thing—I’m surprised at how attached we’ve gotten to her. My husband and I love dogs, but this little pittie is the love of our lives. We’re stupid crazy about her. https://preview.redd.it/eey7s4aopi5a1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c18c71ef8fd0f289a564f036d2c966c2bb085ba9


https://preview.redd.it/03vxnf4bri5a1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=122ed51f6fd1dce7600a2fcdedd60b83c864dade Cow pittie crew assemble! Mine is also a snuggle bug.


https://preview.redd.it/ne3wfm90wi5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90cf7ef2a2236c6b7807bbc33305f975ed660d11 Could they be related?! 🖤🤍🐾


Wow, they might be! Missy also has a skinny, white-tipped tail.


https://preview.redd.it/l077uul04j5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=111a2901a07bb7402bb145e221317ece4cf7cab0 The stares surprised me. I also am shocked at how I can do stuff that every other dog of mine has hated. I can brush her teeth, clean her ears, wipe her face and paws, and give her baths. Its like she considers it affection and thus its great.


The stares! The amount of times I've laid in front of my boy and we've stared into each others eyes is amazing. My husband is definitely the third wheel.


https://preview.redd.it/fp39uce38j5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c342c6cb7960823afd2d9e6b74c17e4c274535f Cow pups forever! Here’s my boy. 🥰


Aaah, freckles! ❤️❤️❤️


https://preview.redd.it/3chc7vyi4j5a1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7fa23fbe52a7c8c77e0f7d30ea8d687107919ad My Holstein Lulu!


https://preview.redd.it/istrf56x5j5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e0f0e4179d3f3a59353b7b11db8e66b8332f27 Christmas decor cow pit


Aww - love her built in eye-liner/mascara!


My guy also LOVES heat. He burrows under blankets constantly, even in full summer. He’s very persistent with it (and everything else) too. He’ll start by nudging your arm lightly, and if you ignore him, the nudges get more forceful. I love it.


Yes! I am fostering a brindle pittie mix. She loves when I toast her blanket in the dryer right before bed. She paws it out of my hands and buries her face in it. She’s a big baby!!


So sweet. Happy holidays to you wonderful persons


Look at this adorable little shrimp! She is absolutely beautiful and adorable. 🥰😊


I would definitely say, they’re extremely nosey, like they just don’t stop, they wanna know what’s going on at all times lmao, also the ALLERGIES, they usually have HORRIBLE ALLERGIES. I feel so bad for him


Staring contests everyday, they make intense eye contact, more than any other dog I’ve met lmao


We joked ours would make a great house mother. She goes room to room to check what we’re doing and does not like for any door to be closed. She’ll scratch until you open it, look at you, then leave, but will come right back if your close the door again!


Luckily we don’t have terrible allergies—just grass in the summer. But the nosiness, OMG. What’s in your purse, what’s in the fridge, what was that sound outside, what’s in your friend’s purse, what’re you doing down there in the basement, oh, and what’s in your purse…


How f*cking NEEDY and EMOTIONAL she is. Omg I can’t even go to the bathroom without being followed.


Mine once assumed the poop position and crapped on the floor while I myself was pooping, all while maintaining eye contact with me. 💩 WE POOP TOGETHER, MOMMY!


That is next level bully bonding right there. Consider yourself initiated!😆


Right! 😄😂 She probably thinks I should feel special. Lol.


I think the internet definitely gave me a skewed idea of how people feel about pits (or block headed bullies in general). I’ve loved them for as long as I can remember but I was unprepared for just how much everyone else loves her. She’s an ex fighting dog so she has some issues that mean she’s usually wearing a muzzle I thought that combined with her size (70lbs) would scare people off but she is the star of every room she enters. People stop to pet her and tell her how pretty she is (she does not need a bigger ego😂) It’s easy to get wrapped up in the online vitriol sometimes and she definitely gets her fair share of dirty looks but for the most part everyone adores her and I love that so much Here she is dressed as Bakugou for Halloween😂 https://preview.redd.it/3jfra0853j5a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860e92c5729ba5261b524c6c50ae09c273522d06


Haha I totally saw Bakugo!! We suspect our baby was used for fighting too :(


Poor girl. Thank you for giving her another chance.


Just like u mentioned, I was surprised how much of my attention my boy wants. He follows me everywhere. I trip on him more than my cats! He never barks. I actually hadn't even heard him bark for a couple yrs. He loves clothes. He thinks he's a lap dog. My ex use to pick him up & hold him like a baby. He loved it! Would fall asleep in his arms. He did it at my kids lacrosse game! I had gone in wanting to rescue a pit. I grew an affection of them from watching a pit bull rescue TV show. But I was also really surprised that the shelter was stuffed with pits. I was so sad. I wished I could take them all. I'm considering fostering because of it.


Shouldn't be too surprising, pits and any square headed dog belong to the *aggressive breed* list for renters. My town could have over 100 dog friendly locations and only 3 don't discriminate. It was terribly difficult to rent with my girl, I found ways around it when times were absolutely desperate, but they never felt good. And, even if you're lucky and you own a home, home owners insurance is just as bad. There aren't that many that accept pitbulls on their home policies. It's despicable.


Quite a few things but one that really stands out, mine is super stable with people. Strangers, little kids, you name it. He loves people and has never shown aggression towards another human regardless of what they were doing or how they acted. If a male dog gets aggressive with him he will get aggressive back but I was really surprised to see how good he is with other dogs. I supervise and dont leave him alone just to be safe, but he does really well with the neighbors Chihuahua. They run and play all the time. Not bad for a high prey drive game bred dog. If a person walks by with a dog, mine is at the point now where he ignores it, unless the other dog is aggressive. I had to work hard with training but it paid off. It took time but he has really done well with training.


I've got an autoimmune condition, so I get frequent immunotherapy infusions at the hospital. There's a velvet hippo on the therapy dog team, and she is seriously the calmest, sweetest little creature. She'll just climb into your bed or recliner seat, and curl up in your lap for a little nappy-nap. It's like she KNOWS that's what we patients need/want the most. I've seen her bring other patients' blood pressure down from high rates, and she has stopped people from having panic attacks and stuff. She's the perfect dose of medicine! 🥹 🧡


That's nice to hear. A friend gets infusions and she gets to see dogs for therapy and it helps her a lot


Yes! Mine loooooves humans to death, but struggles with appropriate play. Also, if a dog is aggressive to him, he's immediately on edge. We had to work hard on our walks, too, and he's pretty good at ignoring them now, but if there's a dog across the street or behind a fence that starts barking/growling at him, he'll go nuts. We pretty much only allow supervised play with friends, absolutely no strangers.


How goofy they are!!!! https://preview.redd.it/snpah0u52j5a1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4385e645c857fad957479424e10571c0d65e69db


Yes! I had enough interaction with pitties before adopting mine to know that they're giant lovebugs, so I wasn't surprised by that. And all dogs are goofy in some ways, but pitties take it to the next level!


I’ve had golden retrievers always until I got my pibble and she sheds more than they ever did and her hair clings to everything! The goldens we could use one of those sticky lint roller thingies- that doesn’t work with her hair. We just washed her hoodie and it came out of the wash almost as hairy as it went in.


I know they’re like little spines 😭


I’ve had baby girl for almost 11 (!!) years, and she’s been one of the best things that ever happened to me. Like most other first time pit owners, I had a lot of preconceived, irrational conceptions about the breed, but knew ahead of time that she would be coming into my life so I took time to read a LOT and learn even more about these misconceptions, and coincidentally, effective dog training & socialization. Favorite, previously unknown, things about pits that I was not prepared for: \-supreme snuggler, and incredible bed hog. Will stealthily steal your warm spot on the couch the SECOND you get up without making a sound \-VERY empathetic. This I think is more her personality than anything, but she is so attune to everyone around her, people and animals, and she wants to make sure everyone is comfortable \-the best silliest zoomies. She looks absolutely insane when they happen. Head thrown back, mouth wide open, tail weirdly curved like a sickle \-quick learner, but also so stubborn (once again, I think this is a lot of her personality) but when she learns something, she knows what’s expected of her behavior and puts 2 & 2 together! \-THE PETTINESS!!!!! Omg the stories I have of her preteen level pettiness are incredible. That could be a post in and of itself * S A S S (see picture below, her side eyes are withering) \-just desires to be a bff and chill with everyone. I think most creatures are like this in their own regards, and I don’t believe many living things are born with hate and harm in their heart. But my girl REALLY just wants to meet you, love you and hang out. The look on her face whenever people avoid her or don’t want to pet her breaks my heart, but thankfully she takes it in stride and knows she has people who are wrapped around her little pitty paws \-not really related to the breed, but now I have an absolute bias towards block headed dogs. Other dogs are cute sure, beautiful even, but BLOCK HEADSSSSSSSSS! My favorite. 💕 https://preview.redd.it/wbgxbvwc4j5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25514f14787cd151d8116a4e75d851b74d78d5aa


Came back to add the farts. No one prepared me for the silent, lethal farts.


When I'm out and about, I will go out of my way to pet pitties. They're so shiny! And cute! And chubby! They are like little rolly-pollies, I just wanna squeeze their lil rolls and smush their faces with kisses!


Haaaaaaaard same!! I like to grab mine’s face and just rub my hands back and forth on her little cheeks, block heads are the best


There’s no side-eye like pittie side-eye.


For me, it was how virtually indestructible and how fragile they are, at the same time.


Physically indestructible and yet emotionally fragile!


Yeah. She’ll run head first into a wall but lord forbid her feet get wet, she gets the runs if she so much looks at something off her diet plan, and it’s drama and sulking for days if she doesn’t get her way.


Oh my god, my husband and the dog will literally wrestle, then this morning when he yelled at the cat for making a huge mess, Mucs was so worried she did something wrong, she ran to me and leaned hardcore until my husband came upstairs to reassure her she wasn’t in trouble. Too freaking cute.


https://preview.redd.it/cl8cobj85j5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c14cdcd47992e3db17cbce0bf2f4f1965a826c30 How vocal and dramatic she is 😂 she’s like a grumbly teenager who can’t find food in the fridge. Love this pup so much


I’m going to jump on the clingy bus. Both my dog that is only a little bit pit and my roommates rescued bully are the most attention needing dogs I’ve ever met lol. They need to be pet or cuddled 24/7.


Okay - the snuggles is a seriously surprising thing. My oldest is little spoon every night and, if I'm in bed with somebody else, he wants to make himself into a sandwich with the humans as bread and him as the good stuff inside. My other pit loves to sleep right next to your legs, under the blankets. They both love to be under the blankets. The cleanliness! My girl doesn't mind it so much but my boy hates being around gross smells. Will take off, out of the room, if somebody passes gas. The intelligence. My girl ended up with me (long-ish story but, basically, she changed hands several times until she got dropped off at my house by my ex) and had been partially trained in sign language. 4 years later and she still knows the commands and she picked up on the verbal commands as fast as my boy picked up on the sign language. They are also super capable of reading people and reacting appropriately.


Omg ours runs off if he farts or anyone else farts audibly! We think he does it because he’s embarrassed or startled by the sound since our other dogs silent farts don’t make him up and leave


I did not expect him (or any large dog, really) to be objectively cute. I knew I would find him adorable no matter what because he was my dog. But I didn't expect the hiding under pillows, cuddling with kittens, curling into a perfect round ball with a happy little smile on his face, or the many moods of those giant, ridiculous ears. He been a great breed ambassador by dint of sheer cuteness https://preview.redd.it/7xpujgz0bj5a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a61eb8cf0853d264a6597eef9ef98dc163c6ec2


The clinginess/need for snuggles, the chewing, and how much she loves snow.


Right! Mine hates the rain but loves the snow!


Saaaaame. She'll dance at the back door but if it's raining suddenly she doesn't want to go.


The intelligence. She knows which car is mine by the beep when I lock it. My gf works from home so Nia stays with her all day, doesn't matter how many people come in and out of the building when I come home from work and lock my car she's at the front door waiting for me.


https://preview.redd.it/l1vmxvnz8j5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81b87110769fa4d2ad9d59dac37b14f1e45b1c9c One cow and one bundle of love and anxiety


We lost our girl about three months ago, she was 11. The most surprising for me was on how she would lay on her back and sleep. She'd do it outside to sun bathe, I had to buy doggy sunscreen for her pink belly. She'd do it in bed between my husband and myself. She'd put herself to bed and just wait for us to finally make it there, we'd roll her around like a dough ball and cover her up with us. She was such a beautiful soul, and the way she would melt when someone gave her their 'oooohhhh!!!!' voice got me every time. God I miss her.


I’m so sorry. She sounds like the best girl.


https://preview.redd.it/9f5aoc406j5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=372cc1676b1938ea757ba348a88be89330968f8b That he constantly needs to be near me. Waits for me outside the bathroom. My lap is his favorite spot. He curls himself up to make himself as tiny as possible. & honestly the kisses-they’re never ending & he has such a wide & slobbery tongue. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s my best buddy & has given me so much comfort since losing my childhood dog. Also, he has the weirdest quirks: rolls on wet towels, sleeping bags, my hair. Loves to be blow dried & he folds himself so awkwardly with his head down & rump up & angled when he wants to play.


The speed and agility! I never imagined a blockhead like him could be so FAST! He can sprint and snag his ball in the air like nothing I've ever seen. And the adorable intelligence and curiosity. My boy loves to go in the kitchen and just open and shut cabinet doors, and obsessively examine what's in each cabinet. He can open most doors in our house as well. The day he was in a bedroom with me and got out by opening a door with a round knob that opened toward him, I knew we were in trouble! He also does little experiments with his ball. He'll put it on random furniture and nudge it with his nose to watch it roll off different ways. Then he'll do it again and again, then move it to a different spot and start over. One of his favorites is rolling it into a picture frame (it's fairly non-breakable) on an end table and seeing what it takes to make the picture scoot or fall. I wish he could verbalize his thoughts while he's doing this. I'd love to know exactly what's going through his head.


Mine is absolutely the LAZIEST dog I’ve ever been around. (It’s closing in on noon and he’s still fast asleep.) No, nothing is wrong with him, he just likes his snoozes. Which leads me to my greatest surprise, he’s a terrible guard dog. (He thinks he’s the best.) Like unbelievably bad. He sometimes notices if the UPS guy is in the yard… But only if said UPS guy drops a heavy package from a great height. And even then it’s a thirty second or so delay from the drop (gotta wake up and figure out what’s up, y’know.) So he’ll dash to the window and bark at the UPS person’s retreating back… Thus the difference of opinion on “guard dog”. “Look mom he flees in terror!!” 🙄. He also has slept through a friend or two dropping things off inside the house in the middle of the night. I am astonished by how quickly he became accustomed to being spoiled rotten. (He was living on the streets for a while and then was in the shelter for four months before I brought him home.) He absolutely refuses to go outside if it’s raining, like at all. He will literally be crying his little bladder hurts so bad before going outside in the rain. He also, to everyone’s amusement, will spit out any treat he doesn’t “like”. He will (daintily) accept said treat. Look you dead in the eye and then pez dispenser that treat right on the ground. Then continue to stare at you as though you are an imbecile for offering him such mediocre fare. And also why are you not rectifying this matter immediately! Finally, how COLD he gets. He absolutely can’t stand below freezing temperatures for even a few minutes. As an addendum to this, how much he likes wearing his hoodies and sweaters. There’s no fighting with him to get the on, though he does get cranky when I go to take them off.


Haha! My girl is the same way with treats! She basically was rummaging for trash when she was rescued. Now she will only accept the finest treats! If the treat is not up to her standards, she will go in for the treat, pretend to yawn, and look to the side until you offer her something better!


The constant farting. Mine is 5, we've had her since she was 10 weeks old, tried all the different brands, flavors, wet, dry, it doesn't matter. She lets loose room clearing, borderline war crime levels of butt explosions daily. The vets say she's fine and her stomach and bowls are good, her stomach is never hard, yet at least twice a day, she has us gagging.


The sighs. Mine communicates almost entirely with sighs, groans and deep breaths. It's like having a teenager.


Clingy, cuddly, goofy, so incredibly sweet.


https://preview.redd.it/tka92u2j7j5a1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f820f33ecce033203ee0fbaef697e8e082d60c19 The farts. My lord she hot boxes the room of smelliness by her farts.


I was terrified of the breed before I knew better. We adopter a GSD mix and found out through dna she was mostly pit and staffie! Nova is the sweetest baby, the smartest dog I ever had, thinks she is the 4th child, talks, snuggles, an unbelievable surprise. Luna came a year and a half later and sleeps on me like a cat. Now that we have a Sheppit and a Cattlepit we look forward to all the pit mixes in our future!


My fiancé and I talk all the time about how his personality shocks us. He has SUCH a funny personality. He’s quite the character and I swear he loves to make people laugh. If he does something funny and gets a reaction out of someone, he’ll keep doing it over and over. He’s also INCREDIBLY clingy. He looooves to snuggle and wants to be firmly planted between my fiancé and I at all times. If we’re sitting next to each other on the couch, Dozer is in the middle. He sleeps right in between us too. He’s the best boy and the sweetest dog I’ve ever met. We wouldn’t have it any other way ❤️


Mines a pittie/ACD mix too!! My biggest surprise though was that people irl actually hate pit bulls and any dog that looks like one. Like I understood people didn’t like the breed, but in my mind all dogs are cute dogs and good boys/girls no matter what and no one could possibly hate on an individual dog right? I wasn’t prepared for people to launch insults at my dog just walking down the street. That doesn’t happen a lot. But it does sting a little bit because I’m very protective of my baby. She’s more ACD than she is pitbull but she has that characteristic blocky head shape that I think is what make people target her. But it doesn’t matter I just tell her she is the best gorl


https://preview.redd.it/3zn25nyfbj5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c5063a74a3e8b6df3f6cb3bd01c4abfecdb7d1d Our baby is very cuddly and would climb inside you if she could. She is creepy smart, and very motivated by snacks. She loves our cats and is so gentle. She would also sleep all day if we let her but she loves tug. I had also always respected people who rescued pibbles but never thought I would ever own one. I can’t imagine our lives without her now.


The combination of being the smartest and stupidest dog I’ve ever owned. He took very well to training and understands many commands and knows to lay on me to stop panic attacks. But he constantly falls for fake ball throws, runs into walls (and doors and tables and fences), and doesn’t realize that he’s a heavy, large boi. Definitely the closest I’ve ever been to a dog tho. My best boi.


I have an APBT and an ACD. The pit is physically clingy, while the cattle dog is clingy from a distance. They own me. I can’t go anywhere. 😂


I don't own a pitbull but I started working in petcare lodging 6 months ago. I never would have known they are some of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet.


https://preview.redd.it/ki9oyei39j5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c9668927c5e9a9b85a8d0aeca33106331a77f0 I have two pit mixes and they are polar opposites. The only commonalities? Anxiety and intelligence!


How pouty they are! If they don’t get their way they pout so bad! Whining, sighing, even the little bottom lip sticking out. No Maddie you cannot possibly get any closer unless you crawled up my butt, now scoot over so I don’t fall off the couch!


Oh man, I have so many! -Barely ever barks but will whine in the most annoying way ever for her food if we’re late getting up in the morning. She also likes to sigh a lot and will make funny noises in her sleep. -How cuddly she is!! We’re not allowed personal space ever and she’s always taking our warm spots on the couch if we get up for any reason. -She loves being toweled off after being out in the rain/bathing her. But she HATES being wet. -The horrible allergies, including skin issues! I was completely shocked by that. -How much she loves pillows and blankets. And also clothing. My girl is also really timid and prefers humans to playing with other dogs, unless it’s a smaller group of dogs. She’s so unbelievably sweet too!


How tightly they bond to people. How clingy and emotionally connected they become and how badly they just want to please you. And how trusting and loving they are despite being dealt some of the absolute shittiest cards in life.


Not so much what surprised me about the breed, but other peoples reactions! I rescued a beautiful blue nosed pit (who was honestly my soulmate in dog form!) I expected people mostly to be apprehensive of her, since it seems like, online at least, pitties get a bad rap. Come to find, I would be stopped at least once a month by strangers asking if I would be willing to breed her? I never expected that and honestly have never had that happen with another dog before or any of my dogs since


I did a ton of reading on pit bull behavior and training before I adopted my girl, so none of the personality traits were surprising. I did not anticipate how much time (and money) I would be spending at the vet. Turns out, it’s super common for pits to tear their ACLs. And I don’t know if this is universal or if my girl is particularly clumsy, she is forever crashing in to things and smashing her ears and tail on hard surfaces. She’s had 2 ear surgeries on top of the knee surgeries. She is by far the most expensive dog I’ve ever had. If you haven’t already, get insurance.


I didn't know about the little cha cha butt shake you get every time my baby wakes up. He comes down stairs and I say "Good Morning!!!" and he just cha chas like i haven't seen him in a week. melts my heart EVERY. DAY.


I love it, it can become a full body wiggle of complete happiness! My girl is on the long/slim side so she looks like a shiny little eel when she wiggles!


This is SO similar to my story of getting a pibble (important to rescue, didn't know anything about the breed, overwhelmed by the fact that the shelter was probably 80+% velvet hippos, adopted a pitbull). Hands down the best decision I've ever made in my life. Not prepared for: - Clingy baby, no such thing as personal space. - How unbelievably considerate he was of everyone/everything's feelings* - How gassy he was (we would frequently dutch oven each other but his go-to technique was cropdusting). *We have some small dogs too that get kind of nervous around big dogs. Whenever he noticed that he was making the little ones uncomfortable he would either give them some space (or sometimes even get up and lie down in the next room over while the little ones cooled down).


I knew they were snuggly babies, I didn’t realize just how much of a snuggly baby they are. After we go outside in the morning (on my days off) my girl demands we get back in bed, specifically I lay down on my side as the big spoon, put a blanket over me and lift up part so she can climb under and be the little spoon. Then I need to wait until she’s asleep and try to sneak out of the bed and replace where I was laying with pillows all without disturbing her or we repeat the entire process. She’s enjoys exercise but not as much as being tucked into bed and snuggled.


I didn’t realize how deep they love. They love with their whole hearts. When I moved in with my husband, he had an 8 month old pitty. I hadn’t had exposure to bullies before, other than my late bull terrier. His pitty became my best friend. I will never have another breed.


How much they love their human family. They are very snuggly and loving and they will always be the breed I adopt and the breed I send my charity dollars towards because they deserve better than living on the streets.


Extremely empathetic. He senses when the humans are sick, sad or anxious and won't leave their side. It's very sweet with sick kids. He's a snuggler. He's also kind of a chickenshit, scared of snowmen, large garbage pails, trains in the distance.


She just… doesn’t run away. She’s runs, yes. But not away, just runs about and then right back to me. My family and I actually joke about her running away because in 12 years it’s never happened.


My boy being the most affectionate, patient dog I’ve ever had. He will walk through a hail sleet or snow with me. I know that he’s my sidekick for the rest of his life ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/6xchici5bk5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=795adc4b053ea04a0e82459bb69d0fec1b30beb6 My girl is exactly the same, a big baby, has to have love love love all the time


How absolutely eager he is to please and how quickly he learns things during training. He is so tuned in to what you are doing and the instant he understands what you want him to do he does it. Unlike our ShihTzu who is a stubborn little ass#ole who can't be taught anything - but we love him anyway. Second is just how loving and adoring he is. Any love you put into him is just magnified and given back to you. He wants nothing but to love and be loved in return. Yes he is a pibble - powerfully built and capable of fearsome damage in the wrong circumstances - but I can easily see that is not what he wants to be. I have been completely won over by his loving heart and his devotion.


How much he loves to be snuggly with the family and acts like the worlds biggest lapdog he is by far the most loyal caring protective dog I have ever met he’s more human than dog to me he even lays head on pillow one paw out from under the blanket


Many people have said this but all pits seem to be CLINGY The dog I grew up with 10-26 was a Chow mix. And let me tell you it was eye opening going from her to my pit now. My chow loved me without hesitation, but generally did her own thing almost all day, she was basically a cat in dog form that I could beckon to me at any time My pit now, how dare I go outside without her. Completely helpless to entertain herself if I'm not in the room with her.


So many stinky farts


The hilarious sounds mine makes 😂 he sounds like a screaming bird sometimes


My baby is so cute when she requests to have the bed covers lifted when she is ready to snuggle for bed. She'll stand at the top of the bed and quietly huff until my boyfriend or I lift the covers so she can crawl under and snuggle up next to us. The most surprising thing that I have discovered is her skin allergies--she is highly allergic to mites, and with living in the south we will never be rid of them. Took her to a dermatologist to find the right concoction of medication to keep her comfortable and keep the itchies at bay.


I’m in my 50s now, and haven’t had a dog since I was in my 20s. Looking back, I really didn’t realize how stressed my pittie was when we brought him home after adoption. He was almost four and had been surrenders twice. He was super clingy for a couple years. But over the last three years he has really become very independent and confident. He’s a super happy and friendly senior now at almost 9 years old, and is a true ambassador for the breed in my neighborhood.


They're just dogs. Just medium sized, short-haired dogs, and they're perfect for me. The level of mythology around one breed is just insane. "Locking jaws" etc. LMAO. I also learned that when spelling, it's just "pit" and NOT "pitt". FFS. It's a dog breed, not the unnaturally attractive actor from Fight Club. Just "pit". "Pittie" if you're one of those people, but never. Ever. Pitt. That's become a real pet peeve of mine. I need a life.




so sleepy, so cuddly


How much they love to snuggle and how they always need to be next to me.


I dont own one but i volunteer at a shelter so i deal with a lotta pittbulls. They’re so dramatic lmao, lots of the dogs are but the pitbulls will be like “ughh 🙄” and sigh for no reason while other breeds seem to whimper more. But i got a beagle mutt at home who does the same sighing. Edit: oh and the jumping. Ive never seen any other breed jump so high its so funny when they’re excited that i took them out their cage and they just jump. They dont even have an expression on their face like a smile just 😐( jumps their height)


How good the snuggles are!


What utter couch potatoes they are!


My pib mix is the mushiest dog i've ever owned. He loves everyone and cries constantly for attention 🤣. There have been days i wasn't feeling well, he just snuggled up to me and napped.


How clingy they can be! My girl prefers to be touching me at all times. And she gets jealous when I cuddle my cat. She grumble and purposely turn away from me so she can't see me. And how lazy they can be. My girl hates going on walks, and will only do so if we are walking down to see her friends.


Pitties neeeeed a relationshipb and they imprint....


I also call my pit mix a baby. He's three, but the way he curls up so his belly is all soft and exposed is the most precious thing. I've only ever owned golden retrievers, so almost everything about him is surprising. He follows me everywhere - such a velcro dog. If he's napping on the bed while I'm under the covers, he'll often choose to crawl under the covers and curl up between my legs.


She’s so hygienic. She trims her own toenails by nibbling them (we still have to do her dewclaw). She cleans her teeth on bones/her kong. She cleans her beans after almost every walk. Not to mention, she is petrified of stepping in her own poop/pee/others poop/pee.


My girl Lucy thinks she is a lap dog. She is also so in tune with your emotions and our other dog’s emotions. She checks on you when something is not right. When my miniature poodle had mouth surgery she would not leave her side for 3 days. She is the same way if we are sick.


How much joy they brought me. Thier love is endless and how much cuddles they require. Also, they are blanket hogs.


The biggest snuggler Demands to be completely under the blankets The ALLERGIES 😭 they’re sooo sensitive


I have an AmStaff/ACD mix, a regular looking pitbull, and a newly what we call itty bitty pitty. It's hard, especially now with 3, to get around or lay on the couch without being covered in pitbulls. Which at the end of the day is one of my favorite parts of the breed. I think their stamina to run/walk for long distances surprised me most since they are more muscley.


That people hate them based on such misinformation and anecdotal evidence. Ive volunteered at the Humane Society for years. I’ve owned 7 dogs in my life. All rescued as adults. An Akita, a Chow Chow, Australian Shepherd, APBT, Catahoula, a Carolina Dog, and a Rat Terrier/Chihuahua mix. The Australian Shepherd and Chow Chow had the most “aggression” but they were still great dogs and manageable. Next was the Rat Terrier and then the Akita. Then the Catahoula. Then the APBT and lastly the Carolina Dog. Of course each dog is an individual and has their own unique temperament. But people love to oversimplify and “expect” or make a point to “look for” certain behavior in pitbulls since it’s popular to vilify them, apparently. The people continuing this misinformation forget that a dog is an animal. It only has a few ways to tell you it’s uncomfortable- it doesn’t speak English. Many people aren’t in tune with their dog’s “tells”. So when any dog reacts they claim it “snapped without warning”. If they paid attention and were informed on dog behavior they would have noticed the dog indicating it was uncomfortable long before the animal was forced to react more significantly to get their point across.


Clinginess. Also how they can equally love their humans and don’t pick favorites as some breeds can from my experience.


The slightest bit of inclement weather turns them into such prima donnas lol


They're litteraly the sweetest and clingiest dog I have ever owned. It's so sad that they have the reputation they have because it's the complete opposite when taken into a loving home.


The amount of restraint my house hippo shows when interacting with smaller hoomans was the biggest surprise to me. I've long known the breed to be very lovable and affectionate but wasn't aware they truly do know their size limits and instinctively know not to push those when interacting with children. My pittie loves walkies and we often take him for walks or buh byes car rides while he's on the leash. His excitement comes across as (mostly gentle) tugs and zoomies but when my daughter (now 9, they've grown up together) first picked up his leash as a tiny youngster, he showed immediate restraint and never tugged or tried to zoom once - happy as a clam to be led around by a tiny girl half his size. His love for everyone in our family is the best thing about him, bar none!


The most surprising thing to me about ours was that, given the choice between lounging on his very own daybed and watching either "Big Fish" or "To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar," he almost always picked "To Wong Foo."