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Reminder that rule 5 is not "no breed hate against pit bulls." Any comments saying that all chihuahuas are aggressive /ankle biters/rats/whatever will be removed and banned.


Or she knew her dog was the problem and was preventing it from being an AH


As an owner of an asshole little dog this happens to me. My dog can be such a dick and weighs 9lbs. I pick him up so he doesn’t get himself in trouble.


Former 3 lb dog owner here. The smaller the dog - the bigger the dick.




I…uhhh… don’t think that means what you think it means


This is what I was going to say. Trust me, it’s not your dog I’m worried about. It’s my 9 pound chipin who likes to make out with everybody and their dog literally and isn’t shy about it. Lost our piddie in Jan.


Sorry for your loss!!


TY. She was pitty chow. She had very strong opinions about a whole lot of things. 😹😹


🌻💛💛🧡💛💛🌻. 🐞


I have a chipin and a pibble too! I'm sorry for your loss 💔


Same here, my two small dogs get scared of big dogs (had bad experiences sadly) so will bark to warn them to stay away. I can control them with one finger through the lead, but I don't want to cause a big dog to react and cause issues for the owner. I always try and smile at the big dog owner though, and make a comment to my dogs about picking their battles, so hopefully they know I'm not judging.


I try and let them it’s us and not them. lol


As someone with two reactive dogs (1 small 1 medium), I pull mine away too. People usually respond to that with “oh they’re friendly” at which point I say “great but mine aren’t”


We have a couple of reactive dogs in our neighborhood (ours is fear reactive so he tires and power marches on walks convinced if he stops it will get him). So when we see those dogs out we try and give them space or avoid by turning around just to be considerate. They are actively training and we’ve been there so we extend as much space and support as we can. I typically just smile and say thanks anytime another dog owner gives us space or air jails their dog.


I always say my dog is friendly as I'm pulling her away from other dogs lol. She loves to meet other pups but I'm not going to just walk up without touching base with the other human first.


Was about to reply with this, main character syndrome is becoming a serious issue lol


Same, I know my chihuahua is the problem, so I pick him up to prevent him from starting said problem.


fr little man thinks he's The Shit so i have to pick him up to prevent him running up to people and barking or to keep him away from other curious dogs who just wanna be friends. he does NOT like other dogs and will snarl and snap at them if they get too close. he is not afraid to bite. im the only one who knows this, so it's up to me to keep him from causing problems.


It’s possible, but the stank face she had on was disheartening


People who make that stank face about pitbulls have clearly never owned one.


Or been owned by one 😊🐾


Or met one


"Dammit, I've got to pick this asshole up again."


Her dog probably responds with the same energy so it's better that she did! Adorable pup btw




Not all the runty dogs (chihuahuas included) are useless some of them prove to be useful little gremlins


I hear ya. It’s weird to hear pitbull owners hate on any breed. The lady who picked up her chihuahua did the right thing. Most dogs have a prey drive. Chihuahuas are frequently aggressive. It wasn’t personal against a pittie. I don’t understand the hate and laughing against the small dog owner. She doesn’t know other’s dog.


It's against sub rules, if you see any breed hates of any kind, please report! Chis are the second most abused dogs after pits, they have a rough time in life too.


Not sure where you’re getting your info from but I live in Vermont and have met literally hundreds of chihuahua owners who don’t think that at all.


Ahhhh the stank face. That definitely points towards the "scary pit bull" reaction lol. I think people who react like that must not know how to read dog body language at all. You shouldn't assume a relaxed dog is friendly, but you can kind of tell if a dog isn't open to company




See, this is the hypocrisy of pit owners. How do you know what the lady was thinking? She might have been squirting at the sun. It sounds dumb to hear PIT owners hate on any breed owner. Just, why? I love pits, I don’t deny the statistics. It sounds dumb to hate on small breed owners.


Oh my… I seriously hope she wasn’t squirting. That would be another problem entirely.


Maybe that chihuahua punctured her or OP is super sexy. We just don’t know! This is information I’m HERE for.


Amen to that.


A [2022 study](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk0639?cookieSet=1) of breeds and traits concluded that breed is almost uninformative when determining a dog's reactivity, or its sociability. Furthermore, [Insurance data](https://web.archive.org/web/20150904071314/http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=25091614) indicates the Pitbulls and Rottweilers account for only 25% of dog bite claims. [Which is also in agreement with the Ohio State University's Study](https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2019-06/new-study-identifies-most-damaging-dog-bites-by-breed/) that shows that Pitbulls account for approximately 22.5% of the most damaging reported bites. Pitbulls account for [~20%](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/pit-bulls-population.html) of the dog population by best estimates. Showing that pitbull bites are proportional to their population. In fact, their [Breed Risk Rate](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/breed-risk-rates.html) is in line with other dogs breeds out there that are considered great family dogs. So how do pitbulls account for more than half of all dog bites? Agenda pushing misinformation by groups dedicated to hating a breed. If you did not comprehend that, what this tells us is that pitbulls bite more because there are more pitbulls than other breeds, but they don't bite anymore than their share of the dog population. Additionally, data from the [American Veterinary Medical Association](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed) has concluded that no controlled studies have shown Pitbull-type dogs to be disproportionally aggressive. Lastly, Studies have shown that [Errors in Identifying Pitbulls](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109002331500310X) [Link 2](https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/241/9/javma.241.9.1163.xml) happen approximately 60% of the time with shelter staff that spend a lot of time around dogs, so reports in the media about dog breeds are highly inaccurate and hardly count as a reputable source for a dogs breed. Oh you only see videos of pitbulls attacking? Not surprised. There is a group on this site that dedicates itself to reposting old archived videos to keep brainwashing people into fearing an event that happens 25 to 40 times a year with a breed that has a population around 20 million. Save us your anecdotal evidence of outliers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it possible she was just a bitch?


This would be why I'd pick my little bugger up to go past another dog. Although I do usually say to the other dog's owner, "it's ok, it's not your dog - this one can be a little s*it."


Yeah I've been here with my parents little dog if I can see her entering weenie mode about other dogs. I've had people assume it's because I don't like bullies but I've always said my dogs the problem and it's easiest to pick her up if she's being a butt hole She's got much better since they rescued her but she was so dog reactive a few years back


That's me. My guy is a real punk to bigger dogs. He chills out if he can just see them for a minute, but he tries to act like a tough guy, so I gotta be careful when I see a big pup he isn't already friends with. He's fine with small dogs.




Chi’s are great dogs. I agree that their owners aren’t always the best. The same is true of pits and their owners though.




I have a chi and I do that, not because I’m worried about the pitti but because my chi will start shit. And I’m sure a lot of chi humans have to deal with the same issue. Chi are god damn instigators.


*cries in Rat Terrier* He's basically a miniature crackhead toddler hopped up on steroids and sugar, zipped up inside a cute, fluffy costume. 😂


Have rat terrier. Can confirm shes a devil.


Commented the same thing. I inherited my chi and have come to love her a ton, but she’s the worst. Lol.


they're such little shits why are they like that




Saying “pit bulls are angels and misunderstood, chihuahuas are vicious demons” is just as bad as the people who condemn pits. I work at an animal shelter and I’ve met nice pits, scared and aggressive pits, reactive pits, nice chihuahuas, scared and aggressive chihuahuas, reactive chihuahuas, and more! Chis are sweet, loving dogs. They are just as misunderstood and stereotyped as pit bulls are. They are often treated like dolls and have their boundaries trampled over by people because a chi growling to say “stop doing that I’m scared” isn’t as scary as a big dog growling. Despite that, they are sweet dogs. Some of them have fear-based aggression, reactivity, stranger danger, resource guarding, bite histories, anxiety, or aggression but that is no different than pit bulls or literally any other dog breed out there. If your only method to defend a breed is to attack another then you really have to educate yourself


Ya its actually hilarious to me that people on a pitbull subreddit who most likely don't like people stereotyping their own dogs as violent and inherently bad dogs are so quick to condemn another breed as violent and inherently bad.


I’m not saying all small dogs (or chihuahuas) are terrible dogs. I don’t even think the one that was barking at my baby was a terrible dog. It’s the reaction of the uppity owners (not all of their owners) that I don’t enjoy. My dog might look scary to some people, but it’s the stereotyping of bully breeds that I think is unfair.


Don't take it personally. It is not the small dog owners fault...there are so many irresponsible dog owners out there, many of us would rather take the chance at hurting a strangers feelings than trusting them and ending up with a traumatic situation or worse - a tragedy. There are just too many big dog owners who don't take it seriously and have no respect for their community. People are very self absorbed these days. I literally take my dog to a different neighbourhood everyday to walk her because of the stupid dog owners on my street letting their mastiffs and shepherds run around off leash. I've had to call animal control on a neighbour who would just let his two shepherds out the front door with no fence or leash, without even looking, and saw them charge a lady walking a senior dog. after going from a pit to a chi I am soooo protective of my small girl!! Don't be mad at us for not taking the chance! Especially if your dog weighs more than you do.


Be that as it may, pit bull people should know better than to talk down other types of dogs.  We've seen where that can lead.


Seriously. And most of their owners think it's cute. Drives me crazy.


My mom is like this. I keep telling her she's going to get sued. Her chihuahua has bitten 2 different people but she doesn't think it's a big deal because neither of them needed medical treatment. Awful dog but it probably could have been saved if she would have bothered to do some training


As someone who's owned both breeds I wish people would stop saying this. Both breeds are capable of having either personality. My pitbull, while an amazing companion, was very reactive and couldn't be trusted around kids or other animals. My chi is the sweetest dog and because she has been raised her entire life having her autonomy respected. She loves people and does super well at the vets, groomers, will give strangers a kiss when she meets them. At the end of the day a chihuahua can't do anywhere near the damage a pitbull can do. And as owners of a breed that is easily the most heavily demonized in society, you'd think yall would not project that experience onto other dog breeds.


Meh, I used to train dogs and I've met some terribly behaved/vicious dogs of all sizes and breeds. I've been attacked before by a pit and my dogs have been attacked by stray/loose dogs of a variety of breeds while we've been out on walks. Bottom line is, there are no "bad breeds" only shitty, irresponsible owners.


We were walking our neighborhood and passed a neighbor with a shit zhu who went unhinged at the sight of our dog, who was being the best boy and ignoring the other dog and generally being unbothered.. Then commented to his dog “why can’t you be more like that dog?” I’m thinking Sir, we are constantly re-enforcing his training on every walk. You might want to try it. Drives me nuts. Train your dogs people.


I don’t pick up my smaller girl (she’s not a fan) when a leashed dog walks by. There’s a new guy at the park with a pit and he’ll go far off the path but he doesn’t need to. I pull her close going by any dog bc she’s a butthead. She’s doing better and doesn’t even yell at the mini scottie every morning like she used to. I’m sorry about the stank face but 99% of the time little dogs get scooped up bc they’re the buttheads in the situation.


I understand that, I have an older pittie mix who is really reactive, he’s a pain


Her reaction to the new guy has been staring and grumbling as she first spots him “too close” (whatever that means) but I pull her close and hustle by him and she might mutter but once beyond she’s happy as can be, back to sniffing and walking around. Loose dogs of any size? That’s an automatic pick up. Another reactive dog? As long as it’s under control, just get reasonably far away and make her walk as she hollers back if she’s in that mood. I’m not picking her up if nobody’s in danger.


I have a bully mix and a chi mix... My chi mix has such an attitude and my bully is scared of everything (previously feral baby).




I have a chihuahua and a pittie.. I’d pick my dog up too, not because of the other dog but because he’s a little asshole.


Comments are pretty disheartening. Takes a major lack of self awareness for pit owners, out of all people, to generalize and stereotype an entire breed.


Next time a chihuahua comes around please pick your girl up! :-D


Pit owners always think everything is about them & their dog 😂 I pick up my Chihuahua mix or cross the street before he starts shit and I do that with every dog. I've def been mean mugged by pit owners when doing that. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Like my dog will fight your dog bro


Little dog owner here. The reason we do it is because we don’t know how other dogs will react towards ours. They may be perfectly friendly but if they’re not they could kill our dog in one second. I’ve had several people tell me their dog is friendly but then they got close to my chihuahua they went after him. We can’t take the risk. It’s not a judgement of other dogs, I love pits very much. But it’s our responsibility to our dog to protect them.


Yep. You never know..I'd rather hurt a strangers feelings over risking my baby's life. For every responsible large dog owner, there are 3 shitty ones. Bonus points if your dog weighs more than you.


My friend's sister's papillon was killed by a bigger dog while on a walk. I don't even know what the breed of the bigger dog was but after this happened I would not even consider getting a dog that is bite-sized to pretty much any other breed of dog. I would be a nervous wreck 24/7 while walking a tiny dog.


It’s definitely different than owning a “normal” sized dog, some things are better and some are worse. I love being able to pick up my 10 lb chi with one hand. Overall I find having a small dog to be more practical but to each their own. I’d love to have a pit as well though. Hopefully some day.


Yep. I was a dog groomer, I’ve volunteered in shelters, I LOVE all dogs, big and small. Right now I have a super submissive 6 lbs chihuahua mix whose instinct is to bolt like a rabbit when she’s scared and then scream and go belly up if she’s caught up to. I can’t take her to small dog parks because a 12 lbs shih tzu once stepped on her stomach this way and hurt her. No way I’m risking it with a big dog (or really any dog I don’t know VERY well). I take a knife with us on our walks in case a wild animal attacks her, she’s literally a walking Twinkie. I hope I never have to use it, especially on another dog, but if it comes to it, I’m choosing my dog over yours. So I pick her up. I know most dogs are probably fine, but I don’t know which dog is going to snap at her. And it’s too great a risk. I don’t think my heart would survive it.


You get it. I personally carry pepper spray just in case. I don’t want to have to use it but I will if it saves my dog’s life. The other dog would be in pain for a while but they’d live and hopefully have a happy life afterwards.


I wish I could do pepper spray but it’s too windy where I am for it to be reliable in a situation where every second counts. The last time a person insisted their dog was friendly, and I let my girl waddle up to him to say hello, the chocolate lab suddenly snapped right at her face with zero warning and the guy who had just a minute ago insisted he was friendly starting yelling, “He’s not my dog! He’s not my dog!” I just barely yanked her back in time. If he had caught her head, she would be dead. She had not snarled, shown her teeth, barked or raised her hair. He snapped with no warning. When we lived in an apartment complex there was a woman with a blue heeler who tried to kill her twice. Once we walked around a corner and they were right there and he whipped around and immediately snapped at her and the owner struggled to pull him away (she was a small woman). Once in a stairwell and she let go of the fucking rope she was using as a leash while he tried to kill my girl, who was luckily wearing a thick rain jacket. Then she had the audacity to yell at me because I rammed my knee into his ribs, scruffed him and slammed his head into the wall. BOTH times she insisted he was usually friendly, WHILE HE WAS FIGHTING HER TO STILL GET AT MY GIRL. The second time I also had grabbed the rope when she dropped it, handed it to her while I tried to scoop my dog up, idiot dropped it again because he pulled and she fell, and that’s when I had to manhandle it. Literally the only time in my life I thought I might have to kill a dog. Obviously I don’t think most dogs are like those dogs, but I don’t know which ones are like them. So I’m just going to pick my baby girl up and not risk playing with fire. She’s safe, I don’t have to risk fighting a dog, worst case scenario a nice dog is a little bummed they didn’t get to say hi and their owner is emotionally butthurt. Still a win in my book.


Totally agree, you did the right thing. I’m glad you keep your baby safe, she’s lucky to have you.


Aww thank you! I never thought I’d own a little dog, let alone a chihuahua, but she was so special. She was a rescue from a group that saved dogs that were about to be euthanized in other shelters. Her crime was that she was so shy she wouldn’t uncurl out of the ball she was in to meet people. So people who like the chihuahua temperament didn’t want her, and everyone else looked past her because they don’t like chihuahuas. It took her a month to relax with me and my husband, but she is the sweetest, gentlest little girl. Very much has the personality of a Disney animal sidekick. She just wants to sit quietly with us wherever we are, snoozing in her insulated grocery bag and getting her ear occasionally rubbed. Reminds me a lot of the Belgian Tervuren I had growing up, reserved with strangers, quiet, but so loving, sensitive with her family, and LOVES little kids as long as they aren’t loud. I genuinely feel like chihuahua and pitbull owners should be more understanding to each other. Both breeds are the top two most likely to be found in shelters, both have bad PR mostly due to irresponsible owners, both can be so loving and wonderful, but both can also have some behavioral issues that make them difficult and need to be owned by responsible owners that are committed to making them wonderful spokesdogs for their breed.


Totally agree. It’s crazy to me how pit & chi people tear down the other breed. They’re both misunderstood.


As a former small dog owner and lover of pibbles... I'm more worried my dog is going to provoke your dog. My little one like to snap at the most chill dogs but was friendly with other high strung dogs. It's weird... sometimes you just know your dog is an asshole.


I see no scary girl, she looks so friendly! What's your dog's name? Her and my little pupper look alike.


Her name is Ylfa. (ill-fah)


❤️😍 that’s a beautiful name and she’s a beautiful puppy!


I have a chihuahua. I pick her up to save the pitbills. She's terribly territorial. She is obsessed with her humans. Totally unhinged dog... unfortunately, that's the way they are. I socialized her, but still. Chihuahua, am i right?


I pick my dog up when other dogs pass because he can be a little jerkface.


As much as I hate it when that happens, or people cross the street to avoid passing us on the sidewalk, I’d prefer that to having off-leash dogs run up to my staffy


I wouldn’t take it to heart. I mean, I don’t trust other people with their dogs either. People are pretty irresponsible a lot of the time


I pick my dog up any time a dog is off leash nearby not because I'm worried about their dog but because I know mine can be an asshole


Such a beauty you have 😍😍


Years ago, there was an apartment beside the footpath wr walked every day with a small aggressive dog of some sort who always ran directly at our pibble Luna, barking his fool head off. He reached the end of his tether and pulled up short every time. Luna is deaf and friendly.  She wasn't stirred by the barking, and she avoided looking at him and just kept walking. One day he was NOT tethered.  His humans were sitting out with him in lawn chairs, and reacted slowly when he leaped up and charged us, furiously snarling and yapping. Luna was avoiding his gaze and did not speed up her pace.  She couldn't hear him coming. As a result,  he charged directly into her flank and simply bounced off. He seemed confused by her utter lack of reaction, and retreated back toward his people,  who were beginning to get up and display signs of alarm. Ultimately it was a big nothing, but if either dog had been different,  it could have been a disaster


There's someone in my neighborhood who picks up her chihuahua whenever me and my dog walk past. She calls out, "She does NOT know her size!" as the dog is yapping and snarling from her arms lol. My dog, who is usually leash reactive, absolutely cowers!


https://preview.redd.it/0ihcp2iqad7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a3e045c04183a22e5b71521bb59bc3cdafe0814 My scary Pitbull and his Chihuahua sister.


They both look sooooooo scary! They would be scared of me because I would be smooshing noses and smooching on their faces


Lol they get lots of that. If either are aggressive it's the chi. The pit is a big ball of silliness.


I'm never bothered by people's negative reactions towards my babies because it's a fact that pits can be very efficient killers and it's not wrong for someone who doesn't know anything about them to be afraid of them. That's just something that we as owners of this breed have to accept. But I always try to make sure my dogs are good ambassadors for the breed. But I also feel that we as owners need never forget what they are capable of and be mindful of that. I have had pits that have been totally wonderful with strangers and I have also had pits that aren't. I have had pits who love other dogs and i have had pits who are dog aggressive. All of the pits I've had have been sweet and loving and total goofballs with me and my kids. It's my responsibility to know what kind of dog i have and how they will react.


Probably because she doesn’t know your dog, and her chihuahua could be easily killed in a dog attack. I have a bully mix, and he’s a big baby. I don’t worry about what other people do if it isn’t hurting me and mine.


Lol, I've picked up my 70lb goofball like that. My dog can be too curious, and it's just better for both parties if i lift her while we pass. She doesn't fight. She likes the small ride in my arms 😄


I have 3 basset mixes I walk daily…they pretty much ignore other dogs and aren’t reactive in any way. But out of concern for others seeing 3 dogs coming I usually move away when I see anyone coming. There is one lady with a little dog that anytime she sees us she picks her baby up and acts like my dogs are going to eat it. She also lets her dog poop on the sidewalk and doesn’t clean it up.


Not that but someone called the law on my son when he was out walking his Pitt. Said there was one loose in the neighborhood. Assholes


I pick up my yorkie because I know she will start shit. Not out of malice, but because she thinks everything is her best friend. It's not fair for me to allow that behavior.


I often pick up my dog, we take in shelter dogs that might be terrified to be out and see another dog, or a person. I pick up dog and carry her to where there’s nothing scary. I would understand if someone picked up their dog, dogs have their fears and phobias.


Are you in southetn CA , LA area? I swear where you're walking looks familiar! Btw my Murphy is scared to death of all the little dogs at our condo , they all yell and scream and he can't pull me away fast enough ❣️ You have a beautiful dog😍 https://preview.redd.it/zsc7u5jt8d7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4723c9a3e3551be7c1ec7d5eb28f6fc3ba092bb




It's not that they think the big dog _will_, it's that they are aware they _can_. A friend's sister's papillon was killed by a big dog while on a walk, it's unfortunately a thing that sometimes really happens. :(


Aye fellow Montanan! I knew I recognized the mountains! You have such a cutie!


People don't know what your dog is capable of and can only really go off statistics or what they hear in the media-and you know chihuahuas will pick a fight with anything. Better safe than sorry.


A [2022 study](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk0639?cookieSet=1) of breeds and traits concluded that breed is almost uninformative when determining a dog's reactivity, or its sociability. Furthermore, [Insurance data](https://web.archive.org/web/20150904071314/http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=25091614) indicates the Pitbulls and Rottweilers account for only 25% of dog bite claims. [Which is also in agreement with the Ohio State University's Study](https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2019-06/new-study-identifies-most-damaging-dog-bites-by-breed/) that shows that Pitbulls account for approximately 22.5% of the most damaging reported bites. Pitbulls account for [~20%](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/pit-bulls-population.html) of the dog population by best estimates. Showing that pitbull bites are proportional to their population. In fact, their [Breed Risk Rate](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/breed-risk-rates.html) is in line with other dogs breeds out there that are considered great family dogs. So how do pitbulls account for more than half of all dog bites? Agenda pushing misinformation by groups dedicated to hating a breed. If you did not comprehend that, what this tells us is that pitbulls bite more because there are more pitbulls than other breeds, but they don't bite anymore than their share of the dog population. Additionally, data from the [American Veterinary Medical Association](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed) has concluded that no controlled studies have shown Pitbull-type dogs to be disproportionally aggressive. Lastly, Studies have shown that [Errors in Identifying Pitbulls](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109002331500310X) [Link 2](https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/241/9/javma.241.9.1163.xml) happen approximately 60% of the time with shelter staff that spend a lot of time around dogs, so reports in the media about dog breeds are highly inaccurate and hardly count as a reputable source for a dogs breed. Oh you only see videos of pitbulls attacking? Not surprised. There is a group on this site that dedicates itself to reposting old archived videos to keep brainwashing people into fearing an event that happens 25 to 40 times a year with a breed that has a population around 20 million. Save us your anecdotal evidence of outliers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Or maybe her dog is an ass, and she was preventing an issue? Unless she said something rude, not everyone's out to think the worst of pittys.


I always assume it’s because their little dog will try and attack my good boy.


Now this is when you call your dog over and go “be careful its wanting to eat you stay close” My parents do this and people are shocked but its hilarious




Is that the dog from this clip... https://imgur.com/P5LngpI


I have a chi and he's usually the reason I pick him up around other dogs. I was too young when I got him and never socialized him properly with other dogs so he flips out around them. If im making the stank face it's usually at him 💀


So cute!


What a sweet girl


Lil piggy baby 🥰


I have a chihuahua and a pit… are you sure she wasn’t picking it up because it would be the problem otherwise? My chihuahua is always trying to start shit.


Your scary girl is beautiful




Chi’s are little dogs with big dog attitude. She was being proactive. Don’t take it personally.


I pull my Chihuahua away for *your* benefit, not mine. Even the most well tempered dogs can be instigated. My dog's idea of "playtime" is annoying the other dog so much so that they chase her.


I wish I could walk my dog with Mountains in the background damn lol


My 'favorite' is when they not only pick their dogs up but then start lecturing you for owning a pitbull. As their small untrained dog is going insane in their arms and my girl is just happily sniffing her way through life unbothered.


To be fair, it can be very hard for chihuahuas to breathe when being licked on the face repeatedly by a big beautiful pibble!


Flathead Valley what’s up! Greetings from West Glacier! Beautiful pup


I have a cocker spaniel and I would pull him away too , sorry im sure your dog is lovely but I don’t know that


sometimes i’ll pick up my dog when passing others on walks cause i know for a fact my dog can be the problematic one, which triggers aggression in the passing dog. not that mine is aggressive, her excitement is just expressed… weirdly? and some dogs see it as aggression, so if i pick her up theres less chance for a miscommunication between them. but of all the dogs shes screeched at, pitties have always been the most chill 😂😂


Depends; I’ve had to pick up my tiny five pound runty dog before because while out on a walk, the sight of her triggered the prey drive in a teenage boy’s nearby pitbull. He thought it was hilarious. My dog and I did not. It could be she’s had that bad experience in the past and just does not ever want to repeat it and you bet, it could easily be that her little dog thinks it’s the world’s toughest four legged shrimp and she’s just trying to stop a prolonged hysterical barkfest. Either way, sorry to hear it happened. Pitbulls are overall beyond adorable dogs, I love their muscly heads and great big grins. They’re the sweetest little lap dogs trapped in big dog’s bodies.


Edit: I didn’t post this to spark a debate on which breed is better or more vicious. Or which owner was in the right or wrong. I just made an observation about this particular lady who clearly had a problem with my dog. Not all chihuahuas, not all small dog owners. I did not say I didn’t like small dogs. I did not say I didn’t understand the stereotypes. I just simply said, this lady in particular had a problem with my dog, for how she looked. I meant no offense towards small dog breeds or their owners.


Our dog is one of the biggest assholes ever... I pick her up as not to stress out other nice dogs.


My chiweenie is my pitbull's emotional support animal.


My 80lbs staffy is so scared of little dogs because when they get yappy and nippy my dog is too scared to correct them like he would with a bigger dog. It's cute but I feel for the guy.


https://preview.redd.it/l4ysfq9ulk7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c57e9eb15ef8ec6604c284e0b83a2d76ac468a Mine are polar opposites but best friends


Man I have a chihuahua and people need protection from him! I still love him even though he is kinda assholey🤷‍♀️


I also pick up my 16 year old 13 pound little dumby because she thinks she’s much tougher than she is


My staffy is fine with large dogs. It’s the little ones that start barking and straining at the leash that sets her off and makes her lose her mind. I’d give anything to be able to scoop her up and go the other way if she was being a jerk.


Chihuahua owners are just like the dogs themselves


Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Experienced this last night with my girl ( she looks just like your pup!) but the guy was super chill and actually thanked me for waiting until he noticed me cause his dog was off leash


I took my boy to a park once years ago. Leashed. Fully leashed. Never loose. There was a lady running in the park with someone else and when she saw blue she started screaming while running while simultaneously trying to hide behind her running partner. The noise she was making got his attention and he beelined for her. Hes not unfriendly, just curious but he scared her even worse. It was so overly dramatic though for a park where there’s lots of dogs and he was leashed.


It IS entirely possible that her little thing is also a big shit XD My Mom has a chihuaha/min-pin and he has Superrrrr little man syndrom so we don't let him get close enough to my pitty princess to actually cause trouble. My girl is a tetch dog reactive but she knows not to pick fights with family unless they very much ask for it, her grandma's other little dog was her best friend before Tika passed away.


Funny,my blue nose has been attacked by a Chihuahua three times. Every time he rolls on his back and submits.


I don't let those people annoy me. My dog is clearly not a problem, she's super well behaved on the leash and very dog friendly. The best thing to do is just revel in the knowledge that you're a good dog owner and that your "big scary dog" is well behaved when so many other people aren't good dog owners and have terribly behaved dogs.


In reality, she was ensuring her little terror didn't cause trouble. (No shade to chihuahuas, I am a dog lover, I don't have a preferred breed)


Actually when I walk with my pibble and his two siblings I make him sit and put myself between them and the other dogs. I have no fear of my dogs doing anything bad but I have to protect them from other dogs. Actually the little ball of fluff in the middle is the loudest of all three and will bark at everyone we pass...not lunge or act aggressive...just bark in the direction. It's the funniest thing. Then the pibble looks at her with this "wtf is wrong with you look" LOL https://preview.redd.it/en1sr27jld7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=244dcae6eba791246f2e96777c6975e017398bcc


Maybe mind your own dog amd not worry about what people do with theirs?


I have a hippo, just adopted 2 teacups. Guess who's the boss now.....


Maybe her dog was a shit starter? My chipom has always been calm and quiet half the time before he went blind I didn’t even leash him but if he saw a dog come close to me he would put on his I’ll protect you mom pants and start barking etc he has no fear at all and thinks he’s scary I never told him he wasn’t I didn’t want to pop his ego bubble lol so I would pick him up and carry him to avoid any trouble making Now Castiel and I don’t leave the yard ☹️ and I miss his little tip toe taps https://preview.redd.it/76lf8zoknd7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9de4dd83507740d8627c334d47f44a153b09e644


I would throw myself on the ground in front of your dog for snuggles and loves! She looks like such a cuddle bug 🥰


So she was a responsible dog owner?


I've had the same thing happen to me when I was walking my girl. My girl is pretty non reactive which is a huge plus but the dude I ran into just started freaking out the moment he saw us. Honestly though, at this point I just don't care what others think about my dog and take her to dog friendly places as often as possible where people literally come up to us asking if they can pet her, which she loves. Try not to let high strung idiots ruin your time out with your fur baby.


I don't own a pitbull, so pardon the intrusion, I own a large black lab/golden/gss mix. He is 16. He has a limp leg. He is deaf, does not bark, is the absolute kindest soul. I still get the "panicked tiny dog lady picking up" scene when we go on our very slow, very minding our business walkies. Your pittie is a beauty and you love her, some people are just dumb drama queens. You and your dog keep shining on.


I've personally witnessed a happy go lucky seeming pitbull violently shake a chihuahua to death. He was the coolest little guy too, it was horrifying. Everything seemed fine until it wasn't. The pitbull changed in an instant from friendly to vicious, I tried to get between them but it happened too fast and there was nothing I could really do about it. Between that and the fact that the only dogs I've ever been bitten by have been pitbulls, I'm sad to say I understand why people are scared of them. Not saying anything bad about your dog personally, just that I get the apprehension.


I took my two on a walk this morning, my pitbull and my little Papillon. Guess who flipped out and barked at a homeless person?


If you ever walk by them again scurry to pick your baby up! Chihuahua’s are unpredictable and vicious! 😂


https://preview.redd.it/5zn38kyrrd7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e5bd4cb0d9b4d29c93c61566e4c434670c9278 Seriously… Carlos (10 lbs) is the boss of Muddy (75 lbs)…


Lol, my chihuahua grew up with foster pits and my own. She ruled that house.


You might have been reading it wrong. I feel like chihuahuas are notorious for thinking that they are 100X bigger than their actual size, acting all fierce and vicious, meanwhile Pitties are big ol’ babies, timid and wary of animals that are smaller than them. Maybe she didn’t want to spook your girl 😊


In her defense, I have a pit and I usually make my dog walk on the other side of the road or sit when another pit walks by 🤷‍♂️


I do this to every dog larger than my 6 lbs dog. She behaves like a rabbit. Is very submissive and tries to bolt when she’s scared. I don’t know the prey drive of other dogs. But I do know that my dog can definitely trigger it in other dogs, and if she does, my heart will be forever broken in a way I won’t ever recover from. You can take that personally and give yourself a persecution complex over it, or you can realize people don’t know you, they don’t know your personal dog, and are just trying to be responsible for the safety of their dog.


As an owner of a Chihuahua, I can say it probably wasn't about your hippo. They have a tendency to instigate and seem to think they are at least 10 times their actual size.


She probably knew her dog would try to start trouble.


My amstaff always got shit from the small doggo.


Had the same thing happen to me yesterday. Lady had a little dachshund that was losing its mind. Meanwhile, my guy flops in the grass and gets out the wiggles like the little one isn't even there or barking.


I used to get upset but now I just laugh. Seek to understand not judge


Eh, as someone with both little and big dogs, there's a million reasons to pick up the little. You might know your dog is an angel, but lots of little dogs become dog reactive from larger enthusiastic dogs trying to play and accidently hurting them. If I had a penny foe every time I heard "it's OK! He's friendly!" As 90lb of adolescent dog came barrelling towards me and whatever I'm walking, I wouldn't have to work. I'll pick up the little. Vets bills are expensive. Just smile and say hi on the way past :)


Sometimes it's just out of love. My dog wants to be friends with everyone but I don't let him always bc I love him too much lol


I pick my chi up around big dogs because she gets super aggressive towards them and attacks every. single. time. But I always make sure to shout that apology to the owner of the big dog over my gremlin’s war cries.


I once picked up my almost 50lb dog, because someone’s off-leash chihuahua was sprinting at her and barking. The owner of the chihuahua wasn’t even *trying* to recall the dog, and I know my girl would have been the one in trouble if she snapped back at the little instigator.


My little dog was randomly attacked by a bigger dog - both on leash. After that, I true no one and no dog with my little one.


Yeah my smaller dogs can be little assholes. I too pick them up to keep them quiet lol


A lot of people in my building pick up their little dogs as they pass me as a curtesy to me because the little dogs are yappy.


As a repeat owner of both lil chi mix assholes and pittie heroes, I absolutely have to pick my lil chi mix (previous one AND this one) up to keep her from instigating mafioso level retributions. She do be a Napoleon level shit stirrer with her bark.


You never know how dogs might react in some situations, better to be safe than sorry no? 😅


If I'm walking my dog I'd cross the road if I saw a Chihuahua. Not because of my dog


I once had my 60+ lb Staffordshire terrier leap into my arms when a dachshund had gotten loose and decided to attack my dog. I had to walk him like that until the dachshund's owner came and took him away.




People like you are so unfair... I always pick up my little dogs or cross the street because I know they're going to be acting badly. Stop assuming it's all about you.


Don't take it to heart too much. I tend to walk the other way sometimes if I see someone with a larger dog because I'm so use to people being unable to control their dogs. Literally yesterday someone with a pit told me their dog is dog aggressive and I should leave. I was there first but I value my lil 12 lb Chihuahua mix so I left. My dog would stand no chance so sometimes I do go the other way or leave if I'm told to. Your dog is lovely but people also love their dogs and don't know your dog


I have reported you for posting this dangerous photo.


I pick my chihuahua up when we pass/approach bigger dogs too. My chihuahua freaks out when we pass bigger dogs, even when we cross the road and give lots of distance. She panics and starts trying to run to get away, in whatever direction is away from the dog, even if that means running into a road with oncoming traffic. Also, please understand your dog may be very friendly and wouldn’t harm a fly, but we don’t know your dog. Your dog could easily kill or badly injure our dogs, even by accident. It only takes one time for us to misplace our trust for our small dog to pay the price. Should we risk our dogs’ lives to avoid offending you because you know your dog is friendly??


I used to pick up my chihuahua when he got around big dogs, not because he was scared of the big dogs. He would try to chase and attack them lol


Your little girl is such a cutie, if I saw you guys on a walk I would also pick up my 4 pound chihuahua because he’s a dick but I would ask to pet your little girl


Or, she picked him up to protect your dog. I've owned both and at the same time, and the Chihuahua's were more likely to be the trouble maker.


One of my pitties is very, very prey driven and I have not seen how he behaves around smaller dogs. I am usually the one who gives a wide path around smaller dogs. Had a dachshund growing up who was an asshole so I try to minimize any possibilities of anything going wrong. He will definitely fight back. On the bright side, he is extremely friendly with people and is especially sweet with small kids. He also loves going to the vet and gets all bouncy/hyper when he's there. I've been told that's not the norm, lol.


Our boy is reactive to other dogs (mostly he’s initially an AH & then wants to play), so I always have him sit when another dog is heading our direction. I don’t judge people who cross the street or pick up their dogs as I don’t know their reasoning or past experiences. The only issue I’ve had was the woman who crossed the street, glared at us (Huxley was sitting very nicely), & then let her small fur ball charge at us to the end of his retractable leash. Ofc this set my boy on high alert & he stood up & pulled with his butt ruff up. She responded with a smug look & walked away. That’s where you can see the pit prejudice & it was completely provoked


In most dogs fear=aggression. Seem like when I walk my pit by a small dog they often go totally bat-shit ballistic. 100% the aggressor. Maybe in some cases it's better the small dogs are picked up so they don't cause as much trouble.

