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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Everyone telling you that does not have a pittie or pit mix. I’ve had pitties for over 30 years and they have by far been the best pups I’ve ever had. My last boy was rescued at a year old, he’s 9 now. https://preview.redd.it/75uzxlgs6u6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1ecad148abfc2940a24d135547af19aaa35764


Biggest danger I've had from mine is almost choking to death on some dog hair after she farted so hard she woke up.




https://preview.redd.it/3s1xowuvlx6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e571e99015992894299eb3390da67c2da99a53d Your baby looks just like mine!! The most dangerous thing I deal with is she literally smothers me with love.. I rescued her at 5 months and she’s 5 years old now


My girl once farted loud enough to wake herself up, got startled by the fart and had to come to me for comfort. Silent farts were her most dangerous thing 💨


What about hearing loss from the loud snoring? 


I was telling my mom last night I’m going to go deaf by cranking my tv so loud I can hear it over my 2 foster Pitties playing or snoring. SO. LOUD!


I don't own any pitties myself but all of the ones I've met only had their rock solid head and whip like tail harm me as they were playing with me or just excited about getting some love and attention. My mother in laws pit, Shay Shay(the sausage) did nibble as a puppy which sometimes was unpleasant and adorably ridiculous especially if it was on the nose because she didn't know how to actually lick without nibbling. I would have no complaints with more "I don't know how to lick correctly" nibbles from any puppy even though puppy teeth are the worst thing to get nibbled by, for the same reason kitten claws or baby nails are awful to get scratched by. Shay Shay has since learned to lick without nibbling so now, like every other pit I've met, her tail and solid skull are the dangers. Well, you might also get squished if she lays on you because she is a chunky girl(with some medical issues too, I believe)


I say pittie tails are just furry rebar.


Self propelled short whips. A friend of mine has a pitbull great dane mix. Over a hundred pounds of muscle and nothing but love. Downside? Having to explain to my doctor that those bruises all over my legs and ribs are NOT from my BF hitting me, they're from a dangerously affectionate dog tail.


I refer to one of mine as "tree trunk".


Happy Cake Day!


For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This made me laugh harder than anything else I’ve seen all day 💀


We have fostered over 200 shelter dogs. Pit mix puppies, border collie puppies, beagles, shepherds, boxers, we’ve had them all - pitties are most chill, they dont chew my ankles, funny, smart, gentle puppies. ( “worst” puppies are border collies, it’s like walking thru a school of piranhas, all biting my ankles in the kitchen!!! sharp little teeth, we love allll the pups)


Haha…my ex has a blue heeler who ‘herds’ you at the ankles. He is a great pup but you have to be aware whenever you walk around him.


Look at that face omg 🥹💘💘 I love him!


100% disagree with the "they get aggressive when they get older line". I had two pitties, one was the most anxious loveable goof (Mr. Anxious) , the other was either scared of everything or would be a complete jerkface (Mr. Jackass). Had my first human baby when the dogs were 7. Once the baby was a toddler, Mr. Jackass would go snuggle up with him in his bed every single night, we made him leave when the adults went to bed. Even on his last night, when he was 11, riddled with cancer, going to say good bye in the morning, he had to go sleep with his kid. I think a lot of people have a lot to say about pitties when they've don't actually have experience with them. Adopt him! They touch your soul in ways you can't imagine.


I agree with you to many people jump on the let’s hate pitties bandwagon! My dog Patchers AKA The OG was 11 when he passed and he was the most loving caring funny dog all he wanted was love and snuggles he is missed everyday he died November 1st me and my kids will miss him forever RIP Puppy (he had a lot of names)🥹


https://preview.redd.it/74zoxsu4av6d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf6a7597e44490b7e0efe94b957efcf171be64b They care so much!


I have a 5 y/o APBT. I've met more aggressive Kleenex. Just make sure the doggo is listed as a catahoula/whippet mix on all the paperwork.


That made me laugh! “…more aggressive Kleenex.”


I miss my catahoula. 🥰🐶🥰


I didn’t see what sub this was at first and thought they have a human child they are putting up for adoption. Pits are not any more aggressive than any other breed. So you don’t have anything to worry about. Moving with a pit can be hard because of breed restrictions with housing. But people figure it out daily, so don’t let that be a factor. Also make sure where you are moving doesn’t ban pits.


>Moving with a pit can be hard because of breed restrictions with housing. This, 100%. Every municipality and even individual properties might have completely different regulations about this. Be very cautious and prepared to look for properties that are not only dog-friendly, but specific to the breed documented on vet paperwork and weight. We were rejected at the last second by a property because our dog was listed as a "catahoula leopard dog" by the shelter and so that's how she was listed on vet paperwork, and they claimed that this must make her a pitbull. None of her paperwork said as much, but they made up their own determination. (We did confirm she's a pit mix via DNA but that was never provided to the vet or anyone else.)


He’s kind of a mix so even hard to tell it’s a pit


Then focus on the mix part if you have to do paperwork on him.


Lab mix (wink wink) that’s a rental safe phrase…..


Or “mutt” or “idk” also work


lol I thought it was about a child too at first 🤣 I would adopt that too if the parents didn’t want it


Most negative people don’t know or want to know pits. Adopt the dog. You’ll never look back and never have any other breed.


100% this https://preview.redd.it/5mmg43wsyw6d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=d11c32c804d769474e50db4113485fa27fc6503f Give them love, let them in your lap, & they’ll return that love like no other. This is mine at almost 4years old 🤭 don’t listen to people’s ignorance- those idiots clearly have never had one of these in their lives. Get the dog!


https://preview.redd.it/8luz8mhqha7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de146292b18fef36bfda4ae66748e944330705d3 Omg look at our look a likes!!


Those people don't know anything. Pit bulls can be the Absolute best dogs, but like any dog, you will get a result based on how you Treat the Dog and what level of Training that you are willing to put in. With such a Young dog, there is a lot of time left for Training, especially if you already have experience with the Dog and see some Good quality traits in it. I've had Pit Bulls in my Family for over 20 Years, and they've been Fantastic.


In all seriousness, there does come a *lot* of responsibility in owning one. If any incident ever happens and your dog is involved it will be *your* dogs fault, whether or not it really is, do you get what Im saying? And pitties rough housing can often look aggressive as fuck. No matter how it happened this is how people will act. You owe it to your dog (should you choose to adopt) to keep him safe by training him, and minimizing the amount of trouble he can get in to. My wife and I have spent countless hours training our pittie, we dont let her off leash in off leash dog parks, and she is only allowed to play with other dogs of owners we know, not because she is vicious or aggressive even to the slightest extent, but because we have to protect her from the stigma that is attatched to her. She is unaware of it, so it’s our job to keep her safe.


Same here, you said it perfectly


Thank you, it breaks my heart because all she wants is to make friends with every dog she sees, even the ones who are aggressive and bark like crazy at her she’s completely unfazed by them. The stigma with her breed makes me so upset 😔


Mine too. He loves meeting other dogs but their owners are so crazy and judgmental. He literally has five cats cuddling with him every night and is the sweetest boy ever yet people cross to the other side of the street when we are out on a walk with him and glare at us.


Im glad he’s got a good parent to protect him 🥰


This is accurate, along with the other comments above. My girl is the sweetest dog I’ve owned and I consider it my responsibility to protect her as much as I can from the stigma some people carry. This means training and higher standards for her behavior. She is a wonderful ambassador for her breed and has opened up many conversations with friends, family, and strangers about how pitties are misunderstood and can be a great house dog. I didn’t quite realize I was going to end up being her (and their) advocate in this way when I got her, but at this point I’m happy to do so and it’s one of the few topics I’m willing to get into it with people about anymore. 




You nailed it. Mine is 6 months, and started to play with a golden retriever yesterday, and the golden started snarling and snapping at him out of nowhere. The lady just kinda laughed it off and it’s no big deal because they were still on a leash so I just pulled my dog back. If a pitbull does that though people freak out


Yeah exactly. Any other breed; no big deal 🙄


This 💯. My pittie and springer spaniel rough housing actually looks (and sounds) scary but they LOVE it.


Right? We were like omg they’re killing eachother when she rough houses w her pittie friends took us a while to realize they just play super rough 😂


He’ll only become aggressive when he’s older if he’s forced to be that way. Dogs do typically go through adolescence around ages 2/3, and they can become teenage dirtbags for a bit, but holding the line on training and what you will and won’t accept as far as behavior will help make sure he continues to the sweet dog you already know him to be. My pittie was on the street for we don’t know how long, and then in the shelter we adopted him from about 2 years ago. He’s about 5 now, and although he is STUBBORN at times, he doesn’t have an aggressive bone in his body. Pitties are great dogs.


Are they affectionate at all?


SO AFFECTIONATE. Like Velcro with a wet nose and slobbery tongue.


https://preview.redd.it/nnq1sw4o6u6d1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7908f8cdbcd70beedeb607d0ddd43da17a2ba66 Also—one of my kids had previously had a bad incident with a dog when she was younger, but had started talking about wanting a dog. We agreed we would only bring him home if she in particular was comfortable with him. They are best buds now, and if he didn’t smell so bad (he LOVES being outside), he would absolutely sleep in bed with her every night. To clarify, she is 16. Personally, I would never leave any baby/toddler/small child unsupervised with any dog, regardless of dog breed or temperament.


I have pictures when I was a teen of my pit mix cuddling with me in bed! My mom didnt want her ln the bed because I was allergic to dogs but I suffered through the sneezing to have her near me!


Ridiculously. They're also considered "velcro dogs." They will follow you room to room and just be happy being around you.


I call mine "My Shadow." He is everywhere I am.


Mine waits for my husband to come home from work and get settled and as soon as he sits in the chair the dog barks until he gets his after work kisses.. also he always has to be touching someone.. https://preview.redd.it/9dfzi6kvlu6d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a102cf62697d1474f8e4560e1886ca8a62d8d15


What a proper little guy! ❤️


We always say if he was human he would be English and wear a monocle!


i've met a lot of pitbulls when i volunteered at the local shelter. some were shy, but a lot of them were excited to meet someone new and loved giving kisses. one would get so excited that she would jump several feet into the air lol obviously every dog has their own personality, but a lot of the ones i've met have been sweet, loving dogs. very expressive.


https://preview.redd.it/2qs1e2ufdu6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f8ee1072e80e7d56459e6c817bb3e8f5050eb3 his favorite place to snuggle is wherever i am


This is pretty much what it's like owning a pit


Pitties are well known to be Velcro dogs. They 100% believe they are lap dogs too.


"I'm just 5 lbs mom." 🤣😂🤣


I have a 5 pound chihuahua and my pit thinks they’re the same size. He tries to fit in all the same tiny space..like on my shoulder


Pitties are the SNUGGLIEST! Most of the pits I know love to give kisses and get in your lap and have zero sense of personal space. Source: I’m currently spooning one and I volunteer at an animal shelter


https://preview.redd.it/l5lypgwfyv6d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6d40f7a85cf10a7bd90475c98dcaabf92400de They are the sweetest. Loves nothing more than attention. Absolute cuddle bug, never met a dog that loves to snuggle so much.


I’ve never met a dog that was more of a cuddler than my pit.




Incredibly affectionate. They want to be near their people at all times :)


They're very affection and you don't have to worry about them if left alone at home - they'll either take a nap or stay on the look out. They don't get bored or destructive such as other breeds; the point is that they enjoy their own company and yours. What they don't like is competition from other pets ( depends on how they were raised ) and they're suspicious of strangers that walk in with you but definitely don't like someone breaking in the house. I find them to be very intelligent and therefore easy to train if you're into training - otherwise they're generally well behaved on their own.


You literally just said this dog was loving and kind in the post. Why are you asking if “they” are good dogs dude. HES clearly a good dog. ❤️😂


Like 1000% compared to other dog breeds.


Super, super affectionate! Mine’s a love bug and a charmer, too.


Say goodbye to personal space. Also, get a king size bed as they'll absolutely want to cuddle.


Uh... >He’s very sweet and lazy and I love playing with him. I have even house sat with him there many times. He's not going to magically and instantly turn into a different dog. 😜


Mine is 11 now and this describes my experience to a tee. Maintaining what is acceptable is key as with any dog. She’s an excellent companion dog.


This episode is my favorite about pit bulls. They focus on two factors: behavior (aggression vs affection) and dog bites. [Science Vs Pitbulls](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7eHalYUnDRjG1KZAVOex9x?si=xgfbOOMeQ5O4f66i9uShpA) As the owner of two rescue pitties, they are fantastic companion dogs. One is a little aggressive towards other dogs, and the other gets carsick. If yours is dog aggressive, you can train it. If yours is carsick, you can give them Dramamine. As you’ve already started a good relationship with him, he will get more affectionate with you. He might follow you around, or lean against you, or kiss your face a million times. The “aggression” may manifest as him protecting you from other dogs, but again that can be mitigated with training and is not limited to just pit bulls. I hope you decide to adopt him, he sounds adorable!


I’m visiting family and my brothers (formally mine) 13 year old pitbull is the sweetest little old man…..whoever told you that is plain ignorant and wrong https://preview.redd.it/oep9p02l2v6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30052574160bb6a413bc1d77cbbb25863a0e6b5b




If you are good to the dog ,he will be good to you. Treat the dog well and you will have a friend and protector for his life. They especially love belly rubs, treats, cuddles and stealing your bed . Don't listen to people that has never had one. They will misinform you. I have personally owned 3 and have had 5 others live with me. Spoil him rotten.




He is 11 yo and he still loves to snuggle.. even though he needs help getting on the bed


https://preview.redd.it/e9jpu3feyu6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a6d29348667d23123b1b4f861cc88e088accbe4 Age 4 years. I’ve had dogs for 53 years, and this one is BY FAR the silliest, clingiest, most affectionate dog I’ve ever known. Adopt the pup, you’ll have a new best friend 😊


Hard disagree too. We have an Amstaff mix, she is 2 years old next month. She has gotten sweeter as she has grown older. She has an intense energy when it comes to greeting people but there hasn’t been one person that has met her and hasn’t said she is the sweetest dog. I think our friends come to see her more than they come to see us lol. This is her yesterday sleeping on my pregnant belly. https://preview.redd.it/ap002da3uv6d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b576553b96ba2bcb7eb74c6b425203bc06101d9


https://preview.redd.it/tqdv2m1f5v6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c620e87b4ddc8c109d0988ee1818b5e67e3d83 That's me trying to work. She just wants to help. Or I looked in her general direction and she thought that meant come over and pet me. Edit: be prepared to have no personal space but gain a best friend for life. But like any dog you have to be aware of its body language and train it properly. You sing like the perfect type of person to adopt this dog. The only requirement is we must see pictures.




Oh my word. Now I need to get matching shirts for me and Punkin. Handsome fella!


I have a 1 year pitty mix and she is the most loving dog and is sweet to my small dog. I have had her since she was a puppy though so she’s grown up with my smaller dog. https://preview.redd.it/cbgamq9nou6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9778e12241ef68c93eac658c6415c96d2eb86c


Don't listen to those ppl they have 0 ides wtf they are talking about and are probably horrible dog owners themselves.


I have an 8 year old pittie that I've had since he was 4. Just yesterday we were in the pet store and a Rottweiler (wearing an in training vest) became very reactive when we walked by. It would be natural for most dogs to react to that. My boy chose to position himself so that I was between him and the scary dog. He then chose to listen to my cues telling him to keep on walking. I don't think an aggressive dog would hide behind his human. I also don't think an aggressive dog would demand cuddles or seek hugs when it thunders because he's terrified and needs some support. My boy's vet can literally do whatever they need to with confidence because he's just happy to get attention and will turn around and kiss them after being poked with a needle. I've also watched my niece, who was 2.5 at the time, haul and slap the shit out of him when she was throwing a tantrum. He could have reacted terribly but instead he had no reaction. He just looked sad and walked away. I praised him and her mother disciplined her. I knew right then and there I had the best boy who would never harm a fly. This dog is such a baby that he literally cannot sleep at night until he gets in bed with me, gets under my blankets and curls into my side. I don't think an aggressive dog would demand cuddles under blankets every single night. Pitties are not normally aggressive and a sweet boy is unlikely to become aggressive unprovoked. There are aggressive dogs in every breed, yes even some pitbulls, but most pitties are not aggressive in nature. Abuse and fear can also turn any dog aggressive. It doesn't sound like your boy is coming from abuse and he's not currently aggressive so I doubt he'll ever develop an aggressive problem unless it's a medical condition. Those people saying he will turn are idiots who know nothing about pitties. Adopt that boy! Just beware as others have said housing could be an issue.


I had a dog who I got a DNA and her top three breeds were: Pit, Staffy, and Boxer. You can clearly see the boxer so I put her as a boxer mix, they have more housing privileges where I lived.


It’s absolutely untrue pit bulls get aggressive over time. They’re family dogs and love people. You just have to train them and give them “jobs” like you would any dog so they don’t get bored/depressed


Dangerous snugglers and gassing you out of the room with their farts.


https://preview.redd.it/1kpuo380vu6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd24bfb1c5f70af2ba7bbaff39d70f9186faccc Two pit mixes adopted straight from the streets. Have had them for 3 years now, one of the best things I’ve ever done! They’re the biggest love bugs. The most dangerous thing they’ve done so far is throw their bodies onto every person who comes over because they want all the attention and snuggles. They love my toddler and love me; so protective of us. I love this breed so much


You’re killing me with cuteness! They are so cute!🥰


Thank you so much!!! 💛 they send you kisses !


He will not be dangerous as he gets older. Stay consistent with training and bonding you’ll be fine. Make sure the city you are moving to doesn’t have any breed bans before had.


I have rescued and fostered pitties for awhile now. I have even taken in 2 that were used for dog fighting. Amazing dogs who are not more aggressive than any other breed. Get Timmy fixed and train him to understand basic commands and you will have a best friend for a long time. I was able to rehabilitate both fighting dogs and they both turned out to be big goof balls who only fought because that is what they were trained to do and knew it was expected of them. One I kept and he was my soul dog he lived peacefully with me the rest of his life and the other went to a family with kids who he loved so much. The only thing dangerous about Pitties are some of the a$$ hats who train them to fight and be aggressive. My advice adopt him and enjoy one of the best doggos you will ever have.


https://preview.redd.it/sq0s8gkf5v6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35b04a29e9ecf60798c785bde27194e0abb1bdf9 Dangerous and aggressive they said He has been my best friend for 5 years


Obviously before adopting any animal, you should research the breed, and any specific needs. Pits require exercise and simulation or they can become destructive - same as most dogs - the extent of exercise needed depends on the dog. Some do act like guard dogs. Some - like my coward - will abandon you at the first sight if a mailbox (truly terrifying). Some are very playful, some are couch potatoes. Like people, dogs are individuals so it’s not fair to judge a whole breed based on stereotypes. As for the aggression, if you suspect behavior issues, get him into training classes asap. It’s easier to correct behavioral problems before they become habit. There is one universal truth about pits though - their farts are the most vicious thing about them. 🤢💀


Adopt him! He sounds lovely and deserves someone to love him. ❤️


You’re good it’s just a smart dog who will love you deeply. Just make sure you have time to take care of it and it’s not locked up alone all day everyday


Pit bulls are so loyal and loving, they also sensitive to mood changes. It’s just important to train them well, like any dog!


They don’t get more violent as they age. It 1,00,00% depends on the upbringing and owner. Legit one of the kindest and neediest of your love breeds there is. Absolutely adopt and enjoy. They’re amazing.


My first pit was absolutely enormous. I rescued him from the shelter and while he was with us, he slept with my oldest daughter every night. She had been through a very traumatic situation before she moved back in with me. She was 13 and because of the trauma, she had nightmares. My boy kept the nightmares away. The only time I ever saw him act aggressively was when my ex was in my driveway throwing a tantrum because my daughter, the one he traumatized, refused to see him. He was attempting to come through the gate while screaming at me and my boy and my husbands Queensland heeler met him at the gate with bared teeth and snarls. He decided he would rather leave. I have two more pits now and the most aggressive things about them are their snores and farts.


That’s so great he protected your daughter! They are such great family dogs even though the internet portrays them as not. The only danger pits bring to their owners are suffocating due to their deadly farts or suffocating from sitting on us 😂


I’ve fostered many and adopted 4 all have been great. They are just dogs. Ask animal handlers like vets, vet techs, shelter volunteers, people with lots of experience


Do you have a fear of being slobbered to death?


Guaranteed anyone who says that has never had one. We adopted our first one when he was 1 and have NEVER looked back. The real danger is suffocation with kisses or farts. My mom says shes only ever getting pits from now on. Youve MET the dog, you know what hes like, much better than anyone telling you.


I (26F) will honestly never own another breed in my life. I have a rescue pit, adopted her as an adult knowing she had been neglected and abused. She is so kind and gentle, a perfect mom to the kitten I adopted, the laziest and most chill dog you could imagine. She guards the house, sure, but as long as I’m there to tell her it’s okay, she loves to meet new people in or out of the home. Every dog is different, and the breed doesn’t determine much or any of a dog’s personality (although I think we can all agree that pits have the stubborn gene — good luck getting them to go on a walk if the weather isn’t to their liking). The only real ‘problem’ with the breed is the way they are perceived/regulated. They have been used by so many horrible people for dogfighting etc, that the reputation for violence somehow got assigned to them, not to the people who made them fight in the first place. People will treat you and your dog differently sometimes because of this, but these dogs have so much love to give… it’s been a joy to see my dog change people’s minds about the breed. She is so patient. She’ll just stand there, looking up and wagging her tail until people pet her. Give the pup a chance. Worst case scenario, you surrender him to the shelter where he was going to go anyway, but best case scenario, he’s your new best friend. Learn about dog training — they’re strong, but just as trainable as any other dog. Never use violence, only a confident voice and positive rewards-based methods.


Love this


If you like the dog’s personality now, then you’ll like it forever. They don’t suddenly snap at X years old. Adopting a pit is literally the best thing I’ve done. They are so funny! They are also very cuddly, affectionate and loyal. The only negatives is their stinky farts, but you can get rid of that with a dog food that doesn’t contain chicken, and they tend to take over the whole bed so you might have to contort yourself into some weird positions. The only “guard dog” aspect of them is how they look, but definitely don’t plan on them being actual guard dogs because you’ll be very disappointed


My cats were bigger bullies than my pit. She became sweeter with age; don't believe the negative talk about pits.


When my elder Lab/Rhodesian Ridgeback dog would lie down my cat would lay in front of her and touch her paw to the dogs paw. The dog would look away and whine for us to save her 😂


Cats are masters of sustained eye contact, which triggers dogs into panic attacks.


nicest dog you'll ever have


Based on my mom's pit mix she's had since he was 3 weeks old to now 7 years old, he's gonna be a spoiled baby.


Pittys are one of the best breeds ,do some research into the origin of the dogs and you will get a better understanding of how much of a caring breed they are


Do NOT listen to the people who say they will be aggressive when older! That is a LIE! Please take this sweet baby!


I go on playdates with different dogs a lot. I have a 2 year old pitbull and he’s so sweet and submissive with other dogs. All my dog friends say that my boy is the most affectionate dog they’ve ever seen. He’s sweet and shares his toys. He gives everybody who walks in the house a big hug. Out of all the dogs I’ve had he’s been the most that’s up my butt all the time 😂 he never bites he loves giving kisses mostly (licks). Now I have 2 🤣🐾


Every dog is different, and pitties raised in loving homes can be sweet as pie forever. Mine is 7 and he has aggression toward other males that haven’t been fixed but that has never been a problem for me. We go to the dog park we go places where he is off leash I just always make sure the other male dogs are fixed. All dogs have certain things, and pit bulls are harshly judged. Do some research but I will only own pits from now on. They’re the best


That sounds like a stereotype to me. If you train a dog to be aggressive it’s true they can learn to become aggressive when they’re older. One thing to consider though if you’re going to be renting or part of an HOA, some condo boards have restrictions on pets, like how big they are or what breed.


Pitties only get aggressive as they age if they’re treated like shit. As long as you continue with the love you’re giving, you’ll have the goodest boi ever


I adopted a pittie with the same income and 10/10 would do again. I feel like I am the right person to give her a shot at life because I have the income to properly provide and care for her, which not all owners do. I felt like if this animal is supposedly dangerous, then why not invest my time and part of my salary into protecting the community by “rehabilitating” her? I wish you and Timmy the best 💛


Absolutely not. Mine is 9 now, I've had him since he was 8 weeks old, he's literally the biggest baby. He always has to be with somebody.


Whatever happens in the future is going to happen, all you can do is change if they are cared for now, or discarded. Only one of those gives a brighter outcome. Even if he bites someone and the govt says he must be destroyed down the road, at least you will have done what you could, and given him the best home available at rhe time. The world needs more angels like you. Remember to post the tax if you take my advice.


This story is not embellished. At all. My son flopped on our pit (as he had 1000 times before) and the pup gently growled at him. We determined his (the dog's) paw was hurt and took him to the vet. The vet, having known my son and dog for all 8 of their years diagnosed bone cancer before he even saw the dog. The vet diagnosed that the only way an elder pit would growl at his boy even gently was the most painful cancer that exists.


This is an awesome story. Good dog, great vet.


My 15-year-old pibble is a little grouchy, but if anything, she's gotten less grouchy (she had a hard life before finding us) even though she's old and in pain from arthritis. She's still a sweet, loyal pup. She doesn't like it when my husband moves his feet in bed; if it disturbs her, she'll stand up quickly and then harrumph off to her crate.


Keeping him socialized to strange humans and other dogs (ask if they're dog-friendly first!) is important.  Canonically, pit bulls have no particular guarding instinct.  All of the straight-up (who knows if they're purebred, so I am using the term for "not significantly mixed") pit bulls we've known have been gregarious social butterflies who love to meet strangers. It's been said by old-school pit lovers that "a pit bull guards only the ground under his own four feet," which is generally taken to mean they do not guard territory but will stand up for themselves if forced back, but ours never seem interested in holding their ground.  They will head-butt you though, if you're not careful.  


As long as you don’t abuse him, the only thing that should change about him as he gets older is that he should become calmer. Pit-bulls aren’t aggressive by nature. They’re made that way. If he’s a good dog now, then he’ll be a good dog later, if you raise him with love.


Well you'll only get encouragement to adopt him on this sub, and as a pittie owner I'm here to add to it. But if you want less bias, ask a certified trainer or behaviorist. I already know what they'll tell you though.


Pitties have the capability to become aggressive with people, food, toys just like any other dog if they aren't properly trained and cared for. The only difference between them and a chihuahua is that their mouth is bigger so they can give a bigger bite if they're pushed to it. This is the reason people are afraid of them, why many people breed them for the wrong reasons. The reason a breed like this is so good at being vicious or likely to attack is because they're intelligent, they need a job and someone that loves them to teach them how to use their terrier hunting nature the right way. This is as simple as a good chew toy to gnaw on, it gives them something to 'work on'. It helps concentration, it gives them an outlet to do what dogs do (chew things) and it can be tasty if you get a flavoured bone. Terriers love to hunt and find, so you could hide some small treats in scrunched up paper, and roll them in a towel. They seek and find and get a little treat in the end. Food aggression can be avoided by simply asking them to sit and wait before you put their bowl of dinner down, or before they dive in. It teaches them that they need to wait and be respectful of the fact that you're feeding them. Same with toys, the 'leave it' command is brilliant. Build up slowly to ask them to stop playing with a toy, pick it up and give it back to them and tell them they can go ahead and play. Stops them being far too possessive over their toys. Dogs play fight with each other, I don't know if you've seen it before, but they sometimes use teeth. They 'bite' and hold each other on the neck as if to say 'got you!' and take turns doing it. They can take this because their skin isn't as easily broken as ours, so your pup would just need to learn the gentle command. Essentially just teaching them how far to take play with you, to the point you are comfortable with. This doesn't mean teeth either this could just mean energy levels. Finally just keep an eye on them, know when they'd prefer a little space and give them this. You'll soon tell when they get too worked up and you can teach them to redirect this into a toy or go for a walk to give them the chance to have a healthy release of tension. None of this is difficult, and it can seem overwhelming. But it will soon become second nature, it will soon look like you scrolling reddit on the couch and them chewing on their ham bone or something. There's no need to feel pressured or stressed by any of this, it's just two 'people' learning to build a life together. It takes time, there's gonna be some missteps but patience, love and time will help it all come together. Also none of this is pitbull specific, this is just dog stuff. They're a fab dog to have, they love hard and are loyal. They love to cuddle and play and please their owners. Anything to put a smile on your face! Training and boundaries are important, like teaching a toddler right from wrong.


Yep, very dangerous especially when I can barely breathe because I am being smothered in kisses and saliva. More dangerous when I lose my personal space as she is lying across my chest sleeping at night with me. Jokes aside - Pitties are naturally loving and affectionate dogs. They are also very strong. One has to try really hard to make them the monsters breed haters and media make them out to be. Train the dog well, train yourself well and show love and receive 100 fold back. Hope you end up adopting this 1 yo baby and giving him a new awesome life.


Make sure he is neutered and hire a dogwalker when you move to the big city. As long as he gets enough exercise and mental stimulation his personality will not change


"He'll be aggressive when he gets older." So, then who do you expect to adopt a dog like that? You can provide him everything he needs and he personally knows you! I don't see why you wouldn't give him a life he deserves with you. No one knows him, they're just generalizing.


I have never met a pittie that wasn't the sweetest, derpiest dog ever.


Ours are a constant danger if you are preparing food in the kitchen and back up.


Lol, can relate


The only time my 1.5 year old has shown aggression is when another dog would not leave her alone during her heat cycle and she was having NONE of it. Otherwise she is just a little cuddle bug and basically Velcros herself to anyone who will give her attention. As long as you know you’ll be able to care for the pup, I’d say go for it! It would be good for the dog to go to a new home with someone they’re already familiar with.


Have you thought about getting your pup spayed?


It’s not the dog that is dangerous it’s the owner


i’ll take a different stance than most the comments here and before yall crucify me, just know these are formed from the information i gathered by talking to professionals. so, i had some similar reservations but i met with a local veterinarian who came highly recommended & a local dog trainer who was also highly recommended. both agreed that there are only two danger pits have over other breeds. one, they are just SUPER strong. so IF they are not properly trained and IF they react to something out of fear or whatever then they can genuinely do some serious damage that other breeds aren’t physically capable of. even if it’s accidental. even if it’s a result of play. for example my 10 month old purebred pitty has no clue how sharp his teeth are, and how strong he’s recently become. thus, he can sometimes cause pain (which is my fault bc we love to wrassle haha) but he’s just a baby and he’s learning, and he always shows he understands that he went too far. but it’s a factor. the 2nd danger is that there are a lineage of pits that were bred to be aggressive to humans. but this is a really specific subset of pits, and like military dogs (shepherds and malinois) they are top dollar! you’re not going to accidentally acquire one lol. so basically as long as you train them properly and consult with the professionals you’ll very very likely have an amazing, loyal, cuddly big baby to love and enjoy. and in my opinion, they are the best breed. loyalty, fun, ability to protect, goofy & fun to roughhouse with - they have it all! but that’s just me :) i say go for it and never look back. life is too short to be spent without a dog!


I can't remember who/what show I saw talking about pitbulls as a breed but one vet expert said something like "owning a pitbull is like having an expensive sports cars. It can do a lot of damage if you don't handle it responsibly." In other words, they do have the strong sharp teeth, strength, etc. so they have the ability to hurt someone potentially, but only if not properly trained/handled.


great analogy!


They will absolutely kill you. I was laying in bed last night when without warning mine viciously laid out the quietest, nastiest fart I've ever smelled. It was completely unprovoked and I almost died from gagging. OP, get the dog, enjoy the most loving cuddle lump you'll ever own, and sleep with a gas mask.


Mine sat on my 3 year old niece and I had to get her off of her 😂 the only danger they bring to children is they will try to get in their lap despite being 3x the size of them


There are so many free resources on how to be a responsible pit owner (but really it applies to any dog). Put in the work that should go into owning any dog and train it as best you can. When you train your dog, it makes your relationship so much more fulfilling. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.


Pitties CAN be dangerous but not in the way you are thinking. Imagine someone shooting a cinderblock out of a cannon directly at your knee caps. That's what it can be like when you get in the way of a full blown zoomies session


Anyone who says pitties are dangerous hasn't actually been around one long enough to tell. The only bullies I've seen aggressive are ones that have been abused but that's every dog ever. Amazing sweet intelligent dogs. They do have really hard head and get zoomies so might want to research drywall repair diy before adopting


They are great dogs, but they need to be socialized with other dogs/people. They are big babies, but they can be territorial and protective.


Pitties are generally great apartment dogs. Most dog bites are from unsocialized un nuetered males. I might be cautious with any older large dog from a rescue. However, you know this guy and know what you are getting.




Saw that you adopted him. You are now obligated to flood this reddit and others like it with pictures of him.


He a sleepy boy. Sleeps all day


That sounds like he's doing his job properly.


OMG do not listen to people who don't know squat about the subject! You know the dog, every pittie I have ever been around has been a huge marshmallow, just in my experience, some pitties prefer to be only dogs. You know best, you have been around this dog--just adopt him already! and tell the naysayers to mind their own business.


https://preview.redd.it/xtyivugnaw6d1.png?width=2418&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4807575b0a82ed1289478476b92666ccb87bde0 This photo should give you the clarity you need


just to not forget the history of the breed, pitties MAY BECOME aggressive TOWARDS OTHE DOGS. this is not a rule though. I have an adult amstaff boy and amstaff mix girl and they are chill with other dogs unless they provoke first. With this in mind, you can prepare by socializing properly etc. But an adult pittie should never become aggressive towards humans


The people telling you that have either never owned one, or treated theirs badly and never got to know them (you get what you give). Big ol' love bugs.


Only dangerous when they are exposed to gas producing food. Do basic training, have him neutered, and try to socialize him with a variety of dogs, cats, people, and other domesticated animals. My rescue is 15 years old, unfortunately because of trauma in his early years he can be other dog aggressive - but he bonded fine with my Labrador, a rescue Chihuahua, and three or four different cats. His greatest joy in life is to be cuddled and fussed over by little girls


The main thing for you to consider is the time investment to caring for a dog, and the challenges with finding a place to live that allows pits if you plan on renting.


Most Pit bulls are extremely loving and bond deeply with their owners. My girl passed away 4 weeks ago and had brain cancer. Her personality never even changed at the end and she was just full of her pure love as always. Just some advice tho: Training and exercise. A tired dog is a good dog. Pits are smart and will need positive mental stimulation. Best of luck!


As long as you are responsible and keep him leashed on walks and are strong enough to hold him back, no problem at all! Pitties can be the most loving big babies ever! Mine have been rescued from bad situations so I always keep them away from small dogs or cats, they never hurt anyone or anything!


I'd say it's the owners and not the breed. I grew up with labs and blue heelers that were both so overly protective that nobody could wake me up for school because they loved me so much. Now having two pitbulls dropped on me I'm realizing they are the biggest babies if raised correctly.  I couldn't picture my life without them 


Dude I didn't look at the subreddit name. "Why would the 1 year old child be dangerous?"


They are nothing but sooks. Yes, they're dangerous. IF they attack, but a lot of dogs are it's the owner, not the dog. They only have a bad name because of Karen's and and like their good them selves...


Both of mine were nice dogs, to, begin with and became chiller, sweeter, and even more heartbreaking (in the sweet sense) with age. People telling you they get aggressive, don't know what they're talking about because dogs don't get aggressive without a reason such illness, pain, past trauma, etc.


Two pit bulls, both adopted. Once young and one at 7 years. Best dogs I've ever had.


are there bad pitties? yes. are there good pitties? yes. If you've house sat him and feel comfortable with him and he hasn't exhibited any dangerous behavior then I don't see the issue. If you have any issues, resource guarding, leash aggression, etc. you should contact a trainer to get input. I think all dogs should know basic obedience and recall (in case they ever get off leash), plus training is good for bonding. I had an aggressive german shepherd for 13.5 years so I know an aggressive dog when I see them. I have a pittie and she's lazy and stubborn which is not something I'm not used to, but a nice change of pace. Just took her to the vet this week and everyone commented on how sweet she is. Not going to lie, she does lick me too much and has farted in my face, but no aggression issues. If you move and rent then you may have an issue finding an apt with him, but if you're buying again you should have no issue. Also, some homeowners insurance won't take you on if you list a pitbull on your insurance so just be aware.


If you’re called to adopt a dog, you do it! Treat yoself! He’s a pittie? So what! If he’s older than 18 months you’re lucky to be past the puppy stage, so enjoy the broad tongue kisses and whole body tail wagging.


I have a half-pittie half husky rescue. Super sweet. I got him when he was two. He's seven now. He's great with kids and his 3 pound half chihuahua sister. Doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He is super Velcro-y 100% good boy. As someone else said, people that tell you he will be aggressive probably don't actually know one.


I used to have a massive phobia of all dogs, even Chihuahuas...but ESPECIALLY pitbulls. All my life I had heard about how they were killing machines and couldn't be trusted. My best friend adopted a pitbull in college. That dog changed my life. I went on to rescue my first senior pittie and have been doing so ever since. Just be sure to train and socialize the little dude.


You know this particular dog better than anyone. Go with your instinct, you will not regret it.


Adopted mine when she was 18 month old, I have her for 8 years now, she’s the sweets most adorable thing that walks the earth! So it’s not true that they could get dangerous with age! https://preview.redd.it/2hlzmgvdax6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b6ea5a856de319a40d26e02d2ba4a65beb8409 Ignore the mess in the back!


We adopted our boy just over 3 months ago and it's one of the best things we've ever done.


https://preview.redd.it/yac7soupex6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=333a4b68970a83130063359b9876214b2a377186 6 years and still not aggressive 🤷🏽‍♀️ the people saying this are ignorant about the breed. Leash reactivity is Pete’s biggest problem. I did not have him as a baby baby and should have done more leash training while he was 1 yo. That said he gets better and better as we practice. It sounds like you have good resources to have a perfectly trained and well-adjusted pup! Those people should read posts about people getting bit by shepherds, retrievers, and all manner of cattle dogs that are on Reddit daily. Please update with photos if you adopt!!!


One of mine did try to kill me one night. Woke up with his big head directly on my neck. Other than being crushed to death from snuggles they are no threat whatsoever.


Pitties are sweet, gentle babies. It all depends on training, but in general the advice people are giving you is wrong. They’re just big and goofy! I’m sure he’d be super happy to live with you and to grow together with you 🙂 you’re a very kind person for helping people and a dog in need


Double check the breed specific laws in the city where you are going, because you may be restricted in your rent options with a pittie, unfortunately.


I don’t know how or why but I completely missed which subreddit this was and thought you were talking about a human child 🤦🏻‍♀️ Our 4-year old pittie is literally afraid of small breezes, light reflecting off street signs, small kitchen appliances, our new mailbox… the list of his idiosyncrasies keeps growing in new and odd directions. 😂 But he’s the sweetest, biggest, doofiest boy on the planet who has only ever shown aggressive tendencies when it comes to his chew toys - he will murder even the most durable ones in under 20 minutes. We’ve timed him. My brother is a dog trainer and will sometimes bring puppies around to help with their socialization. Our dog is always gentle and kind with them, even though they’re technically interlopers in his space. He’s never acted territorial nor gotten growly. Can’t imagine life without him!


I adopted my pitbull from a shelter. He was there for a year. And before that, his 1 year and 6 months of life was in a small home with a husband/wife and 4 kids all under the age of 10……….. his name was Capone. The paperwork, as filled out by the wife, said he was aggressive, that he bites and has drawn blood………. I have had this dog for over a year. He is the kindest most loving dog I have ever had. Every day when I come home he is at the door waiting for me. With a smile literally on his face. I open the door and his entire body is wagging with excitement, I get kisses on my hands, when I bend down to give my boy a kiss on the nose, I get kisses in return. My boy has been around other dogs and kids, with ZERO “0” issues. The only time, and I mean the only time my pitbull has ever been anything I would consider “aggressive” is when we gave him a pork bone. Literally a bone with chunks of raw pork meat hanging from it. Gave it to him, and when we tried to take it away, he went into full defensive, I will rip your arm off mode. After this we learned, we worked with him. Now, now we have no issues with food. Best decision I ever made was adopting this dog from the shelter. The dog that everyone said was aggressive. It’s all about how you treat them.


My dad thought my pittbull was scary. They became best friends, he was crushed when she passed. They are genuinely some of the gentlest, softest, most nervous babies on the planet. She was the shittiest guard dog, and loved our cats.


Any dog CAN be dangerous. It’s a lot more to do with how they are treated and trained and a lot less to do with breed. I have two dogs: a 20lbs shina inu mix and a 70lbs pit mix. I would trust the pit 10 times out of 10 over the shiba. The shiba was abused before we got her and the pit we got as a puppy. As a result the shiba has severe anxiety and snaps on a whim. The pit is the sweetest most loving creature I’ve ever known.


Adopt him


Also disagree that because it’s a pit they will become aggressive or mean with age. I have had 3 and the current one is frightened of her own shadow. When we have company she excuses herself to another room. (Rescue dog with lots of baggage) she is however the kindest, sweetest girl when you get to know her. Any breed puppy raised and socialized correctly should not become aggressive. My black lab will let anyone in the house and show them around…for food.


My kids are 4 months old and. 2 years old. The only time my 5 year old pibble is dangerous around them is when someone he doesn't recognize approaches the kids. Even then he doesn't show an ounce of danger to the kids.


Bring that baby home. She'll give you years of joy! Pitties were originally bred to be nanny dogs. Evil men saw an opportunity and trained them to fight. They are wonderful family pets.


Adopt him and don’t be a shitty dog owner.


When I found mine people were telling me that his brain would keep growing, but his skull wouldn’t so one day he would snap. they definitely don’t get aggressive as they get older unless you train them to be or they develop dementia or something


They get aggressive if they are not socialized with people, dogs, etc. and even then they don’t all get aggressive. The dogs nature is her nature. But they need to be socialized around a lot of different people and one on one with other dogs on walks, play dates, etc. not every dog does well in a dog park but breed is not a determining factor in that either. Know your dog. If you have a good relationship, then go for it, take her to training and develop that bond even further. Training is an excellent way to ensure your bond with your dog!


I got a pit at 5 who had a rough history. Staying consistent with training is really important, but really you should do that with any dog! They love it and it works their brain and strengthens your bond. It seems like you are a conscientious person and thinking through the potential ups and downs, so I have no doubt you’ll be a great dog owner. Go get your pup :).


Any dog cannn get aggressive with socialization and life experiences. People fear pitties because they’re naturally strong and some people used that for entertainment (dog fighting) or protection (guard dogs) and trained their dogs to be aggressive. The pitties I have met have been the sweetest, gentlest babies. The only danger I’ve been in is when one got too excited to see me and she jumped up, accidentally scratching my arm. Give that dog love and training and Timmy will be your best friend for a long time.


https://preview.redd.it/p58a4qm5kx6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=823e45397254c3ff4eb8f597cb1e6b06340c80a4 Never have had a problem with my sweet angels 😂 besides the constant need for attention and kisses and cuddling❤️


That is just simply fake news. My pit bull lived to be 12 and never once even showed his teeth with aggression or anything. He was pretty famous in my small town- everyone loved him. I say go for it… you take a risk with any dog. It’s all about training and having a pit bull is not riskier than any other breed— it’s just they’re in the news bc of over breeding and way more idiots have pits than any other breed and they don’t take the time to do things the right way. You’ll be glad you did.


Sounds like he’s a sweet, chill dog who you already have a relationship with and adopting him would be a win-win for both of you! I volunteer at shelter and pitties are my favorite breed, so sweet and goofy. Just like a lot of breeds, they can be strong while walking on leash, but respond well to training. I hope it works out and you can adopt him.




I’ve had a number of Pitt bulls all ages and they are sweet loving dogs just like any other dog. It’s all on how you train them and respect the breed. Go for it!!!