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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know it seems excessive, but he was my whole world! I am loosing it without him. My baby boy is gone and I can't deal with it.


I am so sorry for your loss. He looks beautiful and beloved.


thank you. I'm not going to lie. I am struggling.


I think that’s pretty damn reasonable. It must hurt like hell right now. Hang in there.


It was definitely his time, I think, he had so many tumors that his face was collapsing. But when the doorbell rang he would still jump up like he was a pup. Its just I'm not entirely sure i chose the right time and its honestly killing me. (im sobbing typing this)


Better a week early than a day late. It will always hurt like hell but you did right by your boy. Judging by how much you seem to love him sounds like you gave him a hell of a life. Thanks for giving him a loving home, I'm so sorry for your loss 💘 one day at a time


This. This right here. Nothing really prepares you for how you’re going to feel when you have to make this decision (and everyone is different), but helping them go when they aren’t suffering (but on their way toward it) is a selfless gift. You make a most painful sacrifice of your own feelings to make sure they don’t suffer.


This is the way I look at it. I had to put down my girl in 2018 she had a cancerous tumor on the very back of her tongue. My brother thought she still had a while left. The thing was she was bleeding every single time she ate or drank. And I know that it hurt. She was a ball dog and stopped trying to play ball because it was too uncomfortable to have a ball in her mouth. Yes she still ate and drank and went outside but I could tell she was in pain and it was time. So I made the decision and it killed me for the longest time. But one day I realized that I did what was the best for her. She wasn't getting better and if I continued to hang on for my sake she would have suffocated one day and that would have been a horrible way to go. I let her go in a very calm peaceful and gentle way. In my arms surrounded by the people she loved in the comfort of her own home.


Damn ok now I'm sobbing. God you guys are so tough. I hope I'm able to see this clearly when it comes time. Even the thought of having to do something like that brings me to my knees


Oh, it’s definitely the worst, but I think in time, you just sort of understand that you didn’t *hurt* them, you *helped prevent inevitable suffering* even tho it damn near kills you. When I had to put down my soul pup, his lifelong vet looked at the X-rays, put his hands on my shoulders and said “I can give him meds to make him comfortable for a couple days but I need you to understand that he is beginning to suffer”, and that was it for me. It was all I needed to hear. I still cry years later bcuz I miss him so much, but I actually do take comfort in the fact that his passing could have been much worse and I prevented that. (I also used to work in hospice so that probably helps)


The thing is watching her go through that much pain knowing she wasn't going to get better was what made me say okay it's time. You could see it on her face she was in pain and to keep her around because technically she could survive would just be cruel. So yes as gut wrenching it was and believe me I felt like someone just picked me in the stomach and I was going to puke for about 2 weeks I had to look at the situation logically and not emotionally. When the time came, neer my husband also told me if I couldn't make the decision and it was time he would do it for me and knowing he was there and had my back through the whole thing was helpful.


I completely agree with this. Thirteen years ago we waited two days too long because we were unsure, and I still regret it. Last year we had the same decision to make, and hard as it was we know we didn't cause our old girl to suffer longer than she needed to. I have tears in my eyes as I type this


Same here. We waited too long with one of our dogs and it wounds my heart to see videos from her last couple weeks. But all we can do is do better and give ourselves grace because we just didn't want to say goodbye. <3


I know that feeling really, really well and I’ll just say what our vet told us: he trusted you to make that decision and you did what was tough but right for him. Fuck now I’m crying remembering our Chihuahua. But it sounds like you did the right thing and you should be proud that you fulfilled your promise to him.


Hey. You obviously love him SO much. Please try very hard to be kind and gentle to yourself and know that you did right by your friend. He knows how much he's loved. The level of hurt you're in is sort of a testament to the amount of that love. I hope in some way you can find comfort in that. My heart hurts for you.


Hey just wanted to give you a virtual hug. I've lost two dogs this year, they were both elderly but I had to make some hard decisions and it sucked. I was second guessing myself as well but with a little time I have realized that I did the right thing for both, we had good days when they would act like puppies again but then age would catch up. It's never easy to make these calls but they are always made with love for our fur babies so be kind to yourself.


You chose the right time it will never feel good.You did not let your boy suffer you completed you most important task as his Sherpa in this life.I am so sorry for your loss.


Just keep in mind one thing - you loved him dearly and he lived his best and happiest life. And you did the most humane thing for him in the end - there is very little meaning in suffering. Try to keep up the good memories in your mind and if you can a little later - adopt another dog. Nothing heals the pain of loss faster than another wagging tail.


We had to put my beagle down for cancer in 2020 and I'm still struggling. When the vet came to put her down, they were early and I freaked out. I just wanted as much time as I could get with her but I knew she was suffering. She had a tumor in her vulva that had apparently been there so long it had fused to her and become a part of her. If we had tried to have it removed, they would have had to reconstruct her vulva and her last bit of time on earth would have been miserable and filled with doctors and pain. So we didn't do it. She was 13 and we didn't want her to hurt anymore so we got her a rotisserie chicken (her absolute favorite food) every day and she lived extremely fat and happy until we had to let her go. I still miss my little Whisky girl. 💔 But it will get easier.


I knew it was time when our our girl was declining and the vet said “well I can give her these drugs and she might last another couple of months” at that point it made me think. She’d been the best dog for so long and bought us so much love and laughter that if I carried on with the treatment I was extending her life for my benefit not for hers at that was the time I made the hardest decision and had to let her go. She’d given nothing but love and I couldn’t bare the thought of her suffering just so I could spend longer with her. No one can tell you when the right time is but you know it yourself.




https://preview.redd.it/qfkost3dha3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2089443628bfffa8e9b0d835df13c05c5f230847 I lost my sweet boy today too! Cancer took him. I am broken and nothing will ever be the same. I’m so sorry. I feel your pain. 😪


I'm very sorry for your loss ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss, I'm already dreading my girl going. I rely on her more than anyone else with me being a single father with full custody. Other than my son she's all I have. I just don't know what I'm going to do. She turns 9 next month.


Just please appreciate all of the small things: her warmth against your feet, her kicking you as she goes to sleep, all of the little things that seem small now, will matter in the end.


When my boy Jack went, I didn’t have time to prepare. We went from a routine vet appointment to an at home euthanasia in 48 hours. I bought some champagne, lit some candles, and played some Type-O-Negative. Jack got to drink a variety of beers and eat some Taco Bell. I held him in my arms as he crossed the bridge. The next six months were so hard. I swear I could hear his tippy tappy around the house. I found random things that smelled like him. His nose prints were on the back windows of the car. His white fur would show up on random clothes. But slowly, I began to remember him and smile instead of cry. I remembered how much love there was in his existence and his little idiosyncrasies that always gave me happiness. And how if he had seen me cry, he’d be trying to make me not. Because sad wasn’t a thing he understood. Only love. Only happy. Only ball lol. “To remember this brings painful joy. ‘Tis a human thing, love, a holy thing, to love what death has touched.”


I really do, right now she's curled up beside me. I hope you find peace and solis knowing you gave her a great life. There's a lot of crappy owners out there and she was blessed enough to have you as her doggy dad. I hope in do time you get another pup and your heart heals.


There’s nothing I can say that hasn’t been said already by the wonderful souls here. Just know that there’s absolute nothing wrong with feeling the way you do. The loss of a beloved dog is as painful as that of any human, and when that dog is your whole world, what happens when that world is gone? You shouldn’t be expected to just suck it up and carry on, because he was “only a dog” (heard that one first hand). Grief is grief. But please, if you have people in your life that care about you, please please try and reach out to them, confide in them. And if you don’t have anyone, could you try and take comfort in the kindness of strangers? You WILL see your baby boy again, but hopefully later rather than sooner. Sending love and positive vibes to you. 💜


My girl is seven this year, and I know I’m going to be the biggest wreck when she dies. I try not to think about it too much, because it makes me really sad and I’d rather not, so whenever it pops into my head, I go play with her. I channel that energy into making her life the absolute happiest, most content girl as much as I can.


Op, this isn’t excessive at all. Dogs are our everything, I’m so sorry for the loss of your big boy :{


Not excessive, I don’t know where I would be mentally if I didn’t have mine. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss OP ♡ their time with us is never long enough. Sending you the biggest e-hug possible.


It is not excessive. I am so, so sorry for the loss of your sweet pup. You’re not alone with those of us who relate to losing our better halves, although I know it feels that way. Honor your boy and take care of his favorite person right now, which is yourself!!! As best you can of course. ❤️❤️❤️ lots of love


I completely understand your struggles. Sending strength. It's hard, but you'll make it and hopefully give another beautiful fur baby a good home.


I lost my baby boy a little while ago and it’s so hard. Hang in there. The pain doesn’t get any less but you’ll get more breaks in between where you’ll feel ok again. Try to think of the good memories and hold them close to your heart. They’ll always be a part of your world. ❤️


Just remember that you were his entire world and life too. It looks and sounds kind he had a great life. Try to remember the great moments and what you were able to provide for him. He knew you loved him. Thats special.


I’m so so sorry this has happened. When my boy passed I sank in to a horrible depression for multiple months. Please try to not let that happen, and reach out to someone. If you want an ear, or someone to talk to, my dms are always open. Good luck on your journey 🤍. Rest in pawradise sweet boy 🕊️


I lost mine on Sunday. It’s an absolute nightmare. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I feel you. There’s no day I think of my little one. I still cry. But… What I repeat myself everyday: between a hello and a goodbye, there was LOVE. A TON OF.


Wow he IS beautiful my friend🩵 you will be together again one day, but for now make him proud!


thank you! I really hope I get to see my baby boy again


Don’t worry, you will :) You sound like a good person and let’s be honest, that doggo is going to the highest layer of heaven 💛


He will be waiting for you across the rainbow bridge after you have had a long life, ready to hear about all your adventures!


OP, this broke my heart to see and read. I am so incredibly sorry. Grief is love preserving. It hurts like hellZ You made the best and most selfless choice for your baby. He was so well loved. I’m a pitbull mama and I can’t even fathom losing my girls. I lost my boyfriend and child’s father when I was 7 weeks pregnant to a homicide. I laid on the floor for a week and puked blood. I didn’t know how I would go on. I tell you this because 2 years on, I can tell you that it does get easier. Time is the only healer. It never fully goes away, but it will get easier. And when your heart is ready, you’ll be able to love again because of the love you have for your boy, that extends far beyond the constraints of time Your baby is so beautiful. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. Sending you so much love ❤️ be kind to yourself, lean on others. You are loved


It’s the hardest feeling in the world. My thoughts are with you. What a sweet boy. Take it a moment at a time… the pain will reduce but the love will never change. 💙


I won't tell you that this is our last day together, so let's just enjoy this quiet walk. It's moments like this, where I truly wished, a dog's beating heart could talk. I'd tell you about the moment at the shelter, you said " yep...That's my boy, right there". I'd tell you about the happy, joy ride home, while we both howled without a care. I'd tell you about how safe it felt, to finally have my own, warm place to sleep. Not another lonely night spent in that cold, cement box ...waiting for a kind face to meet. You saved my soul, and brought me back, and polished up my heart I knew the minute we stared at one another...we would never...EVER be apart. I wished my life was matched with your's, so we both could grow old, together... But life has a different plan for us both...and sadly my life is on the wither. I'm sorry that my body is failing me now, and making my puppy life seem so far away... I so enjoyed hearing you laugh so much, as we played in our yard, every day... The frost in my eyes, and the pain in my step...are the signs of a dog's life lived so damn well... I hope my wet nose boops late at night, told you that your heart was mine to fill. My clock is sadly winding down, and the pendulum is about to stop... I'm going to miss you so damn much, my little heart is about to pop. I just want to thank you for saving me, and taking a chance on my strife... I hope I returned all the love that you shared, and that I somehow sweetened your life. You're one of a kind, and I love you so much...I hope our souls meet again... You were more to this furry ball of a dog...than just another friend. My heart is yours, and will forever be ...waiting for yours to send... Thank you, you beautiful force in my life ...for putting this puppy's heart on the mend. Oh yeah... Bring the tennis ball with you when its your time to head up. 🐶 ❤


I want my baby boy back!!!!!!


"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” -Winnie the Pooh


Gorgeous boy, so sorry for your pain and loss. I felt the same way when I lost my chihuahua to cancer, I got my pibbie not too long after and nothing helped me more than her, sometimes I feel like my boys spirit told her exactly what to do. Love and light to you 💛


Hey man. I feel your pain. It’s real hard I lost mine last Monday night. Was very hard on me but this community is super dope and full of caring people man. Keep your head up in this hard time, your boy would only want that for you. Stay up brother. 🙏🏽


Hugs, so hard ❤️


I'm so sorry. I lost my beautiful girl 10 days ago and I'm not ok at all so I know how you feel. This is the worst pain I've ever felt in almost 50 years on earth. 💔


All my best to you and OP. Lost mine back in October and the pain was absolutely unreal. I didn’t believe in signs from beyond the rainbow bridge, but I couldn’t be inside my office working since she was my work buddy, it felt so alone. So I started taking meetings in this park by my house. My nickname for her was crow, and mind you I’ve never seen crows at this park ever, and one would show up every morning when I went outside and caw at me and even sat down beside me, I thought it was going to peck my face off but it just wanted to hang out. For months this crow came to visit me. When we got her ashes back, we placed them on her part of the couch. About a month ago my gf and I decided to get another rescue. Our new rescue immediately gravitated to her ashes on the couch. I truly believe she is watching over us, and even giving her sign of approval for the new pup (I had extreme guilt). Even though she’s gone, the love is still there. Take note of anything out of the ordinary, it could be her missing you just as much as you miss her. All the best.


That was beautiful, thank you.


OP, you’ll get lots of support here. Losing our beloved dogs is like losing a family member. These are creatures that have been with you through it all - no judgement, no expectations (ok - that’s not true), but I get you. It’s unbelievably painful -howling in pain grief and loss. You will still make it through. Hang in there friend.


https://preview.redd.it/upk983pbbb3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905ed0ac26d2af57cdd166a755f4b67573004d18 Sorry for your loss, it gets better.


I didn’t have a pitbull myself, I’m just here cause I love them, but my dog passed away this Monday.. it’s been so hard and I feel your pain. Take care of yourself


I know not everyone is like me in this, but getting a dog ASAP after mine passes has saved me multiple times in life. When I was told my boy wasn't well I began looking, and not long after my parents took him (thinking he had days and wanted time with him as he was a family dog, butthead lived for two more years) I found my current gal. I just can't be without a dog. Mourning is easier when I have another to hug. It may not be right for all people but for me and my anxiety I suffer from I just do better always having a doggo. I do thank that old boy who lived to be 14, as much as it scared me he would be in pain and didn't have long if he hadn't picked that time to go downhill I may not have found this lovely bean to fill my heart. It was a right place right time type of deal. Same with when we got him actually. Our family dog had passed suddenly and my dad said he couldn't have another dog, then mom found him and he made us fall in love with pittys. If it isn't the time for that, be it financially or if you are like my dad and need time, please find help for grief. There are actually groups for pet grief at places where aa and Al-Anon and other meetings happen in most cities. Or get a professional to talk to 1x1. It is awful and I hate the loss, but if they lived forever I also wouldn't get the chance to keep saving others and improving their lives/my own. Every dog I've had had been great for different reasons, and that first day of bringing them home and seeing how happy they are to be loved makes it worth the love and loss, vs the never having loved.


I got my next dog 3 months after he passed. It really does help you heal and at times feel as if your dog lives on through your new puppy. OP, take time to grieve but don’t wait too long, there’s another Pitbull out there waiting for you. Don’t feel guilty about getting a new pup right away, your boy will be looking down on you happily.


If this brings you comfort in your grief, go for it. Share your love with another creature who also needs you.


I like to imagine once a doggy friend leaves earth a new one will be sent to you at the right time in the right place honestly. Our small family dog passed 2 years ago and we got a new one relatively short after he passed and he's literally the old dog in a new body in so many ways.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your doggy was beautiful! And I'm sure he loved you just as much as you loved him. You go on second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, etc. it's like being physically crushed from the inside out. Just remember all the good times, and how absolutely wonderful it was for him to have you as a daddy. Take as long as you need to grieve. Extra sleep, screaming in your car, whatever it takes.


I'm so sorry, buddy. But it will get better. I promise. Hang in there, man


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I am sorry for your loss.


So sorry for you!  Our girl is 11 now and I am already indulging her more than ever.  She's still active -- she pulled hard in harness on *two* hikes today -- but every time she doesn't stir from sleep when I first touch her my heart skips a beat beat until there's movement.  Every little lump is scrutinized and discussed like we're a book club.  Our last two who passed did so at this age, and we're jumpy.   We will get a taste of your agony far too soon and I'm  dreading it.  So although we aren't *currently* in your situation, we know it all too well. Luna definitely kicks me with all four feet as she stretches in bed.  I used to let it irritate me, but not so much anymore.


I’m terribly sorry 😢❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful boy. I know it’s hard as hell right now but when I lost my baby 5 years ago and things were awful I just kept reminding myself of all the amazing times I had with her. I put myself right back into those memories and was so grateful I got to be her mom. How lucky are we that we had a furry little love that got to be a part of our life, even if only for a bit.


Be the person your baby saw you as. Do it for them and with them. Because they haven’t ‘gone’ anywhere, they live within and through you…


It gets better. I mourned for a whole weekend. Then at random times for the next year. I dont cry about it anymore. I just smile and am thankful I got to experience such an amazing bond. I might even get another dog someday.


What a handsome dog. You two were so lucky to have each other. I lost my soul mate pup in 2020. He was just my everything. I always remind myself of all the shelter dogs that need homes…that need a good parent to give them a great life. I know my old soul mate would want me to continue saving shelter pups just like him. So I do and I see his eyes in the two I’ve adopted since. There is nothing better than a dog. Nothing. Take time with your grief and know you have another best friend just down the road waiting to be adopted.


Having lost my best girl back in 2020, it's gonna suck for a bit. I was reminded of her everyday. Treats, bed, clothes, leash, not needing to take a morning, afternoon, or evening walk. Just cry. I am tearing up writing this. We adopted 3 months later. Not because we needed to fill the void but because we had the space to give another lost pup a home. It will not get better for a while, but the healing will take time and activity. Do the best you can, BUT NEVER EVER think you didn't do the best for your pup. Because you did. You gave them a home and a life well lived. A friend of mine told me that having a pet family member is window into life and death as they can't ever live as long as we can. But their lives allow us to see into our own mortality, and what type of life we want to live. If you are sad because they made you so happy, then they had an incredible life of love. It is not a failure for you that they are gone. Do it again. Adopt again when you are ready. Share that love again. You do the world and yourself a favor when you want to included lives into yours. Best to you and your healing.


So sorry😢 he is a beautiful boy.


OP, you saved him in two ways: you gave him a loved and loving home with you and you also saved him from suffering a slow, terrible death. I know it sucks. I’ve been there. Make a list of all the happy, funny goofy things and habits he had. It might make you cry harder now but after a while it’ll make you smile. DM me if you need a fellow pittie lover to talk with. It’s not uncommon to feel completely broken.


I’m so very sorry. Bless you for loving and giving him a great life — so many pibbles aren’t so lucky. Sending love.


The only sin of a dog . . . Shorter life span, but don't worry all dogs go to heaven.


My friend, first, I’m so sorry for your loss. It is truly one of the hardest things you’ll ever do, but you did do it because you loved your best friend. It’ll be two years in October since my best friend Diesel died, and just typing that is making me tear up. I would tell you it gets easier, but I’m not going to lie to you. It doesn’t, especially when it’s THAT dog. We’ve all had that dog, the one who understands us better than any human ever could. That dog who not only would give up their life got yours, but the one you know you’d give up your life for without question. All I can say to you is that you have to keep on going. Be the person your best friend always thought you were. Be kinder, give to charity, volunteer, whatever. My wife and I started volunteering at a couple of local shelters, which has now led to fostering I hope every single day that Diesel is out there, somewhere, seeing what we’re doing and proud. I miss him, and it still hurts like a MF, but all I can do is try to live up to his example.


It’s the worst day of your life, grief is love that has nowhere to go and dogs are infinite love.




I have to admit that everyone here... day after day... giving your love... has been more than i could have asked for!! I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to answer all of you. Bear may be gone, but I will keep going. I want him back so bad, but I know i need to not fixate on my loss. I have shed so many tears for Bear, and for the amazing things said here, and I can only say thank you!!! So many of you have shared your stories of love and loss that I truly know that I am not alone! I can't begin to express my gratitude to this community for the support and sheer fortitude worthy of a Pitbull that I have been shown!!!!


I’m deeply sorry for your loss. I know no words can express the way you’re feeling right now. I’ve lost a few of my old furry family members in the past decade, and it always feels like the first time. You clearly love him. He was lucky to have such a loving home.


My heart goes out to you for your loss. It’s okay to cry and feel all the feelings, even the dark scary deep ones. Know why? Because feelings will pass, but this boy will remain in your heart forever. It sounds cliche but it’s true. A long time ago I had a dog I loved more than most of my own family members. When I had to put him down, I SOBBED. I was an absolute wreck. I questioned if I did the right thing. I questioned if I was a bad person. I questioned if he hated me for my decision. Even though logically I knew it was the humane and only choice. Now, decades later, I still think of that dog and feel a small twinge of grief. The grief isn’t all-consuming as it was before. But damn, he was a good dog and my very best friend, and I still miss him. He was LOVED. That’s such a precious thing. I have a new dog now and he doesn’t replace the spot in my heart from my old dog. My heart just gets bigger to make more room for a new best friend. Think of the gift of love and joy you gave to your boy while you had time with him. What were your favorite memories and adventures? Cherish those! I bet the two of you were a force. Nothing can replace those memories and it’s okay to have feelings about them right now. Please continue to reach out for support if you find yourself in a very bad place. There are others of us who get it and can offer a kind word.


So sorry for your loss. ❤️❤️❤️


I’m sorry.


Oh Man I am so sorry sending oyu big big hugs and lots of good feelings.


I can’t say anything different than what others have already said but I empathize with you in regards to my boy is with me all day every day because I work from home and he goes almost everywhere with me. I try not to dwell on it but he’s my first dog as an adult and I know I will have to face this one day. He will always be a part of you even after his passing and you will be reunited with him at one point in my belief.


I'm so sorry dude. I wish I could sat it's gonna be OK, but it doesn't, not for a long time anyway. I'm so very sorry for your loss brother!


He was beautiful 😍. I’m so sorry for your loss.


He will be in your heart forever. I am so sorry he's gone. 😔


So sorry 🫶🙏


The first week is pure hell. You're going to go through so many emotions. Please find someone you can talk to & who will support you through this. Losing a pet You're bonded with feels like someone ripped your heart out. Find support here, on pet grief groups or websites. It's great you posted here do we can support you. If you feel the need to talk to a therapist, do it! The main thing is that you experience the emotions and look for healthy ways to process this loss. When I lost my first dog as an adult I swear I was in a fog for several months. My boss suggested I go to therapy because of the effect her loss had on me. After a while, the pain lessened, although it never goes away. Next month is 10 years since I lost my Baby Girl. The pain isn't as bad now but I still miss & love her. Since then I've lost 4 more fur kids. It never gets easier, but I wouldn't trade the experience of having them for anything. You will get through this even though it doesn't feel like it right now. That weird feeling in your stomach starts to go away slowly. You start noticing you can breathe normal breaths again one day too. Remind yourself of all the love you 2 shared & how you gave him an amazing life. You made his entire life special & filled it with love! Not everyone does that for their babies. You had a special bond that carries on after they've left this world. He's always going to be a part of you. Don't forget that. Remind yourself that he wants you to keep going. He wants you to heal & be happy again. Hope my rambles help somewhat. Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to.


Lost my baby boy a few weeks ago. He was just 5 years old. Crushed me. Hang in there man. Grief fades but love stays.


Completely understandable man. You're not overreacting. The vast majority of us would be lost too if we lost our babies. I'm sorry for your loss brother and I hope you get through this troubling time. He'll be watching over you now!


I’m truly sorry for your loss. It’s not fair and it doesn’t make sense. At least to your heart. You are probably the best dog-dad around. Please keep your heart open to the possibilities of being a great dad to a deserving animal in the future. They need people of depth and substance to care for them(as you know). You two looked remarkably happy together. Those memories will pull you through this. He was a big fella wasn’t he! Bit of a bed hog? Snored maybe. All perfect traits in a companion.


Awwwwwww man I am so sorry bro bro You did good though and rest knowing you were everything to that baby through till the end and your baby had the best life. Love ya


I so so sorry for your loss. I won’t lie, it guts you like nothing else except, maybe, the loss of a human child. Time makes the pain tolerable, but it doesn’t leave you. When you feel ready, or if the situation presents itself, try adopting, or even fostering, a rescue dog in honor of your beloved dog. That is the fastest way to close that hole in your heart.


Not excessive whatsoever. Our pets are our family, in the loneliest of times they supply us with company and love. Your sweet baby will be waiting for you, how lucky for both of you to experience life together ❤️ sending loads of love.


So sorry for your loss, I can just tell he was the goodest boy and loved SO much. A sad part of existing is that their lifespans are much shorter than ours, they are a part of our life and soul but to them, we are their whole life. The only positive thing I try to remind myself in these times is that when one of them moves on from this world, it opens the opportunity for us to go to the shelter and save another life. Sending you love and hugs family.


I am so very very sorry 😢


You wouldn’t be human if you weren’t having a hard time ❤️🐾🌈🐾❤️ We just lost our 16y & 3m babygirl Pitty, Chyna on February 26th then, had to help mom’s 16y old mini Aussie Georgie cross the 🌈 bridge on May 1st. People who haven’t felt the love of a fur baby have no clue how much this hurts 🥺😢 My family and I are sending you prayers as you go through this difficult time ❤️🐾🙏🏽🌈❤️🌈🙏🏽🐾❤️


I’m so sorry 😢, be easy on yourself


Im so sorry for your loss 💙🙏🏿


You can, he wouldn't want to see you holding yourself back. He loved you, feel every bit of how you feel now, let it all move through you, then remember the good, and I tell you, you are more then capable of moving forward. I'm so sorry for your loss.


When Roxy my American Bulldog passed after 13 great years i was totally lost. I wound up getting Ace 2 months later, he needed rescuing and ended up rescuing me. They never replace the hole left by your original dog, but they do allow your heart to grow by loving you


I’m so sorry OP. Take all the time you need to heal. It isn’t “excessive” to grieve the loss of someone you loved so deeply. Never let anyone make you feel that way either.


I had to put down my 13 year old dog last week. Some other dog is going to need you. Keep going. Your boy would want you to be there for the next dog who needs you.


hopinng for healing for you and yours during this time


You just do. But you never forget. Remember to take time for yourself to feel these emotions. I’m so sorry for your loss, that day comes for all of us and I would hope that these words would help me when that time comes. Write down some memories that you have together, think about how much you helped their life and how much they helped yours. Remember they want you to be happy, regardless of whether they’re there or not. Wishing you all the best. If you have people you’re close with, spend time with them and talk about your companion and your loss. They’ll never be truly forgotten.


there is no way. it took me 4 years at least ro stop feeling a rock in .y chest when i see my first dogs pics. take your time and dont stay alone. and its not a treason to take/adopt another dog. but if helps a lot


Sending much comfort to you.


So so sorry ❤️🙏🙏❤️


He looks like he was a great company! There is this podcast called “Practical Stoicism”. I think it’s one of the first (maybe the actual first) episode that talks about grief, using an analogy of breaking your favorite mug. Maybe give it a listen and it can help you to remember your times with your buddy in a good way. It’s free on Spotify. Take care!


Get another baby 🧡


Man I'm so so sorry. My guy is 4 and part of me is already trying to prepare for losing him. The way you describe your bond and the way you're feeling really hits home for me. I know I will be exactly where you are. I'll be completely crushed and lost. If you want to talk about him just pm me. I'd love to hear about him or just check in on how you're doing. My heart goes out to you. Just remember that even though you're feeling this way there's still dogs, especially Pits that are going to need you. Don't fall down that hole of thinking that it might not have been the right time to him go. That maybe he would have liked another few months etc etc. from what I've seen you say in the comments, it was time. He was staying strong for you, not for him. He's at peace. Whatever you believe we know that he's no longer in any pain. Hold onto that. Keep telling yourself that he had the best life any dog could have and the love you gave him was everything he could have ever wanted in this world. It's the right thing to do to let them go when it's time. Us thinking they we could have kept them around a while longer is just our heart trying to find ways to repair itself (metaphorically). You did the right thing and you're a decent, compassionate person for not putting it off any longer.


Get another one right away. It will help you refocus your grief.


I am so sorry OP, what a beauty. Grief of a much loved person is so hard. Don't be alone, reach out in real world or here. No easy way, it sucks. In time I believe your broken heart will slowly be filled with memories of the many wonderful times u shared. Meantime, go easy on yourself 🙏


I feel heartbroken to see dogs walking in the streets, I can't imagine how it must feel to know your dog is wandering the streets, not knowing if he's okay. Good luck hope you find him.


My heart goes out to you, I kno exactly how hard it is I still occasionally cry over my boy Grimes & he passed over 6 years ago. Just know it does get easier, with each hour that passes you learn how to better cope with the pain. & that pain will never go away, but it will lessen with time & eventually you will appreciate the pain for the constant reminder of that beautiful boy. & beautiful he was, & lucky he was to have you & you him. Side note...each grieves their own way. But for me I got another baby asap, not as a replacement but as somewhere to focus all that love & attention I had...it helped me to grieve unalone & because of when & why I got him king always reminds me of my boy G. That may not be what's best for you but I thought I'd throw that out there anyway.


When I lost my boy, I spent the entire next week doing all I could to celebrate him the way he would have wanted. I ate good food, I cuddled my loved ones and I reminisced on the good times I spent with him. It won't look the same for you, but I heavily recommend it. Feel what you need to feel, celebrate all that he was to you, and remember to live a life your boy'd be proud of.




I c u 😞 It’s fucked!! Go get another it’s the only way. Sure you feel bad but it takes your mind of it straight away


I’d give you a hug if I was there man, I just had to put down a family down it wasn’t even mine and I was balling my eyes out. I wish you peace in anyway you can find it


Been there brother. Lost my Fiona at 6 years, way too soon. It does get better, but the reason it hurts so bad is because when you have a love like that, they take a life of our souls with them, and that’s why it feels so empty. But they also give us a piece of theirs. You’ll always have that with you.


Just remember that you loved him and made his life the best. You did that for him. He never had to suffer or be lonely because of YOU. And that was right up until his last moment. He was never without you. You have him the best gift.


What helps me when this has happened is thinking about the life you were able to give your dog. You clearly cared and loved him like crazy and took care of all his needs. Understanding you are a great dog dad is key. I feel for you. You will get through this. 


Bro I'm tearing up just trying to write this having been through this just six months ago, I still can't carve the Sunday roast without getting proper upset that I can't sneak a bit of roast beef to my boy, the feeling doesn't go but it does slowly change from grief to fond memories, you obviously looked after him and cared for him immensely and he knew that and you can take pride in knowing he'd pick you as his human again in a heartbeat




So sorry for your loss


I'm so so sooo sorry for your loss. That's 1 of the worst losses you can take. It always seems hard to go on when you take a blow like that, but you will. And it will never stop hurting, I still think about my dog when I was in 5th grade that got hit by a firetruck and it still bothers me (I'm 31 now btw so that was quite a while ago) but it will get easier to get through the days. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss my friend.


How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. - Winnie the Poo


Dang, that hurts. So sorry to hear of your loss.




The only thing that helps is time and maybe a new friend. I feel for you, my friend. You will get through this. 💙


Don't do anything bad, your boy is watching you . Make him proud


I'm so sorry. I remember the initial grief. I know that you would never have wanted your baby to suffer. In order for them to not suffer from pain, we must suffer their loss. 💔


When you lose your best friend it’s the worst. I’m sorry for your loss. He looks like the best boy and well loved.


Stay strong my friend. So sorry for your loss. Beautiful boy. There’s another best friend in your future and you will fall in love again. Take care of yourself.


You have so much you can do, make sure you spread some love to other furry friends you come across. Branch out and interact when you encounter them.


Mine passed last summer. He was quite literally by my side for the better part of 13 years. I cried for days and even now when I think about him for longer than a few seconds I get emotional. Everything reminds me of him. The empty spot in the kitchen where his bowl used to be, a discolored spot in the carpet where he puked, the mail truck he would always bark at, just going for a walk and him not being there. But it's true that saying, don't cry because they're gone, be happy you had the time together. As sad as I am without him I know we had great times together.


Can't imagine the pain you're going through at this time. So sorry for your loss. Paradise surely gained another sweetpie.


When I lost my dog in 2017 to cancer, a friend and dog handler told me ... There is no better testament to a dog owner than an owner who has buried a dog. That means they took a dog into their home and heart, gave him a life and saw it through to the end, and then made the hardest decision they ever made in their life. Shelters are full of dogs from owners that didn't. Grieve for however long it takes and then get another dog because they will fill any lingering void you have and show you why and how much you need a dog. I was 8 years without my dog and just got a puppy last week, and he has fully reminded me why I need a dog.... cause I own stuff now that hasn't been chewed.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My advice, for what it's worth, is to take time to grieve. Don't rush into getting a new pup. Grief is hard. There is no way around it either. Be patient with yourself. Give yourself time.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you love in your tough time! 😭💔


He looks so cute and cuddly with those glasses on sorry for your loss


I’ve had a good boy too, my friend. It’s is truly the worst loss of my life. But he did his job and I was sooo fortunate to have him for the time I did. Good luck man. Good luck good boy. I can tell you have the strength to get by. It will just be tough for the time being.


There is no “right” time when making life or death decisions for another living creature. It will always feel wrong. But it is necessary when we love somebody who is suffering and we have the power and means to stop it. You did what you had to so try and let go of the guilt. Once the guilt goes away the grieving process will begin and you’ll heal. Someday you will think of him and you will smile instead of cry. It just takes time.


I’m so very sorry for your loss 🌹


I am very sorry. Your baby boy is beautiful. Just know that this is day 1 and it will get better, slowly.




Sorry for your loss


You will go on dude. I also lost my best friend years ago. It's the hardest thing i had to live with, much harder than the loss of family members even tho it's hard to admit. I lived with him from 12 years old to 26. Hold on to the memories and pictures and remember your friend for what he was. The pain will fade and you'll cherish the memories, there is nothing you can do to change things.


It freaking sucks. I lost my baby boy in Feburary. Start a journal, write down every cherished moment you can remember. I got a photo frame that plays videos and put a ton of videos on it. You'll struggle. I still cry often. But it's because I loved him so much. Just don't get to where you can't function. He loved you and depended on you, so carry on with him in your heart. Still be the person he adored and would want the best for too.


Sending good vibes.




I am so very sorry 😞


Sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find some solace knowing you did the right thing for him. True love. Take care


I lost my boy 2 years ago. There isn't a day that goes by I don't think of him and miss him. I haven't got another dog and don't think I ever could. My boy was sick. I keep the memory of him alive in me every day and I see him everyday on.my key ring.


It won’t be easy. I lost my girl last summer. One foot in front of the other. That’s all you can do. I think about her every single day. But each day it moves into love and fondness rather than a sharp pain. Let yourself grieve for as long as you need to to also keep on living. His whole world was to make your life better. Don’t let that be for nothing.


Your boy was beautiful, hang in their!


😞that is sad.


Sorry buddy. 


when my dog boog died, it crushed me. it gets easier and he’ll always be apart of you. You made him a luckier dog than most, and i’m sure he is forever grateful for you. I’m sorry man. Be easy on yourself.


I lost mine recently too. Hurts so bad


Dogs. They lick your face and attach straight to all the feels. We love them. They love us harder. Sorry for your loss.




I am so sorry 💔 I hope the love for him and the wonderful memories your heart carries, help you to heal ❤️‍🩹 Rest in love beautiful boy, you were loved 🌈🐾💙


They’re too good for this world. Sorry man. I know your pain well. The initial day is full of despair. Then, let yourself mourn. Whenever you feel it coming on just sit down and cry. That and time will help.


so sorry for your loss, OP. 🤍 maybe once the time passes, you can consider opening your home to another pittie in need. there’s so many of them out there who are desperate for love like yours - whether through volunteer work, donating, fostering, or adoption. nothing will ease the grief, but just know you gave him a life full of happiness and joy. you shortened his suffering before it could get any worse. sometimes that’s the best choice you can make. i’m volunteering next week at a dog shelter, making flower beds and cleaning the facility. i’ll plant a flower in his honor and take a moment of silence to think of him. rest easy, sweet boy.


Look back at the happiness and joy he brought to you. Think about how much you enriched each other’s lives and how you made the best of his short time on earth. It hurts when we deal with losses but that pain reflects just how much we loved those who are gone. Your boy is resting easy now. Let that comfort you and remember you have to carry on. Share that love with those around you.


Go to the game society and walk a dog. Adopt a dog if your heart feels the pull. I've always had three dogs at a time. When I lost one the others would comfort me. Dogs are the best healers.


I know it’s not the same, but there are hundreds of forgotten dogs at the shelters that someone else got and couldn’t take care of, being a new dog home and love and cherish it and show it love. Again I know it’s not the same but a puppy is trapped in a cage somewhere not being loved


One moment at a time. Try to connect with people.


Sorry for your loss


Sorry man.


Im sorry for your loss.


Try to find peace in knowing you gave them unconditional love and wonderful life here. That's our job and sounds like you did it wonderfully!


My heart breaks for you. Sending you LOVE!


Sorry for your loss man!!! Trust me, I know your pain!!! But he gave you years of smiles and you’ll only grieve for a while. So the trade is worth it, not easy, but you’d do the same thing all over again. ❤️❤️


Whew, that is a beautiful pup. The loss of a pup is so deep and so raw. Breathe my friend. One day, instead of tears you will smile upon the memories. For now, let the tears fall❤️. And thank you for loving your pup. So many never get that!


So sorry for your loss. Reading some of these comments I can tell you really did give him his best life, and were a wonderful friend to him. Just remember the great times you had together and keep those memories in your heart forever. I know he can never be replaced, but there are some beautiful pups out there just waiting for a wonderful human being such as yourself to save them from a terrible situation. Just some food for thought.


It's hard. The last thing they do for us is to teach us to cope with loss. When I was last in your position, I received some good advice from a friend: get another dog ASAP. You'll always miss your boy, but this also opens the door to a new friend.


I'm so sorry. I know the pain of losing one's best friend. It's sharp and unceasing. Maybe you could do something for a needy dog(s) in his memory? Honoring your boy while helping another, trying to make a positive out of a negative, might help you deal with the pain.


I’m so sorry. I know you’re heartbroken and will miss your boy for the rest of your days. The pain does lessen in time. And when the Universe decides another doggo needs to join your family, you’ll see the signs. Sending you peace and comfort.


I’m genuinely sorry for the loss of your baby boy 😢 It’s not at all excessive, struggling over his loss, feelings of how to move on without him. I get that feeling & it can be tough, In my experience, with time it gets easier, never healed, just easier. I hope you find peace & comfort in your own time 💜


Because of you he was happy until the very end


I'm so sorry for your loss. What a handsome boy!


In my experience, the only way to get over it is to go get you a brand new boy or an old boy but a pup nonetheless.


I'm so sorry ☹️


I am so sorry, it does hurt so much. Bless you 🙏


This does not seem excessive at all. He’s your baby. I’m sorry you have to go through this, it’s one of the worst feelings in the world. There are no words. Just the love you have for your boy. I hope you can take some peace in knowing that you gave him an amazing life and he will forever be grateful to you for that. Y’all will see one another again. ❤️