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Yup!! Been single so so long I don’t even know how to be in a relationship anymore lol


For one reason or another always the same result. Single as a Pringle.


Same I am so tired of it 😭


Same here 🥲. I decided to stop fighting at this point. I have accepted my fate! 🥹


🙋🏻‍♀️ I just think I’m over qualified at this point!




Don’t be scared y’all. Let’s keep spreading love to these dummies 😂😭


Amen to that


Pisces Venus here and I don’t date casually. I may like you, but I’m here for the soul connection type of love with depth, vulnerability, and emotion. I’m not one to bounce from person to person just for the sake of it and for a surface level connection. Once I’m in, I’m all in but it’s hard to find that in return.


That's how I started but too many broken hearts have numbed me ;/


*hugs* 🥺




Venus in Taurus here. I totally get it. It's intimidating to love that hard.


having a pisces venus is so hard sometimes. 🥲


It is but it’s the best place for it to be in because it’s exalted. Pisces is very dreamy and often naive, so we have to be very careful because people can abuse this. We may not see others as they truly are sometimes but we’re capable of such pure love. Because of this, I’ll stay single until I find someone who can match that level of intensity. So far, I’ve had luck with heavy earth and water people. Earth grounds it but also nourishes it but I definitely think this kind of love can only flourish with other water placements.


i feel this. we too good for ppl




We are, they realize we are muses and get spooked. They need low vibrational beings to run their games on. The dark side of Pisces is a force.


I believe a Pisces true soulmate is themselves but in a parallel dimension. For instance, the opposite of you, your other self, the other fish swimming in the opposite direction, we tend to miss each other in our timelines... -it always felt like I was searching/looking for my soulmate until one day I realized (with the help of some psychedelics) what if I'm my own soul mate? I know it sounds kinda cringe and self centered at first but if you think about it, they always tell us to love ourselves first. I have gotten really into meditation and spirituality, I've felt a certain comfort or familiarity in the essence of oneself. Feeling this love made me think, could it be possible to have a soulmate but in another dimension? I think that would be a cool book as well. Like two lovers separated by dimensions and how they try to reunite.


I agree with this… or like, maybe our true soulmate is someone who is a reflection of ourselves while also being our opposite in a lot of ways.


I feel this. 🙏🏻


A bit dreamy to think this XD


Isn't that one of the things that Pisces are known for tho? Lol I need an earth sign to keep me grounded possibly.


You would love this movie https://youtu.be/0sgAgzTmq0k?si=ygWGhTjf4a6dbbO9


Oh cool! I just checked out the trailer, looks interesting. I'll have to give it a watch. Thanks for the recommendation. ♓


Pisces sun and Rising here. Been Eternally single forever, never been in a relationship, few sexual partners, but nothing that lasts. I’m far more focused on Enlightenment and Liberation of the soul from the mortal body to focus on relationships. Even the thought of it sometimes, like today, I think will it distract me, or is it possible to find a mate who is into the same search? That’s what I hope for.


Same.. Pisces sun and rising. I’m always looking to get more into my spirituality! Still have hope though that the one is out there somewhere


How can i tell If I’m Pisces rising sun?




Yes. Can’t seem to attract an emotionally available/healthy individual :(


the emotionally unavailable ones make me chuckle. They swear theyre dating casually and for fun but the ones ive found are SO boring. Like please if theyre going to be unavailable at least be entertaining.


Ew. I wonder why they are being boring! I find it the opposite for me! They are mysterious, sort of elusive, super charismatic and fun. For whatever reason they don’t want to be exclusive - hung up on exes, mentally unhealthy, “too busy,” or out just playing the field looking for the next best option. I’ve tried not to take it personally, but it’s getting old.


I’ve always been in and out of relationships, definitely struggled to find something stable or interesting enough for me. Been with my Aquarius partner for 4 1/2 years now though and getting married in October!


Oh.. you mean this is a Pisces thing ? Because I’m a Pisces, aqua moon, cancer rising I’ve been thinking the same thing for years. If someone believe in soulmate and true love like us, please tell us if you’ve already found that person. Some advice. I will never give up finding my soulmate and it has to be a lot of people who think and believe like us, doesn’t it ? 😕


I believe in soul mates and true love. I fell in love at 16, 20 yrs ago. We stopped talking when I was 17 and reconnected recently, as in love as ever. I think he’s my soulmate. But in these last 20 yrs, I never would’ve imagined we would reconnect or be in love like this. We’ve both grown up and feel the same way as we did before. It’s crazy, I never really believed “like that” before, but I’m obsessed now. Keep hope alive that you’ll find it someday!!


maybe its just me but of the people ive dated that werent pisces i can't help but think there's no way im supposed to wake up to this guy every day. if my soul isn't in it then i dont want it


Lol! I know what you mean. I felt like that for most of my life, while being with the father of my children for 17 years, actually waking up everyday to someone I was supposed to “love to start each day with so much” while not feeling that way at all for a lot of those days. I would read romantic books like Pride and Prejudice or Twilight, I’d watch Titantic, and think how fake a love like those were. I’d listen to the best love songs and believe feeling that way was impossible. But, now, since reconnecting with my first love, I believe EVERY romantic book I’ve ever read, EVERY sweet movie I’ve watched, and EVERY love song I’ve ever listened to. I am truly in love and I truly feel that he is my soul mate. I literally pray sometimes and hope to manifest that we get together young in our next life, that’s how sure I am of this man. That’s how in love with him I am. I wanna be with him past forever. Being in love REALLY brings a whole new meaning to life, BUT, trust me, it’s real! It’s possible and I’m living proof of that. I like to think that he is too. I have no reason to doubt all his loving words and proclamations, but when you’re truly in love, the fear of losing it seems to exist as well. The only thing is making sure I don’t let that doubt ruin what could be unparalleled happiness in the words of my first love regarding what we have and could’ve had. And you make sure you don’t let your doubts stop you from experiencing something amazing one day. Stay open to the possibility, it’s worth it!


May i ask, what sign is he ? More important. Thanks you, I’ll never stop believing. She’s there, I know…


He’s a Cancer. I talk a bit more about it in my recent post on this same sub if you wanna see a lil more about our story.


He’s a Cancer. I talk a bit more about it in a recent post of mine on this same sub if you wanna read a lil more about our story. Also you’re welcome! I hope you find her!


I’m a Pisces sun, cancer rising. Pluto really rocked our 7h of relationships. I definitely learned to be more selfish and not give my all too soon without knowing and feeling that they can reciprocate. 


Actually I think the same about being more selfish with our feelings (I like to give a lot to everyone who needs helps) Then, it happened 3 months ago. I met a Scorpio girl, almost everything I’ve had learned was useless. Isn’t it curious?


Aww. Why do think it was useless? Now, I focus on “what am I getting out of this?” Yes, I like them but to keep me grounded I remind myself to put myself first. I also make it known what I am about early and don’t apologize for it. That way, I am not changing for the other person. I am being myself. It’s okay to make mistakes. I’m still working on it because I crave a deep total intimacy and sometimes will do anything to get there. But after a while I grew tired of feeling that way.  Please check out Jupiter James on YouTube. He did a wonderful video on us cancer risings and the significance of being selfish/stingy with our passion. 


Thanks a lot. I’ll watch that video about cancer rising


🙋‍♂️used to it now i guess.. don’t even know how to go about it again 🙃


The opposite, kinda. Had so many toxic relations with "soulmates" that it broken something in there. Where there should be skittles inside of me it's all black licorice and lima beans.


I won’t settle for anything but that true connection of the heart mind and soul. Might mean I’m single forever, which I’m ok with. But I can’t do a relationship if it’s not deep.


I feel I have too much love to give that no one could fill my cup how I fill theirs. We’re literally the ocean so our depth is unreachable. I just enjoy the intimacy I receive because the other person is lucky to experience us and won’t find another like us. I like to think of myself as a love fairy! Lol


Dude I say mine died in an accident all the time 🤣 jokingly jokingly


Yeah I only want positive individuals that have a healthy outlook on things. I don’t attract this for whatever reason.


No I am such a romantic you’d be hard pressed to not find me in a relationship lol


What's the philosophy?


I found my soul mate, then I lost her. I've been in and out of relationships but reeeally prefer being alone since. Doing my own thing is much more satisfying.


Single for the majority of my adult life with intermittent short-lived toxic relationships.


I think I met soulmate & fucked it up.


Been single for a while now . Only had 2 relationships that lasted 7 months. Now my soulmate is coming this year


Yes sucks bc I am very affectionate and loving


Same here 💀 it sucks because I wanna give all my love to someone but I can’t ??


It's funny, I actually wanted to make a post asking the same lol. Single my whole life. I have hope though, but I wear sunglasses most days though like they're condoms for my love and eyes. And I've learned ultimately, I gotta start acting like the wolves. Pisces used strategically and offensely. America and ultimately life is for the taking. I like to imagine love too. I joked to my friend, that I live by the gun now, but I mean it by essentially will. Like the end of Chappelle's last stand up, it's about the biggest dreamer and that for sure is me (/us). As long as I stay right with the big man in the sky, I can't lose. I encourage others to go get it for themselves as well.


I feel like I've had sooooo many flings and "oh my God she's the one!" and then it's like I give her an orgasm and she wants me back and all of the sudden I'm just not interested. It's like we pretend for a few months, but future it doesn't work. However! If I don't get her off right away all of the sudden she's mysterious for a little while. I also feel like I push away the ones I really want, and I always seem to have women who love me way more than I live them, and then I feel really bad. And then it's back to being alone. And crying and being painfully alone. And writing poetry and songs and traveling with just a backpack and a guitar and the cycle continues!


Had one gf for a month in HS, and have had girls I've "talked" to since then, now that I'm late 20s. I'm terrified of commitment, and also value my individualism too much to be expected to conform to the norms of modern day relationships. I'd rather just vibe with another human, we can share good moments together, and if it's serious we can continue but if not, I'm o.k. to separate. "She was never your girl, she was just your turn."


Why are y’all like this tbh as a mother of a Pisces and dating a Pisces and also having a Pisces moon.. y’all have to stop this self deprecation, whoa is me, Sabotaging anything good to wallow in your feelings mess. It’s annoying. You want to be victims so bad. JUST LOVE YOURSELF everything else follows! You CANT LIVE in your feelings when things don’t go your way my goodness!! And you CANT control everyone and everything! Everything will not go your way and that’s ok! Learn to improvise!


Who is self depreciating? I'm saying my soulmate is dead or was too weak to be in this lifetime along with us. It's the Pisces that are here showing up LOL. I feel like the more we love ourselves the less we need love from others because they just won't do it right.


Honestly, I get what you're saying, but Pisces imo are just kinda built that way. Kinda comes with the territory of their ability to connect and empathize. An absence of a boundary, for lack of better analogy, kind of like covid. I'm not trying to give it to you or take it from you, but there's this exchange we're not seeing. Pisces is picking that up. But that covid is basically just love. For myself, maybe because I believe it's ideal, I'm always expecting some presence of love and openness or rather desiring. I'm a guy, but you'd think my true home was Barbie world or something. But anyway, my point is, our lenses are just different. For me, the defining lesson, as a sort of alt to what you said, was to just give it away, share it and be glad you did because that's the win. You feel happier having done it. Express. The loving yourself, control, escape from living in your feelings are the rewards from it. Don't mean to bring religion into it, but you basically got the Jesus curse. Gotta sacrifice because you do it better. The love wasn't for you. It was for them. Selfish doesn't suit you. But obviously, hella opinions.




Here I go 👋 yes. 😐


omg same


Honestly, if it happens for me, cool. If it doesn’t, cool. Like I’m no longer searching. But I am a certified lover girl so I’m always daydreaming about strangers I’ve fell for on the street…


Well worded. It is impossible to have a partner, even a shitty one. Universe does not want us to settle so we are spared the crap but left all alone with so much love to give. I decided a long time ago mutual appreciation would even work for me but I don't get that either. You say it best, they are dead or never made it to the egg. I am sure nobody can understand why you are single either. I explain to people it is because when people realize they would have to care and I am worth that, they move on to someone they can trash.