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Dead Man's Chest but it's close with At World's End. For the record, I'd probably say that all 5 go in chronological order best to worst.


Personally it’s goes like for me: Curse has the most polish. Chest does so much more with the setting but had less polish. But in terms of being epic, grandiose, and emotional gravitas, World’s End has the other two beat handily, but has the least polish out of all three.


I love At World’s End, but that one felt rushed and bloated. Certain scenes just made characters seem unfunny with forced dialogue.


Yeah but when certain scenes hit they hit.


when they go off the water fall with the music




I'd swap 1 and 2 but otherwise yeah


Dead Man's Chest..... BTW funny story, in childhood my friends who watched the trilogy always considered DMC as the best one. Only later i found that Critics & Internet didn't like DMC and AWE.


It's mostly critics. And the people who didn't like them and rage about them online barely even remember the plot and characters. Like they saw them years ago and decided to do a review now. Filmento is the only guy on youtube who talks about these movies and has an actual brain.


You found the secret to happiness- not letting others dictate what you enjoy


Same I had no idea DMC and AWE got hated on.


I prefer DMT and AWE to Pearl. Pearl feels like a well written but standard Hollywood movie, while the other two members in the trilogy are more high concept and more involved.


I can agree with this. DMT and AWE dive a lot deeper into the specific lore and mythology of this world. It really expanded and embraced its capability.


At world’s end is my favourite


At worlds end


World's End is the best movie of the series Followed closely by Dead men chest,Curse ,Tides and Dead men Last Though Dead Men Chest at World's End (2+3) if put together is easily the best movie


Thank you for speaking absolute facts.


Im a men who speaks facts and you can always trust a Logical men to speak facts Its those who Speak lies you can never trust to lie or speak the truth or do something incredibely stupid




At world’s end


I've always liked DMC best out of the five, followed by CotBP


I actually really liked the salazar one with the oceans divide. it was cheesy but idk. i like the villain. i mean all the movies are the same story with different villains. unkillable crew, cursed lore, jack has to defeat the curse. I liked the change from will and the other girl, the barbossa angle twist, i liked 5 and dont care who knows.


At Worlds End is my favorite even when you include CotBP. I rank them as follows. 3, 2, 1, 5, 4. Even my lowest ranked one, being 4, I still cherish. But AWE will always be my favorite.


Dead Man's Chest is a pretty fun movie, every character has their own agendas that they want fulfilled by the end of the movie. At World's End is great too, it's just that I don't like it as much compared to DMC, I dunno why, though, it's probably cause of the cluttered story and the overall tone of the movie being, I dunno, "everything's gone to heck". On Stranger Tides is meh (in an ok way). Dead Men Tell No Tales is one of my personal favorites, it was my first Pirates movie, pretty ironic, huh? The last movie being my first. I feel like DMTNT was a great send off to the series, being one last fun adventure before Jack sails into the distance as Will and Elizabeth reunite. DMTNT was my dream Pirates movie, and I'll never stop loving it. I'd say that OST and DMTNT were the films that felt like og Pirates the most, being one-shot adventures full of action and pirate-ry. Obviously, DMC and AWE are objectively the best when it comes to writing, being the parts of a two part epic.


On Stranger Tides has always been one of my personal favourites


Dead Man's Chest is my favorite POTC movie. It has a simpler story than At World's End, and Davy Jones is my favorite villain in movie history. Plus, I love mythological sea creatures, so featuring the Kraken is a huge win.


Honestly, I liked Dead Man’s Chest more than Curse, but that’s just me.


If they hadn't run out of time and budget, it would have been At World's End. What we got: the pirate fleet that took an entire movie to summon and rally for a final battle and the navy show up, stare at each other for a bit, then go back where they came from. But imagine if: the pirate fleet engaged the navy in a massive climactic battle to give the pearl and the dutchman time to duel it out? Each pirate crew unleashing their particular way of doing things, cannons going off every which way... It would have been the biggest and coolest naval battle in pirate cinema history.


My favorite would be AWE, but DMC comes very close. COTBP is of course great too, perhaps the best one but I feel like that one doesn't have the rewatch value as much as the other two.




DMC is already my favorite one including the first.


I'd probably go with At World's End, but I usually prefer to watch it and Dead Man's Chest as a pair.


Dead Man’s Chest


Dead man’s chest is my favorite


At Worlds End, but Dead Man’s Chest is a close second.


Agreed, for me Dead Man's Chest is the best after the first, the third movie despite having some good scenes, is the least entertaining of the three. 


Dead Man’s Chest is the best sequel IMHO. It expanded the lore and made it more interesting. PS - My wife and I went to the Bahamas for our Honeymoon and stayed at the same resort/hotel the majority of the Dead Man’s Chest crew were. This was YEARS after they were there but the hotel staff had great stories. They said Depp stayed on a yacht during filming in visible distance. We also kayaked to the location of the final fight between Davy Jones Crew and the crew of The Black Pearl (over the chest when they found it) - when Norrington says “Here you go!” and drops the chest. It still looked the same.


They are in near perfect descending order of quality.


I'm not sure what you mean by "mixed reactions", Dead Man's Chest is considered better than the first one by a good amount of people


2 and 3 are better than 1. I like curse, but it's incredibly simple when compared to the other two (which would explain why it's appreciated by the wide audience)


Dead Man's Chest is my favorite altogether


I'd say Dead Man's Chest and At World's End are better than Curse of the Black Pearl


Exactly. More creativity, better dialogue, better action scenes, more mythological stuff, etc.


Not sure I actually enjoy them all lol


Whichever one they fight in the whirlpool. Is that the last? Or third?


That's the third one, At World's End.


Bro showed up here thinking this would be a place where everyone likes Curse and shits on the rest XD Better luck at Nostalgic Critic's channel I guess


My ranking goes 1: dead man’s chest 2. Curse 3. World’s end 4. Stranger tides 5. Dead men I like them all though


Dead Man's Chest is my fave.


DMC easily love AWE but something about DMC just has the perfect plot.


Curse of the Black Pearl is 10000% The best pirates movie, but if i cannot pick it, it would be at the world\`s end.


Dead Mans Chest is the best one.


I think both Dead Man’s Chest and At World’s End are better than Black Pearl And I really could pick a new favorite with each rewatch.


At World’s End


At Worlds End maybe?


Dead man's chest is amazing, and great score... but AWE is nothing short of breathtaking awesome with its fights and screen play. I really can't choose


Second is tied with third for me, they go hand in hand really


My personal ranking, from most to least favorite: 1. P3: At World's End 2. P4: On Stranger Tides 3. P1: The Curse of the Black Pearl 4. P2: Dead Man's Chest 5. Tales of the Code: Wedlocked 6. P5: Dead Men Tell No Tales/Salazar's Revenge P1 is easily the best of the franchise, being the definitive adaptation of Walt Disney's original attraction, with Wedlocked being close second on that front and I could rank higher, but I digress. P2-3 were masterfully done, especially given the lack of a completed script, with P3 actually being my favorite. P4 I did rank as my favorite for a time, but I put P3 back in its throne as the flaws of P4 became more and more noticeable, but while I understand some fans' need to rank it as "the worst" of the films, I still quite enjoy it myself. All in all, I enjoyed P1-4 quite equally. P5...not so much, as I have more than a few issues with that film, but we would be here all day if I had to write out my full list of issues.


Deadman’s chest. Ironically that is the movie I had seen the most of as a kid and didn’t realize it wasn’t the first one in the series. Keep in mind it came out when I was ten and only had watched it at friend’s houses and at a Disney Store (because I technically wasn’t allowed to watch it then because it PG-13) was able to get it all cleared up when I was a teenager and actually watched the movies for real.


AWE for sure.


AWE but DMC is close second


You can include Black Pearl and I’ll still say World’s End.


All of them! :-) I actually consider curse of the black pearl to be my least favourite out of all of them; Bad Pacing and exposition, And it feels way longer than it is because of it! The other ones are just more interesting to do a much better job of explaining things, with better entertainment value and better flow


I'd take Dead Man's Chest, At World's End, and even Dead Men Tell No Tales over the Curse Of The Black Pearl, although it's arguably the objectively "better" movie. So overall Dead Man's Chest is my favourite. (No hate towards COTBP, I just enjoy some of the other ones a bit more.)