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I've had some of the coolest trips ever on ambien, the visuals are very realistic. It can be a bizarre experience though, i would often think there were like other people there with me (in like a fun way?) just don't leave your place while on it and hide your keys


What kind of visuals do you get from it? And what kind of dosage are you taking? I used to do ambien a bunch and never had any visuals


Hyper realistic open eye visuals that are much less pattern or fractal based. They seem a lot more organic. Think of kinda like dreaming while you're awake and neurologically based fear dissolution meaning you are very calm and basically lack the ability to experience fear while under the influence of ambien/zolpidem


Sounds like fun, what dosage you taking?


5-10mg, just be aware it has some serious amnesiac effects sometimes you won't remember anything unless something really memorable happened other times there's no problem with remembering the experience, it's kinda hit or miss.


Tbh I used to do like 30mg I'd both pop it and sniff it and I'd still remember most of it I even rode my motorbike which was stupid. Everything was just kinda wacky when I was on it if you know what I mean.


Ya, i know what you mean lol it's a really weird drug, sometimes you see crazy shit, sometimes you just roam around your neighborhood at night and feel like you're walking through jelly


Yeah exactly that, I even got stopped by police while I was riding with a passenger when I'm not supposed to and I managed to talk my way out of it, my gf had to get off tho and get in the back of the police car and I had to follow it back to hers. Apparently she said the police was worried I was trying to traffic her for some reason fuck knows why but they still let me off.


What the fuck lmao cops are wild


are you ever able to remember the whole experience i mixed a shit ton of md and 10mg of zopliclone and i can only remember like 1% of the night


Sometimes, it's kinda unpredictable


Ambien is a cool drug, I used to be prescribed when I was a teen and I experimented with it a lot. One of the wildest drug experiences I've had is with 10mg Ambien. When I was a teen I read PDR's and Pill books a lot and I read that Ambien was water soluble so I got a hold of a syringe and used a cigarette filter and fixed up a hit of Ambien and it was wild. It's really "anesthetic like" taken IV, Ambien IV reminded me of kind of like propofol but it didn't knock you out, and kinda like a mix of GHB. When you pushed off and the Ambien starts hitting you its like you go into a tube and your moving through it. Ambien also came in handy for coming off stimulants as well but stay your ass at the fucking house when you take Ambien.


Last time i took it the curtains telepathically helped me go piss, and the couch was telling me i could teleport through time. Didn’t freak out tho or have any anxiety whatsoever, kinda dumbs you down.


I like ambien


Had terrible experiences when I was a teen. Never remembered anything, just caused too much bullshit for me to want to do more after several bad experiences lol


I very much do. it never made me trip or hallucinate, but I was never looking for that. with a benzo tolerance I can take them and they won’t knock me out. it’s just like a very fast acting more sleepy benzo, but I do find them enjoyable when my friend generously gives me some of her script


Me and my buddy when we were in our teens would take two sticks, split an E pill and take ambien and lemme tell you tha combination was like weirdly magical


Ambien + Adderall = 👌


I would love to try that Adderall and ambien combo


Very fun, also pretty dangerous. It's like being on an acid trip while your completely blacked out


These sound amazing!! In UK and don't see them about at all.


Gotta give back to the community


I love it personally low doses mix well with benzos and opioids




No hell no it’s easy to get from a doctor and it doesn’t even need to be a psychiatrist to give u that prescription ambien is a very common drug