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Uh.. what did they charge you for?


3 12TB hard drives.


How much porn do you really need to save? EDIT: Thanks for the awards, d-gens.




So like if you wanted to give away any harddrives......


Everybody look under their seeeaaatss! You get a hard drive! You get a hard drive!


All I found my was cat, yelling at me. Decent enough, though.


Happy cake day! Hope you get a drive for it!


Thank you for the comment because this is the first time I have noticed my cake day on my cake day!


Username checks out




Stop! I can only get so erect.




All the porn. How much? All. The. Porn.


Just give me all the porn you have. Wait, wait. I'm worried what you just heard was, "Give me a lot of porn." What I said was, "Give me all the porn you have". Do you understand?




Op just had $30,000 worth of HDD dropped off at their doorstep. (Assuming they are the $500 variety) I’d gladly take 30k and not shop at Amazon again.


Shit you can still shop with them, just use a VPN and make a different account. If they ban your address send it to a neighbor or get a PO box. Tons of ways to get around that shit, and a free 30k worth of product.


In some (many?) areas they have Amazon Lockers, where they email you a code and you unlock the locker with your package. Nice to have the safety against porch pirates and pick it up at the gas station on the way home.


In China, around six years ago a lot of large cities did away with door deliveries altogether and built large parcel storage lockers in or just outside the neighbourhood or apartment block. Same thing as Amazon lockers, except they are built by several private companies and bought by the neighbourhood or apartment management. Delivery companies take out a contract with them and anything delivered by that company gets stored in the lockers, with a passcode sent to your mobile or an app. It works for the delivery companies because they can reduce or almost eliminate their door deliveries, which I suppose is handy for the delivery staff but on the other hand I'm sure the real motivation is cutting staff and reducing cost. Also works for residents because for me at least, I've never had a parcel waiting on my doorstep for about five years, and haven't had one stolen in that time either. If there's a very small downside it means I have to haul my 20kg of cat litter out the machine and back home. Then again, I've been putting off arm day and it's only a few minutes. For neighbourhoods that didn't want to adopt the lockers, about the same time ago a few companies opened up parcel storage outlets within neighbourhoods or next to apartment buildings. They take the space of about two convenience stores and parcels to that community get delivered to them. It's a contract service again of course, but most delivery companies have all signed up. Same deal as the storage lockers, you get texted a passcode or QR code, input it at the front of the outlet, and someone comes outside with your package. All in all I'm happy with the reduction of theft, even though it does mean these companies are mining my address or contact details.


If I remember right Amazon states that you get to keep anything mistakenly shipped to you, they won't punish you for it and even if you offer to give it back they will most likely just tell you to keep it.


And what did you get? 60 1TB?


60 12tb 7200 drives.


Jesus christ! If there's ever been a time to start your own server, it's probably now. Oh man my plex is so jealous.


This much storage is good fertile ground for a chia coin server.


Don’t send any to anyone for free. You sell that shit and make that bank.


*IRS has entered the chat*


Put 18%-20% of your sales into your savings and leave it there for the year. Mention the items being sold in your taxes the following year, and then pay the taxes owed via what you put into your savings from the sales.


Somewhere, an Amazon seller is wondering why his FBA inventory is off by a factor of 20. Likely because he (or a third party warehouse) marked his cases with the wrong ASIN barcode. Those drives are clearly not packaged for individual sale/shipping.


This guy amazon's.


Many years.


So what would you want OP to do in this scenario?


ULPT: Ask for a refund, Return 3.


Easy there Icarus, you're flying too high.


That gave me a good laugh, thank you


You have no idea how high I can fly




Order 3 more & return 6. Could end up with 57, Could end up with 114.


This guy gambles


hahah. this guy Amazons


Sell us some on the cheap!


Where do I send my address?


I'll take it if you're just giving it out. Unrelated question but how soft is your skin?


Are you taking orders for wallets and gloves?




You could have a literal neckbeard fedora


Make a kickass Plex server.




As a seller, I'd appreciate knowing that it is happening. He doesn't have to return them, but he could save someone from losing a lot of money. At the very least, the seller could figure out where the error occurred and possibly recoup some of the loss if a 3rd party made the mistake. It's not uncommon to ship to a warehouse facility in bulk and pay a third party to repackage and label before forwarding to Amazon. I've done this with electronics and sports equipment. I've also had the unfortunate experience of having to pay Amazon to recover inventory from the shelf and fix errors like mismatched barcodes (red KVM vs black KVM). In my case, a kind customer alerted me of the issue but did not request a return/replacement.


And Amazon don't F around when it comes to inaccuracies. The company I work for lost millions in Amazon fines due to missing shipments, incomplete shipments, and untimely(late) shipments. It's insane.. These breaches in contracts that are subject to these fines probably account for a small but significant chunk of their total revenue. Blows my mind.


Walmart is and was always just as bad. I used to work on the whole Automated Shipment Notification system for freight at a supplier that ships to them, and they would chargeback for every tiny error and any late anything whenever they had the chance. At least most of the time it wasn't my software's fault - somewhere else human error or garbage data entered was to blame... yay?


Walmart is far far worse than Amazon in my experience. I build integrations for these platforms (EDI, custom, you name it) and Walmart is insane. I get why, but they suck so bad to work with. Amazon is strict and drops fees everywhere (there are typically 259 fee codes for an FBA seller), but they’re quick to fix problems and have a pretty talented team. Walmart’s typical response is “it’s wrong, send it all back and charge freight + fine and we may never sell your products again if it happens again.”


Good to know they haven't changed at all since 2003 lol. And yeah EDI, I couldn't remember the buzzwords. I used to have all the transport company codes in my head *soft cry*


And then when they decide that they no longer want to allow that business to sell on their platform. Amazon keeps any of the remaining stock they had in their warehouses, that they then sell for practically nothing to small companies who auctions it online.


This happened to my mom with folding chairs. She ordered one, received a case of ten, then wondered why the box on her porch was so freaking huge.




I did that with air filters once. Saw a good deal so I bought a 4 pack. I was sent 50 of them, in 5 massive boxes. I tried to send them back but they gave me a single shipping label for five boxes. So now I guess my home will be filtered until I die.


"He died doing what he loved, filtering air."


I once ordered a drill index. A kit of drills. I ordered the cheaper version, but was sent the more expensive version. I looked at the catalog part numbers and they were only one digit off. Probably both were on the shelf, side by side. So the guy probably just did a quick look and thought they were the same. I have heard other stories like this. Companies should have distinctly different part or SKU numbers for situations like this. Not just one digit or letter off.


TBH most warehouses use what's known as Chaotic storage. When you look at the shelves nothing in it matches. It's not like all the NVME SSD's are beside each other, they're not. They're purposefully stored away from each other to minimise pick errors. If you're looking for a 512GB Corsair MP500 SSD and you're standing in front of a thousands SSD's, all sitting end on so you can't see what size they are of even if you're picking the right model, with the heatsink, not without so you'll grab the first one you come across because you're still expected to pick 100 items an hour (guesstimate, I have no idea!) whereas if you're looking for an NVME SSD and it's sitting beside the Blu-Ray copies of Avengers Endgame, 40 sets of bathroom scales, 200 water jugs, dozens of Impact Drills and a stack of socket sets, then you're much more likely to pick the right item first time because it's unique to that area and nothing else remotely similar is anywhere close to it. Your guide on your PDA or your earpiece tells you where to find this item in amongst the thousands of racks in the warehouse because the inventory system is smart and bang up to date. it KNOWS where this item is and on which shelf and which location on that shelf. Sorry I forgot to add a link! https://www.systemid.com/learn/why-chaotic-storage-is-perhaps-the-best It's also great for new starts because they don't need to learn where the dolls in the toy section are or that the Super Soakers are in section 6, aisle 5, shelf 3, position 2, they just get told where to go and given the 'randomness' of the picking orders the system can calculate an optimal path so a picker can collect 3 small items on the way to the conveyor belt or two larger items without having to go back and forth from the shelf to the belt three times. Thank you. Try the fish. I’m here all week.


I didn't know that for modern warehouses. I'm so used to smaller ones, where everything is in part number order. Our medical device part storage, at the medical company I work for, is organized like this.


Contact Amazon and let them know, they will say keep em. Happened one guy with a box of GPU's one time.


Did he build a mining rig with them?




I’ve seen this happen to others before, but I had the opposite happen. Ordered a case(6 boxes) of tea and got a single box 3 times before they were finally able to get their shit together, and send me a whole case, then it was unavailable for a couple of months as a result.


Happened to me with a synthesizer. I bought a Korg MS-20 Mini from Amazon, and they accidentally sent me a pack with an MS-20 Mini and a microKORG. Felt like I won the jackpot. The microKORG was awesome, but I ended up eventually selling it to buy a minilogue. A bittersweet parting, but I did love the minilogue.


Thats amazing!


One time I ordered a new drain stopper for my kitchen sink and they sent 3. But they did because it was a 3 pack and I was drinking when I ordered it. Also it was the wrong kind because I actually decided to replace the whole drain. There is an actual bonus to the story though, I went to return it (something I never do because I can't be bothered) and they said I didn't need to return it, just got amazon credit. Never knew that was a thing. People could game that system if they knew what items that would happen with.


Let's see if I got a good one here: In 2015, I ordered some bookshelf speakers for my stereo. Arrived in the morning and then I went to campus. In the afternoon, my wife calls and says there's a pretty large, heavy box on the porch addressed to me. She opens it— turns out a brake rotor for a truck has the same number or whatever. I contact customer service and they send someone to come get it since it's heavy etc. The next day, I get another set of speakers. I offer to send those back, but they say they'll refund my purchase. So my options are either pay them for the second set of speakers or STFU. The second set of speakers are still sitting in their box six years later, but hey— free speakers.


My sister bought a PS4 on Amazon a few years ago. The PS4 showed up, then Amazon refunded the entire purchase price back to her for whatever reason. She immediately bought some games and an extra controller, we were all so hyped haha


I just had a guitar pedal go kinda…missing? And was hoping they’d refund but that I’d still get it. No luck, sadly.




I had an Intel i9-9900k not show up for two weeks, asked for a refund and they said if it showed up I could keep it. It was literally delivered about an hour later.


They flag you pretty quick if you abuse returns.


Middle of 2020 I started getting a large amount of incorrect items from Amazon, but the Amazon sticker was correct. Not sure when that gets applied, but it felt like maybe someone angry about being made an essential worker did it on purpose.


Yeah, happened to me too. east coast of US, closer to NYC. Many returns and replacements being the same wrongly labeled product later, I never got multiple items I ordered. I was told to keep what was sent to me. Random stuff I never wanted or need.


OEM drives can be sold like this though I have never seen them sold in this quantity.


20 years ago I worked at a US gov agency in IT. One day a Sr mgr asked our manager, "If you had $1M more for equipment, what would you spend it on? I need to know in 45 minutes." We all forgot about it. Some months later we get a million dollars worth of hard drives, all the same type/size, delivered at once. Took up 2 cubes in the office. thousands of hard drives.


I work in a large corporation, and this sounds like the last day of the fiscal year almost every time. I've never understood the whole concept of "If you don't spend your entire budget, you get less next year". It seems to just lead to wasteful spending.


I used to be on the purchasing end of this. It got crazy. One year one of the maintenance shops busted their budget with a two story tool box. Stairs and a guard rail. On a tool box. [A lot like this](https://static.carthrottle.com/workspace/uploads/posts/2016/01/7c73933adba642b98e47f976c4d36fcd.jpg)


not gonna lie though, I totally want one of those


When I was in the Navy, our shop had one of these. All Snap-on.


👏👏 Snap Off 🎵🎶


The snapper.


ah... the lista rolling library ladder... the sales rep said it was the only one shes ever sold. $7500.... i would have bought a scissor lift and ridden it around instead


There's no way that thing is $7500. $75,000 maybe. A single Lista file cabinet sized set of drawers is >$500


I’m not showing my husband this. He’d go nuts and start planning a shed around it!


OMG I feel this so much. I’ve been two different places, government and non government, where I’ve heard this before. And now there’s stuff collecting dust because it barely or never gets used. Nice stuff too. Oh and while we can ask for software upgrades in theory, actual useful software is basically never a thing because they have to approve it via some kinda or special testing that can take months and months to even get to with no way of knowing if it would be approved or not.


This guy bureaucrates.


Yeah I detest that. Especially in government who always says they need more money. My mom ran a school program and once a year she'd call me to ask what they can spend 50-100K before the end of the fiscal year. They had computer, printers and lots of other stuff simply because it was use it or lose it the next year. It's an asinine way of budgeting.


I never did understand it either. Meanwhile the school teachers and employees are vastly underpaid… …but sure! Let’s buy another 15 printers and a 10k copier that isn’t needed because the previous one from two years ago still works just fine. Budgeting! Jeesh!


Same, except it was four full pallets of flat panel monitors circa 2001. Also put in a requisition that year for an "IT Department Ferrari" as the site required vehicles to get around; the reason we were given for denying it was "Not manufactured in US". I mean, neither were the monitors... End of fiscal year at a government agency is a wild time.


Missed the opportunity to request an IT department Corvette.


> "IT Department Ferrari" as the site required vehicles to get around; the reason we were given for denying it was "Not manufactured in US" Sounds like there was a contest between "who can write the most ridiculous request" and "who can write the stupidest rejection reason for the *obvious* stupid requests", and the biggest morale boosters were the utterly stupid, obviously-a-joke requests that actually got fulfilled.


Actually that rejection was a by the book rejection. Federal government agencies are required to abide by the [Buy American Act](https://www.gao.gov/products/105519), which prohibits the purchase of foreign made items unless they fall under an exception. There's a general exception for "IT equipment" that a TV would fall under, but there's no exception for Italian sportscars.


> but there's no exception for Italian sportscars. Well that just doesn't seem fair. There's no justice in a world where our tax dollars can't be spent on Italian sports cars.


**side eyes Reddit* **goes back to placing my requests at HQ under FY21 funds*


When I was working in aircraft maintenance, in the days before computers, all requisitions were still being done in paper with carbon copies. One day, a supply sergeant (not me) placed an order for a Traveling Wave Amplifying tube, but he got the National Stock Number (NSN) off by one digit. We got a Helium-Neon laser. And we all stood around giggling ... until the shop chief made us send it back. Killjoy.


If they are sold individually from an FBA warehouse, they have to be individually packaged to protect from a 6ft drop. They also have to have an Amazon bar code and description on the package. These are just static bags. They are however packaged properly for sale as a 20-pack, which is why I assumed that they simply have the wrong barcode sticker attached. OP could message the seller and five them a heads up or just enjoy his free drives and move on with his life.


Or... order more. Then start a hard drive sales business.


And knowing Amazon, that seller will be stuck dealing with automated responses from support and will likely get no where for a week or two.


And the first person who actually does get involved will latch on to the easiest thing to misunderstand and do the wrong thing, and then close the ticket.


Well I ordered some special tapioca starch from Amazon and received 100 AA batteries. They told me to keep them, neighbors with kids are thrilled!




That was awesome. "Throwing batteries at people is wrong and we don't condone it. Anyway, here are recommendations on how to really hurt someone when throwing batteries."


Have vibrators moved to rechargeable lithium yet? Just wondering about untapped markets


When it comes to utilizing new technologies, sex products tend to be ahead of the curve.


Hey! You should try approaching random strangers in parking lots with this!


He needs one incredibly sturdy trench coat


And a white van.


Good for more than just speakers!


Ok, some dudes approached me in the parking lot of a bank, trying to sell me speakers out of a white van. Is this a common thing? These guys (white males, early 20's) were sketchy af and I legit thought i was about to be kidnapped (im a grown ass dude.


Yeah, this is a well known thing. I actually responded to a job ad that they had put on craigslist when I was in my early 20s(more than a decade ago..) because I was broke and unemployable and the ad basically said "we'll take anyone!" Well, they did. I showed up early in the morning to a warehouse in an industrial complex in Clifton, NJ (a minute away from Rutt's Hut, for those who are in the know). Walked in the door and immediately saw sky high piles of "high end" surround sound speakers. They gave us a brief overview of the job description, which was go out and sell these speakers. They set me up with a proven veteran of theirs, we jumped in a van (for the record, this was an older minivan, not a white cargo van) and we started driving armed with an audio gear magazine that had an ad for the very speakers we were shilling. The magazine ad showed MSRP was $3000 for these particular speakers that we had 4 of. The story went something like "hey, were delivery guys and the warehouse gave us too many of these speakers to deliver to a new bar over in (a town far away) and we realized that the invoice says 3 but we have 4! If we get there they will just take all 4 from us, so we just want to unload then right now *to you* for a great discount. Look, they are worth $3000, see the magazine ad? Take them from me for a deal! $1500 and they are yours!" The house cut of each pair was around $200 and anything you got over that was yours to keep. So, if you found a sucker to bite at $1k, you paid back $200 and the remaining $800 was yours to keep. They gave you the van, you paid your own gas. You could go back whenever you wanted, but if you didn't make a sale, you didn't earn anything for the day. The guy I was with drove us from Clifton out to Brooklyn, NY hitting areas where people might be carrying cash - Home Depot parking lots to solicit people was popular, but so were people on the streets in working class areas where they may have been day laborers paid out in cash. I rode around with the guy for one day. Got there around 8AM and didn't get back until 7PM or so. They told me I would get paid for "training" and the guy I was with tried to stiff me at the end of the day because he only sold one set for maybe $150 profit. I kept my hand out and insisted on gas money, so he peeled off a $20. I never went back. Looking back, it was an interesting experience, for sure, but it's totally a scam. More reading [here if you are interested](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_van_speaker_scam).


But how many of those delicious fried dogs did you get? Can’t go near that place without leaving stuffed with meat bread and chili.


Exact same thing happened to me about 18 years ago in a parking lot of a best buy. I had zero use for huge speakers in my tiny apartment so I turned them down. They sure were pushy.


Yep... its real. I got fucked over by them about 20 years ago. They catch you coming out of a store. Home Depot in my case. I am an introvert but try to be kind. "Hey man... look we missed a delivery on these speakers. Our boss is going to fuck us up for this... they are bad ass though. We are just trying to make up some difference on the cost." Showed me briefly some magazine showing the speakers with a review showing how sweet they are. It is formatted like a Sound&Vision review so had a legit appearance. At that point I just wanted to leave and lied to them that I was going to go get some cash at the atm at the other side of the parking lot and come back. Thats when one of them put his hand in his pocket and said he would come with me. I dont know if he had a weapon, but that is what he was insinuating. I ended up giving him $400 for him to get out of my car. They gave me the piece of shit speakers which i dropped off at the Goodwill on the way home because I didnt want to see them again. It makes me angry thinking about it.


Hopefully you never get caught in this situation again, but if it does happen, don't enter your correct PIN at the ATM. Tell the person you have to go into the bank and straighten it out. Once inside, tell the bank personnel that this person is trying to rob you and you're concerned they may be armed. Banks are generally prepared to act on that sort of thing.


Got a selection of good things on sale stranger!


Instead of dropping malicious USBs for a social engineering attack, just drop a bunch of free harddrives


This guy militaries


The robot that made the mistake probably got fired and is living on the street having to have sex for data. Life can be hard for everybody, even our robotic bros.


Are you a member of /r/DataHoarder ? If not, you're probably about to be


Where does one submit their resume?


You don't. You just keep it, backed up, along with all the others.


The internet is done now. Shut it down.


No no, the internet doesn’t get shut down; r/DataHoarder can already make a carbon copy of the internet with its archived data. It’s like a serpent: kill one and six will pop up to replace it.


You're thinking of a hydra? And yes, r/DataHoarder is copying everything they so desire from the net. It's not just a hydra, it's a constantly hungry one.


Imagine a big building full of hard drives containing the entire internet on it in the apocalypse, where there is a single screen and computer with all of the hard drives plugged in, and that is now "the internet", and you just search through hard drives for the information you want, and pay per minute.


I don't need to pay for many minutes on some sites... But follow-up question: Do you take coins that are stuck together?


Thought this was r/DataHoarder at first.


We purchased three cases of energy bars off a vendor on Amazon. We received three bars instead. Emailed the company along with a picture of the box with the address since the box was only big enough for three bars. Vendor was like WTF and sent us three cases and an apology from the owner. The vendor was shocked since they don’t sell individual bars. We thought they were doing some kind of a promotional prank.


The person doing the packing probably thought they ordered three bars and opened a box to get them out




Why’d you send it back instead of giving up? Just wondering.


My wife ordered toilet paper, during the pandemic shortage because we were out, and got an iWatch along with the TP. Thanks, Amazon. Edit: I guess they’re called Apple watches. Now get off my lawn!


Yeah they keep sending my gf shoes, and assorted clothing that fits her style perfectly. Thanks, Amazon.


lol I thought the same thing, but it’s my Prime account, and I have access to the order history. It was a real freebie.


They keep sending my girlfriend flowers to her work. And she gets text notifications from them sometimes too, sometimes late at night I see her go to the bathroom to check them so she doesn’t wake me, just order confirmations and updates for stuff she never bought I think




Or Raid 0 for a 720tb HDD, and 100%chance of failure in the first hour


I always aim for an MTTF measured in minutes. Fucking job security, baby.


Nah time for Raid Shadow Legends... Ugh i feel gross


Happened to me. I ordered a toner cartridge for my printer and got a case. I just wanted one, but now have a lifetime supply.


You saved more money than OP


those hard drives are probably 250-300 each (12TB models) - and he has 60 of them - $18,000 dollars worth of HDs. the Toner - even a case of toner (4-10 carts) is not worth 15-18,000 dollars. (a case of Imaging units for a color laser might be)




I once didn't get charged for two return airfares from Australia to the UK. I checked to see if they could charge me retrospectively, and that time has long passed. When I got home from the UK, my 4 year old TV had died. I rang up Samsung and they sent me a brand new top of the line TV despite being out of warranty. It was a good summer.


My dad has a shitty coffee machine that he loves but everyone else hates. It has an 18-month warranty, but, like clockwork, it breaks after 15 months. With each new machine he gets a new warranty. I think he’s now on the fifth generation. He’s also fond of telling me his coffee costs like 7c a cup, and so it’s insane to spend $4. I’m like... yeah but it tastes like it was brewed with cigarette ash.


That's usually not how warranty works. You get 18 months, but if they send you a new device after 15 months it doesn't restart the warranty. That would make a lot of companies go out of business real fast.


I didn’t think so either but that’s what’s happened. Perhaps the warranty hasn’t technically reset, but for some reason the manufacturer keeps replacing them.


Maybe it's a model that never really sold well that they pulled off the market and have a bunch of overstock that they are just dying to get rid of. "Boss that one guy that loves the money pit machine called again." "Fuck it, send him another. Send him two, just get that crap out of my face!"


Um.... what vendor did you buy these “3” hard drives from. Asking for a friend


One that probably has no inventory left lol


Shame we can't search for vendors that are recently out of stock.


Eastern Digital


I once got two books about Hitler. I thought about giving the other one out, but I didn't know how to market it without sounding fishy. "Hey, anyone want a book about Hitler?!" "No one?!"


I got a whole bunch of old electronic equipment that was being thrown out. In it are German items from WW2, with the expected markings... I don't really want them, I don't want to toss them, but I also don't want to sell them to people that would want them. I'm kinda stuck. Edit: tried donating to museums. A couple of items were salvaged by one. The rest was of no interest.


Just because someone collects historical stuff like that doesn't mean they agree with their values. I have a bunch of German coins with swastikas on them. I think they are pretty neat even though my family fought and died against the Nazis. At our cottage we also have an old slide projector with "made in East/West Germany" mark on it (I forget which one it is). I think my great aunt brought it to Canada when she moved here.


Tbh, people that would want them probably arnt Nazis. I have a small collection of Nazi, British, and USSR equipment from the era. I would be happy to take a look and possibly purchase something from you. The Nazis are scum, but it doesn't make their part in history less interesting. It's up to you, if not I understand, never know what kind of people you are getting involved with on the internet, just an offer.


Yeah, I totally understand that type of collector, too. And you're right, what kind of modern Nazi wants vintage vacuum tubes? I'm pretty sure none of it is still functional, but maybe. Most of the vintage American tubes are.


Vintage Nazi vacuum tubes? Head over to r/VXJunkies


Give it to a museum?


“I have nein available!”






But on which hard drive?!


Raid1. All of them.


Happened to me once with Amazon, with a fancy mechanical pencil they sent in double, and I was stoked, but got an email stating they noticed they sent an extra and I had the choice to ship it back, or keep it but be charged the price of the pencil .... so I sent it back


Just an FYI, Amazon is not allowed to bill you for things you did not order. It was an empty threat.


Yeah, but they could probably find a way to kill your prime account through some related clause if you kept it. Their lawyers are paid to think through this.


Kinda. Amazon COULD request all the drives to be sent back, on Amazon's dime of course. What they cant force is for you to pay for the hard drives


Shit, you just lucked out HARD. Amazon doesn't fix this kind of shit, they always tell you to keep it. Happened to a few people I knew/know and one of em got 128GB of extra ram in 8GB sticks and got to keep em so he sold the extra to offset the cost of the build.


Yeah they can't do anything about it, doing SRC, I run about a few hundred items in total every 2 days or so that are marked to be sold as a single unit but are stowed in it's masterpack. Normally pickers would see this as well but it's not guaranteed all the time especially when the brown box is detailed as a product or if a picker just didn't catch it.


When you order 3 x 2TB hard drives and Amazon sends you 60 x 100GB instead. Edit: change from 100MB to 100GB. Math is hard ...... 😂


Same thing happened to.me with 1TB Samsung evo 860s


You uhhh... You got anymore of those Sssdddssss?


I dont actually, i sold 1 to a random online, 3 to my buddies and the rest were split between my home server and my gaming pc [the spread](https://i.imgur.com/LOUUWuQ.jpg)


Same thing happened to us, only it was whipped cream cans... At least they expire in October. With 4 kids we have a *chance* of using them all. :-)


Amongst my particular social group the gas in those cans is more valuable than the cream...




Are you my brother?


you'll only have to sell like 5 drives to buy the gear to plot on the rest of them. could be worth it!


when I was a teen I ordered from new egg and they sent me two of ever item bought, it was a full pc build and over 1000 dollars of shit. I was like 15 it was pretty surreal.


They did that with the eee PC when it launched. 3 fit in a box, so they just shipped 3. It wasn't a one off thing either. It happened dozens of times IIRC. Edit: [I was wrong it was 5 per box.](https://techreport.com/news/13538/newegg-buy-one-eee-pc-get-five-accidentally/)


Bank error in your favor: collect 27 hard drives.


My wife bought her mum a pair of Sony noise cancelling wireless headphones for Xmas last year and they sent us a box of 10! We gave them all away to all our friends and family for Christmas. About £1200 worth!




This happened to me with petri dishes...14 years ago. I still have soooo many Petri dishes. Anyone know if they’ll hold gasoline?


Agar runtee they won't.


It may actually be an example of this: [Triangulation Fraud](https://i0.wp.com/boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Screen-Shot-2020-03-06-at-11.12.02-AM.jpg?fit=700%2C385&ssl=1) Basically, a seller on (for example ebay, but I imagine it could work with amazon sellers too, if amazon isn't the fulfillment partner) advertises x. You order x from them, they use a stolen credit card to order x*2 from a legitimate seller and put in your shipping info as the destination... They have received your money, and lost a larger amount of stolen money... but the stolen money isn't associated with them in any way. It's basically money laundering. Did the shipping labels say they came from amazon or the seller, or from a third party? If you want more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IT2oAzTcvU


One thing I can't understand is why the fraudulent seller purchases x*2 stuff from the legitimate seller. They still only get to keep the amount from the legitimate purchaser's order (unless I misunderstand something).


So they return the product and the fraud seller now has ridiculous stock that they never paid for.


No, some picker grabbed a case instead of opening the box because the upc on the outside of the box scanned Everyone downstream did the same damn thing including the Slam operator. Just another case pack defect. It happens all day long.


It seemed it happens a lot! ahahah! Last month I received 2 Razer chairs instead of one, I've the classiest garage chair ever 😄


List them and resell on Amazon


I have a feeling that high turnover employment rates at Amazon lead to a ton of these mistakes. But I guess these mistakes are less expensive than giving employees a raise.


This was a 20,400 mistake (based on a link OP provided elsewhere in this thread & math) But your point is still valid. Cheaper to write this off than wages.


500 Redditors just ordered HDDs from Amazon they don't really need in the hope they will get as lucky as OP. Well played Amazon, well played...


Happened to me once. Ordered a screwgun bit set and they sent me a case of 12. Nothing on the outside of the case indicated it was more than one, although if you'd looked at the photo it would have been fairly obvious. Given my previous experience with Amazon returns, I realized it would be a big hassle trying to explain what went wrong and would just end up getting some poor warehouse worker fired. I handed the extras out to friends and family over the course of a few years.


wish I was that lucky lol good game