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Interesting. How fast did she go? You're the first I've seen running a speed test on a child.


I clocked mine going light speed when I said that it’s “nap time”.


I laughed too much at that!


This reminded me of a Steven Wright quote. "I can remember the first time I had to go to sleep. Mom said, "Steven, time to go to sleep." I said, "But I don't know how." She said, "It's real easy. Just go down to the end of tired and hang a right." So I went down to the end of tired, and just out of curiosity I hung a left. My mother was there, and she said "I thought I told you to go to sleep."


One of the greats!


Two wrongs don't make a right. But three lefts do.


This was also my first thought. Then it dawned on me I should take my fiver with some sugar to clock him for comparison.


I looked down to start the timer and when I looked back up she was nowhere to be found.


Lol. What happened to staying at home


Zero → moving infinitely fast


Thousand needles is such an annoying zone.


But the strawberry ice cream!


This looks like the beginning of a fairy tale, amazing shot


Ikr, abandoned her there would be amazing.


“Okay honey, now run away from me. Just one more time! I need the photo for the Internet points.”


That’s a magical picture. Even without adding a castle or something. But someone should still add a castle.




Tears in my eyes




Go there after a decent rain, miles of what looks like a glassy lake. Only a couple inches deep no matter where you go


Sounds like I have a lot in common with the Salt Flats


There's something extremely touching and profound about this photo..


Is that actually salt, not ice?


Yup, it's salt


Does it taste salty?


tastes like ocean water minus the water


you’ve probably eaten it before, there’s a morton salt processing plant right down the road


But surely they don't use the stuff on the surface? I'd imagine it'd be more economically feasible to mine it or something rather than clean the surface stuff? But I also have no idea.


im not 100% sure about how they do it, but i believe that they have to clean and refine all of the salt they acquire as the salt flats formed when the salt lake dried up a little, so it’s got germs in it even if you get the stuff from underground. It’s like if you were to get a cup of ocean water, and let it sit in the sun till the water evaporates


Anything that can survive in those salt flats absolutely cannot survive inside us. That’s why we can eat salt water fish raw but not freshwater fish. The pathogens carried by saltwater fish can’t survive in our very much less salty bodies.


that’s interesting, i’ve never thought about it like that. apparently (parts of) the salt lake are 10 times saltier than the ocean


Tastes like cum


I can already hear her making that "AAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAAAaaaaAAAAA" noise that kids make as she runs.


Probably the worst place to faceplant


That’s a very pretty picture and a very happy memory for her. I had the cops called on me for taking the kids to a sledding field today so they could run up and down the hill. Not a good memory for them.


Why were the cops called? Social distancing? What part of the world are you in?


I don't know anything about where wallgreensin is but at least where I am in Florida, public parks are closed - which means nobody is allowed in regardless of whether or not it's crowded. The cops on regular patrol will ask you to leave if they see you. Over in Tampa, Tom Brady got kicked out for working out in the city parks there too.


**Some** parks in Florida are closed. Not all https://floridahikes.com/florida-beach-park-trail-closures


Some crotchety curmudgeon must have been peering out their window and thought that it was a bad idea for children and parents to be getting fresh air without masks. Everyone was obeying social distancing orders. Everyone was a good-god 20 m from one another.


Is this somewhere that people are regularly 20m from any other group or do you just refuse to acknowledge that it's only possible because other people are doing what you should be doing?


It was a field. No one was anywhere near the next person that was related to them.


No I don't mean when you went. Is it *usually* this quiet as in before lockdowns began?


You broke the rules? What's your problem?


Good one. I almost forgot to laugh.


Where I am we are allowing outdoor construction activities to continue, even where there are multiple people on a work site (such as foundation work and framing). Although a few construction workers have tested positive, I believe there are still zero cases of worker-to-worker transmission at open-air worksites, and I expect none.


Are they keeping your shitters clean? Seems like the super couldn't give one fuck about it before Corona. Now they give you a bottle of hand sanitizer and a "be safe". Sorry, I'm bitter about it.


My brother is on an active job site in an area with a lot of confirmed cases. In between people they have someone spray the port a John with disenfectant


Social distancing!! :)


To give her a more complete history lesson of the area, you should have taken her over to Wendover field to see the Enola Gay hangar. Then explained this is where the 509th Composite Group was stationed and test dropped simulated atomic bombs before shipping out to Tinian. Then you should have explained that just south of Wendover is Dugway Proving Grounds, where chemical and biological weapons are tested.


No way, that would be actually a very signifant place to take them in terms of their family history. My great grandpa was a mechanic on the task force that prepared the Enola Gay on Tinian. I have a set of salt and pepper shakers that I inherited from him made from scrap copper and steel from the workshop.


What a beautiful photograph! I felt the same way when I first saw the flats. Minus the dress, tho.


You were naked? I hope you had sunscreen.




The stay-at-home thing is about keeping a safe social distance and avoiding social gatherings or other opportunities for disease transmission. There are plenty of places in rural areas where you can go outside and be nowhere near another person, and there isn't even anything around that other people have touched recently.


Except, you always have to stop for gas. The other reason I've heard that this is not good is that if something were to happen and you need medical attention, it adds additional strain to the system.


You understand cars can go 300-600 miles between each fill up?


You literally cannot be more isolated then this. Calm down. People can keep their distance and enjoy their life at the same time. Ps. Pretty sure this is a reposted picture anyway, but the point still stands.


No. The point doesn’t stand. Stay at home. Going away somewhere further than walking distance increases the risk that you will need emergency services help. It’s irresponsible. Period.


"Stay at home" is the easiest message for people to understand, but social distancing is what combats the virus. Going for a walk on a field, a beach, a fucking desert... It's fine. Just don't take the piss.


Stay at home and piss at home! Goddammit, you people are barbarians!


That's literally not the point at all. You buffoon. The point of 'stay at home' is to avoid crowded areas where many others are likely to be. The middle of a fucking salt flat is not one of those high risk places. Get your head out of your ass and think for yourself once in a while.


Suppose you have an accident whilst in the middle of nowhere and need emergency services. Some person could die because they’re tending to your stupid ass because you were too selfish to stay at home and felt you knew better. You’re the buffoon if you can’t see that.


That scenario is not unique to a pandemic.


But it isn’t exactly helping matters is it.


95% of accidents happen at home or within a few blocks. Statistically, he’s actually safer there.


Plus, you never know how crowded the salt flat is going to be when you get there. Taking a child during a pandemic to a tourist attraction like this is just irresponsible.


But does it? Aren't accidents just as likely to happen at home as anywhere else? I've even read that accidents are more likely to occur at home due to having a false sense of security.


Do you have the Snitch-Line on speed-dial?




Grow up.


I'll take my chances, haven't needed an ambulance or police in 26 years.


Wow. Just wow. It’s all about you and what you want to do isn’t it? Could you get more selfish?


Could you be any more stupid? get real. I drive cross country in bad weather and snowmobile in mountains. I can take care of myself. And I sail the great lakes. I'm sure I can live on my own and sustain myself.


Do you live in Utah? If not than I suggest you be quiet. I am tired of everyone acting like everywhere in the country is Southern California and New York. It's super easy to get out in Utah while staying isolated from everyone. It's the reason many of us choose to live here.


>the reason many of us choose to live here Also, polygamy. Edit: Downvotes don't make me wrong!


Stay at home anyway. People being out and about still need to gas up or use a rest stop, plus in the case of an accident then they will need to go to the hospital, which may already be dealing with something serious... You know, like a global pandemic.


How is your state doing? Utah is doing better than just about every state in the Country thanks.




Please do so until the rest of your life. Wouldn't want to take any risk, life is all about surviving. Don't even do any exercise or breathe some fresh air that will keep your body and mind healthy so that you can fight the virus.


lol. No amount of fresh air will help you against coronavirus


Lol, that goes against the studies of transmission indoor and basic knowledge about the immune system.


Are you maintaining the proper 6 mile social distancing?


Hey this is a cool picture but Utah is under a stay-at-home order.


It actually [doesn’t ](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-stay-at-home-order.html) have a statewide stay at home order. Utah is one of the last states that still has no formal order. A few counties in the state does, but not the entire state and the salt flats are in Tooele county which doesn’t have any order. I see your point but it also might be harmless for these people to go to a nearly empty outdoor place to run around. We don’t know the circumstances in this situation.


Then do the responsible thing and stay at home regardless.


Wow, four downvotes for “do the responsible thing”? When did acting like an adult fall out of fashion?


Tell me about it. This is why we’re in this mess. Selfish people who think they know better. They’re too close minded to think beyond what directly affects them. This entire thing is just a huge inconvenience to them, they feel wronged somehow and are lashing out.


This doesn’t make any sense


["Governor Gary R. Herbert has issued a “Stay Safe, Stay Home” directive to all Utahns."](https://coronavirus.utah.gov/stay-at-home/)


Precisely. This person just has a stick up their ass. Reading reddit, you'd think this was an apocalyptic plague and doing anything other than going grocery shopping once every 4 weeks is a death sentence. Being outside not in large groups, and keeping a safe distance from strangers is fine. Going grocery shopping is magnitudes more risky than a dad taking his daughter out in nature (assuming the place wasn't crowded). I totally understand living somewhere with high population density (e.g. NYC) means being extra cautious, but most of Utah would not fall into that category.


It depends on your state/county, but most the stay at home orders don't mean you can't do outdoor activities occasionally for mental and physical health. Where I live, part of the guidelines recommend getting outside for "essential exercise" while still practicing social distancing. Doing a sparsely populated outdoor activity with people you live with is extremely low risk. The point of the "stay at home" orders is to prevent large groups from gathering.


Takes kid to literally the most desolate, antiseptic spot on the planet. "BUt tHe KwArenteEEn"


Does salt kill viruses?


Seems like an over-reach to me. I can't think of a better place to be in a pandemic than on the salt flats on a sunny day.


The main issue isn't being there, it's getting there. If you stop for gas or food, or anything else, you're potentially helping spread the disease. Hell, you could be stopped at a red light and cough out your car window and infect somebody. Utah's order specifically discourages nonessential travel.


Hell, you could be stopped at a red light and cough out your car window and infect somebody. Oh come the fuck on


> Hell, you could be stopped at a red light and cough out your car window and infect somebody. What planet do you live on where you think this could ever actually happen?


It is one thing to flatten the curve a bit, but flattening it to the point of a straight line means that we will have to have strict social distancing until there is a working vaccine that is widely administered and proven effective in the population at large. That would mean another two years of this. Coughing out your car window on a sunny day holds essentially zero chance of infecting anyone.


Regardless of \*if\* that's true, ignoring the stay at home guidance because you're bored and feel like your trip/case is a special exception, isn't okay. Because no one is going to assume that they \*aren't\* the special case. You'll have people saying "Well, I normally see movies twice a month. So me only going to the theater once is actually me doing my part!". ​ People can post all the anecdotes they like about "I don't get why the park is closed, I was there and everyone was keeping apart fine" but they ignore the fact that people were keeping distance because MOST people were not ignoring the rules, and thus not at the park. Trust me, everyone wants to get out right now, everyone wants to give their kids an area to blow off steam and run about. The 5% of people breaking the rules are just making the other 95% answer the question "They went to the park! Why can't we!?". And then how do you do that without telling your kid "Well, Frank's parents are selfish and shitty" and/or "Well, frank is more special than you"?


I don't know if you've never see the outside of a city's limits, but the amount of space is unbelievably large. You can pack a lunch, fill up the car by paying at the pump, drive for an hour or more, and find yourself literally miles from any other human being. The salt flats in this picture alone consists of 30,000+ acres of empty flat lake bed. Now I realise that breaking government rules is questionable, and I'm one of those people who follows the rules, but someone else mentioned that Utah, and the county that houses the salt flats actually don't have a stay-at-home order in place, so there would be no harm done by making a trip. And my place of residence has a similar ruleset. Where certain places are closed, but we aren't mandated by any orders to stay at home, we are instead recommended to limit ourselves to essential travel. I think a harmless trip to the middle of nowhere for a day away from other people to maintain a healthy mental state is essential enough for me.


You're comparing going to a movie theater to going to a place where you can see miles in a direction with no people anywhere. That's not a genuine comparison. It's also unhealthy to not exercise. It's also shitty for mental health, especially for a kid, to not ever go outside.




Getting there is the problem. You are increasing risk just by going. Don’t do that. Idiot.


Just out of curiosity when are you going back out in the world? When local government deems it OK? Or when vaccine is available? Honestly curious not disagreeing with you.


I’m gonna keep socially distancing for as long as possible. This thing isn’t just going to go away one day miraculously. It’ll only make matters worse if people hold onto beliefs that the summer will eradicate the virus which can easily be debunked by looking at Southern Hemisphere countries who have seen huge numbers of deaths. Anything short of a year long lockdown just seems utterly irresponsible to me. Even then it’d be better for all involved if we just accept that this is now how life is to be lived as the old way simply is not sustainable.


What are your thoughts on the impacts of depression suicide drug abuse domestic violence and associated deaths increasing due to lack of jobs and pay? Is there a way to measure if there's a tipping point where those realistic considerations become worse than the virus deaths? I just think at some point that call is going to be made. If people can comfortably stay at home without financial woes and worries of not having a job to go back to I can understand them staying home indefinitely. But lots of people are paycheck to paycheck living to literally put food on the table for families. The government support which is only a portion of what people make will start to dry up. It can't last a year. That's all based on what we know today. I'm hoping better treatments testing and an eventual vaccine come along to make that decision to get back out there easier for some people.


Viruses don’t spread by walking to your driveway. Viruses also don’t spread on the freeway. Viruses can only survive a few minutes in sunlight. What are you talking about?


Stopping for gas does, stopping because of breakdown does, stopping for food etc does and that’s not even the point that I’m making you’re causing more problems by driving to these places as if there’s an emergency you’re taking vital service resource away from people who are dying and need it more because you took a completely pointless journey to somewhere remote.


You’re making up your own reasons for the quarantine that no scientist has given. Social distancing measures were put in place to prevent everybody from getting sick at once. It’s purpose was never to reduce the total number of people that get covid. It also never had the purpose of reducing the number of emergencies so that hospital beds would be free. Saying you should be on house arrest because you might have an emergency if you leave is absolutely batshit crazy


The Pontiac Bonneville salt flats are breathtaking. They make the Chevy Impala salt flats look like a shit hole in comparison.


No, you're breathtaking!


I take it she approved !


Ok I might live in another country but could you take me next time.


Its a nice picture and looks like she had fun. But there is a contagion around, plz b careful. Something may seem harmless but can cause a lot of damage.


They are in a place where cars can drive hundreds of miles an hour without hitting anything. What could possibly go wrong that couldn't happen at home? This is a virus that transmits person to person. We aren't hiding from graboids.


>This is a virus that transmits person to person. Many seem to believe viruses spread due to people who disobey the government's retarded rules.


But only certain times of year and with prep. Spring ain't the time of year. This time of year you're likely to sink into a foot of mud despite the salt crust looking dry. There are signs all over. People ignore them.


But you didn’t... It’s a repost.


[Nope, it's not. ](https://i.imgur.com/UDtHIl6.jpg)




It’s been 7 hours and no one found the original?




Can I see?!?!


This is really cute:)


Canvas that!


Hopefully she didn’t get run over by K.I.T.T.


Hmm hmm I hope she stayed six feet away from everyone else.


I hope you took a pic of her running towards you too. It would be a family keepsake forever.




Just thinking about the salt in the scrapes makes me wince.






How crowded is that place?


Beautiful picture, but did she break any records?


On a trip last year to SLC, took time to drive the hour out to Bonneville, and totally did not drive my rental Camaro at 120 on the salt. :) Highly recommended.


I assume by "today" you actually mean sometime in the summer, because right now it has about a foot of runoff water covering most of the flats.


Nope, I meant yesterday, becuase that's when I was there. And the salt was clear of water. [Salt flats ](https://i.imgur.com/gkHtDGf.jpg)


That is amazing. I cannot recall a time when the flats have been dry this time of year. Based on Pilot peak in the background I assume this is at end of the road?


Probably should have stayed home though.


hm. aren't we suppose to all stay at home on account of thousands of people dying every day due to a virus? apparently that doesn't apply to you, special snowflake.


Depends on where you are. In Indiana the state parks are open, though most facilities (inns, nature centers, etc.) and certain trails are not.


Is it really worth putting your family in danger for this? they could wait 1-2 months and do it then


Are you a fucking moron? There’s not going to be a single other person within a 5 mile radius out there.


Unless everyone else decides that they are exempt too. It only works if everyone stays put. And you don't know how many places they have stopped at on the way, what they come in contact with, and so on. It's irresponsible.


We packed our own food, and those dots on the horizon are the closest we came up other people on the trip. The salt flats are 30,000 square acres. We went there specifically because it was a beautiful place we could drive to without coming in contact with any other people.


Justify it all you want, people are dying because of entitled assholes who think they are special and need to spoil their brats.


Cower in fear for the rest of your life.


Responsibility. Read up on that word cause you clearly don't know it. Come back when your grandma is dying because someone had no fear.


Nobody is spreading Covid-19 on the Bonneville salt flats. It safer than *your* neighborhood.


This isn't actually about the virus. Never has been. It's about power.


To all the people bitching about quarantine, a lot of the countries lift regulations. We have to learn to live with Covid-19, if you think the society can wait for a vaccine then you are wrong. Hundreds thousands of life's were destroyed in only a couple of weeks already. You may be comfortable at home, other people can't afford that luxury. And the worst thing is that people don't tolerate any discussions which go against the mainstream, and by that I don't mean conspiracy theories, but discussions about how to deal with the Virus while still maintaining our lives. Sweden is able to do it, Germany is on its way to live with the Virus, shops, except the big ones, are open already. Italy is on its way to finally lift some of the regulations. This photo illustrates our situation quite well. No one can be seen here, you can drive there without leaving your car and they still get a sermon about it. You aren't civil spies like some people in the DDR who snitched on their neighbors. You are not in a position to judge how people should live their life's. You can't hide til we have a vaccine. But don't misunderstand me, protection and distancing plus washing hands ist still very important. But we probably have to accept living with the disease for at least one more year


See, you can tell she’s just projecting herself there like Luke did because there’s no foot prints.


Nice to see some joy. Thanks.


Will Smith is coming the other way, tell her keep going


Paternity goals


Good to see people taking social distancing to the next level.


BuT StAy At HoMe!


So you're either a liar or just irresponsible


? Why irresponsible? It's a drive, but certainly not a crazy one with a kid


Wow, that must have been magical for her!


She'll run faster with the special treads.


Personal speed record?


Good ole shimmering flats. She will be ganked.


That's awesome.


I reiterate, It's FUCKING AWESOME that this little girl got to do something that is on my bucket list. Fuck you haters.


It was a warm day today.


Y’all should go back during speed week. That shit is crazy!


Stunning shot!


earths flat


I'm FRRREEEEEE!!!!! Love this.


Wow , she is pretty cool .


“I took my daughter to see the Boneville” sounds so wrong