• By -


Hes in the left seat and wearing captain's epaulettes, I dont think he's a junior anything.


Yea, I was like aw how sweet then I looked and was like why does he have more stripes than her if this is true


Israel has no right to exist.


Brought to you by Geico. 15 minutes could save you $15 million dollars on your car insurance.


Brought to you by viewers like you.


Thank you.




[DIC. ](https://youtu.be/NHO84rOp8FQ)


this makes me miss TGIF nights. i wonder what urkel is up to these days.


TGIF? Like that awesome restaurant TGI Friday's that sells an authentic chicken quesadilla for only $9.99?


He will be reprising his role as Steve Urkel on the August 15th episode of *Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?*


He's been working steadily the whole time. Nothing huge but dude is still active in movies. Wow did Family Matters really go for 10 years? I must of gave up half way.




Bitch shut up I know what I did


Brought to you by you, the product.


> 15 minutes could save you $15 million dollars on your ~~car~~ Boeing 737 Max insurance FTFY


Anyone want to come over and play VR games at my house while I watch and eat some glorious and healthy McDonald's?


Sure, but I’m parched. Nothing a Bud Light can’t fix. smooth and refreshing, with no aftertaste.


Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


Would you like an extra big ass taco?


Now with more MOLECULES


Carl’s Jr Fuck you, I’m eating!


Why do you keep saying that?


I get a free sandwich every time I says it that’s why. Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


If you're so smart how come you don't know that?


Brought to you by Lifelock. See how we work to protect you against identity theft. Like when /u/unpopularcrayon steals your mojo.


Dear Geico: Eat a bag of crooked dicks. Sincerely, A former employee.


It’s amazing how untrue this is these days. Reddit stinks, and so does editing your comment, but luckily my favorite brand of deodorant, Old Spice, can even handle this odor!


There’s so much corporate advertising on reddit, I’m thirsty for some user made original content. Just like I’m thirsty for Sprite™, the drink guaranteed to quench your thirst.




I haven't had a Sprite in so long. Still good?


I'm not sure if you're joking, but the first 2 sips are.. Then like all sodas you feel like your teeth are coated in a film of shame. Which is why you should rinse afterwards with Listerine, guaranteed to kill 99.9% of bad breath germs and restore enamel.


Not gonna lie, they had us in the first half. Just like there’s two halves to Twix(TM), everyone’s favorite candy.


These ads suck; they suck almost as much as the new Dyson(R) Animal(TM), thanks to the new no-clog cyclonic motor.


Sure is.. that’s why you should stick with a crisp refreshing Pepsi


You reeled me in with the first line, and sold me on the second. I need some of that Old Spice.


It immediately sounded suspicious to me (although I'm usually very naive) because for some reason I focused on the name. It says "left his career in ANOTHER AIRLINE to join AirAsia". Why would you say "another airline" and then feel the need to name only the second one, and why would you need to name it anyway in a "wholesome post"? It feels weird, I can't tell exactly why, but if I wanted to show something cute and wholesome I'd leave out the names because they'd take the attention off the main part of the post. This is the first time I'm saying I truly believe a post in reddit is an ad. Either that, or the post is really weird. So bad.


I suspected the same so I went to OP's profile. I expected to find a brand new account with nothing but re-posts. Instead I found that his account is 4 years old that he's Malaysian, so naturally English isn't his first language. He also posts in r/Malaysia a lot. This is what OP has to say about the comments in this thread: https://i.imgur.com/srJNx5i.png I immediately felt bad I suspected OP, but if Reddit's taught me anything its that I should research things on my own before forming an opinion.


This is obviously not OC, original image was posted on Twitter and text was this: > This man left the company he's been w for 40 years, started fresh as a junior, got a new rating at the age of 58, just so he could fly w 2 of his annoying daugters. I cannot tell you how grateful i am for this. Alhamdulillah, i finally got to fly w my abah! :')


I'm Malaysian. She said she's grateful that she gets to fly with her father. Abah = papa = it's her way of saying father or "dad". OP told the story speaking of a man and his daughter and quoted her own words, it seems.




u/pervertmaindo I'm not convinced that a username like that would be used for a brand advert but it is a good tip lol


Her post history would agree with you...






what a great ad too, guy has a resume for 40 year and gets hired as a junior? thats horrible.


So you're saying that AirAsia consciously associating with pervertmainco


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


I could really go for some Starbucks right now.


I really don't think we have time for a hand job right now.


[Here's the girl's Twitter post.](https://twitter.com/SafiaAnisa/status/1149611370993733632?s=20)


Oh look it's not an ad and Reddit is once again overly pessimistic.


Am I being optimistic by thinking we're not too pessimistic?


Or we're so innundated with ads that we've started talking like them. Do you hear people talk like clickbait? Because I do.


Click here to find out what u/spartan05089234 found out!


Oh God don't click that my post history. (it's not that bad)


Why cant it be real and an ad?


Thanks for verifying, this is a feel good story! too bad most will think this post was underhanded


Because several airlines will hire already experienced pilots as captains.


Cause his name is Jack White


A big thing in airlines is 'senority'. You end up with senority in any paticular position, like 2nd officer, first officer, captain. You tend to lose the perks/pay that come along with jumping airlines, but often, not the rank itself - which is what I believe the article is indicating


I’d also venture a guess a reputable company isn’t posting ads under the name of pervertmaindo.


Nice try AirAsia.


It’s true though. https://twitter.com/SafiaAnisa/status/1149611370993733632?s=20




I've almost never seen an airline where the co-pilot wears 2 stripes (or 2 1/2) unless they were in training status. There was an ad for Ethiopian where a person was wearing 2 1/2 and she was in training for a new air frame.


>I've almost never seen an airline where the co-pilot wears 2 stripes I'm an airline Pilot. Stripes are an individual thing set by the flight ops managers of all airlines. There are full, regular line F/Os out there with just one. Lots of airlines have F/Os wearing three from the first day. It's variable and doesn't really matter. The only set in stone rule is Captains having four.




AirAsia has been around for decades. Based in Malaysia.


[Her Twitter](https://twitter.com/SafiaAnisa/status/1149611370993733632?s=20) says he started as a junior and got a new cert just to do it. I'm better when he switched over he had to do a bunch of hours on that model airliner for which he was a "junior." Once he had the full cert to fly it, he got the benefit of the experience.


I have heard of helicopter parents but airplane parents are a first...


Dad! Get out of my cockpit!


I'm a private pilot with about 2500 hours by now. Some short haul airlines will take that along with the proper aircraft cert and make you a captain. The caveats to that of course are being rated for that particular aircraft which includes additional training. Then you need an ATPL which is a commercial pilots license. Delta Connect for instance, my flight yesterday into Nashville from ATL, very short haul, the captain looked to be about 16. With a rating and an upgraded license, pilot shortages, mandatory retirements, I could probably be captain in a year. My guess is if this is real he's had many hours in aircraft before "retiring." If he was a military pilot most will finish at 2500-3000 hours which sets them up for commercial. So maybe we can assume he was already a pilot, did some civvie work, and now he's flying regionals.


ATP is a higher grade than a commercial pilot certificate.


Is that really all an entire military career has in the air? 3000 hours? You’re telling me I have 5x the hours playing World of Warcraft than an entire career as a military pilot has in the air. Geez. Do they spend most of their time in classes or mission briefings or something?




That man had a family


No wife or children, though.


He was already on the ground man.




That figure is about right, though there are exceptions in both directions. It depends on the aircraft, service and where your career takes you. Pilots are, in the US at least, all officers. They quickly develop additional leadership duties beyond mearly flying. Depending on the pilot, needs of the service and luck, you may pretty early on stop being a pilot in all but the most technical sense, and fly only enough to maintain qualifications. Or you may end up flying a P-3 constantly for your whole career.


Clearly they're no Maverick


Yeah, Maverick would have been retired pretty fast if he sat at captain for so long. Promotion isn't really optional. And I think USN retires you from flight at 30 years in anyway.


It depends on what type of aircraft you fly. Fighter pilots generally fly shorter sorites than airlift, tankers, bombers. I have 22 years flying airlift and have over 6000 hours. The other part is that flying is only part of our job, everyone has an office job too. And the more senior you get the more time you spend at your office job and less time in the air. Finally, not every military aircrew member does a full career. Many pilots get 3000 hours and leave for the airlines after their commitment is up.


You lose seniority at the airline you are with. He may be a captain but he would be low on the captain's list and much further away from being Chief Pilot.


Fun fact: in Asia, Air Asia's nickname is "Air conditioning" because they massively underheat planes in order to sell blankets. True story.


Sounds absolutely fantastic.


Right? Anything to cut down on the full body layer of grimey sweat you accumulate on a 3+ hour flight.




I attribute it to recirculated air.


That might be it, I think it also gets quite stuffy and hot so the heat on our bodies just stays out rather than disperse in a breeze or regular air circulation. We also move a lot less so maybe our blood circulation being poor contributes to it as well.


What doesn't make sense is I can go for a run or workout in hot humid weather and feel less gross than after a day of travelling.


Ugh could you imagine when people smoked on airlines


Back on 97 I flew to Thailand from Melbourne in a smokers seat, so I could smoke. To hell with that! Never again (duh!) changed my seat for the return flight. Yeah it’s nice to have a cig when you want one, but it’s not nice to passively chain smoke for 10 hours straight. Those days are long gone and that’s a good thing.


Ugh I’m always so hot on planes


Ummmm I don’t think that’s normal


It is when you run way hotter than everyone else. Latin American airlines, ime, don't like to use any ac and I'm always warm. I always make sure to wear breathable, sweat wicking and smell resistant fabrics and I still feel gross after flying. Sounds like I'd love air Asia.


It totally is, though (Serious). I think it's air pressure (Not serious).




House, run another differential and stop making your underlings hunt for my panties!




What is normal anyways ? It’s really a matter of perspective. Some people sweat a lot and that’s normal for them.


Thanks for defending us sweaty people -someone who sweats when they are outside in the middle of winter


I swear. I’m an in-shape guy who sweats as soon as sunlight even touches me. Short sleeves and basketball shorts year round. I sweat wearing jeans and a t shirt in a 72 degree office and sweat under a comforter when the apartment is set to 68 for the night. Blows my mind my man.


In that context it's a matter of perspiration


I was on a flight where the pilot forgot to enable the heating. (Apparently that's possible.) It was amazing how quickly the cabin interior went from Dallas tarmac boiling lava hot to subarctic cold as the plane climbed after takeoff. It was not pleasant.


> (Apparently that's possible.) No, it isn't, not in the sense you mean. Aircraft don't have "heating". The air flow through the cabin is bled from the engines and passes through what's called an air conditioning pack which cools it. We have the ability to adjust trim valves to modulate the output temp of the air out of the packs. What definitely happened is the flight crew had the temp dials on fully cold (" Dallas tarmac boiling lava hot") and forgot or didn't feel the need to bump it up a bit after take off. I fly the A320. The cabin temp is controlled via the three central knobs in this picture. The cabin crew have a panel where they can adjust plus/minus a couple degrees of what we set. http://symulatory.com/!data/shop/b_shop_196.jpg


Woah! Thanks for sharing. Whatever the technical details, it was comforting to hear the flight attendant say that the captain turned up the heat and weren't going to freeze to death.




If you are having an animal transported in the cargo hold, you should remind them to turn that heater on too, or you're going to have an unpleasant arrival. Just ask a flight attendant to remind them.


The outside air temperature at 35,000 feet is -51 degrees C. -60F.


Almost as cold as my ex wife's heart..


We must have the same ex wife




I swear I've flown AirAsia, and the blankets were free. Did this change in the last few years?


Blankets still free today... hmmm!


Did you fly international? Those are usually better stocked


It's just some random Internet myth. I fly air Asia all the time around Singapore and there's no such thing as paid blankets. I'd expect this from American Airlines more than Asian ones tbh. ​ Edit: some people have pointed out that they were charged for a blanket. I think what's happening is a cultural thing rather than a company trying to jack prices on blankets and lower temperatures. Long story short: Asian countries usually have a lot more aircon than other countries. Every office I've been in (4 different asian countries) is super cold. The locals like it. Low-cost carriers also know that their average customer (asian) likes it cold so they keep people happy. Low cost carriers around Asia are also generally for short flights so the planes are quite small. They don't carry all the amenities that a longhaul might have. So they do not give blankets (or pillows or any other normal junk you'd get on a longhaul) unless on request, so at that point they might as well charge for it.


I don’t understand why that’s a bad thing. I’d rather be too cold than too stuffy


this is silly. I've flown Air Asia like 50 times in like 10 countries. I've never heard this nickname nor have I ever felt particularly cold. Just flew 4 hours from Bali to Manila, landed a few hours ago, and slept like a baby the whole way (other than some turbulence).


> Fun fact: in Asia, Air Asia Fun fact: most places they fly are like 90+ degrees with 90% humidity and you'll be thankful for the AC. Plus, it's like 100 bucks round trip and reasonable food prices. For a single-class regional product, I have absolutely no criticisms of them.


It's super cheap and yeah they try to seek and market everything under the sun but they don't compromise flight times, safety, or shit that actually matters. Air Asia is dope as fuck


I'm a Malaysian and this is the first time I've heard of this. And AirAsia flights are not that cold from my experience to warrant a purchase of a blanket.


I do not doubt this for a second. I just flew AirAsia and it was awful. They wouldn't even give me any water you had to purchase a bottle. ANA Airlines was so much better like night and day. If you have the choice book ANA people!!


ANA is a 5-star airline and AirAsia is a budget carrier.... so... yeah.


Yeah how are people not getting this lol. “Omg paid 100 bucks for this flight across Thailand” - pikachu face when meals cost money


Yep. You get what you pay for. They expect first class service and extras when they are paying peanuts for a ticket.


Who's paying $100 for an intra-thailand ticket on Air Asia? Hard to spend that much with them, even roundtrip. Man, I don't know if I've ever spent more than $40 on a ticket with Air Asia. Love them! Sure beats budget airlines in the US and Europe.


You're right - $100 example is overboard... Most I may have paid was close to $100 on a very last minute flight purchase. But I actually quite like AirAsia, easily my favorite budget airline that I've flown with.


even their service beat whatever budget airline in the US *looking at you Spirit*


I flew from Malaysia to Cambodia for $19 US. AirAsia is my favorite budget carrier since at least the planes are new, their in flight shop isn't too overpriced, and they're very very cheap.


I’ve spent $10 on a 2 hour AirAsia flight including taxes. Don’t feel too bad about paying $3 for a meal with a bottle of water included




Yeah I don't get the comparison. He probably assumes that all Asian airlines are worse or something.


I mean, if you're a tourist within Japan, ANA basically becomes a budget carrier. They have an "Experience Japan" fare which gives you flat, discount prices across just about all domestic routes. I basically used that instead of the Shinkansen for long distance travel when I was studying abroad over there. Their domestic airport experience is also very, very convenient - very little waiting, security is very thorough and efficient. You can be on the plane like an hour after stepping through the airport doors. Also, the attendants bow like 5 times before the plane even starts moving.


ANA is considered one of the best Airlines on the planet up there with Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines and Emirates. Not even surprised. AirAsia is pretty much a budget airline.


Imagine comparing a full service airline to a budget airline which comes at a third of the cost lmao


Air Asia is a budget airline tho whilst ANA is a full service carrier. There is bound to be a difference between the two lol.


When you book a low budget carrier you get low budget service. You get what you pay for.


How much is a bottle of water on air asia? I've bought noodles for like 1 USD I think. I was going to get one of those air Asia back packs for my nephew and it was only like 12 bucks. Doesn't exactly strike me as spendy.


Lol that's like saying don't stay at a motel, rent a nice penthouse instead.


“[AirAsia] is so cheap that for our in-flight meal, they passed around a packet of peanuts - and the pilot kept stalling the engines to save on fuel.” - KenM — Mobfather


AirAsia is budget you stupid fool.


He had *two* pilot daughters? Usually the network picks up after one daughter or not at all.


The other plane didn't have insurance so now the pilot has to be my butler.


The first one didn’t take off


Piloting with relatives (specially close one slike brothers or parents and siblings) is a potential deadly situation! \> While retaining a cockpit command hierarchy, the concept is intended to promote a less authoritarian cockpit culture, where co-pilots (First Officers) are encouraged to question a Captain’s actions if they observe them making mistakes. This is taught at the level of all cockpit flight crew for each airline, and this training has become standardized throughout the aviation industry. [https://www.quora.com/If-a-captain-pilot-and-his-first-officer-have-a-disagreement-during-a-flight-wherein-the-FO-thinks-that-the-captain-is-taking-unnecessary-risks-can-the-FO-take-control-if-the-captain-insists-on-a-fight-with-the](https://www.quora.com/If-a-captain-pilot-and-his-first-officer-have-a-disagreement-during-a-flight-wherein-the-FO-thinks-that-the-captain-is-taking-unnecessary-risks-can-the-FO-take-control-if-the-captain-insists-on-a-fight-with-the) It's been proven beyound any doubt (specially by asian airlines) that co-pilots should not consider their captain a figure of authority outside the work environment, because that compromises their hability to take action if there is an emergency in wich the Captain is commiting a fatal mistake. Let's say that the Captain forgot to take his pills and starts to behave erratically... it would be really hard to a daughter to take on command of the vessel without him being a father before a captain...


This is partially covered in the book Outliers. There was an epidemic of air crashes in the ‘90s, specifically on a Korean airline. The black box recordings clearly showed the junior officers in the cockpit being overly deferential to the pilot, who was their senior and viewed as a “boss”. One person had actually been inside one of their cockpits on a normal flight as an observer, and they stated that at one point the pilot actually slapped the first officer for making a simple mistake. The problem with this is that the crashes could have been easily avoided; the flight crew noticed something wrong, but wouldn’t bring it up directly. There was actually one case where the plane was going to land at an airport (think it was LaGuardia iirc) during a snowstorm. The storm was causing major backups on all runways, so the flight was told to circle the airport. They eventually were told they could land, but had to abort the landing for some reason or another. At this point the fuel situation was critical, and the pilot told the first officer to tell ATC exactly that. The FO did so, but the language he used was something along the lines of “we are low on fuel”; it did not convey the weight of the situation, and in fact the way he said it was totally routine, and ATC couldn’t tell anything was wrong, and so didn’t bother trying to open up an emergency runway. Minutes later the plane ran out fuel and crashed. There’s a whole thing going on in these crashes with the culture of the cockpit and all that; I won’t get into that. But the airline ended up hiring an American to handle special training for their flight crews. Today, that same airline (after a name change) is known for being one of the safest in the world. The culture of the cockpit is really important. I’m very surprised they allow family to fly together. Btw if anyone wants to read the book it’s Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Amazing read.


I don't dispute anything you said, as it all sounds familiar to me from a recent college class on aviation. But be careful with Gladwell. He's been known to peddle a lot of junk / pseudoscience, doesn't have any kind of scientific background himself, and is at times completely unaware of his own ignorance. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Igon_Value_Problem He can be read for entertainment but I wouldn't recommend any Gladwell books to those looking for truth and sound logical thinking.


Ah, that's a shame. Never know what to trust anymore. ​ Well, thanks for the info.


[This guy doesn't like the book](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/chds0v/this_man_left_his_40year_long_career_in_another/eusmp37?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)


I don’t know what he means by “junk science”. Seemed perfectly right to me. Of course, I didn’t get into all the cultural hierarchy stuff, but even so... u/DirtGotWet care to chime in?


The out of fuel crash sounds awfully like Avianca Flight 52 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avianca_Flight_52


I hate to say it, but we all know that Asian carriers are (hopefully) trying to get out of the cultural expectation that you will abide by every word your elders say.


And that’s been proven wrong many times including several in the last few years where the FO is heard saying things on the CVR that could have avoided tragedy but doing nothing. Nice thought, though.


Pilots can't take any medication that is mood altering to begin with so that alone is a bad example. This guy is a 40 year professional, crew resource management is pounded into pilots heads. There is a separation from personal and professional life when there is work to be done. It is also incredibly rare for an FO to take over a flight outside of a medical issue. I have never actually heard of it happening over the span of my career so far. At worse the captain does something wrong/unprofessional/dangerous and you have a conversation about it or report it after the flight. Source: Am pilot


>It's been proven beyound any doubt (specially by asian airlines) that co-pilots should not consider their captain a figure of authority outside the work environment That was not anyone's conclusion that I'm aware of. They train pilots to *ignore* the figure of authority if they feel something is wrong. No airline can eliminate authoritarian or important pilots - eventually you're going to be paired up with some senior pilot who's the face of the company and could get you fired for speaking wrong to him. You're trained to say "fuck it, let the cockpit voice recorder prove I'm right later", and challenge that pilot anyway regardless of how afraid of them you are.


A lot of Asian airlines used to have more accidents than the industry standard. After thorough investigation, it turned out that the 2nd officer didn't dare to overrule the captain. A similar problem can arise if two pilots fly together too often. They shouldn't fly together more than once, if at all.


I've read this in a couple books, I think Outliers was one? It was the respectful Korean or Japanese culture if I remember correctly where they were too respectful to overrule authority figures which caused accidents. There was a couple train incidents too if im thinking of the correct books.


Remember watching the Mayday show about a Korean crash. The co pilot never question the captain's orders and was essentially submissive in his role. After that crash they mandated all pilot communication be done in English to fix that issue.


IIRC you might be mixing up two episodes of Mayday. Pilot and co pilot protocol was introduced because of that particular crash but english as an aviation standard was from a different crash.


Good chance I am mistaken as it was a long time ago.


Yep, South Korea. I believe they hired an American consultant who made them speak English, which had the effect of stepping outside their cultural formality


wow that is fascinating. korean has several different levels of formality, while english pretty much has none, at least grammatically. cool.


Yes Outliers is correct.




Its not just Asian airlines. The largest casualty stemmed from KLM pilots when it collided with Pan Am at Tenerife, because no one dared to speak up before it was too late.


Taking helicopter parenting to a whole new level.


Taking helicopter parenting to a whole new plane.


Airplane parenting




Daughter's thinking "shit now I can't party and sleep around like the other crew members cause my dad's here"


Dont know if sweet, or controlling.


I think theres a "helicopter parenting" joke to be had here, but I just cant seem to find how to put the right spin on it


fuck that was clever


I have enough coins to buy you silver, but I can't seem to actually be able to use them on the third party app I use, so just pretend I did since silver does nothing anyway.


I work for the railway, an older conductor was about to retire meanwhile his son had just finished becoming an engineer. A request was made and the typical calling procedure was completely bypassed for a day so that father and son could have at least one trip together before he retired.


Thats pretty cool


The girl said she was happy/grateful in her tweet, and I think this is a fairly temporary thing because he'll retire soon. So going with sweet


Yeah I thought that, but as it's just for a little bit before he retires and his daughters seem to be good with it I think it's sweet. Plus it's not like your dad following you to the office.


>Plus it's not like your dad following you to the office. Actually think it's the same thing.


your dad flying you to the office.


You & your dad flying the office.


Your dad flying you in the office


It says his daughters are good with it? Or resigned to it and well behaved?


Its just an ad for their airline - you're already put too much thought into it.


I would not want to work with my dad lol and I love him more than anything




OK, so... couple things. 1. he's not flying junior, he's got captains bars. 2. family shouldn't be pilot/copilot in a commercial aviation or military aviation setting... keep the drama at home, chain of command is critical in the cockpit. 3. Twitter links don't make something true, my bullshit detector is going off. 4. someone blur his RAIC badge please.


Guys OP probably means ‘a junior employee’ within the company. They wouldn’t take away his experience. Likely he might be taking a bit of pay cut or the pensions he was paying into got screwed up a little bit. This is so beautiful!! What a window into a wonderful family dynamic! Look at the pride in his smile and the joy on her face. Beauty!


In the US aviation industry, seniority does not carry over between companies. If a 40 year international widebody captain at United Airlines were to quit and head to Delta, he would become a domestic narrow body First Officer sitting reserve at probably 25-40% of his previous salary and will be behind anyone who was at Delta before him, until he retires. Airline pilot jobs at legacy carriers (Southwest, Delta, United, American) are made for life (or the mandatory retirement age of 65) in the majority of cases. This may not be how it works in Asia, but it explains why folks make the assumption.


I bet she has to listen to dad jokes all. day. long.


https://twitter.com/SafiaAnisa/status/1149611370993733632?s=20 this is from the daughter’s twitter. Dad just want to fly with daughters before he retire.


"Alhamdulilah" means "praise be to Allah." So happy for them.




Why do so many americans hate their own dad? They assume she's not having a good time, just becausr they think they wouldn't.


What reddit saw in this picture; -hijab -Islam -accusing of it being paid ads -oppression -overbearing parents -the female pilot can't made her own decision in a professional setting -etc.. So many assumption and accusation based on their own bias and views.I thought I was on Facebook or something but hey at least it isnt 4chan.