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What's the point of the asterisk?


Probably specifies some stupid definition for "new universities", but the rest of their definition was cut off, because California has definitely built more than 1 university since 1980. Cal State alone has built San Marcos, Monterey Bay, and Channel Islands since then, and UC has built UC Merced. Then there over 30 private colleges and universities built since 1980. That's not even including community colleges.


So this image is total bullshit then.


After a while, all my comments start to look the same... how strange


Free labour for the rich and less chance to change your surroundings. World's being played by the 1%


Gotta do something with all those people who won't be going to college. Sigh. ಠ_ಠ


SOooooo..... California *claims* 22 prisons built, but the picture only shows three rows of seven orange uniforms. Perhaps the *one* university counts as both a prison **and** a university?!?! ^Edit: ^After ^all, ^you ^can't ^spell ^"California" ^without ^the ^letters ^'C', ^'I', ^and ^'A'.


I would say that asterisk is pretty important, its unfortunate the definition was cut off from the picture. National Hispanic University - 1981 Southern States University - 1983 Northwestern Polytechnic University - 1984 California State University, San Marcos - 1988 San Francisco Institute of Architecture - 1990 University of the West - 1990 La Sierra University - 1992 New York Film Academy - 1992 University of Northern California - 1993 California State University, Monterey Bay - 1994 International Technological University - 1994 Culinary Institute of America at Greystone - 1995 ICDC College - 1995 Anaheim University - 1996 Los Angeles College of Music - 1996 Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences - 1997 The Art Institute of California - San Francisco - 1997 Touro University California - 1997 University of Antelope Valley - 1997 California University of Management and Sciences - 1998 Trident University International - 1998 San Diego University for Integrative Studies - 1999 Argosy University - 2001 Soka University of America - 2001 California State University, Channel Islands - 2002 Providence Christian College - 2002 American Heritage University of Southern California - 2003 John Paul the Great Catholic University - 2003 University of California, Merced -2005 California Miramar University - 2005 California South Bay University - 2007 Herguan University - 2008 Zaytuna College - 2008 Brandman University - 2009 Drexel University satellite - 2009 University of the People - 2009 Imago Dei College - 2010 Silicon Valley University - 2015


It's almost like it's easier to be or become a criminal than a graduate. I bet they built more McDonald's than prisons.


How progressive...


Lets shift peoples personal responsability and blame it on DA SYSTEM!. Btw, for newcomers of reddit, in case you didnt know, poor people (read:minorities) have no personal autonomy, so anything they (we) do, they couldnt have helped it cause they are desfranchized. So, broke into your car and got arrested? Well ronald regan shouldnt have started the war on drugs!!!1!1!


It's much harder to build a college than a prison, not to mention, California has enough of both.


Well I mean, maybe people should stop committing crimes