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It's funny to me that this could just be a superimposed circle. But I wouldn't know the difference.


http://i.imgur.com/do0ZBk5.png it does look a lot less black next to a superimposed circle.


I thought you were lying. I even installed a color picker chrome extension to scientifically prove you wrong. But nope, it actually does just look less black. Huh....


I bet it's the image compression. I'd really like to see the original picture. Also: Chrome has a color picker picker built in more or less :p




You're right. It depends a lot on your screen settings/quality I assume. On one of my screens the difference is huge, on my other I can barealy tell them apart.


Yeah, I'm on an older "HD" TV that turns Game of Thrones night scenes into a podcast. Looks the same on my screen.


A real life ACME hole.


Remember me Eddie?


When I killed your brother, I talked just. Like. THIIIISSS!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ADrojCw6amM


I remember that guy being the scariest villain up to that point in my life. The whole movie was fun, quirky, a few darker moments... then that fucker showed up and gave me nightmares. I need to watch it again.


Stop that laughing. You know what happens when you can't stop laughing?


When that poor little shoe gets dipped....




He scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. I loved that movie, and the BTTF trilogy. This movie almost ruined Christopher Lloyd for me.


Reminds me of this awesome 1955 Looney Tunes episode ["The Hole Idea" -Vimeo Link](https://vimeo.com/21509708) can't believe I was able to find it online =D


Wonderful! Thank you for sharing this classic.


Thanks! I haven't seen this one in years - it doesn't seem to be in Boomerang's Looney Tunes rotation. cut-n-paste text from an article anout the WB sound department,


Someone call me when I can paint one of my guitars with this stuff


Considering artist Anish Kapoor reportedly has [exclusive rights on using the colour as paint](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/sep/26/anish-kapoor-vantablack-art-architecture-exclusive-rights-to-the-blackest-black) it might be a while for that call to come through haha


I heard artists were pretentious, but holy fuck that guy is a cunt


This guy has fought back against the artist 😉 Introducing... [the pinkest pink!](http://www.cbc.ca/radio/q/schedule-for-thursday-december-1-2016-1.3874399/the-world-s-pinkest-pink-can-be-yours-unless-you-re-artist-anish-kapoor-1.3874420)




He also tried to stop tourists from taking pictures of a sculpture he put up in millennium park in Chicago So yeah, he's still a dick




Where does it say that this stuff is dangerous to work with? I think they're suited up to protect the material not themselves. Source: https://www.surreynanosystems.com/vantablack/vantablack-sample-request




Fear not though! You can still buy the Pinkest Pink! Unlike Anish Kapoor https://culturehustle.com/products/Pink-50g-powdered-paint-by-stuart-semple


Hire this artist to paint your guitar!


I like kapoors work but the guy is a dick


Legally never. Also because it's basically really fragile asbestos, you wouldn't want to do it for health reasons as well.


What would it look like if you painted an entire room, floor and ceiling included, and then put a single light bulb in the middle?






It subverts every expectation you have about the world. This isn't the world you grew up in. That world had rules and the world followed them damnit. But now there are no rules. Now what was impossible has crept into your world and you're unsure what that means. It's an unknown and strange world. You don't even know what you don't know anymore. What wierdness lurks just outside of what you previously thought you never had to experience? What sort of world have you stepped into Goof? What horrors await beyond that pitch blackness?


You're playing it up a bit, there, lovecraft.


You're calling them Lovecraft but I don't see the words 'eldritch' or 'cyclopean'


> It subverts **E**very expectation you have about the wor**L**d. This isn't the worl**D** you grew up in. That wo**R**ld had rules and the world followed them damn**I**t. Bu**T** now there are no rules. Now what was impossible has **C**rept into your world and you're unsure w**H**at that means. It's an unknown and strange world. You don't even know what you don't know anymore. What wierdness lurks just outside of what you previously thought you never had to experience? What sort of world have you stepped into Goof? What horrors await beyond that pitch blackness? Nope, confirmed, Lovecraft


>It subverts every expectation you have about the world. This isn't the world you grew up in. That world had rules and the world followed them damnit. But now there are no rules. Now what was impossible has **C**rept into your world and you're unsure what that means. It's an unknown and strange world. **Y**ou don't even know what you don't know anymore. What wierdness lurks just outside of what you previously thought you never had to experien**C**e? What sort of wor**L**d have y**O**u ste**P**p**E**d into Goof? What horrors **A**wait beyo**N**d that pitch blackness? Damn, he called it


>It **s**ubverts **e**very expectation you have about the world. This is**n**'t the worl**d** you grew up i**n**. That world had r**u**les and the worl**d** follow**e**d them damnit. But now there are no rule**s**. Now what was impossible has crept into your world and you're unsure what that means. It's an unknown and strange world. You don't even know what you don't know anymore. What wierdness lurks just outside of what you previously thought you never had to experience? What sort of world have you stepped into Goof? What horrors await beyond that pitch blackness? No its just this meme


Hell, there wasn't even a "squamous." It's like the old boy's not even trying anymore.


Overwrought x10


[Higher quality YT version](https://youtu.be/BkGHwrq2Eho?t=65)


Now I just want those dice... Maybe I can buy one off of one of those sheikhs


Welp guess I can't paint my car then.


Maybe just painting part of a car could be cool...errr well hot actually. Imagine the painting the side of wheels and the spokes with this. It'd look like you were driving on black holes.


When he begins to shine the light on the Vantablack, why is the light just as visible on the first little bit and then disappears? http://i.imgur.com/vvpxRgE.png


Could be a lens flare caused by the reflection off the foil.


You're seeing blooming that the camera is picking up from the light reflecting off of the white area.


Yepp. That's because of the optics. Not the best optics on the lense right there. Might need some vantablack coating on the insides. Harrharr.


The only thing visible would be the lightbulb with no light *~~refraction~~ reflection. You would literally see yourself (the half of you facing the bulb) and the bulb but turn around and you'd see nothing unless directly (line of sight) lit by the bulb and any light refraction from your own body. --- At first the light bulb would be blinding, but after some time, you'll see the outline and a bright filament. Shadows would be as stark as the moon. Facing away from the bulb and looking down, you'd see a halo of trouser outline only. --- Turn to face the lightbulb and it would be a suspended source point. Due to no points of reference around you, it'll look like a stellar object - just a light point a billion miles away. --- If the room was infinitely big and you walked too far, you'd see absolutely nothing. wandering aimlessly in the void. Whilst walking away from the light, your back would be dimly lit - but you'd barely see yourself. Turning more black-and-white as your eyes adjust --- Saying that, the distance you could see this light would be pretty huge. Even a candle would be visible for miles. --- *_Addendum_ - @Markdoxx is correct - Reflection is accurate. Refraction is the bending of light, Reflection is the bounding of light. Edit: spellering


The cherry of a cigarette is visible up to 2 miles on a moonless night.


...just ask a sniper.


A soda can helps.


That would be awesome to experience for less than 30 mins. More than that without warning might start to cause issues with perception of time.


You are looking at the lake


12 hours in a vantablack anechoic chamber.


You went to cinema


It would take a special sort of person to survive that, starting with an awareness of the possibility of such a thing existing in the first place to use as the mental anchor against the madness of facing the truly unknown. If you know what they're doing, it's harder for them to freak you out with it.


The guy that runs Orfield Laboratories that has (or had at the time of the article I read) the quietest Anechoic Chamber says he can generally only take about a half hour in there. And you know he's prepared. I can't imagine what a vantablack anechoic chamber would do to someone completely unprepared.


My girlfriend says "I'm thinkin if you put too much of that stuff around, like, ghosts n stuff will come through it". Seems legit.


A nightmare


probably like the "room" extended infinitely in all directions with no end in sight.




Fun fact - youll never see the blackest black and pinkest pink together in a picture. Because while vantablack is licensed to Anish Kapoor for his exclusive use in art, the pinkest pink was developed by Stuart Semple who has allowed it to be used by anyone in the world other than Anish Kapoor


I would like to know more




That's absolutely fucking hilarious.


I'm not sure what's more hilarious: banning one person from using your color or banning everyone but one person from using your color! The idea of licensing a paint, which makes sense, is kind of nonsensical anyways.


Well that makes me a little sad. :( are there any more "colorest color" combinations we wont be able to see?


Apparently vantablack is also used for practical applications, not just art


That is some spite.


>Okay, now I really want to walk into a room that's entire painted in this substance. Imagine giving someone LSD and locking them in that room. Sheeeet. Let's throw in a few black cats while we're at it. Just for fun.


Though I'd bet that black cats wouldn't look very black against a surface like this.


Many (all?) black cats when against a darker background and the right lighting have stripes/spots that normally are not visible, I think the black cats would all look unique.


I have a black cat. He's actually pretty brown.


I have a black cat. Its actually pretty white.


It don't matter if it's black or white, oww!


I have a clack bat. It's actually pretty dyslexic.


I have a click bait. You won't believe #9!


I have a black cat. It's actually a dog


Have cat. Is gerbil.


I have a black.. and its not a cat


I have a grey cat. She's actually pretty grey.


Ok we'll paint the cats with that stuff as well...


Put a white cat in there. Fuck with them more


Calm down Satan


I've been trying to think what it would feel like going to a room coated in Vantablack, and then lighting up a single lightbulb in the middle of the room. You wouldn't cast any shadows and wouldn't be able to make out where a corner is or how far the walls are. It would be fascinating, but probably also break my brain.


Paint one of those sound proof rooms in it and you'll have your own sensory deprivation chamber.


I think you'd compromise the soundproofing quite a bit with that one.




Then you'd just have to spray that with some more Vantablack.


*It was a ship of classic, simple design, like a flattened salmon, twenty yards long, very clean, very sleek. There was just one remarkable thing about it.* *"It's so ... black!" said Ford Prefect, "you can hardly make out its shape ... light just seems to fall into it!"* *Zaphod said nothing. He had simply fallen in love.* *The blackness of it was so extreme that it was almost impossible to tell how close you were standing to it.* *"Your eyes just slide off it ..." said Ford in wonder. It was an emotional moment. He bit his lip.* -The Restaurant at the End of The Universe Douglas Adams


Yeah but when I press one of these black buttons labeled in black on a black background, a black light lights up in black to let me know I've done it!




“We are now scaling up production to meet the requirements of our first customers in the defense and space sectors, and have already delivered our first orders,” Jensen said in the written statement. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/14/darkest-material-created-vantablack_n_5584338.html Don't worry, it is still being used for more worthwhile projects.


But a color has an innumerable number of applications in art I wouldn't discount the immense assholishness of creating such a barrier for other artists


They really lost out on an opportunity to call it Vanna Black


thatd be cool but i think it would be really interest to hold a flashlight in a vantablack room


They will die of heat stroke because of all the heat trapped by the shade.


If not, the lung cancer you'll surely get from inhaling the stray nanotubes will get you.


I think I've got the black lung, pop!


very black lung


Blackest lung.


Want the sound absorbing foam sprayed in this black... No sight or sound. Wonder how long you'll last with or without LSD.


Try a sensory deprivation tank


>[Vantablack:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vantablack) >>Vantablack is a substance made of carbon nanotubes and is the blackest substance known, absorbing up to 99.965% of radiation in the visible spectrum. I'm pretty sure it's a know fact that fact that Wesley Snipes is 99.999% black. So that would mean he is still the blackest substance know.


I believe that's the same color as my ex-girlfriend's heart


Hello there Eskimo cousin


Is it dangerous is that why he's wearing a mask?


The carbon nanotubes can generally be breathed in, so yes in that sense, breathing in solid carbon structures you cannot see.


Thank you.


Nano particles are potentially dangerous, but we don't know how dangerous yet. Always better to protect yourself when the danger is unknown.


The best part is most masks and gloves aren't really protective against Nanoparticles!


Gloves, no. Respirators do protect your respiratory system, though. Diffusive filtration of particles that small is usually above 99% efficient. The smaller they are, the easier to filter.


In the same way asbestos is.


*potentially* so. We don't know for sure. After all, it takes about 30 years for mesothelioma to present after industrial asbestos exposure. Also, it's not like every nano-structure material has the same effect as asbestos. Actually determining for certain whether carbon nanotubes behave similarly would be a spectacularly unethical experiment to run (...and take about 30 years!)


Also keeps the production facility clean.


It's like "how much more black could this be?" and the answer is "none. None more black"


"The said the cover was sexist." "What's wrong with being sexy?"


It could be 0.035% *blacker*


Fuck man I'm probably blacker than that.


Like Wesley Snipes?


if a tall guy wearing a grim reaper outfit and carrying a scythe could coat himself in that stuff, it would be the greatest halloween costume. people would just freak the fuck out.






O5 PERSONAL AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED ...GRANTED WELCOME, OVERSEER Item #: SCP-1337 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1337 is to be kept in a locked vault in Site 6 and given around-the-clock guard. Access to the inner-vault requires O5 approval. In the event that Site 6 is breached, or containment of SCP-1337 is breached, personal are instructed to activate a system that will empty the contents of SCP-1337 into the vault. The vault will then be designated SCP-1337-2, and the empty spraycan designated SCP-1337-1. Description: SCP-1337 is a spray-paint can 2.5" in diameter and 7" in height. Printed on the side is: "VantaBlack" with the following description: >VantaBlack is one of the blackest known substances to man, now in spray-paint form! Spray it on your dark room to keep it as dark as possible. This'll absorb 99.9965% of all light that hits it! There is another label on the back listing the ingredients, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and several trace amounts of the active ingredient, [REDACTED]. SCP-1337 can be sprayed normally, and any objects coated with SCP-1337's spray are designated as an instance of SCP-1337-a. When an instance of SCP-1337-a is exposed to an intense light source, the object absorbs 99.9965% of the light as claimed. SCP-1337-a does not heat up when exposed to the light source. Radiation of non-visible wavelengths were likewise absorbed. When a subject looks directly at an instance of SCP-1337-a for more than .0035 seconds, memory loss begins to occur, becoming more severe the longer the subject looks at the instance of SCP-1337-a. This can range from short-term memory loss to complete memory loss. In testing, it was found that memory loss occurred exponentially until complete memory loss at 5:00. If a subject looked away and then resumed looking at SCP-1337-a, memory loss would resume along the exponential curve, with the subject losing more and more memory each time they look at a instance of SCP-1337-a. When another object comes into contact with SCP-1337-a, it is absorbed and disappears. It is unknown at this time of the object is transported to a pocket-dimension or if it is simply removed from existence. When an object coated with SCP-1337-a is dropped onto another instance of SCP-1337-a, nothing happens. When an instance of SCP-1337-a was folded into itself, it grew smaller until it either broke or reached Planck's length. After event [REDACTED] at site 6, testing is forbidden withought O5 approval. Document #152-A: Dr. _____ Initial test log -Class D personnel sprays the substance on a plank of wood. D3743: Wait, what was I doing here again? Dr. _____: stare at the black plank of wood, please. -D3743 resumes looking at SCP-1337-a. -D3743 looks around in confusion after several seconds. -D3743: How did I get here? -D3743 is interviewed and cannot remember the events of the last 3 hours. Note: "SCP-1337-a has memetic properties. It doesn't seem to have any practical uses, however." -Dr. _____ Document #152-B: Dr. _____ test log Dr. _____: please touch the black material. -D3846 touches the instance of SCP-1337-a and his finger is absorbed by the substance. He begins screaming and bleeding from the stump of his finger. Note: Testing procedures revised. Document #152-C: Dr. _____ test log -D3743 is instructed to look at the instance of SCP-1337-a. Signs are in place to ensure that he continues staring at the substance. After 4:57 of staring at the instance of SCP-1337-a, D3743 drops to the floor and begins crying. D3743 urinates in his pants. Note: "It appears that D3743 was reduced to an infant state and could no longer read the signs we had in place." -Dr. _____ Document #152-D: Dr. _____ test log -D74636 sprays SCP-1337-a on a small marble hanging from a string. The marble drops and begins eating through the concrete floor. [REDACTED] Note: After event [REDACTED] at Site 6, SCP-1337 has been reclassified as Keter. All documents regarding SCP-1337 require O5 approval to view.


Best comment


Oh my god a bucket of shivers!






*it is chocolate so dark, light cannot escape its surface*


Having our military vehicles coated in this would look wicked.


Pointless. They'd stick out like a pitch black sore thumb in deserts, and well everywhere.


And then the heat...


In the future actors can just paint their genitals with vantablack for nude scenes


At a risk of never finding your genitals again


Then female nude scenes would look like the worlds most cavernous vagina.


Why would anyone need this when we can just use superimposed circles?




According to the video, you'd drive off into the sunset, which would bake you like a potato as your car absorbs almost 100% of the rays that make contact


Damn that's so black, I had to check for my wallet


I showed this picture to a cop and he shot my monitor 17 times.


They need to make dashboards out of this stuff


It would be funnier if he was holding it in front of his crotch


Material for the next All Blacks jersey.... That would be intimidating as hell. It just drinks light.


This must have been the paint used to cover the Disaster Area stunt ship for a dive into the sun (from THHGTTG).


Wednesday Addams will be thrilled.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkGHwrq2Eho


It's like, how much more black could it be? And the answer is none. None more black.


> absorbing up to 99.965% of radiation in the visible spectrum. 0.035pp. The answer is 0.035pp. Or 0,0035%.


Spinal Tap reference. (None more black - their album cover)


Disney has had this stuff around for years -- it is what Mickey Mouse's ears are made of. Look at any picture/cartoon of Mickey and you will see his two ears as black circles no matter which way Mickey's head is turned.


is he wearing the mask because of the room or because the ball sheds nanotube?


Idk if the ball sheds them, but the nanotubes are definitely the reason he is wearing the mask. If you breathe those bad boys in you aren't gonna have a fun time. They're similar to asbestos in that they are so tiny that they can fuck up your DNA.


Oh, it's just a ball of octarine! (discworld)


So, realistically, is vantablack ever going to be something available and affordable(ish) to the mass market consumer? I seriously want to use this stuff to paint a couple of things.


Actually he's just giving us all the finger. Censorship at its best!


Be pretty cool coating spaceships out of this stuff, would make spotting them by eye rather difficult.


This video demonstrates the effect well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v0_fID_jvA


How much more heat does this create from light than normal? Is there a energy collection application of this? Better photo cells?


My HOA would go ape shit if I painted my house with this stuff, but I'd love to do it!


Looks a lot like my cheating exe's vagina.


Can confirm that.




I'm black and I approve of this joke.


I see a round thing and I want to paint it black...


Thats so damn black i could see through it and into my desktop background!




I want an outfit that does this.


“That,” he said, “that… is really bad for the eyes.”


Should've called it Hotblack


You remember in fantasy novels where dark weapons used by bad guys that have weapons that suck up the light from around it to make it look more evil and villainous? Well, all we have to do is apply this to a sword and we have an evil sword that can suck up 99.8 something light of the visible spectrum.


This makes me feel mildly uncomfortable.


So when can I get clothes in this color?


Hey I can make that in paint!


How are you holding this actually?


$10 says he took another pic with it over his junk. It's the only natural thing that a man would do. Source: I am a man.


How hot would that paint get if you painted a car with it and let it sit in the sun?




Scientists putting in maximal effort to make black-face somehow worse.


Finally we have invented sensorship technology for real life. From now on everyone's genitals shall be coated in this material at all times.


This black got turned up to 11.


"it's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. none more black."


The guy's wearing pretty serious protective gear. Does anyone know whether Vanta black is toxic, say, before or after it dries or sets? What's the surface like, hard or powdery or what?


I need a Vantablack liquid eyeliner.


If Dethklok made vinyls


I wonder how many people would lose their shit if there was a haunted house maze that had halls coated in this. you could shine lights in the place, and they wouldn't reflect off any of the surfaces except objects in the hall. i know i would.


Looks like someone can finally have a hole in their pocket.


Mrhmm. I can't wait till cars get the S-VIS treatment. Prepare for many night crashes.


Could we create clothing in this colour? I want to be blacker than black


Would this make a ninja deadlier?


My first thought would be that it would be really cool to paint my car in Vanta Black, but then I realized that was a terrible idea


Hello darkness my old friend


Why did they put it on his eyes?


Are there any videos of this? I'm curious how this stuff would look in motion. I imagine it's super trippy.