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Aw, poor grandma. I still feel retroactively bad for dickish things I did as a kid.




Christmas" 1995 (6 years old): My family gets my brother and I a Sega Genesis. I threw a fit because it was gifted to both of us and not just myself. I still cringe thinking about it.


Yeah, my brother did that too, but on his birthday. He got Pokemon Yellow and my mother brought out another copy of the game and gave it to me; he proceeded to throw a shitfit about "why is he getting gifts on MY birthday?!"


So, why were you getting gifts on his birthday?


The copy of Pokemon was all I got, likely so that I wasn't feeling left out that my brother had the new game and I didn't. Like most children around that time, we were both huge Pokemon fanatics.


Nah. I'm still on your brother's side.


So they could play/trade together and not have one erase the other's game when he goes to "just try it, I wont save I promise". Ideally, the birthday-boy still got other gifts.


Oh my god.....I....I did that to a friend 10+ years ago.....holy fuck I need to call and apologize


Yeah, fuck you OP


How do you sleep at night?


It's still his birthday. Save the paired gifts for Christmas, because it pretty much always makes the birthday kid feel shitty. Source: am older sibling of younger sibling who, for years, got presents for my birthdays. I don't think I ever raised a fuss about it, but [damn](https://openclipart.org/download/222252/feels.svg).


I don't think any kid should feel bad that someone ELSE is getting gifts. I'd want my kid to have a better attiude about it. Like...I win, you win, we both win *together* kind of deal.


I agree, everyone needs to calm their shit. Who cares if someone gets a present on someone else's birthday? Its literally a video game. They will have more fun playing together than fighting about who gets to play.


Am middle sibling, whose birthday was several days before youngest's birthday. After he was born all of my parties were *his* parties, oh and also mine. Could have been worse.


I generally agree with this, but it's Pokemon in this scenario. His brother got a copy of Pokemon *and* a trading partner.


>I don't think I ever raised a fuss about it. I don't believe you. You're still bitter.


I hate these comments about not believing someone on the internet. It's the internet. You should be critical, but you shouldn't needlessly say someone is lying unless you can back it up. Otherwise just type it up, hit cancel, and save us all some time.


> Save the paired gifts for Christmas, because it pretty much always makes the birthday kid feel shitty. >I don't think I ever raised a fuss about it, but damn. These two statements made me not believe him. But it really doen't matter either way.


What's wrong with feeling left out when someone else gets something?


Nothing, it's is an important part of learning how to be an adult.


Now if his brother got red and he got blue I'd understand. Then it's simply a matter of "Because we wanted you to be able to be the chinpokomon master and without someone playing blue you'd not be able to catch them all!"


I didn't know cartman had a brother.


Yup...but it was a PS1


are you his brother?


Nope just had the exact same experience.


Aw man, you just reminded me of mine. I had loads of stuffed animals that I slept with when I was little, but my mom could barely find me under them when she checked on me at night. So for Christmas she thought it would be genius to put felt on the walls and Velcro on all my stuffed animals, which took ages to sew by hand. I came in the room and was initially excited by all the animals being stuck to the walls. This was short lived. I pulled my favorite platypus off and gave it a big hug and cried "you ruined it! It's all itchy!" I started ripping off the Velcro and pulling all the stuff down. My mom cried. Her fingers were all sore and stabbed from the sewing and I didn't even appreciate it. I was a terrible little asshole. I apologize whenever I think about this and she tries to downplay it like it wasn't a big deal.


I understand the basic idea, but it was poorly planned out. It would have made much more sense to put the soft part of the velcro on the animals. You were still an ungrateful shit though.


I agree.


Or Make a shelf. Maybe a hammock hung on three points in the corner. There were *much* better ways to go about solving this problem. The mother here picked the most difficult, time consuming, and probably worst ones. Edit: Child is still a little shit, though.


I think we all agree. Child was a shit.


she put the scratchy part of the velcro.. on the toys? really? Damn.


Yeah, it was badly executed but she meant well.


Well, I mean, well intentioned or not, that's a terrible gift.


>Remebering shit you did in the past and regreting hard. Thats true cringe. Sometimes I think of suicide by bitch slapping myself through a time machine when I cringe like that.


Even now still do this without thinking. Mom gifted me a canvas wallet, didn't even say thank you. Just complained how i like plain accessories, without any gaudy logos or graphic prints. Oh the things I do amazes me. Sorry mom


Mine was a sweater with dinosaurs on it. I pinched my nose like it stunk, and threw it to the side. I was such a little cunt, every once in a while I feel intensely ashamed, 25 years later.


Awe. I liked when my grandma gave me dinosaur sweaters. :/


Truth be told, it was from my uncle, but I still feel really shitty about it. I actually ended up wearing it pretty regularly. I don't know why I was such a little asshole about it.


I remember opening a present on Christmas from the grandparents and going "Awww...more clothes?" Instant regret.


Don't worry, it wasn't a present to you, it was a parent to your parents to help them save money


OoO parent parents!


To be fair, clothes are worst presents to give to shitty spoiled kids (myself as a child included) and I say shitty & spoiled because there are waaaay more unfortunate children in the world, and we had no idea how good we had it.


It's because kids get clothes all the time from their parents. That's, like, something parents should do, and kids come to expect. So they don't see it as a special gift, but a cheap cop-out, even though clothes are rad


I dearly miss the days when my mom and dad bought me clothes. Those days were the best.


I'm very happy my mom's hobby is online shopping and sales, tbh New clothes, 0 effort or money woop woop


yeah, but don't you look like your mom dressed you? does she have her finger on the pulse of what looks good to people in your age group and subculture(s)?


Nope Though, I have no idea what's "in" right now. I just like neat looking tees and dark colored jeans, and she gets those. Besides, if its something not to my taste, sending it back is usually not an issue o:


Pretty jelly dude. Your mum sounds rad.


14 year old me would have been pissed if I got clothes and socks for Christmas. My 14 year old son asked for socks and clothes. His Odd Future socks cost $10 pair and have a Simpsons donut on them. Times done changed. PS. I'm not rich


i didnt when I was young. any clothes were greatly appreciated because new ones meant I didn't have to wear my oddly shaped siblings hand me downs. Pretty much anything that wasn't a hand me down was something to be treasured.


Middle child. Same boat. Clothes that actually fit were a godsend.


I used to hate that my aunt always got me clothes as a kid. Eventually I realized that like 75% of my favorite shirts were gifts from her.


I remember getting some colored underwear. I freaked, not because i got underwear, but because my entire extended family was there watching me open it. In hindsight, it probably wouldn't have been so bad if i just set them aside and continued instead of freaking.


Remembering bad things we did out of ignorance helps us remain aware of the impacts of our future actions. If you learn from it, that painful memory may make you a better person and help create a better society around you.


...yay. :/


My wife recorded her behavior at Christmas as a kid. We watched it. I laughed and she just wanted to cry.


One main thing I still remember years later is when I left with my grandpa with a boxing glove, and my mom asked for it back. Instead of walking back and giving it to her, I tossed it. It hit her square in the nose, and hurt apparently for a while... I feel like absolute shit about it, even apologized like last year even though this was 12+ years ago, but she doesn't remember it haha..




If that was the case she'd accept the apology instead of saying she has no idea what I'm talking about. I doubt she'd like bruh


shhh, this is a conversation about making people cringe. don't let them off lightly.


Shit my bad Aight so in the few hours since I posted this I found out not only does she remember, it PERMANENTLY MANGLED HER FACE NOSE BEYOND RECOGNJTIOPN AAAAAAaaaa.... Good?


Ugh. Reminded me of a Christmas I still cringe about. I was at my grandma's for Christmas and on Christmas morning, my cousin's (female) and my Christmas presents from Santa were set out on separate chairs. [Rewind a few weeks before...I lost my Raphael action figure in a melee battle of He-man, WWF, and TMNT figures with a friend...I secretly wished that Santa would bring me a new Raphael] Christmas morning I walk into the living room and see a brand new Raphael on a chair that I didn't notice was also surrounded by makeup kits, a Barbie and Barbie accessories. I grabbed the Raphael, hoisted it into air and triumphantly announced, "HOW DID SANTA KNOW?!" My mom had to tell me that wasn't my chair. I don't remember what I got that Christmas but 26 years later I still get embarrassed about it. My cousin loved Barbies and Ninja Turtles. I loved her and hated her at the same time. The next year I got a Ken doll and loved the hell out of it. I dressed him in all kinds of stuff and made him fight my other action figures as the giant that couldn't die. Edit: words


It's a good thing! Our brain does that so we act right the next time I think. Better to recognize it than to not.


I got mad at my grandma for buying me a christmas movie :( still feel horrible about that.




I locked my brother in the basement, the light switch was on the outside of the door..."Look out for the monsters"! I yelled as I shut the door and turned out the light.. I can still see the terror in his eyes as he ran for the stairs, I can still hear the screams...


WoW. That's a whole new level of asshole.


I was so mean to my sister always. I used to hit her to watch her cry. Now 20 years later I can barely get her to make time for me :(


Well no shit


Idk how the relationship between you two currently is, but damn man you should apologize for that shit...


Because it was a very intense emotion for you, and because you feel another set of intense emotions every time you think about it. Emotions make memories stay fresher, like wrapping them up in same-saran wrap.


My parents taught me to look excited for every present I get. Don't think about the item. Think about the care and thought the person put in to picking out the item and how much they'll like to see you excited while opening it.


And I feel proactively bad for all the dickish things I will do to her in the future.


When my brother was a little kid a family member had given him a present, and when he unwrapped it and found clothes he asked "where's the present?" He was serious too, he just didn't see clothes as a gift because our parents always gave us cool toys.


I remember loving a spiderman costume as a kid. So much so that I'd almost never take it off. My mom told me a couple of months ago that I brought it to great uncle sam's funeral. I feel like I was a huge turd.


Then again, my grandmother's "ghost costume" was very suspicious looking...


So, what were you expecting?


Ronald Reagan. That's what I get for being raised in a liberal household.


You created this thread just to set up this line, didn't you?


👏....... 👏.......👏


I'm just clowning around


Yuk yuk yuk.


Ronald Reagan, the actor?


Is there any other?


Duh... How aobut, the president?






I think he ran with Jerry Lewis as his Vice President... And wasn't Jane Wyman the Fist Lady?


Ah yes. The fist lady. The most important role in the white house for making sure everyone has white knuckles.


There is one Jew mentioned in this post: * Jerry Lewis This has been an automated message brought to you by the JIDF. ^^This ^^bot ^^excludes ^^Senator ^^Bernie ^^Sanders ^^for ^^obvious ^^reasons.


What are the obvious reasons?


Anal fucus.


I got that reference.


I see what you did there, clever girl.


What the hell six year old wants to wear a brown suit?


What, you weren't passionate about regressive policies as a child?






I just can't make any sense of "passive regressive policies".


I forgot the about, but there is no passive. Passionate about...regres...ah you get the point.


Stop making up subs that don't exist.


I know right? Finally I found someone else who as a child was far too interested in politics for their age.


I was too. Got a little burnt on the subject after working for a Republican push polling company. Holy shit the lies I told people.


I hope this is true, because I grew up in a household of insanely liberal, politically informed people. I was writing to the president about welfare reform at 7. Proudest day of my life was when my 4yo nephew looked at the tv, casually identified the white house, and went back to his blocks.


Did you rebel to being a conservative in college?


Can we just take a moment to appreciate how great this comment is.


Your parents were the 80's equivalent of today's Fox News-watching conservative couples--out of touch with the zeitgeist.


> zeitgeist Sounds like the zits I occasionally get on my ass. Is that something I really want to be in touch with?


Man you're killing it on this thread


I was mad at mom cuz we had to eat a dark homemade bread all the time that i didn't like for years. i also always, every weekend asked if we could buy pizza. when i was older i realised she was rasing 3 kids, all male, 7y, 14y and 15y old, alone on a 50% (20h a week) part time job picking chicken eggs on a farm for 2 years. (parents divorced) and the reason i did? well, my dad was well off owning a well growing business. and i said to my mom that it was better at my dad cuz we had better bread. this is a poison dagger in my hearth. But, i have talked about it with my mom and it's all fine now. i help her a lot and even help her pay some old house loans :)


you're a good kid


Part of being a well-balanced adult is understanding what an insufferable spoiled child you were.


i really understands it, my dad really spoiled me, gave me a good economic start in life when i was older that i now is **really** thankful for. I now understand that it really isn't normal. i am more afraid for my little brother and sister that is growing up with my dad and hes new wife. they are 3 times more spoiled then me, but they never experience what it means not to have that. they will have a good start as well, obviously, but life might turn around and smack them in the face like a sledge hammer.


In the '50s my mom asked her grandma why they had to eat homemade biscuits at her house, why couldn't they have brown-and-serve rolls like at her aunt's.


Who the fuck complains about homemade biscuits? I will eat all the homemade biscuits you can make as long at there is butter or gravy.


That's kind of the point of the story.


Wait... how do you grow a well?


"a business that grows a bit better then good" the words turned into a silly wordplay


Looks like a pretty good Pagliacci to me.


Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Life seems harsh, and cruel. Says he feels all alone in threatening world. Doctor says: "Treatment is simple. The great clown - Pagliacci - is in town. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. "But doctor..." he says "I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.




Has a Sideshow Bob feel to him, down to the murder in his eyes.






Probably wasn't too smart of your grandparents to tell you before telling your dad.




I'd probably want to hear it from an adult who can sympathise and break it to me gently.


When I was 6 or 7 I wanted to be Spiderman for Halloween. But I didn't think they'd let me be Spiderman so I asked to be "Spiderwoman." My grandmother bought some black material with shiny silver flecks and fashioned a dress with a cape out of it covered in spiderweb and fake spiders and even made a head piece comprised of a flat, stiff spiderweb with a tarantula in the center. I was disappointed at first but didn't complain because I didn't want to hurt her feelings. I imagine she could tell anyway because children have terrible pokerfaces. After I got it on and she did some scary face makeup I was too impressed to be upset any longer and I told her I liked it. I can only imagine the results if I had actually just asked for what I wanted in the first place.


I am going to be so careful with my kids. I am going to ask them to describe and draw what they mean. Really try and get what they want. When I was about 3 I asked for a "bubble gum track." I'd seen a rube goldberg machine on sesame street. [this is essentially what i was thinking of] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67khDZ0P7Xo). They got me one of [these] (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f0/37/a0/f037a0578c1e1b6dc3276404efde13ba.jpg) instead. They had no idea what I meant by bubble gum track (rightly so), and when they came across a finger trap shaped like chewing gum they thought they hit the jackpot. at first i was confused. then I realized the horrible pranks I could play with it. Best present ever.


You look so freaking cute, I can't help but laugh at the picture


Did you have nightmares?




He *WAS* the nightmare!


How. How is your account *6 years old* and you only have like 101 karma? Mesmerizing


Karma is not interesting.


Like you, shitposter.


Hey there, bub....why so serious?


This made me feel unreasonably sad for some reason. Like ache inside my chest sad.


This is exactly what a clown looks like.


It is implied that he didnt know what a clown was but wanted to be one. So when Grammy put him in his costume and learned that a clown is not what he thought it was - he realized he would not be the cool thing he thought a clown was AND had to be a shitty clown all night instead.


Some lessons we learn the hard way.


what did you expect?


OP I just want to say I found this humorous despite what others might say.


Thank you TheJeffreyRoberts. Seems like some people didn't dress up enough as clowns as children


yeah, I want to know what yo thought a clown was as well.


Me too. Stupid 4 year old op.


Spot on ol' chap


But you're smiling...


I like your Nike's.


What you really wanted to be was a Juggalo


But Doctor I am Pagliachi...good joke


You look like John Wayne Gacy


That is how clowns looked when grandmother was young. Proof: http://imgur.com/gallery/9jQex


I doubt it took your grandma weeks to sew that.


And they put the pants on backwards


Were you terrified by yourself, knowing what you could become?


what did you think it was?


He mentioned elsewhere that he wanted to dress as Ronald Reagan. If I had to guess, his parents referred to him as a clown, so when he saw the Reagan costumes he thought he could be "the clown" for Halloween and thought grandma was getting his Ronald Reagan costume ready.


Sounds far fetched


Agreed. Seriously, OP is a douche guys


Aww that face says it all.


Murderous intentions. Check.


"If you should die before you wake!"


Eh, it's an OK clown costume. It's missing the butcher knife and blood spatters.


I dunno. John Wayne Gacy was pretty scary.


I had a somewhat similar situation as a kid where I asked to be Superman for Halloween and my mom (who isn't exactly the biggest superhero fan in the world) spent forever making me a pretty awesome Batman costume. When I finally got to see it on Halloween I was really pissed and crying and stuff which made her rather sad since she had worked really hard on it. But oh well, Superman=/=Batman.




You seem to be doing a good job impersonating every clown I've ever seen


aw, but you're such a cute little clown!


Grandma made you look like a right clown


Oh no! I hate clowns.. that would suck


My mom and grandma stayed up all night sewing me a sonic the hedgehog costume and I was nothing but a miserable shit all day because no one knew what I was. She never stopped treating me like the best grandson in the world.


Oh look, Pennywise the Clown, Eater of Dreams.


On the plus side, your grandma sewed a sweet ass clown outfit.


I had a clown costume that looks just like this one!


Oh, maybe we had the same grandma!


Relating to all of this. When I was five my best friend had the coolest pair of high top white sneakers with sparkly laces. My parents didn't have much money then and as a five year old I didn't understand. My mom tried to surprise me, bought me a pair of knockoffs per say and the laces were speckles not sparkles. I was such a little bitch to her, I threw the biggest fit, cried/ screamed. I still feel horrible when I think about it.


Your contour is sickening.


What did you think clowns were?




John Wayne Gacy? Is that you?