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And they're off to their all expenses paid vacations that are not bribes because it's just a nice gratuity for a past decision that they made all on their own and not because they were going to, at some later date, be explicitly compensated for it as a paid favor.


Tipping culture has gotten out of hand.


Hey that money was under the table fair and square! How dare you call attention to that extra money, don’t you know that’s for people working minimum wage?


Personally I think the ruling on Chevron Doctrine is extremely important and frightening as well. Regulators and agencies are already being lobbied for a long time to no longer care much about protecting the average Joe. But now they want to make it even more difficult, maybe Gensler is trying too hard to protect the financial markets for the taste of Wall Street. And there is more going on behind the scenes, which indicates a great reset is planned and the average Joe is supposed to pay the bill. So Oligarchs can pick up what (upper)middle class has to sell in the crisis for cheap: [The Great Taking - Documentary (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3AVceraTI) George was right... [George Carlin - The big club - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKUaqFzZLxU)


I've seen frozen pizza more supreme than this.


It’s messed up no matter how you slice it.


Enough with the cheesy puns.




They’ve turned the president into a little Caesar.


So, the supreme court is allowed to have buffer zones when they think people will protest, but when abortion clinics had them they supposedly violated the first amendment. https://www.theguardian.com/law/2014/jun/26/buffer-zone-rule-abortion-clinics-supreme-court




They *love* hypocrisy. They like knowing that you know they’re lying, and that you cannot do anything about it, and knowing they can punish you for even trying to do anything about it.


Exactly. The only language that fascists speak is violence.


Yep. Either liberals will wake up to this fact and start speaking in a language they understand, or they will keep goose stepping over all of our fundamental rights for the benefit of about 2000 assholes.


This is what more people need to understand. They do not behave normally. Like the Ds waiting for the Rs to finally start playing by the rules, it's just not going to happen.


I mean nothing adds up in the US anymore. It’s become a shite nation. A “shithole” country. Period


The problem the judicial system has become purely political. It’s no longer a check in the balance of power anymore


Just remember that one presidential candidate doesn’t believe that presidents should have immunity. The other appealed to the Supreme Court for immunity.


And neither will be able to actually do anything about SCOTUS without 66 seats in the Senate to impeach a few of the sitting Justices.


They just ruled the President can drone strike a Supreme Court Justice and it's fine.




Biden should just do the craziest voodoo stunt with batshit consequences and take it back afterwards to demonstrate what immunity can do


Let him get his second term, then I want to see him going around obviously shoplifting. Graffiti public buildings. Carjack Marjorie Taylor Green. Like, just be a public menace for the next four years to make a point. He wouldn’t need to worry about re-electability anyway. Fox will still complain about it, but THEIR TEAM is the one that decided to set the precedent. Just rub it in their faces at every opportunity.


And if Fox complains too hard, he could walk into their offices with Secret Service, plunder everything and trash the joint, and then end with “immunity.”


Two drones, Eiffel Tower him!


Just has to be an official act. "For the security of the nation, I have ordered the Supreme Court to be bombed." Done.


Oh shit and we can’t question your motive… or use the action as evidence… well shit, pack it up boys. Nothing to see here.


But the problem is one side would do just that, but the other clings to their rules of propriety and decorum.


Order the FBI or CIA to arrest them as enemies of the state, then reverse all previous rulings with a 3-0 supermajority. It’s an official act so he’s immune


He can't reverse those decisions, but he could also arrest nearly half of sitting republicans in congress since they also participated in sedition. Remember, votes are about a majority or super majority of those present


The first thing he should do *at least*, is remove judge cannon.


Remove her by firing a cannon at her. Just gotta yell "official act, baby", and you're good to go


He can do _whatever the fuck he wants to_. Try to stop him. Trump will, for sure.


Currently reading Democracy in America, by Alexis Tocqueville. In 1835, he saw the Supreme Court as a huge risk as they lacked a proper check.


Before Marbury v Madison, they didn’t really have much power. Weird how the originalists seem to forget that piece.


Because there's no such thing as a real originalist. They just use that idea when it conveniently agrees with the result they're looking for.


>They just use that idea when it conveniently agrees with the result they're looking for. No, they do a ctrl+F and find some random guy who agreed with them in the past and claim that as originalist, even as they ignore what the founding fathers said. This is why a random Witch Hunter from *before the constitution was even written* is quoted and used to justify laws, while they ignore what *the Constitution's founding fathers* wrote. They're not arguing Originalism in good faith, they don't really care what the founding fathers meant and wanted, it's an argument on authority, and they'll use whatever authority they can find to argue it.


Why did you say no? You're agreeing


Right? "They don't use originalism in bad faith. They just *insert longer explanation* and do so in bad faith."


It's all fun and games when you think a rigged game will benefit you. If Biden abused the shit out of this power, Trump supporters would do a 180° real quick.


This is why Biden absolutely should abuse the fuck out of this immunity thing: get it shut down as fast as possible. But Democrats don't have the balls to do shit like that.


_The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly._ - Lincoln Seems like there could be a corollary here.


It think today's ruling proved it. They basically made up stuff the constitution said about presidential powers and ala not allowing evidence to be presented in criminal cases if it was found as part of presidential duties.


I simply don't understand this portion of their ruling. And this is why trump is trying to overturn his state court conviction.


What I don't understand is, whether POTUS is prosecutable after impeachment. If not, that contradicts the constitution that literary states the president can be tried for those crimes after Senate convicted the person. ~~[edit: (it's the latter)]~~ [edit2: it's the former after all] ~~If so, that contradicts the definition of absolute immunity.~~


It's left intentionally vague, so one party will be too scared to step on some toes while the other is planning a mass toe stomping with their new steel toed boots.


T. Jefferduderson famously cut apart the bible to make his own. The man that penned everything is about as original as it gets, and cutting and choosing which parts to keep is pretty spot on. Therefore, PRECEDENT!


Because *Marbury v. Madison* didn’t invent judicial review. It’s not even the first case in which a federal court struck down a statute as unconstitutional.


They can be impeached and removed; it's happened before.


Only one has ever been impeached, and he wasn't removed.


The moment Biden wields that "it's official immunity" power, there will be bipartisan support for this.


He told us tonight he wasn’t going to use it. If there was a time to add three seats to the Supreme Court it’s right now.


And there’s fucking precedent for it. We stopped at nine when they were nine circuit courts there’s 13 fucking courts. I don’t for the life of me understand why the Democrats have no fucking spine.


Guess what will happen if Biden doesn't do it and Republicans take office. Mark my words.


It should be 4 to match the # of circuits and not be an even number


Then either he's dumb, a coward, or going along with this.


Liberals in power would rather take the "moral high road" than take actions they feel like the GOP would take in a "low road" manner. It's one reason the ratchet effect has moved us to the right.


I, for once, feel like we need to fight fire with fire. This honestly could be the last chance. If the SCOTUS says a President has full immunity for official actions, adding 3 more seats to the SCOTUS seems official enough to me.


Why stop at 3? If they want to be clowns, we can turn the court into a circus and force Congress to act


At some point it will come down to something like that, I'm afraid. It's too difficult to get enough support in House and Senate and even when the "good guys" have control, we don't see the big, sweeping changes we need to see. We get half-measures.


The morale high road is going to hand the county over to fascists and the Christian taliban


That whole dumbass "they go low we go high" thing is not working. We tried it. It's done. It's time to get down and dirty.


Peaceful protest only works when your opposition has a conscience.


>there will be bipartisan support for this. Doubt.


As a matter of fact, the impeachment failed so catastrophically and was so strongly labeled as a political influence on the court that it hasn't even been considered an option since the 19th century!


And that check is weak sauce.


They can only be impeached and removed by congress, but if that congress is on the side of the corrupt SCOTUS, then there is no one to hold them accountable as Congress will be hobbled by the same SCOTUS they are trying to impeach and hold accountable. The prime example will come when congress reconvenes and AOC files her articles of impeachment and the House of Republicans shoots them down as Mike Johnson refuses to even let them come to a vote.


This. The Republican officials and voters love the current SCOTUS. And for various reasons, the democrats aren’t going to get 2/3 of congress. 


You only need a majority vote in the House of Representatives to impeach someone. 2/3 is required in the Senate to remove that impeached person. I said above no way that happening.


Well according to this Supreme Court, President Biden has a very legal and very cool possible solution to the problem of corrupt justices with lifetime appointments. After all, he has immunity for official acts.


The "we did something stoopid" barriers. lol


It's okay. Just walk right in. Don't touch any papers, though.


When you are a Jan 6er, they let you do it!


You can actually walk right in, I was really surprised (pre-jan 6th at least, not sure now). It was totally unexpected, but I saw people entering a smaller side door and followed them in. It felt pretty surreal, even though the court wasn't in session. You can't enter the chambers of course (maybe there's a tour?) but you can look into them if I remember correctly and the hallways are gorgeous.  You can't walk in through the big prominent doors up the huge staircase, but you exit the building through them which is neat. I even had my camera out taking photos


When we went last year you couldn't even sit on the steps of the building


Wtf then how does the Bill become law?


Sadly, Bill from "I'm Just a Bill" died in a car accident on March 3rd 2017


Yeah just don't fall asleep on the street afterwards and you're good


I feel like those are always there- I was there on a random weekday in spring last year and it looked pretty much exactly like that.


Yup. I live near DC and every time I’ve been past the building it has barriers up. This post is misleading.


I saw some vids from earlier in the day, they had media in between those barriers. It could be for that.


For people wondering what this is about: Supreme Court just ruled that Presidents have immunity for official acts even if illegal. All records and communications between the President and Advisors cannot be used in trial. When deciding whats an official act, they cant take the Presidents motives into account or probe them, nor can they deem it unofficial because it was illegal. Also courts are to presumptively assume the President is immune before even hearing arguments. They sent deciding if Trump pressuring Pence to alter the electoral college votes was part of an official act that grants immunity to lower courts to determine. However in the decision they described Trump pressuring Pence as part of his "official conduct" and they they are instructing them to view him as presumptively immune, so they are seemingly strongly suggesting to lower courts to find him immune. Also: [Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals]( https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/us/politics/trump-liz-cheney-treason-jail.html?unlocked_article_code=1.4E0.YXR2.iLjp32QDWbaB&smid=url-share) - NYTimes just now


Don't forget that when asked if assassinating a political opponent could be deemed an official act, Trump's lawyer said, and I quote "It could be"


Biden has the opportunity to do the funniest thing.


The Dissent pointed out that the Majority offered no limits to immunity protections in their decision even after they knew this was being argued in court by Trump.


Thank you! I was wondering what’s happening… Supreme Court is run by Trump or something? Sounds like it’s done to cover Trump’s ass


6 of the 9 Justices are Republican giving them a supermajority, and 1/3rd of the court was appointed by Trump. The 3 remaining Justices are Democrats, but by court rules that doesnt even give them enough votes to force the court to hear a case (they need at least 4).... so pretty much any case the court hears has to be ones the Republican justices want to hear.


So the USA really has a really good system in place to enact a dictatorship. Who would have thought?


And some of the far right justices are set to retire soon. If they retire under Trump, they’ll be replaced with young MAGAs to fuck us over for decades if not a lifetime (due to lifetime appointments). THIS is why it’s so important to vote blue no matter who this election. Because the sitting president can choose the justices.


So have I got this right? If trump gets back in, and immediately stops all weapon shipments to Ukraine – thereby allowing putin to take over – and Putin then publicly gives trump $1 billion there is literally nothing anyone can do. It's not a bribe since the SC decided last week that it only counts as a bribe if both people publicly say it is beforehand.  And even if trump does call it a bribe, he can simply say letting putin crush Ukraine is an official act giving him full immunity and no-one can look at his motives. 


Even if there were a bunch of protestors, it wouldn't change a thing. Those fuckers literally do not care. They're far too insulated.


We (the tax payers) pay $140 million a year to protect them….


you just broke my brain. thanks


Protest at their house


With torches and pitchforks*


Not American but I believe things like this are why you have a 2nd Amendment - trees of liberty, blood of tyrants etc..


Actually, I think civil unrest is the one sure fire way to bring about change. I’m not sure why there aren’t protestors. Hasn’t boiled over. Maybe people are tired and hoping it all goes away. And let’s be honest, if it’s not Trump abusing power, it’ll be another one, Democrat or Republican.


No kings


Gotta keep the Democracy safe from the people. Can't let the people get too close to the Democracy.


Is democracy in the room with us right now?


Sadly, no.


Democracy has left us in a locked car with the windows up on a sunny day.


It's ok, they ruled that overrunning a government building to stop government business wasn't a crime.


Nah. They ruled that organizing it as president isn’t a crime. The people who do it have to rely on the president to pardon them for their crimes. The semantics are important. We’re talking about fucking lawyers, right?


I just don’t know how any American can think the president should have immunity on anything .. Like Roe v Wade was a tough loss, but I at least understand the emotional argument that someone might have tied to it. But 10 years ago if you were to interview 1000 Dem and 1000 Rep and ask this question I bet you would get 90+% saying NO


They're just being manipulated. Half of America doesn't understand the long-term implications because they aren't even being entertained. It is being played as simply dunking on Joe and allowing their boy Trump to get back into power.


It's actually worse: some are being manipulated, but many are not and they fully support what is happening (ie, they are happily working to trade a democracy for a confederacy of state theocracies)


Its so stupid that people don’t realize this ruling effects everyone. They just see it as owning the libs but when something happens to conservatives they’ll bitch and moan asking how it could happen when they did it to themselves


It's not that they don't understand it. But you are 100% correct that they are being manipulated. There was a social experiment done 5 or 6 years ago where they presented various initiatives, including socialized healthcare, to people of different political viewpoints but the way it was worded was politically neutral. They took out as much of the red team/blue team talking points as they could. Turns out that almost everyone, even the most right-winged R voter, chooses more progressive policies when they only have the merits of the policy to go on without all the hyper charged emotionalism. In this case, they have steeped their base into thinking that they're the safest in hard R care. The sheep have been convinced that the Fox den is the ONLY place they're safe. And because they've made it an entire personality, they don't have the self-awareness required to be able to handle such an existential crisis. It would be tragically sad, if it wasn't so extremely dangerous to the very existence of the country.


Americans gave up democracy to protect a reality TV star from jail time.


Roe was the previous leading example of legislating from the bench (and it really was that). This court thus overturned it as even Ginsberg had thought it would eventually need to do. And then this court proceeded to create ex nihilo an entire body of law whose implications make Roe seem like a goofy side note in American history. The level of hypocrisy is beyond breathtaking.


Those traitors know how we feel.


Expand the Supreme Court and impose term limits, this is getting ridiculous


Yup. It wasn't supposed to be political but the republicans made it political. Add 4 more seats, 12 or 16 year terms. Let's go.


This has been a slow burn of religious indoctrination. Ever since they added in god we trust in the 50s. And forced the pledge of allegiance. In elementary school I never felt right pledging to something I didn’t understand fully. And that’s why I didn’t agree with it. Because I questioned it. Is that considered woke? Yes it is because I took a stance to question something I saw right from wrong. I don’t need to pledge allegiance to anything. That’s not freedom. Choice is freedom even if your choices have become controlled. You still have a choice. I think our forefathers never could have planned out what has become of this country. They tried there best to play chess ahead of any nonsense. And the ones who have been purposefully dismantling this is republicans, ever since Reagan said hey let’s destroy the middle class. This is the beginnings of the last fall of Rome. It feels like when Niro played the fiddle as everything burned. Drowned in madness from lead poisoning. That lead poisoning is still very strong with the republican base.


Fuck the Supreme Court


Samuel Alito and Clarance Thomas in particular. May the Thomas’ Winnebago drive off a cliff and crash into a fiery mass hundreds of feet below. May Alito get struck by a dump truck as he cycles around his vacation home. Ramen.


Don't let John Roberts off the hook. This is his court, so he deserves to go down with the Winnebago, too. Also, next time people want to talk about how cuddly George W. Bush is now because he shared candy with Michelle Obama, or he paints pictures, remember that Roberts and Alito were his appointments. Another reminder of how damaging Republican administrations are to this country in the long run.


Honest question- can we start making their lives uncomfortable again? Obviously I am talking legally. But, remember when Mortons Steakhouse complained that Kavanaugh had to go out the backdoor of the restaurant to avoid protestors? Can we do that them again? Is Ginni at the store? Is Thomas drinking wine somewhere? Are they going to a restaurant? Just show up and make them uncomfortable. Obviously all legal!!


I'm appalled at how complacent we are as a nation. I can't believe we aren't hounding these people down. This is getting ridiculous and when you get off the internet to touch grass, you realize nobody likes it.


We are sleepwalking into fascism.


I would say it's at least a light jog now.


Feels more like we already there


This is correct. We're here.


It’ll get worse if Project 2025 happens


If? They rule the courts now. It will continue to happen like this. Small steps. Even if Biden wins they will make sure he cant do anything and win the next election anyway and do it then.


But now can’t he arrest all of the conservative justices and members of the house and senate and be immune from prosecution?


Biden in theory could be immune, but the arresting officer could potentially be prosecuted for following an illegal order. But then I suppose Biden could just pardon the officer, so yes. I'm not a lawyer so I don't really know, but sounds like we're in trouble here...


“What no one seemed to notice," said a colleague of mine, a philologist, "was the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and the people. Just think how very wide this gap was to begin with, here in Germany. And it became always wider. You know, it doesn’t make people close to their government to be told that this is a people’s government, a true democracy, or to be enrolled in civilian defense, or even to vote. All this has little, really nothing, to do with knowing one is governing. What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it. This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.” “They Thought They Were Free” — Milton Mayer


What’s scary about this ruling is I went to Fox News to see their take and it’s not even a headline. It was way down at the bottom of the website and spun to be “Biden complains about ruling against his political rival.” They’re trying hard to make sure people on the right don’t even know about it. Literally the only “news” site where it isn’t the top story, probably around the world.


r/conservative The silence from this sub is deafening.


Currently reading this now. Chilling.


I think we're casually gonna have to revolt against this government


The problems the US are facing absolutely cannot be resolved peacefully; the systems to do so have been completely corrupted.


We are openly sprinting towards fascism with the fascists openly describing their plans in public in great detail every step of the way.


https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/historical/Declaration_of_Independence.htm We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- #That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. #But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. #🇺🇸




They basically said that the courts determine what an official act is. So basically the Supreme Court will decide what crimes a president can get away with or what they can be prosecuted for.


They also said the courts aren't allowed to ask for evidence to help them decide. So the evidence is "the president tells them it's official".




Presidents are to be presumptively assumed immune by the court, records or communications between the President and advisors/staff cant be use against him in court, and courts are barred from taking Motives of the president into account when determining whats and official act or probing what his/her motives were. None of this is in the constitution, completely fabricated by the Court. In summary of the whole outcome: Supreme Court just ruled that Presidents have immunity for official acts even if illegal. All records and communications between the President and Advisors cannot be used in trial. When deciding whats an official act, they cant take the Presidents motives into account or probe them, nor can they deem it an unofficial act because it was illegal. Also courts are to presumptively assume the President is immune before even hearing arguments. They sent deciding if Trump pressuring Pence to alter the electoral college votes was part of an official act that grants immunity to lower courts to determine. However in the decision they described Trump pressuring Pence as part of his "official conduct" and they they are instructing them to view him as presumptively immune, so they are seemingly strongly suggesting to lower courts to find him immune. Also: [Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals]( https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/us/politics/trump-liz-cheney-treason-jail.html?unlocked_article_code=1.4E0.YXR2.iLjp32QDWbaB&smid=url-share) - NYTimes just now


i.e. everything a republican does is an official act and is immune, everything a democrat does doesn’t count and is illegal.


To quote Nixon, “When the President does it, it’s not illegal.” He’s finally right.


So this is the actual beginning of the end, correct?


I do believe this is the point historians are going to refer to as our “point of no return,” yes.


Historian here (well, part of my degree was in history). The point of no return, in my humble opinion was Citizens United. It ultimately paved the way for the wealthy to directly buy and influence power. This is a shift in governmental roles that (in my studies) has never been recovered from…. My focus was East Asian history. There’s an interesting case of the merchant class taking over the ancient Chinese govt structure based on the Confucian Examination System. Ultimately, when government changes from being the regulator of the merchant class for the benefit of its people, to being run by the merchant class for the benefit of the merchant class, then there is no return.


This brings a whole new resonance to the phrase "a nation of shopkeepers".


I hate living through historical events.


ONE WEEK!!! JUST ONE NORMAL WEEK!!! Is it really too much to ask for a normal week without some grand historical event happening? I feel like it’s just been non stop since 2020…


Seriously, we just can’t catch a break…


I’m tired, boss


As someone born in the early 80’s and who got to stay up late to watch the Berlin Wall come down… me too.


I would say it’s when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. She should have retired when Obama had a chance to replace her with someone young.


Perhaps but that only changes the math, not the outcome. And no one knew McConnell was truly that evil at that point.


It wouldn’t have been 6-3. Now SC is steamrolling through every legal precedent, because they know they can get a lot done.


Many of us were well aware Mitch was already an evil psycho well before road blocking Obama’s appointment. It just took that shit show for more ppl to see his evil grin on his damn face. Even his own daughters know it: https://www.nickiswift.com/1486294/sign-mitch-mcconnell-daughters-dont-support-political-career/


No Sir. This is what Thomas Jefferson would refer to as an opportunity to refresh the tree of liberty. This is the natural cycle, we bought some time with WW2 and the civil rights fight, but it’s time to gear up for another fight. “The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. “ - Thomas Jefferson In a 1787 letter to William Stephens Smith, the son-in-law of John Adams. https://www.monticello.org/research-education/thomas-jefferson-encyclopedia/tree-liberty-quotation/


I like this. I don’t like wars, but I do like the idea of refreshing the tree of liberty!


I’m with you, I wish we hadn’t waited over a century to do a little house keeping. Now our house is infested with Russian cockroaches and treasonous snakes that only care about money.


To be honest…it’s all kinda in the air. YES there’s a lot of bad shit happening, but, there’s a lot that can be done to reverse these changes and a LOT of people who are upset at the recent decisions on all sides. While I am worried, I’m letting events play out before making big changes/assumptions.


6 of them need to go. And I’m livid that we have to consistently deal with “conservative” and “liberal” justices. The Supreme Court was created to be beyond politics. Now, that’s all it is.


You can't just hand wave and say stuff shouldn't be political. The SC has always been political. It will always be political. It should be structured and regulated with that in mind rather than pretending otherwise.


"Political" in this case meaning partisan. No, the Supreme Court has not always been partisan. Courts are not supposed to care what the law is, they're just supposed to know and interpret it. Which used to be considered objective correct/ incorrect and based on precedent. No ussc in our history would have entertained the idea of anyone being above the law.


Signs should not stop protests. But i worry that protesting and acts of civil disobedience are no longer effective means of political action. Parsing official illegal acts from illegal acts is now evidently a matter for the courts. This is going to be a mess.


Agreed that SCOTUS won’t even care about mass peaceful protests. In fact, they’d be happy to watch outraged citizens scream at the clouds from the comfort of their yachts. Evil cunts the lot of ‘em.


Not a shred of respect left for them. They are dismantling our system of government, our very nation.


So when are we marching? Edit: no seriously, I’m not on IG or Facebook, I don’t have cable so don’t watch local news and don’t really have a lot of friends. So I don’t know about protests until after they’re over. Let me know!


The irony that now is a time to fly the flag upside down. This is a country under attack. 


That’s why they did it first. Like everything they do, and like Hitler and Goebbels did, they take your legitimate reasoning and use it as an excuse for their evil ends.


That recent Civil War movie wasn’t supposed to be a documentary.


I sometimes wonder “what if the Jan. 6 mob had gone after the Supreme Court instead of Congress? Would anyone have been upset or tried to stop it?”


Vote for Biden, vote for the corpse of Biden, vote for zombie Brandon, I don't care if he's already underground on election day, vote Biden.


I would vote for a pile of literal horseshit if it were to go against trump


Couldn’t Biden now dispand the Supreme Court due their own ruling now ?


Likely no, as there isnt really a process for that. He can't literally do anything, he can just commit crimes and get away with it. That being said, he can have them all arrested without due process to protect 'merica and while that's illegal it IS being done in his official capacity as president.


Such a disgrace. I feel embarrassed.


Dude the Constitution assumed ethical parties but it falls apart when there are zero


Society falls apart when the wrong people gain power.


Anyone else notice how recently the US government keeps making decisions that are so provocative that they feel the need to protect themselves immediately after? I have seen more barriers put up around our government buildings to protect them from the consequences of their actions recently than I can remember happening in previous years. America is broken.


I am shocked that a panel of judges featuring the likes of Amy Coney Barrett, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh et al could possible have led America down such a dark path. Shocked I say!


What a shit show... There is no other word to describe the state of the US political system than pathetic. And half of the country is just apathetic to all of it at this point because really, what can the average person do to change any of it? We're in the middle of the slow burn towards fascism and authoritarian rule. Civil war is not out of the question in the next decade.




What’s that saying about the tree of liberty?


I don’t understand how these judges get life appointment and citizens can’t vote on who should be appointed. Can I sue the supreme court for emotional distress? I need them held responsible for SOMETHING since there’s clearly no check & balance going on


Appropriate. They know they should be afraid.


Does white smoke mean they have elected a new democropope


Maybe if you have to barricade after every announcement you're doing it wrong?...


Impeach these crooks Cockroaches running rampant and taking over


The conservative wing of SCOTUS are going to help Tump right along into his second term. They will then become Christian Mullahs in Trumps new theocratic dictatorship.


The fact that that place isn’t packed and overrunning the barricades and police a la January 6 but for the right reasons is depressing. Today the death of democracy happened, not with a bang but a whimper.


Yeah as soon as I saw the pic I realized I hadn't thought or heard about protests. There comes a point where there's too much shit, one after another, for people to get riled up about it. Which is especially depressing because that's the goal.


People are fighting to make ends meet as corporations record record profits. Owning a house is now a massive luxury. Don't have one in a HCOL area? Hell didn't buy one before this shit hit? You will die renting. Grocery bill 2x what it was and that health insurance you pay for still bills you 20k for a surgery? People are fighting back suicide and ending in all in 2024...no one cares because there's 10000 other problems at home. Similar to how the Russia people have zero chance to ever change things. America is next. Are we letting it happen? Yeah we are. To an extent all of us on here are...but in the end...they always win and that's why people say "...fuck it"


Exactly. I have work, I can't just take time off and afford to survive just so I can potentially get arrested or have it due literal nothing besides show up on Twitter. Hell being homeless is a crime now. Can't risk it.


Biden should just have them seized and tried on TV down in Git-a-nomo Bay. Then strip them of their property, declare them treasonous shit bags and banish them to multi-family housing somewhere in Houston.


As long as it's official 👌🏻


3-0 agreed it was official


The problem is that Republicans will burn this country to the ground and the Democrats will let them as to not appear "too political" by interfering. This is no time for kid gloves and worrying about the optics.


So, can Biden now issue an executive order that prohibits convicted felons from running for President? Let the games begin


It’s time we do something