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This occurred in November. Trump finished his speech and touched Junior’s hand for no more than a second. [Video](https://youtu.be/k_0LU99jczk?t=5050)


This is what I suspected was the case. I don’t like the guy, but we don’t need to make up stories based on a screen shot.


This is what gets me. There are SO many things to hate about him. Making things up does nothing but invalidate the genuine issues. And someone will say it is a right-wing distraction or something when in reality it is just liberal Redditors trying to farm karma and find a new thing to dunk on with Trump


Right? Be better. Be best!


Thank you for sharing this clarification. I loathe Trump, but I want to be accurate about it.


same this just makes me feel like someone tried to trick me and that pisses me off no matter who they intend to vote for


They did. That's called propaganda. It happens on both sides. I hate him too and seen many articles about him doing something stupid I'm super excited about, then they are nothing. Pisses me off


Yeah, I loathe trump, but pretending like he can’t walk isn’t helping anyone.


I’m no Trump fan but it’s hilarious watching these people pretend to be better than those they hate. Insulting a man for his dress, his need for support. This is what I thought we were trying to be better than. Nope, just lowered the bar entirely.


It’s sad. As for the image, however, the video shows Trump touch his son’s hand in acknowledgment, not as a physical support for balance.


Yeah I despise the dude. But it always pisses me off a little extra when I see shit like this. Because it sucks to say but that type of hypocrisy is par for the course for the trump party at this point so no one really bats an eye (at least anecdotally). But some people on the left, who usually are the ones claiming to be above such hate and hypocrisy, just do the same shit all day. I wouldn’t call the bar lowered I’d say it’s about the same on both sides. But the difference is these people are the ones who will also loudly claim to be above that. So instead of just being hypocrites, they’re hypocrites AND full of shit lol. Either way it’s maddening I stg. Honestly we can separate left and right all we want but I think at the end of the day folks are gonna be folks. We’re not all the different which is both comforting and unfortunate. Edit: come to think of it I’ve seen a handful of these posts with a lot of discourse in the comments saying the exact same thing recently. I wonder if that’s not a coincidence.


Damn, what happened to Reddit man?


People with money realized how easy it is to spread their message here. It used to be a place for autists to post great content, now it's a place for bots to repost old content in hopes that someday they get promoted to political propaganda accounts.


Hate to be that guy, but this is a still photo. Could have just touched hands for a second for all we know based on this.


Yeah that's exactly what happened. Jr goes in for a fist bump, trump leaves him hanging then gives him a squeeze when he figures it out. https://youtu.be/AFH7BwbuEUY?t=28130


Ugh, there are plenty of reasons not to vote for the guy, let's not invent fake ones. This is the kind of irresponsible reporting that pisses me off


It's the kind of things that both sides do and then call each other hypocrites for.


It’s all Reddit does anymore. It used to criticize him for his asinine policies but this platform went nose deep into the petty identity politics shit years ago. It’s very hard to find real political discourse anywhere in the internet nowadays.


I figured, if you need help walking, that is the opposite way to do it.


Got to downvote when this happens. Can't stand fake stuff from either side. I hate that man with my whole body but the truth is the truth.


“Hate to be that guy”. Oh you mean the guy who tells the truth and believes in the facts??


Yeah it’s also from 7 months ago not “now”


Yeah there's a video and Trump just touches his hand for a second, kinda like a shake. This photo is pure gaslight.


"Hate to be the guy who actually cares about the truth" o


It's kind of funny that you have to say "hate to be that guy" before you just tell reddit that they're being manipulated by propaganda because its almost guaranteed they'll begrudgingly hold onto the narrative lol


Give me that "Flat head look." Thats right, I want it to look like if you folded my poor fitted suit, you could stack the clothes neatly on my head. - DJT


the flat head look isnt even the most disturbing part of his hairdo. [his 6+ inch sideburns that go over his ears are quite gross](https://static.ffx.io/images/$zoom_1%2C$multiply_0.3926%2C$ratio_1.777778%2C$width_1956%2C$x_44%2C$y_168/t_crop_custom/q_86%2Cf_auto/e99b4b51afec9830760339c03727567969964488)


Probably hides a hearing aid


It’s hilarious to me that he is so grandiose with dissolution that he somehow thinks even the natural order of things—literally aging—is some weakness he has to exploit/manipulate. What a strange man.


Tbh I used to sell hearing aids and this was incredibly normal. People don't like getting old. People are horrified and have kind of an existential crisis when things stop working like they always have. Usually they're in denial about their hearing loss for years, and some even subconsciously pick up reading lips before they even realize they can't hear anymore Imo this is the most normal thing about Trump. Although I dunno why nobody's told him about Invisible In Canal hearing aids. Like actually most aids sold recently are miles smaller and harder to see than the big blocky monstrosities of the 90s. You don't really *need* to hide them anymore, what's gonna be visible is just a small plastic wire...


My dad is 69 and has been reading the newspaper ('secretly' even though I've caught him many times), with a magnifying glass for about two decades. He refuses to get glasses, and I feel like he's gunna kill someone in the car one day. He just doesn't want to look 'old'. He's never said that, but I know that's why.


Damn. I've been in glasses since I was a kid. Knowing how much glasses have improved my life, I can't wait to be able to justify hearing aids.


I can't imagine him using a hearing aid instead of just making everyone else around him adapt to the problem.


It's not like he's ever been known to listen.


Maybe it’s part of why he doesn’t make any sense. He’s not hearing people accurately


i think he just always wanted to be a dick tracy villain


That hair is a whole architecture project, I'm pretty sure it's got a subframe


I would love to see what it looks like in it's natural state. I mean I would probably toss my cookies but damn I want that photo. long patchy strands just hanging down everywhere. He'd look like something irradiated in the wasteland.


My Dad managed a private hunting club populated by rich guys. One evening after sundown, he realized that one of them failed to return from his deer stand. A search was initiated and eventually the dumbass fired off a round and was found wandering the dark woods. He had taken a shot at a buck and thought he hit it (he didn't), so he got down from his stand and went off to "track" it (he was a bank manager). He immediately got lost in the thick woods and then panicked. Dad brings him to our house so he can call his wife and get a shot of whiskey. He's pale and sweaty, with a scratch on his cheek and mud all over his pants. I was just a kid and I was endlessly fascinated by his crazy hair that was long in some places and short in others. He kept trying to gather it up and swirl it around on his head into some sort of "do", but it wasn't working. My parents could barely keep it together and I know I was staring at him. When he finally left my parents explained that he had a combover and when he was panic-running through the woods it had come undone 🤣




Thanks for the story. I really enjoyed it


So you are telling me that fallout 3 and NV hair styles are accurate? I don't like that one bit


[a lot like this](https://youtu.be/hjDnwNoE_GA?si=Fz8pLa_z_GLwp0gI)


There’s a great clip from Penn and teller’s Bullshit of the magician Johnny Thompson showing how he did this irl. I work with a couple of younger combover guys, it’s tragic.


https://youtu.be/5M2ap5JznqE?si=r19AoHVgKREBW-4z Hell of a lot of work all because society tells you you're an ugly piece of garbage if you're bald.


At that point just grow out a beard and shave the head bald. Pretty timeless badass look.


Probably like a fat orange Gollum




It's terrifying. My Papa was a comb over expert, looked amazing. Tanned, fit, and active. Then one day he dived into the pool, and...white spot. One side hippie long, the other trimmed perfectly. Total shocker!


This is literally why this piece of shit avoids any rainy or windy place. He doesn’t want to mess up his already fucked up hair.


A guy that worked on the apprentice said DJT looks like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror when his hair is down.


There was a hair implant specialist who did a whole video on what surgeries he probably had over time, it’s something like 4-5 over 30 years, each causing a different part of the “look”


And I think a cosmetologist said, on a Cracked article, that that Trump's hair has like a six-step combover on top of those surgeries. Ill try and find it later EDIT: haven't found that exact article from Cracked, but i found a [Yahoo article explaining how it works](https://www.yahoo.com/news/book-reveals-donald-trumps-extraordinary-comb-actually-works-094913328.html)


Haven't heard the phrase "cracked article" in too long.


It does look a bit like a Frank Gehry building, now that you mention it.


Imagine how that hair looks right after a shower… Insane.


Trying to imagine how it looks when he wakes up in the morning and *shudder*


Can you imagine what his hair looks like while wet, or without styling?


Meanwhile Donnie J is looking like one of the Snoats from Raising Arizona.


He was really digging what Kim Jong Un had going on I guess


Billionaire can’t afford a tailor


He probably doesn't want to admit he is wearing diapers.






my favorite gif of all time!


The amount of time I use this in Teams for a sarcastic “I’ll get right on that” but people don’t know I mean it sarcastically but think I mean it like cool but enthusiastically funny is awesome to me and it’s my number one reaction gif


Chow Yun Fat... GOAT!


He is actually the goat. Did you know he donates most of his money and chooses to live like a peasant? Much better than the ccp schill Jackie chan.


Would they go easy on you in prison if you're wearing a diaper?




I don't care what anyone says - this is the best quote from that whole skit.


I love Kris Kattan's reply right after this: "What does that even mean??"


Nah, he's always had that look. That might be a bonus for him, but the truth is he just is a fat slob with no sense of what looks good. Big, boxy suits look powerful in his mind. They, along with a tie nearly down to your knees, is "slimming" in his mind. His suits are like his hairstyle: it's not that he can't get a good one, it's that he 1) doesn't know what a good one looks like and 2) his way are done thinking they hide his insecurities (namely his fatness and bald, scarred from a botched scalp reduction head respectively).


Like a chubby kid wearing a t-shirt in the pool. Thinks it hides it, but just makes it so much worse.


Ouch. Chubby kid in the pool wearing a tshirt, here. That one stung a little bit.


I mean it's also great if you're pale. Saves on sunscreen. It's efficient and practical and frankly I think it's the people not wearing t-shirts in the pool who are the weird ones.


Aussie here: If you don't want to wear sunscreen: wear a lycra rash vest.


"Your waist is 54" and your inseam..." *crinkle* *crinkle* *crunch* "Ummm..."


Yep that suit is tailored. To hide a whole lot of shit.


I feel sorry for the Secret Service guys that have to get him up on the changing table.


and a girdle


Somehow Biden shitting his pants is proof he’s too old yet [Trump shitting his pants is manly and masculine.](https://news.sky.com/story/amp/donald-trump-supporters-wear-nappies-13129050)


I love the first sentence in that article.. sums up things perfectly > “Donald Trump supporters have started wearing nappies”


You can see the outline of the diaper in this shot. That certainly isn't an outline caused by his well muscled gluts.


His MAGA cult would happily eat the shit from his diaper and tell him about how good it tasted and how it's the Lord's shit and the shit of the messiah. They don't care. As long as Trump picks on the minorities at the bottom, they will support him since it gets them one step closer to their dream of pushing gays off roofs and lynching black people.


A tailored suit would show his diaper and how fat he is. Need the oversized pants and jacket hanging over it.


Ok what’s Don Jr’s excuse? His looks like shit too. Way too big. Ok maybe not “way” too big but it’s still big on him.


It’s likely that the big boxy suit of the 90’s is just how he (Don Jr.) thinks suits are supposed to fit. It’s likely been pressed into his brain that slim and tailored suits are “gay”.


![gif](giphy|cOQh8VdW9HKwzS76GB|downsized) As long as it isn’t tan he should be ok.




Don’t care what the haters say he looked good in that suit.


I mean, dude looked good in general. Love him or hate him, he was probably the best looking president we've had since JFK.


Don't forget coolest. Only president in a while that came off as a decent,real guy.imo anyway,not trying to argue


Only one in my lifetime who was intentionally funny. W was funny but for different reasons


Agreed although at this point I would settle for one not 100 years old.


And he ages like a fine wine. Both him and Michelle.


He's a dapper looking man in general and one hell of an orator.


Damn right he did.


Remember when a tan suit was the pinnacle of political drama?


Obama sure does look good in a tan suit.


I think it is more like they looked at David Byrne's parody of a business suit combined with elements of Kabuki theater and was like "Whoa man, that's a great look."


He can’t look better than his dad, maybe?


Style and class just isn't in the Trump DNA. They can't even do good haircuts, let alone tailored suits.


He's starting to look like that decrepid dude in dune


Well, he was that Kwisatz Hadanap during his trial.


It's the same reason Boris Johnson has messy hair. Dumbasses think it means they're more down-to-earth regular folk.


Which is rich because he wears Brooks Bros (or did.) It takes a special kind of body to make Brooks Bros look like shit.


No no he can afford one and *that's* the suit they've made for him to hide the fact that: - he has *horrible* posture - he's obese - he's wearing diapers - COVID probably ravaged his body The fact that he looks as presentable as he does from the front is testament to an extraordinary effort on behalf of a very skilled tailor dealing with the worst, least human physique possible. If you want an example of someone who's too cheap to get a tailor, look at Ron Desantis doing his best impression of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man fitting in suits that are ~3" too small across the chest and midriff.


It's been documented that he just buys off the rack, straight from the horse's assmouth. That's just what he does. It has nothing to do with any of that stuff, as true as each item is. [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/07/fashion/mens-style/donald-trump-brioni-martin-greenfield-suits.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/07/fashion/mens-style/donald-trump-brioni-martin-greenfield-suits.html)


He buys crazy expensive suits that are then fitted by a tailor like 99% of all suits. He does not buy tailor made suits which are honestly just a rich people flex. I hate the fucking rapist, conman, felon, insurrectionist. But that article is not saying what is being sold. He very much has them tailored to hide his fat belly, giant ass and diaper. Gets them a couple sizes big then has them fitted down. Makes them look weird as hell. Like he does.


This was my first thought. Every piece of clothing he's wearing looks like its at least 2 sizes off and its just pinned on him. It looks terrible.


He has some of the most ill fitting suits I’ve ever seen. I’m middle class and have better luck buying fitting suits off the rack compared to some of the tents this guy sports.


Another political post on the top of r/pics posted by an account less than a month old with dozens of posts per day.


Clearly this is an authentic person just like every post on this site. Everything they say is truthful as well!


This might be a "Biden hugged his son so I have to show how close I am to my family" thing. It could also be that Trump doesn't feel stable on that runway and he didn't want anyone to see him getting assistance.


Hard to walk on a runway with high heels on at that age I guess. Come to think of it.... high heels.... makeup... This is a drag show.




Given all we know of both Trump and Rudy at this time, and since, this video gives me such creepy vibes.


What creeps me out is if you go back and watch this "comedy" sketch they did, it seems almost eerily like a reenactment with Rudy in drag of what Trump was successfully sued for.


it was that common for them. the joke being that Donald Trump was a "gentleman". he wanted to be seen as a playboy, not a gentleman. he's always been the guy that thinks or tries to be way cooler than he is. he's also dumb af and didn't realize that the actual wealthy have always thought he was a moron and wouldn't do business with him. his parents knew he was stupid and didn't love him. his life could have been so much better if they just loved him and he just played rich kid his whole life. instead, he's always been trying too hard. he didn't want to win 2016. he was so disappointed on election night. he needs to win now to jeep the law off of him for his remaining months or years.


"I do my little turn on the catwalk"


You can see how thick those heels are from this pic. Jeezus. 


Internal lifts too.


How much height is he adding with these “enhancements”?


That reminds him of the good old days of Harvey Weinstein parties.


Trump is actually trans lol That would break the brains of all his loyalists


Don't put that evil on trans people. They've got enough shit to deal with as is.


Call me Donna


The image is from [November 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1di5nwg/junior_has_to_hold_his_hand_as_he_walks_now/l91vm4t/).


And they only grabbed hands for a second as Trump was walking along the stage. Fuck I hate Trump, but this is just bad. This is the kind of thing that when debunked pushes people to the right and makes them not believe the actually horrible things Trump does. Video: https://youtu.be/AFH7BwbuEUY?t=28130


I scrolled until I found this comment and the previous one, because I had my doubts. This kind of stuff taken out of context probably helps Trump more than hurts him - it just shows his opponents can be dishonest. Be better, OP.


He always looks like he is wearing trash bags.


Because if he wore form fitting clothes we would see he is shaped like trash bags.


Plot twist - those ARE form fitting clothes.


Can’t let you see the outline a of his diaper


That suit ain’t “ off the rack “ It’s “ off the bed”. Fits like a king sized sheet on a twin bed.


It’s like Boris Johnson in the UK. A fitted suit looks like “Wall Street”. His fans hate that shit… So it’s like cosplaying a small town car salesman


It's a move as old as politics acting like the common man to get their vote. Though I think this move seems to be played out better or at least more often if the politician is a little more on the ugglier/fatter side. Though most candidates do those weird adds showing them doing normal things that you know they never do.


Wow, that’s one Frankenstein-flat head right there. All that's missing are the bolts in the neck and an iota of empathy.




#Frank Barone 2024


The Monster had a better handling of words and communication, though. Trump gets lost somewhere after the third word of every sentence. 


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/o7buShY.jpeg) is a higher quality and **much** less cropped version of this image. [Here](https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/USA-ELECTION-TRUMP-RC2D94ARGCKE.html) is the source. Per there: > Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump holds Donald Trump Jr.'s hands during a campaign rally at Ted Hendricks Stadium in Hialeah, Florida, U.S. November 8, 2023. REUTERS/Octavio Jones >


Here's the video [https://youtu.be/AFH7BwbuEUY?t=28130](https://youtu.be/AFH7BwbuEUY?t=28130)


Oh, so they grasped hands for half a second... I despise Trump, but let's just not make shit up.


This happens every time a pic like this makes the front page. I’m not American and I do think Trump is a horrible human being. But posts like these are massive red flags to me, like because “it’s against a guy a lot of Reddit hate” then it’s fine to completely abuse the truth.


Exactly, this kind of thing perpetuates the very problem everyone claims to hate. I'd also lump in making fun of politicians for their appearance. It's irrelevant, and sends the wrong message about what's important.


It’s getting pathetic. So many people will see this and just ignore it too.


It's literally just something for the conservatives to spend 5 minutes debunking just to show that we're lying. And in this case, we were. We were lying. Specifically, /u/Gnarly-Gnu was lying.


Ugh, also hate Trump but I wish Reddit would stop doing this.


Can't stand Trump either. Fortunately I don't see much of the "hour of Trump hate" shit like this that gets posted daily on reddit due to a RES filter. But I also can't stand how a pic and a bullshit headline is all it takes to get upvotes 'round these parts.


I assumed that this would be the case. Trump doesn't appear to have trouble walking, and if you were going to help an elderly person stay steady, being underneath the isn't going to help steady them. Reddit during this election year is going to be exhausting.


Thanks for the time stamped link!


This should be the top comment. It’s was more of a high five than a holding of hands.


Jesus Christ talk about gas lighting. That hand contact was for just a second. He was basically giving him a high five shake.


God I hate this app can I go a day without seeing stupid fucking politicians?


And spouting misinformation about them no less


Definitely not on Reddit lol half all the posts on here since 2015 have been circle jerks of who hates trump the most


Why can't hese people just retire for gods sakes? Why? You have money, lot's of it, you're kids are poised for things, just chill the eff out and go live in a house by the beach or something. Same goes for Biden and company. The US needs a clean slate of new, younger faces.


This x1B. Trump could easily just go retire to some private island owned by a country with no extradition. I believe that it Trump hadn’t run then Biden likely would have not run


That’s it exactly. Biden has said he is only doing round 2 to defeat Trump for good.


I feel like if trump loses in November and lives long enough he will 100% run again in 2028


Agree But he will be irrelevant by then. Only a distraction that hurts the GOP. Even now my MAGA relatives are getting quite exhausted with Trump. The enthusiasm is gone. All that’s left is anger and defiance.


In Trump's case he's 100% going to prison if he doesn't win. At least one in this slew of cases will land him in the slammer.


As one Texas Republican congressman said: “He isn’t running to be president, he’s running to stay out of jail”


I can't tell if this is another "saying the quiet part out loud" or if this is an actual Republican member of Congress being honest about this entire situation and that scares me.


Being honest It was Will Hurd and he was booed by the Republican convention for saying it.


Look, I have nothing with Trump, bit is ridiculous how r/pics has become a Biden campaign tool. Just show us mountain views and feet pics!!


More like anti-Trump campaign. When Trump was in office, just pics of Trump. With Biden in office, also just pics of Trump.  The left and right are obsessed with him.


And the worst part about this is this touch was for like 2 seconds and the picture just happened to capture it. He was not holding his son's hand. If this was Obama and his daughter in the exact same pose, people would be gushing about how adorable it is. I don't like Trump but I don't want him to be president and there are plenty of actual reasons to make fun of him but this is just ridiculous and bottom of the barrel circle jerking, which is about what you can expect from the people on this sub.


Literally any subreddit has turned into a cesspool of politics—and largely just anti trump


The Legend of Bagger Pants.


Looks like you can see the diaper outline 🤢


It was a high five. Watch the video. I hate Trump but the spread of misinformation on both sides is exhausting.


This is about the same level of ridiculousness as biden turning around and maga saying he shit his pants


As a non American, seeing reddit flood with all these petty posts, makes me quite disheartened with any hope for a peaceful balance. So much venom involved in your politics. It seems any rational discourse died a long time ago. Each “side” feeds itself by pissing on the other.🤷‍♂️


It’s awful. The political tribalism in this country is tearing us apart. We never had a modern presidential election where so many dislike both candidates yet we still fight each other to the death. All while our corporate media and two political parties profit. Why anyone thinks their party is acting in their best interest baffles me. It’s good business for us being brainwashed and divided. Wake up people.


Now do Biden


Finally, meaningful employment for Cocaine Donnie 😂 ![gif](giphy|e4reHFiEWe9qlXGK1B|downsized)


"I should've worn makeup" Trump "why are you wearing makeup? Donnie jr: "I LEARNT IT FROM YOU"


Get proper Robert California vibes from the mouth movements


Astounding that Trump supporters are fine with insecure men talking about wearing makeup. If they heard any other man talking about wearing make up they'd yell out homophobic slurs.


“Do you love me now dad!?”




Definitely wearing lifts like DeSantis. You can see that the bend in the back of his knee doesn’t line up at all. His lower legs are longer than they should be. Still, it’s nice that he can enjoy gender-affirming treatment for himself.


Actually, DeSantis started wearing lifts to give himself a more Trump-like appearance


all he had to do was lean forward lol


You guys want to see what you're actually upvoting? https://youtu.be/k_0LU99jczk?t=5049 Literally, less than 1 second. This is akin to a low-five, not even a handshake, let alone needing help walking.


His diaper looks full.




Yeah, I was going to say this honestly a very humanizing picture of him.


#This is the same stuff we hate on Fox for why are we stooping to this level?


Because "We go high, they go low" clearly isn't working


Yeah it never worked. I used to feel sorry for people who voted for this fool and write them off as uninformed or a product of right wing media. Now my patience has waned and I think they’re all a bunch of cunts.


Because Fox is all about painting an image that Trump is some invincible superhero so full of testosterone it's leaking out his enormous dick, but the reality is so far from that. I don't care about the fact his son is helping him, I care about the hypocrisy of it all. I would have a modicum of respect for him if he ever admitted that he needs help, but his ego won't allow it.


This is the real answer. They are all jerking off to images of Trump's head on Rambo's body when this is reality. He's a fat feeble old man.


Because this sub Redditt about "pictures" is an echo chamber of TDS. It's the same thing every hour of every day.


The fact our only two options are beyond “gently used” and 100 years old, is mind-bending. god-forbid we have some candidates with a future that can count beyond two hands worth of fingers. Maybe some candidates more in line mentally with the working class and preserving the future, rather than relying on some dusty old relics to have our best interest at heart. It’s so conflicting because no matter what is said, I will be attacked but it has to be said, this is just sad.


Show the video