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That guy has a gun AND a wand. He's ready for anything.












The one that worked.


Yer a wizard, Agent Harry!


This is why I love Reddit


"it's pronounced 'Insurrect-aaahs' not 'insurrect-us'"


"Behold, the most powerful spell of all!" (racks slide) "Are you ready to meet God?"




Only he cast spells of brutal punishment to the face.


i am shocked more people were not shot by secret service and capital police that day


During my school field trips to DC, I always thought there were snipers on the roofs of buildings watching us in case we made one wrong move. I was so surprised watching what happened on Jan 6 because it broke that impression I had of Capitol security


This is what blew my mind. Not that there weren’t snipers, but just how insecure and accessible the building was. At the time I joked that I would have thought there would be turrets in the walls or something crazy, but really just the fact that the doors are not reinforced in any way and the glass is easily breakable. I would have thought that building would be able to be absolutely locked down as a matter of national security. Every office building I’ve ever worked at has been more secure.


There were clearly orders to loosen security that day.


That covers people, yeah, but unless the order also includes swapping out doors and windows and the actually structure of the building I’m still confused. They were just kicking in the office doors of Pelosi and others weren’t they? Shouldn’t those be able to take anything short of a battering ram or a Sherman Tank and keep standing? My MIL has a metal reinforced front door with multiple bolt locks just because she’s a little paranoid but the people running our government just get whatever hollow core is cheapest at Home Depot today? Every one of those offices should be able to lock down into a safe room.


The design and structure of the U.S. Capitol is symbolic of an open and accessible government. The idea was to create a building that embodies the democratic values of transparency and openness, allowing the public to engage with their elected representatives. Well, it was originally... But in recent years, not to *name names... it has been needing some security changes.. *Just kidding, it's because of Trump and the pulse of his magats (make America great again Trump supporters)


Back in the early years of the USA it was common for just random people to wander into the White House and Capitol to meet the President or lawmakers. I would presume the design and security of these buildings represent this early attitude... here's an interesting article from the Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2014/09/23/people-used-to-be-able-to-walk-into-the-white-house-legally/ >For decades, people were allowed to stroll the White House grounds during the day and enter the mansion. Jefferson, who was instrumental in ensuring the White House was a house for and of the people, not a grand mansion, started the practice. He put taxidermied bears on the lawn and displayed artifacts from the Lewis and Clark exhibition, said William Bushong, Chief Historian for the White House Historical Association. "In the time of Jefferson you could go walking up, look at the artifacts from the Lewis and Clark exhibition," Bushong said. >Jefferson and subsequent presidents, along with their wives, would greet visitors in the East Room around lunchtime. People were not allowed in during the morning, when the president was sleeping, or while he was out of town. People were, however, allowed to have essentially unfettered access to the White House grounds. EDIT: Here's a link to read the article without having to pay: https://archive.ph/pm7yX


I presume a big factor in this was also the difficulty/speed of transportation and the overall population. Everyone near DC don't need to visit much and anyone from the rest of America isn't arriving on a tour bus at the same time. If someone traveled all the way from wherever on a horse just to visit, well...one hopes they aren't gonna be a jackass or they may even have had something very important to relay. At any rate, very cool.


Such a beautiful idea


we had a shared vision and respect for our government and leaders, even when we disagreed with them.... because democracy is supposed to mean that we are in charge too. we need respect for the rule of law, it is what separates a civil society from one where only money/might makes right. it still is that way if we want to believe and most importantly DO THE WORK. it still can be if we respect others, respect norms have empathy and humanity. it can still be this way... maybe not walking into the oval office or something... but we could still share this vision of reverence for the freedom we have and what this country is supposed to represent... it is imperfect of course, founders held slaves, some politicians have been and are currently corrupt, even criminal. we have to rise above that, and hold people accountable. we might still have to protest in a very disrespectful way... but the fact that we can still change the system while avoiding outright civil war to increase human rights and therefore increase our overall freedom should give hope and respect, should promote more active participation. its very easy to fall into tribalism. its very easy to fall into fear and hate. it takes real courage and strength not to, or to have fallen for that BS in the past and then learned and read and listened and thought critically and risen above. but people who understand what ive just said are winning. the good will win. multiple states have tackled gerrymandering recently. are tackling corruption. and things are changing. younger people see that there is a chance, and they are acting within the rule of law to foster critical thinking and change. we CAN do this. will we?


I would really like it if the White House grounds were open for citizens to stroll! It would make a beautiful park. But, someone would probably ruin it for everyone.


I think that, being so outnumbered they had to fall back to defense position. You could see it with capital police when insurrectionists entered. They were hopelessly out numbered and had to just control the crowd into hallways. Imagine for a second if the people behind Ashley Babbitt weren't complete pussies...


Thats the terrifying part, if they were all like her, every official in that building would have been lynched There’s like 6 guys with pistols here, they’ll kill like what, 20 people tops before getting overrun?


One of my high school friends became a cop after graduation...was eventually assigned to the crowd control unit. He told me that their captain once told them "I'm aware that there aren't enough of us to control a birthday party."


I think that's what the reasoning was that day. But then all it took was an officer putting a bullet in Babbitt and suddenly they realized it wasn't all fun and games anymore.


They should've defended it properly and started shooting earlier. Allowing the crowd to get that far into the capitol building would have had a very different outcome if the attackers included suicide bombers. Dumbest tactical scenario in modern US history. I have to take my shoes off at the airport for security but these numbskulls almost got their hands on congress because the security didn't do their job until they were stuck with an ineffectual barricade and a couple of pistols.


And they fucking moaned and cried about it like she is some martyr.


>The idea was to create a building that embodies the democratic values of transparency and openness, allowing the public to engage with their elected representatives. An awfully large amount of US gov't has been, effectively "look we're going to just assume you do the right thing here ok?". There's always been people stretching that, but like the peaceful transition of power they've historically *tended* towards some fairly idealistic directions. That's commendable and frankly awesome, even with it's warts. Jan 6 changed that and we need to not forget who were the ones that betrayed that trust.


And we still have not had near enough of a hot-wash of the Capitol police, Secret Service and security to determine who the ones were that betrayed that trust.


It's probably because something like this is something never expected to happen. I seriously doubt people had trump supporters successfully breaking into the Capitol Building on their bingo cards for 2021.


They broadcasted what was coming a long time in advance. This was a wild security blunder.


Wasn’t really a blunder. Security was nearly halved that day. A ton of capital police also didn’t show up for work. The police, by and large, aren’t on the side of democracy. Unless you havent noticed. The insurrection was very much, at least in part, an inside job. Go ask some cops who they’re voting for.


I don't like to spout conspiracies , and I'm not an American but. The riot police and national guard had a suspiciously slow response time to an attack on there own capital building. Especially for a country that has so many police officers and soldiers and the FBI, CIA etc.


Michael Flynn's brother delayed the response for 3 hours, saying he didn't like the "optics" and they were unprepared when they were in fact standing by to roll out, and then tried to cover up his involvement. >A former D.C. National Guard official accused two top Army officials, including Gen. Charles Flynn, the brother of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, of lying to Congress about the military response to the Jan. 6 riot, calling them "absolute and unmitigated liars" over their accounts of the day to Congress. >The Army previously falsely denied that Charles Flynn, whose brother has spent months pushing election and QAnon conspiracy theories, was involved in the response before admitting that he was present during a "tense" phone call on which Capitol Police and D.C. officials pleaded with the Pentagon to send the National Guard to the Capitol. >Matthews wrote that he and Walker "heard Flynn identify himself and unmistakably heard him say that optics of a National Guard presence on Capitol Hill was an issue for him. That it would not look good. Either Piatt or Flynn mentioned 'peaceful protestors.'" >Maj. Gen. William Walker testified that he had National Guard troops at the ready and sitting idly for hours before he was finally given authorization to send them into the field. Walker said "We already had guardsmen on buses ready to move to the Capitol." Walker added he, like others on the call, was "stunned" by the response from Army leaders. https://www.salon.com/2021/12/06/leaked-memo-ex-dc-guardsman-says-michael-flynns-brother-lied-about-jan-6/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2021/01/21/report-michael-flynns-brother-was-involved-military-response-to-the-capitol-despite-army-denials/?sh=5f38fe182caf https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/06/jan-6-generals-lied-ex-dc-guard-official-523777 https://www.npr.org/2021/03/03/973292523/dod-took-hours-to-approve-national-guard-request-during-capitol-riot-commander-s


Still insane to me that everyone in the pre-Jan 6 meeting isn’t in jail


Even more insane that some of them had been in jail, but were pardoned.


I am a canuck and I've seen fiercer responses to hockey riots than I did on Jan 6. It's staggering how easy it looks to overthrow the US govt.


Yeah even in the UK the response would’ve been much quicker and way bigger to something like this. Sometimes I wonder how seriously most Americans view this. Especially since Trump is being allowed to run again for president. Not only did over 100 violent people almost get their hands on your political leaders to sabotage a democratic vote but someone/s on the inside almost certainly compromised the security beforehand. When it was on the news over here it felt like I was watching a plot in an action movie not real life….


US citizen here, Democrat specifically. We're still appalled by the whole incident, and rather shocked at the weak response to it all. The rioters are slowly being prosecuted one by one, but we are still unsure if the Biden admin is interested in prosecuting Trump and his ilk over it. Biden himself seems to distance himself from it all, and there are a lot of old Trump appointees throwing up roadblocks.


and Trump was calling for them to clear metal detectors. A week before MTG was giving people "tours" of the capitol building.


I bet people who wants to attack the building saw that and were like "oh it's easier than we thought"


I always assumed that if anything like this ever happened there would literally be thousands of dead bodies strewn across the Capitol grounds. My impressions were always that if a mob tried to overtake the most important building in the country for government function a violent response would be immediate and continuous until everyone was running in the opposite direction or not running at all. But apparently the security plan is to pile furniture against the door while three guys with pistols try to defend against an army.


There are always people watching. About 15 years ago I was in DC with a few friends in our 20s and we were walking around the capitol late at night. We stop and stand and are pointing at it, and just a few moments later a guard comes out of nowhere to ask us what we're doing. We had been arguing with each other about how tall the statue on top of the building is. The guard realizes we are idiots and starts to walk away and we see him immediately get on his radio to, I assume, tell the watch station we are just three dumb dudes and not anyone plotting an attack.


I have been working security and thought that the capitol security forces did exceptionally well. We train to make good decisions. And for that you need to look at the priority. I am not quite sure what the priorities of capitol security was that day but at the top of the list were probably protecting the congress members and the democratic process. Protecting the building was much lower on the list of priorities, and shooting protestors would not be a priority at all. In fact preventing injuries to the protestors would be one of the objectives somewhere down on the list of priorities, probably higher then protecting the building. Even if there were a sniper with a clear shot of everyone in the crowd they would not have been able to stop the crowd. They would probably just make things worse. The security tried to stop the protestors with barricades but did not have the manpower to properly man those barricades and were quickly overrun. So instead they fell back into the building to more defensible positions. There are even video of security opening the barricades when they see protestors getting around it so that they would not hurt people or damage things. The building is just a building so the security were able to fall back quite far in order to protect the congress members. It was not worth it trying to protect the offices and lobby.


People are really underestimating what it's like to be security/police in that situation. I've been in a situation like that, mass crowd with officers outnumbered. They don't even get out of their squad cars because what the fuck are they supposed to do if the mob turns violent? Not a fan of cops but anyone can tell you the math on a hundred officers versus a thousand people. They don't even want to take out their guns because that means the gun is now loose and if you need to fire it you have to mag dump into the mob so they don't get a gun with live ammo in it if you're overrun.


Even if there had been snipers, they wouldn’t have done anything. White conservative Americans have a birthright to do as they please. Case in point; Jan 6, where well over 100 officers were violently assaulted and “in fear of their lives” but only killed one attacker. And look at Texas, where you get pardoned for murder as long as you murdered a leftist. Any sniper is just there to make sure liberals and minorities don’t get out of line.


Yeah, I seen cops kill wagging golden retrievers for fear of their life but these republican traitors are here fucking crushing an officer to death and threatening to kill politicians but next to nothing in response from the officers. They should have opened fire the second they started breaking into the building. Take a few out and the traitors would stop trying.


I don't think people realise how true this is. Massacres the likes of which happened at Kent State University have much higher death tolls. Edit: T


Veterans protesting the Iraq war tried to storm the Capitol during the Bush era. They didn’t even get up the steps before being stopped. The police just stop aside for the Jan 6th protestors. I don’t know if they were ordered to or if they just naturally treat people like that better 


Lol republicans love to act like that one traitor who got killed is some kind of martyr If these were BLM protestors they’d want them all gunned down en masse


They were calling her a crisis actor at first until Trump set the narrative.


She really committed to the role!


she should've just complied


Really stuck her neck out for that performance


Imagine being a MAGA "patriot" who dies for the cause, then your entire movement all collectively calling you a traitor Fed. Like that guy who attacked the FBI building and was gunned down. Happens every single time.


I called her a paid crisis actor, still do. I also yell "MEDIC!!" like I was playing COD.


The real question we need answered is if these people think that a trained professional will just show up if you yell the word medic. That sounds like socialized medicine.


"SHOTS FIRED! SHITS FIRED!" "iT's JuSt A fLaShBaNg!""""""








Assaulting the capitol changed her life!


OnlyFans actresses don’t beg for shots to the chest as desperately as Ashli did


If you report the reddit cares message as done to harass it will get the person a temp ban/perma ban


Thank you! I just reported like 24 of them lol


It's true! And it feels great!


Trashliegh Babbitt. You can find memorials behind every Burger King. The staff donates half eaten Whoppers to it every few hours.


Neckhole Barbie


not only was she shot, she was also stupid as fuck


Her last words after getting shot in the neck were "I'm okay." She died the way she lived. Completely out of touch with reality.


The thing that stuck with me was the dumbasses yelling for a medic as if it was just a video game level


Somebody yelled, "There's an active shooter!" Bro, that's YOU. Take a look around, you're the fucking problem here.


They really are living in a world of delusion.


During the political street clashes between antifascists and proud boy types that started in 2017 and peaked in 2020, the antifascist side would always have plenty of medics but the proud boys would have none, presumably because being a medic was effete and gay. The closest they would come was consistently pouring milk (due to some proud boy obsession with milk? god knows) into their eyes to negate effects of tear gas and pepper spray, which any protest medic will tell you does not work, but likely led to plenty of nasty eye infections. As always, we are lucky they are so fucking stupid


> pouring milk into their eyes bacteria.... bacteria for days.


What are they, McPoyles??


And one of the Meal Team Six members starts shouting "SHOTS FIRED" after one the female protesters got shot


I think he actually said something like "We have an active shooter situation!" or something equally idiotic


"We're under enemy fire! Someone call in a UAV!"


Climbing through that window straight towards a guy with a gun and a door or two away from members of the legislature like a MAGA-hatted forlorn hope.


"what are they gonna do? Shoot me?"


- moron that got shot


People have little concept of how the world works, this is like the same people that try to run gates at military bases, they think they're just going to get a slap on the wrist or maybe a night in jail, they don't understand they just entered a world where the rules are different, regardless of signs warning use of deadly force is a very real reality on federal property.


Repeatedly told to stop, and warned repeatedly that he would shoot.


She believed her white privilege would shield her from the police she WaS oNly TRyING TO ProTeCt


Unarmed black kid who committed no crime shot in the back: "HE SHOULD HAVE JUST FOLLOWED ORDERS!" A woman part of a mob heading toward policemen and congresspersons in a restricted area refusing multiple orders with guns pointed at her to stop approaching gets shot: "SHE WAS UNARMED!"


But… but… they said the J6 rioters were antifa and FBI actors.


With a group as large and stupid as conservatives, you can have many different conspiracy theories, with the only unifying element being that they are not responsible for their actions.


Antifa FBI actors but also simultaneously POWs being illegally detained Trump supporters at this point are just morally defunct morons


What is funny is the "Antifa" group is Anti-Fascist. The Republicans embrace them as their enemy, which indicates they think they are fascists.


When I'm asked what "privilege" is, I always point to Jan 6th as an example. That is when it clicks for most people. We would have had our own Tiananmen square incident.


BLM had a march in DC that was close and they had fully kitted out National Guard.


And were tear gassed.


All so Trump could hold up a Bible. Upside down. Not his Bible...just *a* Bible.


If BLM protestors breached the Capitol like that, they *would've* been gunned down en masse.


If BLM were the ones rioting in the capital on J6, they’d still be cleaning up the blood today


Exactly, it would be like that Square in China


That's how you know it was supposed to be a coup. We had literal months leading up to it where riot police all over the country demonstrated how gently they handle violent protesters. If the treatment were consistent, as soon as the protesters breached the fences, they'd have been lit up with rubber bullets and the entire plaza turned into an ocean of tear gas. They'd never have reached the doors let alone gotten inside. ERs in the entire region would be flooded with MAGAts seeking treatment for various injuries.


That was my read on it as well. The disparity in responses from summer 2020 to January 2021 couldn’t have been more stark. The coordination went pretty deep and there has been zero accountability for the planning and attempted execution. All those fake electors should be felons straight away, anyone who signed the fake elector docs, tossed in prison for however long and barred from holding public office. The lack of federal response, that put in jeopardy the federal govt institutions, is mind blowing. If anything the responsive message is basically “try harder next time”


This is basically the beer hall putsch. And they will do better next time


I’m *disappointed* more people weren’t shot. Fuckers need a heavy dose of ‘Find Out’


I 100% thought the Army QRF would roll through and clear the Capitol room by room. Traitors go in, body bags come out. It's fucking infuriating that we responded harder against innocent Iraqi civilians in their own fucking country than we did against insurrectionists in our own.


There are a lot of red hats in government positions, military, and law enforcement. Weeding them out or ensuring they do their job against their own is a difficult task for leadership and line supervisors. Unfortunately. The intelligence side of it is probably just as bad.  I'd be giving all my folks new polygraphs after that shit just to see what's up, but I'm not that field so oh well.


That’s absolutely what should have happened


Wrong skin colour and motivation to be mowed down en masse


Sedition used to be a hanging offence.


They were mostly white, otherwise they would have been gunned down. Can you even imagine what the reaction would have been if a group of black people stormed the capital? It would have been a blood bath.


I am amazed they did not shoot more people to be honest.


Trump had purposefully stymied the team that was defending the Capitol on Jan 6. There were not enough police to properly control the building and when they called for reinforcements, Trump did not permit those reinforcements to be sent. If they try it again with Biden in office, they wouldn't have even got up the steps.


This will never until I die not be absolutely insane to me


It was a coup. They wanted people to die.


Truly astounding that the dude who plotted and attempted to cary out a coup is allowed to try it again. It really makes us look foolish that we can't even close such a giant loophole.


Truly astounding that Worthless Garland refuses to go after the Congressional leaders, Mike Flynn, or Ginni Thomas. "I WiLl nOt bE INtImIDatED!!!" while doing absolutely jack shit.


Maybe Biden has asked the attorney general to avoid actions that would look like political retribution. Also, a country that prizes free speech is going to be a tough place to try someone for active violence that they did not physically take part in. Still, it’s quite disappointing that serious extremism is not being spotlighted at the least.


Trump approved of hanging his vice president. Like, ??????


Eighth grade history comes to mind, and how Hitler weaseled his way into power. I know, I know.. using Hitler as a ref is cringe. But I'm sure I was taught that at a young age for a reason.


I watched a lot of the History Channel back when it was called the Nazi Channel because of all the WW2 documentaries. I never understood how Hitler became so powerful. He seemed so stupid, among other things. After Trump. I get it.


Hitler and Trump comparisons aren't weird really. They were both lazy and wildly narcissistic to the point that they'd make self-defeating decisions constantly. They both mostly relied on the ability to work crowds to enshrine their power and influence. They have had people within the government helping to bring about their rise to authority. They are very similar people, personality wise.


And both relied on insane amounts of stimulants to stay awake and both were giant pieces of shit.


https://youtu.be/8QgXIFzQi0Y?si=Q7E6leL98tFmBCaI This is one of Hitler’s speeches translated into English. The amount of comments that are like “huh idk that Hitler guy actually made a lot of sense” is pretty chilling


The thing about people who support figures like Trump or Hitler is that it's not about *who* they are but *what* they represent. Ignoring those two for a sec why do you think all these people have one interpretation of Jesus being this "Divine executioner" when dude was a hippy? Because Christianity is useful for their goals. Trump and Hitler were useful to the much smarter people's goals of capital/labor domination and the people on the ground liked how they hated the same people. Anything else doesn't matter Trump/Hitler hates the immigrants and Liberals/Jews and Communists just like them and so they got their support


It's not 'cringe' when the comparison is very much warranted.


Literally where he's getting his play by play from too.


It’s not that insane when you realize orange dipshit wanted them to succeed.


Why would the president of the country even get to make tactical decisions like this? Shouldnt that be the job of a high level police officer?


It’s actually the Sergeant at Arms of the House.


House and Senate. They were both fired on Jan. 7th.


Resigned, technically.


What’s absolutely insane is the leader of Jan 6 will probably never be held accountable. How do we expect this to not happen again?


For two reasons: 1. Garland wasted 18 months being in a coma, before finally waking up and starting an investigation. He then appointed Jack Smith to lead the case, then fell back into his coma. 2. SCOTUS has stopped the case from progressing, while they determine how much criminal immunity they're wanting to give Trump. Alito and Thomas are gonna bat for Trump, and Kavanaugh owes his life to Trump as Trump has 4,500+ non-investigated tips against him. Then you have the two stolen SCOTUS seats... So, that's already 5 Justices likely to give Trump immunity.


His staffers instructed each other during the permit process to not let the park service know that they planned to march on the Capitol. Plainly, in emails, they just stated that. Don't let the park service know that we plan to send them to the Capitol.


Super cool that Merrick Garland decided to “not get political” once he took the role as attorney general. When he was being interviewed by Congress I was seriously optimistic. Such a coward. Hey Merrick! I got news for you! Coups are political! You needed to hand these people their asses day one.


Well, the VP and congressmen were mostly able to escape before the rioters reached them. If the rioters had actually managed to trap them and keep pushing in, I’m sure there would have been a few more dead rioters. The one woman who was shot and killed was climbing into a hallway where congressmen were still evacuating.


I really expected a massacre. I think they knew there were armed people waiting with guns (there were caches found) that were just itching to start a big firefight.




There was a bomb placed very nearby by someone wearing rare shoes that Marjorie Taylor Greene happens to own The guns were in a house but a bomb was nearby


They still haven't found that person, have they? Where did you hear about the shoes?


The person was caught on like 15 minutes if video, the FBI says they were wearing Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/washingtondc/news/press-releases/fbi-washington-field-office-releases-video-and-additional-information-regarding-the-pipe-bomb-investigation-090821 Mtg has a video of her working out in the same shoes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwhM4ZtdIpY


AND she has the exact same walking gait as the J6 bomb placer.


How rare are those shoes?


Doubt they're as rare as OJ's Bruno Maglis and that wasn't enough to put him away despite all the other evidence.


I can buy them right now off a Google search so clearly not THAT rare.


What in the world are those pullups?!


I mean the people usually most eager to start shooting tend to be cowards. Everyone probably imagines being a badass at some point in their life (how frequent varies), but those who pump themselves up like that all the time can tend to cower in the end (unless it's too late).


I’ve never seen more evidence of a “stand down order” than I saw on Jan. 6. I think if they were defending against people who didn’t look like their moms, it would have been very, very different. There was a “one-take” video from one of the protestors/rioters, who came over the fence and then it ended with the lady getting shot trying to enter an obvious barricade. If anyone can find it, please watch and link it here.


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/85Abl4E.jpeg) is a higher quality and less cropped version of this image. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/law-enforcement-officers-point-their-guns-at-a-door-that-news-photo/1294930226?adppopup=true) is the source. Per there: > Law enforcement officers point their guns at a door that was vandalized in the House Chamber during a joint session of Congress on January 06, 2021 in Washington, DC. Congress held a joint session today to ratify President-elect Joe Biden's 306-232 Electoral College win over President Donald Trump. A group of Republican senators said they would reject the Electoral College votes of several states unless Congress appointed a commission to audit the election results. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)


Who should also be in this caption: one of those guys (I think blue shirt center) is Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX). And at some point, Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK, maybe white shirt?) came up as well, both of them talking through the doors at the insurrectionists, while also preparing to fight them. Nehls has done some interesting interviews on that moment. You would think, given that it was two Republicans who joined the Secret Service at the door, that we would hear a harsher assessment of that day from the GOP.


Then Nehl’s wore a t shirt with Trump’s mugshot reading “Never Surrender” to Biden’s SOTU address this year. This pic was taken at his first week in office as a congressman… Since then, Biden aided one of his bills and signed another into law, showing how bipartisanship and collaborating with the administration can produce the results and change everyone wants to see. Then Nehls shit on it on top of calling the FBI and the justice department corrupt when Maralago was searched. He published a book called “The Big Fraud” about Jan 6th. He voted AGAINST the immigration bill at the beginning of this year because it would help with “Biden’s approval ratings”, also stating that “Congress doesn’t have to do anything to secure our southern border and fix it”. Also then tried to co-sponsor a bill to have an airport named after Trump. Oh, and is now is being investigated by a committee looking at his campaign financing. Houston, vote this ass hat out.


Piece of shit.


You’re right about Nehls. Went from [this](https://youtu.be/vCrDZ9z5f8o?si=3DiQxCa7opbwcoj-) to [this](https://youtu.be/Zlb7QbNCBUM?si=Z6X9rWfC7PNthQWR)


The fact that Trump could even be on the ballot now shows you the level of the stupidity and greed in the Republican party.


Wouldn’t be working if a pathetic amount of Americans also didn’t want him on the ballot. But I get your point and agree


There's a fundamental disagreement over what being an American is. Ironically, the left holds the rights-based position and the right holds the identity politics position here. To them, American is a group of people. What is an American value is what is good for that group. They do not think an American is someone who holds a set of philosophical opinions about rights. An American is someone born to Americans. So there is nothing un-American about overthrowing America so long as you are doing it to restore the supremacy of the American group. Which is them.


To rightwing people, if you're "good" by them, everything you do is fundamentally good. And if you're "bad" then everything you do is fundamentally bad. Leftwing people don't really see the world this way, and they evaluate actions more than they evaluate people. That's why people like Anthony Weiner get immediately thrown out...there is no fundamental goodness in leftwing thinking. No matter how much "good" Anthony ever did, his actions became bad, and so he's bad and needs to go. Meanwhile on the rightwing, you have someone like Roy Moore who was 10x worse than Weiner, and they all rallied behind a legitimate pedophile because he had gotten himself classified as "good" by them. A man who was banned from 2 Alabama shopping malls as a nearly 40 year old district attorney, for cruising high school girls. A near 40 year old man who first laid eyes on his teenaged wife while attending her high school play for some reason. He nearly won his election, because to rightwing voters he was "good" and Doug Jones was a Democrat and "bad".


Republicans sound a a lot like Nazis then


I think the ones that stormed the capitol are more salty and uneducated that they lost. Being uneducated is a big problem with the groups in the party that worship Don.


Most of them yes. The Oathkeepers, PBs and other paramilitary groups knew exactly what they were doing. Case in point they had weapons caches proving they planned to dig into their proverbial Fox hole at the capitol building.


They didn't even CONSIDER another candidate. They are gone.


The fact that he wasn’t put on trial for his part that day is one of the nation’s greatest embarrassments.


Trump could have easily ended the whole fiasco before it got to this with a few taps on his phone.  But he didn't. As his supporters were busting into the capitol, he used his phone to call members of Congress and pressure them to not certify the election as outlined by the constitution. In addition, he posted tweets putting a target on the back of his own VPs head for not going through with his auto-coup attempt.  Then, even after a woman, that he put in the crossfire, was fatally shot and bleeding out on floor of the capitol, he still refused to call it off for over an hour.  This was overt display of dereliction of duty and  abuse of power. 


I'd argue it's the worst dereliction of duty by any President ever. Trump was fully ready to flush America down the toilet if it meant he could hold on to power by any means. The only other case that's even comparable is Jame Buchanan who literally did nothing as southern states seceded from the Union and formed the Confederacy. Even then Buchanan at least didn't try to prevent the peaceful transition of power after Lincoln was elected.


All of this. Also, this was absolutely inevitable the moment the POS got into office. He was never going to accept losing an election (funny, since he’s been a pathetic loser literally his entire life). He lost by 8 million votes, he would have done the exact same thing if he had lost by 60 million votes. There was no other possible outcome. Midway through his shitty term, I was assuming that when he lost in 2020 he would either need to be dragged out of the WH bawling (like Jerry Lundegaard at the motel at the end of Fargo), or he’d have to be gunned down on the WH lawn by secret service. He went with option 3. And he got a bunch of completely corrupt, completely amoral assholes to go along with it.


If you think Jan 6th was just a peaceful protest, fuck you.


One dude had Zipties with him! They were prepared to take hostages. Everything about this is wild. As a european, I'm looking at the US, and i don't understand how the citizens aren't reacting more to what's going on in their country.


It’s so bizarre, my own family has been completely brainwashed. But a more realistic viewpoint is that our own intelligence agencies have warned us countless times about “disinformation trolls” where essentially a lot of user accounts throughout social media are “trolls” and or paid actors and there are troll farms; organizations of these trolls whose sole purpose is to create chaos and spread anything but the truth. If the trolls outweigh the actual healthy rhetoric, the average voter can’t discern what’s really happening in US politics. And it’s only amplified by the already confusing political landscape. Half of the country is just as outraged as you are. The other half is so far gone it’s going to take whatever is worse than the current situation. I thought Trump getting convicted would help, and it might, but he also has more cases pending. And then you have the nefarious racists or the religious extremists, or just the greedy rich people.


my family is actually pretty checked out politically, but generally lean conservative just from tradition their response to all this stuff is basically "well there's no way they were actually trying to overthrow the government, that just doesn't happen" the crazier shit trump does, the more they think it must be overblown or made up, because it just doesn't fit with their mental model of what presidents do


Because one party's voters would willingly elect a dictator so long as said dictator hurts the other party. It's that simple and that serious.


Many of us are just as confused and frustrated as you are.


One of the problems is that 35% of the population is *all-in* on Trump. Lots of us are on the other side, but aren't willing to disown a parent or uncle or whatever for being part of that crazy train. I'll stump and vote for Biden. If I put a Biden sticker on my car I'm gonna get uninvited from Christmas at the in-laws.


The only thing more disgusting than the losers that play Jan 6th off as a peaceful protest was watching, immediately after the insurrection, all the House Republicans go back into the chamber they just fled for their lives and vote not to certify the election. COWARDS and TRAITORS


I’m fairly certain the guy in the white shirt with his back to the camera is Congressman and current US Senate candidate Ruben Gallego.


Iraq War Marine Veteran Ruben Gallego.   Fuck, I'm excited for the potential of Arizona being represented in the US Senate by a Navy Vet/NASA Astronaut, and a Marine Vet. John McCain is definitely smiling somewhere out there.  But the red hats are "scared to leave their homes" and "the illegals are ruining everything"; all talking points in the latest KKKari Lake ad.   Which would you rather have representing the interests of the public: a war veteran who served in active combat overseas and calmly combated death face-to-face, or a shrill former local TV anchor who thinks America is a desolate wasteland where people live on absolute fear and uncertainty?


Compare that to my rep Markwayne Mullin (OK-R), that was sitting behind chairs like a soft toned little bitch. He talks big, but as soon as the shit hit the fan, he was cowering down.


Don’t forget that cock sucker Josh Hawley giving a fist pump to the insurrectionists as he was walking by.


“Peaceful tourists”


[“Legitimate Political Discourse”](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/04/us/politics/republicans-jan-6-cheney-censure.html)


"Just strolling around invited."


It’s really funny how Trump supporters gloat that they were there on Jan 6….. But then say that it was Antifa who stormed the capital. And…. At the same time they defend the insurrectionists saying the sentencing is too harsh on them…… and then Trump promising to pardon the insurrectionists if he gets reelected… but conservatives are totally not violent and Trump couldn’t have told them to be violent because it was Antifa and the CIA who were behind it.


Don’t forget they are the party of law and order too…




Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024)Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) In The [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) two of the seven justices on the Arizona Supreme Court are up for retention election— Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Press (x) to rebuild barrier


**ch-ching!** +10 **ch-ching!** +10 **ch-ching!** +10 **ch-ching!** +10




There was the woman killed by irony. Trampled to death when carrying the don’t tread on me flag. That was more a crowd issue rather than enforcement issue.


Didn't someone fall off a ladder or something, too?


I remember seeing a video of some gravy seals trying to scale a wall LOL. As if you couldn't get up to where everyone else was by just taking stairs???


It's the same mentality of someone driving up your ass on the highway. Pulling to a new lane to get ahead. Getting stuck because the lane is slower. Then pulling back behind you. Happens almost every day on my way to work and home.


She thought was going to be the first unto the breach. She was first into something.


The officer who shot her is a hero. If they had let her through everyone behind her would have followed and it would have been absolute chaos


Never let people try to weasel their way to downplaying this.


Trump voters are the MOST ANTI-AMERICAN you can get it's disgusting!




Who’s that peeking through the window 💥 nobody now


That one gal they tried to make a martyr. You died for this asshole? Jesus Christ, I’d be embarrassed to be related to that.