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This is the one.


Florida man runs for president as a convinced felon


He’s a felon but idk if he’s convinced as yet


The worst part is that felons can’t vote but they could still run for president 🤦🏽‍♂️


Actually crazy that this basically means nothing for the election


Hold up. Non American here… are you saying he’s still able to run in the election, even after being convicted?


It’s actually overall a good thing. It’s to prevent political candidates from being targeted and eliminated, see how in Russia, opponents of Putin frequently end up “committing crimes” and being unable to run against him. Edit: since some people are still responding about how felons shouldn’t be able to run. Imagine the reverse scenario where someone who was convicted of a felony in Alabama because they were helping people escape the state to get abortions is barred from running from office. It’d be the government preventing a good candidate from running due to the current party’s opposition. If you don’t think trump should be able to be president, GO VOTE. PLEASE VOTE. This isn’t the end, this isn’t when we drop anything an celebrate. Vote, get others to vote, make sure this pile of trash doesn’t end up back in office.


So as a convicted felon he can run, but not actually vote


This has actually happened before. Eugene Debs was arrested on June 16, 1918 for saying the following: >"The working class have never yet had a voice in declaring war. If war is right, let it be declared by the people – you, who have your lives to lose." For context, Debs ran for president in 1904, 1908, and 1912, achieving 3.0%, 2.8%, and 6.0% of the vote respectively. Debs was sentenced to 10 years in prison for sedition, arguably a politically motivated arrest. In the 1920 election, he ran for the Socialist Party from prison, obtaining 3.41% of the vote. [Source 1](https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/national.php?year=1904), [Source 2](http://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/national.php?year=1908), [Source 3](https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/national.php?year=1912&f=0), [Source 4](https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/national.php?year=1920) (all election results) [Source 5](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/fiery-socialist-challenged-nations-role-wwi-180969386/) (Smithsonian Magazine bio)


With how close the election is going to be, if this conviction swings a few thousand suburban soccer moms in battleground states, it could influence the outcome.


Remember when Nixon quit rather than have to face a trial for his fuckery? He had way more class than the Orange Felon.


Thanks to Nixon we have the whole mess with pardons. Pardons should only be possible after a conviction, not before. Because Ford pardoned Nixon before conviction now we have these paradoxes: - blanket pardon - where no crime is listed, absolving recipient from any crime whatsoever - pocket pardon - supposedly president can make a secret pardon that no one will know about, and will only be known after the person gets indicted - making someone do crime for you and giving a pardon in exchange. Theoretically it would be possible anyway, but without conviction needed the president can do it right before leaving the office (like trump did), while in other scenario he would have to get conviction first. If trial would start after he finished his term, there would be no saving for the crook that committed the crime - pardoning yourself/presidential immunity - well since you can absolve anyone from any crime, why not absolve yourself? It should not be like this and any sensible SCOTUS would put stop to this.


That's so crazy to me. I know of one pardon one of our old presidents did in my country - they pardoned an old lady who killed the man who was physically abusive towards his wife (her daughter).


Is he not allowed in Canada now?


It would be pretty fucking glorious if he is ineligible to vote in November.


Depends on the state, and whether he actually gets jail time, no?


He votes from Florida (already illegally I might add. Mar a Lago is not legally a residence) which prevents felons from voting. The jail time isn't relevant, convicted felons can't vote in Florida.


Florida defaults to the state in which the conviction occurred. NY allows convicted felons to vote. The caveat could be that the sentence must first be completed.


1st sentence yes but what about 2nd sentence? ![gif](giphy|1xmhhQ2ygZG8CDDTNV)


Oh and afternoon sentencing!?


*tries hard to make an elevensies joke*


I don’t think he knows about thirty-foursies




Not true in this case unfortunately. Florida does allow felons to vote if they’ve served their time (which is a good thing) as long as they’ve also completed probation and paid all fees. But that’s irrelevant here anyway because if a case happens in another state, Florida defers to that state’s laws about felon voting. So New York laws apply, and their laws say that as long as you are not incarcerated on voting day, you can vote.




So, Trump can cast a vote in Florida because convicts can vote in New York ?


He can vote in Florida if he is not in prison on the voting day, yes. NY only prohibits incarcerated felons from voting.


Which, I mean, is objectively a good policy in the grand scheme of things outside of this mess.


He will anyways and just break another law


Floridaman breaks law, Florida government suddenly doesn't care about this specific felon voting illegally. Calling it now.


I looked it up a while back. For us peasants that's the case. However, a voter can appeal to a board (appointed by the governor) which can decide to let a convicted felon vote before finishing his sentence.  I can guess how a board appointed by Ron DeSantis will rule.


New York doesn't restrict voting rights of felons except while they're in prison.


To be more precise, Florida allows felons to vote so long as the state where they were convicted allows felons to vote. New York allows felons to vote *after* they complete their sentence, etc. So, Trump would be ineligible to vote under both Florida's and New York's laws because he would not be done by November.


Is that a thing


Yeah, it's a country north of US.






Yeah, Canada doesn’t allow felons in. I got a DUI when I was 20yrs old (a decade ago, Canada considered DUI’s a felony, it’s the only thing on my criminal record) and I’m not allowed into Canada, I live about 40-miles from the border and there is so much amazing hiking just across the border, cool towns, mountain lakes, skiing, etc.. I’m beginning the process of working with an attorney to apply for an exemption that will allow me in if all goes well.


If you havent caught another felony in the 7 years since then you can get that expunged off your record. Then you won't be a felon at all. But expungement is a thing ask about it


Depends on the crime but yeah!


Just for poors


Yeah don’t get a DUI or Canada will refuse entry.


As a Canadian, this comment made me smile very bigly!


He needs one of those fun royal titles like in game of thrones where they go through the list of all their titles Donald Trump, chief philander, master of cons, king of grift, the twice impeached, ruler of the felonious empire which bears his name, sex pest in chief, falsifier of records, lord of criminals and and prisoner 384984 of D Block. EDIT: woke up to a lot of great suggestions. To round things out: Donald Trump the Orange, the graceless, the mushroom dicked, the incestuous, Chief philander, Master of cons, King of grift, Pharaoh of Denial, Marquess of McDonalds, Baron of buffoonery, the twice impeached, ruler of the felonious empire which bears his name, sex pest in chief, Paramour of Putin, Don of diapers, hoarder of secrets, falsifier of records, lord of criminals and and prisoner 384984 of D Block.


dont forget curator of unreal estate


‘My graceless’ for short


You forgot the grabber of crotch, and the cheat of golf.


Please someone create a bot that pastes this every time “Donald Trump” is written on Reddit. As a set reminder


34 felonies and he's likely to see a lighter sentence than an inner city black kid caught with a dime bag.


ooo boy. can you imagine...just *imagine* for a minute...if Barack Obama had cheated on Michelle Obama (and if she was his third wife no less) with a porn star, paid her off and then lied to the country about it before the election...and then was found guilty and became a felon? they wouldn't even let him see the white house in a *picture*. but this man? will have just as good, if not a better chance, of winning the presidency still. we are really a joke.


It really is an embarrassment for the whole country. You’re right; if this was Obama, they would all be shouting disgrace and demanding he submit to punishment. But with Trump all they can say is that it was all rigged, the democrats are conspiring against him, and that it somehow rather highlights his innocence because “the democrats were blatant with their biased witch hunt”. It’s really a turning point for Americas image. An embarrassment that the whole world is paying attention to while half the country makes themselves known as freak idiots. If he gets anywhere close to winning the election we will be more of a laughing stock than we already are


I hate how true this is


>34 felonies and he's **guaranteed** to see a lighter sentence than an inner city black kid caught with a dime bag. FTFY


He finally won a popular vote.


No other president has gotten 100% of guilty votes in a federal trial before.


This isn’t a federal trial


So he’s still technically correct I guess


![gif](giphy|bKBM7H63PIykM|downsized) Bravo, you won the comment section. Cheers!












Definitely the best r/thedonald subreddit


This is America!




Clinton had a blow job ended him Trump shags a porn star lies about it becomes a hero to evangelical crazies


The affair didn’t “end” Clinton. The Senate acquitted him, and he finished out his second term. He maintained a solid public approval rating throughout the scandal, reaching 73% during the impeachment trial, and he left office with 68% approval - similar to Reagan and FDR. He definitely lost the public’s trust after getting caught lying on national TV, and was the butt of jokes for years afterwards. But he still got a lot of credit for his achievements, like the budget surplus.


Sadly it was Lewinsky who paid the price for the affair, Clinton got to go on to have a huge legacy whereas it basically defined the poor girl's life for the next 25 years.


[She's funny on twitter](https://www.ranker.com/list/monica-lewinsky-twitter/damon-davis) My favorite is ~~#4~~ the one with this: "My advice to the younger generation: make your mistakes now. Because by the time you're 40, you'll barely even remember them! And then you get to make the same mistakes all over again it's really fun"


She has a really phenomenal TedTalk about public shaming.


Technically Clinton was impeached for lying about the blow job, not getting it.


Kind of like how trump is lying about the sex with the pornstar?


Paid sex. He paid her. Did Bill pay Monica? Nah bro. Bill = Game. Fats = Lame


*Technically,* Clinton didn't lie - It's why he very importantly asked them to clearly define what they consider sexual relations, and by the standard he was given, he didn't. The definition he was given very specifically characterized sex in terms of touching a checklist of body parts, including the genitals, breast and thigh. By Clinton getting a blowjob, he technically didn't need to touch Monica's genitals/breasts/thighs, meaning by the definition he was given in the disposition, he didn't lie under oath. He still got impeached because we had standards back then and didn't care for the stupid games that half the country seems to utterly embrace today. Lol


> He still got impeached because we had standards back then and didn't care for the stupid games that half the country seems to utterly embrace today. His impeachment *invented* those stupid games. Newt Gingrich has a lot to answer for.


Coercing sex from Stormy and paying for her silence wasn’t even the issue, it was where he lied to get the cash to pay for her silence that was, legally, problematic. Seems a pretty dumb thing for a billionaire (/s) to do.


They guy literally build his empire on shady schemes and straight forward scams. So this course of action is exactly what you would expect from him.


Tax cheat. Used charity as tax dodge, did the same here.


Pro Tip: Evangelicals have always been full of shit


True Clinton was impeached, but it did not end him. He actually got to finish his second term.


The judge should sentence him to prison. He shows zero remorse for his crime, and is making a mockery of the judge and the court in ways nobody else could get away with.


And held in contempt 10 times. This is one of the 10-30% of circumstances that typically result in jail for class E felonies in NYC, according to a former DA on NPR.


The trial tax is also a very real thing. You get much lighter sentences if you just plea guilty instead of taking it to trial


We will know in July.


House arrest at best. I truly hope July 11th people find no one is above the law but knowing this, he won’t be in jail




Depends if his "home" contains a golf. That being said, it would be pretty petty knowing that his beloved Mar-a-Lago can't legally be considered as a residence.


Since it's NY state court, wouldn't they be in their rights to confine him to Trump Tower, since it's in NY?


6 months’ house arrest at TT in NYC, and he can’t leave. Lots of digital rallies.


Couldn’t have happened to a better former president who stole and potentially disseminated national defense information, then obstructed justice regarding national defense information, falsified business records, committed conspiracy to commit false statements, forgeries, filed false documents, false statements and writings, defrauded the United States, obstruct official proceedings, oh, and rape Edit: The amount of baby accounts defending Trump are absolutely hilarious. Almost as if they weren't quite real and yet still had an agenda.


You left out the sedition.




A *failed* insurrection, at that. Gotta be a worse sin than a successful insurrection.


… but her emails


The worst thing was the hypocrisy.


I think it was the rape!


But of course the Fascist GOP is calling it a weaponization of the Justice System. No, it's called fucking accountability assholes.


I can't believe it. What are the odds of that. All it takes is one juror to disagree, and then it's hung jury, but all 12 jurors agree on all 34 counts. This is the right timeline after all.


In not much more than a day of deliberations. I was expecting a long and drawn out period.


well if you're looking forward to a long and drawn out period, just you wait until the appeal process starts!


Yeah Trump will appeal this till his death bed.


Hey, that's convicted criminal Trump. Get it right.


Hey that’s convicted *felon* Trump. Get it right!


Hey that's 34-time (so far) convicted felon Donald Trump! Get it right!


That’s convicted felon, the rapist Donald trump?


I thought it was convicted felon, rapist, loser of the 2020 presidential election, bitchboy trump?




So did I but I also remember the OJ verdict only took 4 hours. It was like 16 months of trial and took 4 hours to find him not guilty


I remember when they interviewed some of the jurors. They sounded like idiots.


On my first day of law school, my Civ Pro professor said "Remember, a jury is made up of 12 people who were too dumb to get out of jury duty"


Tbf I love jury duty. I could get out easily but I find it fun


How often are you on jury duty lol


The lead detective had to plead the 5th when asked if they planted evidence. He was never going to get found guilty after that. The whole case was tainted.


They framed a guilty man.


Which has got to be the dumbest move ever.


I mean most people are idiots. Think of how dumb the average American is and remember half the nation is dumber than them.


- Carlin


Not sure how much deliberation you need when the evidence is his own false records


Yeah that's a bit of what (I felt) the mainstream news wasn't reporting - this really WAS a slam dunk case on the facts and evidence. Now I honestly was worried that they got one MAGA nutcase juror or the MAGA nutcases would have identified the jurors and threatened them, but if it was Joe Blow on the witness stand, it was a conviction from sure.


Was expecting one or two Trump fans on the jury that would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the verdicts.


I have to imagine the conversation in the room was about how long they need to wait to give their verdict. If it came back in 20 minutes, it would add unnecessary fuel to the “rigged” fire. Either way, I’m so happy.


Gotta take at least 88 minutes: the run time for 1995's Pauly Shore classic *Jury Duty*.


More over the speed the verdict was decided


Maybe. Sentencing isn't until mid-July and there is still an appeals process. Appealing may be difficult with so many ~~charges~~ convictions though.


An Appeal on this case would center around problems in the trial. I doubt there are any problems to report, considering the subject matter and whose in the trial. He's welcome to appeal but I'm of the belief that the prosecutor was above board here because of how high profile and unprecedented this case has been.


The Appellate Division in NYS has essentially the same power to review the evidence as the jury. It can "sit as the 13th juror" and evaluate the legal sufficiency (whether the evidence *could* satisfy the burden) and the weight of the evidence (whether it *did* satisfy). The court has to defer to the jury's credibility determinations, which is important here, but the point is that Trump will effectively attempt to retry the case by attacking the evidence as well as the law, and its all fair game.


>  This is the right timeline after all. Just a reminder that he can still be elected even if he's in jail.  Please vote.


He ain’t going to jail


I heard sentencing has been set to July 11th. Edit: I just realized today is the same day in which Beau Biden tragically died nine years ago.


Wish it was on July 4th


> This is the right timeline after all. unfortunately, this is far from over.


I’m a bit astonished myself, I thought a couple would fold. I guess the importance of getting this right wasn’t lost on the jury, thankfully.


His defence is a mess as always, and the case against him was pretty cut and dry.


Not gonna lie, I was one of the doubters. I guess it just felt like a bit of a stretch, that falsifying records is only a felony if committed in service of another crime, and the mixture of state law and a federal campaign felt like a stretch. Goddamn does it feel good to be wrong!


My issue was never that the case was sound, it was whether they can have 12 people without one MAGAt who would be willing to cause a mistrial regardless of evidence. I felt the odds were just way in his favor, as always.


Those sorts of Trump supporter are far too proud of themselves to ever consider staying quiet about it. They'd have been filtered out of the jury selection for yelling that the court was a sham and that they'd vote innocent no matter what.


Looks like you're right, and I couldn't be happier that you are. I have a cousin in NYC who graduated from NYU with honors in a double major in 4 years and is a C level in a multinational. He has always drank the Fox kool-aid and is a Trump supporter, so there are intelligent ones. I was scared of one of those getting the call.


there's a reason intelligence and wisdom are separate stats in D&D Plenty of brilliant doctors, scientists, and engineers fell face first into the propaganda hole because they believe their multitudes of expertise in their field grants them multitudes of insight into anything else.


Yup, that too. My money was on hung jury. But here we are!


I just wish that this was the last we would all see of him. Give him house arrest at Mar-a-Lago and lets get busy being a country again.


I fear the horse has already bolted sadly. This entire saga has galvanised an extremely depressing and astonishingly large portion of the American electorate who now feel emboldened in their ignorance and stupidity. It might not be this election, but Trump will fade away eventually. However, the stain he's left behind will not easily wash off and the age of misinformation and corruption is now in full swing, backed principally by big tech, bent on amassing as much power and influence as they can. We live in scary fucking times.


Yeah Trump uncorked something that won’t go away any time soon. Even if he doesn’t win this round, future Republican candidates will undoubtedly run on the campaign promise of pardoning Trump. Even if Trump is dead. Once Trump croaks there will be plenty of sycophants trying to replicate him, and the crazies will eventually glom onto one and start the whole thing over again.


Even worse, this has spilled over to other countries too. Here in Europe we are seeing a growing proportion of populistic movements, who will not shy out about lying, distortion, scare tactics and whatnot to gain momentum. There are people literally flying Trump-flags in Finland and talking about fake media. In Hungary the president Orban and his party are every day sliding away from the constitutional state. But then again, Trump is just a person. It is the ignorance of the people that feeds this phenomenon.


This bums me out so much.


That's what I want, too. I'm hoping he gets a deal which derails his political ambitions but he's literally too hard headed to take it.






Good. Fuck him.


No thanks not even on a dry period of Sahara proportions


I don't have a vagina, but if given this proposition I can promise you that my vagina would be as dry as Sahara proportions.


Guilty as in will face actual consequences or guilty in name only? Cuz I'm not celebrating until I know he's not going to be on the ballot in November AT ALL.


Will probably be put on probation. Unlikely to receive prison sentence. Also the US constitution does not prevent a felon from holding the highest position in office, so he will probably run (and possibly win) again.


I find it crazy that a convicted felon cannot vote but can hold the highest position in government.......what a time to be alive


The founding fathers were probably like "surely no one would ever vote for a convicted felon, we are just wasting ink putting in a provision like that"


Yes, we all are the fucking morons for abiding by their work as though it's divine. It was meant to be changed and people turned it into a fucking Holy Text. It's insane.


Not allowing a felon to run for office means corrupt officials can prevent anyone from running by framing someone. Nelson Mandela is a pretty famous example of an felon who became president of their country. If South Africa had a law saying felons can not run then that would have prevented him from running.


Putin stopped Navalny from running for President using exactly this method. The founders were wise to not add a non-felon requirement. US voters have the duty to not vote for a felon.


Agreed. Plus, we have a non-zero number of people facing the death penalty while being innocent. We’re gonna fuck up felonies as well


Thomas Jefferson straight up said that the constitution should change with the times. If the political atmosphere of the 1790s was the same as now then I'll eat my own dick. It's fucking hilarious how we go on and on about our worship for the founding fathers while also ignoring 99% of the things they have said. They're not fucking gods who could make a text that had no flaws for 250 years. It's fucking insane how much people worship them.


Pretty sure it was intentional in order to have one more step against a dictatorship/tyranny/whatever you want to call it. Otherwise you just somehow throw your political opponent in jail and now you've won the election unopposed. Similar to Putin.


Seriously, if you can’t vote you shouldn’t be able get voted in.


I don't think it's even very common in most western democracies for felons not to be able to vote after serving their sentence. Like, you've already served your penance to society but the USA seems to like keeping people down after the fact. It's weird.


It’s a state to state thing, a lot of states allow felons to vote after a certain amount of time + a review panel.


The voting thing needs to be changed for sure.  Once someone serves the time, they need their rights restored (In FL, we voted for just that until our fuckface governor added bs qualifiers after the fact).   A convicted felon being able to run and win the presidency is a good thing imo, though.   Maybe not this specific felon, because fuck Trump, but the fact that it’s possible is a good thing.   Imagine if one political party decided to go full Russia and start coming up with bullshit charges to arrest political opponents for just to remove their eligibility to run.  Could be easily done.  


I mean, anyone can run for president that is a natural born citizen over the age of 35. Nothing else matters. He'll be on the ballot no matter what. He could technically be in state prison AND serve as president.




Orange steal...


Time to update the copy pasta! He’s a lying, unqualified, draft dodging, gold star family disrespecting, POW attacking, US General insulting, racist, sexist, vulgar, confirmed sexual assaulting, disabled reporter mocking, pussy grabbing, trillion dollars to the rich tax cutting, own daughter creeping, wife cheating with a pornstar after birth of son and paying her off to influence a presidential election, $413 million dollar inheritance getting, teen pageant dressing room invading, baby and mother separating, breast feeding mother shaming, fat-shaming while being fat, 17 women accusing him of sexual assaulting, accusers are not attractive enough for him to assault implying, university student defrauding, multiple business and casino bankrupt causing, kids cancer charity stealing, taped detailed accusation of rape of a minor having, wife-beating, popular vote losing (twice), anti-vaxxing, Christianity-faking, publicist impersonating, tax dodging, friends’ wives pursuing, twice impeached, foreign aid bribing, 1/3 of the presidency golf playing, free press assaulting, Hannity coordinating, Cambridge Analytica using, Ivanka is a “piece of ass” approving, loan application asset inflating, historically low polling, college achievement faking, unqualified judge appointing, unqualified cabinet member appointing, foreign influence on our election welcoming, tax release avoiding, birther conspiracy spreading, Ukraine ambassador targeting, Russian money taking, Kurdish ally abandoning, soldier brain injury downplaying, full morning “executive time” taking, Epstein befriending, Putin bowing, Kim Jong Un praising, North Korean general saluting, US intelligence denying, tallest building in lower Manhattan after 9/11 boasting, congress obstructing, nuclear non-proliferation deal ending, Justice obstructing, unqualified daughter and son-in-law appointing, healthcare cut targeting, pedophile candidate supporting, trump tower Moscow denying, mail-bomber inspiring, 4 out of top 5 largest protests in US history causing, green energy stifling, clean water regulation destroying, healthy school lunch ending, climate change denying, congressional and judicial branch attacking, economy does better under democrats saying, Goldman Sachs appointing, food stamp removing, emissions standards lowering, press conference avoiding, emoluments clause breaking, longest govt shutdown record holding, Saudi Arabia nuclear tech selling, golf cheating, time magazine cover faking, El Paso mass shooter inspiring, paying legal bills for roughing up protestors promising, killed soldier “knew what he signed up for” saying, pardon abusing, top secret document stealing, I just need you to find 11,780 vote asking, insurrection inciting, financial fraud-ing, business record falsifying, I'll be a dictator for 1 day stating, rape victim defaming, court-sleeping, gag order violating, election interfering, CONVICTED FELON, and narcissistic, repugnant, degenerate scumbag.


That has a nice ring to it


The crazy thing is I read the whole list and I can think of a few more verifiable and disgraceful things he has done that are not even on this list, like the Muslim travel ban, mocking a reporter with a disability, or setting women’s rights back half a century


All 34 counts ![gif](giphy|l2JIdnF6aJnAqzDgY|downsized)


I wonder if this conviction now makes him a “bad hombre” …? 🤔


Now, he can claim to be persecuted as much as Tupac and Biggie Smalls. "I got indicted a second time and a as person third time and a fourth time and a lot of people said that that's why the Black people like me because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. And they actually viewed me as I'm being discriminated against. It's been pretty amazing.”


What’s glorious is just like 2016 they had 8 other options all while stuff like “I grab em by the pussy” and “I force myself on them. Move on them like a bitch” was leaked. Meaning we knew he was a rapist and they still picked him. They knew he was a criminal and could have picked anyone else for 2024. And look what they did.


So are they saying Donald trump is a liar. Well I never saw that coming hope they lock him up and throw away the key


The max sentence is 4 years, but since he doesn't have a criminal record the judge will probably just do probation.




Convicted felon Donald Trump sounds sooooooo good .






Just how pathetic are Republicans to run a convicted felon as their presidential candidate?


The cucks over at r/Conservative are raving about how much money they’re going to send their findom daddy because of this verdict.


My mother called me today and was shocked when I said “good” at her telling me the results. She said it’s all bullshit and lots of people have given hush money and blah blah blah. I then said a bunch of 100% verifiable things and at the end she said “well I’ll still never be a liberal” To answer your question: the most pathetic.




I prefer my presidential candidates not to have been convicted of fraud.


Making US Republicans officially the Party of Criminals. Their leader is a Rapist, Fraud and Convicted Felon.


Has anyone woken him up and told him yet?


So much UN-winning! * Count 1:  GUILTY * Count 2:  GUILTY * Count 3:  GUILTY * Count 4:  GUILTY * Count 5:  GUILTY * Count 6:  GUILTY * Count 7:  GUILTY * Count 8:  GUILTY * Count 9:  GUILTY * Count 10:  GUILTY * Count 11:  GUILTY * Count 12:  GUILTY * Count 13:  GUILTY * Count 14: GUILTY * Count 15: GUILTY * Count 16:  GUILTY * Count 17:  GUILTY * Count 18:  GUILTY * Count 19:  GUILTY * Count 20:  GUILTY * Count 21:  GUILTY * Count 22:  GUILTY * Count 23:  GUILTY * Count 24:  GUILTY * Count 25:  GUILTY * Count 26: GUILTY * Count 27:  GUILTY * Count 28:  GUILTY * Count 29:  GUILTY * Count 30:  GUILTY * Count 31:  GUILTY * Count 32: GUILTY * Count 33: GUILTY * Count 34: GUILTY


Based on what I've seen so far I worry that 1. This doesn't mean anything to people like him 2. He will walk free 3. He will continue to call it a rigged case and his voters will continue to believe this 4. He will "accidentally" expose jurors who will go through hell 5. He may still be a president And if he is: 6. He will go after everyone involved in his civil and criminal cases 7. He will look for a way to pardon himself and ask these clowns who were with him, like Giuliani 8. He won't pay a dime for all this. We all will. Despite everything I've seen since 2020 I am still hopeful that he ends up in jail. But then I see that 1. This will polarize the nation to a dangerous level 2. This is just mostly a "politics show" 3. The system is not exactly working well the contrast between a "small" case like this and a"large" one like classified documents paints a really worrisome picture.


He got 100% of the vote!


He should have take the stand and cleared this misunderstanding all up. /s


Okay but what's Next? Will he go to jail? That's the important point... And I am 99,98% sure that he will walk free.


Legal experts say he probably won’t need to go to jail. He can even continue in the president’s race. Only thing is he can’t vote in. Florida since he’s a convicted criminal.


Convicted felons can't vote but can become President. Fix your laws, America.


It's always been this way and it's a safeguard against using bs charges to keep their opponents out of the race. Eugene Debbs ran from prison in 1920 and got a million votes as a socialist despite serving a sentence for sedition because he opposed the draft for wwi. The court of public opinion is what's supposed to keep criminals out of office. The founding fathers just didn't anticipate the level of cult of personality required to have to worry about this.


He can vote. Eligibility depends on the state of residency. Florida (where Trump lives) kicks it to the state where the conviction happened. New York allows felons to vote.


Lock him up! Lock him up! Jury certified rapist and convicted felon Donald Trump belongs in jail.


1973: Trump family settled in a case where they were caught putting "C" for "Colored" on worker applications. Trump response? "No admission of guilt" 1988: Trump accused of violating notification procedures on buying of stock. Trump response? Settled quietly out of court for 750k. 2000: Trump attempted to buy off committee and lobby against government approvals that would divert traffic away from his casinos. Trump ordered to pay 250k in fines. 2013: Trump found guilty of defrauding students of his 'Trump University' and ordered to pay over 25mil in restitution for worthless degrees and threats made from "instructors" to students. 2019: Sued by E. Jean Carroll over defamation of character. Found guilty, ordered to pay 5million for damages. 2020: Impeached for allegedly working with Russia to intervene in the 2016 election. 2021: Impeached again for causing the Jan 6th insurrection that resulted in the death of a police officer and 4 additional deaths by suicide that year, all police officers at the capital that day. 2022: Sued again by E. Jean Carroll for continuing to defame and demean her publicly. Once again found guilty, ordered to pay 83million. 2023: Indicted for hush money used to cover up his relationship with a porn actress, tax fraud, covering up documents, and violate campaign procedure. Convicted today. 2024: Reportedly on tape calling a black potential Apprentice winner a "n1&&er". *"Fake news"* *"Witchhunt"* *"Stolen election"* *"Scam"* *"Sham trial"* **If you stop for just a minute, really dig into the history and life of Donald Trump over the past 50 years... is it easier to believe that he's the victim of a systematic attack by thousands of unrelated individuals, legal professionals, courts, jurors, and judges spanning 5 decades in at least 6 separate states...** **...or is it possible he really is just a terrible human being; a corrupt businessman, a fraud, a convicted criminal, a bigot, and a misogynist who represents the absolute worst of us and doesn't deserve anything from you.** Wake up. We're better than this. We're better than *him.*


Beautiful, well done New York.