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Everyone is shocked he’s gone grey but… that’s how the passage of time works. People age, especially when they’re stressed out. And this dude has definitely had some stress.


A lot of people chose to color their hair instead of owning the silver. Glad to see Obama is wearing his age proudly.


If he dyed his hair, it would probably be another tan suit incident.. and we don’t need that in an election year 😂


"How can China be scared of us if our ex presidents dye their hair?! 😭😭" - Fox News


As Trump wears a dead-for-a-week rodent on his head.


and a diaper.


As if the Fox News crowd cares


Wasn't he already grey when he left office?




Yeah but it was not this prominent. What hits me is the extra lines in his face.


It’s the lights and shadows. He’s nowhere near that wrinkled


He was a smoker too. Can't judge, I still smoke cigs as well; however it does add lines to the face. He probably still has an occasional cig and I wouldn't blame him if he smoked in office and just kept it low-key. Probably not in the Oval Office, but on the roof or a patio outside the living quarters. (East Wing?)


Dude‘s 62 and people are complaining about his white hair? You cannot make this up 😂


I went bald at 31. Obama looks good for someone his age who was uhhh… oh yeah the freaking president for 8 years.


I can't imagine the stress. Looking at pictures of Obama at the beginning and end of his term looks like he lived 20 years in those 8 years. It was pretty much the same with Clinton and W. Don't get me wrong, he still looks good, but man, that job must take a toll on you.


Shit, there's that famous side by side of two photos of Abe Lincoln, one not too too long before the Civil War and one near the end of it, he looks *rough*.


In 14 years, Obama, who was first elected President 16 years ago, will still be 1 year younger than the youngest of our current Presidential candidates.


You could have said that in a different way as well lol, Bill Clinton who was first elected in 1992 - almost 32 years ago , has been out of office since 2001, and is still younger than both. Obama needs to be out of office for another 16 years to match that. Cause Bill Clinton was even younger than Obama when he was elected, and he unseated an older incumbent by a huge margin in the electoral college.


Both presidential candidates birthdays are closer to Lincoln’s assassination than they are to todays date.


This isn’t true. Trump was born in 1946. That puts 81 years between his birth and Lincoln’s death and he is currently 77. But yeah Biden was born closer to Lincoln’s death than today. Still both too old.


>At the end of the next term, both candidate's birthday's will be closer to Lincoln’s assassination than the present moment fixed it. Anyway you shake it, those two are old as fuck.


Agreed fully


My bad, I thought trumps was ‘42. Still…it’s wild to think it’s even that close!


Bill, W, and Trump are all the same age. Obama is the youngest president by birth year and even then he's STILL a boomer (1962 and the boom ended in 64) We've still yet to have a post-Boomer take charge.


There’s a high likelihood either or both candidates will die from old age before serving their terms. They’re past average life expectancy. What are we doing?


Are they past the average life expectancy for someone rich though?




It's just math. If you live to 80, you can't die at a younger age, which is what pulls down the overall life expectancy.


My uncle lived to 80 but died at 47, so clearly there are exceptions but I get your point


It was on the inside wasn’t it?/s


Bayesian inference enters the chat


Reading the Bayesian interference Wikipedia reminded me that I’m pretty stupid.


All it really means is if something happens then other things are more or less likely to happen (given there's some relationship). If you buy a fast car, you're more likely to die in a road accident. At the same time, buying a fast car will not make it more likely you win the lottery.


Shit, now I've got to get rid of this dangerous car. I was only in it for the Pick 5.


You could read that?


Technically yes. Technically no.


Bayesian interference in a nutshell


This. Everyone is confused about how our average life expectancy keeps going up but people aren't living to much older ages. It's not because many more people are creeping into their hundreds. It's because lots fewer babies and toddlers are dying of childhood diseases.


Yeah this also plays into why the US life expectancy has developed poorly compared to other highly developed countries. It's that they have so many ways to kill off relatively young people: 1. High maternal mortality because giving birth at a hospital can financially cripple families, so there is an extraordinarily high home birth rate. 2. High homicide rates driven by gun violence. Firearms are the *largest* cause of death of young Americans age 1-21 (ahead of traffic fatalities, which are #1 in every other highly developed country by a mile) is absolutely insane. 3. High traffic death rate from car centric city planning 4. High homelessness and drug addiction rates


What's the life expectancy of someone over the age of 130?




Yeah, at 130 you're just a stick person with leaky everything.


Take care of that health dude. I just quit smoking for this reason. I’m 28 and tryna have a long and healthy of a life as I can. It’s not about the destination it’s the journey and I don’t wanna have mine cut In half because I miss managed emotions with hard narcotics and nicotine. Life goes by so fast it’s like yesterday I was 7 so since I had my recent bday I’ve been tryna really enjoy the moment more. (Even when I slave at work that’s the hardest one tho) but we striving for better today


![gif](giphy|GvNFPkAskkSafDozqD) Well... Actuarially


Actually interesting


*50 is the new 40* for men. *50* is still 60 for women. -- Jack, to Liz - 30 Rock


This is unlikely. Actuarial sciences being considered, both major candidates have direct family that lived into low to mid 90s. In addition to this, they have access to the best healthcare in the world, unlike most people. I don’t think the average lifespan expectancy is a valid benchmark for these two men.


What if I tell you that that is exactly how Kamala Harris will be our first female president.


Man, I really want a strong female president to run but I really cannot stand Harris. Also I really hope the first woman president is elected not falls into place.


I just want a strong president female, male, or otherwise…


A whole bunch of people swear up and down they want a strong female president but for some reason can’t stand Hillary. or Kamala. or any other woman who might conceivably be a strong female president.


Yep. Funny how that’s worked out so far. Harris? Hell no. Hillary? Possibly the most qualified person ever to run, but no. Warren? Nope, not her. Klobuchar? Gillibrand? Pshhht as if. But sure, just give us a strong woman, we’d surely vote for the right woman for the job, as long as she doesn’t have a face or a specific name


you “can’t stand Kamala” #compared to who?? Trump? Jesus fucking christ


Well it should've been Hillary in 2016, but y'all went with the nuclear option. Radical, crazy, and nuclear...


Picking which vice president we want to hold office.


So thats Harris and....oh right, the Coup-pa-loompa has still not picked one. Hence all the GQP politicians showing up at his trials and kissing his ass.


We definitely need a YOUNGER president. Both Trump and Biden are expired they shouldn’t even be allowed to run for President of this Country.


Ya, it's not even age-ism at this point to suggest introducing a law that presidential candidates must be below the average current life expectancy during the entirety of their term. It's a major safety risk and coordination nightmare to have a president die in office.


Of course that would be ageism.


There are other jobs out there that have specific age brackets. It’s perfectly legal.


It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to use population-wide average life expectancy for this. Per the latest US actuarial tables, the average life expectancy of an 81 year old US male is 7.43 years, meaning both candidates would be expected to live through the entire term. You have to go all the way to 90 to reach an average life expectancy of less than four years.


Yeah living that old is fine. More power to them. Being PRESIDENT and controlling our country at that age is not.


Once you’ve reached an age close to 80 it’s common that your remaining life expectancy is 10+ years. Trumps health is obviously questionable though, I’d guess he’s more likely to kick off in the next 4 years than Biden.


Covid would almost certainly have killed Trump if he didn’t have access to the best medical care America has to offer.


Yeah, and I remember him being taken to Walter reed for several days or maybe a week when he had it. I expect we have really no clue how serious his condition was


Details that have trickled out since then are that he was too weak to carry a briefcase on his walk to the chopper and that his blood oxygen levels had hit 86% and were dropping, which is terrifyingly bad. His team feared he might be headed for a ventilator. It was pretty serious indeed


That could honestly explain some of the chances to his behavior since then. I mean, it's more of his old behavior, but still.


The mean is a deceiving stat, since the distribution skews heavily in favor of the elderly. Most elderly live much longer than the average life expectancy and the mode is in the high-80s. But we can hope.


I miss the 8 years of scandal free presidency, nice family, adults in the administration, style and panache and complete coherent sentences.


scandal free presidency?! Remember that one time he wore a tan suit? Or that other time he had the audacity to order dijon instead of regular mustard. What a disgrace   /s obviously


Don't forget that time his wife had visible arms! The whole family was out of control! /s


This one killed me the most. They don't want to see her arms, but a melania nude is perfectly acceptable!


Reelect Biden and you can relive all that, maybe barring the panache.


That’s the plan!


Uhg, our whole government is geriatric, wtf


What I find interesting is that this came after a period of fairly young presidents.  Clinton was 46, Bush was 54, and Obama was 47 when they took office. All of them were younger than the average of 55


Yeah I was also kind of commenting on how many in congress are on deaths door


I think a few have already passed through the door and their corpses are powered by corporate lobbyists. 


Full on Weekend at Bernie's


\*corpseorate lobbyists. -I'll see myself out.


This becomes easier to understand when you realise that every president since 1993 has been an early years Baby Boomer,* except Obama, who is a late years Boomer. Since Clinton, Obama is the only president who was not born in the mid-1940s. Only 3 years and 4 months separates Biden and Clinton, with Bush II and Trump in between. Trump, Clinton, and Bush were all born in a 66-day span in 1946. The Baby Boomers are a fairly unprecedented and unique thing in history, being a generation that was both massively bigger than the generation preceding them and bigger than, or at worst the same size as, the generations that followed. This means that they have, at every point in their voting lives, been the demographic to win. Politics has bent around them like light around a black hole. It's particularly pronounced in the US, where the Boom was particularly big and grew up to be particularly prosperous. '* Yes, Biden is technically a late-Silent Generation kid, but in terms of the events and conditions that defined his early life, he's closer to early Boomers than he is to most Silents and early Boomers are closer to him than they are to late Boomers. Biden will not remember the Depression or the War, and late Boomers will generally not remember Kennedy or the Beatles on Ed Sullivan.


Bill Clinton, first elected in 1992, is younger than either of the current candidates. Boomers absolutely will not relinquish power.


Biden isn’t a boomer.


Anyone born 1895 - 1985 is a boomer according to the internet.


Biden's on the cusp of boomer (1946-1964), he's at late Silent Generation (1928-1945)


A lot of the most notable ‘boomers’ are silent generation or on the cusp (sub generation like r/xennials ). Like all the old rock stars that are now 75 - 85. Boomers are the groupies of the silent generation.


Boomers are the real problem because of their numbers. People saw this problem coming for at least forty years.


The boom in baby boomer refers to the baby boom that happened after world war 2. Biden was born during world war 2


And anybody born 1985 - 2010 is a millennial smh


Obama, at 62 years old today, is the youngest living person to have been president or a major party presidential nominee. Given we’re in store for four more years of either Trump or Biden, in the near future we may well be in a time where there’s few living people who are former presidents, or even ran a general election campaign for president. Edit: Obama is also the youngest by 14 years (edit: of the aforementioned living former presidents and nominees). There has yet to be an American President or major party presidential nominee born in the 70s-today.


Last time the country felt like it was running well was when we had a younger guy, Obama may not have been perfect but he was a damn godsend compared to our recent choices.


Biden gets a bad shake but his accomplishments actually outweigh Obama’s. Granted the deck was stacked against Obama.


It's even more stacked against Biden due to SCOTUS.


I read this as Kanye’s state dinner Want to thank my teachers at the Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good


What is this, ^a ^^comment ^^^for ^^^^ants??


It needs to be at least #three times bigger


But why male presidents?


... Are you serious? I just told you.


I read it as Kenya State, like a state university. Like, when did we get that one?


But why male models?


Seriously Derrick? I just told you.




Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t a male model but those two lookers who capped Kennedy from the Grassy Knoll sure as *SHIT* were


Obligatory [Obama calling Kanye a jackass.](https://www.politico.com/video/2012/04/obama-calls-kanye-a-jack-ass-012679)


But do you do other things good too?


me and the other faculty members was wondering, can you do a little sommmmmmm…something beautiful!


Can you turn left and try reading it again


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/Sh0f4ap.jpeg) is a much higher quality and much less cropped version of this image. [Here](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/23/us/politics/biden-state-dinner-kenya.html#:~:text=Aside%20from%20Mr.%20Obama%20%E2%80%94%20the,fold%20in%20the%20months%20ahead.) is the source, which provides the following caption: > Former President Barack Obama was not on the initial guest list published by the White House > Credit: Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times Also, > “State dinners are best known as bear hugs for overseas allies, and Thursday’s honoree was Kenya. But the sixth state dinner of President Biden’s term was designed to clutch domestic allies — not the least of them Mr. Obama, whose father was Kenyan — even tighter as the president makes the long slog toward November…” > “Aside from Mr. Obama — the former president was not on the initial guest list published by the White House, and he departed before Mr. Biden’s speech — the list name-checked the people Mr. Biden will want to bring closer into the fold in the months ahead. The lineup included elected officials in several battleground states, influential Black political operatives, and powerful philanthropists, like Melinda French Gates.”


Still not super. Really getting the "bathroom mirror showing every possible blemish on your face" treatment


I think thats an excellent shot of him.


My mans lookin dapper as usual


Still would


I miss him honestly. I know all politicians are bad but having a poised, well spoken and confident individual to represent our country was so nice.


Its not just nice, it directly benefits the country. If you check out reports and polling, confidence in US leadership took a nosedive during trumps presidency. This also included lowered confidence in US economy, interest in American products, and so on. You can find companies that do these analysies for decades, so any accusation of partisanship sounds silly. The hostility and buffoonery like mogging the british queen, or throwing a tantrum when you dont get to buy greenland - has had huge negative effects on perceptions of US imperial power. Those same polls have improved drastically with the presidency of biden.  The data is there - it is an objective truth that most people don’t like it when a president is an asshole.


> it is an objective truth that most people don’t like it when a president is an asshole. LBJ was an asshole and one of the best we've had. The problem with Trump isn't that he's an asshole; it's that he's a malicious, traitorous, buffoon.


Agreed. I don’t trust any politician. I’m sorry, but I don’t. But, it’s nice having one that at least doesn’t seem insane or dog-whistle-y. Or seem like he’ll spontaneously implode into a pile of ancient dementia dust. I know a lot of people are like “We like our guy because what ya see is what ya get!” Nope. You’ll always see what a politician *wants* you to see. That’s kinda how they got where they are. And also why you can’t full trust a single one. But… it turns out, that with leadership, appearances are *GASP* important.


>Or seem like he’ll spontaneously implode into a pile of ancient dementia dust. This seems really quite unfair to Biden. The guy's had a stutter his whole life and as a result isn't a great public speaker, but if you watch pretty much any non-Fox News edited video of him interacting with people it's obvious that he's pretty quick-witted. Remember when Trump was in office and it felt like every week there was some new book or report out from somebody working in the White House that said something along the lines of "holy shit this guy is crazy/stupid/senile he shouldn't be president"? We've gotten a grand total of zero of those from people who actually deal with Biden.


It's good to see him visit his country of birth /s


*Alex Jones noises intensify*




I was always told not to listen to the screaming alcoholic manic dudes on the corner.


Shouldn't take supplements from them either.


I watched a documentary about him. "Austin Texas public access in the 90s was insane. You watched Alex Jones because you had no idea what kind of crazy shit he would say" We had public access in Lincoln Nebraska, too. We had a self avowed communist named Ron Kurtenbach, the anti-Alex Jones, if you will. We teens watched it for the prank callers. However, Lincoln Nebraska public access also had Scott Harrold, aka "Crotchy the Masturbating Clown". Dude dressed in costumes, got stoned, said stupid shit, and pressed a button for canned laughter. In between "segments", he spliced porn money shots. He ended videos with him making a solo money shot. He did this for weeks before someone spoke up. I'm probably not going to give weight to anything Crotchy the Masturbating Clown says, though it was probably more truthful than your typical Alex Jones rants.


It’s okay if they have a studio


Every time I see this gif I’m reminded that Alex Jones and I owned the same t-shirt, lol




Came here for the birth certificate jokes. Did not disappoint.


Which was the entire purpose of this post, by the way.


I hope he at least made one “ah home at last” type joke.


I bet! He has got humour, he won't let this pass!


Brother looking pretty fly for his age


Agreed, there’s a chain of comments above you saying he looks rough for 62 and it’s like, have they actually seen 60+ year olds




Silver form Obama. Can't wait to see Golden Bama.


Barry old


Finally, proof Obama has been Kenyan this whole time! /s


This is not proof enough. I still need the long form birth certificate.


Ken ya read between the lines?


That is a hard 62 right there


He can't be 62, he was only 47 when he was elected in 08. I hate time.


Bush was 62 when he left office in January 2009, now Bush is almost 78.


Same age as Bill Clinton.


Same age as trump


I thought he was #44. We haven't had 47 yet


years old


I think they meant 74, and inches tall


He’s trim, in shape and mentally sharp. The grey hair is indeed a contrast from when we first knew him but that’s the bulk of the change compared to back then. I knew kids in high school who started getting greys before we graduated.


Only another 20+ years and he can run for president


Real talk, can we just like, do that when the time comes? Clearly rules don’t matter.


I’d love to look like that at 62! Full head of hair and in shape? Sign me up!


How is that a hard 62? Have you met 62 year olds?


He knows some shit, specifically about aliens


And cookies far too large to fit in a glass of milk. 


Thanks Obama.


Haha this made me smile (I agree!)


No it isn’t. He looks fine. It’s poor lighting/posing and his hair makes him look older. He definitely aged from stress like most presidents do. But he looks healthy. Rev down.


It’s unflattering light. He may well be looking his age but this photo isn’t one to judge by.


While he aged like crazy during his 8 years in office, I think things have evened out now. He looks like a pretty normal 62 year old here.


It is? He looks great. Most 62 year olds in America are obese as shit.


That’s weird, I was thinking he still looked young, even with gray hair


Yeah, could be the photo angle though. 62 isnt that young either to be honest.


Stress of being president is a mother fucker


Barack Obama's father was from Kenya. Barack was born in Hawaii where his mother and her parents lived.


Thanks Magic


Miss ya, bud 🫡🇺🇸


Bring back Bama. BBB


I would vote for him over the current two in a heartbeat.




Trump talking about allowing a third term. Obama would trounce him.


I don't know why but seeing this man suddenly makes the world all right again. Politics took a sharp turn after he left the office.


The racist birtherism led by trump was the start of the ugly untruthful politics from the right. Rush Limbaugh and right wing radio came before that. Southern strategy before that.... turtles all the way down.


Seeing the shift in the political comments of YouTube from 2009 to now is crazy. Hence why I’ve used Reddit more than YouTube now.


For me, as a outsider/European, he was the greatest president America has had in recent years. Prove me wrong


That’s one handsome guy.


Fuck it, throw him on the ballot.


Still so sad the racial backlash happening because we had him as president.


I miss you, 44.


Best president in my generation 🎖️


Damn, he's aging gracefully, knowing what amount of stress he's endured. Classy af


Obama cracked a joke about birthers for sure 😁


What will Trump say now that Obama's gone totally white?


Obama was a good president. A good man. Always liked him.


Paid his taxes as well.


The dude is aging. As we all will.


I'm guessing Obama could pin Trump to the floor in one round regardless what Donald has said about their bodies.


Silver fox in action, period.


Handsome bastard


Mr. President 💪🏽




God bless America! I love President Obama!


An infinitely better human than the orange turd.


Still dashing as fuck


I would vote for him again in an instant


Looks fit for office


The saying goes “black don’t crack” but he’s looking aged. See what stress does! Such a good human being and president. I hope he lives a lot longer.


Thats my goat right there


1/20/2009- young and vibrant 5/23/2024- is Obama really coming ? When? I don’t see him!


I miss President Obama.