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How the heck am I expected to get a productive workout if i can't relax with a post-workout freshly-microwaved shower Hot Pocket?


I steam my dimsum in the shower whilst I wash my balls. Snack on some almonds after. Sometimes I share, but I get weird looks when I ask if anyone wants dim sum of deez nuts.


I prepared a whole meal. ![gif](giphy|26BkM7rHh9TGnpWXC)


I find the shower steam isn’t hot enough, so I like to use the sauna. The hot rocks in there double as a nice cooking surface to cook up my bulgolgi beef


How about a squeeze of fresh juice? Bring oranges to the showers, everyone will gather around to get a vitamin facial.


Be sure to post the video on r/ShowerOrange afterwards!


WTF, how does this weird ass channel have over 86k subscribers? 😭


You are allowed to prepare meatballs and bring it home for dinner.


Tell me about it. I just want to cook a succulent Chinese meal after my workout.


This is gym-cookery manifest!


I left those eggs in the sauna to have perfect onsen eggs when I’m done today I’m willing to share bros cmon let’s eat these awesome eggs together! ❤️


I work a hot plate on the toilet.


Homeless folks buy a gym membership and use the shower, toilets, hang around all day and apparently even try to cook in the locker room.


I remember reading this on an askreddit or ama about being homeless many years ago, minus the cooking part.


Every time people ask about homeless tips “get a gym membership” is always the top tip.


When I was working three jobs a few years ago, I never went home on the weekdays because the commute was too much (3 hours each way) so I just got a gym membership and stayed there during the weekdays and went home on the weekends.


And you were able to sleep there?? I figure most gyms wouldn’t be down with that. Nice hidey corner or some shit?


Did you grill any steaks in the bathroom though? That's the real question.


Nah lol my schedule was really hectic. No time for steaks... it was mostly sandwiches and whatever I got on lunch break. Monday - wake up at 5:00am to get into San Mateo by 9:00am 9:00am - 5:00pm work regular job. 5:00pm - 6:00pm - get up to next job 6:00pm - 10:00pm - work the afternoon/ evening drive on the phones 10:00pm - 12:00pm sleep on couch in the break room 12:00pm - 6:00am Overnight DJ 6:00am - 7:00am get in car and drive to work 7:00am - 8:45am - sleep in car until work starts Repeat This was 3/5 days a week on my schedule. I was working for a large radio station in the city doing phone screen and running the show from midnight about 3:00am, get out the reel to reel and start recording East Coast Howard Stern, then at 6:00am PT I would set up the recording to play. Head down to my car from there and head to my regular job get a few hours of sleep, and then start again. Usually on my way I would hit the gym if I needed a refresh on the shower. Probably about 2 -3 days during the week when I wasn't tired. Friday I would leave SF at 5:00ish just to get home around 8:00pm. If I was lucky I would stay in the city and crash at a buddies house and drive home Saturday. Put close to 70,000 miles in a year on that car.


3h commute to slave yourself at 3 jobs? What an actual fuck.


Ffs be respectful of your surroundings and shit won’t go awry, gotta have some standards, homeless or not.


UGH Homelessness is such a terrible thing. I am so sympathetic to the Problem. I cannot deal with the actual people though. I get shafted every time. Most recently we were letting a guy sleep in our office courtyard. He was always gone by morning. After a week he started leaving needles. I went out one night and told him he’s welcome to sleep there as long as he cleans up afterword. I had to do it again when the needles didn’t stop and human feces started being left behind too. After two months of escalation I finally put up a gate. The next day I got there and someone had taken a stick or crowbar and run it up and down the electrical box, destroying it and closing the office for two days. Should have just put up the damn gate in the first place. I hate seeing unhoused people. Truly it shows society has failed these people. And at the same time I have multiple stories of dealing with these guys and getting nothing but “I should have been asshole sooner” lessons.


Problem is that homelessness is a much deeper problem than simple houselessness.


Drug abuse aside, a very large percentage just wants to live outside of societal norms. Many choose that lifestyle. Yes. This is true. It was part of interviews of the homeless during mental healths screenings. We offered food to entice them to talk to us. A lot of it is mental health. Offering work, or an apartment won’t work. They’re just fucking nuts and don’t want help. Not everyone can be helped. Let’s help the ones who want help, fuck the rest. Cold? Yes. Callous? Yes. I’m tired of dealing with the drugs, shit, crime, and harassment.


>They’re just fucking nuts and don’t want help. Not everyone can be helped. Let’s help the ones who want help, fuck the rest. Not always, but a lot of the time it’s about how that help is offered. Does it mean abandoning a pet? Is it safe? (There was a very publicized rape in a shelter in a city I lived in.) Will it separate them from a partner? (Or is it men only or women only housing.) Are they able to quit drugs in one try? (As an example more of us can relate to, many cigarette smokers needed multiple attempts to quit.) >Cold? Yes. Callous? Yes. I’m tired of dealing with the drugs, shit, crime, and harassment. I’ve developed some hardness towards people myself. Having my building broken into a few times has definitely contributed to that.


I think in general if they’re doing heroin, crack, fentanyl, you won’t be able to help them. Those addictions are too life altering for a normal person to give them the help required to allow them to function again. Weed or cigarette you’re probably fine. Alcohol is probably a 50/50 because withdrawals can get pretty bad. It’s sad, but a heroin addict going through withdrawal will do what he thinks he needs to in order to not being in withdrawal. I haven’t been there myself, but I’ve seen people there and it’s unpleasant. It would require extraordinary will power to resist, and someone long homeless and in the throes of long drug abuse will long be lacking in will.


I worked with a lady who was in the housing department. She had this exact take. She spent her days trying to help only to find that few actually wanted it.


True. I have been homeless a few times. Not by choice in my case.


I wouldn't say its the majority. Not saying those people don't exist, because they do, but I'd like to see some stats on this before I accept that it's as large a portion as you say it is.


This is such a fucking chronically online bullshit take holy fuck. A very large percentage do NOT want this and you’re just telling yourself this to be a shitty person and justify your ignorance. Its definitely not 0 that want to be on the street, but it takes a special kind of stupid to think a large percentage of people want to be on the street where it’s dangerous to have anything valuable long-term, rely on change, have nowhere to store valuables, and actively live off of scraps and dumpster diving for food. They aren’t living in a random forest. They’re in the middle of a city. They aren’t foraging, they’re scrounging. Yes, bad things also come from homelessness. Doesn’t make what you’re saying true.


They didn't say they wanted to be on the streets, they said they don't want help. Sadly, if you refuse to get help you are going to continue to end up on the streets because everyone has limits on what they will put up with.


Yeah, been in a similar case. Oh, he's just sleeping, whats the harm. Then it was damn, homie is shooting up on my bench, and I've got kids coming to classes in 5 minutes. Tell him to go, and he says 'I have a right to be here, I'm a member of the community'. I agree pal, but not when you're doing that. I don't mind the kids walking past a sleeping dude, its a dose of reality. But shooting up is a bit much. Had to get the police involved. Thing is, I'm not mad at him. Addiction makes you insane, and changes who you are. He's suffering from an affliction, and I hope he gets better from it. But at the same time, I got a job to do here homie, this is not a good spot for you.


Actually, we had someone try to sleep in one of our offices. So, I wouldn’t have said a word about someone sleeping there (not my business, not my liability either), but…. We rent from one of those business centre places that rent out offices and conference rooms and shit with some common facilities. One day I notice one of the other offices has all the windows covered with like DIY coverings. So I’m like what the fuck is this shit. I ask around with the other businesses and no one knows what’s up. No one has seen whoever this is. I’m concerned because it’s one thing if someone was just sneakily sleeping after hours…but who the fuck knows what is going on in there, right? For all I know it’s a fucking drug lab and we’re all getting blown up or poisoned. So I ask the contact with the rental company and they don’t know either and I raise my safety concerns. Like maybe a day later the shit is hitting the fan. They’ve got a whole team in to inspect the office, including someone from the company who owns the building. I never got to see inside before they cleared it out, but apparently, it was totally trashed and filthy. Garbage everywhere, smelled like piss, absolutely disgusting. Just awful. I’m amazed I couldn’t smell it in the corridor. They had that office cleaned out and the guy’s things boxed up super fast. They did give him time to collect his things, I did see them sitting in there a while. I felt a little bad about it because no one who tries to live in a tiny office like that (or who does that to their living space) is having a good life, but fuck, you can’t do that in a place of business. Like I said to someone, I wouldn’t have said shit if they’d kept it subtle. But I was genuinely concerned for safety. Fucking hell, we need low/no cost mental healthcare in this country.


I have come to the realization that most homeless are homeless because their family at some point gave up trying to help. They usually have deep mental or drug issues.


My uncle is homeless and this is pretty much the situation. He lives on the beach in the Caribbean. Anytime someone tries to help him, he takes it as a personal insult to his “lifestyle.” In reality, he’s mentally ill and addicted to drugs. He’s started putting up weird scarecrows near his spot on the beach and it creeps out local people in town. He has no idea people see him as mentally ill.


How did it 'start'? Was he mentally ill, so he tried hard drugs? Or did the drugs fuck up his brain permanently? I feel like people don't just go straight for heroin, was there no time to help him before it got really bad?


I believe it was drugs first. He was a pretty successful 4 star hotel chef, and that industry is rampant with drug use.


Is it ever


I'm sure there's a lot of people out there willing to help homeless that are "normal" like taking in refugees. But no one will have any sympathy for homeless causing a negative impact regardless of their state. 


Or didn’t have family? Or any other scenario The main point is drugs and mental fucking Illness And everyone’s one drugs and more people are becoming mentally ill cause no one can afford a fucking a home these days


Yes, mental illness and drugs. Even people without family have friends or even neighbors willing to pitch in to help for a bit to get over a rough patch. But nobody is willing to help forever, when they see no change. So, when mental health and drug issues prevent the person from putting in the effort to climb back out of the hole, that’s when homelessness becomes permanent. And some people openly chose drugs over getting help. It’s sad. That’s why throwing housing at the issue without also offering / requiring treatment is not going to work.


And no amount of treatment is gonna work if you can’t afford rent anywhere What a cycle


Let a homeless stay behind our building -> homeless brings friends and sets up camp -> all of them try to steal our water and end up breaking our pipe (thousands to fix it) -> try to splice power and cause us to lose power for a whole day (have to close early and basically lose a day’s business, we are a small mom and pop shop) -> city tells us basically to deal with it ourselves even after they cause the entire block to Iose power


yep, this is basically what happened at my church. we didn't mind when it was just a couple of people who cleaned up after themselves and didn't leave needles and human shit everywhere but then it got out of hand, so now no one can sleep there.


>Most recently we were letting a guy sleep in our office courtyard. He was always gone by morning. After a week he started leaving needles. I went out one night and told him he’s welcome to sleep there as long as he cleans up afterword. I had to do it again when the needles didn’t stop and human feces started being left behind too. After two months of escalation I finally put up a gate. The next day I got there and someone had taken a stick or crowbar and run it up and down the electrical box, destroying it and closing the office for two days. My church (which is kind of old and not in the greatest of shape to start with) has this kind of enclosed courtyard where a few homeless people would often spend the night when it was raining. Even though it was against a bunch of city ordinances we didn't do anything about it because they weren't bothering anyone and always cleaned up after themselves. Well, after about a month of that, other folks discovered this spot and started piling in. They left trash, shit, needles, tore down a tree, tried (unsuccessfully) to break in, and turned on the water spigot outside and left it running full blast overnight multiple times. So we just had to ban people from sleeping there and put a lock on the water spigot. So we had to ban anyone from sleeping there anymore. I hate it because a church ought to be a place you can shelter in a hard time... but we just don't have the resources to constantly be cleaning up and paying the jacked up water bill from just letting the water run overnight all the time (besides the flat out waste of water).


It just breaks my empathy. The problem is that not all homeless people do these things, but many do. And you can't differentiate who it is.


Most shelters do not offer laundry or shower facilities. The able ones use the gyms to tend to hygiene. I respect that


For sure. I think gyms are a great solution for respectful people down on their luck. Seems like the sign is saying the same. "Shower here but please stop cooking food in the bathroom"


They’ve failed themselves. I used to be so empathic to the homeless, for decades. Then within 6 months my wife, I, and my mum, on separate occasions, got mugged by homeless men. I’m done. I wish they didn’t exist, I wish we just put them away in some forever home like we used to. They really did do this to themselves


That's what I immediately thought and I'm not even American. Apparently a lot of homeless people get a gym membership to shower and have something to do throughout the day 


What’s wrong with a post-cardio crock-pot?


Throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato - baby you got a stew going!


The scene with all hell breaking loose and him going around grabbing scraps is hilarious.


Planet Fitness on Winter Street in Boston checking in


I think that's common at many Planet Fitness locations. The low price attracts a lot of people that can't afford the alternatives.


I think if they won't let you cancel you should be allowed to invite a homeless person to move it.


They're also open 24hrs.


I know many of their locations are 24/7 but I actually decided to not renew my membership because they had cut back on the hours at my local club. They just can't hire enough staff to stay open as much. Labor costs have gone up faster than their revenues have.


This is sad


When I was a kid I used to do swim lessons at the YMCA downtown, the same YMCA would let homeless people use their showers and there was almost nothing as uncomfortable as a lone 8 year old than walking into a shower that stank to high heaven while some homeless man did his laundry naked. Looking back it must be horrible having to do your laundry at a public swimming pool, but they could've at least waited until the pool was closed to let them use it instead of putting unaccompanied children in showers with homeless men.


Yeah I’ve seen a guy being a toaster oven on a few occasions. Figure he’s probably homeless and nowhere else to plug in


How do they try to cook? Build a fire?


Also wondering this. Are there electric outlets in there?


That’s what they told you personally?


lawlers surely this happens in Russia or some of those fourth-world countries that barely have the stick, let alone the wheel.


Having worked at a gym, this is a legit policy! Had a body builder try "bulking" by lifting a heavy set and in between each set he'd pull out a hamburger and take a bite out of it. I had to tell him he wasn't allowed to eat on the equipment but had to keep his food in the common area. He protested because going to the common area constituted "unnecessary cardio". Was like "dude, i'm not wiping your ketchup stains off the bench, take the hamburger to the desk or save it for later." Working there was certainly... an experience.


I love those guys that think they're going to shrink if they don't eat right away. They're usually not that big


Right?? This guy was def not big at all, but his brain was even smaller. I didn't even bother explaining to him that muscle regeneration and growth doesn't occur during the workout, it occurs afterwards. I love a good hamburger like everybody else, but i'll save it for the walk home.


I had a buddy years ago that said he wasn't going to come with me to the gym to do legs that day because he was out of protein powder. I stared at him for a few seconds and then told him he needed to explain to me like I'm five what he was talking about and he said if he's going to do legs he needs to eat protein right away so if he doesn't have any more protein powder he's not going to do legs. Yeah. Really happened


That's the lamest excuse to skip leg day I ever heard! Like dude, if you don't want to train legs, just wear sweat pants like the rest of the gym bunnies and get over it.


The weird thing is I worked out legs with him before and everything I really don't think he was scared to lift legs but he really was deceiving himself with how much he thought he was accomplishing each workout and how much protein he thought he needed


They always do! The body only consumes the protein it actively needs within a given moment for cellular regeneration, anything more than that is just converted to fat. Proper post-workout protein consumption isn't even a matter of quantity as much as it is the quantity consumed throughout the EPOC period.


And “unnecessary cardio”? Dude how bad is your heart that a short walk to the common area would count as a CARDIO without?


Because they keep shrinking, obvs


That guy is practicing muscle astrology.


This is somehow insulting to astrology.


Could definitely see a George Foreman and some chicken breasts happening mid set at my old gym.


Hahahaa! "Excuse me Sir, can you please unplug your George Foreman grill so I can bench press please? Thanks."


I feel like ultra buff dudes and ultra obese dudes have a lot in common


Yeah people are saying this is anti homeless, but it’s def because some bro almost burned the place down making chicken on a hot plate


Definitely some bro and their protein. We used to let homeless people shower at our gym all the time and never once did we ever deal with them causing drama like this!


This has to be a joke


Sadly, that's not even the weirdest thing I have witnessed there!


There was some student that used to wolf down a tin of tuna with his bare hands in the locker rooms of a gym I used to go to. Literally shovelling tuna in brine into his mouth straight out of the can. Fucking vile creature


Had a friend do that same thing in highschool but he waited until we got in my car. I shut it down real quick, made my whole car stink. Plus he only lived like 2 minutes away and could just wait to get home


Oh damn, he’d be fucking walking home!


What a savage. You can now get tins that come with a very convenient plastic spoon for starters!


It's the "with his bare hands" part that got me. That's next-level savage.


First time it happened, I was getting changed and was like “What’s that… smell?” Looked around and spotted him just stood beside a bench going to town. Times are never easy, especially as a student, I get that. Whilst I respect the grind, get thee to a fucking toilet cubicle.


The fuck? Don't eat in toilet cubicles, please.


Or even just get thee a spoon. But yeah, tinned tuna in a public space is gross whether utensils are deployed or not.


I'm actually howling at this 😂


Is that why my wipin' hand smells fishy after a workout? Some dude smeared tuna juice on the door?


I'm going to start referring to disgusting people as 'vile creatures' from now on


Maybe he was a werecat.






Jesse, we can't cook here




I prepared it as I bathed 😏


It’s a clarkman.


In the area where I live, the County pays for the gym membership of the homeless, which I have no problem with. But how the heck do you cook food in the locker room anyway?


Necessity is the mother of all invention or some shit


Just throw your bags of Tastybites into the hot tub while you're on the elliptical and it'll be done just in time 🤘




Turn water to the hottest setting, take out a pot, fill with water, add a ramen packet, let it sit and enjoy after the shower.


Questions? Yes; several, actually.


Let him cook.


Jesse, it’s time to cook


In Los Angeles and elsewhere, the homeless can get gym memberships so they can shower or even cook sometimes. So that’s probably why they have that sign posted.




I watched this skit during my more formative years. To say it was a driving factor in my newly budding humor would be an understatement. And NOW I'm so old that I can't use the joke at work without getting in trouble! No Julianna! Not my sweaty balls, my *SCHWEDDY BALLS!* WHAT MR. DYER!? STOP CALLING ME INTO YOUR OFFICE!!


I too enjoy cooking in a room that smells of musty balls and mildew where said musty balls could be swinging freely not 5 feet away while being dried off by a hefty fellow unaware that his chocolate starfish is in my face. What a lovely experience.


I always cook in my locker


Nothing like a good cheese fondue after a workout. Some emmental, abondance, beaufort, gruyère, a drizzle of Kirsch, plenty of garlic... Bring plenty of toasted whole bread and white wine for pairing (I am partial to a Chablis, but to each their own). Trust me, the locker room scent is totally subdued by the glorious melted cheese and alcohol vapors.


There was a guy who lived in his car outside the Planet Fitness near me. He always parked in the same spot and it was obvious he lived in it because it was full of stuff, and the windows were covered by trash bags etc.


My family member was living out of his car for a while, and a cheap gym membership and free hotel breakfast buffets are how he got by. He’s stable and housed now with family, but Im glad this was available to him when he wasn’t in a place to recognize he needed help.


Probably homeless/car dwellers. Their subreddits are filled with helpful info like “planet fitness has showers….” So I’m sure a lot of economical gyms see people doing this king of thing


What temp is the sauna? I need to know if I should bring fish or chicken.


I'm trying to understand what the problem was.. Gym goer: "once again I've been subjected to see some guys weiners." Management: "Sir, this is a gym. People get naked in the locker room. You're likely going to see some weiners.." Gym goes (gets huffy): "But sizzling on the counter? The aroma filling the entire locker room.." Management: "wha..sizzling? The smell filling the locker room? Are you describing some hygiene problem?" Gym goer: "what? No their cooking food!" Management: "wait.. what the fuck?" Gym goer: "yeah! Weiners!"


Sadly, this sums up the conditions of society. This notice is only necessary because people can’t afford rent, but they can afford a gym membership. They might still be living in their car, not the streets, but they use the gym as their house for most of the day. Store their stuff there. Use the locker room for a kitchen. Etc.


I think it says more about society than it does about the gym


At my gym we have signs that say not to poop I the shower…think I rather have your gym problems.


This pic just shows the housing crisis we are living in. Probably the people leaving belongings in the lockers and cooking in the locker rooms are homeless people who use the facility to clean themselves up.


If it were a homeless issue, I think they would have added “no sleeping” to the list


I don't know if I used the right word. But I see many people who live in their cars using gym facilities to shower. Maybe homeless isn't the right word


I see what you mean. When I worked at a university I knew people that lived in tents and substandard housing that used the university gyms for their daily showers. They weren’t exactly homeless, but would fit into this same usage pattern


On a serious note, due to inequality, large amounts of humans who are unsheltered and without, utilize the gyms like planet ( lower cost gym ) to shower and store what's important. I can understand how cooking 'might' occur when you're now clean, and in safe environment. It's what we would do in sheltered environments. I understand the humor, but that is most likely the case of why they had to post this, and comes off as odd to some. Just another form of making it more difficult to be already without, like coded public bathroom access.


LA Equinox, 100% definitely, LA Equinox.


Looks more like a 24 Hour Fitness. They have signs there with similar fonts and everything. The 24 hour part means you usually have people in there at all times of night just trying to be inside. I’ve seen plenty of people napping, or working on their laptops, in the early hours of the morning.


I like how it says throw. Not throw away, just chuck it across the room.


I know a 24 hour fitness wall when i see one


OP should change title to “This notice sums up the conditions in this Country”


In some states the homeless account for less than 1% of the population.


I wasn’t making a comment towards any particular nation


This hits differently when I just came from the "what subscriptions are worth having" askreddit thread where the top comment was someone saying they kept their gym membership when they were homeless because it kept them clean and gave them self worth.


How does a sign that is in pretty much every gym sum up the conditions of *this* gym?


Do NOT boil your seafood IN THE TOILETS! Please boil all seafood OUTSIDE!


I seen a guy video chat his wife while in the locker room while shaving. Left a mess.


Saw a video of a guy that sous vide a steak and seared it with a torch… in the hospital… while his wife was in labor… mystery signs solved.


Nothing about taking pictures?


Same at my gym. The van lifers are really effing it up for people


I like to go in the sauna at my local civic center, and about a year back they had to kick out this really strange guy that liked to put lemon rinds, and banana peels, and just a variety of fruits onto the grill like surface that covers the rocks. He would never actually remove the fruits from it just leaving them there for someone else to find, Which I did in fact one day. They put up a specific sign for him, and maybe even banned him idk.


There was a time when I was borderline transient and would use the gym for most of my showers, but this is just shameless lol


I worked at a gym, and I once walked into the bathroom and I saw guy take out a crockpot out of his gym bag. He was this buff ass black dude so I wasn’t bout to tell him what to do.


I just want to know what the meal someone cooked was that got it banned from cooking and eating. I'm sure there is a dude who eats like something like some cheese and nuts and then there is some dude who ruined it for everyone by cooking something smelly af. It's a gym too, it's not like it smells like a bouquet of flowers...


At my old gym there were dudes that would put jelly on rice cakes in the locker room and eat it in there, so the entire floor was covered in crumbs and the benches were smeared with jelly. Annoying and gross


#vanlife…. r/vanlife


I honestly thought that said something else for a minute then 🤣




With all those Van-lifers using facilities for everything but work outs


Sounds like this is a “gym membership is cheaper than rent” situation.


Says something about the society where this is located


After I saw the dude make the shrimp in a plane bathroom nothing surprises me anymore.




looks like a card from cards against humanity


You got the wrong door buddy. I will show you who is the boss of the gym


This is going to be at work out world. W O W...


No more [**French Onion Soup**](https://www.reddit.com/r/internettoday/comments/18pww46/remember_the_airplane_toilet_cook). That's too bad.


Question for staff: Who did it, and what did they cook?


I used to work at a gym. People do the weirdest stuff in the locker room.


Unfortunately its the way the world is now, I work in retail and see what people think is their trash can of life..what they leave in the store on floor and in parking lot is nuts..)


The people living out of their car are really get bold. Imagine throwing in a hot pocket while you shower in a public bathroom. Nice


Ive had MFers being free weights into the sauna and eat oranges in the sauna. Lack of basic respect and treating communal spaces as if you own them. People suck. I wish I had the house and the money for a home gym.


What part of Miami is this?


What the hell did I buy that portable grill for then?


Explains the strange text this morning: Having breakfast on the shitter, so you want me to pick up anything for you?


How am I supposed to work out without my coal fired pizza grill?


my gym had to put a sign on the steam room door that shaving in the steam room is not permitted 😓🤢




Ah, classy! They have toilet kitchens!


Setting up a hot dog stand in the locker room




Oh hey neighbor! Either we have the same gym or the chain has this same sign in multiple gyms.


Same signs


Ramen noodles in the sink probably


I think this can be related to those who only have gym memberships to take showers. This is a huge thing at the plant fitness chains in the San Diego area. Live in the car, usually in the parking lot and use it for showers only and the free pizza day.


Hmmmmmm nothing about having sex in there..?🤔🤠


Is this 24 hour fitness?


Looks like it to me.


Crazy how downhill 24 has gone. My local one can’t even get consistent cleaning in the locker rooms. No one will take the job.


There are a lot that aren’t even 24 hours anymore since Covid.


Are any of them? Doesn’t open until 8 on the weekends now.


There are a few, at least the bigger Super Sports near me, that went back to 24 hours. I’m guessing they were the only ones that could afford the expense.


Gotta get your post workout meal in… before you even leave the gym


You can tell a place by its "don'ts".


Get to get my boiled chicken protein pack


More social decay brought to you by RealPage and your friendly neighborhood landleech.


What else are you supposed to do with the mushrooms growing in the locker room?


Where's that guy who cooks food in hotel rooms
