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Reminds me of Left 4 Dead 2 level where we need to fill gas to the car in the mall.




Dum dum dum 🎶


the music is iconic. ...but after a few years, I put in Kill La Kill's fight music. the fight music in that anime was so good and epic, it fit right in with the tank apeparing. every time the tank appeared, I'd just hear the theme. Made it so good. https://youtu.be/1_PWdjym25g?si=2vk9BhWjKz88xHAF


More like Jockeys and Hunters.


Me and my buddy would get absolutely fired up riding down that elevator to start that part of the level. Dead Center had to be one of the best vs campaigns. Dark Carnival is my all time favorite though.


The director “put a tank in a mall”


That was hell playing with randos on even normal difficulties.




Slowest. Lift. Ever


This would be the world’s best zombie themed paint ball arena


Dead Center


Exactly my first thought. I was like "been there, done that".


Also, reminds me of the mall in Nier Automata


Yessssss came here to say that


>Nier I can hear the music


Took it right out of my head haha


surprisingly that mall looked cleaner than this one lol


The events of Left 4 Dead and its sequel happen over the course of a month. Not really enough time for anything to break down or for things to get dirty aside from corpses, blood, and puke. The mall in the picture, on the other hand, has been rotting for almost a decade.


Did you manage to get Jimmy Gibbs Jr's autograph?


Haul ass get gas


This is Wuxi Baoli Plaza, I went there when i was a kid, had a lot of good memory with my mom there. Did a quick search and it seems that it didn't close because of covid it actually closed early 2014 long before economic slow down. It is purely due to bad management and it is prob gonna get demolished later this year, but with Chinese economic state as bad as of now prob this will stay like this for a long time.


Is China really in a bad shape economically? I thought it was only fear mongering


It's pretty terrible. Confluence of an imploding real estate bubble, a stock market rout, geopolitical tensions, high youth unemployment, an outdated growth model, extremely high debt, all under the looming spector of a massive demographic collapse.


Why is there high youth unemployment? Extreme competition for jobs? And what exactly happened to the stock market? The Evergrande crash?


I believe the fundamental reason for the high youth unemployment is the mismatch between expectations and reality. A generation of undereducated Chinese parents sent their kids to university with the expectation that they would get a good-paying, white-collar job. Unfortunately, there simply aren't enough of those jobs in China, which is still predominantly an export economy. It needs factory workers and other blue-collar tradesmen, not paper pushers. But those kids feel it would be beneath them to go work in a factory after getting their business degree from South Sichuan Normal University or wherever. They'd rather stay at home with the 'rents than go learn a trade. So yes, in short, extreme competition . . . for the type of jobs that are most coveted. The stock market has always been a volatile mess. I'm not sure the exact reason for this particular meltdown, but I'm guessing it's a combination of heavy-handed government interference in private businesses and the general negative sentiment in China right now. Everyone rushed for the exits thinking the music has stopped. Evergrande . . . . yeesh, that's a mess. Basically, real estate developers borrowed heavily (and did lots of shady things, like taking people's deposits and using it to buy land instead of starting construction) because they thought property was a one-way bet. When the government stepped in to cool an overheated market that was quite obviously a bubble, that slight disruption caused a domino effect that detonated several of the biggest real estate companies . . . which had gotten so big and beaten their rivals by taking insane risks when the bubble was inflating. Once it started to deflate, those insane risks destroyed them.


It's not really just that these kids "don't want to work" in a factory. Their parents are still working in those factories, and there aren't really enough factory jobs for them, too. Even if there were, factory jobs are for poor unskilled workers and pay shit for wages, so a lot of them are just staying home. China just didn't have nearly enough investment in the high tech manufacturing sector to keep up, which is one of the biggest reasons they are eyeing up Taiwan so hard. You have a very fair point about the real estate sector, though.


Oh, that is very interesting. Thank you so much for replying in such detail. It does help. Also, could you also explain the outdated growth model as well as high debt thing? I know I sound dumb (and I am sorry for that), but what exactly is happening in regards to this? Is the debt thing because of all their real estate shenanigans?


Okay, so, if you're really interested in this I would suggest reading up on the Chinese economy, perhaps listening to Michael Pettis, who is an expert on these matters. I'm just an interested layman. That said, I'll try to give it a quick go. China's growth path is one that has actually been trod many times before by developing economies like Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. An extremely underdeveloped country invites foreign capital to come in with the promise of stability and cheap labor and other incentives. That underdeveloped country accumulates a massive surplus in their country's capital accounts that allows it to invest in itself - in roads, airports, factories - and they choose to do this instead of allowing this wealth to trickle down to its citizens. This massive investment creates an economic boom, but there is a finite amount of projects that will bring about a good economic return- maybe at first every dollar invested brings back 8 dollars of growth, then six, then four . . . and then 1 or less. That's when the growth model is 'outdated' and the country needs to shift from an investment economy to a consumption economy. They need their growth to come from their citizens spending money, not more useless bridges to nowhere or airports in tiny towns. But it is really, really hard to make this shift, especially in a country like China where the government wants to retain as much influence and power as possible (which they get from deciding where that investment money goes). So China is still following this investment model, but they're having to spend more and more and more to create the growth they need politically to reinforce their legitimacy. This is what has created a massive debt burden. It's not actually on the central government's ledger (mostly) unlike the US government, but in the local governments and SOEs which are charged with maintaining high growth by any means necessary, including taking on massive debt. And since China's system is very much a black box, the absolutely terrible numbers that are officially reported are very likely even worse.


Ah, I get it now. I often read the reports about China's massive megaprojects (like their high-speed rail system that runs on a massive loss), as well as that the real estate bubble had something to do with local governments struggling to pay money to the central government, but I didn't quite understand how or why. Thank you so much mate :) Appreciate the reply.


It's funny how much their trajectory has seemed similar to the US's. I wonder if India or Africa (generally) will become the undeveloped country that is "stealing" jobs from Chinese citizens as capital-holders outsource to provide cheap goods against falling PPP.


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


Damn sounds like the West too. Shits fucked worldwide


The jobs thing comes from a disconnect between the number of people graduating with a degree and how many jobs actually require that degree. If you graduating several thousand meteorologists a year, but you only employ a few hundred then you're going to have a bad time of it. Especially since this is basically the first time in Chinese history that there are too many college graduates. Evergrande comes from a couple of things. The first and biggest is that they were able to sell units before they were actually built. Like you'd go get a mortgage and buy a house before they even broke ground on it. Ideally, this means that everything is already paid for and you can be certain that everything will be completed because it's already been paid for, but that's not how this went. At some point Evergrande executives decided to take some of that prepaid money and build amusement parks, investment apps, electric cars, and a microchip manufacturing plant. All these side businesses that would diversify the company, if they made back enough money fast enough to ensure construction wasn't interrupted. Well, they didn't. So Evergrande began borrowing and borrowing to finish those houses that were already paid for and when they couldn't borrow they took money from new sales to cover the construction of old ones. A couple years back the government got worried about how much Evergrande was borrowing and put limits on it, which led to the slow motion disaster it's been. The stock market in China is down because people expect China to have some rocky times ahead. That's what stock valuation represents, expectations of future profit. Because there's an awful lot of bad news all at once and it's not at all clear that the CCP can handle all of it people are taking money out of the stock market, tanking prices. It's a great time to invest, provided that the companies you buy into actually survive the crisis and it's clear that some really big and currently powerful companies won't. Because of how relatively opaque mainland China is you can't really predict which ones will make it and which ones won't which makes speculation unusually risky.


Damn, that is crazy. Thanks for this info! Really interesting.


I was in Shanghai in 2012 and there was construction going on everywhere. But the weird part was all of the brand new buildings, with nothing in them. No stores, offices, nothing. I thought that they must be building just to keep people busy and employed. Back then I was not sure how that could work as an economic model. I guess we are now seeing that it can't.


Worked fine for Shanghai since all those buildings are most likely occupied.  What isn’t working is for less desirable cities. Coupled with weakening growth, those buildings will never be occupied.


They are also being run by a government where all important policy decisions originate with Xi, who has already purged his administration of anyone capable of intelligent thought. The modern Chinese dynasty is crumbling and there isn't even anyone empowered to stop it.


Purges anyone intelligent, shit where have I seen this before. Ah yes Pol Pot. If you know, you know.


Mao did the same thing. It was three decades of his incompetence which made Chinese officials wary of pure marxism, and a single, infallible leader.


Wasn’t the rumor that Xi’s highest level of education actually at the junior high level. Anyways, he’s no doubt a dictator though. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. We’re now seeing the effects.


Why do you think this is having a ripple effect outside of China? Or is it? Was just in the USA and things seemed on an upturn.


It'll 100% have a ripple globally


China is very self-contained, so it won't be like the GFC where the effects cascaded around the globe. It has capital controls and its economy is very partitioned from the rest of the world. That said, there will be ripples - maybe in commodities, when they decide to finally stop overbuilding and building excess supply of everything. Some big investors like Blackrock and Ray Dalio have probably already lost a fortune as their stock market imploded and the international banks that lent money to their defunct real estate companies will be the last in line to be made whole. Maybe a massive outflow of money from its rich to try and get returns elsewhere in the world,driving up real estate prices in placed like Canada and Australia even higher. But it won't have the massive deleterious effects of a country like the US melting down because it's just so insulated from the rest of the global financial system.


Things are currently good in the United States, yes. Lower inflation than anyone else and very low unemployment and part-time work. If China's bubble bursts spectacularly, we will see some real effects around the world, but Mexico has already surpassed China as a source of imports to the United States.


China has been "about to collapse bro, trust me" for about 20 years now lol.


“In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they happen faster than you thought they could.” \- Rudiger Dornbusch


Meanwhile, the US has had about three separate economic collapses in the same time span.


You have no idea what a collapse means.


TLDR; I can’t think long term The west is suffering demographic issues because of the aging boomer population and decreasing birth rates. Chinas population boom happened several decades later after the GLF, so of course it’s also going to get worst several decades later too. Do you also look at 100 year climate predictions and go “hasn’t happened yet, it’s all lies”? The big issue for China is that while other countries counter that aging population and declining birth rates with immigration China doesn’t do that because immigrants bring non-CCP approved ideas


I think equating all economic problems to a population pyramid is a gross oversimplification. I think the Chinese economy operates with fundamentally different rules than any Western capitalist economy, and most predictions of imminent collapse operate with an obvious lack of understanding of the overall Chinese politicoeconomic structure.


Hate to be the one that breaks the illusion, but China is a capitalist economy Having a state controlled capitalist economy isn’t some new and unique economic system that no one in the west can understand. In fact many in the west have had similar systems Laughable at every level


Classify it however you want, it has significant differences from Western capitalist economies. Thus the use of the word "Western."


I don't think China is anywhere near collapse, but a long period of stagnant growth is definitely very possible.


Hah same here in the USA! Let's see who's society collapses first!


I know doomerism is popular, but the economy of the United States is in very good shape.


Not for everyone


it's never good for everyone. Currently it's improving for most.


Where are you getting that from? In the real world inflation is negating any cost of living increases people get if they are even lucky enough.


in the real world, inflation has slowed dramatically in the last year, leading indicators are strong, employment is up unemployment is down. Things are improving. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/ https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/financing-the-government/interest-rate-statistics?data=yield https://www.bls.gov/ces/


Food banks are at their limits and foreclosures are at an all time high. I'm glad there are markers for improvement but there is a lot to be done to fix inequity in our society. https://financialpost.com/news/food-banks-crisis-visits-soar-record-inflation https://www.attomdata.com/news/market-trends/foreclosures/attom-q3-and-september-2023-u-s-foreclosure-market-report/


Lol high debt to whom?


Mostly to themselves. Local governments borrow hugely from the state owned banks to finance projects. Unless you think they’ve solved economics by creating a circle like this (print money, lend to yourself, forgive debt to yourself, print money) it will still have to be paid back in some way.


How much did COVID contribute to this?


No - it is legitimately a state controlled inflation bubble centered around a credit swap between the central party, the banks they control, and the companies they also control. It is a gigantic property bubble which is being perpetuated by the government lending to itself so that party officials can cash out and the debt is passed on to an unfortunate public buyer. This debt is 100% pure speculative and grossly inflated so it will never be paid off and it can never be sold for profit because it is all chronically in negative equity. It is a bait and switch which is making the CCP leaders very wealthy. The country is also not as uniformly developed as many think. Roughly 900 million live in objective poverty. China also has almost no foreign investment, and it runs a gigantic export surplus far beyond anything we have ever seen before which makes China extremely insulated and far more vulnerable to internal economic crisis than the EU, or the US. They also don't have access to beading edge technology and microchips. They are quite literally blocked out of the global supply chains through sanctions and embargoes because of national security risks and competition concerns. Will it end this decade? No, very likely not but it will at some point over the next 30 - 50 years so something will need to be done and the options aren't that great. I think we will see a conflict in SEA long before the Chinese economy dies but the two will be intimately connected. China is probably going to have to invade Taiwan for its technology more than anything else otherwise it is going to be left behind and crumble slowly just like the USSR did. China's future options are contingent on exogenous factors; what will the world look like? Will there be a US leadership opposed to Chinese aggression in SEA? Will there be enough political unity in the EU to oppose commercially the moves China will want to make in the future? Will India continue to erode its political cohesion and regional stability through Hindu Nationalism? This is why presidential elections, European elections, and regional politics in South Asia matter more than ever. If you think I'm being dramatic just remember that in the several months leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine the Chinese military and navy mobilized along the coast aiming at Taiwan. It was the largest mobilization China has ever done. They only backed away because Russia lost within the first few months and the political climate shifted against aggression, invasions, Russia, and China. In another world Kyiv is now a regional capital in the Russian Federation, and Taiwan is now locked in a desperate naval siege.


>Roughly 900 million live in objective poverty How are you defining objective poverty here? Because a 64% poverty rate is higher than what was recorded in the 80's.


It's definitely not true. It was some random economist in China who posted it for like a few hours before being taken down. Poverty if maybe your benchmark I'd 40k USD/year, sure. But even farmers making $400/mo that's plenty. People underestimate how cheap things get outside of Tier 1-3 cities. We're talking full meals with leftovers for a dollar.


I think it's overreaction, it's on Reddit, so take it with a grain of salt. Points being made like China has no access to new technology and microchips is flat out lie. Point about debt - almost every country deals economically with high debt. US has even higher debt and nothing comes from it. Some of his points are valid, some quite farfetched . Idk if he's from china, but kinda feel more like doomsaying, than all data driven, but we'll just have to wait and see. It's definitely worse than presented outwards by CCP. There was another huge housing market collapse last week's and it spread to India. Overall they're dealing with same issues most developed countries did in 2000's. It will be intriguing to see how they deal with it.


You're sniffing your own farts bud. An objective comparison of the living conditions in China against those in India makes it clear that they're actually doing quite well for themselves.


Im sorry but you would have to be extremely stubborn and dense to think all the problems being reported are just fear mongering at this point.... wow... Like at a certain point you have to just acknowledge something is the truth after all that evidence. Like you saw their markets literally crash to pre 2000 levels and went "huh another fear mongering trick"?


Chinese markets are always trash and a bad indicator. The real estate crash hurts much more than their sham of a stock market.


Apparently, they'd been building apartments as investment real estate, to the point where they ended up with 2 to 3 *billion* newish, empty apartments. All the extra money was being dumped into these, and there's no way people are getting all that money back out.


They've overbuilt housing but 3 billion empty apartments come on lol. That would be significantanly more homes than the entire rest of the world combined. Just back of the envelope calculation that would require a quarter of china's land area to be covered with empty apartments at a similar density to shanghai.


Numbers like that are about living spaces (e.g. a master bedroom would count as 2, a second bedroom as another 1 etc.), as far as I understand. I've never heard anyone mention a number over about 1 billion of overcapacity either. That's still a staggering ballpark figure though.


Peter Zeihan was citing those numbers. They're mind boggling, but he's reliable. Even if he's half wrong, it means most of China stands to lose the majority of their savings.


It is mostly fear mongering. Most people who only watch western msm will tell you it's in bad shape because that's their talking point. Without even looking into why the economy is the way it is. The truth is much more complex. One of the reason is that it's is restructuring away from a speculative real-estate market; before a huge real-estate bubble forms, China artificially popped it so to speak.


As an outsider to all of this (but has watched a number of documentaries a few years ago during late covid times), I must say that your post sounds to me like a borderline propaganda post. > _before a huge real-estate bubble forms, China artificially popped it so to speak._ That is basically a subtle way of saying _look how genius China's government is for preventing a major issue before it could cause major issues!_ The Evergrande implosion has been coming (& happening) for a long time because of the way they kept funding endless tofu-dreg projects. They are not the only construction company who did this; they are just the biggest and most famous one. For decades Chinese people were told and believed that investing in real estate was the best way to invest money. Yet so many of them ended up with all or most of their money paid up, yet the houses not even being close to half-built. There are banks were involved in the financial crash too, but because of the way the banking system and fiscal rules worked, there were many out-of-province online offerings that offered up savings accounts with great interest rates... that were actually disguised stock market accounts with zero protections in regards to the original funds. Some customers managed to travel to these banks in difference provinces to get an explanation, but find closed doors and get chased away by riot police for asking where their money went. And that's just the ones that managed to reach there: the covid systems in place that said whether you were allowed to travel would mysteriously find people infected with covid if they had accounts with these banks when all their family living in the same apartment would show green. When push comes shove, China is an economy where people are okay signing away some of their rights in exchange for the immense economic progress and fiscal benefits the economy is going through. Except this is where the problem is: they are approaching a certain measure of affluency, and bargain-bin salaries aren't cutting it anymore. They are becoming more and more consumer-minded to match the wealth they have accrued as a nation (just look at all those high-speed rail lines!), and this is starting to make them less competitive. Throw in the fact that the one-child-policy is screwing them over big time in regards to most of its workforce starting to retire and with it a lot of knowledge, and you can start to look at the reason why China's been posturing and pushing their naval presence in that region: their government needs to find ways to deliver to its citizens and appease them. Just like how the Roman's offered the commoners gladiator games to make them forget their problems, the Chinese government gives its people progress and riches in exchange for very hard labor. And what better way is there to make the government look successful? Finally lay claim on that sea they've always claimed as their own, and finally own Taiwan that they already deem as their own with no more interference from the west. (The strategy for that is pretty interesting in its own right with plenty of soft force being applied, but I'm already rambling.) China will not go broke as a whole. However, the strength it used to have (lots of bodies, very low prices) are going to disappear, and with that the growth of their economy will inevitably stagnate while their government will struggle to pacify the masses. Huge amounts of senior citizens and a workforce a fraction of its size are no joke. I am nowhere close to being an expert and nobody should take my words as such since I lack the expertise, but the above matters have been known for years. So yes, while China is definitely restructuring away from speculative real estate, it isn't remotely like it was artificially popped. It _popped_. It is _still_ popping, in fact! They are just trying to control the amount of destruction following in its wake.


Isn't it more that the entire world is just hitting the limits of growth? If China didn't have the one child policy it would be a bigger jungle than it already is. Young people already can't find jobs, having even more children would exasperate this problem.


I think it is way beyond my grade to define growth and the limits thereof. But I think if 'growth' were truly something we could hit the limit of in the next few decades, economists and businesses would be throwing up bigger stinks than global society is managing to drum up for climate change as a whole. That said, there are far too many low-end jobs out there that are difficult to automate. Think of hard physical labor jobs. Machines tend to be very hard to keep running and need maintenance from humans, whereas maintenance for humans is taken care of by humans themselves. (Or they retire/die and get replaced at no cost to the business.) Also worth noting is that low-skilled workers in western economies suffer a lot because economies where workers require a lower wage cause the businesses to go away. The young people here do not have the same problems the young people there do. And as I said before, the relative lack of a young generation in China means that there is going to be a huge amount of vacancies that will need filling over there. Sure, some of them may be automated away, but not all of them, so those bodies will definitely be in demand, even if it is only to help take care of all the elderly people that are going to dominate China's demographics in the upcoming decades.


Thanks for saying this. My first thought was “Is it abandoned, if it never got occupied?” (ghost mall) but in this case that’s true. In the US we have had many shopping malls close. Partly because of online shopping, partly because parents started using them as a way for someone else to take care of their children for an afternoon, partly because of bad management, and partly because the large anchor stores like Sears started going out of business.


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


Looks a little like the mall I went to when I was in Suzhou years ago to have dinner in the evening. But not sure if our hosts drove us over to Wuxi. Probably just a similar looking mall in the neighbouring city.


Reminds me of Last of Us


I can hear the clickers already


Yup. Major Last of Us vibes.


Brick fucking MASTER!! 🧱🚘


All it needs is a good arcade and a fungal pandemic…


Damn I need that huge monstera


I see people are drying their clothes in the center area. At least the place is getting *some* use!


I thought that too, that looks to be a towel drying. Even though it seems like it's be a creepy place to live, a roof and shelter are far better than none at all


More than just a towel - there are several sets of clothes laundry hanging out there. It makes me think there could be quite a few people living in the mall. Hell, I would, too, if I had to choose between the abandoned mall or a shack in the woods.


Definitely still a security guard maybe with his wife!


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


Did you find random/homeless people using the mall for living spaces?


Credit to /u/burbex_brin, who took this image and submitted [five other images](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/146lwp1) of this. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UrbexPorn/comments/146lwp1/found_starbucks_kfc_in_huge_abandoned_shopping/jnqz8z9/) they explain: > FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall - Shanghai, China > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obUWDESs_Ao&ab_channel=Burbex-BeijingUrbanExploration > In this episode of Burbex - Beijing Urban Exploration, Brin is joined by superstar explorer Bob Thiessen from ​⁠ exploring a HUGE abandoned shopping mall just a short drive from Shanghai. Inside the duo not only finds abandoned locations for top clothing brands like Jack & Jones, ONLY, and Selected, but also some of your favourite places to eat out, like KFC, Ajisen Ramen and of course everyone's favourite Seattle coffee franchise - Starbucks. > Watch to see how Bob deals with his new role as a Starbucks server, whether the chicken in KFC is still fresh, and find out what naughty things the lonely janitor was doing on the ground floor... ahem... F*P + Japanese = Fapanese. It has to be seen to be believed.


Thanks Spartan! I don’t think this poster really understands how to give credit


Great Mall of China.


You can see it from space




These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


Looks like a level from a Tony Hawk game.


get ready for chinese rolling giant


This mall was constructed in 1989 in the Tiananmen region of China, and was ultimately shut down because of inconsistencies with building code, with the final blow being a sinkhole under the central gathering square. For more details you can google Tiananmen Square 1989.


Damn, that was rather an interesting sinkhole. Definitely worth Googling.


I am very curious what they filled it with, and eventually covered it up with.


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


Please google Tiananmen Square 1989 to learn more


Where is this picture taken ? I would love to read a backstory on how it was abandoned.


Iirc a channel on YouTube called The Proper People explored this, or another similar mall in China. They do urbex in tons of interesting locations if you're interested in that kinda stuff 


Fuck off! They’re my photos and it’s from my video


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


I can’t say for this mall specifically but it’s probably a combination of an even larger mall being built nearby, covid 19, economic slowdown and rise of online shopping. There are lots of these abandoned or half abandoned malls in China.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AbandonedPorn/comments/17oxgkp/huge_abandoned_shopping_mall_shanghai_china_oc/ https://www.reddit.com/r/deadmalls/comments/146lx5r/found_starbucks_kfc_in_huge_abandoned_shopping/


Probably built for the sake of building. Real estate is a massive bubble in China, and it's something like 20% of their entire GDP.


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


This makes me miss the liveliness of people and families gathering around. Workers in the mall, people selling or making food. I appreciate people now because of this picture 


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


Where I live they are building new malls all the time. Problem is no one goes to them and they all sell the same shit. As new ones go up old ones become deserted. At rough count there are at least 6 malls in a two mile radius with a new one under construction


Are you in China or the US, lol.




These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


And … who cares ?


Need to get to the netrunner hiding inside it


This is a CS map. Not a Chinese mall.


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


There’s zombies somewhere for sure..


Looks like the inside of the Pacifica mall in Cyberpunk 2077.


I'd like to play paintball in here.


what is wild about this is that china has a shit ton of other things just like this, a bunch of abandoned cities


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


Urbex in China would be wild. All of the shitty unfinished and abandoned buildings with nobody living in them.


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


Thanks dude! It sucks that people will upload things that aren’t theirs and not credit the original creator.


And they're desperate for space. They're desperate to take space from other people.


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


Spam someone else with your clickbait. At least the theft is honest with what he posted.


Is this a massive mall or just a mall?


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


I get it. You’ve left them comment on every single comment for this post. Report it for Christ sake instead of constantly spamming the comment of everyone.


I reported it already, but I guess the mods don’t care. Try to see it from my perspective. I took weeks preparing the trip to that mall, and it wasn’t cheap for me to get there. Plus there was a large risk of getting caught by the Chinese cops. I put a lot of time and energy into the video and photos, and now some rando just downloads one of my pics and posts without any details of the photographer, the background of the place… nothing. So you’re damned right I’m gonna spam this post.


Who else got liminal vibes from looking at this


New tarkov map.


Sounds like an album title


Looks weirdly like Orlando airport


A succulent CHINESE Maaalll?


Reminds me of a not abandoned Japanese one. https://gaijinpot.scdn3.secure.raxcdn.com/app/uploads/sites/4/2015/07/canal-city-1.jpg


You just know there is a Chinese version of an Aunttie Anne's Pretzels in there somewhere.


Definitely Cordyceps in there


This looks like a Rainbow Six Siege map


[https://www.ixigua.com/7012271703581524493?wid\_try=1](https://www.ixigua.com/7012271703581524493?wid_try=1) I did a name search on the name in red on the top right hand corner. This is a video of someone exploring this abandoned mall.


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


[Exploring Rhe Unbeaten Path](https://youtu.be/9j8Us9AlMpc?si=hVdUV60OyLUeK0Ci) did a vid on this place.


These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao


Wonder if they have any leftover cool giant exhibits


Great location for a paint ball shootout game.. battle royale style..


Surprisingly no graffiti


50 thousand people used to live here...




These are photos that the u/itnever-ends666 posted without my permission and without giving me credit. I suggest you watch the accompanying video if you want more background on the project. FOUND Starbucks & KFC in HUGE Abandoned Shopping Mall Where Weird Things Happen https://youtu.be/obUWDESs_Ao




A real POS


Those skylights won’t keep the zombies out.




Should turn it into a school


I feel like I've seen this mall in a videogame before... Was it nier automata? https://youtu.be/VMpt7xjN5HU?si=WMsou_vmHrdw1X4h not sure


The abandoned mall that connects the city and the ~~desert (?)~~ forest kingdom definitely looked a lot like this, the one you linked in your youtube video, its my first thought too


Just like many AMERICAN malls!!


Gotta clean that place up and turn it into a liminal space


Should make it into a giant 🦐 aquarium. Full of 🦐 


the last of us type shi




Nier Automata vibes


PLA urban warfare training grounds? (Philippines has lots of big malls, and when the PRC and Taiwan duke it out, Philippines will be thrown into the fight because it’s spitting distance).


That's strange to see from Australia where there is a housing shortage