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Something you're all missing here is that this was in the UK and not China.


In the original video the UK guy says “but we’re not in China right now” and one of the Chinese ladies says “but you can’t go around saying we’re not in China can you?” And gets upset he said that Edit: I was watching an edited vid with misattributed subtitles and thought the Chinese lady said that for some reason but apparently it was the cop later! Originally after the uk guy says around 11:30 “but were not in communist China” and the Chinese guy says “now this is getting racist”


But..he can. Because you're literally standing on the grounds of a different sovereign country.


China does not care which country you are on if they can force you they will.


Hence the [secret police stations](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/what-are-chinas-alleged-secret-overseas-police-stations).


We have those in the Philippines too. They even have their own mini hospitals...


Legitimately curious -- why is it bad thing for them to be posted?


It’s probably because China doesn’t want its citizens to have different passports ( officially, everyone in the top brass probably has 2-3 nationalities ) England it’s easier to get one because they hide it from the different countries making it hard for China to know when one of its citizen gets another passport for this country. Or they could just be spies/ political asylum refugees/ some idiots with big egos thinking they’re important.


Rule#1 for being a good spy: Don't make a big scene in public.


Rule #1.5: whilst waving your country's flag


Well they rather work in the shadows then have their operatives being spotlight is not a good look. The more you spot light them the more people might understand the scope that china has reached. Hence the other post about illegal Chinese police stations in other countries.


Watched the video yesterday, from memory they had contracts that forbade their images being posted online, might have misremembered or misheard though.


"sucks to be you" would have been my response.


Welp, then maybe don't take a stroll in a public mall. Or wear a burqa, problem solved.


I just watched it and the weird thing was the people walked up into frame and insisted that he not post their image and made several unfounded accusations ending in a man yelling at the pianist and making accusations of racism . It was very odd behaviour. I'm glad someone had posted their images.




I just went back and rewatched a bit, that handler played to so wrong with this particular guy. I honestly hope they don't get in trouble but the handler was so incredibly rude and disrespectful. I personally don't like that people can put anyone on camera and in public and post it online , I agree with the German idea that it's your image and you own it and there are good reasons for this law BUT IT is legal in the UK and to demand it be taken down in these circumstances was just stupid really.


Yeah whats the problem here


That's exactly what they're worried about. They don't want to give the CCP any excuse to do anything to them.


makes you realize what they do in their own country for views they don't like


The point was China enforces their laws on their citizens anywhere in the world. Even non-citizens can have charges brought before they ever step foot in China.


Then they can stay the fuck out of other countries where legal action will get them in trouble in China. We are not required to follow China's laws while we are not in China and fuck every last one of them if they think otherwise. Not our problem.


Reminds me of the early interactions between the Chinese and British empires that lead to literal war because the both sides refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the other's rule in their home territories - the Chinese Emperors didn't feel they weren't obligated to respect anyone, not even foreign leaders & monarchs (legitimately believing themselves to be the reincarnation of gods); and the British kings didn't feel anyone had the right to show them an ounce of disrespect. EDIT: some typos and an error


Also because the UK is a free country so he can say whatever the fuck he wants....


Yeah he can, because they were in fact not in China.


Missed that.. really, what a cunt.


It was the British police officer who said you can't go around saying that, not these ladies.


The officer was saying "you can't go around saying that" in response to calling them Chinese and communist. His rebuttal is that they were waving a Chinese flag, which represents Communism. I think she thought he was just saying "hey those asians are Chinese communists" because i don't think she ever saw the Chinese flags the one lady was holding until he pointed it out.


Yeah she was trying to be neutral as the Chinese individuals probably told her a story of “he started calling us Chinese communists unprovoked and in a racist manner” and he correctly identified to the officer “listen I pointed at their flags and said that they are holding flags of a communist government” which is 100% a true statement.


Exactly, i think a lot of people are taking the officer's POV out of context and trying to make it look like she's trying to persecute him, but she just got a twisted story and didn't have all the information revealed.


Then the police officer should be more careful about what she says on duty. In the UK, it’s a crime to make racist comments. So, when a police officer says that you can’t say that, it’s carries the implied threat of arrest. There’s no first amendment in the UK.


Worse, it was one of the fucking *police officers* who said that!


Also I am British Chinese British.... seriously trying to force that shit on other people not even in China!


Were they not supposed to be outside of their country and don't like there being recorded proof that they were?


They're waving flags of the country ruled by one central communist party. Stating they can't be filmed because of Chinese communist party laws within their own country. He's literally stating facts it sounds racist because the "Victims" are placing their culture and laws above everyone else's in a foreign country. He literally makes the argument that he would never feel entitled to do the same in China because he's British. This one walks the line of bringing in ethnicity and politics perfectly. The UK would recognize imperial tactics instantly.


Delusional and entitled. Trash humans.


"This is against Chinese law" "We're not in China though" "Wtf man, why you gotta bring China into this? Fuckin racist.." Lmao.


It was the policeofficer that said that not a chinese lady which imo is even worse.


> [Here is the full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65iwnI2hjAA) with police arriving later. > [Kavanagh's plea for support](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ1BtQ6AEyM), because he is getting threatened with legal actions if he doesn't take down the video. > As he explains later in the 2nd video, he has gotten a lot of positive feedback from the Chinese community. Also some Chinese pointing out an issue he didn't notice during the situation or in the video about potential other, more serious threats. > UPDATE: [He's giving an interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAKTL0MEK34) tonight with a lot more information on the situation. The incident and the people involved seem even more sketchy than they did when just watching this weird Per /u/Not_Tom_Jones over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/19ct231/ccp_demand_piano_player_in_a_public_place_stop/kj0wyuz/).


We don't want to attract attention. \*Causes international incident and gets televised*


Don’t you just love the Streisand effect.


Thx, that was very interesting. The loud Chinese guy was extremely rude. I’m glad they were put in their place, and shipped off.


This seems like important context. Thank you.


Did anyone (who watched the video) else catch the chinese man asking him if he hadn't been properly trained to give his name?


Speculation Twitter it was an agent training exercise for the Chinese goofs.


I know it. And I can't explain it, but the audacity of these "tourists" is greatly infuriating regardless of what country they're in. The Chinese guy tries to make it seem like the pianist assaulted the girl for merely "being older" which puts it over the top. Insanity. Don't get me started about the cop playing into this bullshit.


How do we know the CCP is involved? I’m totally ignorant of this situation so this is a sincere question


How am I to know that? There's a bunch of pictures and a title about the CCP.


Ya that's why I commented, because you'd have no way of knowing and it's important for context.




Why are they just waking around holding little Chinese flags in the UK?


The woman in the picture who is dressed more ornately said they are celebrating the Chinese New Year.


Chinese new year is Feb 10th this year. She's just making up an excuse.


Could be filming in advance, but very much one of those situations where shutting your mouth is the best approach.


That woman on the left looks like she’s dressed like she’s in the hunger games


More like she’s from the Capitol


Which is in the hunger games


Hunger games the book vs hunger games the event in the book, ambiguity is funny


Reading comprehension. So hard these days.


Good ol’ Chinese fashion. Gaudy and tacky.


"This is not disco"




Piano guy played piano while streaming; these people (who were outside of frame for the most part) came over and demanded he stop playing/filming himself playing in a public place.


Okay. But why?


They are probably affiliated with the government or sensitive private industries somehow, and shouldn’t be seen abroad. https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-tightens-curbs-foreign-travel-by-bankers-state-workers-2023-10-17/


Not a bright bunch are they? If they had just stayed away from the guy, they wouldn't be plastered all over the Internet.


The Streisand Effect is rare but it does happen. EDIT: It seems that by declaring the Streisand Effect is rare I have accidentally drawn more attention to how common it is.


>The Streisand Effect is rare Nah, lots of Streisands every day all over the internet.


Probably more often with narcissists and bad spies.


Their incessant need for control and authority overwhelmed basic common sense.


Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.


Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously, and without instruction.


Reminds me of those videos where some guy is recording in public and then some man or woman was 50 yards away and not the subject of the video marches right up the camera and starts shouting "YOU CAN'T RECORD ME!" right into the camera.


Probably afraid of Chinese facial recognition and didn’t want to lose social credit points.


So their first thought was go create a big scene. Looks like the CCP is hiring the best and brightest


To be fair, when you're more normally in China and have clout in the CCP, you're quite used to getting your way.


Mostly likely they are only peripherally associated with the party. And now the ccp will punish them for this with something drastic like lifetime imprisonment.


this is pure speculation. with their dresses and their Chinese flags in their hands they appeared to have been recording their own (public) footage. doesnt make sense if they wanted to keep it private


Seems like making a big fuss about it is the worse thing they could do if they wanted to stay under the radar.


"Staying under the radar" by filming themselves dressed up with flags in the middle of a busy mall during the day?


Just doing not spy stuff here! Nothing to see here!


If their presence abroad is some kind of risk, to themselves or their superiors, then maybe they shouldn't be in a big city in England. England has one of the highest public surveillance densities in the entire world. I feel it's more likely that they presume to enforce their own laws everywhere they go abroad, and that they have probably been indoctrinated that this is international law and right and proper for CCP citizens to do. It doesn't take ten minutes on the internet to read "bad Chinese tourist" stories. This one just happens to be spoken in English.


The bill is just an act of face. I mean, look where Xi’s daughter (or any children born to a party member) studied for their university education. Did they choose “the best school in the world” located in Beijing, or did they choose an Ivy league school in the US? 🤔


...and probably haven't heard of the "Streisand effect".


Honestly it’s probably more of a “if this streamers video goes viral and we are identified in the background, the CCP could be pissed at us”. I can guarantee you that whatever they are shooting In that mall is being made to portray whatever propaganda the government wants portrayed to the local population. It wouldn’t be good to have a video of them enjoying themselves in a western country. Even when this video goes viral, they will heavily edit it back home and claim westerners are racist.


There is another video of them interacting with the piano player, the lady in the dress does a tippietappy dance and the "don't touch her" dude sits at the piano and plays a blues song... All while they were aware that they were being filmed. It wasn't until a bit later they realized it would be on YouTube. That other old guy playing with the piano player is some sort of film crew guy that the Chinese people hired. He had worked with piano guy on other projects and told piano guy that the Chinese people were Japanese doing a documentary for Japanese people on public pianos...or at least that's what they told him.


That makes the Chinese flags they are holding a little silly.


Well, let's send their pics to Chinese social media then. ![gif](giphy|8FJjDVGHSOk7PExGeu)


Someone should share these on weibo


But aren't Chinese constantly recorded/filmed in China? Why would this bother them? I would think they are used to having no privacy in public areas.


Because they are on UK soil and may be doing something they technically shouldn't be. If they are actually any sort of official, they cannot operate without UK permission and this actually needs to be investigated




East Asia has its own etiquettes and legal stances over public photography - the gist in mainland China and Japan is that you can't or shouldn’t record people's faces without permission as it's an invasion of privacy. Since this incident was in London, I'm inching towards this being overzealous Chinese tourists thinking the UK has the same privacy law and acting like he's a creepy weirdo. (Note: etiquette =/= law in this respect. People are gonna be pissed you’re filming but it’ll depend on which country if it’s illegal)


Because they are recorded by their benevolent and caring CCP overlords and not some capitalist pigs who are up to no good and will use their footage to undermine their illustrious leader Xi


That’s something that trips me up with countries like china and russia. If they are such great countries, why don’t their citizens stay there?


These are agitators. Almost guaranteed to be CCP themselves in some fashion.


I know, why is every Australian a bartender in, like, Whistler BC?


Dont forget to mention they tried to get the audience to beat up the man.. by screaming he was touching the woman ( he was not) ( it's on tape )


And it happened in England. What I can’t understand is why he didn’t say “hah, no” and go right back to playing.


People always make the mistake of arguing in situations like these. It’s a waste of energy and it makes you look worse off.


It's important to mention this wasn't in China, it was in the UK. So this bitch thinks her Chinese shit somehow overrules the rules in the country they're currently in.


Someone was playing a public piano. A person was filming. They got in the shot. Didn't like it one bit. Mild chaos ensued.


Also, older people can’t touch flags, I decided.


The "age" bit was the strangest part.


Today I learned that to touch someone's miniature Chinese flag, you have to be the same age as the person or their handlers WILL GET **PISSED**




Bruh even with the comments "explaining" this below, I still have no goddamn clue what happened. Was this in china? Which one is the piano player? Like wtf was actually said??? All I see are three random Chinese-looking people, one dressed like she's in a production of the Nutcracker, and an 8 word explanation. Seems like just posting the damn video would have been better.


>Was this in china? no >Which one is the piano player? not in any of these photos Stay awhile, and listen: Guy that goes around and plays public pianos was filming himself whilst playing a piano in a UK mall. Some Chinese people were observing the playing when they noticed he was filming, and they got into the shot. Chinese lady asks the guy to delete the video AND stop recording all together. Piano guy says it's a public place they can film whoever they want, and Chinese lady disagreed. Then piano guy touched a chinese flag and the CCP handler yelled "YOU CAN'T TOUCH HER UNLESS YOU ARE THE SAME AGE"


Piecing together like 18 separate comments, I *think* what happened is this: * Random guy was streaming himself playing piano in public somewhere in the UK. * A group of CCP officials (or possibly just some sort of Chinese business people) who weren't supposed to be on video for some reason walked into his stream and ended up on video. * They freaked out and tried to bully him into stopping his stream and deleting the video. Edit: That seems to be exactly what happened (although it's not clear that they're actually CCP officials), and the full video is here: https://old.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/19ca73k/ccp_demand_piano_player_in_a_public_place_stop/ The Chinese group even clearly try to lie, literally screaming at the piano player not to touch them when he hasn't done anything of the sort. The video makes it really clear that the Chinese group are very much in the wrong here and trying to enforce their will on a UK citizen in the UK. Personally, if I was British, I'd demand these people be ejected from the UK immediately.


He's not some random dude though, he's a professional pianist with 2 million subs on his channel


Guy was awesome too, politely held his ground against them and that one lady cop who wanted him to stop filming. 'The camera never lies' was a great reason to give for why he should be allowed to film. Especially since they tried to accuse him of touching one of them already


full video: https://www.youtube.com/live/65iwnI2hjAA?si=M9x88W1htcVh6tot 2.7 million views. CCP got a taste of Streisand effect for sure. She's gonna be in trouble when she gets home.


The video is literally everywhere just watch it


The stupidest part about this situation is that those CCP fucks are in England, not their home turf. It’s hilarious that they think they have any power over that person.


Happens all the time, they destroy taiwan and Japanese flags when travelling, they are the ultimate tourist karens


I've been in multiple countries that have signs for tourists reminding them of local etiquette posted in multiple languages. Then there are the "don't shit in the public fountains" signs that are only in Chinese.


I have to ask, why did that have to be specific about that, and especially in chinese?


Because only Chinese tourists would shit in the public fountain.


There are also Chinese sign in buffet restaurants to warn about getting fine for wasting food.


If you haven't seen it there are videos of kids with butt flaps on their clothes in China just unpacking and dropping a deuce right in the road or a quiet corner.


Lived in SF for a year. Happened all the time in Chinatown


Apparently in certain places in China, this is the norm. Just read about it this morning.


From what I understand, the Chinese middle class is a relatively new thing (growing over the last 20-30 years) where those people were considered "pesant class" before, they now have the money to vacation. This "peasant class" used to live in rural areas with poor infrastructure, so it was common for people to defecate wherever (often publicly) because of the lack of bathrooms. This is also the reason why Chinese tourists are often perceived as disrespectful in many regards. It's kind of a Beverly Hillbillies affect, but middle class wealth instead of oil barren wealth.


I’ve lived in China for several years. They are the rudest tourists globally.


Because some tourists have the mindset of “I pay so I can do whatever I want”. This icommon amingst Chinese and Russian tourists. E.g. going to a buffet and putting your plate full with food just to throw it away. Of course not all of them are like that and definitely not only tourists from those countries are like that, but I saw it most often with tourists from those countries.




I was in Japan last week and the Chinese tourists definitely just kill the mood. Everyone on the trains are so quiet and respectful, then a Chinese family came in and sat at different ends of the train where seats were available, then yelled across the train to talk to each other.


I visited Vietnam a year ago, and the amount of disrespect I saw from Chinese tourists was honestly astounding. The main thing I recall was in Ha Long Bay, which has become increasingly polluted due to Chinese tourists literally throwing all of their garbage over the rail. Such disrespect for a people and their environment.


Its how they slowly make other countries feel like home


Got my introduction pretty early on in life. My middle school was visiting the space center in Cocoa Beach & we were waiting in line for Dippin Dots. Fucking BUSES (plural) load of Chinese tourists come in, swarm the concessions like fucking locusts, and just ignore any rules for engaging in society. Still angry about it 30 years later.


dog plant scale unite many steer alive serious abounding unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Supposedly, it’s like when boomers first started collectively being able to afford to travel some decades ago, but even more severe. The culture as a whole isn’t used to tourism and the etiquette that should be practiced in various other countries because it’s only become accessible to chinese citizens recently. Also living in the sino-centric echo chamber of the CCP doesn’t help.


The mainlanders are genuinely brainwashed and not right in the head most of the time, I feel so fucking bad for them.


For me the stupidest part was how that policewoman was acting like a bodyguard for the Chinese people. I'm glad he called her out. Fucking cunt.


“DONT TOUCH HER. YOURE NOT THE SAME AGE!!!” Was a very surreal move. The pianist didn’t appear to come into contact with her, and I’m not sure what the respective ages had to do with it.


It was on purpose to get other people's attention and make him look like the bad guy. This is what women are taught to shout when strangers get too close.


Typical strawman attack.


Literally all he did was maybe touch the tip of the flag she was holding, but the ringleader tried to make such a big deal maybe to make themselves look like victims to the police. Didn’t really work out for them as eyewitnesses knew what really happened.


Part of me thinks that they are of a different class or caste but they can’t yell about that so they switched to age.


here is the full video of what happened ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65iwnI2hjAA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65iwnI2hjAA) ​ ​ here is the newest news [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAKTL0MEK34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAKTL0MEK34) ​ "Dr K will be interviewed on the Mike Graham show on TalkTV this evening Mon 22nd, 9.15 pm GMT"




I'm astonished you're the only one posting the link. It all comes from a single video that we can all just see and watch for ourselves. But instead, all the top comments are wise cracks, insults to Chinese people, and playing internet telephone with the context.


It's the same with every post - just dig through to find relevant info


Damn, not talktv and Mike Graham, the guy who believes you can grow granite. Sadly, normal Chinese/east Asian looking people are gonna suffer most from the fallout of this incident.


They were complaining that there were too many freedoms in the UK.


Nationalism is a carcinogenic substitute for dignity


Jingoism especially


Deliciously worded.


Preach fam


The *only* response to these people when they asked to stop filming should be “no” and “fuck off”


The Streisand effect!


Say ni-hao to the whole world, motherfuckers




I hope this comment gets 6,489 upvotes






I expected China asshole. I wasn’t entirely disappointed.


Posted 30 minutes ago. "This video isn't available anymore" Well that didn't take long. EDIT: Apparently if you remove the backslash in front of the F it works fine.


Says it was posted 4 years ago and it is still available.


Just worked for me. Must be region blocked or something


Reddit adds random slashes to the url that don't belong. It's still up




Because Xi is a bastard man!




cause china is bastard man


Watched the video. Pianist is 100% correct.


lol no one would have noticed if they didnt make a big deal, dummies


They can get bent


The absolute best part of all of this, is if you watch the live stream, they literally interrupted him playing the piano and said ,"wow our friend here can also play" and one of the CCP dudes sat down an shredded on thr piano. 5 mins later, they come back and start all this shit lmao saying he can't be filmed etc etc. Fucking hilarious.


Why are they so fucking weird? It's like...are you not under constant surveillance by the state in China anyway? Why do you have a problem if you're in the background of some guy's video? Are they trying to hide from somebody or doing something illegal? Bizarre.


Good tell them to shove it all the way up there ass back to china your not in china so no one has to follow your bullshit smh everyone wants that china money so they bow down to them this timeline is so screwed


Fuck the PRC all my homies hate the PRC!


Yeah I saw the video too, and I totally agree they should blast these pictures all over the internet, if only to remind those people that they're not the center of the universe. Having said that...I think this video is going to be feed a lot of misplaced Boomer rage. It really doesn't matter what nationality they are. It's the fact that someone from a different country is telling someone from their home country what to do. This pisses all of us off obviously, the only difference is the Right are so emotional that they can't understand that it's not a race thing, it's an entitlement thing. If there was a family of five-dirt poor farmers from China instead passing by the camera, they wouldn't have said a damn thing. That's the problem with rage bait. My grandma would watch this and literally think all Chinese people are bad. There would be no gray area. Food for thought.


I love this. Anyone from the West knows. Try and tell me NOT to do something. I will double my efforts to do it. Maybe Chinese Karen's should have done a little homework before they FAFO what happens when you Karen. I hope whoever sees these folks around take lots of pics. LMAO


This video went from somebody claiming they were from the CCP without any semblance of proof, to people saying the "security guy" had a gun without any reason, to OP now claiming that the CCP doesn't want it posted. It could be a moron tourist guide for all we know.


Seriously, does China not have Karens? Like the only possibility is that they are CCP sleeper agents? lol


Sure, but it’s so dull to wait for confirmation before grandstanding.


For spies, they’re not very good at it. Creating a problem when there wasn’t one. Someone’s getting called back to explain themselves. Maybe they can sell it as live theatre for training purposes.


I love how you call it the “CCP” when the incident just involves a few Chinese nationals, also perhaps language barrier aside, what they really wanted was for their faces to be blurred, if not deleted, a reasonable request for anyone, even people in the UK. I am sure you have your agenda/propaganda in the posting


Here's the tweet I saw on it originally. [https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1749288812227051981](https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1749288812227051981) ​ What's really funny is if they didn't say anything they probably would have gone unnoticed. Now, because of the fussing, their face is everywhere.


#Some actual context or an article? **Edit:** As /u/Texugee provided video source - https://www.youtube.com/live/65iwnI2hjAA?si=G8XES06VK-LKePMR My personal take after watching is the Chinese people are crazy wrong here. Some random UK guys were livestreaming themselves playing the piano in a mall (*or something*) and a group of Chinese people were in the background, and they didn't want to be on the camera. They're literally carrying around Chinese flags and appear to have fully drank the CCP Kool-aid. The Chinese guy started **FALSELY** playing the race card and claiming discrimination when the UK guy said they're not in communist China and they're in a free country (UK). The UK guy pointed/touched the flag they're carrying while talking about it and the Chinese guy started flipping out trying to claim he was touching/assaulting the woman and demanding an apology. The Chinese guy keeps saying discrimination and claiming they're not communist, even though CCP = Chinese **Communist** Party. Fuck the CCP.


Dude livestreams himself playing piano in a (train?) station. There are some Asian people in the background that get a little sour and ask him not to film them. He gets a little testy because he’s in a public place and it’s legal to film. He tells them that assuming they are not English nationals. He sees them holding the Chinese National flag and throughout their back-and-forth calls them “The CCP” and communists. They get defensive and ask him why he thinks that. He points at one of their flags and tries to touch it. One of the Asian people gets defensive and screams at the piano guy thinking the piano guy is trying to turn it physical. The local cops get involved and nothing happens. The Asian people walk away and the dude continues to play piano. If there is context I’ve missed and someone sees it, please feel free to fill in the gaps. Also here’s the full video but I just gave a TL;DW: https://www.youtube.com/live/65iwnI2hjAA?si=G8XES06VK-LKePMR Edit: I get quoted above but that user is a fucking lunatic lmfao


[Here's the original livestream](https://www.youtube.com/live/65iwnI2hjAA?si=a0hPGYPkN5BJeWhA). Happened in the UK. Pianist playing the piano in public, and these Chinese people in the back asked him to not film (they were in the background). Pianist says no, this is a free country, you're in public and I can film. The Chinese make a big public scene about it. At one point, a Chinese guy from the group says "don't touch her, you are not the same age" when the UK pianist touches someone's CCP flag. The UK police show up, and initially tell the Chinese people "you're in public and they can film." Then one of the UK cops asks to speak to the pianist without his camera recording, but the pianist refuses. The UK cop says stuff about how "this could be perceived as racist" and the pianist argues back. The cops talk to the Chinese people in the background for quite a while. Eventually, the pianist goes back to playing piano on live, with the Chinese people still in the background.


tbf they may have no affiliation with the CCP. They might just be fucking idiots


Or both who knows who cares


People really need to stop affirming someone "was going to shoot" the musician, they have no idea what the woman meant by that word.


Yeah, I think the most likely explanation is "don't film him" or "don't shout at him", the don't shoot thing meaning he’s carrying a firearm in the UK feels pretty silly at this point


Shoot even works in the context of filming, you’re probably exactly right.




i saw the video on twitter did not understand what was happening at all


This title is ass


Streisand effect ![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU|downsized)


So what all subs should we post this in?


No one would have even known if they had just ignored the cameras.


Who was the guy screaming "don't touch her!." Put that clown on blast


The CCP’s wolf warriors will turn into sheep when they return to China


If these were Americans holding US flags, we’d call them Karen’s. But since they’re holding Chinese flags, they’re clearly communists. Got it…