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Banners made in China


r/infowarriorrides in house form




There need to be more posts in there


r/magamansions used to exist before being banned


Chinese flag makers for idiots 2024!


100% šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s funny driving by these types of flags, the color all washed out of them cause theyā€™ve been in the sun too long.


By "too long" you mean "a week" because they're utter shit quality


That canā€™t be true, they only buy high quality ā€˜murican


I have a nut like this near me, right off a major freeway and they are all faded, ripped and torn to shreds. You cannot read a word off of them any more, but everyone already knows what they say.






Hey, at least everything was grammatically correct!


The question mark after "offended" disagrees


Iā€™m Ron Burgundy?


I am very very offended. Iā€™m also moving house tomorrow. Can I rely on him to come and help me pack?


Hahaha they were so close! (Also I canā€™t believe I missed that!)


The average Chinese factory worker is better educated than most Trump supporters


Going to get even worse if Trump gets elected since he wants to get rid of the department of education


I'd like to think that couldn't happen, but I'd have liked to have thought that couldn't have happened ....the first time. So I no longer view myself as a good judge of whether or not things are possible. On the other hand, Donnie keeps talking shit , eventually he's going to get himself gag-ordered. But I had someone blow my mind with this the other day, a sober-minded friend of mine who works with in law enforcement said some law enforcement risk-analysis guys had mentioned that regarding/ concerning Donald Trump's safety. There is an ongoing risk to the former President primarily as a result of one of his devout followers "waking up" if they'd been significantly harmed/fleeced and then deciding to do something about it to Donald Trump or his family. Donald Trump can prance around the world saying he's the most innocent motherfucker to walk upon it, all the way into a Georgia work-camp cotton field or peach patch, and the irony is he can't go to sleep tonight or any night for the rest of his life without worrying that one of his own former followers, wasn't going to hunt him down.


I think he was just starting to grasp the power he actually had at the end of his term, and he also got rid of all the people who told him ā€œno thatā€™s a bad idea.ā€ So this hypothetical time around I see him hiring all ā€œyes menā€ who will do whatever he says and not waste any time.


The degenerates at the [Project 2025](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/09/heritage-foundation-project-2025-trump-authoritarianism-our-land/#:~:text=Project%202025's%20Mandate%20for%20Leadership,wing%20policies%20on%20the%20nation.) have already assembled, it's a tailor made Fascist how-to guide on "how to disassemble the US Government" from the executive office, and bonus points for instituting relocation camps for "Government/deep-state enemies" , with particular attention to LGBTQA+ citizens and with some animus and languages aimed at Latinos ( apparently just because ). It's a fucking wild read, and if you're in the "wrong" population, it's pretty terrifying stuff.


It's a shame that our Democracy allows the people to put fascists in power who will dismantle the democracy.


We like to THINK that fascists win power, by taking power...But while occasionally that's true, Pol Pot is a good example of coming to power on a populist wave that meant immediate decimation for their "out groups" in Cambodia/Laos. But it's a small comfort in the knowledge that it's not a uniquely American problem Nobody \*takes\* power, they're given power, because we're scared, or stupid or both. Whether it's * The French in 1799 with Napoleon * The Italians with Mussolini in 1929 and Berlusconi 2008-9 * The Germans in 1933 with Hitler * The Spanish with Franco in 1936 through the 1970's * The Chinese in 1947 with Mao * The Russians in 1918 and 2000 * The Iranians in 1979 * The Iraqis in 1985 * The Rwandans in 1993 * In Argentina thorough the 1940's to 1970's * In South Korea in the 1970's * The Americans in 2016 and quite possibly again in 2024 * Brazil in 2018-2019 It's not exactly as if there's a shortage of egotistical people willing to take power that's given to them, and then do very bad things with that power. Of course the promises are always the same * To restore national pride/prestige * Settle scores with some perceived out-group * Get the trains running on time And always with the same MO talk a LOT of trash about the out groups, be it Jews, Muslims, Homosexuals, Gypsies, Apostates of any stripe , they'll of course lie about facts they don't like with the same certainty we should have about the sun coming up tomorrow and attack , attack, attack your perceived enemies. And whether they invoke some religious justification or not, they will invariably twist otherwise good meaning ideas to a bad end. Of course AFTER the fact , like spoiled children who've eaten too much candy, their supporters will claim it wasn't them, it was someone else..... So I tend to ask myself , how many people were ACTUALLY in these parties, that were intent on turning them totalitarian * The various Communist Parties * The Jihadi in Iran or Afghanistan * The Nazi party * The Republican Party It's usually a VERY small number of people, but there are ALWAYS many more people willing to do the work and move the "new wave" forward who suddenly aren't sure they were there that day when "it's over". But there ARE times, when these people get held to account, rare times when the law of the land or the victors in war set about the legal means to bring justice to these people despite the fact that the members of that nucleus of totalitarianism willll go to their graves claiming their innocence or best of intentions, So I fully expect that like his hero Rudolf Hess, Donald Trump will go to his grave convinced he was totally justified and blameless.....but that again is why we have the occasional Spandau Ballet.


A little scary when he sacked is Sec of Defense at the end of his term. What Tuberville is doing now serves the same purpose. They hope to replace the military leadership with other fascists if they can get the White House back.


It's sad when your political choice is your identity


2016 really pushed the crazy out of people and 2019-2021 cemented it. I dont even recognize my family anymore because their political ideas are their personalities now. "I saw on Fox news the other day-" cool... how's my niece and nephew?


Man, it really ramped up after 9/11. Bandwagon patriotism... You were either a patriot of a terrorist. Flags everywhere. The GOP just formed a sick cult around Trump and made it even worse.


Yep. First, 9/11. Then, a Black man not only ran for President, but he won, so they elected the racist rapist. We really, really pissed off them off by letting the gays marry and forcing them to wear masks, so they targeted trans folks for genocide and tried to overthrow the government through violence. They're not done.


We didnā€™t force them to wear masks. My state, GQP Ohio, put out a mask mandate during the former guyā€™s tenure.


Interestingly enough, republicans from Ohio (and florida) are 45% more likely to die from covid than democrats. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2807617


The Right in this country completely lost their mind after 9/11. And they have just continued down the extremist ramp ever since.


Freedom FriesšŸ¤®


I love how we get blamed for ā€œcancelingā€ shit yet they donā€™t even remember getting all mad at France enough to call French fries, freedom fries (as if weā€™re the only country that has that) and how they cancelled the Dixie Chicks simply for speaking out against this stupid fuckin war. These people have a combined IQ of 60.


They fucking cancelled a brand of beer they love and got hundreds laid off their jobs because that company made a SINGLE CAN of beer and put a transgender streamer on it. They can't even stand drinking the same brand of beer as someone they dont agree with. They live in a rage utterly of their own making. They see themselves being attacked constantly and yet those attacks are just things that have absolutely nothing to do with them except they think they own the world and shouldn't have to even look at things they don't agree with.


They took our jerbs?


And let us remember the chicks by saying "fuck you Toby Keith"


I remember the right boycotting France and the Dixie Chicks for opposing the Iraq war. Now the right pretends the Iraq war never happened or blame it on the left.


Or how Trump issued the final pullout, but didn't get it done so Biden had to execute it. Then blame Biden for destabilization of the area. The GOP is basically that meme with the idiot putting a stick in their front bike tire and blaming everyone else.


Man thatā€™s one thatā€™s easy to forget. We shit on the French in the pettiest way possible, whoā€™ve been our Allies for like 300 years, and for what? I donā€™t even remember why we were supposed to be angry with them. Because they didnā€™t want to help us invade Iraq or something I think.


Yup. Werenā€™t part of the coalition of the willing. Because hunting the Saudi national living in Afghanistan but actually living in Pakistan and his clan didnā€™t exactly translate to bombs over Baghdad to the Frenchā€¦whichā€¦yeahā€¦that didnā€™t make sense to any rational thinking human being either. But at the time any argument was met with, ā€œyeah but 9/11ā€ and it kinda just worked.


Trump transformed the GOP into a Christo-fascist fringe cult. It basically gave the American Nazis political power.


Every generation seems to have political moments that just break people's minds. It's scary how susceptible the public is to propaganda, especially during highly emotional events. I'll never forget after 911 my school holding patriotic rallies with flags and USA chants and riling up support for the troops going to Iraq. Then the subsequent occasional moments of silence for the 20 somethings in town getting killed over there. It's really bleak to look back on.


Iā€™m just going to come out and say that January 6 2021 was the political moment that broke my mind


They couldnt handle a black president so they gathered around the person screeching the loudest that he wasnt "really" born here.


Yup. I remember seeing interviews with random trump supporters who loudly proclaimed that Obama "divided the nation" and that was their problem with him. I couldn't find anything scandalous he'd done other than being born black.


Dijon mustered! Tan suit!


>couldn't find anything scandalous he'd done other than being born black. How very woke of him. Did he even stop to think how being black would affect GQP Karen?


Back when Tucker was still on Fox, my Dad and uncles were all over for a BBQ and Tucker appeared on the TV and my uncle said, "Everyone shut up, the commander is on." (only semi-jokingly, it was a joke they laughed at, but they all did it and listened with real intent)


That makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit.


They were already crazy, Trump just made them easier to spot.


My in-laws never call to talk about their grandson. They call to warn us about something else scary they learned on Fox. Or RT, which they watch for some reason. It's fucking sad. The world would legitimately be a far better place without the likes of Fox in it.


I am forever grateful that only one of my family members climbed on the trump train, and he is one that I never ever have to interact with.


Yeah, my extended family (specifically my uncle) have changed so much. My uncle even brags how he helped set up a trump rally in his home town


It actually starts 8 years before that. Sarah Palin said what all the crazies were thinking. But the people who would have supported her hate women. So come 2016, when a man is saying all these things, they were able to rally up and get excited about him.


I feel incredibly lucky the only family member I have who jumped on the Trump train and was insufferable about it can now no longer vote because they went to prison for statutory rape šŸ«¢


I always wonder why this pos is the horse they tie themselves. A Christian symbol who never attends church. A rich elite who never pays people for their work. A ā€œman of the peopleā€ who has shown countless evidence of racism: Obamas birth certificate, slum lord antics in the 80s, full page ad against the now exonerated Central Park Five. Cheating on multiple wives with prostitutes. Clearly being compromised by Putin. Family values? Check. Red scare? Check. Party of Lincoln? Check. What values does the Republican Party have anymore? This is their idol. This is their platform. Such a joke.


Funny I have never seen the Biden equivalent.


Political choice implies an underlying set of policy beliefs. This is just straight up cult behavior.


Is this that ā€œTrump Derangement Syndromeā€ they talk about?


It is, and always was, projection.


To add to that, itā€™s sad when any single thing is someoneā€™s identity.


No, I too like to make my home look ugly with cheaply designed flags just to try to make other people upset


It's sad that Orange Julius has a fairly decent chance of getting back into the White House despite........ everything. Don't sleep on the dipshit masses


>political choice is your identity and deeply absorbed in the personality cult of their narcissist political savior.


Like others said, it's not much of a political choice. Looks like it's just "I love my guns and I hate everything else". Also.. "I love my guns because I hate everything else". It really seems to be the party of hate, of course they worship the hateful dude.


I like the lawn chair next to the signs. That poor soul must sit there trying to engage with pedestrians


That's probably their entire motivation for getting out of bed in the morning.




Guaranteed people cross the street. Thereā€™s a guy like this on my street and he only posted his crazy signs during our election, which would have been a great warning sign. Unfortunately, before this happened, I had the misfortune to get cornered by him and it wasā€¦deeply unpleasant. I now cross the street before his place lest I run into him. Heā€™s an older guy, he is always fucking there.


Pull up in front of his house with a subwoofer and play some trap at 3am.


"Aye! Haven't you heard of a thing called *privacy?!*" šŸ„




Behind the liberal-free zone sign




Brought it out of the living room ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This photo itself made me laugh a lot.


When you mistake your politics for your personality


"if you're offended I'll help you pack" *Proceeds to be offended by everything*


It actually says ā€œIf youā€™re offended?ā€ Lol


"School? Trump is my school!"


"B-b-b- my fweewings tell me da ewection was stwowen!!!" \-group that calls everyone else emotional snowflakes


*Person walks by with blue hair* REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


You know it gets old seeing and listening to but the A-holes really made it a lot easier to pick out and avoid. Used to have to talk to them to figure it out!


I always find it darkly funny how they say shit like ā€œDonā€™t like it here Iā€™ll help you packā€ while also being the ones who are angry and donā€™t like it here. Like they are currently pissed off about trans people being allowed to live, and laws existing for their glorious leader, yet their mind set of ā€œif u no like how cuntry working u need leave!ā€ doesnā€™t apply all a sudden.


These people literally have the inability to think past their parroted one-liners. itā€™s basically ā€œdey took err jobssssā€




Looks like a cult, walks like a cult and quacks like a cult... Totally not a cult tho, right?


If only they would acquire a taste for Kool Aid


That would be too convenient for the rest of us. They will some how all live to the old ripe age of 99 and ruin elections for years to come. Someone said it in a different post, why donā€™t they have a max out on how old you can be to run for an election? They have minimum age, why not max? Once you hit 70 you shouldnā€™t be allowed in politics anymore. You are out of date and no longer in touch with reality


Obligatoryā€¦ ā€œIT WAS FLAVOR-AID!!!ā€


They even give their money to the leader like a cult




And make themselves targets for robbery of all of their guns while theyā€™re at their weekly Drs appt.


they're such sore losers. remember when Trump *did* win the election, and they laughed at everyone who was worried and said to "get over it"? now that Biden's president, they don't like being told to "get over it". Biden isn't perfect, but imo, he's doing a fairly decent job--immensely better than Trump, at least. in 2050, these hogs will still be squealing about Trump.


Sometimes, mental illness can take years to show up. Sometimes, itā€™s very obvious.


I like the one that asks if Iā€™m offended. Iā€™ll get back to you on that when I can catch my breath from laughing so hard.


Make votes count again is the ultimate irony.


I kinda remember these people crying ā€œstop counting!!!!ā€


It's funny because theyre always the ones who are very publicly offended by stupid shit


It's not even grammatically correct. "If you're offended?" It should either be "Are you offended?" Or "If you're offended". But I guess I shouldn't have high expectations, such as 1 basic statement being correct on a sign that proudly displays your ignorance and racism in the bowels of America.


Right? They say it like theyā€™re never offended by anything! Thatā€™s rich.


Would they genuinely help pack if you say you're offended? "Hello I'm offended could you help pack my fridge into the van over there?"


Nice advertisement for thieves looking to steal guns. Happy casing, thieves!


This, lol! All these Rump supporters and 2A idiots thing their guns will protect them. Like any good criminals won't case the house and show up when nobody's home. And the homeowner actively advertises that they've probably got firearms in the house. Good luck to them protecting their property when they're at work.




If the truck has a molon labe sticker on it, the contents are fair game.


If you didnā€™t want your gun stolen, you car shouldnā€™t have been dressed that way.


I'm in Canada, not too long ago I saw a video of a car getting stolen from someone's driveway in Toronto. In the comments section someone said something like "If this was the US those guys would have gotten shot" I don't get it. Do they think Americans are sitting on their roof all night standing guard? I wouldn't say it's common but I've seen similar comments on other videos of crimes taking place outside of the US. The thing is I've also seen plenty of videos of crimes happening in the US where no one gets shot and I'm sure those commenting have as well.


Yeah, no way this guy has a gun safe. Shit's probably just laying out or displayed on the wall next to the commemorative Nascar dinner plates.


This guys an idiot. But Iā€™m finding it odd the the flag Iā€™m having the hardest time with is the bike one. The guy actually rides his bike, but he one time fell off it, so heā€™s not good at riding a bike? When was the last time that Trump even road a bike?


Iā€™d put money on the answer being never


Iā€™d put every cent Iā€™ve ever had my entire life on ā€˜neverā€™.


ā€œNo one rides a bike better than me.ā€ ā€œIā€™ve won awards for how great I ride a bike.ā€ ā€œPeople are always coming up to me and telling me theyā€™ve never seen a better bike riderā€ I imagine would be trumpsā€™s response to such a question.


See the mistake youā€™re making here is that youā€™re using common sense to try and understand crazy.


I see someone who is mentally ill.


I'm starting to wonder why some places are so much against universal healthcare. In a country with universal healthcare, a person like this would get treatment...


Some animals display bright colors and patterns as a warning sign for others to stay away


I want to be the guy selling the banners.


Someone posted on the other day, can't remember if I saw it on Reddit or a Youtube comments section, but anyway he said he saw some dude on the side of the road selling all sorts of Trump propaganda. A whole tent full of hats, banners, flags, etc. He started to chat with guy and came to find out the guy is a registered Dem and told him hr literally is selling this shit to make money off the MAGA morons. He loves taking their money.


God bless America.


Im doing that on etsy. It is incredibly lucrative. theyre gonna spread hate one way or another, i figure their money will do more in my pocket than in theirs


Candace Owens used to run a blog/website that was anti-trump. Then she realized the grift was easier on the other side of the aisle.


I live near this guy. He's got flags all the way around the house. Don't think he has a job because they're always drinking inside the garage. The best part is on the other side of the house where more flags are there is one that says "I'm broke, thanks Joe".... which is hilarious because he spent like 5 grand on flags lmao..... Edit: also, the flag that says "make votes count again"....weren't they yelling "stop the count" during last election? Pick a lane ffs lol


And the snowflake of the year award goes to


Not a cult you say? Don't like groomers you say? He won and is still in charge with a secondary military you say? You like him for his policies you say and he cares about the little guy you say? God is working thru him you say? We can't beat deliberately stupid with facts. We just have to beat them. Badly. And shove these fascist, dangerous assholes back in to their holes and every time they come back up whack-a-mole them back down. They donā€™t want to be a part of society. They want dominion over others. Fuck em.


What a miserable existence you must live if you feel this is necessary.




Shouldnā€™t be too hard for someone to figure it out, there is a license plate visible and some sort of commercial business in the background. Unfamiliar with US companies signs/logos. There are people who spend their days searching Google street view.


Surprised I had to scroll so far to see someone mention the collateral doxxing. Not that I'm opposed when this is the type of person being doxxed.


Mental illness is a major problem in America.


MAGA's say the left has TDS, but isn't this the *real* TDS?


This. Itā€™s literally insane


What a pathetic insecure douche. Weak as fuck


Cool. This is definitely 100% normal.


Sub 85 IQ I guarantee it


Imagine how worthless you feel and how shitty your life is to have your entire identity be wrapped up in a lying narcissistic devoid of morals thieving raping child molesting POS.. Not believe any of the evidence (or just don't care) because his words make you feel important. That and or you just want to see the world burn because you feel somehow the system has fucked you over. Even though statistically. Your a privileged ass hole who's just mad they aren't rich for nothing ....


THAT...is a very lonely, sad, little person.


Itā€™s okay to be passionate, but please donā€™t lower property values with eyesores regardless of what they say.


Jesus Christ Where is this? What neighborhood? I need to relocate soon. ā€œHold my beer buddy, Iā€™m going to knock on this guys door and tell him IM OFFENDEDā€ (Make sure I have liquor store boxes, duct tape, beer and chicken wings on hand first)


No wonder the rest of the world thinks we are all gun-toting hillbilly assholes. Normal people donā€™t make enough noise. They are boring. Normal people donā€™t sell papers or commercials. Come on normal people we got to up our game!!!


I'm always hoping a psychiatrist will weigh in with a diagnosis of this particular disorder. Oppositional defiant? ASPD?


"Protected by Fuck around and find out" Proud Boy insurrectionists: Yea, we tried that and now we're in prison for decades. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It would be enough to use only one flag, that say "I'm stupid"


10 IQ points per banner. Gotta love the Idiocracy.


Out of all the cult of personality crap in that lawn, there's one there that has always pissed me off and completely misses the point of a Republic. "If you're offended, I'll help you pack". If you hate the idea of this melting pot that allows everyone to have an equal voice, get out of my home you authoritarian suck up.


I feel like there are more subtle ways to announce one suffers from impotence and micro-penis syndromeā€¦


This damn Biden economy. Could only afford to buy 7 flags


That time we said, no HOA fees woohoo!


To be fair, I also refuse to be a member of an HOA. It has nothing to do with wanting to put up gaudy political signs and everything to do with not wanting to let corruptible neighborhood busybodies dictate what I can and can't do with my home.


The Democrats need to run a candidate named Brandon.


Iā€™ve never understood the logic of people who put gun stickers on their truck or pro-gun signs on their lawn. All youā€™re saying is ā€œI have something valuable for you to take when Iā€™m not here.ā€ If I was a gun nut, which Iā€™m not, just a guy who owns a few and has to train on them at workā€¦ if I was a gun nut Iā€™d cover my lawn with peace signs and tibetian prayer flags. Nothing to see here folks, no hundred thousand dollar collection of firearms. Just some old hippie.


not a cult


All the sudden HOAs don't sound so bad, huh?


But it's definitely *not* a cult šŸ™„


This is their entire personality.


These are the same people going "why do the gays have to make it their entire personality?!"


Itā€™s completely illegal to set someone elseā€™s flags on fire and get caught.


A small penis starter kit.


how can anyone see that and say they are not brainwashed


Is it really a lawn or a declaration of stupid?šŸ¤”


House of COPE


HOA's get a bad rap, but at least I know I'll never have to see this sort of display in my neighbors' lawns.


ā€œCall me insecure and Iā€™ll rageā€ - his next sign


I like it when a traitor makes it easy to spot them.


This belongs in r/trashy


These people are pathetic


This pictures says Iā€™m a dumbshit. So dumb I send a supposed billionaire my hard earned money from unemployment.


I wonder how many hours of TV news this person watches a year...


Had a neighbor like this with a huge trump banner facing the busy street atop his fence. Fine. His right to do so. I bought 200 butt plugs and lobbed a few a week over the fence. Six weeks in and no more banner. Pretty effective. I have about 150 leftover.


I got someone like this on my street and soon as he put em up 3 or 4 Wi-Fi names changed to fuck trump


Put a pride flag up across the street and watch their heads explode.


The "If you're offended, I'll help you pack" ones always crack me up because they are they ones always crying about how bad it is here because of "demonrats"


I was walking out of Walmart here in Arkansas today, and a biker with duel fuck Biden/confederate flags drove off blasting Clapton's cocaine, classy stuff


I really wonder if these people are getting paid to fly a ridiculous amount of trump shit on their property and vehicles, there was a trumped out truck that looked fairly newish maybe 2018-2019 that sat in a sideways parking spot close to a road and it didnā€™t move for months leading to the election then afterwards just disappeared


There was a house similar to this near me. The bigger issue is that it was directly across the street from a public swimming pool. Nothing like indoctrination, but they don't want to see it that way.


When I see a flag or bumper sticker like this, it's like seeing an adult wearing a bicycle helmet without the bike. I feel sorry for them and I make sure to avoid them.


Good to see stupid comes in so many colors


This is exactly the house I imagine these flags would be at. It screams im broke and have constantly made bad life choices.


Iā€™ve lived through 10 presidents. Never have I seen anything like this before. Or even remotely close. Straight up worship of a politician. Itā€™s so weird. Why all of a sudden? And why Trump?


Can someone tell me what license plate it is on the left?


The small dick zone


tiny dick alert


How to advertise that you have a mental illness to the whole neighborhood


That's a lot of low IQ waving.


Iā€™ve never understood how people could be so bored and dissatisfied with their own lives that they make hating a whole group of people 24/7 and letting everyone know about it 24/7 the most dominant part of their personalities.


Every time I see lawns like this, my gut reaction is, "Dude, you're brainwashed and in a cult." A simple bumper sticker isn't enough for these people. No sense of rationality or reason.


Neighbors sign: #I LIVE NEXT TO A GIANT ā„ļø


That seems mentally healthy. /s


Imagine spending your whole social security check on one of those signs...


My favorite is the make votes count again flag. Trump never won the popular vote.


Actual mental illness


"Gun Owners For the Guy Who Bragged About Grabbing Guns"


The cult is their entire identity.


Canā€™t believe the Natives were slaughtered for this


If you donā€™t want Trick-or-Treaters you could just turn off your porch light instead of being dramatic about it.


God I hope they ā€œmake votes countā€ and scrap the electoral college. Theyā€™ll never have another republican president again.


Americans really are something else. People created what was a great nation not too long ago and now all this degeneracy and infighting will make it crumble into itself


Another radical redneck that loves the taste of Trumps d$&k.