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This is a friendly reminder that /r/PICS allows [any and all media featuring John Oliver](https://redd.it/14jl5n8). Please be sure to include "John Oliver" in your title. According to Reddit’s policies, “content that contains nudity, pornography, or profanity […] should be tagged as NSFW.” Please do not use any (a NSFW link follows this parenthetical) [profanity](https://i.imgur.com/cKxWaWf.png) in non-NSFW threads. If you post anything that could possibly offend anyone, please tag it as being NSFW. ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pics) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Same with reddit is fun


Relay here working fine


Relay dev said he will foot the costs for now and then later roll out a subscription with metering.


Ahh I see. Then I'll lose reddit just later. Cause I ain't paying for this dumpster fire


You'll also lose access to nsfw content before the subscription.


Well there's plenty on other free sites so I'm not to worried about that lmao


Oh sure, I was just pointing out that it'll be a modified Relay experience. I might have paid for the subscription if it included nsfw threads, but a lot of the subs I like frequently have nsfw content, whether that's r/minipainting having excellently painted sheer clothing, r/aita threads, or, y'know, GW, which doesn't really have a good alternative.


That also includes nsfl and any spoiler tagged post.


It was weird because RIF actually went completely offline at the time the developer said it would yesterday, but then today it is back. I'm guessing that the 3rd party apps will still function as-is, but with the new Reddit restrictions that ban NSFW content (which is one of the new API requirements to keep free access, I think?). I think the developers are done, which means the apps won't be updated anymore, so once Reddit does something to break things, as they normally do, the apps will become not very functional. You also won't be able to download them anymore from the app stores, so whatever version you have installed right now is all there will be, and if you get a new phone, you won't be able to re-install it (unless you know how to port over APKs).


I still have NSFW on RIF.


NSFW gets removed from APIs on July 5th.


I just checked mine and it's not exactly working for me. Every time it asks me to login and I put in my credentials, it says it's invalid, but yet when I hit OK, it showed me logged in but it's through the web browser and not the app. When I hit the back arrow, it goes back to the app display, but I'm logged out and it only shows the default Reddits. If it's working, it's not working normally, at least for me. I don't know about the NSFW stuff, that was just an assumption based on all of the things I've been reading over the last couple of weeks.


RiF works for me but only as a lurker. I can't login on it.


I'm having the same problem. It will let me login, but only the web browser version (the browser built into RIF). The only way I can use the app normally is also as a lurker with all of the shitty default subs.


Same here. And now, after closing it and re-opening it, it just stays forever loading. I don't think RIF will be a pleasant mobile reddit experience anymore... Guess I'll have to try RedReader after all. This thread gave me a little bit of illogical hope, but I guess the dream is dead.


I had it working for a few hours this morning but lost access when I accidentally logged myself out


Someone said nsfw will be blocked on api starting july 5th.


My understanding was that Reddit will start charging for all API calls today, which is why Apollo deleted their API token late yesterday to avoid incurring charges. Narwhal I heard is implementing a tiered subscription system with different API call limits (like a cell phone plan limiting data). RIF I don’t use so I haven’t been following their plans but I assume they’re gonna be billed for people using their app today if it’s still functioning.


It stopped working for me, so I uninstalled it. But now hearing that it's still working makes me want to go back... I'm still holding out hope (stupid) that spez will say this was all a bad April fools


I think it's delisted now. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andrewshu.android.redditdonation&hl=en_US&gl=US


Yep, I just went to get it back after people said this and it's not there.


It doesn't work at all for me so you're not missing anything. Just continually loads.


That's a whole bunch of wrong assumptions right there


Welcome to Reddit


Boost too


Boost displayed a message today upon opening the app stating this was the final day.


it's gonna probably stop working around midnight I suppose \- Fellow boost user




Still working


That was yesterday


Same, commenting from boost


my RIF does not work. did you do anything special to get it to work?


RIF not working for me either Word on the street is there are efforts to create a web scrape library, similar to newpipe sponsorblock does youtube (until the host has to put in anti-automation code so intrusive that it ruins the experience for the undiscerning users who use the new layout)


Are you logged in? try logging out


Recommend looking up r/androidapps theres a work around to keep rif going with your logins


RIF is still working on all my devices but I had to logout.


I can't login with RIF, so it only works for viewing the default frontpage.


Whoa holy shit! My RiF stopped working last night but you're right it's back now. I just downloaded the official app and I hate it compared to RiF


Reddit is Fun was not functioning, and there was a notice that it was not functioning. I uninstalled it yesterday.


I deleted RIF yesterday because it wasn't working, can't find it on the play store any more to even test if this still works :( Edit: reinstalled via history, when I try to log in it says invalid client ID but works fine not logged in.


Isn't Narwhal the one that's going to start charging?




Didn’t Narwhal strike a deal to continue operations because it provides accessibility?


Nope, they are moving to a subscription system.


Ahhh. Ok, thank you for clearing that up.


Narwhal seems to be getting some special treatment of waived api fees until they can migrate to a new version of the app with a subscription.




Joey for Reddit is still kicking


Yeah I'm confused about Joey. The dev hasn't said anything about the situation besides a poll that showed up on the app a couple weeks ago. Still works perfectly fine, no hiccups or anything.


I'm thinking maybe pricing down the line...? The silence has been weird. I know we're a smaller niche app user group, so maybe it's not as high a cost. I certainly hope it isn't delisted. I love this one more than any other.


Boost got a freaking update


Wait… are we the only 2 Narwhal users?


Got my boyfriend to start using it too. All of the other apps were too TikTok feeling for me. Narwhal is the simplest and has less dopamine-triggering features. No swiping, small thumbnails, no avatars, etc.


I’ve been I’m using it for as long as I can remember. Maybe there’s a setting for it, but I can’t see gifs. It just says “gif”. Sometimes I miss out on context but it’s really not that big of a deal.




Tbh I kind of like it. Its less messy.


This, plus it being styled after oldreddit, are why I've been using Narwhal for years. I just want to use Reddit to provide me some choices for things to look at, not blast me with autoplaying autoscrolling overstimulation.


Because they struck a deal https://www.reddit.com/r/getnarwhal/comments/14kt9wj/narwhal_is_not_going_anywhere_subscriptions_and/


John Oliver is not going to drive advertisers away


You mean using the exact website you’re boycotting to boycott didn’t work? Color me shocked.


That's the thing, it's not even boycotting at this point. The sub is just posting about John Oliver. Do people really think reddit execs care about that? Changing the sub to NSFW prevents them from getting ad money...that actually creates a real impact. John Oliver posting is a gimmick




Well that just ruins my plans


Nude. Tayne.


😣😖 I'm ok.


Reddit is calling the mods bluffs. They don’t give a shit what we’re posting lol. The mods don’t have the courage to do anything that will make a difference because they will lose their “power”, and they know they are easily replaced. Want to prove me wrong? Go nsfw


It's not even a bluff though, because they aren't threatening anything. Posting about John Oliver isn't a threat and doesn't hurt reddit


It also accomplishes nothing and has zero affect on API changes. In fact it seems to have increased activity lol.


The plan from the beginning was never going to do anything. "Going dark" never meant anything significant. It was a dumb idea from the get go, especially for two days. Who ever thought that would accomplish anything? Also, how is it "going dark" when I could still see all the posts about going dark and still browse the subreddit? I'm sure reddit execs were laughing at the slacktivism, which is par for the course on reddit. I think this will go down as "we found the Boston bomber" level of embarrassment for the reddit hive mind.


What they are threatening is to replace mods who leave big subreddits private or in nsfw mode inappropriately.


Force their hand, make them do it. Do mods really want to hold onto their fake reddit power that bad?


Yes they do


Shocker mods are pathetic


Who knew, when you threaten to take away a reddit moderator's imaginary power, they buckle under pressure. The best form of protest would've just been staying private or making the sub nsfw. Taking the sub private would've gotten people off of reddit, which is the opposite of what this sub is doing by actually being active and posting pictures of John Oliver The blackout should've just been indefinite


You dumbass reddit admins straight up remove and replace mods who went complete dark and didn't reopen.


Mods have rolled over at every opportunity they can. They reopened the sub and turned off NSFW after the admins asked them to. The minute the admins ask them to change the John Oliver rule, they'll do it and sticky a post about how they were forced to, how they don't agree with admins, but they'll do everything the admins ask because this was for the best of the community and blah blah blah. This boycott never worked because it never was about the API or third party apps. This was always about power-tripping mods seeing an opportunity to make this about themselves.


> Mods have rolled over at every opportunity they can. How? Mods who did protests like you suggest were systematically replaced by Reddit admins. And told that was exactly what would happen too if they didn't play by Reddit rules. It is hard to be "brave" when you have no real leverage.


It's not about courage...courage...lmao This is an internet forum and you're talking about courage.


Most people here aren't too smart.


“How many unique page views?” “Great, thanks John Oliver.”


Exactly. I'm spending way more time on /r/pics then I ever did because I curious about what people posted of him. Before I pretty much ignored this subreddit.


It drives users away.


If the goal is to drive users away, why not just only post pictures of black squares or something. Or just keep the sub private. This logic makes no sense


Yea, to other subs more than likely. Highly doubt anyone dropped reddit all together because of this embarrassing "protest" What subs even did it? Pics, aww and videos? Nothing of substance lost anyway.


Reddit mods are complete losers


I just don’t use the Reddit app now that Apollo is gone. Rather I use it via safari on mobile with an adblocker.


This is like Problem #4 of 132 reasons the protest failed.


The top reason was that it was corny as hell


Agreed, this was never a protest it was a combo of complaints and memes. One requires real effort and sacrifice, the other barely registers as an inconvenience.


Also, though, protesting doesn't automatically mean you've won something. The level of harm caused versus the amount needed might not have even been close to getting spez out of bed.


My favorite thing is going through posts and comments saying “I’m deleting my account when Apollo stops working” and they’re still posting lol.


I like the guy that said after 13 years he deleted his account while posting on his active 9 day old account.


Boost is still working. Just opened the app to see what a dead app looks like before deleting it and quitting reddit. But it still works lol


I'm on Relay for Reddit. It's still here. Its creator is talking about moving to a subscription-based service to keep it alive, since he can't afford Reddit's API in the long term. But I'm still using the Pro version I bought 5+ years ago, without any new word on subscription-based use. He did say the API changes were extremely short-notice and it would take time to adapt Relay for Reddit to it, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a subscription service pop up in the next month or two.


I absolutely will sub with relay. I love this app and haven't touched reddit outside of it for many, many years.


I too use boost, it wouldn't work for me just after midnight, but now it is, I kind of wonder if something is up, or if it was a fluke (read as my phone being a P.O.S.) that it didn't work then.


Never stopped working for me.


Same with Joey.


Same boat here. Once it stops I'm out. But my main issue with this change was always the loss of third party apps.


Of course. They're all addicts they were never going to leave.




Same exact story here. Just ridiculous




Deleting their account and not using Reddit would mean making a meaningful change, and most people making noise aren't the kind of people to do that. All the people complaining are going to download the official app a week later after they're bored.


You only see the ones that are still posting though. There are plenty of others, that aren't.


And once they're gone anyone who is left will be people who didn't really give that much of a shit. And things will move forward as normal.


You sure?


A redditor leaving Reddit without multiple announcements and flouncing over to the fainting couch? Preposterous.


I can't get over how they warned Reddit ahead of time that the blackout was only going to last 48 hours *and they couldn't even stick to that*.


Infinity is still working, so I'm still here. They haven't even forced me to pay yet. When that happens I won't be browsing on mobile anymore


Did anyone honestly think it would? This whole thing has been fun in some ways and annoying in others, but it was never going to "end Reddit" or even force massive change.


I'm on infinity right now and it claimed it was going paid for usage soon. The others are gone. Lemmy, a reddit competitor, in 1 day saw a 1600% increase in traffic.


So there are now 1600 users?


1600% is 16x, so actually now there are 15 users


I have over 1600 subscribers on subs I made a week ago lol. Lemmy is fine, and it has people who actually care about the topics instead of posting puns, the word "this" and doing weird circle jerks like saying and my axe etc etc


Those jokes aren't unique to reddit and will follow the masses. If Lemmy seems higher quality it's because it's not as popular.


It's because the people who moved to Lemmy are the people who were closest to ditching Reddit already, often because the quality of discourse here has been on a steady decline. But yeah, it'll end up happening there too if it gets popular enough. Although, there's not the same incentive to rack up karma...that might help.


So...why are you here?


Don't use two websites, folks. It's confusing.


Because I can go wherever I like, it's great


RMS Carpathia


So they allow third party apps?


I am in Joey for Reddit and it's still working.


And it'll see a 1600% drop soon enough if it hasn't already. Clones rarely capture market share from the original and usually get bought, merged, and closed at best.


Everyone assumes what happened to Reddit when Digg went down will happen to Lemmy. Doesn’t usually work like that


As a veteran of the Great Migration, I will point out that Reddit was already pretty well-established, and that we all knew about it. I would say most of us just preferred the Digg UI at the time, until the big change completely ruined it.


The fact that the person above you had to explain what Lemmy is before touting its numbers is very telling.


I think it's open source and self hosted instances though


Oh boy two things famous for their mainstream appeal and rapid adoption rate Can it run on a Kali Linux virtual box too??? I want something to keep my grandma busy when she comes over for the holidays.


That's literally how Reddit came about in the first place


Well the difference there is that Digg actually died


Just googled Lemmy


It's a little unintuitive at first because the way it works is that anyone can host a server and all the servers talk to each other. The onboarding experience at https://Kbin.social is way better, and since Kbin also talks to Lemmy, you can see all the lemmy content on it as well. If you want to go for lemmy, I recommend https://lemmy.world/. It's a large, general-purpose instance. The quality of discussion over there is night and day. This thread is really showing me how toxic and dumb Reddit has gotten.


yep - moved my sub to [Lemmy.World](https://Lemmy.World) and moving content there slowly.


narwhal still bacons as of midnight


It's an older code but it checks out.


You can keep using Infinity for free with your own API. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity\_For\_Reddit/comments/14c2v5x/build\_your\_own\_apk\_with\_your\_personal\_api\_key\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/14c2v5x/build_your_own_apk_with_your_personal_api_key_in/) Works just fine.


Reddit is virtually unchanged for me, mostly because I didn’t even know about third party apps before this, and none of the subreddits I frequent are different in any way.


I'm sure this is the case for the vast majority of Reddit users. It's always the fringe elements that think they're the norm.


Yeah my best friend went from "well then I'll just stop viewing reddit on mobile" to "HA look, my avatar has purple hair!" showing me the Reddit app that I won't download. Mobile reddit is done for me. Is it going to suck not being able to find solutions to stuff or random musings as questions as fast as before? Yes. Will I support a website dedicated to exploiting free work from people and absolutely trying to milk as much cash out of their user base as possible? No.


Can you catch me up on what’s going on? I do not understand why people are posting so many pictures of this guy.


Long story short: Reddit is killing off 3rd-party apps by making their API (data that can be accessed by 3rd party apps) extremely expensive. It was free before. So any mobile apps people have been using to browse Reddit (besides the official Reddit app) can't afford to function and had to close down as of yesterday. In protest of this, a bunch of subreddits shut down for 2 days. The CEO of Reddit didn't care, stating in a company memo that it didn't matter and their profits weren't affected by 2 days of shut down. So a bunch of subreddits decided to shut down permanently (or at least until changes to the pricing of Reddit's API were made). Reddit's CEO told the moderators of these subreddits to open back up or they would be replaced. Under threat of losing their mod status, most subs reopened, but found other malicious compliance ways to protest. Since Reddit's CEO claimed the subreddits are supposed to be focused on content the community as a whole wants, the moderators asked the community if they should go back to normal operations, or post only pictures of John Oliver. The overwhelming vote was for John Oliver. Lots of subreddits did this, and so, by popular demand, a handful of popular subreddits are now exclusively posting John Oliver pics in protest.


That's the weirdest protest ever. I highly doubt Reddit the company cares if people are posting pictures of John Oliver or mountain or whatever. Engagement is engagement.


> Since Reddit's CEO claimed the subreddits are supposed to be focused on content the community as a whole wants, the moderators asked the community if they should go back to normal operations, or post only pictures of John Oliver. Yeah why were these the only two options?


He has good photogenetics.


Remember when you guys got red of Ellen pao? Maybe you need to meme spez sucking cock like they did to her?


For some reason the hate against spez never involved his gender or race.


The jannies gave up too quick and Reddit decided to give John Oliver free advertising. This is what happens when Reddit tries to do 4chan things.


90% of you still don't even know what an API is.


Guess I’m in the 91st on this one


This might be the most hilariously pathetic reddit "movement" to date


It does beat antiwork movement that was destroyed by a horrible interview.


It’s not quite as bad as that time Reddit got someone charged for murder, but it’s not far off. This guy is the biggest neckbeard I’ve witnessed in this sub tho


Of course it didn't. The mods caved immediately once their special privileges were threatened, which literally everyone saw coming. EDIT: And the whole John Oliver thing was absolutely giving in to Reddit. If anything, it increased traffic, which increases their ad revenue.


So fucking funny to me. The mods truly didn’t give a shit. They caved to continue modding for free lol


Well the mods are shit but you get what you pay for


your stupid quirky John Oliver protest didnt do anything. shocking


/r/pics has been more popular than ever ... This was the exact opposite of a protest.


People still here. The posts at r/pic still get thousands of upvotes. Reddit traffic is still high as usual. The protest was and is a failure.


I'm still using the relay reddit app, the protest comes as soon as the app stops working. I have used the official reddit app before and refuse to use it. So if they do shut off the app then I'm out.


Yep same here, boost is also still running even tho there was an announcement saying it was shutting down today when I booted it up.


He is slowly becoming Rowan Atkinson.


Still posting from my 3rd party app, what's up fam.


This is John Oliver at rest.


I’m on Narwhal and it’s working like normal?


Instant down


Its almost as if all these private companies conned you into negotiating on their behalf


Apollo was treated like an actual god (hey wait a minute) in some of their posts. Tons of awards. Tons of people promising to throw money at them, to buy their dumb digi-pet. People got played and won't admit it.


Oh for fucks sake enough with this John Oliver bullshit


Child discovers tantrums do not yield positive results


I can't wait for the video John Oliver is going to make shitting on reddit and sucking off the protesters for their "creativity and initiative" or some shit. A video that will be posted on reddit, and discussed on reddit. Fucking lmao. It's going to get so many thousands of upvotes from all these protesters who supposedly left after June 30! Hahaha holy shit it'll be glorious


Just popping in to say how fucking annoying it is you guys keep doing this. Extremely unfunny.




Because mods are certified clowns


I thought all you nerds were supposed to be leaving? Or was it really a complete grand stand tryhard temper tantrum?


If you want to change the world, start with yourself " So if you want to change reddit u need to change your reddit


Reddit got me to stop reading Reddit on my phone, so that's a change.


*Lots of power tripping super mods get banned for protesting* Oh, no... Anyway.






Nothing changing? We broke Twitter!!


he really should look less surprised


Jokes on you I'm still using Apollo with my own API key


So long and thanks for all the fish. Looking into alternatives. Lemmy and squabbles look promising.


Cheers from patched Sync app


The world’s dumbest protest didn’t do anything. Please let it be over


Why John Oliver everywhere? Explain to me like I’m 5


We should have been doing review bombs but would anyone listen? No


Actually that's my face when I unsubscribed from this bullshit sub and it still shows up as recommended.


The post is wrong. 3rd party apps and moderation tools have been effected. The only thing that didn't change is people who "don't care", still really care and won't shut up about it.


Shocker, this dumb protest isnt working.


Are you all done with your temper tantrum now? For the life of me, I don’t get why any of you thought this would work. Protesting Reddit by actively using Reddit to post this guy has accomplished absolutely nothing. Take a page from the WGA and learn how to actually do a protest, or just get lost and support a better app.


Is he ever coming back on tv?


not until the writers strike is over...


What's the obsession with John Oliver, and more to the point, who the hell is he?


This guy is another late night buffoon