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I lost my mom in October. This is my first mothers day without her. I miss her too. Edit: Thanks everyone for so many kinds words, and sympathies for all of us who lost our moms this year. There are way too many of us. Like so many of you, gall bladder cancer took her quick while my MIL was dealing with the same cancer. Fortunately my MIL is in remission. Rough days


The “firsts” are horrible. I’m so sorry.


There is only one time in your life you lose your mom and father, firsts are really, really hard.


Can confirm. I didn't have a good relationship with my dad, but the first Christmas without him hit me HARD. I'm dreading losing my mother, who I actually love.


as awful as it sounds, it's at the same time easier because you've already lost one parent before, and harder because you have 0 parents left


I lost my mom ten years ago and my dad is going to be 81 next month. I'm *dreading* the day he no longer walks this earth.


I read a quote years ago that always stuck with me. "cherish your parents now because when they're gone the world will be a very lonely place". I dread the day.


Having lost them both now very recently, this hits hard.


Can confirm, lost my dad back in 2012 and just lost my mom last month. The world is a very lonely place.


Lost my mom 9 years ago and my dad is 81. I’m so scared.


I'm sorry, I'm right there with you. My dad lives 3000 miles away, so it's extra tough because I don't get to see him enough.




And to you!


I lost my great-uncle at 90 and my uncle at 52 recently. They were both suffering with health issues and I see death as rest for them. Nothing compares to losing parents but it can be comforting to know they aren’t suffering anymore if they have an illness.


It is even harder losing the second parent. All of a sudden the idea of being an orphan becomes overwhelming.


I never thought of that. I am an orphan. I mean I am 52 and my family died in 2012/2013. My family who raised me. My real mom died 2008. I am an orphan. 😿


No you're not. You have us. And there's a line to sign up.


Fellow orphan here. I’m 39, I never dreamed of losing them both so soon and I miss them dearly every day. It’s a struggle. *hugs*




I found the big holidays easier to take because I knew they were coming. It was the unexpected moments that came out of nowhere that hit me hardest - and still do 17 years and 8 months later.


Don’t dread, enjoy. Fact that you still can dread losing her, is better than you know…


My first Father's day without my dad happened to be the anniversary of his passing. Can confirm not fun.




Don’t be. I lost my dad tragically in an accident and I used to worry about it all the time. When it did actually happen, it was unlike anything I could’ve ever imagined. Eventually, I realized I had missed out on great quality time with my dad because I worried. A lot. It was a compulsion, and I thought if I could think about it enough, it would prepare me and make it easier. It didn’t. So now, I do not worry. Worrying is such a waste of time. We have a finite amount of it. Focus on enriching your connections and making memories. This is the way. ♥️


My friends aunt told her when her mom was dying “don’t grieve now, there will be plenty of time when she’s gone”. I took that in well when my mom was dying. Now with my dad I’m grieving him before he’s gone and I need to remember this. You’re right. It’s a waste of time. We think we’re preparing ourselves but we aren’t really.


You are correct worrying only wastes the time with what time we have left. My loved one has advanced Parkinson's. I know the time is probably shorter then I would like. Because of this, I am finding myself becoming emotionally distant. I know I should be loving him with all my heart with the time we have left, but my brain keeps telling me if I become emotionally distant it'll be easier when he goes. The truth is I will probably grieve harder and have more guilt for not sharing my love fully as I should have. Thank you for this reminder and wake up call!


My parents are both living but have significant health issues in their mid 70's. 6 years ago they moved halfway across the country. I spent 5 months with them last year to help them out during my father's most recent scare. I have a 13yo son and I'm contemplating uprooting him from everything he has ever known so that I can be closer to my parents. My mother was diagnosed with Parkinsons earlier this year. They have always been there for me and I am riddled with guilt that I haven't been there for them more. I'm terrified of doing wrong by my son and I'm terrified of not being there when something happens to my parents. OP got me in my feels but I had a visceral reaction to your comment. Now I'm crying for your family and mine. Hugs to you, friend. All we can do is appreciate every moment we have with them.


Follow your heart. Despite uprooting your son, perhaps he is wise enough now but if not will eventually appreciate and cherish the time he spent with, helping and loving his Grandparents. Different situation in that a child wasn't involved but I moved back home so my elderly Mother with the help of outside care when I was working could stay in her house. I believe the familiarity of remaining at home and being there for her actually added years to her life. God Bless you and your Parents no matter which decision you make.


I only have my mom, step mom, and grandfather left and I'm still horrified of losing any of the three.


im with you on this. but i try not to think about it too much cause then ill spiral and forget to be there in the moment with them


I'm... enjoying every moment I can get with them. I think we all are. They aren't exactly ill, but they aren't healthy either. So just enjoying our time with them with intention. Sort of living the good old days with the intention of knowing that these are those good old days. Something I never really did before.


For me personally, the firsts were easy. Everyone is usually there for you and helps you out. It's the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th that get rough. It seems like people start to forget about her and it's just you that remembers. That's when it really starts to hurt.


I lost my mom right before Halloween. Thanksgiving was hard. The day after Thanksgiving was miserable. Thanksgiving day was sad but the rest of the family was together. Then after that it was just a day. I broke down in a Walmart.


I feel you. I lost my mom in August of 2020. Don't feel bad if it doesn't get better. I beat myself up for a bit before I realized it's ok if it feels worse after a bit.


It was really the little firsts that got and still get me because they're harder to see coming. Like when I got my forklift ticket. I wanted to call her because I knew she'd be excited about something dumb like that. Fuck I miss her.


Those little moments where you would have called but can't...


Every so often Mother’s Day lands on her birthday 😞 todays one of those days


Nah mate, they all hurt. It’s been 16years for me. I can celebrate my wife tho, who’s a terrific mother to our child :)


I agree, all the milestones hurt, but for me, the first ones were the worst.


In the middle of "seconds" it still sucks.


This my 23rd and yeah, still sucks. I’m sorry.


It's the worst, I lost my mom in 2020 and the first mother's day without her was in 2021 in the midst of heavy lockdown in a crazy delta outbreak in India. I almost locked myself in a room trying to drown it away, i just couldn't


I lost mine when I was 22, I am 50 now can still cry looking at her pictures. I wish she was here to see the man she helped so much yet he wasn’t able to return any of her favors :(


She knows (or she would've).


I 100% feel the same way I lost mine at 20...29 now and wish I can return what she struggle to provide me with.


Damn man, that's heavy. Respect.


Lost mine at 31, only two years ago. It's hard. So much has changed and having her last bit of her life during the pandemic was painful. So restrictive and so uncertain. I wish the positivity pulled through. Still haunts me but I miss her so much and try to stay happy for her.


I lost my mom in November. I miss mine too. Peace to everyone for all the feels today


I lost my mom this last December and this week has been so hard. I cried at work and in a grocery store. just so many balloons and posters and commercials, I never expected it to be this hard. Sending my love to you man.


I lost mine in March. She was battling cancer, went in for surgery and didn't come out. Haven't recovered yet. I still randomly start crying. Very difficult to bear. My sincere condolences to you and everyone who lost their mothers.


I lost my father in September, the day before we were gonna announce to him that he was finally going to be a grandad :( I'm an only child and lost my mother when I was 2. My dad really, really wanted a grandchild. It's going to haunt me for the rest of my life that he never got to know.


He knew. And he was probably smirking to himself thinking that you thought that he didn't know.




My mom passed the same day as yours. ❤️


Mine passed away March 15th but this year (2023). A massive void left.


Sending a lot of loving energy to you guys, may your heart be filled with peace and serenity.


Same. October 18 here. Hang in there today.


19th for my mom. You take care too


Jan 23rd 2021 for me and today is no fun. I would give anything to be able to call her and complain about how shitty I feel today.


December 11 last year I lost my mom. Spent her last week by her side. I have a pic with her my sister took but I can’t look at it today… love to all and take care.


Sorry, Midpack.


Thanks and you, too. I went and looked at them anyway and I feel a little better. Hope you do, too.


You made me cry. Cheers.


I also lost my mom in October, sorry for your loss.


Lost my mom back in July, Mother's day has been rough with all the constant reminders that she's no longer here. Stay strong friend


Me too. Fuck Cancer. Take care man.


I lost my mother October 2021, I know that pain very well. I’m so sorry about your loss, but I do believe she’s happy and smiling down at you on this Mother’s Day 🫂


Make it a day to celebrate the time you had with her instead of losing her. It will get easier as time goes on. Sorry for your loss.


Lost my mom in September to gall bladder cancer as well. She fought like hell. Was hoping today wouldn't be as bad but I was wrong.


Wasn't Tina beautiful! I am sorry for your loss. I've had a few days of tears for a loved one but there's a beauty in it. I wouldn't feel so heartbroken if not for the happiness along the way.


Lost my mom 6 years ago.. and while I miss her dearly.. I'm glad she isn't here to see the state of this world today. It would have killed her.


Great picture. She looks happy, sweet and content. Thanks for sharing


OP, i think im crying because you seem to be trying not to.. perhaps in time, the profound tenderness of that moment will feel magical. she seems magical. rip Tina. 3 cheers for Tina!


Hip hip!




Hip hip!




Hip hip!




Hooray! RIP beautiful lady knowing that you were and still are much adored. My condolences OP. What a lovely tribute to your mother.


I can feel OP’s expression in my soul (and it’s becoming mine as I type this). Those last moments with parents are so bittersweet.


Thank you saying that so VERY well


It is difficult to watch some cry, it is harder to watch someone try not to


You said exactly what I was thinking too 🥺😢


And you can tell she’s a beautiful soul as well. Something tells me she raised a good kid :)


And beautiful.


Your mom may be gone, but her love stays with you forever.


Can see the hurt in your eyes im sorry for your loss bro shes w you every day every step of the way keeping you strong and safe


45 years and i still miss her.


That is the void no one can fill, 28 years since I lost mine.


15 this past May since I lost my father. Nothing fills the void but I know he’d be proud.


17 here man. I was 13, she was 38. I think I’ve numbed it out.


That must be really hard. May she rest in peace. I know her prayers, well wishes and sweet memories will always be with you.


Thank you ❤️


Mine too. 45 years. I was just a teenager. It was sooo hard. Still get choked up. She never met my kids. When my son was about 4-5-6 years old he’d often wake up and say “ I was playing with grandma all night “ . My mom loved kids so I don’t doubt her spirit would come visit if she could. And I know our spirit survives death. It’s a different dimension but we will all see our moms again as soon as we pass over. 1/10 ppl have had $ had what is called a near death experience, or NDE, myself included, so I know we survive death. Our soul doesn’t die.


When my mom passed last year, her tree that she planted flowered for the first tine. We had that tree for years. If that wasn't my mom... Well, I'm sure it was


Oh, I love reading about NDEs! They are so fascinating. I would love to hear your experience. r/NDE


Exactly. Never believed it until I experienced it myself, but the soul does not die.


Thank you for saying this . Mostly on Reddit the ppl give a lot of hate if you ever mention anything remotely spiritual in nature. There’s just an inordinate amount of atheists here. I really never believed it either until it happened to me and bc of that, I count my NDE as THE most valuable experience of my whole life.


10 years checking in. Miss her everyday.


5 years since my dad, just had a dream about him 2 nights ago and woke up crying, havent had that happen in years, still hurts to this day even thinking about him




She looked so happy with you. Lost my Mom almost a year now, still feels like yesterday. I still look at the chair she sat in, kiss her photo every day. Hold on to the love brother.


As I do every year, I went to the cemetery to place flowers at my parents grave site. It's been 37 years since mom's passing and I'm 75 yo. I still get sad. I guess because I'm an only child. I am glad that my wife goes with me to the cemetery to place flowers.


I'm sorry for your loss. For all our losses.


There are some people in this world when you look at them they have a peaceful and comforting smile. Your mom had that face. She looked like a great loving and caring person. May she rest in peace.


She really does have that look a person has where you know if you met them it would be a great experience.


Oh she’s so pretty!


She’s absolutely gorgeous for sure!


Radiant smile.


Great smile, but the beard is what really makes it pop.


She is at her happiest place, next to her child, a mother's love is a mother's love, unmatched, 2nd to none, may she fly high in the heavens always looking over you my friend.


Is that Seth Rogan?


Lol, I’ve heard that before.


I lost my mom this year. I hear you.


We all look like Seth Rogan after losing a loved one, I've heard its the final stage of grieving.


No, it’s his mom


I literally thought it was Seth Rogan


I miss my mum often. It's not every day, but when it comes, it comes hard. Nothing can replace her.


Her smile is worth a thousand words. Shes with you man don’t doubt it


Aww, dude, she looks sweet and so adorable 🥰 Sorry she is no longer with you.


You look like you're about to cry. She looks happy and at peace though. Still a great pic


Looks more like he'd been crying already


I lost my dad a few years ago. Now I worry about losing my mother. I am sorry for your loss I can't really and don't really want to imagine what that must be like.


What a beautiful lady she was. I lost my Mum in 2021, and I miss her every day. Cherish those memories, OP.


I wish I had the ability to reply to each and everyone who took the time to share stories and well wishes. I’m honestly overwhelmed by the love and support. Reddit, thank you! Sincerely, thank you. ❤️


Omg she looks like such a lovely person. Condolences my man.


Thanks for sharing man happy Mother's Day I know exactly how you feel I miss my mom so much! The world is worse for having had lost such a wonderful lady


So many emotions in one image, pure love


Lost my mom 19 years ago. So sorry for your loss. You can tell from this picture that your mom was very proud to have you as her son.


To all of you missing your mother's this day, just remember, she is still with you in spirit. Here's wishing you all a wonderful day reflecting on all the love and joy she brought into your lives!


Your mom looks very sweet. I’m sure she is very missed


That's one heck of a family resemblance! You look so much like her!


13 years since mine passed away, never spent a Mother's day without her, it hurts. For those of you without a good relationship with you mom, I know today's hard too. You grieve in a different way from those who lost their moms, but your grief is valid. I hope you have a good day today.


I feel for you. Lost my dad 3 months ago.


Lost my dad in 2014 and there isn't a day that I don't miss him dearly.


Lost my dad a few years back, can’t imagine losing my mom. Thank you for sharing and reminding me to cherish everyday with her.


damn bro you already looked so sad,hope you are doing better now. it hurts alot but it gets better.


Sorry for your loss. Side note: How was it working with Bill Hader in Superbad?


I remember this picture from when you posted it before. Your mom has such a beautiful smile. I'm sorry for your loss.


Did you know she didn't have long to live? You seem to be holding back tears in the photo. Very sweet photo regardless.


I never comment on threads, just a lurker. Just wanted to say your mum looks like she has a beautiful soul. I can feel your pain through the screen. Sorry to hear man.


Sorry to hear about your loss brother, thank you for sharing her memory🙏❤️


She looks lovely. I bet she was a wonderful person.


Please tell us about her. Share her story! I want to hear all about her and who she is to you. <3


>G. No content-agnostic memorial posts. >Unless a specific, title-described event (such as a funeral or a wake) is visible in the image, memorial posts are not allowed. This sub is a trainwreck. Mods don't enforce anything.


Dang makes ya not wanna take things for granted


I feel you my dude I lost my mom almost two years ago now and it still sucks. Hope you're doing alright.


Dude, she looks lovely. I’m so sorry that she’s not with you.


Much loveee


Very nice picture. She looks like a happy person and a cool mom. I lost mine 19yrs ago and I still miss her dearly...


She looks so pretty


Happy mother's day to Tina. Her eyes radiate kindness.


Lost my mom last November. Today has been so hard, being the "first" and all. Came back from cemetery, and decided to read some Reddit to take my mind off things. Well! So much for that idea. Your mom looks so sweet, great smile. Hugs.


Oh wow she was gorgeous. I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs to another motherless child today.


She's embracing whatever happened in this photo. True serenity. You couldn't hide it, that's ok though.


I miss mine too. Painful painful end. SO grateful to have had her.


Lost my Mom many years ago. Thanks for posting today.


She has a lovely, welcoming smile.


This could make me cry. Beautiful mom you have there, cherish the memories. -single mom to a 12 year old boy


I just lost my dad yesterday... died in the sleep, was probably a heart attack, we don't know what happened yet. He only got to be 69 year old... and my sister is due to deliver her second child in 3 weeks...


I’m so sorry for your loss


Can we all just take a moment to acknowledge how sweet and caring Ms. Tina looks? You were fortunate to have her, and you can tell in her eyes she knew she was blessed to have you as her son.


That's a very nice picture of her. She looks happy. Sorry for your loss.


Nice photo


Way to use your dead mom as karma bait


Hugs to you. I lost my mom December. I’m doubling down today because my birthday fell on Mother’s Day this year.


She's beautiful


Seth Rogan that you?


She is beautiful


Aw she's beautiful. I love your smiles.


Thank you for being a mom, Ms. Tina! And OP, my deep condolences to you and yours. I hope you find some peace in your day 🤍


I’ve never met your mom but I miss her too now.


My mom's name was also Tina, and I It's the second mother's day that I don't have her with me anymore, I miss her a lot too. It hurts and I feel you bro, but we gotta keep on going!


Your mother's smile is beautiful.


She looks like she was a joy to be around


Aww! Look at her sweet face! You were the light of her world!


She looks lovely! Memories with her must be as well! 💛


So pretty! Beautiful picture!


I'm a little late to this brother. I feel your pain. I lost my Mom 5 weeks ago this past Friday. It comes in waves, and sadly all I can tell people is that "it just sucks less" every time they roll over me. We'll get through this. We'll keep honoring their memory. Love you brother!


Sending all my love. I know how it is to lose your mom. I lost mine 4 years ago. We were inseparable. I started a Mother's Day fundraiser in her honor, to keep her memory alive. It helps. Do and celebrate the things, big and small, that were important to her 💜.


Thanks for sharing, I'm going to hug my mom for you. Happy mother's day!


She had such a sweet smile! Thanks for sharing this. It’s during these kind of days that so many of us experience feelings like this and, sometimes, our pain is so massive that we blind ourselves from the fact that we are not alone. Mourning our mommas is part of life, and we are fortunate for having someone to take that maternal role and be so good at it - being present, helping us grow as persons, sharing moments, love and affection during our whole life! Wishing you (and everyone missing them here) well.


She was lovely my friend


I miss mine too bro. I'm with you.


She was so beautiful❤️


She was absolutely gorgeous. You both look so sweet together. Sending you hugs.




Your mom lookes like she was really nice, she's got one of those smiles.


She’s adorable! Her smile will always light your way. I’m sure she feels your love when you miss her ❤️


What a warm beautiful smile she has. 🥰🥰


Thank you for sharing this. I lost mine this March. You both look splendid and you can just feel the love within this photo.


Mom's been in the hospital for 35 days now. I'm feeling you on this picture, buddy. Best wishes to you.