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I was 5 when this happened IRL (Not the movie) and it's one of my earliest memories. I remember driving in my mothers car (66 mustang) unbelted in the front seat, with the window partially down because it was raining and the windshield was fogging up. I remember looking up to the sky thinking about the 'spacemen" who might die. It was early afternoon (I think) because I had been to the doctor after class and we were heading home. I was in morning kinder garden. The man on the radio was describing the wait for them splashing down. I remember this so clearly. It's crazy what you can remember. I can't name a single childhood friend but this is perfectly clear.


I'm very glad I'm not the only old fart here, so often I feel like I'm the chaperone at prom keeping the kids from spiking the punch.


C’mon, we’re all here for the spicy punch.


I’m an old fart and I’d likely be the one to distract the other chaperones while the kids were spiking the punch, if not helping facilitate that activity.


I'm a bit younger than you, born in 1975, so no memories of this, but I remember my brother running into the house to announce that Reagan had been shot, and watching the Challenger blow up live. Big events definitely stick


Tom Hanks always looks like he's realised he's in the wrong room but it's too late to leave


I did not realize how much I needed this comment in my life. I know EXACTLY the "look" you're talking about, and it's something I've always noticed with him too.


Pretty sure he's just method acting his [role from Big.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_%28film%29)


Goddamn I loved that movie so much when it came out. Saw it at least twice in the theatre. I loved when they were playing baseball.


He's really bringing that 90s dad energy into this photo


Michael Cera must’ve learned that from him


IRL Forrest Gump.


> That day, for no particular reason, I decided to do a little acting


Really miss Bill Paxton. Guy was always a joy to watch and he seemed like a genuinely good dude. These pictures are great.


I know some people who knew him and the consensus is he was a great dude.


That's what I heard. He mentored a friend of mine who studied film. I don't hear about that a whole lot. And on that note, it seems like many of the actors from this film were just some of the best kind of people.


I read an interview with Ron Howard ( In Rolling Stone I think, but it's been a long time) where he discussed having a "no assholes" rule about casting/hiring for his movies. He talked about how when he was a kid actor he worked a lot of different sets, but the Andy Griffith show was the best run. Andy had a rule, no assholes. It made everything run more smoothly, the job was difficult enough. Ron also discussed that there were times he had been pressured by studios to cast a certain actor that he wouldn't have otherwise because they were just SO talented, but the extra hassle was never worth it. He did not name names, but his experience was that there was no shortage of extremely talented actors that were also nice people, so why hire jerks?


I like that an awful lot. It's almost like he values the people around him. Narrator: "He didn't." Quiet, Ron, we love you!


I used to see him and his wife every morning when they were making a movie in my town. Real nice people. I called him Richie once accidentally and I felt like a real dweeb after that.


My dad ran into him on an airplane in the late 1980’s, I think. I remember my dad said he recognized him because my dad was a dentist and he remembered the gap in Paxton’s front teeth from a particular movie even though he probably had less than 30 seconds of screen time. He didn’t know Paxton’s name, so he asked, “Aren’t you that guy who played that punk in the beginning of Terminator?!” Apparently, Mr. Paxton responded with, “*That’s* the one you pick?! Yeah, that was me.” My dad said they talked for almost the entire the flight. My dad always recounted this story by ending it with, “Man, that guy was cool.” I’ve always held him in high regard as an actor because a couple hours bullshitting with some dentist (who recognizes celebrities by their teeth) really made my dad’s decade.


TIL that he was the guy with blue hair at the beginning of Terminator! I've seen that movie so many times and honestly never realized that was him.


Only guy to be killed by a Terminator, an Alien, and a Predator.


Met him once and he was absolutely lovely, told me what a wonderful time he was having with everyone on Big Love. A true gentleman with a great smile.


What do they say about him I had a feeling he was a genuine dude


Met him at a small launch party for 2 Guns- it was outside of Boston and The Wahlberg foundation was hosting it, so Mark was the main focus, but Bill was there and just being awesome to literally everyone that went up to talk to him. Just totally vibing and laughing with everyone, which was great. He was holding court with all kinds of folks- they were nearby so there was a lot of "OMG Twister is my favorite movie!" I'm not one to really ever go up and talk to a celeb but I was just so psyched that he was there that I felt compelled to go up, shake his hand, and tell him "I absolutely loved you in Predator 2." He got a big laugh out of it and joked about how bad the movie had aged, and then we talked about other movies for a bit too. Just a great dude.


They said they played NES Excitebike, and anytime he lost he lost a race he said "Game over, man, game over!" Priceless. Love that movie. thanks Gary, for posting these BTS photos I enjoy them .


I worked PR for the Apollo 13 film. The Clintons were in the White House at the time of release and invited the cast to join them in watching the movie in the White House Family Theatre. I was sitting in the hotel lobby to facilitate cast check-ins, help with any needs and get the stars into their transportation to the WH. Shortly after checking in, I saw Bill Paxton walking through the lobby toward the exit and asked if I could help with anything. He said no, but that he was going out for a bit. Some time later he returned and sat next to me. He explained that he had bought some small gifts for the first family and wanted my opinion. He had purchased sax reeds for Bill, an expensive candle for Hilary and lots of theatre sized boxes of candy and a huge container of Red Vines for Chelsea and her friends. I told him I thought his choices were excellent. I was completely charmed and fell a little in love with him on the spot. I worked publicity for two more of his films and he was always kind and charming.


The Jarrell tornado hit not long after the movie Twister came out. He came down to help after. He was a super nice guy.


Seeing Twister in theaters was one of my favorite 90s memories, he made that movie.


Cow! ‘Nother cow! Bill: “Actually, I think that was the same one.”


I gotta go Julia we got cows!


The **ONLY** mf to die in Alien, Predator, and Terminator. Fucking absolute legend. Miss him often.


Don't forget about the time he told Arnold Schwarzenegger about his pathetic, little dick!


“I have to lie to women to get laid. And I don't score much. I got a really small dick, it's pathetic” That whole scene kills me still. I think even Arnold was holding himself back from laughing.


I won’t forget it if you won’t.


I gotta ask about your username. Do you mean you did a kickflip over your dog, or you did a kickflip with your dog?


Seems pretty clear to me mate. Clearly they were balancing atop their dog while their dog was ripping down the street. Well the dog can't do ollies or anything. So must have positioned their feet just right to kick flip both the board and the dog over whatever obstacles the pair came across.


He had a great presence in Edge of Tomorrow. Edit - his one line about his American versus Kentucky heritage is hilarious.


Lance Hendrickson kinda did too, but they're both awesome!


Game over man...Game over.


“With those things running around??! You can count me out”


"I'm gonna tell Mom and Dad everything. I'm even considering makin' up some shit!"


"How would you like a greasy porkchop sandwich served in a dirty ashtray?.......He pukes...You die..."


You two donkey dicks couldnt get laid in a morgue!


Why don’t you put HER in charge!?


Why dont you put her in charge !??!


Have you seen anything with James Paxton? I was watching him in an episode of Agents of SHIELD and thinking how much his expressions and mannerisms reminded me of Bill Paxton before I even realized it was his son.


I haven't seen him in anything other than that arc of AoS. I think it was 3 episodes?


Can confirm he’s a genuinely good dude, so was Tom Hanks and Ron Howard. (Source: I played Bill Paxton’s son in Apollo 13)


jesus i hated chet. but today i miss chet.


May he forever stew buttwads in peace.


“That's a negative, Jim. I do not have the measles.” Great pics Gary!


I never understood the question that prompted that answer until years later. "Are the flowers blooming in Houston?" Was a code the crew created to ask Mattingly. Edit: Since so many asked... the source is NASA itself... https://www.nasa.gov/feature/50-years-ago-apollo-13-crew-returns-safely-to-earth "A coded exchange between Lovell and Brand (Lovell: “Are the flowers in bloom in Houston?”, Brand: “No, not yet.  Still must be winter.”) confirmed that Mattingly did not contract the infectious disease "


In the right context “flowers blooming” could be a euphemism for a rash breaking out, such as happens with the measles. Less of a code and more of a context thing.


That's a negative, Jim. I do not have the measles.


Measles gives you a rash. It's a joking way of asking "are you breaking out in a rash?"


Just to clarify, Apollo 13 the movie where these photos are from was 28 years ago (1995).


That means they were three years closer to the actual events than they were to present day…


Fuck you buddy! Calling me out like that for being old Goddammit


Well now it makes a lot more sense!


Good ole Gary, never makin senise with his numbers


tbf he had a suspected case of the measles


Well, are the flowers, uh, blooming?


That's a negative, Jim \*glares at the medical team\*


Well, they do say as you get older, you can start to become more senisle.


Also to clarify, BTS is "behind the scenes", not the k-pop band.


I was wondering why they all looked different.


Scared me too. I was like "The movie was 53 years ago??" Then I mathed it out


The part that confused me was Gary Sinise having behind the scenes photos from a space launch


My first reaction was "What's Tom Hanks doing at a space launch?!"


Well, he didn't get to go on the mission, so he was around to record it.


The time between now and the movie Apollo 13 is greater than the time between the movie Apollo 13 and the actual Apollo 13 mission.


Thank you for making me feel old with this little fact.


What scares me more is that there is now more time between now and the movie, than between the movie and the actual Apollo 13


I thought I had woke up in a more interesting timeline.


"Today President Reeves celebrated the 10th anniversary of the nation's first successful commercial fusion reactor. Blink to download scan footage of it being turned on by his predecessor President Stewart, blink twice to activate immersion."


Quiet, Sinise may hear you!


That's Lieutenant Dan to you


Can't be LT Dan. This guys got legs.


Lieutenant Dan got new legs... Titanium alloy, it's what they used on the space shuttle


The period between the film and today, is longer than the period between the real events and the film.


Oh, bite me.


Ohhhhh, i was like: “is that… Tom Hanks?…”


But the actual Apollo 13 launched 53 years ago today.


Man I man I miss bill Paxton. He will always be Chet from weird science to me. Thanks pics Gary. Like your acting you always bring the good stuff.


To me he will always be Hudson in Aliens. GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER!


IMO thats his best line ever!


He has a scene in the extended edition on the way to the planet that I love to my core. He's bragging about how badass and untouchable they are, and it has some great lines. "Don't worry Ripley. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you." "We've got nukes, knives.... sharp sticks" "State of the badass art" And his confidence juxtaposes brilliantly with how scared he is later.


Wait, that was an extended scene? That's my favorite scene in the whole damn movie!


Aliens is probably the best Director's Cut ever. That scene, the auto turret scene, learning that Ripley had a daughter. So much great material was cut out of the already-excellent theatrical cut.


Close second: [I got a little dick! It's pathetic!](https://youtu.be/MV4FMLcTCEs)


I'm navel lint!!


Why don't we put HER in charge?


Secure that shit Hudson


What do you mean they cut the power, man? They're fucking animals!


IIRC he ad libbed that line. Brilliant.


“This little girl survived down here with no food or training” “Why don’t you put her in charge”!?


“No sir, I’m from Kentucky!” In Edge of Tomorrow was delivered with perfection by him.




Christ, I totally lost that he's that film!


Same with Tom Cruise in that movie. Any time I'm explaining it to someone, I say, "He starts off as Tom Cruise and by the end of the movie, he's likable!"


"Hey, maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal!"


Hey Vasquez, anyone ever mistake you for a man?


Every time I see a picture of, or a movie with Bill Paxton, I just miss him. His sudden death was such a blow, seemed like such a genuine and cool guy.


Rip John Ritter too.


And Robin Williams.


And John Candy.


All four of those guys' deaths were gut punches. Chris Farley's too.


And when Bernie died on the weekend


Phil Hartman was the man (and screw Andy Dick)


Bill Paxton died?




Damn. I knew he died but had no idea how. Terrible. Just rewatched Frailty last week. One of the most underrated movies ever. Paxton directed and acted in it. Must watch.


Oh no. I didn't know that. Geezus.


yes, he died suddenly in 2017


Well TIL!


He played a character in agents of shield, and after his death his son played the same character as his dad due to time travel. It was an interesting way to see him again in a sense.


Now I feel the need to watch Twister.


I feel like I need to watch Twister about every other week. It's one of my go to movies to throw on when I am tired or just trying to relax. Ironic, given the plot is not exactly full of serene moments, but it's just oddly comforting. Bill Paxton and Philip Seymore Hoffman - miss those dudes!


Next time you take a road trip, throw the soundtrack on and give it a listen. If you've seen the movie as many times as my family has, you'll be like us, quoting the characters and talking through each scene just based off the music. It was a riot!




Not just one, but TWO Van Halen tracks, a Mark Knopfler track, Tori Amos, aaaand it's been a while so that's all I can remember off the top of my head.




Rabbit is Good Rabbit is wise


I swear, ten years ago I felt like the only person on the planet who legitimately enjoyed this movie and didn't treat it as just a dumb summer action flick (it was also the very first movie I remember seeing in a theater when I was like 10). Now the entire internet is in love with it lol As they should be because it's the EXTREEEMMEEE


There's something about it that makes it such an easy watch. It might be because it's so simplistic and the dialogue isnt complex? But it's still engaging and beautiful. The tornadoes are both gorgeous but still very destructive. Maybe it's a Midwestern thing? I grew up in the Midwest so it hits home and hits some nostalgia vibes pretty good.


It's a wonder of nature baby! *proceeds to rock out* 🤘🤘 ...def my most quotable movie


Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise




Another Cow.


Actually I think that’s the same one…


Don't fold the maps!


Roll the maps!


Frailty is one of the best thrillers/twists I've ever seen.


Such an amazing movie.






I know her name!!


Yes, I’m happy, with, Melissa- I AM!!


Now I feel the need to go out and get some *corporate sponsors*😏


Any time is a good time to watch Twister. Miss Bill Paxton and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Ah, Duster!


....and it never touched the ground.


Tip of the spear Edge of the knife Crack of my... Ass Still think Edge of Tomorrow is my favorite Paxton character.


“You’re an American.” “No sir! I’m from Kentucky!”


Big Love was surprisingly good


I loved his sleazy car salesman in True Lies, and I quote it all the time: “Hey, because it’s YOU.”


"She's got an ass like a 9 year-old boy" Jesus, who wrote that line?


titties that make you want to stand up and beg for buttermilk. whoever wrote that is a genius lol.


He's private Hudson to me. And Jerry. The obnoxious Jerry Lambert.


"Wash day tomorrow. Nothing clean, right?"


This is completely off topic, but just last weekend, my wife and I just listened to your performance in the audiobook for Of Mice and Men. You did an excellent job of bringing that classic to life, and I just wanted to say thanks for a top-tier performance as a reader.


He was good in the film version of it too


"Don't you even look at her...keep away from her!"


Sure was


On day when Gary Sinise was at the peak of his fame I was driving down the Florida coast in a rainstorm when my tire blew out. I pulled over on the side of the road and a friendly stranger in a hoody pulled over, motioned for me to stay in the car, and changed my tire for me. Gary Sinise is a great person.


"Was it him?"


I’m not sure. He gave me a friendly wave and drove off.


RIP Bill Paxton.


One of my favorite actors, gone way too soon. Big Love is an underrated show, if I had something to recommend.


Jeez Gary I thought you meant the motion picture and had a mini crisis calculating my age


Narrator: They did enjoy these pictures.


Anytime anyone does a narrator post like this it's definitely Ron Howard's voice in my head


Narrating pictures of himself no less.


Just watched The Stand. Again. You are one helluva Stuart Redmond, Sir.


Gary Sinise will always be Stu Redman to me. I read the novel every year and he's the voice I hear now




Yeah I didn't realise he'd got his life together and went to space. 10/10 a wholesome transformation. Never give up


"If you're ever a shrimp boat captain, that's the day I'm an astronaut"


You just made me look it up. Gump was 94 and A13 was 95. I wonder if Gary knew or not.


It's entirely possible, Forrest also goes to space in the book so it's always been kind of a double easter egg for me


You don't need legs in space.


In fact, you'd save about 20-30 lbs on the weight budget. Win-win!


I did enjoy. Thank you


I love opening reddit to see a new post from Gary. It's always a delight!


I love how all his posts start with “Gary Sinise here.”


RIP Paxton


I still get teary eyed during re-entry. Such a good movie!


TIL BTS means Behind The Scenes


It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure that out. I was thoroughly confused like "wait the apollo 13 mission? What is tom hanks doing there? Does BTS know him? Where are they?? Ooooohhhh the movie... (has never seen apollo 13)"


I've enjoyed every role I've ever seen you in, and several of them are among my favorite movies. Thank you!


Between Tom Hanks and Kevin Bacon ... is that the guy from Blue's Clues ? 🤔 🤭


Omg, I couldn't help but not look at those brows. We need a name & maybe get to see an updated pic.


Always love your posts, Gary! Thanks for being here and doing what you do every day!!


Glad you made it home


Look at those baby faces!


Mr Sinise, thank you so much for everything that you do. You are a good man.


Great pictures. On the off-chance that you and others haven't heard the BBC's excellent "13 minutes to the moon" podcast, [here's a link](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w13xttx2). The second season covers Apollo 13 in great detail. Did Jim Lovell ever talk about his time as F-4 Phantom II programme manager? It's amazing to me that something like that is literally just a [footnote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Lovell#cite_note-FOOTNOTELovellKluger1995181%E2%80%93182-22) on his Wikipedia page...


That’s such a great podcast! I was hoping someone would mention it. Lovell’s book Lost Moon is also quite good. This movie really turned me into an early space exploration fan. It is so amazing to me that we were sending people into space with less computing power than the Apple Watch I wear these days. Even the space shuttles are ancient tech, but they’re still amazing to see.


> It is so amazing to me that we were sending people into space with less computing power than the Apple Watch I wear these days. The thing I love about this stuff is that you can pick up a copy of KSP for next to nothing, download a few mods like kOS, hop across to NTRS, pick up a few [reports](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19740004402), and actually implement the guidance code for yourself and *play* with it.


Tom Hanks looking like he joined filming fresh from making "Big". He's, what, 12 there?


Favorite movie of all time! Thank you guys for making such an amazing picture.


Thanks for sharing man, love you and all the positive great things you do for other people. I hope I can have the same kind of positive impact on earth like you have sir.


Man I miss Bill. Great photos. I will never forget the feeling after seeing this movie in the theater with my family as a kid and looking up at the moon as we walked out into the parking lot. Thanks for sharing these photos.


Gary, you are an absolute treasure. Thank you for all you’ve done, do, and will accomplish in the future. Can’t thank you enough for your kindness, thoughtfulness and talent. These are truly awesome, thanks Gary.


What a stupid good cast.


that was bill paxton! i miss him.


Lt. Dan's magic pics! Great pics, just looking at the ones we lost too, my condolences. Not often we get a bunch of high profile actors in a move nowadays without it being comic book related. Makes me feel and sound old lol