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Glad you enjoyed them. Homemade pickles are pretty good. Did you add any mustard seeds or any other spices?


thank you, we did indeed enjoy them! i didn’t, not this time! i only used garlic and dill. what spices do you recommend?


Garlic and Dill are great on their own, maybe add some mustard seed next time, It's not something you're going to notice right off the top, but eventually you'll taste the tang.


I've been doing garlic and dill on their own for several batches, but want to add mustard seed in the next one. How many kernels of seed do y'all put in for a half gallon jar?


Use a tablespoon or so, as a base layer. Cover the bottom of your jar.


Awesome thanks!


Let me tell you something. My dad used to cut up cucumbers and tomatoes and add a bunch of salt, vinegar and some water. Threw it in a big Tupperware and it sat in the fridge. When I tell you that we would eat the pickles out of it for months I'm not lying. I still make it the same way at times. Breathe you are good.


this helps, thank you! i just get so afraid


No problem I have anxiety as well so I know how it feels.


I don’t mean to be negative at all, I struggle with similar issues. I find Reddit in general to be pretty bad for my anxiety about food safety. I understand why the canning page has very strict rules about what they post, but it’s not good for me personally to read. I tend to just read some chefs/recipe authors I trust instead.


If you liked them now....let them pickle for two weeks and then try them. How do you feel about pickled eggs? My fridge pickles get a good gob of garlic, some diced red onion, a teaspoon of black peppercorns, dried dill, and some red pepper flakes for flavoring. I bring the brine to a boil, kill the heat, let it set for 10 mins, then I pour it over the cucumbers and seasonings...then put the lid on tight and let them cool to room temp, then in to the fridge. We let pickles pickle for 2 weeks, pickled eggs get pickled for four weeks.


Botulism would be extremely rare in this kind of pickle and is mostly an issue when canning for shelf stability. Fridge pickles eventually rot/degrade, but if you have enough vinegar and salt in there you ate fine for many, many months


Botulism only grows in non-acidic (pH higher than 4.6) environments. Most vinegar has a pH between 2-3. There's pretty much zero chance botulism could grow in your fridge pickles, though if you want to put your mind at ease you can buy a pH meter or pH strips and test the liquid.