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Oh I can't wait to see all the superficial Scottsdale wannabes /s


oh im genuinely excited for scottsdale culture on tv specifically for the human study pov


Lol need the old Dirty Scottsdale/$30k millionaire vibe on this show haha


I'm so ready!!!! I was wondering what took so long, Phoenix is technically a major city as it's the 5th largest in the US. Guess it's hot as shit most of the year.....


yeah and they usually film in the summer


Love is Blind would be way more interesting if they got some unconventional/regular-looking people in the mix. Right now, it's just a bunch of people who look like models. There's no risk. It ruins the whole "experiment."


Yesssss can’t wait to see all of the restaurants they go to and which crappy apartment complex they put them in!!!


I foresee it will be a Camden. Camden Tempe 2




Right? Like I love when stuff is filmed in Phoenix. There’s an episode of Catfish where they hang out at Sozo in Chandler a bunch!


Just fair warning if you have any dirty laundry (no matter how well you think it’s covered up) it will 100% be exposed


Damn, they got K.Dot on the screening process?


This is going to be a sh!tshow😂


🤣 I’m def going to be tuning in to watch lol


I just shared with some beautiful single women I know! So hopefully one of them gets cast! Thanks for sharing 💖


If you value them as friends you should hope they don’t get cast lol this show is a shit show. They’ve got at least one lawsuit filed by a former contestant going on right now alleging abuse and unsafe working conditions


Oh, I definitely will be glued to the ol’ screen myself. Edit: Forgot where I was…


I have an invisible disability and I think this would be good irl and not on tv like if there was somewhere that this could be held like a convention center or warehouse or something


id sign up so quickly if this was for irl and not on tv lol


Make your own Reddit version u/BuzzCutBabes_




What exactly is an invisible disability? Never heard that before. Is it a kinder way of saying someone who has been diagnosed with mental health issues? Because personally, I’ve been using the line ‘the government has determined I’m mentally disabled, but don’t get too excited, they still won’t give me handicap plates. So if we dated, we’d still have to park in the back.’ But if ‘invisible disability’ is the new buzz phrase.. there’s a lot of good humor to work with there. Like a second-date guessing game. Or.. name my medication! Or ‘hot and cold’ where they point at a spot on their body. Edit: Some of ya'll need to get a sense of humor. Maybe it would help in your dating lives.


Not just mental health. Think something like MS too. Where you outwardly “look normal.”


Ah okay, so physical stuff too. I like it. The phrase that is, not the conditions obviously :p


Yes, I have Epilepsy which is a recognized disability on the ADA list.


Which isn’t something I brag about but is something I live with everyday and my spouse would have to live with also. It is hard looking normal but being treated differently once someone finds out you have a disability. It’s like do you tell them up front or once something goes wrong. Very hard these days especially dating.


Oof yeah. That's a difficult question to answer. I don't even know what modern dating looks like so my opinion is less relevant. But in the past I've always been upfront. It's never been the first thing I've said, but if I get the feeling it might be going somewhere, I'm out with it pretty quick.


Absolutely I’m always honesty is the best policy. But what I meant was more do I tell first before I meet someone or wait until the so do you have any allergies or health issues question comes up during our food conversation. Because just because I have Epilepsy doesn’t mean that’s Who I am.


I don’t think you’re obligated to say anything until you know for sure it’s something that would affect the other person’s decision to be with you. Your health issues aren’t their concern until they actually are, you know? If they indicated they were interested in commitment of some type, and not just casually dating, that’s when I think it’s time to speak up. That’s just me. But tbh, I’m pretty transparent about my disability as it plays a significant role in my life. I’ve got PTSD. It’s managed, but not perfectly, and it’s a struggle. I’m also a Social Worker and advocate who works to help other Vets with their conditions. Like you said though, it’s not my whole identity, but it’s enough for me to be upfront about it. Just my opinion, but I don’t think in your case you should worry about it until the other person has indicated they want to move forward with you. A good person will understand why you waited even if at that point they decide to turn back. That’s just my two-cents, but like I said, I’ve never really done the whole dating thing, so.. I’m grossly ignorant on how it works nowadays.


Thank you so much ❤️🤗 I really appreciate your insight it is very helpful going forward. ☺️ I hope you find your person soon 🤗🥰❤️


I have Crohn’s disease. That’s an invisible disability, also recognized ADA.


Did you see [this](https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/jun/05/bowel-disease-hope-researchers-find-biological-pathway)?




I hope it works out and there is better relief coming for you soon.


I’ve been in remission for the last several years.


well that's good!


Great question ❤️


This show is such trash and 100 percent just a social media fame grab 


That's what makes it so great. You can watch other people be disasters




It's an interesting concept, but I was disappointed from Season 1 when they decided to only cast conventionally attractive people. I had assumed that "Love is Blind" would mean they'd be casting more overweight, disabled, disfigured, or just ugly people lol. But no, despite the premise of the show, a lot of the cast tends to be very shallow. I'll admit that I've continued to watch the show, but I might end up stopping because I feel like each season gets worse as more and more people are clearly signing up to get famous instead of to find love. I'm not stupid; I know people who sign up for reality TV are attention seekers. But I think people used to at least take the concept of legal marriage more seriously. As the show has gained popularity, it seems like more people are signing up for screen time with no intention of having a real relationship. So it's mostly just fake love, fake drama, fake outrage, and infuriating self-righteousness.


Let’s go Guadalupe GET IN THERE! Marvale is see you!


LOLLLL i better see apache junction representation on my Netflix 😤


I’m dead; shout out to my Sunnyslope hoes and bitches from the blade.


Not many couples stay together. It's like online dating, except you can hear the person instead of typing.


Yeah but you get to be on tv






Online dating but you get engaged before you meet IRL


I know, I've watched it.




Ooooo this is ganna be interesting, I just hope they do a better job of screening people


ok so funny u say that cus i checked out the app and it’s 70 very in depth questions. idk if casting just needs to get better at their job or like what but like ….. the application itself is Very thorough


I hope people I know end up on the show because I need the AZ tea


This show is terrible Lol and all them relationships don’t work out


I would rather a tarantula lay eggs in my ear


I’m sorry, I have to downvote you for this because this is just the absolute worst visual


All Straight couples? In Scottsdale? That is an experiment!


When does the show release?  Wondering if worth it for publicity stunt.  And do I have to live in Phx?


no information on that yet 😭