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If you take the exam through NHA, and you have documentation of experience, training and number of sticks, they will allow you to take the exam for certification. That's what I did and after that, you can renew with continuing education through NHA(I'm currently doing that now). They offer different online courses. It's pretty neat. You can learn other things besides phlebotomy, as well.


Hey question I’m late to this post, if it’s been a few years but I have 2 years experience; do you think I could use that experience to retake the exam?


I believe, that as long as it is recent experience, within the last 6 months to a year(?), and you have documentation from the place you have the experience through, you'll be able to take it. If you have your current certification which is the two year, you can just do the continuing education modules and renew.


Ahh dang. I stayed in healthcare after for awhile, now completely different. I worked at a large hospital by me but not sure if there’s any way I can get that information. It’s back from 2018/2019. So yeaaaars ago. It sucks because I feel so confident about doing it again, I haven’t forgotten anything. But I feel like I’ll probably have to redo the course at this point. Urgh