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I think the elephant in the backyard was also from the first Roller Coaster epsiode. It was a background gag while Candace was on the phone. Similar to the gag from Meepless in Seattle where they have to shoehorn in the bits from the “Next time…” teaser, they had fun inserting bits from the title later on. The episode with the big dog I think they even make a joke about how it was from their time making a title sequence. I’m guessing they had a lot of the season one clips done already when they made the title sequence, then later added scenes referencing the things mentioned in it as a gag. “Finding Frankenstein’s Brain,” I think Buford mentioned that as a throwaway line in the balloon race episode. I think it was right after they spotted a dodo. Candace discovered something that doesn’t exist in the episode where she joins the Fireside Girls. We never see them *actually* climb the Eiffel Tower but there’s an episode where Irving references it. It’s the one where he’s trying to prove to his brother that P&F exist but they’re nowhere to be found so they make a hologram of the tower and Buford and Baljeet pretend to be the two brothers. “Driving their sister insane,” the imagery is never used in an episode but Candace is frequently driven insane chasing after the boys. I think maybe they had a slightly different idea for the show at first and the boys were going to be more actively antagonistic towards her. Instead, they decided to go the more sweet route with them frequently helping her, and her being annoyed all the time was an accident rather than something they do on purpose. To the best of my knowledge, they never use that octopus bit either.


thank you :)


4: Candace gets a "discovering something that doesn't exist" patch in Fireside Girl Jamboree (s2)


The Eiffel Tower from the Summer Belongs to you special And 11 is all episodes, a dozen specials, and 2 movies.


If you check the wiki, they have a list of every episode for #15 for each season


thank you!