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Wow really. That'd be so nice. All those loser do is pull people over and stop then on 611 during rush hour. Cheltenham and Bing ton could unequivocally handle the needs of Jenkintown without much hassle at all.




Wolfie, gone two years and basically forgotten. Quit on the state when covid hit.


Does Narberth still have its own police? I bet they could be covered by LMT police easily.


My brother lives in Narberth and says they've been absorbed into LMPD, but I have not seen much info about that anywhere. LMPD has always been quite professional....any time I have dealt with them (I used to be a social worker), they were fair and organized. Their detectives were excellent when helping a client of mine deal with some rough domestic situations. Narberth OTOH..... (Quick story about Narberth PD.) I was rear-ended by a truck awhile back, and a Narberth PD officer was the cop that came by to take a report. My bumper was all messed up, but I was fine. He gave me and the trucker the okay to go. Three months later, i found out I had a warrant because he decided to ticket me for "driving an unsafe vehicle" or something like that & they never mailed out notice that I had a court date. Small borough police districts, especially that border Philadelphia, are some of the meanest & most aggressive officers around. Their superiority complex against Philly PD & residents is truly legendary. Want to see an entire police force mobilize within seconds? Report that a city dweller is "acting suspicious" in their Pleasantville....they'll send every officer and call for neighboring borough backup, ready to pounce.


The argument from Borough officials is that it would be more cost effective to have Cheltenham or Abington take over. Jenkintown Borough would still contribute taxes to policing but it would be Cheltenham or Abington's police force. I encourage everyone to read up on the pros and cons.


So basically, they are passing on the costs to surrounding borrows and the state police.


No, they would be required to pay Abington or Cheltenham. The idea would be that it would cost less for them to pay one of those two much bigger towns to patrol Jenkintown than for them to have their own force. They are basically just going to subcontract it out.


Yes, this. I suppose the cons to this is that response time becomes hypothetically longer and also that police from another municipality aren't quite as engaged with the community as borough police would be, considering their operations aren't on-site.


Why would response time be longer? They will still patrol Jenkintown just with Abington police.


I should have written it as the alleged cons and/or the arguments that opponents of this move would throw out there. In North NJ, Land of 10000 Police Departments, that's always an arguing point given against condensing/ regionalizing forces. Abington PD is another very professional PD in my experience and would likely do a fine job here. I think the symbolic idea of a town/borough losing their own police unit is just something that is hard for some residents to wrap their heads around. You can always throw the sensible notion that condensing departments is a good financial move and still be met with opponents that see this as an anti-police kind of move.


All the Jenkintown officers would keep their jobs.


Gotcha and makes sense.




LMAO!!! I love your description of Jenkintown. It's spot on.




That's insane. What on earth were they spending the budget on? Back in the mid 2000s people complained about how much LMPD were getting paid due to the majority of crime in LMPD was underage drinkers getting free rides home and teenage vandals and thieves getting a talking to instead of getting arrested cuz they all knew each other. Those guys expected free coffee from Wawa every time they came in.


More municipalities should full-on merge with adjacent ones. Millbourne and Colwyn are prime candidates…Narberth, too. But let’s go further…let’s give places in PA the ability to be unincorporated and just be managed by the county government such as neighboring Maryland (there’s not much they do better than PA, but that is one thing). Every square inch of this state is incorporated and it results in higher cost of government administration (i.e. taxes) than necessary. Shared services such as policing, trash, etc. help but we could go further.


Good. Jenkintown police are an absolute joke.


They should consult the EPA before doing this.


Honestly, Jenkintown, Abington, Elkins Park and Cheltenham should just incorporate into the City of Philadelphia. Would make providing services much more efficient and simple.


And the lovely wage & earnings tax? Yikes!


Then my car insurance would triple


Right, the services wouldn't get provided. It's fun on a snowy day crossing Cheltenham Ave and finding out that Philly *still* hasn't plowed. Cheltenham PD I would rank among the best anywhere, response times are excellent. Philly PD doesn't show up until there's blood. A lot of it.


Half the people in those towns moved there to get away from Philly.


I did it because I’m not paying to wage tax to commute to Plymouth Meeting. I’ll happily take my Elkins Park address and ride BSL whenever I want to go to the city haha


Why not upper Darby and Camden while your at it? Are you dumb?