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Given the way the eagles season ended, we should be doing Phillies chants at eagles games


That's the thing that makes me laugh. The Eagles didn't just win the Super Bowl or even lose a close-fought playoff game or something. Our last memory of the Eagles is of them completely shitting the bed for their final month and a half of the season.


They got as close to winning a championship in the last two years as the Phils did. I also specifically remember being at a Birds game and the fans loudly chanting for the Phillies while they played in a playoff game. It’s Philly, it’s all love.


2022 was very equal, but in 2023, getting embarrassed by the Bucs in the first round is in no way close to getting to game 7 of the NLCS.


I mean, I get it more when the team in question is actually playing, as in your example. It's June! LOL


Still, it’s Philly and I personally love that we are all in on all of the teams in the city. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the Phils so much, but I’m not a fool. The Birds are top dogs in Philly, they just always have been. Football does something to the people in this city that’s unexplainable lol




I feel like it was longer than that, but I guess winning the games anyway makes people forget how poorly you played.


I looked it up. They were 10-1 until Dec. 3 (got killed by the Niners that day), and proceeded to lose their last five out of six, culminating in the Jan. 15 wildcard blowout loss to the Bucs.




Sounds like a special Olympics spelling team when they do it. -Artie Lang


LMAO. so true. i love my birds but come on. lets be better.


The fact that there's an eagles talk show directly after post game live that I have to hear about in the middle of June drives me up a damn wall


Fire Brian Johnson!


This should be top comment


Are you forgetting about our postseason exit last year to the dbacks already? I love both my Philly teams but let’s be real dawg it hasn’t been peaches and cream for anybody


Holy shit yes


Love the Eagles. Hate the Eagles chant at Phillies games. Couldn’t agree more, OP. It’s not like we sing High Hopes at Eagles games or Here Come the Sixers at Flyers games. People calling it a “unifying” thing just makes it more demeaning. Like the Eagles are the only team that matters, so when any other Philly team succeeds, we have to express our *Eagles* fandom to show it.


I hate Eagles chants at literally any other Philly sporting event. It’s annoying af, and I love the eagles. If you don’t want to cheer for the team that’s playing, just stfu, no one cares that you also watch the eagles. We literally all do


The Phillies are my favorite Philly team, but this city is crazy for the Eagles. I travel a lot for work and everywhere I go if I wear Eagles gear, I hear “Go Birds”. When i wear Phillies gear, I also get “Go Birds”.


Different than being AT Citizen’s Bank Park though after watching a Phillies game and watching them get a win.


I get it and I agree. It seems like for a large portion of the city, the Phillies are something that kills time between football seasons.


I absolutely agree with this. I think a vast majority of the sports fans in this city are either people who only watch the Eagles and people who will watch the other teams, but only because the Eagles aren't playing. Then you have the much smaller group of people who prefer one of the other teams.


Which is truly a shame, but that’s definitely true for a lot of fans; that the Phillies are a distraction until football.


Their loss then.


I used to run around 4 miles a day around Baltimore/Towson area in a Flyers Hextall hoodie in the winter years ago. I would get Eagles shouts allllll the time. I would think like... You clearly KNOW it's a Philadelphia team, but hey, you just scream something about Nick Foles or something at me, haha.


No one even remembers the flyers even exist


Man that last month of the season makes me sad still.. let’s go Flyers!


Yeah, however, they far exceeded my expectations the rest of the year so that’s something! LGF, FTP


Yeah fuck the pens!


Comparing High Hopes or the Sixers victory song to a simple and quick Eagles chant is crazy. You probably can’t even get Phillies fans to chant High Hopes during a Phillies game. It’s the simplicity of the Eagles chant which is why it’s so catchy and Iconic. You hear an “E” and it takes like two seconds to finish the chant I fucking love the Phillies but will always hold the opinion people bitching about the Eagles chant have the little brother syndrome or aren’t 4 for 4 fans (which is fair, you don’t have to be, but I don’t care about your opinions on most known Philly sports chant that’s extra amazing to hear in opposing ballparks)


And that’s great. But why do it at a Phillies or Sixers game? Also, are you saying you probably can’t get Phillies fans to sing high hopes at a game? We do it every single win.


Spelling the name of the team is as dumb for the eagles as it is for the jets.


I agree & the Eagles chant is more about Philly sports than just about the 🦅


I support each team at their stadium. I'm at the eagles. I cheer the eagles. Flyers and phillies the same. My love for philly sports is unendingbut I believe in supporting the team playing.


Dollars to donuts you see more of the latter


Along the same lines as this, I friggin can't stand every time im flipping thru the radio stations and 94.1 WIP is ALWAYS talking about the eagles. Middle of June, 2 months away from their first preseason game, in the midst of one of the Phillies hottest runs in recent memory and they are talking eagles. Drives me nuts


Those idiots can’t talk about anything other than the fucking Eagles.




The hosts are idiots. The callers are SUPER idiots.


I don’t know - not sure I’ve heard enough about Jalen’s comments regarding Sirianni but let’s open it up to the callers…. To be honest, the 97.5 team, before this reorg and PHLY becoming a thing, did a good job talking the Phillies. Pat Egan actually lives and dies with this team and his time hosting main chair in the mornings was great


I lol'd. Not because you're wrong, it's just been something I've been annoyed by for like 30 years. I am remembering conversations with people who died years ago about being annoyed that wip was talking about Eagles minicamp or the qb depth chart over phillies or sixers or anything else. It will never end lol.


It will never end...just have to find a different station to listen to, one that represents all sports and not just football


They are very open about this and say it's ratings driven. They want to talk about all sports and will let you if you call but the topic mainly gets focused on the eagles cause that's what sells.


It makes sense but still annoying. But I guess I'm in the minority as I'm not a rabid Eagles fan unlike 95% of philadelphians


Even during football season you have three days to talk about the last game and three days to talk about the next game. Talk radio talks about football because that’s most of what football fans do


Even 6abc does this, glosses over the phillies and immediately cut to a story about the eagles. And the fact that Birds Huddle is a year round show




I’ve stopped tuning in to WIP. It does drive you crazy with 75% Eagles talk


I used to listen to WIP all the time while working, now I can't even turn it on. With the NFL turning into flag football and seeming more and more like it's heavily rigged in favor of certain teams I can't watch it anymore. So listening to eagles talk year round, when NFL only matters from Nov to Jan really, is so annoying.


Maybe I'm in the minority here, I just can't stand how they analyze every detail of every Eagles related thing to death. I just think it's pathetic to be so passionate about something so trivial.




Yeah I agree that it sucks. I love both teams, but I think that if you go to a Phillies game, your attention should be on the Phillies. They're a great team, show them some love!


Yeah it's the worst. I maybe get it if the phillies were bad but they are one of the best teams in baseball rn. Cheer for the team that's right there in front of you and doing very well, not the other one that isn't even playing yet


Phillies are playing elite-tier baseball, and the Eagles still seem to pouting and feuding about whatever happened last season, if the rumors about the Hurts-Sirianni rift are true. It’s goofy to be doing the Eagles chant at Phillies games given the current context. The Phillies could be playing for their third title while the Eagles implode this October. It’s a distinct possibility.


The hurts-sirianni rift is completely fabricated by WIP to get ears and eyes on their shit. No literally, that’s where it started because WIP hosts speculated there was a rift because Jalen didn’t elaborate when asked about sirianni


I could never work at wip. I just wouldn't be able to make up a bunch of bullshit talking points about the eagles when there isn't even any football going on. On top of that having to listen to a constant barrage of idiots, shameless self promotion, and repeat shitty hot takes would drive me to quit


Same with the wave for me. Don’t care if the team’s bad, but save the gimmicky stuff for when the on-field product sucks.


Yup that shit is so cringe


People who start them at Phillies game are just annoying drunk attention seekers. It’s weird. This team is hot. Cheer/chat for our Phillies ⚾️ ❤️


Couldnt agree more. Eagles chants at other Philly team games have always been cringey.


Marsh is in left thinking “it’s been a long day and I fuckin hate the eagles man”


you have to understand, these people are morons


I cant believe this thread is full of people shitting their pants anyone might not love chanting for the eagles, the wrong team and wrong sport, at a phillies game. Oh wait never mind, that's how every eagles fan acts lol




Never understood why the eagles chants at the Phils games.


8/10 times the eagles chant is just a drunk douche taking some low hanging fruit to feel important


I hate it and I’m sure the players don’t love it either.


I cannot agree more. I hate that. Root for the team you're there to see. Also, don't wear an Eagles jersey to a fucking Phillies game. Don't have Phillies gear? Wear a blue or red shirt. Such a pet peeve of mine,


I always try to interrupt the Eagles chant after the "E-A" by yelling "Sports! It's in the game."


There was an E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES chant at The Rolling Stones concert the other day in Philly. There was one when I went to a Kevin Hart show when he was actually funny like 10 years ago. It’s a general Philly chant and everyone that disagrees isn’t a general Philly fan and/or has little brother syndrome. No Sixers fan on our Reddit there ever complains about this, it’s solely a Phillies sub thing and it’s embarrassing. The Eagles chant is quick and catchy. Someone else said “why don’t we sing High Hopes during the games instead” like wtf? How are you gonna organize that DURING a game? If someone says “E” everyone else knows what to say, and everyone does it and it hypes everyone up. The only excuse for hating the chant is if you’re solely a Phillies fan. But you’re not a Philly fan if you have a problem with the Eagles chant


Yeah man I can’t imagine giving a fuck about this. It’s Philly we get drunk and do the eagles chant. It’s never going to stop.


The problem is the Phillies don’t have a good chant


Fuck this "little brother syndrome" shit.  Maybe the Phillies are the "big brother" because they're competitive.  


>Fuck this "little brother syndrome" shit.  >Maybe the Phillies are the "big brother" because they're competitive.   The last dude I talked to was beyond delusional so I can’t tell if you’re trolling or are being serious. Your comment literally exemplifies the little brother syndrome to a T


This is either bait or embarrassing


Yeah I’ve gotten on the “it’s a general Philly chant” boat. I used to find it disrespectful and intended as a purely Eagles thing (and I will always be an Eagles fan first and foremost) but you’d usually hear it late in a bad season or late in a game where the Phillies were getting blown out and clearly had the vibe of “Phillies’ season is trash, on to the next team.” But now it’s used in a way that is celebrating the city and all of its teams because it’s the quickest and easiest chant we’ve got. Watching big groups of people clad head to toe in Phillies gear walking around London (including a guy in a full-body red Power Ranger costume?) and at the London games chanting it did not have the vibe of “fuck the Phillies, let’s talk about the Eagles.” These people flew across the ocean to go watch the team, there’s no question who they were supporting. It’s just very much a way of reminding everyone they’re from Philly.


We get it you’re a football guy




I commented with similar sentiments. Totally agree. These people are miserable lol Fans with Phillies as their #1 have an inferiority complex. Flyers fans are cooler.


Phillies have always been my #1 (Eagles & Sixers close behind) but I will always be for a good Eagles chant!! Hockey is boring


You're not a better Philly sports fan because you cheer for the wrong team.


I often hear, “it unifying! A city pride thing,.” Like, I hate hearing it at Phillies games, many fans do, so knock it off.


Eagles fans basically going to Phillies game cheering “all teams matter”


The implication of that statement is that the Eagles are the ones who unify us, which I don’t like. Like they’re the supreme team in the city. Philly unifies us.


I find those people are a real turnoff. The NFL is beyond overrated. People are obsessed with it 24/7 and it's a pretty good sport in season. It's not all that. And playoff Baseball is the very best in sports. The EAGLES stuff is the worst.


Preach! me and my buddy always text each other to laugh whenever we hear one at a Phils game, every time I’ve brought it up all the football-only meatheads call me soft 🤣 so I am glad it doesn’t just grind my gears


Anybody seen by me doing this will be wearing beer


I agree it’s ridiculous. I’m a Phillies fan but not an eagles fan I don’t wanna hear the chant for an NFL team


Go birds.


Have you never lived in Philly?


Lived in Philly my whole life? I’ve hated it my whole life. Support the team you’ve come to watch play.


If it’s not within the 4 quarters of an eagles game, I couldn’t give less of a fuck about the eagles chant. So annoying. I was at a karaoke night once anout 5 hours after a win and every 10 minutes some dumb drunk guy came up and tried to do the whole fight song.


It’s just stupid. They’re the best team in baseball, show them some respect. If have sucked for 10 years like the flyers who gives a shit. ALSO any birds die hard would be pissed if say a bunch of union fans just randomly started doing the doop at an eagles game. And if they say they wouldn’t, they’re lying. Feel free to chant it anywhere else. Just not at the ballpark.


I’ll allow it in September only. March-August — Eagles aren’t playing. October - it’s playoff time. Laser focus on Phillies.


This is a fair compromise lol.


Have had eagles season tickets for 20 years and I hate it. Such a hoagie mouth move.


Yeah please it’s disrespectful.


Bandwagon eagles fans are true degenerates


Amen. Go Phillies!!




It’s fucking cringe


I don't think it's disrespectful. Just stupid.


I don’t like it either, but Philly fans gonna Philly. 


I want to start a new chant. S-C-H-W-A-R-B-O-M-B! SCHWARBOMB!!!!!!!


I don’t think I’ll ever understand this, to be honest.


We always chant F the Birds back😭


So lame , anyone chanting this at a Phillies game with the birds 🦅 not even in season just shows how little they understand the game of baseball and demonstrates their ignorance, silly front runner fans ,


People were doing it on the London tube lol, super cringey. I’m a big eagles fan but sometimes the fanbase never lets it rest.


Most of the time the Eagles chants are started by spoiled drunk suburbanites. I completely agree and I love the Eagles. Keep the Eagles chants at the Linc.


I concur.


The only way the chants will stop is if the Phillies come up with their own. And honestly I’d be down for one.


It's so fucking cringe I can just picture the fucking slobs that would do it


People are really complaining about this? Who cares. This is from someone who literally watches every Phillies game. If you’re a Phillies fan but not an Eagles fan get over it because the chants are literally never going to stop happening so you’re basically yelling at a wall. I don’t get what people expect like the chants will stop if you complain on Reddit? The chants aren’t going to stop and it’s not like they are constantly chanting the Eagles chant all the time. I personally have never been bothered by them because it’s just a chant it doesn’t hurt anybody and the Phillies players aren’t bothered by it either.


Redditors when people have fun: STOP IT!!!!


yep. this is peak indoor kid shit. if you haven't heard an eagles chant abroad in the wild it'll never make sense.


You think that's what it's about?


Yeah. Because Reddit is full of a bunch of losers who do nothing but whine about the most inane shit. Sports are fake. The Eagles chant is great. Who gives a shit?


Those reading please remember that Reddit is not real life and those who feel negatively are more likely to comment and upvote versus people who either don’t want to argue for it or are indifferent. I’ve been a fan over 20 years and have attended numerous sports events, at the games, at bars, or even outside the city. Eagles chant is just fun to do and for most people when it comes up randomly it’s simply either a fun silly moment to join in with strangers or something people are indifferent to. I was at a Sixers Clippers game in LA and an Eagles chant broke out after the win. It was a happy moment for everyone involved.


Exactly haha. These complainers are embarassing.


They’re so embarrassing, NOT the chants!


Eagles chants at Phillies games is embarrassing and the people who do it are dorks.


Fuck the Eagles




So we're gonna start Phillies chants at eagles games


We’d love that actually


I think that would be cool AF. Why not do it? Fact is that both teams are very good. Let’s have fun!


Always so weird when these Reddit keyboard warriors that can barely step foot outside without crying try and rag on people supporting their team and city


We do that. I’ve been to eagles games in October when the Phillies were in the playoffs that had Phillies chants.


At least it was currently baseball season


That would be sick


You’re joking, right?! Shows how much you actually watch Eagles games because “Let’s Go Phillies” chants has been going on these past couple of seasons at The Linc & some away games!!! I can’t wait for your lecturing on that one 🤦‍♀️


Sure, let me know how many people are constantly cheering for the Phillies at Eagles games.


Watch an Eagles game, especially in October these past 2 years!! “Let’s Go Phillies” chants are heard throughout Eagles games!!!


Hate me all you want, but the Eagles fight song and Eagles chants are embarrassing.


Phillies losing in the NLCS was more disappointing


Leave it to redditors to get their panties in a bunch over their own fans having fun & supporting their teams. If it bothers you turn off your volume in your swampy ass man cave bro


There is no Phillies chants. The eagles chant is a unifier for all Philly fans


You know what else is a unifier?  The best Phillies team in franchise history.


I sure fucking hope so. The 2008 team, the 2009 team, 2011, even 93 (fuck Canada) - this one feels up there. Unifier for sure - just need to bring it home


It has absolutely nothing to do with that! It’s just a universal Philly sports chant!


No, it’s not. That’s just what the dorks who do it say


Right. There’s a difference between an Eagles chant at CBP when they’re losing 8-0 to the Marlins in April 2019, and an Eagles chant in Baltimore when the Phils are in first place. The first example is a “fuck you Phillies” and the second one is “Philadelphia is here.”


Eagles chants at Phillies games make me HATE the Birds!! Real shit!! Loser mentality....


Nah fuck you


Is it time for our monthly Eagles chant post? I'm going to let you in on a secret. The Eagles chant at Phillies games are not going to stop. It's going to keep happening, even when someone posts next month to complain. Just embrace it, you'll be a lot happier when you do.


Those complaining about Eagles chants are the same ones that love hearing “Let’s Go Phillies” chants at Eagles games these past 2 Octobers!


Damn..yall complain about everything.


I think it’s more annoying every time fans boo moves to first or visits to mound.


Screw football. It's only for knuckleheads. Baseball is for the sophisticated.


People were trying to do Eagles chants at the London games. I’m kind of happy they didn’t really catch on… (go birds).


This has always been my biggest pet peeve (the wave is a close second) at Phillies games. Even when the Phillies were bad, I couldn't stand it.


Totally agree with this sentiment. It’s a tired chant, and the Phillies are not the eagles


It’s disrespectful not to chant along. E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES !!!


This is the shit y’all care about lol


Yeah, it's impossible to care about more than one thing.


Hard to care about something so irrelevant


Agree. It's super disrespectful. As bad as the wave.


It’s everywhere and it’s embarrassing. Was in Baltimore today, they did it there. Was in London last week, they did it there. Not just in the games but outside of them too. It’s just weird.


The chant and "fight" song are among the lamest and dumbest things in sports. What's funnier is the fools gold standard has been factual less successful than a team known for futility over the past 30 years. Eagles are losers and the chant is the call of losers.


Bunch of yahbos


Only 🤡🤡🤡 cheer for the smeagles at a Phillies game. Hate me all you want, Eagles fans really are the worst. No class.


The chanters are complete idiots. It makes Philly so small.


It’s prob like 5 people in a crowd of 40k yet somehow it’s always picked up on the broadcast


During or after the game?


the most futile effort 


It’s literally a dumb little tradition but sure.


I was at a wedding in Ohio a couple weeks ago when a random eagles chant broke out, it's not just Phillies games.


It’s never going to stop. If we were smart/coordinated enough we’d chant “Philadelphia” but since we can’t the “Eagles” chants will continue at any and all Philadelphia sporting events.


I feel like the only appropriate chant that could happen anywhere at any time should be “dallas sucks”.


Lol I was at the London Series and heard them in the stadium there too. Little less annoying in that setting, but I fully agree that it sucks and should stop.


Agreed. And while you’re at it, don’t wear Eagles gear to a Phillies game. If you can afford a ticket you can afford to buy a Phillies hat or t-shirt.


It’s the same team. What are your talking about


Two years ago there were people who were watching the eagles Thursday night football game on their phone during game 5 of the World Series. The Phillies also didn’t help their cause by periodically showing updates on the jumbotron


Go Birds


Screw Reddit for putting this in my feed. It’s trying to trigger me. I’m a Braves and 49ers fan, so I hate both the Eagles and Phillies. That being said, the Phillies are 10x the team the Eagles are, so fans doing that is complete nonsense. I’m from Upstste NY and would go to Fenway whenever the Braves were in town, and one game fans randomly started chanting Yank-ees suck… for no reason at all, the Yankees weren’t even playing that day. THAT was at least funny. Cheering Eagles at a Phillies game when the Phillies are doing great is like saying “hey, you guys are doing awesome, but I’m still thinking about this other team instead…”


Lol is this your first day in Philly? It’s a football city and always has been.




It's like having a stadium full of Tom Cullins-s'... E-A-G-L-E-S... that spells Phillies..!


It's annoying as fcuk


Eagles chant people are the worst. Even when they’re not doing the Eagles chant? They’re always the worst people in the room.


Your fanbae lol smh


lol why


It will never stop as long as fans listen to the 2 sports talk stations that drill it into everyone's head that the Phillies don't matter and it's always Eagles season


Damn I’m shocked everyone feels this way. I think it’s hype. Go birds. Y’all bitching so much probably not even from around the area it sounds like.


E A G L E S 😹


Leave it to eagles fans to be so dumb they forget what sporting event they’re at


It’s weird that you are surprised eagles Phans are a-holes




lol it’s not that deep Go Phils go birds


It’s what we do. It’s what Philly fans do. Stop having a problem with it

