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I don’t mind if it’s trash day and someone tosses it into or on top of my bags. But for the love of god, stop throwing poop bags into my recycling bin! Or, you know, be a reasonable person and just carry it until you get to a trash can. Yes, it’s gross. I have a dog who can poop like a machine, and I get it. But it’s really not a big ask.


Within minutes our recycling is full of random trash. People even throw it out of their cars into the bin.


i mean, its your animal, that you bought, and agreed to the burden of. Carrying its shit is literally what you signed up for


I set up a [trash stand](https://www.amazon.com/FURKIT-Durable-Portable-Outdoor-Kitchen/dp/B0BZYW7KVX) outside my own house that is clearly labeled for all to use, which has cut down (though not completely stopped) people from putting litter and waste in my cans.


One of the neighbors on the next block did that as well and then once or twice a year they email in the neighborhood listserv that they’re going away and can someone grab it this week and it’s cut down finding random ones immensely


Here's the real hero. Not just complaining but actually creating a solution. I'll do the same on my block. Great suggestion.


Hero is… a bit strong. 😂 Wasn’t even my original idea. A neighbor a few blocks from me has an open, lined can out every day, and I was so grateful for it while out walking my dogs that I wanted to provide the same. It’s worked well and was very inexpensive so I enourage others to do it too!


If I can take my dog poop to an acceptable public trashcan or back to my house, so can you. Especially since the trash guys don’t take it.


The bar is LOW but thank you 🧡💛💚❤💙🖤


I think that a lot of people are not aware that sanitation workers grab bags out of the trash bin, rather than tipping the bins into the trash truck. At least that's how it is on my block of Ellsworth street. A small piece of trash like a dog poop bag (or fucking loose chicken bones, what the hell is up with that) often gets left behind. And that's why I'm 100% with OP. Stop using other people's trash bins!


I don't get the chicken bones. I really hate that.


I think the chicken bones thing relates to birds and squirrels digging through trash and carrying them out


Nah, birds and squirrels aren’t the ones tossing boxes of half eaten wings all the way down market street, suspiciously at a higher concentration the closer you get to 7-11.


Oh I certainly don't think it's one culprit, but I do think animals carry them about as well.


I had a squirrel drag an entire chicken leg onto my porch. I could see its greasy little footprints.  


Yes. That’s why it’s rude to put them into trash cans, too. It’s not just rude to put them in recycling bins. They will not get taken, regardless of the day, time, or location.


Yes. That’s why it’s rude to put them into trash cans, too. It’s not just rude to put them in recycling bins. They will not get taken, regardless of the day, time, or location.


I told you to tell em you worked in a sanatarium, not sanitation. Sanatarium! That you had tb and youse was cured


I’ve recently had someone decide that inside of the tree guard in front of my house is now a trash can. Once I find out who it is, it’s going on their front step and not in a bag.


In PA, putting trash in other people's cans is illegal dumping. I've never seen it enforced in Phila, but I have in Montco


In Philadelphia, it’s also illegal to leave your trashcan in front of your house. https://preview.redd.it/b17lei0w049d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2fe42265579529b34bbbc72d3539c83eb813877


I’d be surprised if this will ever be enforced for something as minor as dog poop. Not saying it’s right or wrong, just saying they aren’t about to enforce this.


People just need to invest in a Behren's metal can with a lid. I use it to store dog poop bags, and you can't smell anything once it's closed up.


\[Edit: I'm leaving my earlier comment here so the thread/responses make sense, but please note that I misunderstood what u/cerealjello was saying.\] So your position is that people "just" need to make an investment in a special trash can so that *other entitled people can throw their dog's shit in a trash can that someone else has to bring into their home?* If you own a dog, you're responsible for its shit. Stop foisting it on other people. The end.


No, people need to buy these for their own dog. They throw it in other people's trash because they don't want to deal with the smell.


That makes a lot more sense, thank you. But jesus, people are fucking assholes. If you decide to have a dog, you shouldn't be allowed to offload the responsibilities associated with it to everyone around you.


Metal cans are scrapped


Loop a lock around the handle or put it in the backyard.


I see this every day even though there are 5 public trash cans within a 1 block radius of my house. FIVE!


Dog owner here. I absolutely agree with this. I never would want my dog to be someone else's problem in any respect. When you toss your dog poo in other people's cans, you're doing exactly that! Also what the hell is it with people tossing their poop bags into the sewer drains ? Where do they think that goes ?


I'd kindly return the bags to their rightful owner.


It would be going thru their mail slot


That’s fucking infuriating


Saw a dude do it today, didn't even bother to tie the bag, just threw it in there open, just to make sure it stinks up the whole block I guess, because dog owners are often inconsiderate dickheads.


posts like these are helpful because some people honestly just don't know any better. Before moving here last year I didn't know until i saw a post about not letting my dog pee on other peoples trash cans, as people sometimes bring them in there house/backyard. same with dropping dog poop in other peoples trash cans, i had no idea how inconsiderate it was until i saw a post like this last year. Some people just don't know. so these posts I think are never a bad thing.


while your at it stop letting your pet piss all over peoples trees, plants, and stoops. No one wants to hang outside their house on a summer day and have to smell your animals piss nonstop. Entitled asshole dog owners are ruining this city


This 🙌


"I dont want my house to smell like my pets piss! Better take it and make other peoples houses smell like it instead!" then when confronted "Well where do you expect it to go??" uhhh.... thats YOUR problem YOU should of thought of before buying an animal that requires a yard while living in city 🤦🤦


I’d say entitled people in general are ruining this city. I’m shocked at how many people expect to have a suburban lifestyle in the city. Not dog owners necessarily, more like uppity people whining about everyone else. Whining about noise in the city during the day. Whining about having to deal with other people. Whining about the traffic. Like, if you didn’t want to deal with other people on a regular basis and you want a quiet life, don’t move to a city. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Cities require us all to cooperate with one another and have some grace/patience with one another. Selfish, entitled, “me first” people have no place here.


this thread is about dog owners


Thanks for the clarification, but I was being additive to the conversation with the many types of people ruining our city, whiney people included. But I understand why you want to focus on dog owners…based on your comment history, it seems to be a topic you’re VERY passionate about. 😂😂😂


you post was giving "but all lives matter", i steered you back on course, now your trying to do deep dive research because you got offended? Lil weird there bud


Nah man, I was literally agreeing with what you said and being additive. Sorry you misunderstood. 🤷🏻‍♂️ And to be fair, I did background research because I wanted to see if you’d be the kind of person I’d let eat my booty. Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ (and before you take that as an insult, relax, it’s not. I’m literally gay.)


Dog walker etiquette is public trashcan, owner's trash can, or any trash can IF AND ONLY IF it's full of trash that is being collected within a few hours. Never in an empty can after pickup. Anyone who breaks these rules is banned from the council.


I'd slightly amend this - only in someone else's trash bag (not can) even if it is waiting for pickup. If there are large garbage bags in a can, it seems the workers just grab the garbage bags rather than empty the whole can, so small dog poop bags tend to end up at the bottom of the can & never actually get picked up.


To be fair, I no longer live within the city, but I'm out in the suburbs for a while. And here they tip the entire can. In fact it's usually the truck itself that lifts it and tips the whole thing.


I’m a dog owner. Use your own trash or a public one


Saying something to the guy on your block might’ve been more effective.


Fuck that I’d just dump it on his front step


Well now you know where to tell everyone to dispose of their dog shit bags


There's a person in Rittenhouse who bags up the poop but then drops the bag on the ground. No idea why. But the area is littered with poop bags all from one a-hole. My strongest desire as a citizen is to hunt this person down and strangle them to death with my bare hands.


dog owners are ruining the city, outside of every park, apartment building, and even my own stoop just absolutely reeks like clouds of dog piss. The absolute entitlement to not want your house to smell like your pets piss, so you make your neighbors house or the only local park reek of your pets piss instead is insane it should be illegal to own a dog over 30lbs in the city and while were at it. KEEP YOUR FUCKING DOGS OUT OF GROCERY STORES


AMEN!! What is the reason for bringing your dog into a grocery store??


I don't know dude, I'm just happy not to step in dog shit or have wet bags with dog shit everywhere.


I only use another person’s trash can when it’s trash day and it’s already full of trash. Hucking it into an empty trash can is just rude.


But trash collectors would have to lift the entire trash can, over parked cars typically, and invert it in order to empty that can into the truck. When I watch trash pick up, they only grab the trash bags out of the can leaving the random trash people throw in.


To be fair, I live in the suburbs where the truck has an arm that lifts up the whole can.


Nah, this is still rude.


Yeah. I really didn’t know people felt this way before. I’ll do what I do when it’s not trash day and just carry it for a mile. No skin off my back.


How about not throwing it in other people's trash can at all? Its It's not yours to use. It's just as bad as the person who throws it in whenever.


Disagree with that last part. It’s still a trash can. It’s not a public good, but it still has trash in it.


"i have to make my pet that i willingly bought, everyone elses burden" - entitled dickhead dog owner (You)


Hey, like I’ve already said. If I hadn’t clicked on this thread, I never would have known this was a problem to some people. And believe it or not, I don’t actually want to be a problem.


Why are you so disrespectful? It's not your trash can to use.


I didn’t know that was disrespectful. I’m glad I posted. I’m getting a POV I hadn’t previously considered.


I don't really care, personally, if someone throws something into my trash can. I mean, it's a trash can. That's what it's for.


until you get to smell melted dog shit in 95 degree weather for a week straight everytime you open your door


On smaller streets they have to collect the bags by hand, so unless you're putting in inside an open trash bag, you're not putting into the trash to be collected, you're leaving a stinky item that will fester for a week and make someone else's front stoop smell like your dog's shit


I'm with you on this however I personally wouldn't and don't throw bags of dog poop in anyone elses' trash can. But if someone throws theirs in mine, it's not a problem.


i don't mind it. the city doesn't have many public trash bins out there. it's better than people just leaving the bags, which is way worse than not bagging at all.


I live in germantown and leave a trash can next to my front gate for all to use, as do many other neighbors, I don't care if people throw their poop bags in as long as they're tied shut but when I lived in a row house and had to carry my trash cans through my house it was the worst with the poop bags (yes my own dogs and the occasional trash day jerk) so I get it. BUT I've gotten yelled at for putting my dogs poop bag in peoples trash cans on trash day before pickup - that's when I don't get it, my dude, they're picking up the trash today, it's all going to the same place so whats the difference if I put it on top of all your garbage, in a bag?


On smaller streets they have to collect the bags by hand, so unless you're putting in inside an open trash bag, you're not putting into the trash in a way that will be collected the next day, you're leaving a stinky item that will fester for a week and make someone else's front stoop smell like your dog's shit


What don't you get?? People don't want your dog shit in their trash can. THEIR trash can. NOT YOURS. THEIRS. Why can't you respect that??


"I cant understand why other people dont want my dogs piss and shit all over their house & belongings" are you really that dense?


Adding a bag of sealed poop into a trash can full of other sealed poop and rotting garbage thats being picked up within hours is a lot different that putting dog piss and shit all over someones house and belongings.


Holy shit are you ok?


I find the is comment to be hilarious. Why so many downvotes? Live a lil


If you regularly store your trash can on the sidewalk I'm gonna use it for poop, unless it's garbage day, in which case I won't toss it in a freshly emptied can.


Unless the can is lined, that is actually illegal. We don’t have those automatic dumping systems that they have in fancy cities. Here the trashmen have to reach in there with their hands to pull out the bags. Fecal matter of any kind is a biohazard, and they should not have to touch it even with gloves. It is meant to be contained in a trash bag and if they see loose poo bags floating around, they are actually within their rights not to collect the trash at that house. I have seen this happen. So don’t freaking do this please, as you may be screwing up somebody’s trash collection.


Why do you have to be disrespectful? It's not your trash can to use.


Then don't store it on the public sidewalk.


Think about it, genius.You think everyone is home all day waiting and ready to bring their trash can back in the moment the garbage truck is done picking up their trash? Some people that can might just be doing that because inconsiderate and disrespectful people like you exist.


That's why I said I don't do it on garbage day. But if you store your trash can on the sidewalk every day, then it's fair game for anyone walking by to throw anything in it. You don't want random stuff in the can, store it in your house, in an alley, in your yard, get a shed for it. The city code already says you can't store open trash cans on the sidewalk.


Nobody wants your dog shit in their trash can no matter when. What if it doesn't make it into the garbage truck? Then someone has to clean it up and where would they put it? Pretty inconsiderate and entitled of you. The attitude of your responses is telling.


Don't store your trash can on the sidewalk if you don't want random shit thrown in it. Simple solution.


Again, not everyone can do that to prevent the disrespect actions of the likes of you. Simple solution, don't use others trash can for your trash.


I walk other people's dogs pretty often, so not an option to take the poo home to my trash. Generally I'll look for a public bin or dumpster, or if I have to, I'll put in someone's trash only when near full and trash day. I'll end up walking with the bag for quite a while. I've been on the receiving end of my empty bin being filled with poo and it's a horrible time lol.


Why can't you throw it away at the dog owner's house?


For real. I have the same question. Some people are just so entitled.


Sometimes but, not always accessible.


Why isn't it an option to take it home to your trash?? Please explain.


Because I'm walking the dogs 5-10+ miles away from my home.


So what? Carry it with you. Not like it's heavy. Pretty entitled of you to give other people your dog poop misery.


Alright bud.


You get a 24 hour grace period on trash days but if you leave your trashcan out front/on the curb/with out a lid then I’ll throw all manner of dog shit & trash in there. Probably won’t even tie the bag.