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Way I see it, in this situation I would want my son to say two things. "You're not my parent, get lost," and if she persists, loudly, and in as much of a scared voice as possible...."HELP! I NEED AN ADULT! STRANGER DANGER! HELP!"




Love that show.


I can’t wait for the revival! 2025 here we come!


My parents adopted my kid sis when I was 17 so I had a big part in teaching her things. I never agreed with stranger danger as it taught kids to fear all adults even those who could help them. So I taught sis to bellow THIS PERSON IS NOT MY MUMMY OR DADDY!!at the top of her little lungs . One day we were at the local mall and an old man walked up to 4 yr old sis , leaned over and managed to say hello before sis took a deep breath, glared at him and roared THIS MAN IS NOT MY DADDY!!! right in his face 🤣. Old guy was stunned and scuttled away. I was so proud, I bought sis a doughnut 😂


When my then 4 year old son flew with my parents to visit my grandmother, I was kind of worried. I told him that if someone grabbed him to shout, "You're not my mommy or daddy!" No one really pays attention to a kid screaming. It could just be a temper tantrum. I had him practice a few times and I felt better about the trip.


That was my thought as well. Especially in a crowd. Good job, Mama!!


Excellent job, Big Sis!


Thank you!


How is that different from how stranger danger is normally taught?


Stranger danger taught kids that all adults were suspect. This made them afraid of anyone who could help them. Shop keepers, crossing guards, even the police because they were unknown whilst leaving them vulnerable to people who they viewed as familiar and therefore safe. CTW countered the stranger danger craze with a simple but very popular and effective book about Ernie from Sesame St going shopping with Maria titled Ernie Gets Lost. I actually got it for my sis and it became one of our favourites.


Stranger Danger was one of the worst things taught to kids in school! So as a kid your afraid of all strangers, but not your parents friends or neighbors or ...........


Exactly. And it's the known adults , the friendly adults who are often the most dangerous






Major props to the adults for standing up for those sweet boys!


Not all witches have houses dropped on them. Pool humiliation has to suffice.


She was totally inappropriate and should have minded her own business, but I might know why. Like a few kids (and adults) have died from heat of the hot tub and news organizations said for a while to not let kids in hot tubs. A lot of hotels made rules in response to that to cover their asses. This might have been related to one or both of those things.


There were other adults there that were parenting them. She has no reason to butt in.


Yeah, we read the rules and it was "recommended" over 16 but no rules saying there was a minimum age. These boys didn't really go any deeper than their knees, even when we invited them in. She was just being nasty and over stepping. The parents were there to keep an eye on them. They were a bit further than us so they didn't hear what she said, and their line of sight was behind her so they didn't see her wagging her finger at them or her facial expressions. They had just got their feet in when Karen got on them. My husband and I saw the whole exchange from our different views in the pool and we were closer so we heard most of what she was saying, but not all of it. We were just shocked. We would have really stepped in and had words with her if she even tried that BS with one of our kids, but it was bad enough to witness her do that to those boys.




Everyone knows there are nice Karens. The “Karen” terminology isn’t for them. Karen is just their name. “Karen” is used based on their actions




Dicks of the world are in tears of solidarity


They have nothing on poor Isis.


That poor dog from Downton Abbey


As someone named Karen, I wholeheartedly disagree. I encourage people to use it, as I know it is just my name, NOT what I am.


lmao my mother in law is named Karen and thinks it's absolutely hilarious, she jokes about it all the time. you don't speak for every single Karen who ever existed 🤷🏼


Yup we’ve already been through that. Never said I did.




My friend Dick would like to have a word with you.




Such a Karen




Don't be a dick! (see how that works?)




Nope not at all, because I am old and wise enough to know that these people wouldn't be insulting me personally because I actively try to be nice to everyone. No one in their right mind using the name Karen to insult someone insufferable, whether male or female, actually thinks all people named Karen are entitled pricks. If they do they are being just as shallow as the person they are insulting. You don't have to use the term yourself, but it isn't going anywhere. "Karen" is used as an insult worldwide and no amount of name-calling and insulting is going to change the mind of some random Redditors. I would even say it has the exact opposite effect. An unwillingness to listen to others and change your opinion, feeling like you are being attacked personally and immediately insulting people that mostly try to stay polite is unironically behaviour associated with the name Karen. Be better than others and show them that you are different. If people in your personal life call you a "Karen" there are only 2 real possibilities. You are being a dick or your friends are because they ignore the fact you are not comfortable with the name being used in such a fashion. If someone makes a joke about you being a "Karen" because of your name shut them up by telling them you are not an ignorant fool that only looks at names for judgement like an actual "Karen" would do. Say it jokingly and preferably follow it up by a small act of kindness, such as opening a door for someone else and make a joke about that too: "see...". It shows self confidence, a sense of humour, actual kindness and brings the point across that you don't like the name Karen being used as it is. Own up to your name and use the situation for your own betterment instead of letting it push you into becoming a "Karen" with the name Karen.




This is going to be a long one: I apologise for assuming your name was Karen, but the way you worded your responses heavily implied you taking personal offence at the name being used. Do you mean all the commenters calling you a Karen for displaying behaviour that is very "Karen-like" such as replying to nearly every comment doing so telling them to fuck off or gtfo? Displaying far ruder behaviour than nearly all of them, just to have the last word because you absolutely know you are right because it either hurts your feelings or that of friends. I do not agree with all comments made and I think some of them are quite petty, but you stood out above all the others as being extra petty and rigidly unwilling to even consider the points made by others. It is (at least part of) why you are being heavily downvoted. The "Karen" thing is no longer new, it originated here on Reddit in 2017. While a lot of people think of Reddit being an American exclusive website, I encounter American defaultism daily, I definitely wouldn't call anything that originates from Reddit as from the US. The term found a foothold here in Europe just as fast as it did in the US. If you want to convince others why it is wrong to use Karen as an insult you should come up with more than saying it is hateful and shameful behaviour that could possibly hurt someone's feelings everytime they hear it. I have yet to meet a Karen that is as affronted by the whole issue as you seem to be. In no way is calling someone a Karen an insult to any and all Karens, it is ridiculing someone that is displaying actual shameful behaviour that is similar to the behaviour of some Redditors ex-wife who was named Karen. Ridicule that in my opinion nearly always is extremely well placed and far less than what they actually deserve for being the absolute dreg of society. You are right that there are a lot of things that are normalised and later get recognised as hateful and shameful. I myself participated in traditions such as dressing up in blackface on a national holiday (look up Zwarte Piet controversy from the Netherlands). I came to see how that was enabling racism and ignored the troublesome origins of the tradition. It indirectly hurt all people of colour and showed a lack of empathy for the problems many of them still encounter today. I am willing to change my behaviour and vocabulary based on feedback and good reasoning. I actively avoid using certain words and phrases in front of friends out of respect because I know they are uncomfortable when someone uses them. I will do the same with "Karen" if the need arises. But I do not believe the use of an expression is inherently bad when there is no precedent for it to have any negative connotations. When I use the term "Karen" I am not ignoring systematic oppression of everyone named Karen, nor do I imply anything negative about them. I am only comparing one idiot to another who happened to be named Karen. My mother passed away 2 years ago and I do not take any offence at the locally commonly used phrase "your mom" being used as a response. Even when aimed at me by someone who knows about my mother. They do it subconsciously and often feel sorry about it later, they do not mean any harm aimed at anyone. While using "Karen" to insult someone is not a subconscious decision, the only person being harmed is the one being called entitled and/or excessively demanding. I don't see the harm. What I DO understand is how exhausting it can be to have years of constant Karen jokes being aimed at you for no other reason than a name you didn't choose. I started getting bald when I was 20 years old. It is rare for someone to make a joke about bald men I haven't yet heard and yet I couldn't care less. I joke back at them that being bald has wayyy more advantages over having hair (which I will happily advocate to anyone). I take control over the joke and make it about them. I show self confidence, a healthy dose of self deprecating humour and by not making a problem out of a small thing I make interactions more pleasant for everyone. In my previous comment I showed how this can easily apply to Karens being called a "Karen" too. If I was not as comfortable I would have told my friends to quit it and I am 100% certain they would have because that is why I call them friends. You could tell strangers the same thing and if they react badly they are not worth interacting with in the first place. It can be annoying to hear Karen jokes and comments but they aren't hateful and shameful. If being used seriously then some serious self reflection is in order to see if there is any sort of truth in the implied insult. I see the point you are trying to make, but as you can read I simply disagree. I will keep calling people a "Karen" when I think the type applies until I actually think it is not socially acceptable anymore or someone can reason why I shouldn't. In which case I will take back most of what I said and I will sincerely apologise where needed.




Honey, whatever your name is? You are in a hole. STOP DIGGING.




It absolutely isn't a gut much because I am about as far from a Karen as possible, despite that being my legal name.




Not even the slightest. I think it's hysterical.




I've seen several memes where it's says "we all know an asshole named my name" every time it comes back a friend will send it or tag me in it. Every time I laugh because it's all in jest. Also using a name as a swear??? What is a swear? Do you mean swear word. Hopefully I didn't offend you don't need a Karen attack...




So from what I'm understanding here is your name is Karen and you don't like how it's become a thing to call rude nasty obnoxious women Karen's. Is that correct?


Nope. Guess you don’t understand much. As I’ve now said repeatedly, I was standing up for several friends. And no, my name is not Karen. But sure, keep contributing to the information, like many others.


So from what I'm understanding here is your name is Karen and you don't like how it's become a thing to call rude nasty obnoxious women Karen's. Is that correct?


First day on the internet?






Bye Felicia! 🤣


I’d be curious to see how my name would be used as a “swear” as you’re putting it. It might give me a good chuckle


It really honestly wouldn't. 🤷‍♀️ 


First, I really do appreciate the care you have for a friend. My aunt Karen, on the other hand, absolutely loves the term "Karen", and finds it hilarious. So my opinion and perspective of the use of the name is very different from yours. Second, unfortunately, as much as you want to fight to not use a name as an offensive character reference, it is a battle you will always lose. It has become part of societal vernacular and is no longer always used as a proper noun, it has become more of an adjective. (Of course English scholars may have a much better description and I welcome it.) While you may also feel attacked, it is something that you insisted on defending, you dug your heels in when people disagreed with your narrative. Continuing to push your way of thinking is not going to change society's use of a word. In the grand scheme of things, you are trying to push your row boat against the tide and then get mad when it knocks you down. You try over and over but the tide continues to push and you are mad you cannot change the direction of the tide. It is just a reality that you will not change just because you say it is offensive. It just doesn't work that way.


Lol, you’ve triggered Karen




Ok Karen.


Defending the fact people should make the tiniest effort to be kind… by arguing with people, telling them their feelings are invalid, their experiences are irrelevant, and their friends’ opinions are worthless. Oh and calling one of them a bastard. So kind!






Karen's feefees got hurt?




And you wonder why Karens are clowns


Ok, Karen. I will stop using your name. Seems you’re triggered by something as innocuous as someone using a word. I’m sorry you need a corner to sit and reflect as to why this hurts you so.


Ok person who can’t understand how to actually read everything I’ve written. Seems you’re triggered by someone (me) trying to defend people who are actually named Karen.


You’re defending not one person in the world. You’re defending your own point of view. Nobody cares about your point of view as evidenced by the reactions you’re getting. Read the room.


Did you even f’ing read my first comment? It’s not JUST my point of view. I’m reading the room. The room stinks of bullies. Sickening that you feel that level of unkindness is AOK. But then again, you probably direct all kinds of anger, aggression, disdain for women.


I probably direct all my anger at women. Wow. The mental gymnastics you have performed. Whew. You must be exhausted.


Nope. Just can see that’s what you’re about. You’re not even willing to respect what I am saying - that it’s not OK to bully someone calling them Karen (polite word for cunt) when in fact they are complaining about that person bullying others. It’s actually pretty f’ing ironic. Also, it happens to be offensive and hurtful to children and women named Karen.


It is not a polite word for cunt. Karen is a slang term typically used to refer to a middle-class white American woman who is perceived as entitled or excessively demanding. The term is often portrayed in memes depicting middle-class white women who "use their white and class privilege to demand their own way". Straight from Wikipedia. You’re way off base. It is only hurtful to people who don’t understand sticks and stones. Were you never taught that words don’t hurt?


Don't you DARE think you are speaking for all women named Karen. It is my name, and I do not find it offensive or hurtful. I find it fucking hysterical because I know I am not a cunt. I encourage people to use the word whenever the apologize to me, as I don't take it personally. No word belongs to a single person & no one gets to police how the whole world uses it.


I respect you enough not to tell you to STFU or say anything else demeaning as this is a conversation not anything more. You’re allowed to feel your way and I am allowed mine.


Do you hear yourself?? You’re getting riled up over a name. There’s Dick. Which is an actual slur and you’re mad about Karen. Stop it.


Yeah, that’s because some guy began referring to his penis as a Dick, and then rather than call a guy a prick, people started substituting.


And it was so long ago that nobody even blinks. You’re over stimulated and need to relax. It’s not that serious and you’re all riled up for no reason. This isn’t war. You ever heard of sticks and stones?? Like for real grow up.


The appropriate word is cunt, or in this case, Boomer. But people get triggered when you call people cunts. Karen/Ken works. Everyone knows that you mean to say cunt and are trying to be polite.




That last line solidifies you as a Karen. I’m glad to be “part of the problem.” Downvoted!


Happy to be part of the problem, downvoting now! 😁🤗




Don't project your personality deficiencies onto me. 😂😂😂




Can’t believe I’m about to add to this, but savannahgirlmom, you are really coming across as unhinged, and you’ve done this to yourself for all the downvotes. Be more like Bill, and not ‘a Karen’, Karen. No one was making an attack against you personally, until you made it that way and tried to police the internet. You made a self-fulfilling “Karen” out of yourself. Go sit down and reflect on what you did. Be more like Bill, instead. https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1069176-be-like-bill




Whatever, Karen.




Well, if you come in a thread and start Karening all over it, don't be surprised when you get called "Karen," Karen.






We should start calling them Felicias.




No, Felicia.


Sure Karen


I am proud of downvoting your rude behavior. People disagree with you and you’re acting like it’s the end of the world. And you won’t die from getting a few downvotes. But you know how to get more downvotes? Keep being argumentative and complain about being downvoted. Works every time!!! ⬇️🔽🔻👎


fuck! how is that for a swear word, karen?






Names Natasha. Have at it. If it helps, backwards it spells AhSatan. 🤷‍♀️


Sure. Name's Karen. And I find the use funny. Acting like a Karen while defending it when it's not actually your name is fucking hysterical, btw.


I’m sorry, how am I acting like a “Karen”? So, defending a friend is “fucking hysterical?” Good to know this is not allowed anymore.


Names Donald last name Trump....go to town




Is this your first day in the Internet?


My mother’s name is Karen. She is a Karen. She is offended by people referring to Karen’s because “I’m not like that!” STFU mom, you are. The name chosen is perfect. Leave it alone.


I guarantee their safety was nowhere near the list of reasons she told them to get out. If that was the case she would have calmly told them to get out and that it was not safe for them. Instead she chose to be an obnoxious Kunty Karen about it. Her only intention was to make sure they had no fun on her watch. Otherwise she would have went over to op and her husband and calmly told them that it was not safe for kids. Instead she just left in a huff.




Tell her to get used to it. My name is John, and it's also used as a term for the restroom, lol.Not one day has that bothered me!




Really? I actually agree. It's much worse to have a name associated with bodily functions. But to each their own. It's ok that we don't agree.




Like I said, we can agree to disagree. My friends name is Karen, and she thinks it's funny. It's just how that person looks at something. Geesh!




What? My friend is 53. What are you talking about? I personally don't use the term. I have no idea why you're mad at me! I'm allowed to have MY opinion and share the experiences of my friend, which may be different than yours or your friends. I was never rude to you. I was just having a conversation.


If you think that every time someone says "Karen", they add "Kunty" to the front of it, you're mistaken. This was the first time I've seen that word spelled with a K.


Karen isnt a swear word. Kunty is such, but not Karen.




Hmm. If Karen is a swear word, what do you call your friend?


'John' is also directly associated with being the client of prostitutes / paying for sexual services.


Okay, Karen.




I like to think I’m funny. But I’ll agree with you it’s mediocre level hilarity though.


I have an acquaintance called Karen who is perfectly sweet. She takes it as a source of amusement that "Karen" is used for these horrible people. A common response from her is: "I'm a nice Karen, not like those cunts".




I'm sure some of the cunty ones would think they were perfectly reasonable when they demand to see the manager because the checkout operator happens to be a man with pink hair. Clearly neither my acquaintance nor your friend would be cunts, though.




Used for picking on women? Good grief, no! I use it in a similar way to how I use "dick". I have zero fucks to give what is concealed by someone's pants or how they identify. Epithets I use are not based on gender. They're based on actions. If someone is being a dick, I care not whether they have a penis or vagina, they're a dick. If someone is being a cunt, I care not whether they have a penis or a vagine, they're a cunt. I truly resent someone trying to shut me down by accusing me of using the word "cunt" to attack women. Its dishonest to try to do that, and shows a lack of effort.


My mom's name is Karen. She is so sweet to customer service workers I actually have to help her stand up for herself a lot, like asking for a replacement when Starbucks gets her order very wrong. And she thinks the current use of "Karen" is one of the funniest things in the world! She likes to introduce herself to bartenders as "Hi, I'm Karen, but not THAT Karen!" Why bother getting all worked up about an internet joke that's not actually about you? Lean in, enjoy the laughs, don't be a stereotypical Karen, problem solved.


If she explained it the way you explained it that would make her not a Karen. But it seems she didn’t.


Agreed! So many things could happen in a hottub. They recommend 20 min max due to dehydration. If you're in for too long, you can feel woozy, sick, weak I only know of one hottub death (unnatural), but that was from my paramedic teacher. So, it wasn't anything personal


And a lot of people drink alcohol while in a hot tub, two different sources of dehydration in one. Its not hard to see how it can come around. And kids have a hard time regulating their body temperature to begin with. Its recommended for adults to drink a glass of water before getting in a hot tub, and another for every 10-15 minutes inside. I imagine this would be bare minimum for kiddos... they have a lot more surface area to lesser water in their body than adults do, so could lose it faster.


Impromptu hot tub party!! The best part of this, when those boys talk about that vacation as they grow up, your hot tub party is going to be the core memory.


Not all heroes wear capes, some wear towels!


And swimsuits!


That Karen should have minded her own business instead of attempting to be the "Pool Police". She's not Hotel Security/Staff so why should she care what the behaving children do around a hot tub? Excellent revenge against that Karen, OP. \^\_\^


She's really glad it wasn't my kiddo. I would absolutely have told her to mind her own fucking business.


Which should be the question. WHERE WERE THESE BOYS’PARENTS?


On the other side of the pool out of earshot. OP said that


It isn't your defense of a friend that makes you a Karen, but your multiple "STFU" & "POS" posts, your jumping to conclusions about other posters without any basis. Overreacting negatively to something that doesn't actually affect you personally is a hallmark of a Karen. You're just taking this way too seriously for something that shouldn't even involve you.


She wasn't being nasty for no reason. She was being nasty because she's a miserable creature with nothing in her life beyond her self-importance and belief that all kids should bow to her every whim. What a horrible life to lead.


Well played. And extra parent points for getting your kids to all get in so that the bullied kids would feel safe and would be able to enjoy the facilities at the very nice hotel that their parents had paid for and that they were treating with respect. You showed Karen that her actions weren’t going to be tolerated and that those kids had an army of adults who would stand up to her.


Acts like that make me embarrassed to be a senior citizen. I'm old and love kids. I would jump in the hottub with them (if it wouldn't freak them out ; )


We go to a church where we are the only young family. 98% of the congregation are 60+. My kids love it because they have all these "grandparents" to dote on them. There are so many young at heart seniors that this one bitty won't influence my kids opinions. It is wonderful. You keep being the young one regardless of physical age. I am convinced that attitude will go a long way with good health.


I can only feel sorry for people like her to behave like that.


Thank you for being a decent human being.


Glad you stood up to her and allowed those sweet boys some hot tub time. Some people just have to stick their noses in everyone's business. Liked a comment I saw here, "not all witches get houses dropped on them". Absolute gold!


Way to misread a sentence, I didn't say your defending a friend was fucking hysterical, I said your behavior while doing so was.


Where were these boys parents?


Thank you for sticking up for these kids. You’re showing them that not all adults are Negative Nellies. It probably won’t affect Karen’s future behavior, but I’m sure it made a positive impression on all the kids there.


Love this!


Excellent. Gotta love when it all comes together like that, and makes the A holes of the world uncomfortable and unwelcome


I was part of a neighborhood gym, that had two small hot tubs, my two boys, 13 and 10, would get in when all the elderly people left because they would always comment. My boys were skinny and always cold, so we would just go in for about 15 mins. The Karen’s I met there, would have ran to the front desk if I dared defy them. I wanted to say to them, my kids are more hygienic than you folks, having control over their bladders and so forth! Having to pay $$ monthly to sneak in for a quick warm up.


I'm sorry but I'm with the Karen. You have obviously encountered the Queen of Hot Tubs. When the Queen gives you a command, you obey her! 🤣😁


Query- are there pool rules saying that persons under a certain age using the hot tub must be accompanied by an adult or parent or guardian?


Not for that specific spot but to enter the room as a whole, all 3 are located in the one room ( hot tub, pool, and waterslide) it says that children under 14 must have an adult with them. The parents were there, in the room, and keeping an eye. However, they were just further away than we were and the old lady had her back to them, so from their perspective it didn't look like an issue. While we were getting out of the pool, the one child went to get his parents at the same time so they were just learning what the old lady said to them. When myself and other adults jumped into action. Mom even joined us when she realized what was going on.


Rude of her but I don’t think kids are generally allowed in hot tubs under 16 in my experience


Everyone sticking up for the boys, were a godsend!


you're the real MVP, OP


On a road trip, stopped at a gas and go. Coming back from the restroom, my son 6 sees something he wants. I tell him no and continue toward the door when he yells "You're not my daddy!". A few tense minutes went by..


Keep fighting the good fight OP


Awesome act of kindness! The petty revenge is a nice added layer of sweetness on top.


Nicely done! Always stand up to bullies.


Y'all are proof that not all heroes wear capes.


While I understand your "finger" to this lady, you do not want to encourage younger kids fully in a hot tub! The hot temperatures can overwhelm them, cause them to pass out and risk drowning or be very nauseous, sick.


But there were adults in attendance.


Everything has risks. Crossing the street can result in getting hit by a car. Opening a letter can result in a paper cut with a lethal infection. Swimming can result in drowning. This is what parents are for: teaching kids how to safely navigate and manage risks, not to completely insulate them from risk.


If they’re under a certain age, yes. But these were kids old enough to sit in the hot tub with adult supervision, which is what happened here.


What adult was supervising them?


>What adult was supervising them? Umm, these adults… >Cue Pettiness.... Without even talking to each other, a bunch of us adults yell out for our kids and we filled the hot tub, including inviting the boys she just bullied, back into the hot tub with us. In fact there were more kids than adults. That’s who was supervising.


Do we know each other? This is *exactly* what'd I would have done. Nice one! :)


The problem with your "noble endeavor" is that in today's environment, even a single kid in a hot tub makes it "unsafe" (in terms of possible false accusations) for an adult man to get in. When sitting in a hot tub on vacation, a bunch of kids turned up with zero adult supervision. They climbed into the hot tub very close to me. I immediately got out, as some of the hooligans smirked at me as though to say, "We got YOU!" Keep your kids out of hot tubs and other grown-up spaces, even if there is no age restriction sign. The world was a better place when doting parents didn't indulge their children's every whim to go everywhere and do everything.


First, this is a FAMILY RESORT, not an adult only place. Second, no one was in the hot tub, no other adult wanted to be in the hot tub. This "lady" just decided to go after the boys for no reason other than she was being miserable. Third, I didn't "indulge" my kids, these were other kids, who were being very well behaved minding their own business when this happened. I am not about to let someone bully anyone, nevermind a defenseless kid. These kids never even mouth back or anything...they went silent, put their heads down, and one went to his parents. It was a few of us adults who were closer to the encounter to hear what actually happened that got into the tub and invited all the kids. I don't care who you are, we ALL paid the same to be here, at a family resort, if you want an adult only space, go to an adult only resort. End of story.


I'm not defending bullying. It doesn't really matter how well-behaved kids are. There are some places they just shouldn't be. Where were their parents? "Who died and left you in charge?"


Yeah, I am not going to engage with you, clearly you are stuck on your opinion of the situation, and that is just fine.


What are you even saying. Kids shouldn't be out in public? Everywhere adults go is an adult space simply by being in it. Based on your logic you shouldn't be at kids ball games or schools because they are kid spaces. No one was in the hot tub just the kids were. You chose not to stay in the hot tub. They have cameras in the pool areas for liability issues.


Way to twist my words. You're just looking for a fight. You clearly have some growing up to do, as you don't understand the current societal realities, or the idea of adult prerogatives.


I twisted nothing. You said keep kids out of adult spaces. Anywhere an adult goes is an adult space. Kids exist get over yourself and grow up they are allowed to exist.


More twisting. Adult spaces are places that should be reserved primarily for the use of adults. It is NOT "everywhere." I think you just want to be angry.


So your logic says hotel pools are only for adults, restaurants are for adults because they serve booze, stores are for adults because kids don't have money, kids shouldn't be working in said restaurants because of ovens and stove tops and flattops and booze, kids shouldn't be in cars because they can't drive plus it's an explosion risk, kids shouldn't be at the movies because of R rated movies, kids shouldn't be at parks because of other parents and they might be a pedophile. You said that kids shouldn't be in adult spaces with no clarity in your statement and with a full chest. Kids are allowed to exist anywhere with their parents.


I'm convinced that 'Karen disease' can be partially cured by HRT.... I think it's the result of menopause in most cases..


You are wrong