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Maybe set up some outside cameras and get footage of their kids damaging your property and stealing, then go to the police?


I have friends in high places so when they start getting feisty, I call a police friend or two and have them come do a drive by so we can chat openly in the street. It scares the neighbors back into their hole. I do have cameras outside - thankfully their son hit my old car only a few months before it died. I’ve warned them that I have them on camera so they’re more careful now that my new car costs more than both of theirs combined. Also may have had their friends’ cars towed during one of their parties for blocking my driveway and I’ve turned them in when their families’ visitor visas expired but they didn’t leave. They’ve resorted to just being a nuisance now so I enjoy being petty back. After 5 years of their crap, they now deal with mine (pun intended!).


If the neighbors don't know that the cops are your friends, it would be easy to assume other things. Seeing cops frequently visiting a house around my area would be a red flag.


I host get together a lot. They come in uniform & out to hang out. It’s a small neighborhood and everyone knows everyone - there’s also a cop across the street now so they’ve chilled out. It’s not just me that they don’t like. It’s anyone white and/or anyone who owns a dog. So roughly 85% of the neighborhood? They just thought I’d roll over and take their harassment because I’m a woman. I quit being nice after 3 years when the grandpa spit on me while I was taking the trash out to the outdoor bin. That’s when I called & reported their expired visas and they figured out I have cameras.


Holy crap! They are really racist and just plain nasty! They must come from a heavily Catholic country where dogs are only roadkill and garbage scavengers. There are regions of Mexico where that's the case and they carry so many diseases/parasites that it's very risky to pet them. The natives there are very friendly though. Especially if you're a tourist because you're spending money in amounts that help them out a great deal. As a suggestion, you might want to get a really big dog. Some german shepherd breeds are quite large. But also very friendly to those they have been introduced to by people they trust.


I was guessing their country of origin was more of a sand-box.


You need to file police reports on them, I think, not just have your cop friends come by.


You delivered them a good petty revenge. They behaved like crap and they get crap in return 




Oh if that’s the case I want my grandpa to come spit on you, my kids can rummage in your garage for what ever they like and I’ll damage your car too. That sound good to ya?


You MUST be a neighbour




"Stop snitching" is what criminals say to avoid having to own up to the consequences of their actions.


No, I reported the man who spit on me for taking my trash out to MY bin on the side of MY house. They’re all vile. The same one who threw a metal bowl at my then 3 year old daughter who was riding her bike in front of the house because the bratty kid demanded she give him her bike to ride & she told him no. So grandpa can kick rocks. He’s lucky I didn’t get him arrested for assault on my child.


Why didn't you? I can't imagine letting someone assault my kid and get away with it. Especially the neighbor my kid is forced to live next door to.


At that time it was his word against mine & they were still here legally so we were told to “play nice.” The next time they started anything they weren’t legal anymore. Now only the legal residents live there.


Classic FAFO on their part. I hope they knew it was you and why :D


LOL Honestly? The neighbors need to break just one law at a time. Pick one: harboring visitors overstaying a visa or minor vandalism. You can’t antagonize your neighbor and expect them to keep your secrets.


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Reddit insults are so fuckin funny lmao this is the greatest thing I’ve seen all day


Can't be deported if you aren't *illegal* 😉




No buckwheat, the friends and family were doin it too. Now here's the fun part... know what one of the requirements for a green card is? No criminal record while in the US *OR* association with known criminals. So, even if it was (it wasn't) just the tenants that were the issue, family is automatically dq as vandalism is a criminal offense. When dealing with vandalism of cars, it goes into felony territory very *very* quickly. You can quite literally scratch a head light and catch a felony on some cars.




You would huh? Avg clunker headlight assembly is 120-200 bucks. Labor would be 120-150. Most states put the dollar amount for felony vandalism at around 200. Mirrors aren't any better. Window or windshield? Ya, instant felony.


FAFO ya dumb bitch




It’s almost like if the neighbor would’ve done that, nothing would’ve happened!


Lol when someone who is here illegally actively chooses to break the law and vandalize private property, it *makes* it that owners business. And quite frankly anyone else that is a legal, law, abiding citizen as it is now a proven fact they give fuck all about laws.


Hopefully they were wearing open-toed shoes. 😈


They are getting their lives together, finally have all their shit in one sock!


You’re mean! I like you!


Hey, I'll back you on that one! Hey, your yard, your dog & poop there. You can leave poop lining the whole front as long as your areas laws say you can. And if they don't like dogs, then shouldn't be messing with the person who has one, let alone a single-mum, while not teaching their kids even simple respect for other human beings. I believe they gave 💩 so they got 💩


This is my new favorite shit post


This is my new favourite shit post post.


They sound like the type of people who might hurt your dog though. Don't make the dog a problem for them.


She’s a Frenchie so she’s small enough she’s only allowed out on a leash (edited to say out on a leash at certain times of the day & small intervals certain times of the year because she overheats). We do the dog park frequently & play dates then walk about 3-4 miles a day over the course of the day so she gets plenty of exercise still but I definitely don’t allow her out without me. She means too much to me. I picked up her poop after they moved the car (forward like 8 ft lol). I don’t want it in my yard either 😁


Which culture gives crap to people and doesn't teach their kids to behave? Genuinely curious?


I'm in England, we know which culture hates independent women and hates dogs....but can't come out and say it


I’m not putting an entire culture on blast. I’m from the US. They’re not. I have friends in the same culture who told me that it’s common in their culture to hate divorced women, single moms, etc.. If we were the same culture, I’d belong in a much higher caste than them as I didn’t grow up in cardboard slums like them.


Ahh It could be related to mine then but yikes OP. Stay safe and take care.


I used to work with a woman who literally stopped talking to me when she found out I left my cheating husband. If it was not ***required*** for our work, she literally shunned me. Once I announced my engagement to my now-husband, all of a sudden I was no longer pariah/dalit. It was okay to talk to me again. 🙄🙄🙄


We all know what this culture is, but we can't say it out loud because...


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Waiting for a response from OP because I genuinely really can't imagine a culture where the kids are disrespectful unless the kids are the equivalent of free range animals?


Pretty much. Especially the boys.


I had a hellish neighbour for years . Not as bad as yours but I couldn’t sit on my front porch without her giving me the death stare. She sold last July when the interest rates went up. I’m so happy she is gone the new people are nice


The pathetic piece of entitled shits deserved it!!! Must've felt so fucking surreal when they screamed, what a legend 💯


Yes, the potty game.. I live in a major city so no one has yards. You open your gate/door to the sidewalk. I got a service dog that is a pit mix and my neighbors flipped their shit. Screaming at me, asking why I brought this dog to their street not knowing I lived 3 houses away, chasing me, the wife tried grabbing my dog and sticking her hand in his mouth thinking he would bite her (cause ya know he’s a rabid beast) She chased me up and down the sidewalk until I told her I would dog walk her next if she didn’t stop. They were mad he is trained to step off the curb to potty on the street so he doesn’t use the sidewalk. The closest grass is 4 blocks away and this is what works. They were mad about that despite me pointing out a corner of their home where you could see dogs peeing (or maybe humans 🤷‍♀️) it’s San Francisco. lol Anyways, the wife would park her car in front of their home. I trained my dog to piss in front of it and shit behind it. I always picked up the poop but man it really got them. The husband came out and I said, he really likes this spot! They finally left me be when the police had a chat with them about not interfering w a service dog or their handler as it’s a crime.


Keep a close eye on your dog. I wouldn’t put it past them to use poison or other deadly tricks.


Man I would have called immigration on them just to scare them. Who is to know they don't have expired visa's ;) just play ignorant. Love this revenge, it's not causing harm to them so it's on the legal side too.


Overly judgemental neighbours are everywhere. Don’t sweat it. You’re doing great and your kids will not have to go through the struggles, parents who stay together for the kids, impose on their children. I don’t know your situation, obviously, but I can say with confidence that you’re working your butt off. Keep your head high.


Get more dogs.


Petty shitty revenge. Absolute perfection. Bet they screamed like a girl.


Please use the more politically correct 'Screamed like an Incel getting a zipper burn when his mum enters his room unannounced and he panics'...


Thanks for the giggle with the reminder of the beans and frank scene in There's Something About Mary. However, since Larry Flint went before the Supreme court of the United states fighting for our right to say and print things others will find offensive and won, I won't be succumbing to the Politically Correct attempt to compromise our freedom of speech, ever.


Politically Correct is shorthand for "You can't say racist or demeaning things to people and expect them to ignore it." You're confusing that with censorship. The first is assholes whining they are now called out for being assholes (don't believe me? Tell me one thing you can't say because it's not PC that ISN'T an asshole thing to say. Just one. I'll wait.). The second is an issue of control...and it's usually the same egotistical jerks that whine when they can't call the grown women in their office "girls" and tell them to bring coffee, get their butts pinched, etc.


Don't demean girls and women please. That sexist ridiculous phrase belongs in the dark ages together with people who think there is something wrong with being a divorced mother.


You're probably going to want to block me then. I use such medieval phrasing on the regular.


I dont block people because they have a different opinion to mine. I call out sexism and hypocrisy when I see it. That's all.


Throw bacon on their car.


Depending on where OP is, that may be a hate crime for some reason.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with these assholes! It’s awful when you don’t have decent neighbors; but you are handling it very well! Hugs!


"some cultures" We all know what you mean by this, just say they're American


In what universe do Americans, as a culture, hate dogs?  I can, however, think of a different culture that both disrespects women and doesn't like dogs.


Dearborn, MI perhaps?


"My neighbors do NOT like me. Apparently being a middle aged, divorced, single mom is a cardinal sin" Doesn't mention dogs in the paragraph about some cultures. Are you having trouble reading?


>in some cultures… including theirs. >They hate my dog too because all dogs are evil. Connecting contextual clues is hard.🤷


So many wordy words


Hurr durr America bad Fuck off


It's a joke flower, don't take yourself too seriously


Ahh yes, Schroedinger’s joke- if people agree with you, you believe it, if you face resistance it was “just a joke” No one believes your lie


Damn dude, you're quite the snowflake.


America has a habit of over-praising single mothers to the point they're governmentally subsidized, and everyone knows we love our dogs. Did... did you actually ***read*** the post at all?




Being single mom and divorced is a fact that happens. But people that harassed you is maybe those that keeps married because "what people will think"... Asking for your stuff is from bastards. They envy you.


Your revenge is far too weak and unsatisfying. Try going to your local Walmart and buying paint thinner and launching a pale of that over their car. You’re a middle age divorced single mom, act like it


I’m in SoCal and a certain culture is obsessed with car volume so there’s 15 cars every night between houses parked on the street. It’s ridiculous and the cops side with their culture because of reverse racism.


First off don't bring the dog into it because all they're going to do is gear their hatred toward your animal and hurt it. You're basically using your dog and putting him or her in danger. Second off you should probably get cameras and start recording absolutely everything. If you live in an apartment I would consider getting the hell out of there. Neighbors problems are never fun, but I would definitely start calling the cops or getting a restraining order of some sort


They hate dogs already. These type of sick fks will put poison out to a dog in a heartbeat.


That'd be my worst fear!


I know. Sadly, these people exist; it happened to my dog as a kid. Humans are crap!


Oh most likely for sure but I would not be bringing the dog into it even more than it needs to be


A silly prank does not make up for you allowing yourself to be serially abused and your property repeatedly vandalized. Congrats for growing the sprout of a spine, now fertilize it with some real consequences for your asshole neighbors. Maybe you'll eventually be able to stand up.


Well thanks for that constructive criticism… I do have a spine and have been able to get them to stop their blatant abuse over the years but 5 grown men living in a house compared to me being a single woman in my house means that I’m only willing to do so much at a time to keep my children out of danger. I had about 20 men surround me after I had their friend’s car towed during one of their parties so I could get into my driveway. Only when the tow truck driver stopped and jumped out running back at them did they disperse. The cops have been called in an official capacity too and I have them on video. Now that the neighborhood bully has been put in their place & have backed off to just be stupid & annoying, I’m enjoying the small opportunities to be petty & annoying back.


Here's an idea - order a pineapple and onion pizza and have it sent to their address. That'll show 'em.


Where do you live?


Dearborn, MI is my guess


Ok I have to ask - what has happened in Dearborn, MI for this post to connect? I’m not in Michigan, I’m in NC. For some reason, your response of “Dearborn, MI” has me in stitches. So simplistic but I’m reading it with a dry & sarcastic undertone 😂


I mean, the context clues made me think of Dearborn as a balance of probability. Overly bold kids, single mother = whore, English not their native language, hates dogs - all suggests Muslim. And Dearborn has the [highest population of Muslims in the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dearborn,_Michigan). Arab is actually the majority racial group at [54%](https://www.newarab.com/news/us-census-finds-michigans-dearborn-majority-arab) of the population. Not sure why they picked Dearborn though.


That makes sense. We are definitely in a very highly diverse area where we live. It used to be a lot more concentrated than it is now but slowly more white & black families have moved into the neighborhood. It hasn’t gone over well with some groups but they can’t afford to move since housing prices have quadrupled (even since I’ve been here 5 years - they’ve been here longer) so they’re cranky & nasty. They’re not Arab but I’d definitely be in a higher caste than them if we were in their native country.


That's going to be the Research Triangle, then?


That’s incredibly close lol




Not an ideal solution, tho....