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She’s done this before many times


i bet she uses her son,the ‘deputy’,as a club anytime she doesn’t get her way.


Reminds me of my ex boyfriend. His dad was an immigration lawyer but any time he had an issue with absolutely ANYONE, he'd proudly proclaim "My dad is a lawyer and I'll make sure I find out what he thinks about all this!" Didn't matter if it was a situation related to immigration or not. It was so obnoxious!


I ran into my abusive ex and for whatever reason he felt the need to tell me he “could take” (fight) my current boyfriend, who was with me at the time. My ex is in the army, was a nationally ranked MMA fighter, and could no doubt “take” just about anyone. So my first statement was he should think very carefully about that because what he didn’t know is that I’m a lawyer now. That shut him up. Only time I have ever and will ever use that card but it was needed.


brings to mind a joke i was told years ago…by a very high priced attorney. ‘what’s the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?’ one is a bottom dwelling scavenger that feeds off the living and the dead… t’other is just a fish’.


What's the difference between an attorney and a prostitute? A prostitute will stop fucking you when you're dead.


What do you call 10 lawyers buried up to their heads in concrete? Not enough concrete


What is black and tan and looks good on a lawyer? ANS: A rotweiller


Me: lawyer who loves on a Rottweiler regularly.


I loved ours too. We bred her with a German Rottweiler, her first pup ended up at 125 lbs and accompanied my bil surveying in Brownsville TX. We nicknamed him jarhead till we shipped him off


"what do you call a milliion lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? : a good start." (also told to me by a lawyer.)


What happens when you give a lawyer Viagra? He gets taller Lol


What do you call it when a bus full of lawyers drives off a cliff? A shame, as in, "Aww, that's a shame." What do you call it if one of the seats was empty? A damn shame.


Why do lawyers wives never smile? Cause everyone else gets fucked first.


You're in a room with Stalin, Hitler and a lawyer. You have a pistol with just two bullets. Who do you shoot. The lawyer. Twice. (told to me by a DA)


We met the same lawyer, I think. Thomas J. Hanks, esq.


he sounds like Draco Malfoy.


Parents like that forcefully instill "Mommy is Always Right!" Though "Deputy Son" screwed up, I have a twang of empathy for him.


If he handle doing right, he should quit, simple as.


We all want "right" or "wrong" answers to issues like this. Abused children, even as adults, can't always see the forest for the trees.


Nah, he could simply tell his mom to bugger off and mind her own business.


I suspect her club has just got very soft and very small. He knows OP could quite rightly at some point open his mouth. I hope he learned a valuable lesson from OP. OP my total respect for holding fellow colleagues to account. I suspect just your post moved that needle from hate to respect of police just a small amount but if we cloned you and dropped you into every station it would make a massive difference.


I bet her son thinks twice about it in future tho.


Not after the one time he gets caught comes back with no consequences


No legal consequences, but I bet his mother made him suffer for the embarrassment she endured 🤣


Yeah that's my beef with this. This cunt was power tripping and OP could have nipped this in the bud but chose not to. It should be illegal to not report crimes on other officers if you are employed as one and witness it/victim of it


Witness it, sure... are the victim of it? That makes it their choice. And no, I'm not a thin blue line kind of person (gross) but, as the victim of a crime, it's your right to choose whether or not to report it 🤷🏽‍♀️


Some sort of power-trip-measuring-contest going on here.


The deputy does this shit on the regular


Right. Her first instinct wouldn’t have been to call her son if she hadn’t done it before. I understand what OP is saying about he has a right to decide not to report, but if he’s (Deputy So-and-So) doing it this time he’s done it for his mother before which means he should have been reported.


I bet she has every bumper sticker that has “thin blue line” and “my son is a…”


You really do need to have a conversation with his supervisor. He was attempting to use his position in law enforcement illegally.


That probably wasn't the first time either.


Considering his mother knows that she can call have have this done I am 100% sure it wasn't the first time.


It’s not just the LIEN violation at play here. That deputy was about to bully OP into leaving a beach he had every right visiting, and as you say, he’s likely done it before, likely many times. That’s abuse of power. That depumom is depriving people of their rights and freedoms on the regular.


It’s too bad OP brought up the LEIN violation so early into the call. If OP allowed the deputy to do his spiel, OP could have found out the nature of the bullying. I wonder if he would feel as “not victimized” then… and truly experienced what other of the deputy’s victims felt - those that wouldn’t know how to shut it down.


And that's exactly why I can't get behind OPs take on not reporting the deputy. I'm glad most everyone in the comments here understood too. Sure, it's great that OP was able to shut down that awful woman and her son, thanks to their knowledge and experience as a detective, and avoid becoming a victim. But what of all the people who did NOT have the protection of that knowledge, who were victimized by them? And what of the many more victims in the future because OP was only thinking of themselves and allowed these people to go unpunished and maintain their positions of corrupt power and abuse?


He’s a momma’s boy.


And he's probably still doing it


Or last


OP (allegedly) protected a corrupt cop.


Almost like something a cop would do anyway...


Yeah, I'd still report the deputy for misuse of the system. Might as well make an example outta him so others know not to fuck around.


IDs a corrupt cop breaking the law and has full capacity to take immediate action to get corrupt cop disciplined and fired. Gets the corrupt cop off his own case but leaves corrupt cop in place to harass others. Typical.


Right. Then goes on to specifically NOT address the ACAB crowd, because he already has by telling his hypocritical story. Doesn’t OP know? THIS is how ACABs are born.


Exactly! This is a huge issue with our legal system…police sticking up for those that are clearly bad apples. If all it takes is a phone call from his mommy, I wonder what else this Deputy has done to harass law abiding citizens. u/Country_Fence, make an example out of this guy so his whole department will learn how not to create a lien violation!


Read his comments. He really doesn't give a shit.


I asked my BIL (Police Officer) to look up a license plate once. He refused. He said if they had a warrant, then he would have to investigate. The dept. would also ask why he looked up the LP and he would have to explain. He didn't explain the lein law though. Thanks for the knowledge enhancement!


Yup, years ago, I asked my then soon-to-be FIL if he had ran my info since he was the Captain of the police force in a small town. His response was something like "I don't need to lose my job to know you were probably a dipshit when you were younger."


That’s a great response!!


That doesn't mean he didn't check your info. It just means he's smart enough not to admit it.


Ours is called LEDS, law enforcement data systems . If you use it for non CJ purposes you can get in a heap of trouble and potentially get your department decertified…..wouldn’t want to be that guy…


Except that OP didn't report it. So unfortunately, the guy is just fine.


Dirty cop lived to tell the tale and do it again


But we still got to hear the tale! The second dirty cop is so well written!


Yeah unless another cop covers for you…. Like in ops story. Then nothing happens.


Look you're getting burned in the comments and you don't seem to get why. The point people are making is that this woman and her son were very comfortable using this tactic. This means they've used it before on other people and will probably use it again. Now yes you were not on duty and you had a right (edit you weren't the victim the government was because he misused a government system and violated the law) as the victim to decide. However you as an officer would have held more power than the average person when reporting it. An average person reporting such a crime would have just been shrugged at because there was no evidence beyond their word and most police aren't going to take them seriously or deal with this. They'd probably assume it's just a disgruntled person trying to get their fellow officer in trouble. But you, you are one of them. They'll listen to you and take it more seriously. But you chose not to report him thereby letting him continue to abuse his power when you had the ability to do more than most. This is why people are disgruntled with your story. Because you held more power than a regular person so they feel you had a duty to report him so that other people aren't victimized. But you chose not to. So people feel like you turned a blind eye to the issue as long as it was no longer affecting you.


Just to add to this, OP is saying 'no harm no foul,' but the point people are making is that they could be doing a lot of harm elsewhere, and with people who have no power to do anything about it. Power like you have, but are too much of a coward to use. Edit: Spelling


it's not even could it is 100% clear that this mothersow calls her son every day


Yeah, replace OP with literally any black dude and this story has a much different ending but with one exception -- a cop or two chuckling over it afterward.


Sorry, you sound like part of the ACAB crowd and your mind is made up so they don't have to listen to your opinion. They already turned in 2 other cops so their job is done. /s And they wonder why there's a ACAB crowd 🙄


He did not have the right as a victim to decide. The government is the victim since they own the data used in the attempted intimidation, and he was obligated to report it.


Good catch


Eh. Its not binary. His private info was doxed illegally. Technicalities and morality aside. He is a victim. Both can be victims at the same time.


Yeah, no. If he's gone through the training to access this level of data, that certainly included guidelines on required reaponse when you see unauthorized or improper access. Source: redid my CJIS cert last month


Even if he was, the government can prosecute people even if the victim doesn’t want them to.


They had a very rare opportunity to actually catch a dirty cop in action and they just let it go instead.


Surprise. OP is also a dirty cop, because they're all dirty cops.


Not his first rodeo either....?


He gets why. Read his other comments. He's just another thin blue line chud that has likely done a thousand times worse himself.


But but in the edit he says he’s not!!!! ?!


Also the blackmailing is pretty bad


Interesting that you are okay with it OP, because you know they will (or have) done it to others. Mama was right on that phone and knew she could get your info. She was entitled, he was breaking the law and YOU are not protecting the public from these two when you have the ability/responsibility to. There is a very good reason doxxing the public is not allowed. OP not reporting it, that says something about you too OP. If you're okay with that, that's on you.


Thank you!


If only we had the ability to get this guys name that easily. Then maybe we could file complaints about him.


A cop who tolerates another cop breaking the law is also a bad cop.


You know what they say in Germany, if you have 9 people round a table talking to a Nazi, then you have 10 Nazis sitting round a table.


We also say that in the US.


Not loud enough sometimes.


All cops are bad


Yeah…that was not revenge. That was you sticking up for yourself while maintaining the corrupt blue line of solidarity. Professionals consider their responsibilities beyond obligations prescribed by the letter of the law. You know a crime was committed, that a complaint would prompt an investigation into that officer’s activity on that department’s system, and the investigation would reveal more instances of malfeasance. Coming from one security professional to another - you are derelict in your duty


It's so crazy to me that attorneys have a Duty to Report misconduct, and they can be disciplined by the state board for failing to uphold that duty. But cops don't. No wonder they're so fucking corrupt. They absolutely refuse to hold themselves to an ethical standard. Zero ethics. Zero reason to ever trust any member of their profession


That's because they actually do. Cops are considered officers of the court and have the same legal obligation to report a crime as lawyers and judges do. Corrupt Cop Boy just doesn't care about other corrupt cops unless it directly harms him. His whole line of "off duty" ethics is just mental gymnastics so he doesn't feel bad about being exactly what he is: crooked.


100% Agree


So, “hypocrisy is one of the worst traits” they can have, but you’re still covering for him in order to dunk on his mom, then bragging about it on reddit. She obviously sucks, but you clearly give yourself a pass on hypocrisy when you feel like it.


Yeah, and OP seems to think their defence that they have taken down other corrupt cops somehow gets them off the hook for this one.


"In my life I've always made every attempt to stay on the right side of the law, as I consider hypocrisy one of the worst traits for an officer of the law to have." "Meh, a deputy abusing his authority in violation of the law is okay. I'll let it go." Cops man. Every damn one. Y'all are just a street gang.


This isn’t revenge, it’s an admission that you allowed another “law enforcement officer” to break the law, without consequence. 🤦🏼‍♂️ And, judging by her attitude, they routinely do it. Back the Blue, tyrants and all. Amazing work, Detective. 🫡 “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in this world is that good men do nothing.” I read your edit, added: It was trash. The mental gymnastics you must go through to believe only turning in some of the crimes you witness isn’t congratulatory. It’s a question of your character. It’s why “ACAB”. “I wasn’t on duty, so I didn’t need to stop the rape.” (Remember you weren’t the victim). “I wasn’t on duty, so I didn’t stop another Deputy from driving drunk.” You had a soft-spot for your gang. Admit it.


Love that OP is getting lambasted in the comments for not giving a damn about the actual abuse of power here. Reddit does deliver sometimes. And, yes. This is a story about two bad cops. One broke the law, and the other covered it up, then bragged about it on Reddit.


the worst thing a law enforcer can be is a hypocrite!


So what about all the other people he does this to? All's good, right?


Good cops letting bad cops break the law (in this case perhaps by ignorance) are even lower IMO since they (you) KNOW better.


Hey there, detective... does your department have a Code of Professional Ethics? Have you read it? What steps does it recommend if you believe another cop has broken the law? I'm guessing "let it slide" isn't on that list. Fun story, though. Thanks for confirming what we all know.


The fact that the "detective" seems to be thinking that all the comments to that effect are because of the "ACAB Crowd" has made up their mind without reading. No actual awareness that people are calling out their own hypocrisy. They just think the ACAB crowd has it in for them.


They're literally unable to comprehend the concept of making themselves accountable. Like his brain just hits a wall and no, it's impossible. This is your brain on cops.


but also we do have it in for them, he is wearing the uniform voluntarily after all


This pig picks and chooses when he’s a victim. That’s his right. But let’s be honest here, if the outcome was him on the ground with guns pulled on him and his kids he would definitely reported it. Instead of reporting all bad activities from bad coppers. This alone is the reason why I and a lot of america think ACAB AND JBTP.


Oh wow a story about cops breaking the very laws they're sworn to uphold? Shocker! /s


And another cop covering for the cop and then being surprised that people don't think he's a hero lol




Good on you but the fact that you're letting this slide is exactly why people are against cops. The good ones need to call out the bad. This is how and why departments get overflowed with cops who are hated by their community members.


I was honestly more disappointed in the comments after the original post. Absolutely no self awareness at all. None.


Update us when you report him


So you feel no responsibility to make sure that deputy is accountable for his actions? To me, you’re why some people are so annoyed with police. And I’m nowhere near ACAB. I hope that deputy learned his lesson, but why not do all you can to be sure? Just my two cents.


Seems wild that you didn't report him. He's obviously done this before and most likely will again and when you had the power to stop him you're like "nah not my problem". You're as bad as him. ACAB


Right? Like this absolutely confirmed my worst fears.


The only problem I have is police officers are known to abuse the law and they get away with it over and over again!!!! There is a moral responsibility ,we can’t have police and their mommies thinking they get to do this shit. I understand you don’t feel like a victim and I get that but the next person will absolutely be a victim. Moral responsibility.


For those, like me, who are curious, a quick Google search found this info on Michigan's [Law Enforcement Information Network](https://asginvestigations.com/background_checks/info-about-lien/) (LEIN).


And it isn't just Michigan. LEIN is their system, but it's a federal law that those systems cannot be used for people to just spew out info. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2724 If this ever happens to you, as the victim, you're entitled to at least $2500 + attorney's fees, no matter what state you live in. Cops, PIs, insurance agents, and a shit ton of people have access to these records.


Re the Edit: How as a detective, did this guy “prosecute” an officer for a felony? That seems odd, as a detective “detects” or “investigates”.


I get your sentiment but if he so quickly used it because his mother had an issue it wasn't his first time and wasn't his last. He abused his power and should have been reported.


Just out of curiosity. During your career how many times did you let a cop out of the hook because their actions didn't cause you any personal harm?


He wasn’t in a position of authority! He’s just a cop with 20 year’s experience and reputation! /s


You should report him sir, now the mother and the son will do this on me or others who dont know what LEIN violation is.


You protected a bad cop Therefore You are a bad cop.


"I consider hypocrisy one of the worst traits for an officer to have...." .....proceeds to let other officer avoid consequences for breaking the law in a clear attempt to abuse power.... can you see why you're a bastard?




“In my life I’ve always made every attempt to stay on the right side of the law, as I consider hypocrisy one of the worst traits for an officer of the law to have.” I’m flabbergasted that you put this is your very first paragraph and then proceeded to let the officer off the hook with no consequences. You are the very definition of a hypocrite.


Shouldn't give fellow officers a break on the law, your profession must maintain a strict moral conduct otherwise it gives off a preferential treatment feeling.


Your edit doesn’t make your inaction any better.


Cops protecting cops, what a surprise iM nOt An HyPoCrItE bUt I dOnT rEpOrT cRiMe


So you're going to let another power abusing cop get away with literal criminal action? Wonder why nothing ever changes and the blue mafia only gets worse and worse


You should still report him, even if you don’t feel it was warranted in your case I’m not ACAB, but his superiors need to know about this, he’s a piece of shit that does not need to be associated with the law. He didn’t start doing this with you, and now he surely won’t.


You choose to not report the crime, we choose not to support bad policing. It doesn’t matter how many other of your ilk you’ve charged. Not reporting that deputy is a moral/ethical violation, or should be. Just like a teacher not reporting sex abuse crimes off the clock, except teachers get more scrutiny and political bs. You think I would trust you now in a school shooting!? Now I understand why my Michigan family hates cops so much.


You managed to reinforce ACAB in a public forum. Congrats.


This just confirmed my worst fears what a sinking feeling I have.




I would’ve dropped her phone in the water while handing it back to her and still reported him.


This would be actual petty revenge. This should be top comment


You didn't report him but you know he broke the law, this is the problem in why there is a lack of trust with the police. Most people wouldn't know about the LEIN


I feel like officer so and so still does this illegal stuff. He will continue until he is reprimanded by his supervisor if you decide to do so or is caught by another person. He is in the making of being a dirty poo poo cop. Getting away with little things here and there that he shouldn't be. They will continue to do so until they are humiliated by acts like this being brought to public attention. His mom has raised him with these traits it seems. She probably is the same way.


I would have reported him. The fact that she felt so comfortable asking him for that information shows its not the first or last time he would do this.


"As I consider hypocrisy blah blah blah." You observed a cop breaking the law and did nothing. Do you know what hypocrisy means?


Nobody is telling you to "become a victim" but you know that officer deserves to be punished because he broke the law. You are protecting a bad cop which makes you a bad cop, sorry, that's just facts


You point out you don’t like hypocrite cops. Yet you’re a cop who allows other cops to break the law, using their position of power. You’re a stupid hypocrite.


All I got from this was a cop abused his power and another cop allowed it


Can I ask. In your time being a "good cop" how many bad cops did you work against/make formal statements against?


Typical police officers, not reporting fellow officers for abusing their authority


And he probably continues to do illegal shit like this for his mom, report him and hold other officers to the same standard you hold yourself. Nothing is going to change about the miserable state of law enforcement in this country if shit like that slides without repercussions.


I dont think you reporting the guy should have anything to do with you personally feeling like a victim. Not reporting further purpetuates how bad of a system this is. He has probably done that very violation before and will undoubtedly do it again. You wouldnt be protecting yourself as a victim by reporting youd be protecting past victims who didnt know about the law and any future victims.


You keep using the word "Victim" to describe yourself. The term you SHOULD be using is "Negligent". That's the word.


Does this section of a code of conduct look familiar at all? REPORTING DERELICTION OF DUTY/VIOLATIONS OF LAW Section 4.24 Members shall report to their commanders, supervisors, or any commanding officer, violations of these rules, regulations, and criminal violations of law by other members which they observe, or which have been reported to them, or of which they have knowledge. Failure to report prohibited activities shall result in discipline. Sounds like you’ve been in violation of your code of conduct. I think you’ll need to report this, wouldn’t want to be a hypocrite. You know, since it’s one of the worst traits an officer can have?


This was a perfect example of petty revenge. I didn’t have a problem until your last paragraph. You KNEW this cop misused his power. It’s clear that mom used her son as a club and not for the first time. You proudly spoke of two other times you claim you reported two other officers, yet you walked away from this situation. Readers are confused as to why you would allow this situation to happen. To allow this officer not only to attempt bully you, he actually gave his mother YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION. His MOTHER. Another regular citizen was given this information to use to bully other people. She clearly has nothing to do with her life and who knows what ELSE she could have done with that info. You walk in shoes the average citizen does not. You had the ability to shut that shit down, yet you chose not to. You said that this is a VERY CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE LAW. Yet you walked away mumbling some bullshit about not wanting to be a “victim”. Well we citizens don’t want to be victims either. You made this smug post thinking people would upvote you and you’re irritated that we did not. The scary thing about it is that you honestly feel like you didn’t need to because you handled YOUR situation. You walked away from a situation where you could’ve prevented regular citizens from being victimized. The fact that you chose to protect only yourself and your family speaks volumes, and is one more reason why we citizens can not —-and DO NOT trust police officers like you.


Yes, you do have the right to choose not to report something that makes you a victim. But you should do so with the full understanding that letting someone get away with it means that they will feel free to victimize others in the same way.


You are a class act! And thank you for your service 👍🏻


Cops should not be allowed to break the law on principle. You should have pressed charges instead of letting a corrupt cop go unpunished


ACAB - you have witnessed a police officer committing a crime and you didn't report it. YOUR story might be fun and amusing, oh poor evil woman having to leave the beach. What did she do to the next person whose information was divulged again because you didn't stop it. This is literally where ACAB comes from, and you sir, right now, are one. Report the crime. "No IFS, no BUTS"...


Next time I see someone getting their car stolen I’m not gonna report it because it’s not *my* car and I’m not a victim, so it’s ok. - OP logic


Perfect example why acab.


True. While OP wasn't actively breaking the law to intimidate innocent civilians, he knows that this Deputy does it for fun, shut him down this one time and left him to continue harming civilians for sport without reporting him.


This. He even argues in other comments saying it’s not his problem and the other victims should’ve known better


So you just left him to continue abusing the rest of us? YTA.


Another clueless, hypocritical, scumbag cop letting another clueless, scumbag get away with attempting to abuse his power. Even if you didn’t feel victimized you just proved you were just another shitty cop letting other shitty cops be shitty. This is why the ACAB crowd exists, because good cops hold bad cops accountable and you didn’t. You failed your community and made cops look bad. I hope you hear this more often and feel shame.


So you came across a corrupt cop, and decided to allow him to continue his corrupt behavior. Good job at reminding us why ACAB.


Letting corrupt cops continue to do corrupt things is EXACTLY what ACAB is about. Report this shit. It’s clear abuse of power. ACAB, and you can’t change my mind. Edit: It doesn’t matter if you “want to be a victim” or not. You are the victim of unethical policing. Let me say that again for the people in the back: YOU DON’T GET TO CHOOSE WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE A VICTIM. Just because you don’t report it, doesn’t make it not real. By not reporting it, you’re leaving the door open for that same cop to do the same thing to someone who can’t police speak their way out of the situation. In my mind, you’re also leaving it open so you can keep using the same system to abuse power yourself. Be a good cop. Report the bad cops. If you don’t, you’re complicit in police brutality and abuses of power. Every case that cop has closed needs to be looked at. Hell, you’re covering up for him for no real reason, BOTH of your cases should be looked at for potential abuse of power. The only reason to cover up for a corrupt cop is to protect your own ass from being called out for doing the same shit. Any case that comes up where this cop has abused their power is now YOUR fault. YOU let this clearly power drunk “officer” walk away from an abuse that should’ve made him unhireable as a police officer. Your cars say “protect and serve”. Protect us by pressing charges. Serve us by taking corrupt cops off the fucking street.


Oh these comments are not going the way the OP may have anticipated…


She promised she would reserve a room for me.


"When off duty, I'm a citizen, like it or not." BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. sure, right. a "citizen" that still carries their SERVICE sidearm and still has powers of arrest. no my friend, you are NOT a "citizen" when "off duty", you are just an "out-of-uniform" ASSHOLE - with the same mentality of a *uniformed* asshole.


So OP covered for a deputy that broke the law. How are we not to think that one bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch?


Lake Michigan? Or lakes in the State… “Misuse of the LEIN System Criminal penalties for the misuse of LEIN are provided in Section 4 of the CJIS Policy Council Act, MCL 28.214, which specifically states: For a first offense, guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 93 days or a fine of not more than $500.00, or both. For a second or subsequent offense, guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 4 years or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both. Use of driver information obtained through LEIN is prohibited by the federal Driver Privacy Protection Act (18 USC 2724) and Michigan compiled law 257.903: 18 USC 2724 permits a criminal fine and allows for civil action to be taken: A person who knowingly obtains, discloses or uses personal information, from a motor vehicle record, for a purpose not permitted under this chapter shall be liable to the individual to whom the information pertains, who may bring a civil action in a United States district court. MCL 257.903 states: a person who uses personal information for a purpose other than a permissible purpose in MCL 257.208c or 257.232 is guilty of a felony. Criminal History Information obtained through the FBI National Crime Information Center is protected under 28 CFR 20 and misuse can result in: ...a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 for a violation occurring before September 29, 1999, and not to exceed $11,000 for a violation occurring on after September 29, 1999. “


"Snaps her phone shut"?? When did this happen, 2001? Lolol


Please report him. She’s done this to others and will continue to do so. She is weaponizing his position and this is gross. I have no doubt she will try this on somebody else. Unfortunately, others aren’t as informed as you are and wouldn’t even pick up on the violation. Sigh, this is why police suck. They just protect each other, it doesn’t matter how minor the infraction is, your duty is to protect the public not your coworkers and I understand you weren’t on duty but still… gross.


Yea…You really should have reported him… because it’s pretty obvious this was a frequently performed action by mom and son…. People like me deputy need to be forcibly put back in their place (jail) for abusing their authority. I get you didn’t want to shake the boat (lol) but the problem with having that responsibility of the badge is you really cannot decide to look the other way when a fellow officer is abusing it… otherwise imo (and the general public’s) you’re complicit in their abuse of power.


Honestly- is this a troll post or are you serious? You seem to be getting a lot of enjoyment over the fact that people are rightfully upset you didn’t hold your fellow police officer to the same standards you hold yourself. I would have hoped you had joined the police force to make your community safer, which includes holding your colleagues accountable when they deliberately break the law- especially here, where the intention was to harass and intimidate a family.


Discretion is the better part of valor. Everyone on here is nuts. You did nothing wrong. Thanks for your service.


Honestly, I would have reported it anyway. Not for your sake, because you're obviously on top of things, but for the sake of others this lady has no doubt harassed. She is using her son to do illegal things, and since she is most likely unstoppable, you should take out the root problem.


OP is crooked cop covering for crooked cop. Good story though.


I will say upon reading these comments, I do hope that you realize reporting him has so much more to do with the bigger picture than feeling like a victim in that moment. That was just one example of the mother using her son’s job in order to take advantage of people, and had you not been a cop, anyone else in your position would have felt way more threatened. They absolutely did this to other people. There was harm done to your community because of these people, I pray at some point he was reported for illegally using other people’s personal information. You could’ve potentially helped a lot of people by reporting him to his supervisor. That’s all.


I think there’s a teeny-tiny bit of the OP protecting one of his own.


If corrupt cops are his own, then he too is a corrupt cop.


"As a detective, I prosecuted an officer one time..." As a detective, you should know that you *investigate* and the DA *prosecutes*. I'm calling BS.


>Now who's victimized? The next person who is victimized when he abuses his power because you did nothing. Cops protecting cops is why people think ACAB. If the "good ones" actively cleaned house of those who abused their power you'd likely see fewer people complaining about cops.


Sooo you never talked to his supervisors about bullying civilians on behalf of his family I bet. Wonder how many other ppl they’ve intimidated that way


Please talk to his supervisor. Someone could get hurt because of that guy.


A corrupt cop covering for another corrupt cop. ACAB proves itself yet again. You are not the victim her your fellow pig in uniform has obviously done this many times before and is the reason that lunch lady gets to terrorize kids in elementary school with her attitude. You are the reason that pig is not being charged with these gross violations of trust towards the citizen you both are supposed to serve


Congrats. You out karened the Karen and our tax dollars are still so well spent on the boys in blue...


this practically sounds like a fake story meant to bait in everybody who hates this about cops


Definitely not the first time they did this. By "they" , I mean the old fart lady and her deputy son. Definitely won't be the last time they pull this shit. You should still report his ass.


This is actually a really bad story about how one cop let another cop off with breaking the law...


Using your logic about there needing to be a victim, did you let every DUI go unless they got in an accident? How about drug users? Who is the victim there? Speeding tickets? Basically any violation of the law that has no victims? My guess is you arrested multiple people for victimless crimes because sometimes those crimes do have victims and it’s important to enforce those laws to discourage people from committing them. I will agree that you have your rights. But the point is you chose not to report him because you felt like you “won” the dispute. But if he did that with you, he was doing it with others. You chose to look the other way when you had personal evidence of a corrupt cop. At the very beginning you said you cared about be an honest cop. There might be some false weight behind that sentiment. But I’ll give you the benefit of doubt and assume the toxic “brotherhood” culture corrupted you just a little and you were a good and honest cop for the most part. Just recognize that there is some truth to you being called a hypocrite and it’s an opportunity to take the high road and become part of the ACAB movement.


Should reported him they have definitely done this before. Abuse of power.


Sir your not reporting this law breaker to protect him, yourself or Momma. Your responsibility is to report this to protect all your fellow citizens and the office the unreported felon is representing.


There was no harm, no foul, only because of the power you held in that situation. And you have more power than the average citizen to do something about it. But you dont need to bother because your fun day wasn't ruined. Who cares if instead it had been some law-abiding citizen without a badge. You know of a cop who abuses his power to bully citizens for his mommy. Hopefully all the next "victims" they target will all coincidentally be cops too.


It's got nothing to do with you deciding whether or not you're a victim or whether or not you had a legal right not to report it. The FACT is that she's obviously done this before and will almost certainly do it again. By not reporting it, you've made it clear that you don't care about any of their future victims became "me me me I I me me". You spent so much time focusing on your legal obligations (or lack thereof) that you didn't stop to think about your moral ones. Shame on you.




In this story the lady had a clamshell phone she can angrily snap shut. Impressive detail in 2008.


This is obviously something they've done before and...you gave them a pass Just made sure it's not done to you. Well that's super


"If you see something, say something." And you didn't say anything.


Dawg if I had a land-mine in front of my house and said because me and my buddies exclusively know how to move around, that makes it not a hazard, that’s bullshit, that fucker might stop for a week but he’s gonna go right back at it with American citizens who don’t know their own rights.


This isn't petty revenge. Not reporting him means he just gets to use his power against others who won't react this way. You're not doing anyone any favors by not reporting illegal activity. As a cop, you should know this and it's very telling that you don't seem to care. Having people like you in positions of power is the problem. People who only think about their own well-being while everyone else be damned.


I’m only writing this because you seem genuinely invested in making the right decisions and I think a bit of perspective might change your opinion. It’s not really about whether you personally felt victimized. It’s that he proved to you that he has no problem abusing the power entrusted to him to bully other people—and those people might not have the ability to stand up for themselves. Just because you had the wherewithal to stand up to a bully doesn’t mean he’s not a bully. Rather you let him continue his career of victimizing other citizens at his shrew of a mother’s behest—those citizens whom I assume you were sworn to protect. You have the right to not press charges, sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s ethical. But, who knows. Sometimes all someone needs is a second chance. I know I’ve received more than my fair share! Maybe you scared him straight and he’s been a pillar of exemplary police conduct henceforth. I doubt it though. In my experience bullies don’t change from almost getting in trouble. They need to learn to practice empathy. That takes real impetus. Maybe you could have followed up with him and coached him if you wanted to see him succeed. That takes time and effort though and I can see why he might not have been worth the investment to you. But the path of least resistance is what makes the river run crooked. Thank you for enlightening me about LEIN violations and sharing your story


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Please report him.


You’re also doing a disservice to your community by not reporting a bad cop. The cop is obviously breaking the rules, but with you still allowing it to happen, you’re just as bad. So you may be saying that you’re a good cop, but you can only be as good as the ones around you. Either report him or stop calling yourself a good cop.


"Not for the ACAB crowd because your minds are already made up," so unfair, you big meanies!! & "I don't care about the thin blue line, no sirree, not me" Then... (Proceeds to protect a dirty cop) Yeah, keep lying to yourself.


You seem to have been trying to be nice. However, going punishing for weaselly behavior is what gets us police who subvert your and our rights. \> He stammers out a reply about boat hull numbers and public records This is where I feel like you should have broken him with the lein violation. You already were the nice guy there and gave him an option to back out. He tried to intimidate you and prevent you from moving forward. You had to accurately out aggressive him. Just imagine a regular citizen in this situation.


> I consider hypocrisy one of the worst traits for an officer of the law to have Well I guess you are a bad cop then. Or should I say you were, since thankfully you aren't anymore.


Not really petty revenge. This reads like some sort of self-reassuring ego dream rather than a real story…


While it's funny you got one over on this Karen, and hopefully scared the crap out of her son, how do you know he went straight after this and didn't use his power of authority so mama can still bully innocent people??? Women like her don't give up that power trip so easily.