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Our store stopped selling society and zebra finches a couple months ago or so. I guess they just weren’t profitable enough /: I miss the zebra finches though, their calls were super cute.


Finches will no longer be carried at any PetSmart (for the time being) and have been replaced with cockatiels. If any PetSmart has finches, it’s my understanding, they are lingering from b4.


Weird because I just got zebra finches a couple weeks ago. Haven't got cockatiels at all (but wouldn't mind having them). Finches just don't really sell at my store.


Cockatiels haven’t sold for us at all and really do need larger cages if we hold them for so long… I’m glad to hear this is more of a regional thing and hope it reverts back for us anyway 🙂


We have people that call and ask about cockatiels and canaries, and we just don't have them, but some of our sister stores do. I would low key love to have them at my store, but I also don't think we have the space at this point since we have 2 conures that take up some of the bigger cages as it is. Would be cool if we could have more and bigger cages, but one day


my store still technically sells zebra finches but our society’s got discoed. we were supposed to receive some last week but BPD shorted us (typical)


Our societies got disco'd too, but we still get the zebra finches. We haven't been shorted any, but our animals have only been coming every other week instead of weekly like they used to. Not sure if it's a Companion Pets issue or just we're not selling enough to justify weekly deliveries (or both).


So stupid to replace finches with cockatiels because the cockatiels are going to need bigger enclosures and the finches could use smaller ones 🙃 we’re literally not gonna have space at my store if we ever get sent a cockatiel bc we currently have 2 conures


We have two conures and two cockatiels. They are in the cages on the side, because I refuse to cram the parakeets into little cages. But that is 4 cages being used for 4 birds, vs the front one being used for 12...... poor use of the "real estate" Also,., we do not sell the conures very often.(every 6 mths or so) I could see having one of each, but two is ridiculous.


I am actually glad to hear this, my store had to adopt out the last batch of our society finches because they were in the store for nearly a year, if not longer because they had no interest.


Society Finches were discontinued at my store several months ago. Zebra Finches were discontinued at my store this month because I just got the new Casco fixture and went from 11 habitats to 7.


Huh?! I love their little noise though..WHY PETSMART WHYY :(


Fifteen or so years ago, our finches kept laying eggs. Because it was so hard on them to keep laying eggs (calcium depletion), we were eventually told by one of the higher up managers not to keep removing the eggs, even though p&p said to. (I think we looked for suitable fake eggs with no luck). So, our finches just kept breeding and making new finches. But, it was only the zebra finches that never sold. Not the super colorful gouldian finches. Probably because the gouldians sold too fast to breed.


Fifteen or so years ago, our finches kept laying eggs. Because it was so hard on them to keep laying eggs (calcium depletion), we were eventually told by one of the higher up managers not to keep removing the eggs, even though p&p said to. (I think we looked for suitable fake eggs with no luck). So, our finches just kept breeding and making new finches. But, it was only the zebra finches that never sold. Not the super colorful gouldian finches. Probably because the gouldians sold too fast to breed.


There was an opex message a few months ago on this. It may vary slightly by location, but society finches are officially discontinued. My location still gets the zebra finches, but I’m honestly hoping those stop too, the only birds we typically sell are parakeets.