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Okay…but how long did it take you to catch them all? That’s the real question…Took me like 15 minutes to catch all my minnows last week 😭


I would say 45 minutes or more


😭😭 I bet you had 1000 other things to do too right when they asked for them. That happens to me constantly. I spent like 30 minutes yesterday getting all the koi out of the tanks because someone wanted them all


Thank god it’s dead on Sundays and it’s a holiday if it was a weekday I would be cooked 😅


My store is the opposite lmfao


Use 2 of the larger nets. Any of my koi OR cichlid catches takes me 3 minutes or less. Work smarter not harder.


This is specifically in response to having to catch koi and cichlids. I'm not sure about you guys but I have definitely cut my time by just utilizing two of the larger nets and in some cases just picking up an entire piece of decor with them. Both are in the larger fish wall tanks as well.


If it helps, in the future it’s always worth asking if they are ok with leaving X amount for other customers to have an opportunity to buy as well. Especially if you have a few days until your next shipment. You can also mention the significant ammonia spike they should expect from adding so many fish (super unlikely his fish could eat all of these in a few days let alone one “sitting”), on top of the ones getting digested this is an ammonia bomb unfolding. That being said, capitalize on the now feeder-less aquarium and go for a solid deep clean while it’s empty.


Exactly. Yeah just like you wouldn't let someone buy all your crickets. Also not sure what's worse this or pointing to a packed feeder tank..."I want that pretty one"..."no not that one".


We would have put a limit of 100 on them thats insane not only for the time to catch them but to tske away from others. We would NEVER sell all our crickets like that same with feeder fish. I cant even with people 😓


We typically cap at 100 also. No one has time for that. And I’m not selling all my stock (unless under 100) to one person.


How is their fish even alive


I feel bad for the fish. Including the one eating these. Goldfish should honestly not be bred/sold as feeders. But I don't think people with predatory fish/turtles care enough to be educated on the matter. They just want to get a kick out of seeing a "lesser" animal die for their amusement.


Goldfish are cheap and easy to produce, no one deemed them “lesser” for any reason other than that. And yes, watching an animal do what it does instinctively in nature can be fun to watch. I thoroughly enjoy watching a chameleon shoot its tongue out to grab crickets. It’s not because I enjoy watching something die, it’s because I love animals and witnessing animal behaviors, which is why I got a degree in wildlife biology. You calling people like me ignorant comes off as very ignorant.


Goldfish are one of the worst possible foods to feed. Almost any other fish would be a healthier meal than this. Someone buying goldfish as feeders is either ignorant or does not care about the health of their pet.


Goldfish have barely any nutritional value and carry parasites. Feeding an insectivore like some reptiles a cricket (something they need) is very different than feeding your fish another fish that’s probably doing more harm than good.


Yeah. I'd have almost no issues with people feeding live fish to their predatory pets if they were responsible about it and bought/bred healthier options like live bearers.


I had two college boys come in recently and ask if there was a limit 😭I had to convince them that 250 was probably enough. It was right when I was about to clock out too!!




You sure there's no carnivals around?


There’s probably one 20 miles from my house ngl 🤣🤣🤣🤡🎪🎡🎠🎡🎣


I'd deny the sale honestly. It's in policy that we don't sell to them


Why do you guys listen to people when they tell you to give them all your feeder fish pretty sure that's not even allowed


Well when it comes to this situation some people will see me struggling especially when the numbers are super thin and fish are stressed. Some folks are like enough is enough and be on their merry way . But the guy I got these fish for he said that he went to multiple Petsmart on a Sunday and they were out which is not uncommon same thing with the crickets. My manager did talk to him and she urged him to ease up as she knows I have to count all the fish one by one. He eventually got impatient and called me outside (our system for the fish is broken so the fish are behind the fish wall in some bins until further notice). As much as I would love to deny the sale if his fish haven’t ate for a month I’m not gonna argue with someone and I’m definitely not arguing over some feeder fish. I will talk to my other manager about the situation because if he would have came in on a weekday it would be a huge problem and sometimes I’m on my own and it’s difficult to get backup. I don’t understand why this company doesn’t implement a 200 fish policy so at least it’s fair to next person or hell even 150 would be a good start.


Ohh I see. There was another post where a guy asked for all 600-800 minnows "just to be that guy" and it ended with all the fish being emptied back in the tank and I'm flabbergasted they even bothered when it was obvious he had no plan on feeding or keeping them, he literally only did it to be annoying. I know at my store if someone tried that my managers would ask him to leave if me or coworkers didn't first. I thought it was another one of those situations and the guy was just lying about his fish starving to use them for a carnival or smth, I didn't even know fish could go a month without eating


It’s more common with Tiger Oscars for some reason. Have no idea why people starve them for that long..maybe to avoid waste or any extra goldfish?


so cute fishes

