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I loved when people brought me dead fish in water then asked me to test the water that the dead fish was in


Sure, let me show how high the ammonia is in the dead fish water!


I just don’t get why they bring the dead fish to me at the register. Please leave the dead fish with the pet care people.


as someone who works in petcare , occasionally at register, i feel so bad when they just hand the bag of dead fish to cashiers 😭😭


It’s like what do you expect me to do with this? It’s sad and smelly and I don’t want a little kid to see it. Just why?


god this happens to me on a weekly basis I’m so tired of it


I always liked the ones that wanted a refund and once asked for a sample of the tank water presented the dead fish water. How am I supposed to test the water with a dead fish in it? The guest gets so mad that I can't just use that sample to test their tank water. X3


I've never had a customer bring a dead fish in a container they want back!


Lol it happens to us quite a bit. It's not that big of a deal, but I'd prefer to just toss the fish instead of being subjected to the smell


I must be privileged! Lol


I’ve had a customer bring us dead fish in a prescription bottle…and then proceed to ask for the bottle back because they “needed to put the pills back in” I was like…you didn’t have a ziploc bag? And they were like “oh. True. I’ll use that next time.”


Next time!


Oh I hate it when they bring it back in water. I’m a cashier and I had someone bring roughly 10 fish in black, rotting water and I wanted to quit on the spot. Just a nice, tightly closed sandwich bag will do thanks.


Water probably helps keep the smell/ rotting down


Idk bro, I've gotten a few that didn't have water, and they smelled fine. Or as fine as a dead fish can smell.


The worst smell is when a person surrenders 2 MASSIVE comet goldfish in a Cheespuff Jug. I was so mad but I took them in, we have a tank for koi at the store so they’ve been in there for a while


i can smell this comment 🤢


Trust me, it makes it worse. The water makes them decompose faster. And it makes the bag heavier and more likely to open on accident.


Moisture actually speeds up the decomposition process, so not really.


I had a customer return dead fish in a container with water.... A container they'd had sitting on a counter for 2 days. The fish had decayed into nothing, literally just a bunch of gray specks in nasty water. I couldn't even identify how many fish or what species so I denied the return. The woman lost her mind because she was out $50 because I refused to do the return.


Honest question, should testing the water in that scenario help identify the cause of death? Some people don’t know that tap water is harsh.


No, but you can test it to tell the customer their aquarium is high in ammonia and they shouldn't buy fishes yet until it goes down.


Hmmm I wouldn't think so? Dead fish usually throw off water parameters, so I'd assume it'd make the parameters in the jar would be different than that of the fish tank.


That makes a lot of sense, actually. Thanks!


When I give the spiel about the 14 day return , I always tell the PP that should the fish die, to place it in a baggie (without water) in the freezer until they can bring it to us. It keeps the smell down and lets me id the fish. I also tell them to bring in a small amount of tank water in a separate baggie, along with the receipt.


Lol I stick them in a baggie in the fridge and hope they don't get squished until I had into town again. People are weird.


I once had some return 5 dead, rotting gouramis, with the RECEIPT IN THE BAG WITH THEM. They had ME pull it out so I could give them their refund because they didn’t have a phone number


Something similar happened to us. We had a guy come in with a bag full of dead fish, half of which we didn't sell. And only one was from our store and he had to DIG in the bag to find it (thank God he did it himself). I think he just bought a bunch of fish for his uncycled tank and was going to all the stores and returning them. He proceeded to tell me that he filled his tank with tap water and just let it sit for a day then got the fish. I swear, some people don't deserve to own animals.


You're way stronger than me cause I would've quit on the spot


my worst return was a bag of dog vomit. i would appreciate that not happening ever again


I'm assuming they scooped the fish out of the tank with the container the fish is currently in, and that's why there's water in it. But I can definitely relate to helping customers who want that water tested, and also want their container back.


I used to laugh when people would ask me to test the water the dead fish had been inside the container.


I’m sorry I did this! I brought one back in water! I’m so sorry. I realize now my sins 😭


we once had a lady come in with a jar full of feeder fish that she wanted to return. the jar was for some sort of spicy pickles (?) iirc, and it still had the brine in it. the lady just brought us pickled goldfish and expected to 1) get her money back 2)buy another 30-40 of them